#type: 0=main, 1=sub, 2=side #=========================================================== #= city ==================================================== #=========================================================== [quest = outlaw] name=outlaw text = you got away from the evil cult, but not for long. those lunatics are text = connected to the official church through the archbishop's brother, text = who seems to have been a leader of the cult. now you are charged with his text = murder and so you've become a most wanted outlaw. [quest = smugglers] name=smugglers text = you must flee from the city of dolbrad, but you can't use the guarded city gate. text = merchants in the tavern suggest to contact a local smuggler gang, which text = is located in a small alley southwest from the @4jolly goose tavern@-. text = the password should be @4ropedancer@-. [quest = ransom] name = ransom type = 1 text = you have to collect ransoms from five places in the city. they are marked text = by red crosses on your map. [quest = tournament] name = tournament type = 1 text = the local gangs of smugglers, assassins and lizardmen use to compete in illegal text = tournaments. each gang sends a team into the city sewer with a ring as a gang sign. text = the team which returns with all three rings, wins. you have to win for text = your gang. [quest = competition] name = competition type = 1 text = a new gang settled down in a house near @4duncan's axes@-. destroy text = the competition. [quest = new_warehouse] name = new_warehouse type = 1 text = your gang bought an old unoccupied house located in the southwest corner of the city text = that neighbours the city park. they want it to be a warehouse, but text = some supernatural activity prevents that. solve the problem. text = the house has been marked as "haunted house" in your map. [quest = house_of_horror] name=house_of_horror text = you follow the orders of your boss and enter a house, long abandoned, text = that he wants to change into a new warehouse. you soon realize that this house text = contains some dark mystery and tortured ghosts, who won't give up their text = tomb easily. [quest = magic_mirror] name = magic_mirror type = 1 text = you find a strange mirror in the cursed house. you should ask someone text = more experienced in magic about it. [quest = seeker] name = seeker type = 1 text = the old alchemist suggests the mirror can be a portal. he will create text = a @4seeker@- for you - an enchanted animal which will allow you to pass the text = portal. just bring him a @4black cat@- and a @4root of a man-eating plant@-. [quest = magic_circle] name = magic_circle type = 1 text = you find a magic circle in the dungeon under the cursed house. you trace it text = to a piece of paper so you can show it to someone who can recognize it. [quest = blood_link] name = blood_link type = 1 text = the magic circle is part of a binding spell between a necromancer and his victim. text = the spell prevents the necromancer's soul from passing as long as the victim lives. text = bring a personal thing of a victim to the alchemist. he'll charm it to text = allow you to find the necromancer with it. [quest = duke_of_horror] name = duke_of_horror type = 1 text = you revive the necromancer and he explains the curse he imposed on a duke text = who lived in the house. the duke's immortality ends on an @4astral text = plane@- a world between life and dead. you have to find a gate to text = the plane. the necromancer tells you to "follow the blood in the duke's study room". [quest = killing_immortal] name = killing_immortal type = 1 text = the duke's immortal body spread his roots of it's power throughout the astral text = plane. destroy the nests of his power - glowing crystals - to bring the physical text = body of the duke here and make him mortal again. then kill him. // side quests --------------------------------------------- [quest = retired_gladiator] name = retired_gladiator type = 2 text = old gladiator @4razzik@- tells you that he is a slave to a treacherous promoter text = named @4khumrac@-. with razzik's reference you can duel in the city arena, so you text = have a chance to kick khumrac's buttocks and win a reward. end_part = 5 [quest = rats_in_sewers] name = ghouls_in_the_sewers type = 2 text = a sewage worker on the @4small square@- asks you to kill @4ten ghouls@- in the city sewers. end_part = 5 [quest = missing_boy] name = missing_boy type = 2 text = a desperate woman near the @4city park@- is looking for her lost son. find him and go back to the woman. end_part = 5 [quest = adventurer] name = adventurer type = 2 text = A whiner who sells apples near the @4city zoo@- tells you that he wants text = to be a great hero. he says he can't become one because he does not have text = proper hardware. he's apparently jealous of an axe owned by a guy named @4rimbrock@-, who often text = shows in the @4mad dwarf pub@-. maybe you can get the axe for the sorry lad. end_part = 5 [quest = alchemist] name = alchemist type = 2 text = you've met an alchemist south from @4mad dwarf pub@-. the man stays outside text = his house, because he played with some summoning spell and now he has text = a big angry demon in the cellar. you promise to look at it. end_part = 5 [quest = paying_debts] name = paying_debts type = 2 text = duncan the blacksmith is really angry. someone called @4rimbrock@- has bought an text = axe from him, but didn't pay the debt. end_part = 5 [quest = befert_hermit] name = befert_hermit type = 2 text = a shop called @4hermit's eden@- has been robbed. a big reward will be paid to anyone text = who will help to find the lost wares. end_part = 5 [quest = princess] name = princess type = 2 text = a lady living in a big house on the @4market place@- has lost her lovely text = poodle @4princess@-. there is a reward to anyone who finds the dog. end_part = 5 #=========================================================== #= cloister ================================================ #=========================================================== [quest = evil_cult] name = evil cult text = you enraged the king's ghost by your attempt to enter his tomb, text = and he cursed you pretty badly. now you must stop the evil rituals that disturb text = the dead around here to make the king remove the curse. the rituals take place text = in the @4ruined cloister@- to the north. [quest = entering_cloister] name = entering_cloister type = 1 text = the way to the cloister is sealed but the king orders you to go to the archer's text = statue north from his tomb. there he will open some way in for you. Get in the cloister. [quest = the_crypt] name = the_crypt type = 1 text = there's an entrance to the underground through the crypt under the temple text = in the ruined cloister. you have to find a special statue in the temple text = - it has a prominence, which can be pressed and turns the statue. you should text = turn it south. // side quests --------------------------------------------- [quest = call_for_help] name = call_for_help type = 2 text = you hear a weak call of help coming through the northern wall on the second text = level of the cloister underground. must be another guy needing your help to text = save his neck? end_part = 4 [quest = viper_staff] name = viper_staff type = 2 text = you enter the cloister underground. some crazy monks are performing evil text = rituals here. unfortunately you are discovered by one of them, but text = this insidious mongrel didn't alert anyone yet. instead he asks you to text = bring him a @4viper staff@-. he's seriously obsessed with that thing. end_part = 4 [quest = bell_tower] name = bell_tower type = 2 text = hangman tells you that the key to the bell tower is hidden in a prior's cell text = behind some big red book in his library. end_part = 4 [quest = helping_hangman] name = helping_hangman type = 2 text = hangman wants you to find a zombie near his tree, who chewed on his feet, and put an end to it. end_part = 4 #=========================================================== #= graveyard =============================================== #=========================================================== [quest = bet] name = bet of your life text = you bet with a bunch of milksops that you will explore the old @4abandoned graveyard@- of the city of dolbrad. text = everybody seems to be frightened by rumors about that spooky place. text = bring any gold from the royal tomb to the @4jolly goose tavern@- and win the bet. [quest = kings_tomb] name = king's tomb type = 1 text = you did it! you got into the tomb. now you have to search the place of the king's text = final rest and look for some proof that you got there. this will text = make you win the bet with the merchants! [quest = kings_seal] name = royal seal type = 1 text = an old gravedigger on the graveyard tells you that you need a @4royal seal@- text = to open the king's tomb. walking dead broke the thing into @4four parts@- and text = scattered it throughout the tombs. the gravedigger found one part himself, text = but he won't give it to you until you do some jobs for him. [quest = diggers_job1] name = errand: kill rats type = 1 text = the gravedigger orders you to kill all of the rats in his cellar. [quest = diggers_job2] name = errand: wine type = 1 text = the gravedigger orders you to bring him wine he hid in the @4tomb of knight ambrius@-. text = it should be in the southeast corner of a big hall behind some illusion wall. [quest = diggers_job3] name = errand: graves type = 1 text = the gravedigger orders you to bury a few bodies. he left the coffins and text = the tools in a small yard in the northeast corner of the cemetery. // side quests --------------------------------------------- [quest = broken_lever] name = broken_lever type = 2 text = you've found a lever with a broken mechanism in the upper catacombs. text = two gears are missing. end_part = 3 [quest = lost_necklace] name = lost_necklace type = 2 text = you've met a moaning zombie on the abandoned graveyard. the corpse didn't attack text = you. it just cried for jewelry that was stolen from it by someone text = called @4mad edward@-. end_part = 3 [quest = creating_life] name = creating_life type = 2 text = you find a conceited necromancer @4leonard@- on the old graveyard. text = he orders you to bring him @4five body parts@-, matching precisely his description. text = he needs them to finish his experiment to create sentient life form. end_part = 3 #=========================================================== #= aenor =================================================== #=========================================================== [quest = passing_glen] name = passing aenor's glen text = you had to bypass the flooded river through the mountains and you ended up text = in the village of @4aenor's glen@-. you can't proceed. the eastern text = gate is locked by the order of @4captain roland@-. and the man seems to be text = lost in mountains. the guard suggests to ask the local druid. [quest = lost_captain] name = lost captain type = 1 text = druid ogla tells you that you can bring @4captain roland@- text = back, but you need to get his @4spring stone@- and text = take it to the other side of the avalanche that blocks the way. text = there are some druidic stones on the other side, where text = you can unleash magical power to melt the snow. // side quests --------------------------------------------- [quest = hidden_gold_mine] name = hidden_gold_mine type = 2 text = west of @4aenor's glen@- lies a hidden gold mine. an old miner told you to seek text = a monk statue in the woods. maybe you should investigate more. end_part = 2 [quest = lazy_apprentice] name = lazy apprentice type = 2 text = a young druidic apprentice in aenor's glen promises to share one of text = his master's secrets if you help him to pass an exam. bring him @4ogla's herbs@- text = from ogla's maze that lies to the south in aenor's glen. end_part = 2 [quest = freeing_troll] name = the freeing of a troll type = 2 text = you've met a captured troll in aenor's glen. he asks you to set him free. text = the troll explains that several rocks around here are marked by @4trollish symbols@-. text = these rocks can be passed, if you have some strange trollish magical item text = with you. find a way through the rocks and free the troll, if you want. end_part = 2 [quest = sad_archer] name = desperate archer type = 2 text = you've met a desperate archer in aenor's glen. he's lost his @5icebear bow@- text = while tracing wolves into their lair in the wilderness. end_part = 2 [quest = wolf_hunt] name = wolf hunt type = 2 text = woodcutters in aenor's glen are complaining about a wolf pack that is text = terrorising them. you can earn a reward for killing the beasts. end_part = 2 #=========================================================== #= forest ================================================== #=========================================================== [quest = fire_pit] name = fire_pit type = 2 text = monks from the forest temple are complaining that there's a pit nearby text = that is infested with foul demons. you promise to drive them out. monks text = gives you holy water, which can break the demonic power. just text = find its roots and sprinkle them. end_part = 1 [quest = fur_coat] name = fur_coat type = 2 text = an old gypsy you've met complained about the coming winter. his old coat got torn apart and he text = has no furs to tailor a new one. he will pay you well for bringing him furs from @4six wolves@-. end_part = 1 [quest = underground_spring] name = cave_spring type = 2 text = a summoner asks you to fill a flagon with underground water for one of text = his spells or something like that. a proper spring should be in a cave hidden in the woods text = to the north. end_part = 1 [quest = distant_moaning] name = distant moaning type = 2 text = you hear a distant moaning in the forest. it came from the south. text = maybe you should investigate what's happening there... end_part = 1 #=========================================================== #= dunghill ================================================ #=========================================================== [quest = leaving_dunghill] name = leaving_dunghill text = you wake up in some cellar. a bartender says that you drunk too much text = last night and then you attacked some woman's chickens, so people locked you up. text = the birds are scattered throughout the town now. townsfolk agreed to text = forgive you, if you gather the missing @4six hens@- back. // side quests --------------------------------------------- [quest = fire_demon] name = fire_demon type = 2 text = a terrified woman in @4nimlor@- said that there's a cave with a fire breathing demon text = to the south of the village. i should kill it, and let the woman know the woods are safe again. end_part = 0 [quest = messenger] name = messenger type = 2 text = you accept a job from a wealthy merchant. he needs you to deliver text = a letter to his fellow merchant in @4dolbrad@-. you will find the man text = on the @4market place@- near the city centre. end_part = 5 [quest = brother] name = brother type = 2 text = you meet a man near a tomb entrance in the woods. he's terrified to death. text = his brother disappeared in the tomb, but he's not brave enough to look for text = him there. the man is talking about bone ghosts in the tomb. end_part = 0 [quest = hunter's_dog] name = hunter's_dog type = 2 text = vorack the hunter asks you to find his dog. The animal got lost near text = the tomb entrance to the northwest of nimlor village. end_part = 0 [quest = auntie] name = auntie type = 2 text = a woman in dunghill asks you to find her old auntie's cottage in the woods text = to the southeast, and present her regards. it would be great if you try to text = persuade the old woman to move to the town and live with her niece. end_part = 0 [quest = street_fight] name = street_fight type = 2 text = you've met a local roughneck @4ukmar@-. he challenges you to fight. text = you can win some money, if you knock him down. end_part = 0 [quest = kill_vermin] name = kill vermin type = 2 text = blacksmith myron asks you to kill a giant worm that is plundering text = his garden. end_part = 0