# Number of text colors for '@n ABC @-': # 0 - White 1 - Red 2 - Green # 3 - Blue 4 - Yellow 5 - Cyan # 6 - Purple 7 - Coffee 8 - Acid # 9 - Light blue ================================================================================ Level names ================================================================================ t.Wolf Lair=Wolf Lair t.Old Mine=Old Mine t.Aenor's Glen=Aenor's Glen t.Warehouse=Warehouse t.City Sewer=City Sewer t.Dungeon=Dungeon t.Haunted House=Haunted House t.House=House t.Dolbrad=Dolbrad t.Astral Plane=Astral Plane t.Thunderdome=Thunderdome t.Underground Temple=Underground Temple t.Cloister Underground=Cloister Underground t.Cloister Cellar=Cloister Cellar t.Bell Tower=Bell Tower t.Spider Tunnel=Spider Tunnel t.Cloister Library=Cloister Library t.Ruined Cloister=Ruined Cloister t.Ancient Tomb=Ancient Tomb t.Dunghill=Dunghill t.Dunghill Cellars=Dunghill Cellars t.Lava Pit=Lava Pit t.Deep Forest=Deep Forest t.Troll Cave=Troll Cave t.Gravedigger's Cellar=Gravedigger's Cellar t.Abandoned Graveyard=Abandoned Graveyard t.Tomb of Knight Vigus=Tomb of Knight Vigus t.Upper Catacombs=Upper Catacombs t.Lower Catacombs=Lower Catacombs t.King's Grave=King's Grave t.Royal Tomb Guardians=Royal Tomb Guardians t.Labyrinth of Royal Tomb=Labyrinth of the Royal Tomb t.Tomb of Knight Ambrius=Tomb of Knight Ambrius ================================================================================ MAP_HINTS ================================================================================ t.BROKEN_MIRROR = BROKEN_MIRROR t.RECHARGE = RECHARGE t.WOODCUTTERS = WOODCUTTERS t.TRAVELING CONJURER = TRAVELING CONJURER t.CAMP = CAMP t.SWORDSMAN GARRICK = SWORDSMAN GARRICK t.LOTHAR'S ARMORY = LOTHAR'S ARMORY t.CROSSBOW TAVERN = CROSSBOW TAVERN t.ARCHERY RANGE = ARCHERY RANGE t.OGLA THE DRUID = OGLA THE DRUID t.CITY PARK = @9CITY PARK@- t.SMALL SQUARE = @9SMALL SQUARE@- t.THE PORT = @9THE PORT@- t.POOR'S QUARTER = @9___POORS' QUARTER@- t.BRAGGARD'S SMITHING = BRAGGARD'S SMITHING t.DUNCAN'S AXES = DUNCAN'S AXES t.HERMIT'S EDEN = HERMIT'S EDEN t.WORLD OF WONDERS = WORLD OF WONDERS t.ARCHERY GUILD = ARCHERY GUILD t.SHADOW ALLEY = SHADOW ALLEY t.ZEFRAN'S MENAGERIE = ZEFRAN'S MENAGERIE t.MAD DWARF = MAD DWARF t.CITY PARK2 = CITY PARK t.CITY ZOO = CITY ZOO t.MARKET SQUARE=MARKET SQUARE t.JOLLY GOOSE = JOLLY GOOSE t.HOUNTED HOUSE = @4HAUNTED HOUSE@- t.ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE = @4ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE@- t.TEMPLE OF FARUK = TEMPLE OF FARUK t.WHEEL = WHEEL t.LIBRARY = THE LIBRARY t.MYRON'S HARDWARE = MYRON'S HARDWARE t.GENERAL MARCHANDISE = GENERAL MERCHANDISE t.ALCHYMIST CHANDLERY = ALCHEMISTIC CHANDLERY t.magic shop=magic shop t.RATHOLE INN = RATHOLE INN t.WAGRANT BOOKSELLER = VAGRANT BOOKSELLER t.AUNTIE'S COTTAGE = AUNTIE'S COTTAGE t.TEMPLE OF ANRAK = TEMPLE OF ANRAK t.GYPSY'S VAN = GYPSY'S VAN t.SUMMONER'S COTTAGE = SUMMONER'S COTTAGE t.YAGA'S HUT = YAGA'S HUT t.TELEPORT = TELEPORT t.TELEPORT TO ROYAL TOMB = TELEPORT TO ROYAL TOMB t.TELEPORT TO CATACOMBS = TELEPORT TO CATACOMBS t.BROKEN TELEPORT = BROKEN TELEPORT t.GRAVEDIGGER = GRAVEDIGGER t.SMALL TOMB = SMALL TOMB t.TOMB OF VIGUS = TOMB OF VIGUS t.TOMB OF AMBRIUS = TOMB OF AMBRIUS t.CATACOMBS = ____CATACOMBS t.ROYAL TOMB = ROYAL TOMB t.KING'S CRYPT = KING'S CRYPT t.ALTAR = ALTAR t.CLOISTER_TOWER = THE_TOWER t.CLOISTER_TEMPLE = THE_TEMPLE t.HOWLING_ZOMBIE = HOWLING ZOMBIE t.leonard = leonard t.DOOR_ARMORY=THE ARMORY t.DOOR_SMUGGLERS=THE SMUGGLERS t.EXIT=EXIT ================================================================================ KEYS ================================================================================ t.townhall_cellar_key = townhall_cellar_key t.myron's_key = myron's_key t.bone_key = bone_key t.miner's_key = miners'_key t.rusty_key = rusty_key t.cellar_key = cellar_key t.tomb_key = tomb_key t.prior's_key = prior's_key t.tower_key = tower_key t.armory_key = armory_key t.bronze_key = bronze_key t.iron_key = iron_key t.manhole_key = manhole_key t.warehouse_key = warehouse_key t.steel_key = steel_key t.cottage_key = cottage_key t.alchemist's_key = alchemist's_key t.dungeon_key = dungeon_key t.golden_key = golden_key t.astral_key = astral_key t.desc_townhall_cellar_key = a key from cellars bellow the townhall in dunghill. t.desc_myrons_key = a key from a garden of myron, the blacksmith. t.desc_bone_key = weird key made of bone with a shape of skull. t.desc_miners_key = a key you have found at the miners' bodies. t.desc_rusty_key = a common key made of some rusty metal. t.desc_cellar_key = a key from the gravedigger's cellar. t.desc_tomb_key = a strange key you have found in the tomb. t.desc_priors_key = a key to the cloister treasury. t.desc_tower_key = a key from bell tower. t.desc_armory_key = a key from the armory. t.desc_bronze_key = a common key made of bronze. t.desc_iron_key = a common key made of iron. t.desc_manhole_key = with this key you can open manholes on the streets and access the city sewer. t.desc_warehouse_key = a key from the warehouse building's front door. t.desc_steel_key = a common key made of steel. t.desc_cottage_key = this should be a key from the abandoned cottage in the city park. t.desc_alchemists_key = a key from the alchemist's house. t.desc_golden_key = a common key made of gold. t.desc_astral_key = this strange key looks almost ethereal. it probably works only in the astral plane. ================================================================================ ITEMS - QUEST/SPECIAL ================================================================================ t.paper_bonus = tap again to read it. t.empty_tankard = empty_tankard t.one_ring = one_ring t.one_ring_bonus = to rule them all... t.unsigned_note = unsigned_note [text=unsigned_note_text] t=@0some unsigned note:@- # t=@7there's an illusion wall in myron's garden. i'm sure about that. what's he hiding behind it? t.wounded_dog = wounded_dog t.wounded_dog_bonus = unconscious dog of vorack the hunter t.bloody_meat=bloody_meat t.bloody_meat_bonus = meat dipped in animal blood t.merchant's_letter = merchant's_letter t.merchant's_letter_desc = you promised to bring this letter to a merchant in @4dolbrad@-. t.proof_of_heroism = proof_of_heroism [text=proof_of_heroism_text] t=the owner of this paper has entered and explored the spooky ancient dungeon t=northeast from the dunghill. # # @2rake in grass@- - the builder of the dungeon t.forest_spell_of_passage_bonus=allows you to pass through rocks marked by a trollish symbol # t.keg_bonus = keg full of gunpowder # t.chicken = chicken t.enchanted_cat = enchanted_cat t.holy_water = holy_water t.holy_water_desc = a sack full of sanctified water. the monks of anrak gave it to you to destroy demonic creations. t.empty flagon = empty flagon t.empty_flagon_desc = the summoner asked you to fill this with water from a underground spring. t.underground_water = underground_water t.uwater_desc = a flagon filled with water from a underground spring. t.edwin's_note = edwin's_note [text=edwin's_note_text] t=@0you note down a strange incantation in an unknown language: @4rurn asar@0. t=edwin said you can open the secret hideout of druid ogla by using it. try to use it t=on a notable object around the village, like trees or other things.@- t.forest_spell_of_passage = forest_spell_of_passage t.spring_stone = spring_stone t.charged_spring_stone = charged_spring_stone t.ogla's_herbs = ogla's_herbs t.miner's_note = miner's_note [text=miner's_note_text] t=@0the paper is very old. you can barely read the text:@- # # t=in the name of aenor!... damn... trolls... everywhere... we hide... t=levers... trolls cannot open... rescuers can... the village patron... t.stone_crook = stone_crook t.gravedigger's_note = gravedigger's_note [text=digger's_note_text] t=edward left the tomb again and is dangerous. i had to lock him up. t=i left the key with thor in the northeast yard of the cemetery. # # t=gravedigger t.ancient_necklace = ancient_necklace t.chateau_de_carcass = chateau_de_carcass t.quarter_of_king's_seal = quarter_of_king's_seal t.gear = gear t.paper_fragment = paper_fragment [text=paper_fragment_text] t=...going in circles for days! the treasure must be close!... t=...illusional wall to the east... can't find it. zombies always t=attack when i come closer... t.ruby = ruby t.thief's_log = thief's_log [text=thief's_log_text] t=@0it's very worn. you can barely read a few words: # # t=@-my companion disappeared on the lower floor. i cannot save him. t=i searched the maze many times, but i heard only his flute playing t=behind walls. i cannot reach him. i'm getting weak. death is t=everywhere. t.flute = flute t.king's_gold = king's_gold t.king's_crown = king's_crown t.severed_skull = severed_skull t.left_hand = left_hand t.right_hand = right_hand t.mentor_sandals = worn sandals t.paper_with_runes = paper_with_runes [text=paper_with_runes_text] t=there is a complete runic alphabet. you have marked runes representing the seven elements: # # t=dragon - ur # thunder - tor # nature - nis # darkness - zef # rock - parth # water - oghal # flame - fom t.clapper = clapper t.sprig = sprig t.pearl = pearl t.scale = scale t.strange_instructions = strange_instructions [text=strange_instructions_text] t=@0there's a weird text written on the paper: # t=@7square with well - in front of the goose - 3 west - third row from the bottom, first brick to the right t.ransom = ransom t.ransom_desc = ransom money in golden coins which you must collect for the gang of smugglers. t.ring_of_assassins = ring_of_assassins t.ring_of_smugglers = ring_of_smugglers t.ring_of_lizardmen = ring_of_lizardmen t.keg = keg t.boy's_diary = boy's_diary [text=boy's_diary_text] t=@0The diary contains records about the expeditions of a little boy in the t=wildest parts of the city park. He used to play around the south west t=corner of the park near the old dried well. He also found a key to t=the gardener's cottage, which seems to have been abandoned for years.@- t.princess = princess t.man-eater's_root = root of a man-eating plan t.shards = shards t.shards_desc = shards from a mirror. t.scheme = scheme [text=scheme_text] t=@0it shows a drawing of the magic circle you saw in the dungeon inside the spooky house. t.duke's_ring = duke's_ring t.duke's_desc = a ring of duke falstad from the haunted house. t.charmed_duke's_ring = charmed_duke's_ring t.chdr_desc = a charmed ring of duke falstad. you should go back to the magic circle in the haunted house, and try to use this to find the necromancer. t.khumrac's_scroll = khumrac's_scroll [text=khumrac's_scroll_text] t=this scroll grants freedom to slave gladiator razzik t.ghoul's_eye=ghoul's_eye t.ghoul's_eye_text=an eye from a dead ghoul. you took this as proof that you killed him. t.money_copper = copper coins t.money_gold = golden coins t.money_gold_bonus = one golden coin is worth of a thousand copper coins t.remains = remains t.remains_bonus = a summoner can use them to raise a skeleton. drop the remains on ground and cast the spell. t.runic_stones = runic_stones t.trophy_desc = a trophy from a dead enemy - sell this item to get some gold. ================================================================================ ITEMS - CONSUMABLE ================================================================================ t.apple = apple t.apple_bonus = replenish 10-20 hit points t.bread = bread t.bread_bonus = replenish 20-40 hit points t.small healing potion = small healing potion t.small_healing_potion_bonus = replenish 50-60 hit points t.healing potion = healing potion t.healing_potion_bonus = replenish 90-120 hit points t.greater healing potion = greater healing potion t.greater_healing_potion_bonus = replenish 160-200 hit points t.large healing potion = large healing potion t.large_healing_potion_bonus = replenish 250-300 hit points t.perfect healing potion = perfect_healing_potion t.perfect_healing_potion_bonus = replenish 340-400 hit points t.berries = berries t.berries_bonus = replenish 10-20 points to stamina t.cheese = cheese t.cheese_bonus = replenish 20-40 points to stamina t.rotten_eye = rotten_eye t.rotten_eye_bonus = replenish 25-50 points to stamina t.small stamina potion = small stamina potion t.small_stamina_potion_bonus = replenish 50-60 points to stamina t.stamina potion = stamina potion t.stamina_potion_bonus = replenish 90-120 points to stamina t.greater stamina potion = greater stamina potion t.greater_stamina_potion_bonus = replenish 160-200 points to stamina t.large stamina potion = large stamina potion t.large_stamina_potion_bonus = replenish 250-300 points to stamina t.perfect stamina potion = perfect_stamina_potion t.perfect_stamina_potion_bonus = replenish 340-400 points to stamina t.chicken_leg = chicken leg t.chicken_leg_bonus = replenish 15 points to health and stamina t.rat_meat = rat meat t.rat_meat_bonus = replenish 20 points to health and stamina t.small revi potion = small revitalizing potion t.small_revi_potion_bonus = replenish 30 of health and stamina t.revi potion = revitalizing potion t.revi_potion_bonus = replenish 50 of health and stamina t.greater revi potion = greater revitalizing potion t.greater_revi_potion_bonus = replenish 80 of health and stamina t.large revi potion = large revitalizing potion t.large_revi_potion_bonus = replenish 120 of health and stamina t.perfect revi potion = perfect revitalizing potion t.perfect_revi_potion_bonus = replenish 180 of health and stamina t.small elixir = small elixir t.small_elixir_bonus = restores 30% of health and stamina t.elixir = elixir t.elixir_bonus = restores 45% of health and stamina t.greater elixir = greater elixir t.greater_elixir_bonus = restores 60% of health and stamina t.large elixir = large elixir t.large_elixir_bonus = restores 80% of health and stamina t.perfect elixir = perfect elixir t.perfect_elixir_bonus = restores 100% of health and stamina t.elven_wine = elven wine t.elven_wine_bonus = restores 45% of health and stamina t.mushroom = mushroom t.mushroom_bonus = can regenerate 20% of your health or stamina or poison you t.healing herbs = healing herbs t.herbs_bonus = removes @2poison@- t.tankard_of_ale = tankard_of_ale t.tankard_of_ale_bonus = raises strength, but makes you drunk (str+1, dex-1, 15 rounds) t.orkish_brandy = orkish_brandy t.orkish_brandy_bonus = raises strength, but makes you drunk (str+4, dex-4, 20 rounds) t.medicine = medicine t.medicine_bonus = removes @2poisoned@-, @0stunned@- and @9frozen@- states t.revive_potion = revive_potion t.revive_potion_bonus = brings one hero back to life with minimum health and stamina t.scroll_of_ressurection = scroll of resurrection t.scroll_of_ressurection_bonus = brings one hero back to life with full health and stamina t.trophy_animal_fur=animal_fur t.trophy_poison_follicle=poison_follicle t.trophy_horn=horn t.trophy_uncommon_wood=magic_wood t.trophy_small_gems=small_gems t.arcane_scroll = arcane scroll t.arcane_scroll_bonus = read the scroll to get one extra skill point t.fungus_sapientia = fungus_sapientia t.fungus_sapientia_bonus = eat it to get two extra skill points t.elixir_of_power = elixir_of_power t.elixir_of_power_bonus = drink it to get three extra stat points t.scroll_of_wisdom = scroll_of_wisdom t.scroll_of_wisdom_bonus = read the scroll to get 2.000 experience points t.tome_of_wisdom = tome of wisdom t.tome_of_wisdom_bonus = read the tome to get 6.000 experience points t.great_tome_of_wisdom = great tome of wisdom t.great_tome_of_wisdom_bonus = read the tome to get 15.000 experience points t.scroll_of_wisdom2 = scroll of eternal wisdom t.scroll_of_wisdom_bonus2 = read the scroll to get 25.000 experience points t.tome_of_wisdom2 = silver tome of eternal wisdom t.tome_of_wisdom_bonus2 = read the tome to get 100.000 experience points t.great_tome_of_wisdom2 = golden tome of eternal wisdom t.great_tome_of_wisdom_bonus2 = read the tome to get 500.000 experience points ================================================================================ ITEMS - WEAPONS ================================================================================ == SWORD == t.dagger=dagger t.rusty_dirk = rusty dirk t.fine_dirk = fine dirk t.poisoned_dirk=poisoned_dirk t.short_sword = short_sword t.short_sword_of_cold = short_sword_of_cold t.glowing_short_sword = glowing_short_sword t.trapper's_knife = trapper's_knife t.blessed_steel_blade=@6blessed_steel_blade@- t.short_sword_of_flames=@6short_sword_of_flames@- t.graag's_fang = @6graag's_fang@- t.long sword = long sword t.venom_long_sword = venom_long_sword t.excelent_long_sword=excellent_long_sword t.barbarian_long_sword=barbarian_long_sword t.crude_twohander=crude_twohander t.balanced_twohander=balanced_twohander t.broad_sword = broad_sword t.fatal_broad_sword=fatal_broad_sword t.treatcherous_blade=@6treacherous_blade@- t.great_sword = great_sword t.great_sword_of_vigor=great_sword_of_vigor t.scimitar=scimitar t.black_scimitar=black_scimitar t.poisoned_sabre=poisoned_sabre t.spectral_scimitar=@6spectral_scimitar t.razor_sword=razor_sword t.ancient_claymore = ancient_claymore t.winter_claymore=winter_claymore t.flambard=flambard t.vampiric_flambard=vampiric_flambard t.barbarian_great_sword=barbarian_great_sword t.serpent_sword=serpent_sword t.royal_serpent=royal_serpent t.hideous_razor=@6hideous_razor@- t.yessuf's_evil_twins=@6yessuf's_evil_twins@- t.hardan's_challenger=@6hardan's_challenger@- == AXE == t.hatchet=hatchet t.cutter=cutter t.axe = axe t.blistering_axe = blistering_axe t.cleaver=cleaver t.ice_cleaver = ice_cleaver t.ethereal_axe=@6ethereal_axe@- t.veteran_cleaver=@6veteran_cleaver@- t.large_axe = large axe t.hunter's_large_axe = hunter's large axe t.arctic_large_axe = arctic large axe t.battle_axe=battle_axe t.venom_battle_axe = venom_battle_axe t.menacing_battle_axe=menacing_battle_axe t.warlord's_destroyer=@6warlord's_destroyer@- t.tool_of_havoc=@6tool_of_havoc@- t.double_axe = double_axe t.freezing_double_axe = freezing_double_axe t.righteous_double_axe = righteous_double_axe t.vampiric_precise_axe=vampiric_precise_axe t.broad_axe=broad_axe t.broad_axe_of_decay=broad_axe_of_decay t.flaming_broad_axe=flaming_broad_axe t.the_butcher=@6the_butcher@- t.duo_chopini = @6duo_chopini@- t.great_axe=great_axe t.dragon_axe = dragon_axe t.hard_dragon_axe = hard_dragon_axe t.noble_axe=noble_axe t.heroic_crystal_axe=@6heroic_crystal_axe@- t.fearsome_iron=@6fearsome_iron@- t.rimbrock's_axe=rimbrock's_axe == MACE == t.mallet=mallet t.steel_mallet=steel_mallet t.wooden_cudgel=wooden_cudgel t.iron_cudgel=iron_cudgel t.hard_cold_cudgel=hard_cold_cudgel t.stone_of_heaven=@6stone_of_heaven@- t.steel_club=steel_club t.stone_club=stone_club t.spiky_club=spiky_club t.diseased_spiky_club=diseased_spiky_club t.hammer=hammer t.demonic_hammer=demonic_hammer t.heavy_hammer=heavy_hammer t.witch_hammer=@6witch_hammer@- t.hammer_of_vigus=@6hammer_of_vigus@- t.war_flail=war_flail t.heavy_war_flail=heavy_war_flail t.gork's_flaming_crusher=@6gork's_flaming_crusher@- t.morning_star=morning_star t.grisly_morning_star=grisly_morning_star t.mace=mace t.great_mace=great_mace t.thunder_mace=thunder_mace t.captain's_mace=captain's_mace t.war_hammer=war_hammer t.glowing_war_hammer=glowing_war_hammer t.lifeforce=@6lifeforce@- t.maul=maul t.great_maul=great_maul t.earthquaker=@6earthquaker@- t.seven_giants=@6seven_giants@- == POLEARM == t.rake=rake t.pick=pick t.shovel=shovel t.pike=pike t.glacial_pike=glacial_pike t.hook_pike=hook_pike t.molten_hook_pike=molten_hook_pike t.scythe=scythe t.exeptional_impaler=@6exceptional_impaler@- t.poisonous_nail=@6poisonous_nail@- t.long_flail=long_flail t.halbert=halbert t.ogre's_halbert=ogre's_halbert t.halbert_of_flames=halbert_of_flames t.slayer's_halbert=@6slayer's_halbert@- t.glaive=glaive t.bloodsucking_glaive=bloodsucking_glaive t.father's_glaive=father's_glaive t.razzik's_glaive=@6razzik's_glaive@- t.spear=spear t.spear_of_raven=spear_of_raven t.heroic_lance=@6heroic_lance@- t.voulge=voulge t.merciless_voulge=merciless_voulge t.great_bardiche=great_bardiche t.trident=trident t.abysmal_trident=abysmal_trident t.teeth_of_vezuth=@6teeth_of_vezuth@- t.titan_slayer=@6titan_slayer@- == STAFF == t.pikestaff = pikestaff t.long_staff = long_staff t.hard_long_staff = hard_long_staff t.staff_of_flame = staff_of_flame t.tireless_staff=tireless_staff t.consecrated_staff=consecrated_staff t.thorn_staff = thorn_staff t.icicle=@6icicle@- t.forest_claw = @6forest_claw@- t.short_battle_staff=short_battle_staff t.ram_staff = ram_staff t.moon_staff = moon_staff t.full_moon=@6full_moon@- t.monk_battle_staff = monk_battle_staff t.viper_staff = viper_staff t.paralysing_staff = paralyzing_staff t.heavy_iron_staff=heavy_iron_staff t.mighty_silencer = mighty_silencer t.staff_of_conflagration=staff_of_conflagration t.thunderstorm=@6thunderstorm@- t.legendary_basher=@6legendary_basher@- == BULLET/THROW == t.arrows = arrows t.arrows_bonus = ammunition for bows and crossbows t.cannonballs = cannon_balls t.cannonballs_bonus = ammunition for a cannon t.stones=stones t.throwing_knives = throwing_knives t.throwing_stars = throwing_stars t.chocking_powder=choking_powder t.explosive_powder=explosive_powder t.poisoned_throwing_knives=poisoned_throwing_knives t.burning_stars = burning_stars t.lethal_stars = lethal_stars t.steel_darts=steel_darts t.poisoned_darts=poisoned_darts t.explosive_darts=explosive_darts t.stunning_powder=stunning_powder t.throwing_axes=throwing_axes t.burning_powder=burning_powder t.javelins=javelins t.scorpion's_javelins=scorpion's_javelins t.throwing_rings=throwing_rings t.cold_throwing_rings=cold_throwing_rings t.bomb=bomb t.great_bomb=great_bomb == BOW/CROSSBOW == t.bow = bow t.bow_of_fire = bow_of_fire t.long_bow = long_bow t.hard_long_bow = hard_long_bow t.icebear_bow = icebear_bow t.vasp_long_bow = @6vasp_long_bow@- t.vorack's_crossbow = @6vorack's_crossbow@- t.crossbow=crossbow t.scorching_crossbow = scorching_crossbow t.arctic_crossbow = arctic_crossbow t.arbalest = arbalest t.composite_bow = composite_bow t.composite_stinger=composite_stinger t.sky_bow = @6sky_bow@- t.grotesque_bow = @6grotesque_bow@- t.blowpipe = blowpipe t.fatal_blowpipe = fatal_blowpipe t.heavy_crossbow = heavy_crossbow t.spider's_heavy_crossbow = spider's_heavy_crossbow t.raging_heavy_crossbow = raging_heavy_crossbow t.marauder=@6marauder@- t.champion's_bow = champion's_bow t.strong_champion's_bow = strong_champion's_bow t.spitfire = @6spitfire@- t.cannon = cannon t.war_bow=war_bow t.war_bow_of_wrath=war_bow_of_wrath t.war_bow_of_impact=war_bow_of_impact t.hand_ballista=hand_ballista t.flaming_hand_ballista=flaming_hand_ballista t.siege_breaker=@6siege_breaker@- t.north_star=@6north_star@- ================================================================================ ITEMS - SPECIAL WEAPONS ================================================================================ t.SPECIAL_MAG=SPECIAL_MAG t.phoenix_wand=phoenix_wand t.elemental_wand=elemental_wand t.freezing_rod=freezing_rod t.scholar's_wand_of_fire=@6scholar's_wand_of_fire@- t.sparking_rod=sparking_rod t.rod_of_lore=rod_of_lore t.woodoo_staff=voodoo_staff t.beryl_staff=beryl_staff t.elven_sword=elven_sword t.forest_wand=forest_wand t.scholar's_great_staff=scholar's_great_staff t.staff_of_vigor=staff_of_survival t.firebringer=@6firebringer@- t.furious_sceptre=furious_sceptre t.frozen_sceptre=frozen_sceptre t.sceptre_of_guardian=sceptre_of_guardian t.hammer_of_storms=hammer_of_storms t.nightmare=@6nightmare@- t.great_staff_of_flame=great_staff_of_flame t.great_staff_of_ice=great_staff_of_ice t.crystaline=@6crystalline@- t.SPECIAL_PRI=SPECIAL_PRI t.pilgrim's_staff=pilgrim's_staff t.templar_short_sword=templar_short_sword t.templar_long_sword=templar_long_sword t.grimm_scythe=grim_scythe t.crusader_sword=crusader_sword t.crook=crook t.hammer_of_spirits=hammer_of_spirits t.reaper's_scythe=@6reaper's_scythe@- t.bishop's_crook=bishop's_crook t.celestial_mace=celestial_mace t.demon_eater=@6demon_eater@- t.hammer_of_archangels=@6hammer_of_archangels@- t.templar_great_axe=templar_great_axe t.cardinal's_crook=cardinal's_crook t.cardinal's_storm_crook=cardinal's_storm_crook t.the_enlightened=@6the_enlightened@- t.SPECIAL_SUM=SPECIAL_SUM t.bone_dagger=bone_dagger t.vicious_fork=vicious_fork t.iron_talons=iron_talons t.steel_talons=steel_talons t.the_hornet=@6the_hornet@- t.icebear_talons=icebear_talons t.bone_staff=bone_staff t.dragon_claw=dragon_claw t.talons_of_chimera=@6talons_of_chimera@- t.sword_of_ancestors=sword_of_ancestors t.ghost_blade=ghost_blade t.bloody_root=bloody_root t.pagan_staff=pagan_staff t.taint=@6taint@- t.animated_arm=animated_arm t.savage_drum=savage_drum t.staff_of_necromancy=staff_of_necromancy t.clay_law=clay_law t.hungry_piercer=hungry_piercer t.call_from_underground=@6call_from_underground@- t.SPECIAL_ASS=SPECIAL_ASS t.dark_blade=dark_blade t.short_flail=short_flail t.fast_short_flail=fast_short_flail t.hooks=hooks t.chain=chain t.venomous_chain=venomous_chain t.black_widows=@6black_widows@- t.long_kiss_good_night=@6long_kiss_good_night@- t.lash=lash t.freezing_lash=freezing_lash t.burning_punisher=burning_punisher t.nine_tails=nine_tails t.yuca_and_gomaca=@6yuca_and_gomaca@- t.barbed_lash=barbed_lash t.barbed_lash_of_frost_bite=barbed_lash_of_frost_bite t.war_sickle=war_sickle t.hell_chain=hell_chain t.tripple_flail=triple_flail t.stunning_tripple_flail=stunning_triple_flail t.large_hooks=large_hooks t.hamebar's_treason=@6hamebar's_treason@- ================================================================================ ITEMS - EQUIPMENT ================================================================================ == ARMOR == t.cloth=cloth t.habit=habit t.robe=robe t.winter_robe=winter_robe t.protective_habit=protective_habit t.eagle_robe=eagle_robe t.assassin_jacket=assassin's_jacket t.enchanted_habit=enchanted_habit t.orc_habit=@6orc_habit@- t.shadow_jerkin=@6shadow_jerkin@- t.bear_vest=bear_vest t.scholar's_garment=scholar's_garment t.killer's_vest=killer's_vest t.werewolf_skin=werewolf_skin t.sanctified_garment=sanctified_garment t.polar_robe=polar_robe t.alchemist's_apron=alchemist's_apron t.battlemage's_robe=battlemage's_robe t.repulsive_habit=repulsive_habit t.black_velvet=black_velvet t.firelord's_robe=firelord's_robe t.archmage's_robe=archmage's_robe t.lizardskin=@6lizardskin@- t.leather_vest=leather_vest t.serpent_vest=serpent_vest t.sturdy_vest=sturdy_vest t.leather_armor=leather_armor t.sturdy_leather_armor=sturdy_leather_armor t.forest_leather_armor=forest_leather_armor t.exceptional_knight's_vest=@6exceptional_knight's_vest@- t.ring_mail=ring_mail t.ancient_ring_mail=ancient_ring_mail t.scale_mail=scale_mail t.fearless_ring_mail=@6fearless_ring_mail@- t.breast_plate=breast_plate t.battle_breast_plate=battle_breast_plate t.elven_ring_mail=elven_ring_mail t.ethereal_protection=@6ethereal_protection@- t.chain_mail=chain_mail t.volcanic_chain_mail=volcanic_chain_mail t.heavy_chain_mail=heavy_chain_mail t.silver_scale_mail=silver_scale_mail t.hauberk=hauberk t.excelent_hauberk=excellent_hauberk t.sand_warrior=@6sand_warrior@- t.plate_mail=plate_mail t.hard_plate_mail=hard_plate_mail t.full_armor=full_armor t.full_plate_armor=full_plate_armor t.warlord's_armor=warlord's_armor t.legendary_armor=@6legendary_armor@- t.obsidian_shell=@6obsidian_shell@- t.armor_of_gigant=@6armor_of_gigant@- t.beast_jacket = beast_jacket t.dark_armor = @6dark_armor@- t.vesture_of_the_stars = @6vesture_of_the_stars@- t.cloak=cloak t.hunter's_cloak=hunter's_cloak t.warrior's_cloak=warrior's_cloak t.winter_cloak=winter_cloak t.cloak_of_elementalist=cloak_of_elementalist t.protective_mantle=protective_mantle t.adventurer's_cloak=adventurer's_cloak t.veil_of_darkness=veil_of_darkness t.cloak_of_rage=cloak_of_rage t.holy_protection=holy_protection t.beast_cloak=beast_cloak t.dragon_cloak=dragon_cloak t.knight's_cloak=knight's_cloak t.bat_wings=bat_wings t.killer's_black_coat=killer's_black_coat t.tough_cover=tough_cover t.invulnerability=invulnerability t.astral_mantle=astral_mantle == SHIELD == t.buckler=buckler t.broken_small_shield=worn_small_shield t.small_shield=small_shield t.hard_small_shield=hard_small_shield t.round_shield=round_shield t.dragon_shield=@6dragon_shield@- t.elven_shield=@6elven_shield@- t.barbarian_round_shield=barbarian_round_shield t.templar_shield=templar_shield t.large_shield=large_shield t.large_templar_shield=large_templar_shield t.nordic_shield=@6nordic_shield@- t.tower_shield=tower_shield t.great_tower_shield=great_tower_shield t.pavise=pavise t.great_pavise=great_pavise t.lobar's_guard=@6lobar's_guard@- t.circle_of_faith=@6circle_of_faith@- t.blue_power_gem=blue_power_gem t.red_power_gem=red_power_gem t.dark_power_gem=dark_power_gem t.sharp_power_gem=sharp_power_gem t.battle_orb=battle_orb t.scroll_of_fireball=scroll_of_fireball t.orb_of_telekinesis=orb_of_telekinesis t.scroll_of_lightning=scroll_of_lightning t.arctic_orb=arctic_orb t.great_orb=great_orb t.griffin's_eye=@6griffin's_eye@- t.loathsome_idol=loathsome_idol t.mummyfied_head=mummified_head t.dark_skull=dark_skull t.rune_of_power=rune_of_power t.gargoyle=@6gargoyle@- t.ancient_relic=ancient_relic t.holy_symbol=holy_symbol t.scroll_of_heaven=scroll_of_heaven t.relic_of_roven_the_bright=@6relic_of_roven_the_bright@- t.parrot=parrot t.tree_frog=tree_frog t.owl=owl t.bat=bat t.spider=spider t.black_cat=black_cat t.snake=snake t.tarantula=tarantula t.deep_forest_frog=deep_forest_frog t.vampire_bat=vampire_bat t.snow_owl=snow_owl t.great_mamba=great_mamba t.tome_of_alchemy=tome_of_alchemy t.tome_of_ressurection=tome_of_resurrection t.tome_of_constructor=tome_of_constructor t.grimoir_of_necromancy=grimoir_of_necromancy t.herbarium=herbarium t.holy_book=holy_book t.tome_of_exorcist=tome_of_exorcist t.tome_of_demonology=tome_of_demonology t.tome_of_sourcery=tome_of_sourcery t.tome_of_elements=tome_of_elements t.tome_of_telekinesis=tome_of_telekinesis == HELM == t.magic_skull_case=magic_skull_case t.wizard's_hat=wizard's_hat t.wizard's_hat_of_haste=wizard's_hat_of_haste t.sabreteeth=sabreteeth t.wolf_head=wolf_head t.frost_crown=frost_crown t.cloth_mask=cloth_mask t.snake_mask=snake_mask t.fanged_crown=@6fanged_crown@- t.lightning_circlet=lightning_circlet t.volcanic_tiara=volcanic_tiara t.protector's_hat=protector's_hat t.hood_of_damnation=hood_of_damnation t.mask_of_the_raider=mask_of_the_raider t.blessed_diadem=blessed_diadem t.snow_queen's_crown=snow_queen's_crown t.horned_skull_case=horned_skull_case t.beast_mask=beast_mask t.invisible_man=@6invisible_man@- t.hard_hood_of_wisdom=@6hard_hood_of_wisdom@- t.great_diadem=great_diadem t.ogre's_crown=ogre's_crown t.war_crown=war_crown t.mask_of_master=mask_of_master t.incandescent_bonnet=@6incandescent_bonnet@- t.neb_of_vulture=@6neb_of_vulture@- t.allmighty_wizard's_hat=@6almighty_wizard's_hat@- t.dark_face=@6dark_face@- t.hood=hood t.cap=cap t.light_helmet=light_helmet t.cold_light_helmet=cold_light_helmet t.guard's_helm=guard's_helm t.barbarian_helm=@6barbarian_helm@- t.ancient_helm=@6ancient_helm@- t.plated_helm=plated_helm t.plated_helm_of_rage=plated_helm_of_rage t.full_helm=full_helm t.vampire's_helm=@6vampire's_helm@- t.arctic_full_helm=arctic_full_helm t.enchanted_full_helm=@6enchanted_full_helm@- t.kinght's_helm=knight's_helm t.war_helm=war_helm t.fine_war_helm=fine_war_helm t.war_helm_of_survival=@6war_helm_of_survival@- t.great_helm=great_helm t.great_helm_of_harmony=@6great_helm_of_harmony@- t.great_helm_of_masacre=@6great_helm_of_masacre@- t.destroyer's_great_helm=@6destroyer's_great_helm@- == GLOVES == t.leather_gloves = leather_gloves t.bear_gloves = bear_gloves t.furry_gloves = furry_gloves t.gloves_of_haste = gloves_of_haste t.chain_gloves = chain_gloves t.chain_gloves_of_freedom = chain_gloves_of_freedom t.bracers = bracers t.cold_bracers = cold_bracers t.gladiator_gloves = gladiator's_gloves t.crusader_gloves = @6crusader's_gloves@- t.gauntlets = gauntlets t.jade_gauntlets = jade_gauntlets t.mighty_gauntlets = mighty_gauntlets t.gauntlets_of_life = gauntlets_of_vigor t.gauntlets_of_freedom = gauntlets_of_freedom t.robudar's_strength=@6robudar's_strength@- t.silky_ice_gloves = @6silky_ice_gloves@- t.fist_of_flame=@6fist_of_flame@- t.exorcist's_gloves=@6exorcist's_gloves@- t.holy_wrath=@6holy_wrath@- t.swamp_thing's_hands=@6swamp_thing's_hands@- t.wrist_guards = @6wrist_guards@- t.hard_wrist_guards=@6hard_wrist_guards@- t.monk's_wrist_guards=@6monk's_wrist_guards@- t.killer's_hands=@6killer's_hands@- == BOOTS == t.sandals = sandals t.stinky_shoes = stinky_shoes t.worn_boots = worn_boots t.leather_boots = leather_boots t.snakehunter's_boots = snakehunter's_boots t.top_boots = top_boots t.iron_boots = iron_boots t.iron_war_boots = iron_war_boots t.chain_boots = chain_boots t.gladiator_boots = gladiator's_boots t.shank_guards = shank_guards t.armored_boots = armored_boots t.plate_boots = plate_boots t.heavy_plate_boots = heavy_plate_boots t.sandals_of_balance = @6sandals_of_balance@- t.lucky_sandals = @6lucky_sandals@- t.protected_steps=@6protected_steps@- t.martyr's_sandals=@6martyr's_sandals@- t.silent_boots=@6silent_boots@- t.stone_sandals=@6stone_sandals@- t.shoes_of_heart=@6shoes_of_heart@- t.boots_of_elements=@6boots_of_elements@- t.juggler's_sandals = @6juggler's_sandals@- t.charmed_chain_boots=@6charmed_chain_boots@- == BELTS == t.band = band T.handy_band=handy_band t.belt = belt t.protective_belt = protective_belt t.heavy_belt = heavy_belt t.snake's_heavy_belt = snake's_heavy_belt t.iron_heavy_belt = iron_heavy_belt t.giant's_belt = giant's_belt t.band_of_shadows = @6band_of_shadows@- t.belt_of_life = @6belt_of_life@- t.rope_of_energy = @6rope_of_energy@- t.hangman's_noose = @6hangman's_noose@- t.ogre's_rope = @6ogre's_rope@- t.captain's_belt = @6captain's_belt@- t.hunter's_heavy_belt = @6hunter's_heavy_belt@- == JEWELRY == t.ring_of_past=ring_of_the_past t.ring_of_health=ring_of_health t.ring_of_energy=ring_of_energy t.elven_ring=elven_ring t.ring_of_survivor=ring_of_survivor t.small_ring_of_life=small_ring_of_life t.ring_of_life=ring_of_life t.fighter's_ring_of_action=fighter's_ring_of_action t.ring_of_battlemage=ring_of_battlemage t.protector's_ring=protector's_ring t.guardian's_ring=guardian's_ring t.ring_of_flames=ring_of_flames t.rainbow_ring=rainbow_ring t.lizard_ring=lizard's_ring t.glacial_ring=glacial_ring t.ring_of_elements=ring_of_elements t.ring_of_immunity=ring_of_immunity t.ring_of_ogres=ring_of_ogres t.ring_of_giants=ring_of_giants t.ring_of_craft=ring_of_craft t.ring_of_haste=ring_of_haste t.heavy_ring_of_vigor=heavy_ring_of_vigor t.ring_of_concentration=ring_of_concentration t.ring_of_muscles=ring_of_muscles t.polar_ring=polar_ring t.kinetic_ring=kinetic_ring t.ring_of_frost_giant=ring_of_frost_giant t.healer's_ring=healer's_ring t.ring_of_scorpion=ring_of_scorpion t.spiritual_ring=spiritual_ring t.evil_word=@6evil_word@- t.ring_of_mercy=ring_of_mercy t.ring_of_flesh=ring_of_flesh t.ring_of_necromancy=ring_of_necromancy t.black_ring=black_ring t.exloding_ring=exloding_ring t.jet_ring=jet_ring t.snake's_ring=snake's_ring t.marksman's_ring=marksman's_ring t.ring_of_observer=ring_of_observer t.ring_of_apprentice=ring_of_apprentice t.ring_of_undead_eater=ring_of_undead_eater t.trapper's_ring=trapper's_ring t.holy_ring=holy_ring t.stone_ring=stone_ring t.lucky_killer=lucky_killer t.ring_of_hunger=ring_of_hunger t.warrior's_grace=@6warrior's_grace@- t.archmage's_seal=@6archmage's_seal@- t.heaven's_blessing=@6heaven's_blessing@- t.cold_grasp=@6cold_grasp@- t.ruthless_ring_of_sleep=@6ruthless_ring_of_sleep@- t.snowflake_amulet=snowflake_amulet t.tooth_necklace=tooth_necklace t.vein=vein t.defender's_amulet=defender's_amulet t.rat_chain=rat_chain t.serpent_amulet=serpent_amulet t.thorn_amulet=thorn_amulet t.knight's_chain=knight's_chain t.amulet_of_hell=amulet_of_hell t.nature's_embrace=nature's_embrace t.chain_of_elements=chain_of_elements t.faruk's_chain=faruk's_chain t.barbarian_chain=barbarian_chain t.light_necklace=light_necklace t.insomnia=@6insomnia@- t.necklace_of_willpower=necklace_of_willpower t.fanged_necklace=fanged_necklace t.chain_of_barriers=chain_of_barriers t.inquisitor's_chain=inquisitor's_chain t.blessed_necklace=blessed_necklace t.stone_amulet=stone_amulet t.forest_heart=forest_heart t.finder's_necklace=finder's_necklace t.symbol_of_cobra=symbol_of_cobra t.glowing_chain=glowing_chain t.pure_blood=pure_blood t.stone_of_blizzard=stone_of_blizzard t.necklace_of_leech=necklace_of_leech t.marskman_of_vastelands=marksman_of_vastelands t.amulet_of_wit=amulet_of_wit t.eye_of_warlock=eye_of_warlock ================================================================================ ENEMIES ================================================================================ == NPC == t.cultist = CULTIST t.merchant = merchant t.librarian = librarian t.khumrac = khumrac t.howling zombie = howling zombie t.highlander = highlander t.highlander_ron = ron t.sewage worker = sewage worker t.edwin = edwin t.vigus = ghost of vigus t.chaos_crook = chaos crook t.beggar = beggar t.bartender = bartender t.easy target = easy target t.medium target = medium target t.hard target = hard target t.alchemist = alchemist t.red_hood = red_hood t.swift yorik = swift yorik t.grey wizham = grey wizham t.watch = watch t.hunter vorack = hunter vorack t.undead king = undead king t.troll = troll t.woman = woman t.townsman = townsman t.townswoman = townswoman t.nobleman = nobleman t.depressed dead = depressed dead t.razzik = razzik t.peasant woman = peasant woman t.necromancer = necromancer == FOE/DUNGHILL == t.bark monster=bark monster t.stun beetle=stun beetle t.mad dog=mad dog t.fire demon=fire demon t.giant worm=giant worm t.rat=rat t.small rat=small rat t.small spider=small spider t.bone wraith=bone wraith t.bone nightmare=bone nightmare t.frozen tomb master=frozen tomb master t.ukmar=ukmar t.wolf=wolf == FOE/FOREST == t.fire lord = fire lord t.forest troll=forest troll t.lava lizard = lava lizard t.rock troll = rock troll t.yaga = yaga == FOE/AENOR == t.dire wolf = dire wolf t.ice troll = ice troll t.tree troll = tree troll t.white wolf = white wolf == FOE/GRAVEYARD == t.rampant spider=rampant spider t.blood bat = blood bat t.corpse_eater = corpse eater t.creepy torso = creepy torso t.mad edward = mad edward t.dead knight = dead knight t.black rat = black rat t.plague rat = plague rat t.fusty rat = fusty rat t.living dead = living dead t.skeleton = skeleton t.stone golem = stone golem t.fat dead = fat dead t.zombie = zombie t.headless = headless t.dead apprentice = dead apprentice t.burning bones = burning bones t.giant spider = giant spider t.ghost_of_vigus = ghost_of_vigus t.revenant = revenant t.spectre = spectre == FOE/CLOISTER == t.fire arachnid = fire arachnid t.green death = green death t.stinking headless = stinking headless t.dark skeleton=dark skeleton t.desecrated corpse=desecrated corpse t.igor = igor t.monstrous_igor = monstrous igor t.warder = warder t.spider queen = spider queen t.priest master = priest master t.fuzzy spider = fuzzy spider #t.walking_carcass=walking_carcass #t.crypt_wanderer=crypt_wanderer t.fierce_zombie=fierce_zombie == FOE/CITY == t.assassin = assassin t.thug leader = thug leader t.bully = bully t.thug = thug t.rizzabak = rizzabak t.zarok the dragon = zarok the dragon t.krissrak = krissrak t.ho chi mint = ho chi mint t.boodhand = boodhand t.shadow cloak = shadow cloak t.arena skeleton = dark skeleton t.arena spider = exotic spider t.arena troll=mountain giant t.wharf rat = wharf rat t.sewer rat = sewer rat t.sick rat = tainted rat t.ghoul = ghoul t.apocalypse_rat = apocalypse rat t.bowin the ripper = bowin the ripper t.halag stonefoot = halag stonefoot t.great demon = great demon t.summoned demon=summoned demon t.skull = skull t.wraith = wraith t.wraith_eyes = wraith_eyes t.ice bones = ice bones t.ice nightmare = ice nightmare t.bone warrior = bone warrior t.man eater = man eating plant t.rimbrock = rimbrock t.executioner = executioner t.abomination = abomination t.duke falstad = duke falstad t.plaque bearer=plaque bearer t.tortured zombie=tortured zombie t.tortured dead=tortured dead t.damned remains=damned remains ================================================================================ BUTTONS ================================================================================ t.b_yes = @0_yes_@- t.b_no = @0__no__@- t.b_ok = @0__ok__@- t.b_next = @0_next_@- t.b_skip = @0__skip__@- t.b_skip_intro = @0skip intro@- t.b_more = @0more@- t.b_work = @0work@- t.b_trade = @0trade@- t.b_leave = @0leave@- t.b_go_on = @0go on@- t.b_fight = @0_Fight!@- ================================================================================ GENERAL ================================================================================ [text=unknown_grave] t=@0you can't read the inscription on the tombstone. it's too worn out.@- [text=locked_gate] t=@0the gate is locked.@- [text=locked_door] t=@0the door is locked.@- [text=locked] t=@0you need a proper key.@- [text=unlocked] t=@0it's already unlocked.@- [text=action_used_key] t=@0you have used the key.@- [text=not_enough_money] t="sorry. you don't have enough money." [text=jammed] t=@0it's jammed from the other side.@- [text=remove_timber] t=@0you were able to remove the timber.@- [text=won't_budge] t=@0it won't budge.@- [text=take_berries] t=@0you've found some berries@- [text=nothing_happened] t=@0nothing happens@- [text=hello] t="hello" ## CHARON STATUE ## [text=charon1] t=@0this is a small altar with a statue of a man you've heard of before. legend says t=this holy priest was helping tortured dead souls to pass from this world t=to another happier place. You can put something on the altar.@- [text=charon2] t=@0you hear a distant whisper:@- t="thank you for helping this lost soul" ## TRAVELSTONE ## [text=travelstone] t=@0this is some crude ancient obelisk. four bigger stones in the relief t=look like they can be pressed. which one will you choose?@- [text=something's_missing] t=@0something is missing.@- t.b_tstone1=top t.b_tstone2=left t.b_tstone3=right t.b_tstone4=bottom t.b_tstone5=@4none@- ## INTRO ## [text=intro_1] t=# @0rumors go around the land that a great evil arose from an old abandoned royal graveyard near the city of dolbrad. t=the dead are walking around that place, killing anyone who tries to explore the secrets of the tombs.@- [text=intro_2] t=# @0the stories reached a small remote town, where travelers and merchants meet. in a tavern they quietly talked t=about ferocious corpses wandering the graveyard during the night.@- [text=intro_3] t=# @0then you entered the scene (strengthened by a couple of beers). # # you: @7"why are you whispering like old hens! t=a few stinking carcasses are no match for a real adventurer! ha!"@- # [text=intro_4] t=# @0merchant:@- "that's some brave talk for a drunken tramp. maybe you want to show us how you can deal with the stinking corpses." # # t=@0you: @7"hah! i need some motivation to get my hands dirty with rotten flesh." [text=intro_5] t=# @0merchant:@- "well... what about ten thousands coins. if you bring a piece of the king's treasure as a proof t=you got into his tomb." # # @0you: @7"i think we have a deal!"@- [text=intro_6] t=# @0merchant:@- "we travel to dolbrad's market to do some business. meet us in the @4jolly goose tavern@- when you have t=the king's gold." # # @0you: @7"hurry up, man. i'll be there in no time! don't make me wait!" [text=intro_7] t=@0you wake up in some cellar, barely remembering what happened lately, and how you got there... # # wait a moment! t=did you bet some merchants that you will explore a graveyard filled with zombies, and bring back a gold piece from the king's tomb? doh!@- ================================================================================ TRAVEL ================================================================================ [text=dh_leave] t=@0do you really want to leave this valley and travel to the eastern forest? # # t=@4(you will leave this part of the game permanently)@- [text=to_the_forest] t=# @0you follow the path to the east. after some time you enter dark woods t=full of wild sounds and hidden menace. [text=forest_leave] t=@0do you want to leave the forest and travel to the storm mountains? # # t=@4(you will leave this part of the game permanently)@- [text=to_the_mountains] t=# @0you take a long and stony path winding in between tall and dark trees t=until you reach the icy peaks of storm mountains. a path leads you t=to the small valley known as aenor's glen.@- [text=ag_leave] t=@0do you want to leave aenor's glen and go down to the plains? # # t=@4(you will leave this part of the game permanently)@- ## LEAVING AENOR'S GLEN ## [text=leaving_ag1] t=# @0you say goodbye to the little frozen hole and take the road down to the t=plains. fortunately, you haven't met any orcs that the men in aenor's glen t=spoke of.@- [text=leaving_ag2] t=# @0it takes you a couple of days to reach the deep forests enclosing the great t=port of dolbrad from the west and south. you turn off the road t=and take a darker trail leading to a long abandoned graveyard.@- [text=leaving_ag3] t=# @0this forgotten piece of land gives you creeps. ancient trees grow to the t=sky here, and it's hard to even guess if it's night or day. finally you find t=walls of the ruined cemetery.@- [text=leaving_ag4] t=# @0the front gate is locked tightly. you lean a dead tree against the wall t=and leap in. hopefully you will find some way out later...@- ## TO THE CITY ## [text=cloister_leave1] t=@0this is some kind of secret tunnel. # # hmm... you are probably not going anywhere through t=the cave-in, and the mad monks are already taking it to pieces from the other side. t=this looks like the only way out of here. will you go? # # t=@4(you will leave this part of the game permanently)@- [text=cloister_leave2] t=# @0you climb down with the sound of falling walls behind you. you enter a waste maze of corridors t=of unknown purpose, and stray there for a day or two until you finally come upon t=a way up. and suddenly you appear on the streets of the royal port dolbrad! [text=cloister_leave3] t=# @0you enjoy the fresh, salty air for only just a moment. you find posters all t=around the city - describing you as a murderer of the archbishop's brother! t=so the lunatic cultist in the ruined cloister was the brother of the holiest man t=in the country?! [text=cloister_leave4] t=# @0the problem is, as a wanted outlaw, you have no chance to pass the guards t=at the city gate. you are imprisoned in its walls now!@- ================================================================================ LEVEL TEXTS ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUNGHILL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t.b_rest_100=@0rest (@4100 coins@0)@- t.b_rest_200=@0rest (@4200 coins@0)@- t.b_rest_500=@0rest (@4500 coins@0)@- [text=dh_well1] t=@0toss a coin?@- [text=dh_well2] t=@0you don't have a coin.@- [text=dh_well3] t=@0glug!@- [text=dh_well4] t=@0hey! you probably won't kill the big bad guy and win the beauty queen's t=heart, if you throw all your gold into the first well you see.@- [text=dh_rake1] t= @0*swak!*@- # # t= ouch! you've found a @4rake in grass@-! [text=dh_jng] t=@4jets'n'guns@- # # t=a heavy piece of ground shaking rock blasting action dressed in full t=metal jacket colored to kill in graphics that will blow your eyes out! t=# # t=@0what the hell is this doing here...@- [text=dh_no_apple] t=@0no more apples!@- [text=dh_sign_townhall] t=@4town hall@- # # t=(do not disturb during late night hours!) [text=dh_sign_direction1] t=@4rathole inn @-- north # t=@4townhall @-- east # t=@4myron's hardware @-- south # t=@4alchemistic chandlery @-- west [text=dh_sign_direction2] t=@4dunghill @-- west # t=@4nimlor @-- east [text=dh_sign_smith] t=@7myron's hardware@- # # t=weapons and armors for everyday adventurers [text=dh_sign_general] t=@4general merchandise@- [text=dh_sign_inn] t=@8rathole inn@- # # t=spicy food # strong ale # fair prices! [text=dh_sign_magic] t=@6alchemistic chandlery@- # # t=magic merchandise # t=(today's special offer: the one ring) [text=dh_no_visit_townhall] t=@0the town hall is closed now.@- [text=dh_rathole_inn] t=# "welcome to the rathole inn. How can I serve?" [text=dh_inn_rest] t=@0you rest for several hours and refresh your strengths.@- [text=dh_locked_gate] t=@0this gate is locked @4permanently@-. [text=dh_thorns1] t=@0you partially remove the wild sprouts but the thorns hurt you. while you are t=pulling, something is lured out of the woods!@- [text=dh_thorns2] t=@0you finally rip the thorns out of the ground.@- ## SMITH ## [text=dh_smith_first_hello] t=# "hello, traveler! looking for some nice armament to defend yourself on dangerous roads? you look pretty capable to me. maybe you are interested in a little work for @4200 coins@-." [text=dh_smith_work] t=# "bloody giant worm infested my little garden! here, take this key and kill the vermin. but be warned! the worm is as big as a cow! damned gigantic monster! you'd better get some skills and equipment first. Have a look at my fine smith's wares?" [text=dh_smith_in_progress] t=# "hello again! still no success with the giant worm? maybe you need some sharper steel! come inside and choose something!" [text=dh_smith_success] t=# "it's so wonderful! i can get back to my lovely flowers! thank you so much! here are your @4200 coins@-. and now how about spending some of that money on this great equipment." [text=dh_smith_after_success] t=# "hello, my friend! nice to see you again. come and choose some of my weapons." ## UKMAR ## [text=dh_ukmar_welcome] t="ukmar is big! ukmar is strong! ukmar is the greatest warrior! t=i bet my @4250 coins @-that i can crush your sorry little skull! t=you bet your 250 coins? so what? filling your pants?" [text=dh_ukmar_nomoney] t="you don't have 250 coins! get out of here, before ukmar smashes your bones!" [text=dh_ukmar_quit_question] t="don't want to fight? ukmar will keep your money! want to quit?" [text=dh_ukmar_quit] t="ha! run away and don't forget to tell everyone, ukmar is the greatest!" [text=dh_ukmar_defeated] t="oh! ukmar has enough. stranger is bigger than ukmar! take the money and go!" [text=dh_ukmar_no_more] t="no more beatings! mommy! help!" t.b_ukmar_retreat="um, where's the nearest toilet?" t.b_ukmar_fight="show your best, monkey!" t.b_ukmar_continue = @0continue fight@- t.b_ukmar_give_up = @0give up@- ## ANGRY WOMAN ## [text=dh_woman_welcome1] t="argh! you again, spoiler?! where are my missing chickens? i want all six of them back, now!" [text=dh_woman_done] t="hmmm. i see you've got my chickens. ok. i'll tell the captain that he may let you leave. don't trouble yourself coming back!" [text=dh_woman_leave_me] t="leave me alone!" ## GOSSIP YORIK ## [text = dh_gossip_yorik] t="do you know yorik from Nimlor - the village to the east? i hear he is selling t=some pretty unusual weapons for assassins, and such stuff. i wonder if it's even legal." ## CAPTAIN ## [text=dh_captain_no_pass] t="sorry, but you promised to find the missing chickens and i won't let you go t=until mathylde tells me you did what you've agreed to." [text=dh_captain_pass] t="mathylde told me you've kept your promise. you are free to leave." [text=dh_captain_proceed] t="proceed. there's nothing to see here." ## BEGGAR ## [text=dh_beggar_paid] t="thank you again, generous one." [text=dh_beggar_offer] t="spare a few coins for a poor man, will you?" [text=dh_beggar_no_money] t="you don't have 5 coins! is this some kind of joke?" [text=dh_beggar_thanks] t="thank you very much! i found this @4rusty key@- to the townhall cellars. t=there are too many ferocious rats for me, but they are no match t=for strong young heroes like you. maybe you'll find some treasure there!" t.b_beggar_no = "buzz off!" t.b_beggar_yes = "here you go" (@45 coins@-) ## HELPS ## [text=dh_help_combat1] t=@5tutorial (1/4) # # t=@0you are about to face your first combat. the combat in undercroft is turn based. t=each hero may perform one action during a turn.@- [text=dh_help_combat2] t=@5tutorial (2/4) # t=important controls: @0 # t=a - @4menu button@0. use it to save your progress. save a lot! you can also change the game's difficulty in options anytime. # t=b - @4inventory@0. # t=c - @4end turn button@0. [text=dh_help_combat3] t=@5tutorial (3/4) # t=important controls: @0 # t=d - @4skill button@0. shows an active skill of the selected hero. @1hold the button down@0 to change the active skill. # t=e - @4attack button@0. shows a currently held weapon of the selected hero. tap it to strike with the weapon. [text=dh_help_combat4] t=@5tutorial (4/4) # # t=@0this was just basic info. you can find a detailed manual for the game, if you tap t=a @4help button@0 in the game's main menu. [text=dh_help_map1] t=@5tutorial@- # # t=@0use a @4minimap@0 in the upper right corner to navigate around the levels. tap it to open a @4detailed map@0 of the area. t=you can drag the detailed map around. the buttons in the map are @4close the map@-, @4focus on party@0 and @4legend on/off@0. [text=dh_help_pick1] t=@5tutorial@- # t=@4tap@0 on the ground in front of you to take or drop items. t=@4tap and hold@0 on the ground to take all items immediately. t=here you can see a tankard and a bread. take them and then tap on the rail to the west.@- [text=dh_help_rail1] t=@0you should call someone to find out where you are. Try to use the t=@4tankard@0 on the rail. that should make some noise. # # t=whenever there's a possibility to use an item on an object, you will get a list of your t=items. tap an item to select it and see its description. tap it again to use it.@- [text=dh_help_rail2] t=@4ra-ta-ta-ta@- # t=@0you rumble on the rail for a while until the bartender from the @4rathole inn@0 came in. t=he explains that you drank too much last night. then you attacked chickens of some t=peasant woman screaming "die, damn orc!". fortunately you weren't in any condition t=to do much harm, but you had to be locked up. the local folks haven't decided t=your punishment yet.@- t.b_dh_rail="can i undo my fault somehow?" [text=dh_help_rail3] t="hmmm. you haven't caused much damage, but @4mathylde@- still can't find six of t=her chickens. they've run into every hole in town. i'll let you go, if you t=promise to find and return them. ok?" [text=dh_help_rail4] t="i'll explain our deal to mathylde and the town's guard." [text=dh_help_garbage] t=@5tutorial@0 # examine garbage heaps, barrels and other objects. you can find useful items in them. [text=dh_help_level_1] t=@5tutorial (1/3)@0 # t=you just leveled up for the first time! for every level your hero gets 2 free points. you can use them to upgrade @4skills@0 t=or the basic physical attributes: @4strength@0, @4dexterity@0 and @4constitution@0. [text=dh_help_level_2] t=@5tutorial (2/3)@0 # t=- @4strength@0 raises melee damage and health. # t=- @4dexterity@0 raises ranged damage and defence. # t=- @4constitution@0 raises stamina and resistances. # t=- @4skills@0 offer powerful attacks and magic. # t=choose wisely and stick with your specialty. know-it-all characters are weak and die soon! [text=dh_help_1] t=@5tutorial (3/3)@0 # t=your adventure begins in this small town. tap on doors or move toward them t=to enter places. tap on people to interact with them. equip your heroes in shops t=and train them in combat with enemies you encounter. good luck! [text=dh_help_leaving] t=@5a hint@0 # t=leaving the town? buy some bread and cheese at @4rathole inn@0 to restore lost health and stamina. t=your party doesn't sleep in this game, so make sure you have enough food and potions to keep your heroes running. [text=dh_help_demon] t=@5a hint@0 # t=you are about to encounter a @1fire demon@0 behind this passage. fire demons are very resistant to physical t=damage and are immune to fire. make sure you have some cold spells or a weapon with cold damage. [text=dh_help_garden] t=@5a hint@0 # you can find some valuable items in this garden. try to find t=healing herbs, apples, and mushrooms. watch their effect when you consume them. ## granddaughter ## [text=dh_niece1] t="hello, traveler. are you heading east? would you please visit my old auntie t=and present her my best regards for me? please just tell her i want her to t=move here and live with me. it's so dangerous to be all alone in the forest." [text=dh_niece2] t="hello. have you met my auntie?" [text=dh_niece3] t="hello again. thanks for your help. you're really the best." [text=dh_auntie1] t=@0an old woman went out as you approached the cottage...@- [text=dh_auntie2] t="oh! thanks to all saints that someone has come. those terrible spiders were t=creeping around my house for days! i couldn't go out at all." [text=dh_auntie3] t="maybe i'm really too old to live alone in the woods. i ought to move to town t=with my niece. Please, take these things as a small reward for your bravery." [text=dh_auntie_empty] t=@0the cottage is empty.@- ## hunter ## [text=dh_hunter1] t="hey, there! i see you've come from dunghill. have you seen my dog? t=i lost him on a hunt two days ago when a bear attacked us. i'm still not well, t=so i can't go to the woods to look for him. will you help?" [text=dh_hunter2] t="great! take this meat dipped in animal blood. the dog can't resist its smell. t=i lost him near the entrance to the ancient tomb to the north. just walk nearby t=with the meat and let the dog's hunger do the rest. and don't enter the tomb! t=it's very dangerous. people have disappeared there before." [text=dh_hunter3] t="still no luck with the dog? damn. where will i find such a good hunter and friend?" [text=dh_hunter4] t="wow! you've found him! this is fabulous! take this crossbow of mine. it's t=a very good weapon and i hope it will serve you well." [text=dh_dog1] t=@0suddenly a snarling dog jumped out of a bush!@- [text=dh_dog2] t=@0you beat the dog until it lost it's will to attack. you then manage to catch it.@- ## brother ## [text=dh_brother1] t="ah! thank faruk, you are not undead! i'm looking for my stupid brother who entered t=this ancient tomb. he thought he could find some treasures in there, but he hasn't t=come back yet. i tried to look for him, but some terrible bone ghosts attacked me. t=i got no guts to go in there again! Oh! what has happened to my brother?" [text=dh_brother2] t="aaaa! don't kill me! wait! you are not a ghost skeleton! oh, lucky me! i thought t=i'd rot in here forever. i hope you've cleared the way out, so i actually have a chance t=to run out before those monsters infest the place again. here, take this @4key@- . t=maybe it leads to some treasure. you can keep it. i don't want it anymore!" [text=dh_merchant1] t="hello, adventurer! i need a strong experienced traveller just like you. t=i have a letter here that has to be delivered to my partner in @4dolbrad@- - t=a great city to the east from here. my partner will pay you @41000 coins@- on t=delivery. are you interested?" [text=dh_yorik] t="hi, man! interested in some good wares for heroes who are not afraid t=to risk a little to get a treasure or two?" [text=dh_woman_fire1] t="oh! have you seen the cave to the south from here? people say that a t=fire breathing demon lives there and kills anyone who enters the cave." [text=dh_woman_fire2] t=woman: "oh! have you seen the cave to the south from here? people say that a t=fire breathing demon lives there and kills anyone who enters the cave." # t=you: @7"i already finished the demon."@- # t=woman: "wow! you truly are a brave hero!" ## watch 2 ## [text=dh_w1] t="do you want to pass, citizen? because of a tightened security policy i t=cannot allow defenseless civilians to enter the dark woods. only approved t=adventurers with sufficient killing standards and protected merchants can pass. t=in which category do you belong?" t.b_w1="adventurer" t.b_w2="merchant" [text=dh_w2] t="anyone could say that. all i know is that you collected a couple of chickens. t=not a very heroic deed in my eyes. do you have any proof of your skill and experience?" [text=dh_w3] t="ok. then you'll need an armed escort. we can provide one for you for @4100.000 coins@-." [text=dh_w4] t="well, well,... not exactly what i expected, but it will suffice. ok. t=i'll open the gate for you." [text=dh_w5] t="and this is supposed to be what? go home, citizen, and don't waste my time. t=i've got important work to do." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUNGHILL - UNDERGROUND -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=dh2_levers] t=@5tutorial@- # t=@0some places can be opened by levers. you have to find two levers t=in this small cellar to move further. [text=dh_tomb_draft] t=@0you feel a weak draft from the south. there must be an open area behind the wall! t=but where's the door?@- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=forest_adventurer] t=hey, friend! passing the woods? people say they saw fire demons around. t=i heard you can't even scratch them with a common weapon! but you are very lucky! t=i have this fine @4ice cleaver@- on sale! some ice magic will cool down those fiery rascals for sure! [text=forest_monk_statue1] t=@0inscription on pedestal says:@- # # t=we serve anrak, master of the forest. honour him with milk and grain t=and he will listen to your prayers. [text=forest_monk_statue2] t=@0a quiet voice out of nowhere whispers:@- # # t="hail anrak, master of the forest" [text=forest_monk_statue3] t=@0a quiet voice out of nowhere whispers:@- # # t="hail anrak, master of the forest" # # t=@4a bush in the north has disappeared like it was mist!@- [text=forest_dir] t=@4dunghill@- - west # t=@4nimlor@- - west # t=@4aenor's glen@- - north # t=@4dolbrad@- - east [text=forest_altar] t=@0a runic inscription says:@- # # bleed on the altar and be blessed. t=@0will you sacrifice a few drops of your blood?@- [text=forest_sum1] t=# hey, guys! looking for a roof to hide under? well, i'm no charity, so t=you can rest here for @4100 coins@-. # # t=or maybe we can talk about business. i'm a summoner, so i can sell you t=some very special items. i also need some work to be done that you may find interesting. [text=forest_sum2] t=# i need this flagon to be filled with water from an underground spring. the spring is t=in a cave north from here, but it's quite hard to find the way there. best beware, t=it's overwhelmed with trolls! [text=forest_sum3] t=# hey, again! want to rest here for @4100 coins@- or trade? [text=forest_sum4] t=# oh, you got the water. perfect. take these @4500 coins@- as a reward. [text=forest_water1] t=@0Fresh and cold water.@- [text=forest_water2] t=@0you've filled the flagon with water.@- ## FAIRY ## [text=forest_fairy1] t=@0you find a very small winged female creature trapped in a web. she talks to you with a tiny voice: @- # # t=@5nooo! don't try to help me! it's a trap! if you touch the web dreadful spiders will come and kill you. run! i'm lost anyway! # # t=@0do you want to free the fairy?@- [text=forest_fairy2] t=# @0the small lady jumps out of a bush:@- # # t=@5thank you, brave one! i don't have any things useful for giant folk like you, except this gem. t=its magical power may help you. farewell. # # t=@0she disappears into the woods.@- ## SAVING REDHOOD ## [text=forest_moaning] t=@0you hear a distant scream from the south. maybe you should check it out.@- [text=forest_saving1] t=# "ah! a thousand thanks for saving my life! those beasts had t=surrounded me and i hadn't enough power to fight back. i couldn't t=have kept the shielding spell working much longer..." [text=forest_saving2] t=# "please, wait! i promised to bring these chili peppers to my grandma, t=but now i'm afraid to go deeper into the woods. will you accompany me, t=please? she needs them for steaks. she'll reward you with lots of gold t=and powerful magical items!" [text=forest_saving3] t="great! she lives in a hidden meadow. follow me this way!" [text=forest_yaga0] t=@0where, for faruk's sake, has the girl gone? and what kind of t="hidden meadow" is this blood-soaked, bone-covered graveyard?@- [text=forest_yaga1] t=# @8crone: "hello, handsome! what brings you here?" # t=@-you: "uhm. we brought you red hood's chili peppers. but red hood t=has disappeared on the way here somehow. i'm so sorry." # [text=forest_yaga2] t=# @8crone: "oh my! peppers? and the meat? did you bring the meat? ha! ha! ha! t=i need meat for the steaks! i can't make them from air, you know? @- [text=forest_yaga3] t=# you: "uhm. i wasn't told about the meat. i was only told about the peppers." # t=@8crone: "well. i think we can fix that quickly! mwahahahahahaha!" # t=# @0what?! it's a trap! the crone attacks you!@- ## WATCH ON THE ROAD ## [text=forest_watch1] t="hello, traveler. unfortunately you cannot continue your way to @4dolbrad@-. t=a river has overflowed the banks. the merchants passing through here just before t=you where the last ones able to cross the river. i must turn all others t=back for their safety." [text=forest_watch2] t="you'll have to wait until spring now, when the water level lowers. t=or, if you still want to reach dolbrad, i'd suggest to go through t=the @4storm mountains@- to the north. but that will be a hell of a roundabout." ## TEMPLE + PIT ## [text=pit_holy] t=@0you splash a handful of holy water. vapor rises and you hear a distant t=groundshaking.@- [text=pitlord1] t=# @0a terrible voice rumbles through the caves as you vaporize this last evil symbol:@- # # t=@1"who dares to burn my symbols of power with the spit of those sanctimonious dogs!?"@- [text=forest_monks1] t=# @0you enter the temple of the forest monks:@- # t="ah! thank anrak! finally some capable adventurer comes to our temple. t=we have a little problem that can be solved with strong arms and a sharp mind t=like yours. what do you say?" [text=forest_monks2] t=# "several months ago a strong quake created a pit near to our place. fierce demons t=from the underground inhabited the pit. we didn't notice that at the beginning, t=but now they creep out of their damned hole and terrorize us." [text=forest_monks3] t=# "our brothers tried to clean the hole, but they failed. we are just old monks, t=not very resistant in battle. please take this bag filled with blessed water, t=find the roots of the demonic power and sprinkle them with it . that should drive the demons out." [text=forest_monks4] t=# "brave hero! you've driven away the forces of evil and we thank you for your t=mighty deed. please accept this gold as a reward. (gained @4350 coins@-)." [text=forest_monks5] t=# "hello, adventurer. Would you like to buy some blessed items or maybe t=a healing potion or two?" [text=forest_fire] t=@0a demon talks to you as you approach the glowing rock:@- # t=@1"go away, creature of flesh! this road belongs to us now!"@- [text=gypsy1] t=@0an old gypsy rolls out of the caravan:@- # # t="hello, traveler! the weather is getting worse, isn't it? damn. my old t=coat got torn apart and i don't have any furs to make a new one. if you bring me t=furs from - let's say - six wolves, i will pay you well! but you seem like t=you want to make business at once, am i right?" [text=gypsy2] t="ah! these furs you carry are great and it's just enough for a coat for an old man. t=what do you say to @4400 coins@- for it?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AENOR'S GLEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=ag_aenor_statue] t=@4aenor the brave@- # t=heroic warrior, legendary bowman and founder of the town. [text=ag_troll_symbol] t=@0you notice some strange scratches on the rock next to you.@- [text=ag_stonehenge] t=@0the spring stone in your hand becomes hot!@- [text=ag_monk_crook0] t=@0hmmm. what a strange statue...@- [text=ag_monk_crook1] t=@0hmmm. this must be the statue the retired miner spoke of. but something is missing...@- [text=ag_monk_crook2] t=@0you try the stone crook on the statue. it fit in the monk's hand like t=a key in a keyhole, but... it vanishes immediately! and the rock to the east has moved!@- [text=ag_tavern] t=# "Welcome to our nice brasserie! What do you wish for?" ## SIGNS ## [text=ag_sign_druid] t=ogla the druid [text=ag_sign_maze] t=ogla's maze [text=ag_sign_smith] t=@7swordsman garrick@- # t=makes your blades deadly! [text=ag_sign_smith2] t=@7lothar's armory@- [text=ag_sign_inn] t=@8crossbow tavern@- # t=warm up with our brew! [text=ag_shop_archery] t=@4aenor's archery range@- # t=buy the best weapons and improve your skill at the range! [text=ag_dir] t=@0city of dolbrad@- - south east # t=@0town of dunghill@- - south west # # t=@4swordsman garrick@- - north west # t=@4crossbow tavern@- - east # t=@4aenor's archery range@- - south east # t=@4ogla the druid@- - south # ## TROLL PRISONER ## [text=aenor_tent1] t="hello, mighty adventurer! do you want to buy some of my beautiful animals? t=maybe you are interested in that strong tree troll i have outside! excellent t=and unusual specimen! they are quite spread about the woods, but sooo hard to t=catch! @4150.000 coins@-? ah it's beyond your funds. so maybe a potion or some smaller buddy?" [text=ag_troll_prisoner1] t=# @0kraak-rrak@-. "stranger! here! stranger not like other hunters here. t=have mercy with poor forest creature. help!" @0krrak@-. t="man of spell captured and want to sell." @0krakak@-. "me not his pet!" t.talk_troll1 = "i do not help fierce forest trolls" [text=ag_troll_prisoner2] t=# "me? fierce?" @0krrrok-kraak@-. "not true! not all tree people fight umans. t=me - peace full tribe. no fight. just leaving alone in deep forest." t.talk_troll2 = "maybe... what do you want me to do?" [text=ag_troll_prisoner3] t=# @0kraak-krok@-. "north prison wall made by rock with forest symbol. umans not know forest symbols. t=many symbols in mountains. forest people can pass rock with forest spell, but me chained. t=stranger takes forest spell. stranger comes through the rock and unchain." @0(gained item).@- [text=ag_free_troll] t=# @0krrrokak-rakkak@-! "stranger returned! me saved! cannot thank enough." @0krrook@-. t="here, break off my arm. strong arm, good weapon. me grow new in no time." t=@0(gained item).@- ## WOODCUTTERS ## [text=ag_wood1] t=@0you enter a small woodcutters hut@-. # # t="welcome traveler! do you want to trade? woodcutting doesn't pay much anymore since t=those damn dire wolves settled in the woods. they've killed two our men already!" t.b_woodcutters1 = "i eat wolves for breakfast" [text=ag_wood2] t="really? you must be a great hunter then. maybe you are willing to t=kill those beasts before they harm anyone else here for, let's say, @4500 coins@-?" t.b_woodcutters2 = "it's a deal" [text=ag_wood3] t="great! @4ron@- is waiting for you outside. he'll lead you through the thickest t=woods to the place where we used to cut trees, and where the wolves t=attacked us." [text=ag_wood4] t="unbelievable! you did it! we can get back to our work! here is your money, hero! # t=@0(gained @4500 coins@0).@-" [text=ag_wood_lead1] t="hello. do you want me to take you to the woods?" [text=ag_wood_lead2] t="do you want me to lead you back to the cottage?" t.b_wood_lead = "lead away!" t.b_wood_cancel = "one moment..." [text=ag_wolfcleared] t=@0the woods are cleared!@- ## AVALANCHE ## [text=ag_avalanche1] t=@0you try to dig... nah. this would take centuries.@- [text=ag_avalanche2] t=@0you try the spring stone, but nothing happens. something is missing.@- [text=ag_avalanche3] t=@0whoa! a ton of snow in front of you disappears like mist!@- ## ARCHERY RANGE ## [text=ag_promoter1] t="come closer, stranger! pay @41000 coins@- entry fee and test your skill t=on our shooting range." # # t=@0there are three targets on the range with increasing difficulty. t=if you can hit them, you will gain a large amount of experience. [text=ag_promoter1b] t=@4beware!@0 you have just one shot at each target, so you are not allowed t=to bring your own equipment with you. @1all your possession will be dropped on the ground here@0. t=also, you won't be able to cast spells on the shooting range. interested?@- # [text=UNUSED] # t=@4beware!@0 drop all your arrows here, otherwise you will lose them! # t=you have just one shot at each target, and you are not allowed to bring your # t=own arrows with you. and no spell casting! interested?@- [text=ag_promoter2] t="hello again, stranger. i hope your shooting went well." [text=ag_range_help] t=@0take the bow and the arrows in the corner and try to hit the targets. t=if the member's dexterity is high enough he/she will hit and gain t=experience.@- ## SAD ARCHER ## [text=ag_sad_archer1] t="leave me alone! i've lost my @4icebear bow@-, a priceless family treasure! t=but where?! what can i do?!" t.b_ag_show_bow=@0show the bow@- [text=ag_sad_archer2] t="oh! it can't be! is it...? it's my magical bow! how can i repay you? t=take this @4shadow jerkin@-. it's magical and helps its owner to gain t=fighting experience more quickly during battle." @0(gained shadow jerkin)@- ## EDWIN ## [text=ag_edwin1] t="i'm not going anywhere!! what? uh. sorry. i mistook you for someone else. t=my family wants me to become a druid, so i'm practicing with that old t=goat @4ogla@- , but his tasks are giving me a headache. can't you help me t=to pass one little exam? i'd share one of ogla's secrets with you for that." [text=ag_edwin2] t="great! my job is to find some stupid herbs hidden in ogla's maze. i've no t=head for his damn rebuses. bring me the herbs and i'll tell you the secret." [text=ag_edwin3] t="still nothing? keep trying. ogla's tasks are never easy stuff." [text=ag_edwin4] t="whoa! you did it. you aren't as dull as you look, adventurer. here goes t=my part: ogla uses dimensional gates to store his magical items. just t=check out notable trees or boulders or something like that around the t=village and use the magic formula @5rurn asar@-." [text=ag_edwin5] t ="thank you again, but i have some work to do now." ## OGLA ## [text=ogla1] t=# "whaaat! i'm ill! no potions today! get lost!" [text=ogla1b] t="whaaat! i'm ill! no potions today! get lost!" [text=ogla2] t=# "roland? the man went hunting with his troops, but remains stuck in the mountains. t=an avalanche fell down on the path above the village a week ago and cut off his way back. t=of course, i could melt it down with my @4spring stone@-..." [text=ogla3] t=# "...but it has to be done from the other side, where the magical stones necessary for the spell lie. t=and there's no other way to the mountains now but the old mine to the west of the village." [text=ogla4] t=# "i'm in no shape to crawl underground, you cretin! t=he has to wait until thaw. he freezes, we starve. that's the way it is. period." [text=ogla5] t=# "what?! you want to take the @4spring stone@- through the mine yourself? how brave of you! t=but if you think i'm going to give you my @4spring stone@-, then you are even t=more stupid than your red nose and prominent ears tell me. bwahahahah! t=now pack out!" t.b_roland = "where is captain roland?" [text=ag_guard1] t="sorry. no one can pass to the east. the gate is locked by @4captain roland's@- t=direct order. some orcs are moving in the eastern valley, so the gate won't t=open until the captain returns to the village." [text=ag_guard2] t="he's hunting in the mountains. he won't be back soon, not until the t=avalanche that fell on the northern path to the village disappears somehow. t=i don't know much about it. ask the druid." [text=ag_guard3] t="yes, i already got orders from captain roland and unlocked the eastern gate." [text=ag_soldier] t=@0you find several armed men in the tent@- # # t="ha! you've found a way around the avalanche? go to our captain roland!" [text=ag_empty_tent] t=@0the tent is empty@- [text=ag_roland] t=@0the sharp tall man in this tent must be the captain roland:@- # # t="hello, stranger! it's great you've managed to find a way through the cluttered pass. t=me and my men are returning to the village immediately. i'll order the watch t=to let you pass through the eastern gate. thank you for helping us." ## DRUNKEN MINER ## [text=ag_miner1] t="howdy, stranger! not seeing many tourists here lately. how about bringing t=a nice little bottle of something mordant to an old miner?" [text=ag_miner2] t="hooo. i can smell some nice orkish glop in your bag. can you spare a bottle? t=i'll tell you how to find an old hidden gold mine full of treasures (and t=trolls too, har! har!)" [text=ag_miner3] t=@0glog! glog!@- "i needed that bad! what? yes, the mine... it's west of the village. t=infested with trolls. that's why @4ogla the druid@- closed passage to it with a moving rock. t=but it can be opened. you need to find a statue of a monk in the woods t=and do something with it. i don't remember what. bad memory." @0glog! glog! glog!@- [text=ag_miner4] t="howdy, friend!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD MINES IN AENOR'S GLEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=om_sign1] t=father [text=om_sign2] t=craftsman [text=om_sign3] t=warrior [text=om_sign4] t=druid [text=om_sign5] t=founder [text=om_sign6] t=hunter [text=om_sign7] t=scout [text=om_sign8] t=bowman [text=om_sign9] t=leader [text=om_pick] t=@0you need some pick.@- [text=om_gold_reef] t=@0there's a golden reef in the rock!@- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAVEYARD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ALTAR ## [text=gy_altar] t=@0The inscription on the pedestal reads:@- # # t=@9altar of restoration@- # # t=@0how much gold will you donate?@- t.b_gy_altar1=@4100@- t.b_gy_altar2=@4200@- t.b_gy_altar3=@4300@- t.b_gy_altar4=@4400@- t.b_gy_altar6=@4600@- [text=gy_altar_refreshed] t=@0you feel refreshed.@- ## DIGGER ## [text=gy_digger_0_welcome] t=# "howdy, adventurers! come to visit an old man? you came t=to ask me how to get into the tombs, didn't you? t=like all those cute inquisitive adventurers before. har! har! har!" t.b_digger_tombs = @0more about the tombs@- t.b_digger_advs = @0more about the adventurers@- t.dig_here = dig here! [text=gy_digger_0_advs] t=# "well... bold slayers and foxy thieves come here from time to time t=to ask about the tombs to get some nice little treasure. t=too bad none gets back to the light to enjoy it. har!har!har!" [text=gy_digger_0_tomb1] t=# "heh. i like you, so i'll tell you how to get into the royal tomb t=itself! want to hear? sure you do! you need a royal seal to t=pass the spell that locks the front gate..." [text=gy_digger_0_tomb2] t=# "the seal was hidden in some other tomb, but walking dead broke it t=into four pieces and scattered it throughout the graveyard. t=stupid zombies! i've found one piece myself lately. interested?" t.b_digger_waddya = "what do you want?" [text=gy_digger_1_start] t=# "oh, don't worry. just a small job done for me. filthy rats t=have infested my cellar. take this key and rid me of the t=vermin. then we'll talk more about the seal. har! har!" [text=gy_digger_1_undone] t=# "i still hear nasty tiny claws rubbing the floor in my cellar. i need t=all of the rats to be gone." [text=gy_digger_2_start] t=# "bravo! i see you are pretty capable. heh. just one more little errand. t=i hid a bottle of wine in the @4tomb of ambrius@- to cool it. but then all those t=zombies came out of their graves, and i cannot get to the wine. what do you say?" t.b_digger_nochoice = "seems like i have no choice" [text=gy_digger_2_start2] t=# "hehe. strong and clever too. nice combination. you have a future, man! t=my wine is hidden in the first big hall of the tomb behind one of the t=illusion walls in the area. seek in the southeast corner of the tomb." [text=gy_digger_2_undone] t=# "still haven't found my wine? just keep looking. you can do it! i know it! har! har!" [text=gy_digger_3_start] t=# "oh! my lovely @4chateau de carcass@-. you're the best! now i need another job t=to be done. no arguments! you're the hero, i'm the lady in distress! har! har! har! t=that's the rule. you never played a rpg, or what? amateur." [text=gy_digger_3_start2] t=# "now... in the northeast corner of this hole i left a few coffins that need to t=be put under the ground. i've no guts to dig holes in this bloody weather, but t=a strong young hero like you loves the challenge, am i right? har! har! har!" [text=gy_digger_3_undone] t=# "already finished? i don't think so. hurry up. the sooner you do it, the sooner t=you'll have my piece of the royal seal." [text=gy_digger_3_done] t=# "wheee-ha! you dig like a pro! i really like your style! but back to business, i t=see you are in hurry, so i need you to bring me..." @0*uck* # # t=your steel fingers grasp the man's tiny neck...@- [text=gy_digger_4] t=# "c'mon! it's all just a misunderstanding! no need to be nervous! ooo kay? t=here's the seal. enjoy it!" ## OTHER ## [text=gy_mumble] t=@0you hear a distant mumbling from the north. a terrific sound evoking a choir t=buried under the ground. this would drag the dead from their graves.@- [text=grave_roland] t=here lies @4thor gumblebread@-. # # t=good husband, beloved father, t=reputable citizen. # # t=rest in peace [text=grave_iggy] t=here lies @4fat boy iggy@-. # # t=filthy mongrel, cheater and thief. # # t=may your buttocks be sticked with glowing forks for eternity. [text=cloister_gate] t=@0the cloister front gate is jammed @4permanently@-. [text=gy_no_room1] t=@8"no room! no room!"@- [text=gy_no_room2] t=@0you dig the graves and put the coffins under the ground.@- [text=no_tools_to_dig] t=@0you need @4pick@0 and @4shovel@0 to dig graves.@- [text=gy_seal1] t=@0you cannot enter the tomb. there's a stone circle with royal symbols on the t=entrance and some kind of unknown force prevents you from removing it.@- [text=gy_seal2] t=@0you place the broken parts of the seal on the circle and they fit in perfectly...@- ## zombie ## [text=gy_zombie1] t=# @0what an inhuman wailing! this zombie is not attacking you, but howling terribly:@- # # t=@8"hooooo! my necklace! hooooaaaa! bad, bad edward! took my necklace! hooooo!"@- [text=gy_zombie2] t=# @0the zombie turns its empty rotten eyes to you:@- # # t=@8"my necklace! you have it! give it to me! hoooo!"@- [text=gy_zombie3] t=# @8"i got my necklace! hoooo! i got my necklace!" # # t=@0monster starts to dig and disappears within a minute in the ground. it leaves some key behind.@- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOMBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=cata_rats] t=@0rats surge out of their holes!@- [text=cata_lever1] t=@0the lever doesn't work. you examine the mechanism and it seems like t=two gears are missing.@- [text=cata_lever2] t=@0you need one more gear to fix the lever.@- [text=cata_lever3] t=@0you've fixed the lever.@- t.goblin hole=GOBLIN'S HOLE [text=uc_goblin1] t=@8"go away! no trade with smelly humans!"@- # @0(hmmm. what about some bribe...)@- [text=uc_goblin2] t=# @0you heard some sniffing first, then a little fat goblin crawled out of the hole. t=# # @8"what's that? a bribe? ok! i think i can make an exception with you. t=come on, stinkard! show your stuff!"@- [text=lc_killer_sign] t=Watch your steps, you, # t=who aren't dead. [text=kt_sign1] t=labyrinth of krog [text=kt_sign2] t=chamber of the sun [text=kt_sign3] t=@0some strange scheme. a runic inscription written around it says:@- # # t=walk through the shadow to pass the burning sun and hail the king [text=kt_saddead1] t=@8"i'm sooo depressed. i can't rest in peace and i hate to crawl this t=dark smelly tomb. why is that terrible mumbling from that damned cloister t=keeping me alive? but you look experienced. maybe you can help me t=to finally rest in peace." # # @0the corpse attacks you...@- [text=kt_saddead2] t=@8"oh. you again? thanks for your fair effort, but you failed. t=looks like i must crawl here for eternity! ghraa! or we just have to try t=harder! thats it!" # # @0the corpse attacks you...@- [text=kt_saddead3] t=@8"hello, killing machine. unfortunately, i'm back again. as the prophet hong-dong t=says: patience brings quails' rumps in hot cranberry sauce (or something t=like that). touche!" # # @0the corpse attacks you...@- [text=kt_saddead4] t=@8"no, no, no, this is pointless. you just cannot kill me for good. t=i have to find some way to entertain myself. maybe i could try painting... t=or poetry? hmmm..." # # t=@0the dead has left.@- [text=kt2_lb_hint] t=@0there's a platform in the darkness to the east. but how to get there?@- [text=kt2_guard1] t=here lies # t=@4mentor brofus # t=@-the king's wise advisor [text=kt2_guard2] t=here lies # t=@5wizard taramin # t=@-the king's powerful mage [text=kt2_guard3] t=here lies # t=@8bard crispin # t=@-the king's favourite poet [text=kt2_guard4] t=here lies # t=@7krog the hammer # t=@-the king's greatest warlord [text=kt2_song] t=@0there's some song inscribed in the stone.@- [text=kt2_water] t=@0the light is leading our way.@- [text=kt2_p_wis] t=@0you barely recognize a relief on the pedestal with an old scholar holding a fat opened tome in his left hand.@- [text=kt2_p_hum] t=@0you barely recognize a relief on the pedestal with a monk kneeling and praying.@- [text=kt2_p_pow] t=@0you barely recognize a relief on the pedestal with a strong warrior in massive armor.@- [text=kt2_p_cou] t=@0you barely recognize a relief on the pedestal with a tiny little knight attacking a huge dragon.@- [text=kt2_guard_win] t=@0oh! the torches next to the sarcophagus got set on fire!@- [text=kt2_story0] t=@0there is a lot of text on this relief, but it's written in runes unknown to you.@- [text=kt2_story1] t=@0you manage to translate the inscription on the relief with the paper.@- [text=kt2_story2] t=@0it's some story:@- # t=a fire beast flew across a mountain to burn a great port. t=the flying serpent spread its wings and hid the sun, so deep night fell upon t=the city in the middle of the day. a terrific roar struck like a storm and then t=the city sank in fire. but brave citizens compelled the monster and rebuilt t=their home. [text=kt2_story3] t=@0there's a question down there:@- # t=listen carefully to the story # of your ancestors and rebuild # the balance. # # t=@0then there are seven stones # marked with runes of elements:@- # [text=kt2_story_fail] t=@0hmmm... nothing happens.@- [text=kt3_book1] t=# @0a very ancient book. it's called "@4power of the king@0" written by some @4brofus@0. t=there's a motto in the beginning: # # t=@-let power be your right hand # t=and humbleness your left hand # t=and wisdom your eyes # t=and courage your feet # t=always finding a way where others stray [text=kt3_book2] t=# @0a very ancient (and fat) book called "@-seven elements@0"... hmmm... small letters... almost no pictures. t=Do you want to read it? # @- [text=kt3_book2b] t=# @0It looks pretty fat. Let's rather decapitate someone. Still want to read?@- [text=kt3_book2_ch1] t=# @0it starts with an exhausting text about some cosmologic model assuming there are seven t=elements like @4water@0 and @4fire@0 and others, and that these keep the balance of the world. t=as for your theory, there is a @4head@0 and there is an @4axe@0. t=the @4axe@0 falls upon the @4head@0 and voila! you got the final balance!@- [text=kt3_book2_ch2] t=# @0some more babbling about the elements and their use in magic. after some time t=you finally put together the whole list. the seven elements according to this book are: # t=@4dragon@0, @4thunder@0, @4nature@0, @4darkness@0, @4rock@0, @4water@0 and @4fire@0. t=and where the hell is @4beer@0?@- [text=kt3_book2_ch3] t=# @0now the author is obsessed with linking everything to runes. t=wow, a rune for a dog! and is this...? oops! a ha! here are t=runes for the seven elements: t=@4dragon@0 is @-ur@0, @4thunder@0 is @-tor@0, @4nature@0 is @-nis@0, @4darkness@0 is @-zef@0, t=@4rock@0 is @-parth@0, @4water@0 is @-oghal@0 and @4fire@0 is @-fom@0.@- [text=kt3_book2_ch4] t=# @0this part is full of strange symbols. ah, yes - here is some sort of complete t=runic alphabet. this can come handy, what do you think? (rrrrrrrip)@- [text=kt3_sing1] t=satisfy the four guardians before you enter the royal chamber. [text=kt3_sing2] t=@4king borgias the iv. @- # t=842-895 [text=kt3_king1] t=@8"go and banish the evil out of the ruined cloister! then i'll remove my curse!"@- [text=kt3_king2] t=# @0suddenly a voice like thunder raging deeply under the ground filled the crypt:@- # t=@8"@4be cursed, @8wretched thieves, who dare to intrude the place of the king's t=eternal rest! die in pain! graaaa...!"@- [text=kt3_king3] t=# you: "no! no! no! this is a misunderstanding! we're not thieves! we're here to... t=er... to help! yes! the soul of your mentor visited us in our dreams and t=told us about the walking corpses here..." [text=kt3_king4] t=# @8"could be or could be not! it is true that no soul can rest here t=since an evil cult occupied the ruins to the north. their t=rituals are dragging the dead from their graves, insane and bloodthirsty. t=so, you are a loyal vassal then..."@- t.b_king1 = "yesyesyes, your majesty" [text=kt3_king5] t=# @8"then i order you! go to the ruins and destroy the cult!"@- # t=you: "well... that is our intention, your majesty. just remove the curse you've t=imposed on us, and we will be on the way at once!"@- [text=kt3_king6] t=# @8"of course you will go at once! you will stop the evil and @4then@8 i'll t=remove the curse. fail me and you'll be doomed forever!"@- [text=kt3_king7] t=# @8"the way to the ruined cloister has been sealed for centuries, but i'll open another one t=for you. just go to the @4archer's statue@8 north from the entrance of my tomb."@- [text=kt3_king_gold] t=# @8"you don't want to leave this tomb with my gold, do you!"@- [text=gy_king1] t=@8"there is an old tunnel leading inside the cloister's walls. the t=entrance was buried a long time ago, but i will open another one for you. t=# # now step aside!"@- # [text=gy_king2] t=@8"beware! the pit goes deep and @4once you jump in, there will be no coming back@8 the same way! t=over the years the place have been infested with a horde of very poisoneous spiders! t=be sure you gather all the resources you could possibly need, before you proceed!"@- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOISTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t.bigben12 = 12 bangs. you just struck noon. t.bigben13 = you already struck noon. no more strikes are necessary. t.spider_take=Look! A small spider that does not attack you. Maybe it's magical. [text=zombie_attack] t=@0corpses dig out of the ground and surround you!@- [text=spider_attack] t=@0spiders surge out of their holes!@- [text=spider_text] t=@0strange! this small spider # is not attacking you.@- [text=cloister_prior] t=PRIOR'S CELL [text=cloister_library] t=library [text=cloister_libwraith] t=@0the ghost looks through you blankly:@- # # t="no one shall enter the library until the noon!" # # t=@0noon? it's evening already! the spectre seems to be seriously disorientated.@- [text=cloister_bell] t=@0no sound. the clapper is missing.@- ## HANGMAN ## t.hangman=HANGMAN [text=hangman_wait] t=@0a voice from above you hisses on you:@- # t="hey! i'm here! wait!" [text=hangman1] t="hey, man! you don't look like those @4hoods@- moving around here lately, and you don't look dead either. who are you?" t.b_hangman1a="what @4hoods@-?" t.b_hangman1b="my name is nobody" t.b_hangman1c="i'm an almighty and invincible warrior!" [text=hangman_a] t="a lot of clowns of some sect were browsing around the place several last t=nights. i know nothing about them. sorry. but i have other useful t=information. will you help me to get it?" [text=hangman_b] t="then i hope you haven't come to hang me higher! hahaha! look, can you do t=me a favour?" [text=hangman_c] t="that's great! i hope you are willing to help peaceful people during t=your quest..." t.b_hangman3="me? helping a @4zombie@-?" [text=hangman2] t="hey, watch your tongue with that z-word! we dead prefer limbo-returnees t=if you don't want some rotten bro to kick your living ass really hard!" t.b_hangman4="ok. no offence. what do you need?" [text=hangman3] t="there's a fat undead around here, who comes time to time and t=chews on my feet. it's terribly annoying. make him stop and i'll tell t=you how to get in @4bell tower@-. this could help you with your quest." [text=hangman_unfinished] t="hello, again. you haven't met the fat bastard yet? just keep looking." [text=hangman_finished] t="super! finally i can hang still. now the info for you: i was a clerk here t=before i accidently ended up on a branch. i know the prior t=was hiding keys behind a big @4red book@- in a bookshelf in his cell. the t=tower key should be there." [text=hangman_bored] t = "hey! i'm bored, hanging like this all the time. but i have some gold with me... i'll buy anything of t = your stuff to play with, what do you say?" [text=found_tower_key] t=@0you find a key behind the book!@- ## LIBRARY ## [text=lib1] t=the forest precedes the sea, but it does not precede the dragons. [text=lib2] t=@0you hear a sound of a moving stone.@- [text=lib_book_crypt] t=@0you read the book. it's all about secrets of this cloister. # # t=ha! you found a way to the crypt under the temple. you have to t=find one special statue there - it has a prominence, which can be pressed t=and so turns the statue. you should turn it @4south@-. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOISTER UNDERGROUND -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=cudg1_rituals] t=@0you hear recitation of some ominous mantra in a chorus of many voices under your feet. t=words of an unknown language are echoing in the corridors making you pretty nervous. t=it looks like deeper under the ground must be someone you probably don't want to meet. t=but the king's curse was of a kind you can't just ignore, so you have to move on.@- [text=cudg1_warning] t=@0someone shouts from the nearby cell:@- # # t="hey! who's there! what's the password?" [text=cudg1_attack] t="alarm! an intruder! alarm!" [text=cudg1_traitor1] t="hey! you don't belong to our cult! who are you! answer now, or i will call my brothers!" t.b_cudg1_traitor1 = "uhm... well... er..." [text=cudg1_traitor2] t="a-ha! sneaky little thieves and spies crawling around here. i should call t=other members right now and then we could torture you until you pray for death. t=but maybe i have another use for your talents..." [text=cudg1_traitor3] t="honestly. i'm no fanatic member of the cult like the others. i just want t=to learn some magic skills. but i'm too fresh to get that cool @4viper staff@- t=senior worshipers use. i want one! they are awesome!" [text=cudg1_traitor4] t="viper staves are stored on the lower level. bring one to me and i'll t=tell you how to enter a secret storage to the west. and of course i won't expose you. t=meanwhile maybe we can exchange some items." [text=cudg1_traitor5] t="still haven't got my viper staff? ok, let's trade, if you want to." [text=cudg1_traitor6] t="aaaah! you brought my staff! it's beautiful! i have the power! you want to t=know the way to the secret storage? ok. all i know is to move one of the torches t=in the western chamber. i don't know which one! just try all of them..." [text=cudg1_traitor7] t="i'm strooong! i control the mighty viper staff!" @0(his expression turns t=even more lunatic)@- "you do not belong here! you spy on us! you t=have to die! other members will gratify my courage! perish!" @0(the totally t=insane man attacks you)@- ## UDG2 ## [text=cudg_trap1] t=@0oops! a hole opens under your feet and you fall down into some cell. t=...apparently a trap for unwelcome visitors.@- [text=cudg_trap2] t=@0click! you notice movement in the mechanism of the trap above your t=head. maybe you've managed to disable the trapdoor. too bad you already t=fell through.@- [text=cudg_trap3] t=@0phh! trap is really disabled. it wouldn't be nice to fall down again.@- [text=cudg2_trapdoor] t=@0main door of the cell has opened.@- [text=cudg2_armory] t=armory [text=cudg_gotcha1] t=@0damn! you brought monks' attention to you and now they surprise you.@- [text=cudg_gotcha2] t=@0the monks drag you through the halls for quite a while. then they throw you t=into this smelly cell. evidence around shows that some serious interrogation t=will be going on here soon.@- [text=cudg_gotcha3] t=@0and here is the man! if you have some skullcrushing tricks in the pocket, now's the time!@- [text=cudg_call_for_help] t=@0you hear a weak voice calling for help from the north. it comes from behind t=a massive stone wall.@- [text=cudg_thank_you1] t="oh! thanks for saving my life!" [text=cudg_thank_you2] t="you saved us! i can't thank you enough! these obscured fanatics were going t=to sacrifice us during their wretched rituals! we've been locked here for weeks t=and they are taking us one by one! it's terrible. they took one girl just a t=while ago. surely they are going to do something gruesome! stop them, if t=you can!" [text=cudg3_note1] t=@0the choir is very strong here! this must be the sanctuary, where the t=rituals take place!@- [text=cudg3_note2] t=@0for faruk's sake! all these monks are in trance so deeply they don't t=pay any attention to you.@- [text=cudg3_vision1] t=# @0suddenly an image forms in your head:@- # # t=@8"be strong, warrior! your king is with you!"@- [text=cudg3_vision2] t=# @0the image vanishes as fast as it appeared.@- [text=priest1] t=# @0you enter a dark sanctuary and watch an evil ritual performed t=by some lunatic with a large loathsome staff. A big red circle of strange t=symbols begin to glow behind him as he declaims a formula. the monks t=around are totally out. no one notices your presence.@- [text=priest2] t=# @0You slowly start to get the point of the show. The circle is a gate to t=a nether world and the priest is calling some horned bastard! this is t=what the cult was preparing here for weeks and what makes the dead crawl t=out of their graves!@- [text=priest3] t=# @0The mad man points the staff to a young terrified woman lying at his feet.@- # # t="dark lord, i call you! drink the blood of this sacrifice, ascend to this world t=and remit to the master of the chaos crook! I'm calling your power to serve t=me, king of demons!" [text=priest4] t=# @0the priest raises his staff to strike the deadly blow, but is stopped at t=the last moment by your swift intervention!...@- t.b_wait_a_sec="...heeey... what is going on here!" [text=priest5] t=# @0all monks in trance wake up and turn to you. their faces promise nothing t=but pain. everyone gazes in silence for a moment until their master t=speaks...@- [text=priest6] t=# "who are you! you disturb the unholy ritual of oghl-khazar and you will pay t=for that! capture them, brethren! the dark lord will eat their bowels!" [text=priest7] t=# @0monks surround you and you hear dozens of others running here from the south! t=you are overwhelmed! but at the moment you almost give up to your fate, the voice t=of the undead king echoes in the hall shaking the ground.@- [text=priest8] t=# @0a strong earthquake collapses the south corridor and kills many cultists while t=cutting the way for the re-enforcement. the rest is up to you...@- [text=priest_end1] t=# @0the deadly wounded priest crawls back to the altar:@- t="aaaaarrrggh! this can't be! i'm calling the power of the chaos crook! die!" # t=@0the priest smites you terribly. your blood spurts around the place and you feel t=how agony veils your senses quickly...@- [text=priest_end2] t=# @0...but a few of your blood drops fall down on the place where the woman sacrifice lay t=before, and quickly soaks into the stone floor. then a strong flash knocks you t=out for a few moments.@- [text=priest_end3] t=# @0you wake up and see a ten feet tall monster standing on the place t=where the priest was before! the walls around the place are t=covered with flesh and blood. you take your weapons with all the strength t=you have left. # @7"now you'll go back to where you came from, demon!"@- [text=priest_end4] t=# @0strikingly, the monster answers:@- # t=@1"i have no intention to do so. nether world is not a very amusing place, you know. t=all the red everywhere and double shifts with torturing sinners. and the big boss t=has a terrible sense of humour."@- [text=priest_end5] t=# @1"i'd rather explore this world. i'm here just a few moments and already t=several interesting things have happened. hmmm."@- # t=@0the demon inquisitively examines the remains of the priest shredded by his entry.@- [text=priest_end6] t=# @1"and by the way, i think you will have a serious problem with someone else t=soon."@- # t=@0he points to the cave-in. the sound of moving rocks and many angry voices t=is coming through the stones from the other side. suddenly the demon disappears.@- [text=priest_end7] t=# @0the king's wraith shows up himself once again:@- # t=@8"aaah! silence, at last! i can finally rest in piece. you are free of my curse, vassal. t=now go. there is another hidden exit behind the eastern wall. i will collapse t=this place of evil behind you, so no one will follow you!"@- [text=priest_end8] t=...so why, for anrak's fat green bottom, didn't you do it in the first place, t=before you dipped us in this mess... [text=udg_crook] t=@0forget it. this artifact is far beyond your power. you better find a way t=out before those maniacal monks poke through the cave-in and toast you alive.@- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t.street_attack = "money or life!" [text=city_gate] t=@0this bridge leads to the city gate. you cannot go there. the guards will recognize t=you and arrest you immediately. you have to find another way to leave the t=city.@- ## signs ## [text=city_transport1] t=@4magical transport@- # # t=city park [text=city_transport2] t=@4magical transport@- # # t=small square [text=city_transport3] t=@4magical transport@- # # t=the port [text=city_transport4] t=@4magical transport@- # # t=poors' quarter [text=city_trans1] t=@0you find a small inscription on the plate below your feet, and four buttons:@- # # t=@9- dolbrad's magical transport - @-# t=please, choose your destination: # t=@41 - city park # t=2 - small square # t=3 - the port # t=4 - poors' quarter@- # t.b_trans1=@01@- t.b_trans2=@02@- t.b_trans3=@03@- t.b_trans4=@04@- [text=city_zoo_sign1] t=arachnida magnus [text=city_zoo_sign2] t=gigas gelidus [text=city_zoo_sign3] t=canis lupus [text=city_zoo_sign4] t=vescor cadaverum [text=city_zoo_sign5] t=rattus apocalypticus [text=city_arena] t=@4thunderdome@- # # t=the greatest gladiators of the kingdom! [text=city_park] t=@4city park@- [text=city_temple] t=@4temple of faruk@- # # t=healing and meditations for those who search for enlightenment # t=(and have the cash) [text=city_market] t=@4city market place@- [text=city_dir1] t=@4jolly goose tavern@- - north # t=@4king's port@- - northeast # t=@4temple of faruk@- - east # t=@4city watch@- - east # t=@4archery guild@- - east # t=@4world of wonders@- - east # t=@4zefran's magic menagerie@- - east # t=@4mad dwarf pub@- - southeast # t=@4duncan's axes@- - south # t=@4shadow alley@- - south # t=@4hermit's eden@- - west # t=@4city park@- - west # t=@4city zoo@- - northwest [text=city_dir2] t=@4braggard's smithing@- - north # t=@4jolly goose tavern@- - north # t=@4temple of faruk@- - northeast # t=@4city watch@- - northeast # t=@4zefran's magic menagerie@- - east # t=@4mad dwarf pub@- - east # t=@4shadow alley@- - south [text=city_dir3] t=@4city zoo@- - north # t=@4jolly goose tavern@- - northeast # t=@4braggard's smithing@- - east # t=@4temple of faruk@- - east # t=@4hermit's eden@- - south [text=city_dir4] t=@4jolly goose tavern@- - nort # t=@4temple of faruk@- - southeast # t=@4world of wonders@- - southeast # t=@4archery guild@- - southeast # t=@4mad dwarf pub@- - southeast # t=@4braggard's smithing@- - south # t=@4hermit's eden@- - southwest # t=@4city zoo@- - north [text=city_sign_braggard] t=@4braggard's smithing@- # # the finest weapons in the region! [text=city_sign_duncan] t=@4duncan's axes@- # # 100% deadly. life time guarantee. [text=city_sign_hermit] t=@4hermit's eden@- # # the best staves! far east import! [text=city_sign_wow] t=@4world of wonders@- # # the largest supply of magical wares. [text=city_sign_archery] t=@4archery guild@- # # arrows. bows. crossbows. [text=city_sign_shadow] t=@4shadow alley@- # # special weapons for ambitious professionals. [text=city_sign_zefran] t=@4zefran's magic menagerie@- # # lovely pets for distinguished wizards [text=city_sign_maddwarf] t=@4mad darf@- # # strong ale, spicy pork! [text=city_sign_goose] t=@4jolly goose@- # # eat and drink, burp and sing! [text=city_manhole] t=you need the @4manhole key@- to open the hatch. [text=city_wanted] t=@0this poster describes you as the murderer of the archbishop's brother and t=a wanted outlaw. the reward on your head corresponds to the weight of the crime, t=as will the punishment no doubt.@- ## goose ## [text=ct_goose1] t=# this is the tavern where you shall meet with the merchants you've bet with. [text=ct_goose2] t=# @0you find the merchants and tell them about your adventures. the men stare at t=you with open mouths for quite a long while, but then they decide to help you. [text=ct_goose2b] t=# @0there's a secret smuggler's pub in a nearby alley, southwest from here. t=maybe they could help you to get out of the city. you need to use a password "ropedancer" to get access to the pub.@- [text=ct_goose3] t=# @0you have no gold from the king's treasure, but the merchants don't care. t=you give them a story they will not forget for a long time, so they are willing to forget the bet. t.b_goose=@0find merchants@- [text=ct_goose4] t=# @0you are in a tavern. you can rest or buy food.@- ## smugglers## [text=ct_smugglers1] t=@0an eyehole opens and a sharp voice roars:@- @4"what do you want?!"@- # t.b_smugglers="ropedancer" [text=ct_smugglers2] t=# @4"o kay! come in!"@- [text=ct_smugglers3] t=# @0the man lets you in the hidden pub in the cellar. he takes you to the boss t=and you explain your problem to him. he says he can help, but then he asks t=@4500.000 coins@0. when he sees your face he hurries on with a second option. are you t=willing to work it off?@- [text=ct_smugglers_task1] t=# "your first task is to go around five places in the town and collect t=a @4protection fee@-. i've marked the places on your map with red @1x@-. t=here, take this ring, that proves you are a gang messenger." [text=ct_smugglers_task1_no] t="you don't have all the money. keep working!" [text=ct_smugglers_task2a] t=@0you bring the ransom money to the leader. # # t=# "great job. now the second task: illegal matches of the gangs take place t=in the city sewer. but our fighting team suddenly fell ill with... er... cut throats. t=there's no time to find a new team. you'll have to do." [text=ct_smugglers_task2b] t=# "find and eliminate the teams of @4assassins@- and @4lizardmen@-. all teams have t=a ring just like yours. the winning team must collect all three rings. # # t=my men report that the assassins' team is located on the east and the t=lizardmen are somewhere near the southwest corner of the sewers." [text=ct_smugglers_task2_no] t="the task is not finished. we need all three rings!" [text=ct_smugglers_task3] t=# "good fight! now the third task: in a house in front of @4duncan's axes@- a new gang has settled in. we don't t=need such competition here now. solve the problem." [text=ct_smugglers_task3_no] t="you have to kill the boss of the other gang, moron! keep working!" [text=ct_smugglers_task4] t=# "well done! now the last task for you: we bought an abandoned house in the southwest corner of the city. t=it'll be an excellent warehouse, but there's some unwanted supernatural activity. t=clean the place." [text=ct_smugglers_task4_no] t="i got a message that the house is still not clean. we don't need no undead t=bozos in our storage. keep working!" ## ransom ## [text=door_ransom1] t=# @0a constricted voice hisses at you@-: "what do you want?" # t=@0you show the smuggler's ring and say you want the money. the voice answers:@- t="ok. here you go." [text=door_ransom2] t=# "choke to death with the bloody money!", @0screams the man and pulls some t=lever before he shuts the door. you hear the sound of moving rails. [text=door_warehouse1] t=# @0a constricted voice hisses at you@-: "what do you want?" # t=@0you show the smuggler's ring and say you want the money. the voice answers:@- # t="ah, yes. come in. the boss has the money ready for you." [text=door_warehouse2] t=@0you enter the warehouse, but it's full of thugs! their leader shouts:@- # t="we are going to teach you a lesson, knave. this place is now under our protection!" [text=door_hoh] t=# @0you rip the webs and open the door with care. a sepulchral silence t=welcomes you as you enter the dark lobby of the house.@- ## sewage worker ## [text=ct_sewage1] t=@-"bloody hell! i keep the city sewer clean, but lately a group of ghouls appeared down there. t=oh! you look like a mighty warrior. couldn't you help me with those monsters?" [text=ct_sewage2] t="shiny! i have been watching them from a distance for a while. i'm pretty sure t=there must be ten of the cursed creatures. take this @4manhole key@- to get in the sewers. t=kill all of the ghouls and come back for a reward." [text=ct_sewage3] t="hmm, you still haven't kill all the ghouls." [text=ct_sewage4] t="you did it! now i can finish my job, and maybe the mayor won't put me in clog t=for being late with it. you deserve a reward! look, i found this @4pretty helm@- t=in the sewers some time ago. it's of no use to me, but it may come handy to a rough t=adventurer like you." [text=ct_door_barricade] t=@0this door is barricaded from the other side!@- [text=ct_door_barricade2] t=this won't help you to open the door. [text=ct_explosion] t=# @0you put the keg to the door, light the fuse and run away... # # t=@4boom!@- # # t=@0when you came back, the door is gone. ## gang ## [text=gang_locked_door] t=@0this is the outside door and it's locked @4permanently@0.@- [text=gang_locked_door2] t=@0you probably don't want to enter the house of the competitive gang through t=the front door. try something less spectacular.@- [text=gang_end1] t= # you enter the room and encounter a big surprise - this is the demon you have already met! t=you draw your weapons, ready to fight 'til the last breath, but the red giant refuses the confrontation again. [text=gang_end2] t=# @1"har!har!har! i see our paths cross once again. looks like not t=much of my gang is left, but don't worry. i don't take it personally."@- [text=gang_end3] t=# @1"you really must please my old big boss by sending all those sinners down to him! t=enjoy the victory for now but be careful. loyalty is not a forte of your new employer."@- # # t=@0then the demon disappears.@- [text=gang_sign_office] t= _- Office -_ ## saving boy ## [text=ct_saved_boy1] t=@0as soon as you approach the tree a small boy clambers down and disappears t=like the wind.@- [text=ct_saved_boy2] t="please! help! my boy has disappeared!" [text=ct_saved_boy3] t="my boy still hasn't come back! help me! i've no idea where he could be, t=but there's a tree nearby the city zoo, where he has a secret hideout. t=maybe you will find a clue there!" [text=ct_saved_boy4] t="i've no idea where he could be, but there's a tree nearby the city zoo, t=where he has a secret hideout. maybe you will find a clue there!" [text=ct_saved_boy5] t="oh! thanks with all of my heart! i could not live if something happened to my boy." ## apple merchant ## [text=ct_apple1] t="do you want apples? of course you do. no one comes here to give me a task t=of utmost urgency to save the kingdom. after all i'm an apple merchant, t=not a bold adventurer, like you. i want to be a hero!" # t.b_apple1="so become one" [text=ct_apple2] t="just like that? it's impossible! i've no support! i've no equipment! t=if only i had a big sharp sword or axe - like the one of @4rimbrock@-. he's t=stolen a really great axe. i've seen it. but i'll never get a weapon like that." # t.b_apple2="where is that rimbrock?" [text=ct_apple3] t="you want to see it yourself, don't you? rimbrock spends most of the time t=in the @4mad dwarf@- pub. it's on the east side of the city." t.b_apple3="look, an axe for you!" [text=ct_apple4] t="what? are you serious? holy parrot! sorry! no more apples! i have to t= kill some dragons and so! bye!" # # t=@0the chump takes his handcart and the axe and quickly leaves.@- ## sewers ## [text=empty_tank] t=@0you hear the distant growling of a great mass of water moving behind the wall to the west.@- [text=sewer_drown] t=@0you pull the lever and hear the terrible roar of water for a moment. t=then the stinky wave of city sewage gorges you and drowns you to death.@- [text=sewer_scheme] t=@0you study the scheme. it's a crude map of the sewers with three points t=marked by pale stones. the points are numbered - left is first, right is second t=and third is in the middle.@- [text=sewer_tank] t=main tank [text=sewer_tank_lever] t=@4Main tank control@- t=# # @1! Warning !@- t=# Manipulation allowed only by authorized personnel ## merchant ## [text=city_merchant1] t="sorry. i do wholesale transactions only." [text=city_merchant2] t="oh, yes! this is a letter from my partner! thank you very much for your effort. t=here is your reward - @41000 coins@- ." t.b_city_merchant=@0show letter@- ## alchemist ## [text=ct_alch1] t="hello, traveler! come to visit an old alchemist in exile?" t.b_alch1="why in exile?" [text=ct_alch2] t="well, i experimented a little bit and now a seven feet tall demon is t=creeping in my cellar. why you ask? are you willing to help me?" [text=ct_alch3] t="oh, great! here's the key. my house is right here - the wooden t=one with ivy on the walls." [text=ct_alch_unfinished] t="so, any progress with the demon? you want to trade?" [text=ct_alch_finished] t="wow! you did it. here's your reward. and stop by any time you need t=to buy some stuff or get advice in magic. @0(gained @41000 coins@0)"@- [text=ct_alch4] t=# "hey, friend! do you want to trade or ask for something?" t.b_alch_mirror = @0describe the strange mirror@- [text=ct_alch5] t=# @0you describe your experience from the house.@- # t="hmm. interesting. and you say this house is cursed somehow and has no t=other rooms? i bet this mirror is some kind of a secret passage. i can create a t=@4seeker@- for you..." [text=ct_alch6] t=# "a @4seeker@- is an enchanted animal that senses magic. it can lead you through t=hidden magical portals." [text=ct_alch7] t=# "hmm. i think i have all ingredients but two. you must find the @4root of a t=man-eating plant@-. and of course we need an animal. bring me a @4black cat@- - t=they are the best for that." t.b_alch_root = "where can i find the root?" t.b_alch_cat = "where can i find the cat?" [text=ct_alch_root] t=# "i think some really dangerous vegetation grows in the @4city park@-. that's t=why it is locked. no wonder, when no one cares for the place for years. t=maybe you should try there." [text=ct_alch_cat] t=# "that's easy. buy one in @4zephran's magic menagerie@-. it's a short walk from t=here, just next to the temple of faruk." [text=ct_alch_ingerdients] t=# "still no luck? i need both the @4black cat@- and the @4root of a man-eating plant@- t=to create a @4seeker@-. or maybe you want to trade this time?" [text=ct_alch_enchant1] t=# "a-ha! you have the cat and the root! let's start right away!" # # t=@0the alchemist disappears into the cellar. terrible sounds bear on you t=for hour or two. you wouldn't be surprised if the cat was being ripped apart.@- [text=ct_alch_enchant2] t=# @0but then he returns with the cat. the animal looked fine and in one piece. t=you don't notice anything magical about it, but the man says:@- # t="just take this velvety buddy and try the mirror again." t.b_alch_scheme=@0show scheme@- [text=ct_alch_scheme1] t=# @0you show the paper with the scheme to alchemist:@- # t="hmm. this is a necromantic binding spell joining the life of its creator to some t=living victim. while the victim lives, the necromancer can't die." [text=ct_alch_scheme2] t=# "it's strange that the spell was created so simply and clearly. it can't be hard to t=trace the necromancer. be careful. maybe it's made by an amateur, but maybe t=someone (or something) @4wants@- to be found." [text=ct_alch_scheme3] t=# "the necromancer can't be far from the place where you found the magic circle. you just need t=some personal thing of his victim to find him. do you have something like that?" [text=ct_alch_scheme4] t=# "have you got any personal thing of the necromancer's victim already? or t=did you come to trade?" t.b_alch_ring=@0show the duke's ring@- [text=ct_alch_scheme5] t=# "yes. this is perfect..." # # t=@0the alchemist takes the ring and rubs it in his palms. he mumbles some chant t=you don't understand, and then he returns the ring to you. it is ice cold now.@- [text=ct_alch_howdy] t=# "howdy, friend. do you want to buy or sell anything?" ## duncan ## [text=ct_duncan1] t="what now! ... sorry, i'm in a really bad mood. want an axe?" t.b_duncan1="what happened?" [text=ct_duncan2] t="a wretched thief named @4rimbrock@- took one of my best axes and hasn't paid for it! i can't t=force him to pay off the debt. that's why i'm so upset." [text=ct_duncan3] t="welcome to duncan's axes." t.b_duncan2="i got your axe" [text=ct_duncan4] t="holy faruk! you kicked the ass of that bastard? ha ha! you know what? keep the axe. t=i already cut the loss and you deserve a reward. you really make me feel great. t=it's good to know that justice caught the thief." ## maddwarf ## [text=ct_maddwarf1] t=# @0you enter the mad dwarf pub. it's full of seriously drunken gladiators, wizards and hookers.@- t.b_rimbrock=@0find rimbrock@- [text=ct_maddwarf2] t=# you: @7"so! where's that little pathetic son of a drunken goat rimbrock?"@- # t=# rimbrock: @4"heeey! what kind of troll crap wants me to carve through it with my tool of death?!"@- ## note column ## [text=note_column1] t=the royal poodle "princess" is missing. if you find her please bring her t=to my house on the market place. large reward. signed: @4lady elbrunda@- [text=note_column2] t=want to loose weight? drink our magic potion of frog hair! [text=note_column3] t=high reward for any information leading to the wares stolen from t=our shop. @4hermit's eden.@- [text=note_column4] t=courses on levitation and esoteric science every day at dawn. t=@4temple of faruk@-. [text=ct_princess] t=@0you pound on the door until an awkward weazen lackey opens:@- "what do you want?" # t=you: @7"i found some dog. maybe your lady would be interested..."@- # t=@0as if you waved a magic wand, the lackey let you in. the lady was in heaven. t=you are fed well before you get your reward.@- ## hermit ## [text=ct_door_hermit1] t=@0you knock on the door the way the beggar showed you. after a while a t=suspicious man opens. you grab his neck and drag him out on the street, t=but three more individuals roll out. [text=ct_door_hermit2] t="thanks. you look like a tough guy, so maybe you can use this info. some t=guys have moved into a house in the alley south of here and they behave t=suspiciously. they always knock in a certain way @0(the beggar shows you how)@- t=before they are let into the house. faruk knows what kind of dirty stuff they hide there." [text=ct_door_hermit3] t=@0this is the shop that was robbed according to the message you found on the note column. t=you describe to the shopkeeper, how you found the house of robbers and the big crates t=in there. the man is very happy that he had a chance to reclaim his wares and rewards you well.@- [text=ct_door_hermit4] t=@0you enter the house and find a lot of crates... probably with some stolen wares.@- [text=city_box] t=@0this box is nailed together really tightly. no chance to open it.@- ## khumrac ## [text=khumrac1] t=# "what do you want! fight? pooh! mob is not allowed into the arena. buzz off!" [text=khumrac2] t=# "you want to fight? and you come with a reference from that old snake razzik! t=hah! well, still no scrub can enter the arena just like that. i'll settle up t=a match for you, but it will be under my rules. you take it? [text=khumrac3] t=# "nice! hahaha! so listen, lobster: i'll lock you up in the thunderdome with t=selected beasts from my menagerie. i'll send in three groups on your mark, each t=one harder. you leave arena either winning or dead. nothing in between. t=what do you say?" t.b_enter_arena=@0enter arena@- [text=khumrac4] t=# "you're back? equipped and ready to try your luck with my beasts or will you run away again? har! har! t=i repeat: once you're in the arena, you must defeat three rounds of monsters, before i let you out. no resting, no canceling the fight! you win or die! # [text=khumrac5] t=# "get lost!" [text=khum_win1] t=# "argh! you won! you butchered my menagerie! what do you want?!" t.b_khumrac1="reward" t.b_khumrac2="freedom for razzik" [text=khum_win2] t=# "take this gold and get lost! you won't get any more. i lost a packet on wagers due to you anyway!" # @0(gained @42000 coins@0)@- [text=khum_win3] t=# "what? well then, let that senile basilisk go to hell! @0(gained item)@- [text=khumrac's_trick] t=# "noooo! this can't be! you're going to diiiie, now!" ## razzik ## [text=razzik1] t=# @8"rass-ssak, adventurer. what bringss you to an old broken gladiator without honor?"@- t.b_razzik1="why without honor?" [text=razzik2] t=# @8"a wretched match-maker @4khumrac@8 provoked me to fight hiss monssterss yearss ago, and t=with help of dirty trickss he won. i could not pay the bet, sso i became hiss sslave. t=now he putss me into the worsst duelss and he will do sso until he breakss me into piecess."@- t.b_razzik_match="a match with this man sounds challenging" [text=razzik3] t=# @8"what? you fool! you will end up like me - like a sslave, on whosse blood and broken t=boness the basstard will grow rich... you inssisst? well, you are a crazy man, but t=maybe you know ssomething i don't. ok. jusst go to the arena and tell the basstard t=i'm ssending you to measure your sstrength with him."@- [text=razzik4] t=# @8"i can teach you a few lessssonss on sstreetfighting, but beware! it'ss a hard t=sschool and blood will run. interessted?"@- [text=razzik_training] t=# @0razzik beat you really hard, but you learn a lot. (experience gained)@- [text=razzik5] t=# @8"sso, did you fight the duel? no? reassonable decission. you better forget t=about it, or you will end up like me, no doubt."@- [text=razzik6] t=# @8"ssssss! you thumped that treatcherouss blockhead! it'ss great! and i alsso t=bet on you and won a lot of money. here, take thiss gold, you desserve a share." t=@0(gained @41000 coins@0).@- t.b_razzik_scroll=@0give khumrac's scroll@- [text=razzik7] t=# @8"what with sscroll from that dog? what'ss in it? wait! it'ss not possible! t=i'm free! i cannot believe you did thiss for me. take my glaive. i fought t=thoussandss fightss with it and it never let me down."@- [text=razzik8] t=# @8"hello again, friend! it'ss alwayss great to meet a fellow warrior!"@- t.ct_temple=greetings traveler. how may the temple of faruk help you? ## END ## [text=city_end1] t=# @0you report what happened in the house.@- # t="great job! i really had no idea, what i was buying! someone's t=going to wake up in a gutter minus their head! well, you worked off your trip t=out of here, no doubt. my boys will take you to the port tomorrow and hide you t=on one of our ships heading overseas." [text=city_end2] t=@0the next day a few members of the gang escort you to the port. you have t=seen yourself well hidden under the deck of a ship of some bribed captain. t=but then the evil monks from the ruined cloister show up! with guards t=supporting them! # # t=you try to run, but the smugglers who brought you there, capture you. t=what a treachery! t=you should know those rats are loyal only to their profits. # # t=you are brought to interrogation by the archbishop himself.@- [text=city_end3] t=@0you prepare an explanation for your role in his brother's death, but surprisingly t=the old man isn't interested in his brother at all! instead, he asks t=just two questions:@- # # t=@4"where is the crook of chaos? where is the dark lord?" # # t=@0so the archbishop knows about his brother's deeds? oh, no! he's part of it! # # t=you decide to tell the truth: the chaos crook is left buried under the ruins of the temple t=and the summoned demon is not the king of the nether world, but some lesser demon. [text=city_end4] t=@0but unfortunately the archbishop doesn't believe you. you are taken to the t=dungeon, where you await the next day to be tortured. # # t=in the middle of the night, a warden opens the cell and enters. but... t=wait a moment...this is not the warden! the hood is hiding a face of the red demon t=you've met in the cloister and later in the house of the rival gang! # # t=@1"hi there! your fate so far is really entertaining, i must admit. but t=the torture tomorrow is an unpleasant twist, isn't it? don't worry, i switched a t=few papers and identities here and there... for those murderers condemned to death it's t=going to be a really bad awakening on a red hot iron bed."@- [text=city_end5] t=you: @7"wait! condemned to death? what does that mean for me?" # t=@0but the demon leeaves the cell.@- # # t=@7"waaait!"@- # t=@0you start to yell, but all you hear is the turning key in the keyhole and vanishing footsteps.@- # # t=@0the next day, in the early morning you find yourself with other convicts staying in a place of t=execution built up in the middle of some festival. you are trying to remember, how an amateur t=adventurer like you could end up on a place like that.@- [text=city_end6] t=@0then the events take a surprising direction. a fat wealthy looking person t=steps in front of you and starts to read a scroll to the celebrating audience. t=soon you understand. all the convicts are pardoned because of the fest for some t=paganic god... only to be sacrificed! # # t=you are going to be embarked on a galleon and transported across the ocean to t=an island with a terribly cliched and descriptive name the @4island of death@0.@- [text=city_end7] t=# @0before you manage to ask if they are serious, you are sitting chained under the deck t=and heading to a dark and painful future...@- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARENA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [text=arena_bell_no] t=@0it's no use to ring the bell in the middle of the combat.@- [text=arena_bell1] t=@0are you ready to start # your @4first@0 round?@- [text=arena_bell2] t=@0are you ready to start # your @4second@0 round?@- [text=arena_bell3] t=@0are you ready to start # your @4final@0 round?@- [text=arena_won_round] t=@0you won this round! # # ring the bell to start another one.@- [text=arena_help1] t=@0khumrac shouts at you from a safe distance:@- # # t="my pets are eager for your flesh! just ring the bell to the north, t=whenever you are ready to feed them! har! har!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAUNTED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## house ## [text=hoh_enter] t=@0hmmm. you don't get too far. does this house have no rooms and doors inside? t=that's weird.@- [text=hoh_mirror] t=@0what a strange mirror. and what's that ugly reflection in it? you feel dizzy near it, but your knowledge t=is not deep enough to investigate its foul magic. maybe you should seek t=the counsel of someone more experienced.@- [text=hoh_torch] t=@0you run into some metal object. it's somewhere near to you in the darkness.@- [text=hoh_bleeding_painting1] t=@0what is that? blood on the painting? no! the painting is @1bleeding@-! [text=hoh_bleeding_painting2] t=@0the voice of the necromancer echoes in the room:@- # t=@8"the traitor is blocking the passage, but he can't stop me now!"@- # t=@0then the necromancer appears behind you and sends a strong burst against the wall. [text=hoh_diary1] t=# @0you take the book and find a @4ring@0 in the dust on the table. t=after the first few pages you understand that this is a diary of a duke falstad, the former owner of the house. t=this is probably his study room.@- [text=hoh_diary1b] t=# you read a few of the book's pages. it's a diary of duke falstad, the former house owner. t=this is probably his study room.@- [text=hoh_diary2] t=# @0...the duke promised a huge amount of gold to a necromancer, if he cured t=his fatal illness and made him immortal. the wizard was working on it for t=more than six years and the process included a lot of torture and murders.@- [text=hoh_diary3] t=# @0in the seventh year he partially succeeded. but the duke refused to pay him the t=promised gold. you stop on a few records here...@- [text=hoh_diary4] t=# "...i buried that devil in the dungeon. no one will ever find his corpse. he cursed t=me with the worst curses i ever heard, but i'm immortal now and beyond his power..." [text=hoh_diary5] t=@0you skip another few pages.@- # # t="...the screams from below were unbearable. that demon didn't want to die t=for weeks! but he finally went to hell. now i can enjoy my gift of a new life..." [text=hoh_diary6] t=@0a few pages later...@- # # t="...what did that hellraiser do to me! my body hurts like being stuck on a thousand t=aching spikes! i'm bleeding all the time, from every pore! the pain!..." # t@0the next few records are a mix of weird pictures and senseless text made by a lunatic.@- [text=hoh_diary7] t=@0you find a small note here on a margin of the back folder:@- # # t="i moved the @4key@- behind the tome of torture (the blue volume) in the lobby." ## dungeon ## [text=hoh_necro1] t=@0you are hit by an unknown energy and a terrible voice rumbles in your head: # # t=@8"i feel your vigor. follow me, living one."@- # # t=@0a strange symbol appears under your feet, but you fail to unriddle it. t=you trace it onto a paper - maybe the alchemist will know something about this t=thing too.@- [text=hoh_necro2] t=@8"you are closing in, living one... good, good, follow my signs."@- [text=hoh_necro3] t=@0you hear a strong blow and a deep crack shows on the wall next to you.@- # # t=@8"aaah. crack in the wall, finally. hurry up, living one. free me!"@- [text=hoh_hole] t=@0the wrecked wall is crumbling like clay. after a few moments you get through.@- [text=hoh_ask_revive] t=@8"touch me! revive me!"@- [text=hoh_necro4] t=# @8"aaaaah! back alive! vengeance is within my grasp! i was watching you, living one. t=you want this cursed place to be your own and i want my fingers around the neck t=of the insidious duke falstad. so we have a common goal. we must kill that t=reptile!"@- [text=hoh_necro5] t=# @8"i made him immortal, but then i realized, he's going to betray me - to immure t=me in this dungeon, where i made the spell of eternal life for him! i created a t=bonding spell between me and him. he could torture my body to death, but my t=soul stayed alive."@- [text=hoh_necro6] t=# @8"now we are stuck together in this house of the damned and our struggling minds t=resurrect the ghosts of all the people we murdered. you have to stop it! you must t=kill the body of the immortal duke and let me drag his soul to hell along with mine."@- [text=hoh_necro7] t=# @8"the duke's body can't be killed, because his life power is on an astral plane, t=where time doesn't flow. go and find the passage in the duke's study room. t=follow the blood!"@- # # t=@0then the wraith disappears.@- [text=necro_hole] t=@0as you enter the circle, the wall to the north cracks@-. ## astral plane ## [text=astral_necro1] t=# @0the necromancer's wraith appears again:@- # t=@8"now you are here and the duke's immortality can be put to the end. i sense the t=roots of his power. yes. the glowing crystals. i see them. destroy all of them!"@- t=# # @0then he vanishes.@- [text=astral_crystal] t=@0you break the glowing crystal.@- # [text=astral_all_crystals] t=@0the ground starts to shake and you hear a distant roar.@- [text=astral_duke0] t=# @1"pathetic human! you can't destroy me!"@- [text=astral_duke1] t=# @0as you destroy the duke's body, a strong wave shakes the astral realm. t=necromancer's dark spirit arose from nowhere and grabs the monster's t=vanishing soul. they both spin in a horrific dance of chaos and pain. [text=astral_duke2] t=# @0after a few moments both wraiths disappear in a terrible burst of t=fire and dust...@- [text=astral_duke3] t=@0...then you wake up in the house's lobby.@- [text=_to_go] t= @0to go.@- #[text=to_be_continued] # t=# _____________@0to be continued...@- t.to_be_continued=@0to_be_continued@- [text = demo_end] t=@4Congratulations!@- # # you have finished the demo! Now get the full version and t=experience the whole story! Experience about 20 hours of stunning t=gameplay! visit # @9undercroft.rakeingrass.com@- # for more info. ================================================================================ [text=leonard1] t="come closer you pitiful creature! what do you want from master leonard? i'm willing t=to sell you some powerful items, if you think your sorry skills are enough to wield them. t=or maybe you want to risk your meaningless life for the progress of science!" [text=leonard2] t="i'm surprised your inferior brain is capable of making a right decision! i'm trying t=to create a life from the dead. not just animated corpses! real thinking life! t=i need you to bring me @4five body parts@-, but precisely matching my description." [text=leonard3] t="you still do not have the bodyparts, you incapable excuse for an adventurer!? t=ok, what do you need?" [text=leonard4] t="i see you brought the necessary material. if it took you any longer, i'd probably die of aging and turn into undead. t=now step aside and let the genius work!" [text=leonard5] t="behold!" # # t=@0the necromancer completes a monstrous body with the body parts. flashes of lightning t=seems to bring the abomination to life. but the newborn creature does not behave very friendly to its creator." [text=leonard6] t=@0the creature attacks leonard. what will you do? [text=leonard7] t="hello. don't be afraid and step closer. thanks for your help against that twisted madman. t=i'm taking over his little business! it would be shame to close it, don't you think? [text=leonard8] t="wh-what? is that thing gone? what happened!? i don't understand... i... t=i must revise my studies. new experiments are necessary... you are still here? do you want something? t.leo_attack1 = attack leonard t.leo_attack2 = attack creature t.bodypart = body part t.bodypart_bonus = a decaying part of a corpse. t.creature = creature t.leonard = leonard #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------- INTERNAL PROGRAM TEXTS ------------------------ #---------------------- ! DO NOT CHANGE ID's ! ------------------------ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- t.INFO_NOT_ENOUGH_STAMINA = Not enough @9stamina@- to use this skill. t.INFO_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = Not enough @4money@- to buy this item. t.INFO_HERO_FINISHED_ROUND = Hero has moved already. t.INFO_HERO_FINISHED_ROUND_MOVE = can't move during a round! @4Enemies in sight@-. t.INFO_HERO_IS_DEAD = @4%s@- is @1dead@-. t.INFO_HERO_FROZEN = @4%s@- is @9frozen@- for %i rounds. t.INFO_HERO_STUNNED = @4%s@- is @4stunned@- for %i rounds. t.INFO_HERO_DRUNKEN = @4%s@- is @4drunken@- for %i rounds. t.INFO_HERO_POISONED = @4%s@- is @2posioned@- %i for %i rounds. t.INFO_NO_SKILL_CHOOSEN = No @4skill@- chosen. Hold button to choose a skill. t.INFO_TWO_HANDED_SKILL = You need a @4two handed@- weapon. t.INFO_UNSALABLE_ITEM_1 = This item cannot be sold. t.INFO_QUEST_ITEM_1 = A @4Quest item@- can't be dropped or sold. t.INFO_NO_MAGIC_AREA = You cannot use special skills in this area. t.INFO_WRONG_WEAPON_ASSASSIN = Only @4unarmed@- or with @4assassin weapon@-. t.INFO_WRONG_WEAPON_MELEE = Only with @4melee weapons@-. t.INFO_OUT_OF_AMMO = No ammo. t.INFO_NO_BAREHAND = Skill @1need no weapon@- in right hand. t.INFO_UNABLE_SELECT_SKILL_PASSIVE = Unable to select a @1passive skill@-. t.INFO_UNABLE_SELECT_SKILL_UNKNOWN = @4%s@- has @1not learned@- this skill yet. t.INFO_UNABLE_SELECT_SKILL_BEAST = Skill can be used only in @4beast form@-. t.INFO_UNABLE_SELECT_SKILL_NO_BEAST = Skill can be used only in @4human form@-. t.INFO_WEAPON_REQUIREMENT = Hero @1can't use@- this weapon. t.INFO_NEW_QUEST = New quest - @4%s@-! t.INFO_QUEST_DONE = Quest @4%s@- completed! T.INFO_INDULGENCE_CASH = %s paid @4%i coins@-. T.INFO_INDULGENCE_NO_SINNER = No sinner. T.INFO_INDULGENCE_ALREADY = %s @1already paid@-. T.INFO_INDULGENCE_ENEMY = Enemy @1ignored@- your preachment. T.INFO_HERO_CANT_MOVE_FROZEN = You can't move. A hero is @9frozen@-. T.INFO_HERO_CANT_MOVE_STUNNED = You can't move. A hero is @4stunned@-. t.MENU_CONTINUE_GAME = Continue t.MENU_NEW_GAME = New Game t.MENU_LOAD_GAME = Load Game t.MENU_SAVE_GAME = Save Game t.MENU_OPTIONS = Options t.MENU_HELP = Help t.MENU_EXTRAS = Extras t.MENU_ABOUT=Credits t.MENU_QUIT_GAME = End Game t.MENU_BUY_NOW = BUY NOW! t.MENU_DIFFICULTY_TITLE = Choose game difficulty t.MENU_DIFFICULTY_EASY = Easy t.MENU_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = Normal t.MENU_DIFFICULTY_HARD = Hard t.MENU_YES_NO_QUIt=End the game? t.MENU_YES_NO_SAVE_GAME = Overwrite the game in slot %i? t.MENU_YES_NO_RESTART_1 = Some changes require restart. t.MENU_YES_NO_RESTART_2 = Do you want to quit the game now? t.OPTION_BUTTONS_TITLE = @4Action Buttons@- t.OPTION_BUTTONS_1 = @0Bottom@- t.OPTION_BUTTONS_2 = @0Right@- t.OPTION_DIFFICULTY_TITLE = @4Game Difficulty@- t.OPTION_DIFFICULTY_EASY = @0Easy@- t.OPTION_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = @0Normal@- t.OPTION_FLIP_VIEW = Flip View t.OPTION_AUTOSAVE_TITLE = @4Periodic autosave@- t.OPTION_AUTOSAVE_1 = @0Every 5 minutes@- t.OPTION_AUTOSAVE_2 = @0off@- t.HANDICAP_FOR_ROUNDS = %s %i rounds t.HANDICAP_POWER_FOR_ROUNDS = %s %i for %i rounds t.HANDICAP_POISONED = Poison t.HANDICAP_FROZEN = Frozen t.HANDICAP_DRUNKEN = Drunken t.HANDICAP_STUNNED = Stunned t.HANDICAP_BLESS = Bless t.HANDICAP_LEADER = High morale t.HANDICAP_SPIRITUAL_SHIELD = Spritual shield t.HANDICAP_STONE_SKIN = Stone skin t.HANDICAP_BEAST = Beast t.HANDICAP_DEATH = Hero is dead t.YES = Yes t.NO = No --- t.EMPTY_SAVE_GAME = - EMPTY - t.CREATE_PARTY_NAME = Name and portrait: t.CREATE_PARTY_CLASS = Class: t.MENU_CANCEL = Cancel t.MENU_SAVE_GAME_NUMBER = GAME SLOT %i (%s) t.MENU_SAVE_GAME_NAME = Level: %s t.MENU_SWAP_CONTROLS = Swap controls t.MENU_ROTATE_DISPLAY = Rotate display t.MENU_NEEDS_RESTART = (restart to apply the change) t.MENU_AUTOSAVE = Autosave t.MENU_STAMINA_INFO = Hero SP t.MENU_GET_FULL_VERSION = Get Full Version t.MENU_CHEATS = - Top secret cheater menu - t.BTN_CHEAT_0 = Refresh Party t.BTN_CHEAT_1 = Immortality t.BTN_CHEAT_2 = 10000 Gold t.BTN_CHEAT_3 = 5 Free points t.BTN_CHEAT_4 = Show Map t.BTN_CHEAT_5 = Walk Through t.BACK = Back t.WEB = Web t.APP_STORE_LITE = Get # Lite version t.APP_STORE_FULL = Get # Full version t.CHOOSE_SKILL = Choose skill for @4%s - %s@-. t.CHOOSE_ITEM_TARGET_HERO = Choose target hero to apply. t.CHOOSE_SKILL_TARGET_HERO = Choose target hero to apply. t.EXPERIENCE = Exp t.EXPERIENCE_TO_NEXT_LEVEL = Next level t.FREE_SKILL_POINTS = Free @0skill@- points t.FREE_STAT_POINTS = Free @0stat@- points t.HP = Health t.SP = Stamina t.LEVEL = Level t.NO_SKILL_AVAILABLE = No skill available for @4%s - %s@-. t.ONLY_FOR = Only for %ss t.REQUIRES = Requires %s %i t.REQUIRES_2 = Requires %s %i, %s %i t.SOUND_VOLUME = Sound volume t.MUSIC_VOLUME = Music volume t.MUSIC_MUTED = @1Music is muted@- t.MUSIC_VOLUME_2_NORMAL = @0mute music to enable ipod music@- t.MUSIC_VOLUME_2_MUTED = @0ipod music is enabled@- t.TOO_EXPENSIVE = Too expensive t.CLASSONLY = %ss only t.HERO_GAINED_NEW_LEVEL = @4%s@- has reached level %i! t.GAME_AUTOSAVED = Game saved t.HEROS_NAME = Hero's name: t.CREATE_PARTY_1_1 = Choose @4position@- in t.CREATE_PARTY_1_2 = party to add a new hero t.CREATE_PARTY_1_3 = t.CREATE_PARTY_2_1 = Choose hero's @4appearance@- t.CREATE_PARTY_3_1 = Type in hero's @4name@- t.CREATE_PARTY_4_1 = Choose hero's @4occupation@- t.CREATE_PARTY_5_1 = Distribute all @4free points@- t.CREATE_PARTY_5_2 = into character skills and t.CREATE_PARTY_5_3 = statistics t.CREATE_PARTY_5_4 = t.CREATE_PARTY_100_1 = statistics and skills of t.CREATE_PARTY_100_2 = tap @1cancel@- button to t.CREATE_PARTY_100_3 = delete selected hero t.INFO_ENEMY_FROZEN = Enemy @9frozen@- t.INFO_ENEMY_STUNNED = Enemy @0stunned@- t.INFO_ENEMY_POISONED = Enemy @2poisoned@- t.INFO_EXPERIENCE_RAISED = Experience @4%+i@- t.INFO_DOUBLE_DAMAGE = @4Double damage!@- t.INFO_STUN_SHIELD = Stun shield @4hit %i@- t.HER0_CLASS_0 = Warrior t.HER0_CLASS_1 = Mage t.HER0_CLASS_2 = Priest t.HER0_CLASS_3 = Summoner t.HER0_CLASS_4 = Assassin t.HERO_STAT_0 = Strength t.HERO_STAT_DESC_0 = Raises the power of close attacks and the hero's health. t.HERO_STAT_1 = Dexterity t.HERO_STAT_DESC_1 = Raises the power of range attacks and the hero's defence. t.HERO_STAT_2 = Constitution t.HERO_STAT_DESC_2 = Raises the hero's stamina and fire, cold and poison resistances. t.ITEM_BONUS_0 = %+i%% to @1max HP@- t.ITEM_BONUS_1 = %+i%% to @9max SP@- t.ITEM_BONUS_2 = %i%% of @4damage to HP@- t.ITEM_BONUS_3 = %i%% of @9damage to SP@- t.ITEM_BONUS_4 = %i%% @9extra experience@- t.ITEM_BONUS_5 = %+i to @9%s@- skill t.ITEM_BONUS_6 = %+i to @9%s@- t.ITEM_BONUS_7 = %+i%% hit @4against %s@- t.ITEM_BONUS_8 = %i%% to @4double damage@- t.ITEM_BONUS_9 = %i%% chance to @9freeze@- t.ITEM_BONUS_10 = %i%% chance to @4stun@- t.ITEM_BONUS_11 = %i%% chance to @2poison %i-%i@- t.ITEM_BONUS_12 = %+i to %s hit t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_0 = @0close physical@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_1 = @0range physical@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_2 = @4close fire@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_3 = @9close cold@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_4 = @2close poison@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_5 = @4range fire@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_6 = @9range cold@- t.BONUS_HIT_TYPE_7 = @2range poison@- t.ITEM_REQ_0 = level t.ITEM_REQ_1 = str t.ITEM_REQ_2 = dex t.ITEM_REQ_3 = con t.ITEM_REQ_4 = class t.AGAINST_CATEGORY_0 = all t.AGAINST_CATEGORY_1 = undead t.AGAINST_CATEGORY_2 = demons t.AGAINST_CATEGORY_3 = beasts t.DEMO_END_0_0 = do you want to experience t.DEMO_END_0_1 = the whole adventure? t.DEMO_END_0_2 = @4get the full version!@- t.DEMO_END_1_0 = visit many strange places, t.DEMO_END_1_1 = fight dozens of monsters and t.DEMO_END_1_2 = unknown horrors! t.DEMO_END_2_0 = explore dungeons, t.DEMO_END_2_1 = tombs and towns in graphics t.DEMO_END_2_2 = never seen before! t.DEMO_END_3_0 = train your party's skills t.DEMO_END_3_1 = and fancy magic to become t.DEMO_END_3_2 = an unbeatable hero! t.CREDITS_0 = @9- UNDERCROFT -@- t.CREDITS_1 = @0(C) Rake in Grass 2009@- t.CREDITS_2 = @4graphics and game design@- t.CREDITS_3 = @0Frantisek Chmelar@- t.CREDITS_4 = @4programming and sound fx@- t.CREDITS_5 = @0Jiri Prochazka@- t.CREDITS_6 = @4additional programming, iphone port@- t.CREDITS_7 = @0Petr Tovarys@- t.CREDITS_8 = @4music@- t.CREDITS_9 = @0Jan Dusek@- t.CREDITS_10 = t.CREDITS_11 = @4betatesting - iphone@- t.CREDITS_12 = @0Paul "psd" Dancosse@- t.CREDITS_13 = @0Aaron "SoapyWeasel" Dodge@- t.CREDITS_14 = @0Freddie "fenrir911" Herman@- t.CREDITS_15 = @0Max Kiiashko@- t.CREDITS_16 = @0Igor "Sanktus" Levitin@- t.CREDITS_17 = @0Shane "Kirothak" Sick@- t.CREDITS_18 = t.CREDITS_19 = @4betatesting - pocket pc@- t.CREDITS_20 = @0Shigor Birdman@- t.CREDITS_21 = @0Ralf "Skydart" Korrek@- t.CREDITS_22 = @0Piotr "Pieciax" Kuljon@- t.CREDITS_23 = @0Jakub Linhart@- t.CREDITS_24 = @0Minlee@- t.CREDITS_25 = @0Edwin "Eddy" Ross@- t.CREDITS_26 = @0Petr Stastny@- t.CREDITS_27 = @0Pavel Tovarys@- t.CREDITS_28 = @0Sergey "JJ" Volkovich@- t.CREDITS_29 = @0Arthur Wist@- t.CREDITS_30 = t.CREDITS_31 = @4special thanks to@- t.CREDITS_32 = @0paul ephron and Max Kiiashko for texts corrections@- t.CREDITS_33 = t.CREDITS_34 = t.CREDITS_35 = #-------- NEW IPHONE TEXTS ---------- t.ITEM_CATEGORY_0 = Common item t.ITEM_CATEGORY_1 = Sword t.ITEM_CATEGORY_2 = Axe t.ITEM_CATEGORY_3 = Mace t.ITEM_CATEGORY_4 = Polearm t.ITEM_CATEGORY_5 = Staff t.ITEM_CATEGORY_6 = Bow t.ITEM_CATEGORY_7 = Throwing t.ITEM_CATEGORY_8 = Assassin t.ITEM_CATEGORY_9 = Remains t.ITEM_CATEGORY_QUEST = Quest Item t.ITEM_TYPE_3 = Shield t.ITEM_TYPE_4 = Arrows t.ITEM_TYPE_5 = Armor t.ITEM_TYPE_6 = Cannon balls t.ITEM_TYPE_101 = Helmet t.ITEM_TYPE_102 = Gloves t.ITEM_TYPE_103 = Boots t.ITEM_TYPE_104 = Ring t.ITEM_TYPE_105 = Amulet t.ITEM_TYPE_106 = Belt t.ITEM_TYPE_107 = Cloak t.BTN_TAKE_ALL = Take All t.BTN_BUY = Buy t.BTN_SELL = Sell t.BTN_DROP = Drop t.FREE_POINTS = Free points t.WIZARD_BTN_BACK = Back t.WIZARD_BTN_CONTINUE = Continue t.WIZARD_BTN_FINISH = Finish t.WIZARD_BTN_NEW_HERO = New Hero t.WIZARD_BTN_EDIT_HERO = Edit Hero t.WIZARD_BTN_DELETE_HERO = Delete Hero t.WIZARD_BTN_START_GAME = Start Game t.WIZARD_BTN_RANDOM_PARTY = Random party t.WIZARD_BTN_RANDOM_NAME = Random name t.WIZARD_TITLE_0 = Choose Difficulty t.WIZARD_TITLE_1 = Create Your Party t.WIZARD_TITLE_2 = Select Hero's Face t.WIZARD_TITLE_3 = Enter Hero's Name t.WIZARD_TITLE_4 = Select Hero's Class t.WIZARD_TITLE_5 = Select Hero's Stat t.WIZARD_TITLE_6 = Select Hero's Skill t.WIZARD_SELECTED_SKILL = Selected Skill t.WIZARD_KEY_SPACE = space t.WIZARD_BTN_EASY = Start Easy t.WIZARD_BTN_NORMAL = Start Normal t.WIZARD_DIFFICULTY_EASY = Easy Difficulty t.WIZARD_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = Normal Difficulty t.MENU_EXPORT_GAME = Export Game [text = WIZARD_DIFFICULTY_EASY_DESC] t = # for people with little experience with hard core rpgs. suitable for casual playing, but still challenging! t = you get 2/3 of price for the sold items and the enemies are significantly weaker. [text = WIZARD_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_DESC] t = # for hard core rpg players. you will have to think out your strategies well and spend your limited resources wisely, or you will lose. t = you get 1/3 of price for the sold items and the enemies are at full strength. [text = WIZARD_HELP_START] t = here you can create a party of heroes for your adventure. you can have up to four heroes. press @9random party@- to create it quickly. @9random party@- will replace all heroes you already created. [text = WIZARD_HELP_CLASS] t = choose an occupation for your hero. [text = WIZARD_HELP_STAT] t = add bonus of 2 points to one of your hero's physical attribute. [text = WIZARD_HELP_SKILL] t = choose one skill for your hero to possess. t.CLASS_DESC_0 = Strong in melee combat, expert in combat with various types of weapons and special combat moves. @4bonus +2 to defence@- t.CLASS_DESC_1 = Controls the power of fire, ice and lightning. he can create flying blades with power of telekinesis, and cast other powerful spells. @4bonus +1 to fire and cold resistance@- t.CLASS_DESC_2 = Uses divine powers to either heal his friends or destroy enemies. strong against undead and demons. @4bonus +1 to cold and poison resistance@- t.CLASS_DESC_3 = Summons skeletons, ghosts, or creates golems. casts deadly spells, or turns himself into a strong beast. @4bonus +1 to fire and poison resistance@- t.CLASS_DESC_4 = Excellent with bows, throwing weapons or exotic weapons. fast killer with deadly martial arts skills. @4bonus +2 to poison resistance@- t.STAT_DESC_0 = Raises the power of melee attacks and the hero's health. T.STAT_DESC_1 = Raises the power of range attacks and the hero's defence. T.STAT_DESC_2 = Raises the hero's stamina and fire, cold and poison resistances. T.MSG_USE_ITEM_TO_HERO = Select a hero, who will use the item, or cancel the action. T.MSG_USE_SKILL_TO_HERO = Select a hero to apply skill, or cancel the action. T.MSG_ITEM_OFFER = Select an item. Tap it again to use it. T.MSG_SKILL_OFFER = Select a skill. Tap it again to choose it. T.MSG_SKILL_OFFER_NO_SKILL = No available skill for this hero. t.MSG_SKILL_LEVEL_TOO_HIGH = The @1skill level@- can't exceed character's overall level. t.OK = OK t.SHOP_WELCOME = Welcome! t.ENABLED = @2Enabled@- t.DISABLED = @1Disabled@- t.EXPORT_GAME_FAILED = @1Exporting of save game %i has failed.@- t.EXPORT_GAME_SUCCESS = @1save game %i exported successfuly.@- [text = EXPORT_GAME_INFO] t = # the following menu will export a chosen savegame into the @4full@- version of undercroft. t = the process will quit the lite version and run the full version. # # t = @4note 1@-: you need the full version of undercroft installed on your device. otherwise the export will not work properly. # # t = @4note 2@-: exported savegame will overwrite savegames in the full version. ================================================================================ t.EXTRAS_NONE = select one of games above, to get a short info and links to LITE and FULL versions of the games. t.EXTRAS_1 = @4WESTBANG@- # # Fight many bandits, test your speed with a gun, and compete for the highest online score on to become a legend of the old West! t.EXTRAS_2 = @4CRYSTAL CAVE CLASSIC@- # # Search long lost treasures in pitch black caves, pyramids and dark tombs of ancient temples and try out heaps of challenging puzzles! t.EXTRAS_3 = @4ARCHIBALD'S ADVENTURES@- # # A unique mix of puzzle game and action platformer with innovative features, cool comic style graphics and more than 170 levels to beat! t.EXTRAS_4 = @4UNDERCROFT@- # # Visit game's web to get more info about the game, watch screenshots and videos, or find help in a detailed manual. [text=lite_end1] t = @4congratulations@- # you just finished the @4lite@- version of undercroft! the road to the east is open and waiting for you! [text=lite_end2] t = # get @4full version@- of undercroft and continue your adventure in wild forests, snowy mountains and spooky dark tombs. t = Many new foes, tons of exciting treasures and cool equipment, and lots of new quests are awaiting you! [text=lite_end3] t = # @4but you can still continue to play the lite version!@- # t = finish all side quests, train your heroes in combat and try to buy some cool items in t = the towns. or you can start a new party with completely new traits and skills!