# SGDB Button on Steam A simple browser extension that adds a button on Steam pages that links to their SteamGridDB entry. ## Installation You can download it for Firefox [here](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sgdb-button-on-steam/). If you want to use it on Edge or Chrome, you will have to manually install it instead. I'm still awaiting verification to publish on the Edge Add-ons site, and I don't want to pay to publish it on the Chrome Web Store. ### Manual Install 1. Start by downloading the latest release from [here](https://gitea.goblincave.synology.me/Nes/SGDB-Extension/releases). 2. Unpack the ZIP archive in a location of your choosing. 3. `edge://extensions` in Edge, or `chrome://extensions` in Chrome 4. Enable "Developer mode" 5. Press "Load unpacked" and select the folder where you unzipped the extension. ## Other Recommended Extensions Some other great extensions for enhancing your Steam browsing experience: - [Augmented Steam](https://augmentedsteam.com/) - [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/extension/) You can also add some custom SGDB buttons through Augmented Steam. 1. Go to https://store.steampowered.com/ 2. At the top of the page, click on the "Augmented Steam" dropdown, and select "Options". 3. Navigate to the Store > App page section. 4. Create a custom link with the following properties: - Name: `SteamGridDB` - URL: `steamgriddb.com/steam/[ID]` - Icon: `https://cdn2.steamgriddb.com/icon/c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b.ico` 5. Navigate to the Community > Profile section. 6. Create a custom link with the following properties: - Name: `SteamGridDB` - URL: `steamgriddb.com/profile/[ID]` - Icon: `i.imgur.com/NYQSplq.png`