Making progress on patch function

Nes370 2024-07-20 06:09:19 -07:00
parent 2e3299514a
commit 5cbb727eb0
2 changed files with 352 additions and 115 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -33,9 +33,16 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
* ANSI code to go up one line, followed by a carriage return.
* Useful for overwriting user input
private final static String RETURN_UP = "\033[F\r";
private final static String BACKLINE = "\033[F\r";
private final static String PALE_YELLOW = "\u001B[93m";
private final static int RIFF = 0x52494646;
* Activate alternate behavior for command line terminal.
* Specifically prints things in a narrower width, and overwrites previous lines to add color.
private final static boolean CMD = false;
* BIN files must first be extracted from game disk to use this program.
* By default uses program directory for I/O and saves audio as WAV.<br>
@ -49,67 +56,46 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
* <li>extract directory for unpacked audio files</li>
* <li>extract BGM in "WAV" or "FLAC" format</li></ol>
* @throws URISyntaxException
* @throws InterruptedException
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, InterruptedException {
if(CMD) {
String adjustment = "█████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████";
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Ridge", true, 8)/*.substring(0, 484) + adjustment*/, Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()));
System.out.println(BACKLINE + BACKLINE + Ansi.colorize(adjustment, Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()));
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Racer 6", true, 9), Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()));
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Audio", true, 8), Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()));
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Xtractr", true, 8), Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()));
} else {
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Ridge Racer 6"), Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()));
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Audio Extractor", true, 8), Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()));
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Ridge Racer 6"), Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()));
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat("Audio Extractor", true, 8), Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()));
System.out.println("Program:\tRidge Racer 6 Audio Extractor " + Ansi.colorize("v1.0", Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()) + " by " + Ansi.colorize("Nes", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(252, 42, 124)));
System.out.println("Repository:\t" + Ansi.colorize("", Attribute.CYAN_TEXT()));
if(args.length > 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
System.out.print(Ansi.colorize(args[i] + ' ', Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()));
// Used for reading user input
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
// determine which operation to execute
String operationInput = null;
if(args.length > 0)
operationInput = args[0];
String operation = retrieveOperation(reader, operationInput);
if(args.length == 0) { // no arguments provided
// determine which operation to execute
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String prompt = "\n" + Ansi.colorize("Operations", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT(), Attribute.BOLD()) + ":\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Extract", Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()) + " audio tracks from package\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Package", Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()) + " audio tracks into package\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Patch", Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()) + " audio track to loop indefinitely\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Print", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()) + " Ridge Racer 6 logo style ASCII text\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Exit", Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT()) + " program\n"
+ "\nPlease select an operation:" + PALE_YELLOW + " ";
String input;
String[] values = {"extract", "package", "patch", "print", "exit"};
input = retrieveInput(reader, prompt, values);
int operation = -1;
switch(input.toLowerCase()) {
case "extract":
operation = 0;
System.out.println(RETURN_UP + Ansi.colorize("Please select an operation: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()));
case "pack":
case "package":
operation = 1;
System.out.println(RETURN_UP + Ansi.colorize("Please select an operation: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()));
case "patch":
operation = 2;
System.out.println(RETURN_UP + Ansi.colorize("Please select an operation: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()));
case "logo":
case "print":
operation = 3;
System.out.println(RETURN_UP + Ansi.colorize("Please select an operation: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()));
case "quit":
case "exit":
operation = 4;
System.out.println(RETURN_UP + Ansi.colorize("Please select an operation: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT()));
switch(operation) {
case 0: // extract
case "extract": // extract
// Determine package directory
File currentDir = new File(new File(AudioExtractor.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getParent());
boolean packDirFound = false;
@ -119,50 +105,18 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
} while(!packDirFound);
case 1: // pack
case "package": // pack
case 2: // patch
case "patch": // patch
File waveFile = retrieveWave(reader);
case 3: // print
prompt = "\nCommand parameters: " + Ansi.colorize("Print", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()) + Ansi.colorize(" [color]", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT()) + Ansi.colorize(" [message]", Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT())
+ "\n"
+ "\n" + Ansi.colorize("Colors", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT(), Attribute.BOLD()) + ":"
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Default", Attribute.CLEAR())
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Black", Attribute.BLACK_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Gray", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLACK_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("White", Attribute.BRIGHT_WHITE_TEXT())
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Indigo", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x7D, 0x1A, 0xFF)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Purple", Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Violet", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xEE, 0x82, 0xEE))
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Red", Attribute.RED_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Cinnabar", Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Pink", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xC0, 0xCB))
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Orange", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0x68, 0x1F)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Gold", Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Yellow", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xEA, 0x00))
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Green", Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Chartreuse", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xD1, 0xEB, 0x27)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Beige", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT())
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Blue", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Teal", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x00, 0x93, 0xCF)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Cyan", Attribute.BRIGHT_CYAN_TEXT())
+ "\n"
+ "\n" + Ansi.colorize("Please select a color:") + PALE_YELLOW + " ";
String[] values = {"Default", "Black", "Gray", "White",
"Indigo", "Purple", "Violet", "Red", "Cinnabar", "Pink",
"Orange", "Gold", "Yellow", "Green", "Chartreuse", "Beige",
"Blue", "Teal", "Cyan"};
input = retrieveInput(reader, prompt, values);
Attribute color = null;
switch(input.toLowerCase()) {
case "default": color = Attribute.CLEAR(); break;
case "black": color = Attribute.BLACK_TEXT(); break;
case "gray": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_BLACK_TEXT(); break;
case "white": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_WHITE_TEXT(); break;
case "indigo": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x7D, 0x1A, 0xFF); break;
case "purple": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT(); break;
case "violet": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xEE, 0x82, 0xEE); break;
case "red": color = Attribute.RED_TEXT(); break;
case "cinnabar": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT(); break;
case "pink": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xC0, 0xCB); break;
case "green": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT(); break;
case "chartreuse": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xD1, 0xEB, 0x27); break;
case "beige": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT(); break;
case "blue": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT(); break;
case "teal": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x00, 0x93, 0xCF); break;
case "cyan": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_CYAN_TEXT(); break;
System.out.println(RETURN_UP + Ansi.colorize("Please select a color: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, color));
case "print": // print
Attribute color = retrieveColor(reader);
String message = retrieveInput(reader, "Please enter your logo message: " + PALE_YELLOW);
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(logoFormat(message), color));
case 4: // exit
case "exit": // exit
System.out.println("Program closed.");
@ -171,6 +125,12 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
if(args.length > 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
System.out.print(Ansi.colorize(args[i] + ' ', Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()));
if(args.length > 0) {
switch(args[0]) {
@ -239,6 +199,201 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
else extract(packDirectory, extractDirectory, compressBGM);
private static File retrieveWave(BufferedReader reader) {
String prompt = "Please provide a WAV file: " + PALE_YELLOW;
File waveFile = null;
boolean valid = false;
do {
// Retrieve an audio file
waveFile = retrieveFile(reader, prompt, ".wav");
try {
// validate that chosen file is a proper Wave file
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(waveFile, "r");
// first 4 bytes start with RIFF
if(file.readInt() == RIFF) {
// next 4 bytes contain the size of the file in little-endian representation;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];; // write size bytes to buffer
// calculate expected file size
int headerSize = 8 + buffer[3]
+ buffer[2] * (int) Math.pow(16, 2)
+ buffer[1] * (int) Math.pow(16, 4)
+ buffer[0] * (int) Math.pow(16, 6);
// file is valid if actual file length matches expected size
valid = headerSize == file.length();
System.out.println("File length mismatch. Expected " + headerSize + " bytes, but found " + file.length() + " bytes.");
} else System.out.println("Invalid RIFF header.");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid file.");
} while(!valid);
return waveFile;
private static File retrieveFile(BufferedReader reader, String prompt, String extension) {
File file = null;
String input = null;
boolean valid = false;
do {
try {
input = reader.readLine();
file = new File(input);
if(file.exists()) {
if(file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(extension)) {
valid = true;
} else System.out.println("File does not have " + extension.toUpperCase() + " file extension");
} else System.out.println("File does not exist.");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize("Invalid file."));
} while(!valid);
return file;
private static Attribute retrieveColor(BufferedReader reader) {
String prompt = "\nCommand parameters: " + Ansi.colorize("Print", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()) + Ansi.colorize(" [color]", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT()) + Ansi.colorize(" [message]", Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT())
+ "\n"
+ "\n" + Ansi.colorize("Colors", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT(), Attribute.BOLD()) + ":"
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Default", Attribute.CLEAR())
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Black", Attribute.BLACK_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Gray", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLACK_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("White", Attribute.BRIGHT_WHITE_TEXT())
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Indigo", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x7D, 0x1A, 0xFF)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Purple", Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Violet", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xEE, 0x82, 0xEE))
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Red", Attribute.RED_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Cinnabar", Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Pink", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xC0, 0xCB))
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Orange", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0x68, 0x1F)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Gold", Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Yellow", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xEA, 0x00))
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Green", Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Chartreuse", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xD1, 0xEB, 0x27)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Beige", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT())
+ "\n- " + Ansi.colorize("Blue", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Teal", Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x00, 0x93, 0xCF)) + ", " + Ansi.colorize("Cyan", Attribute.BRIGHT_CYAN_TEXT())
+ "\n"
+ "\n" + Ansi.colorize("Please select a color:") + PALE_YELLOW + " ";
String[] values = {"Default", "Black", "Gray", "White", "Indigo", "Purple", "Violet", "Red", "Cinnabar", "Pink", "Orange", "Gold", "Yellow", "Green", "Chartreuse", "Beige","Blue", "Teal", "Cyan"};
String input = retrieveInput(reader, prompt, values);
Attribute color = null;
switch(input.toLowerCase()) {
case "default": color = Attribute.CLEAR(); break;
case "black": color = Attribute.BLACK_TEXT(); break;
case "gray": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_BLACK_TEXT(); break;
case "white": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_WHITE_TEXT(); break;
case "indigo": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x7D, 0x1A, 0xFF); break;
case "purple": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT(); break;
case "violet": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xEE, 0x82, 0xEE); break;
case "red": color = Attribute.RED_TEXT(); break;
case "cinnabar": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT(); break;
case "pink": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xC0, 0xCB); break;
case "orange": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0x68, 0x1F); break;
case "gold": color = Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT(); break;
case "yellow": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xFF, 0xEA, 0x00); break;
case "green": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT(); break;
case "chartreuse": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0xD1, 0xEB, 0x27); break;
case "beige": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT(); break;
case "blue": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT(); break;
case "teal": color = Attribute.TEXT_COLOR(0x00, 0x93, 0xCF); break;
case "cyan": color = Attribute.BRIGHT_CYAN_TEXT(); break;
System.out.println(BACKLINE + Ansi.colorize("Please select a color: ") + Ansi.colorize(input, color) + "\n");
else System.out.println(Ansi.colorize(""));
return color;
private static String retrieveOperation(BufferedReader reader, String input) {
String operation = null;
String[] values = {"extract", "package", "patch", "print", "exit"};
if(input != null)
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
operation = values[i];
if(operation == null) {
String prompt = "\n" + Ansi.colorize("Operations", Attribute.BRIGHT_YELLOW_TEXT(), Attribute.BOLD()) + ":\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Extract", Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT()) + " audio tracks from package\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Package", Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT()) + " audio tracks into package\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Patch", Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT()) + " audio track to loop indefinitely\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Print", Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT()) + " Ridge Racer 6 style ASCII logo\n"
+ "- " + Ansi.colorize("Exit", Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT()) + " program\n"
+ "\nPlease select an operation: " + PALE_YELLOW;
operation = retrieveInput(reader, prompt, values);
if(CMD) {
Attribute color = null;
switch(operation.toLowerCase()) {
case "extract":
color = Attribute.BRIGHT_RED_TEXT();
case "package":
color = Attribute.YELLOW_TEXT();
case "patch":
color = Attribute.BRIGHT_GREEN_TEXT();
case "print":
color = Attribute.BRIGHT_BLUE_TEXT();
case "exit":
color = Attribute.BRIGHT_MAGENTA_TEXT();
System.out.println(BACKLINE + Ansi.colorize("Please select an operation: ") + Ansi.colorize(operation, color));
} else System.out.print(Ansi.colorize(""));
return operation.toLowerCase();
* Prompts the user for input without strict validation.
* @param reader
* @param prompt
* @return input
private static String retrieveInput(BufferedReader reader, String prompt) {
String input = null;
boolean valid = false;
do {
try {
input = reader.readLine();
valid = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println(Ansi.colorize("Invalid input."));
} while(!valid);
return input;
* Prompts the user for input and validates that the input matches one of the provided values.
@ -251,6 +406,7 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
private static String retrieveInput(BufferedReader reader, String prompt, String[] values) {
String input = null;
boolean valid = false;
do {
@ -271,6 +427,78 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
return input;
* Patches the provided WAV file by seeking out its data and smpl chunks,
* deletes any existing smpl chunk,
* then inserts a new smpl chunk with loop points set at the start and end of the data chunk.
* @param waveFile
private static void patch(File waveFile) {
try {
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(waveFile, "r");
// Also Find data location
int dataAddress = -1;
// Check if sample chunk already exists
int smplAddress = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < file.length(); i += 4) {;
int scan = file.readInt();
// match "smpl" chunk header
if(scan == 0x736D706C)
smplAddress = i;
// match "data" chunk header
if(scan == 0x64617461)
dataAddress = i;
if(smplAddress > -1 && dataAddress > -1)
// Determine size of data chunk
if(dataAddress > -1) { + 4);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];;
int dataSize = 8 + buffer[3]
+ buffer[2] * (int) Math.pow(16, 2)
+ buffer[1] * (int) Math.pow(16, 4)
+ buffer[0] * (int) Math.pow(16, 6);
// Determine size of smpl chunk
if(smplAddress > -1) { + 4);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];; // write size bytes to buffer
// calculate expected chunk size
int smplSize = 8 + buffer[3]
+ buffer[2] * (int) Math.pow(16, 2)
+ buffer[1] * (int) Math.pow(16, 4)
+ buffer[0] * (int) Math.pow(16, 6);
// Create new sample chunk
// Insert 68-byte sample chunk with loop before data chunk
// Set loop points to start and end of data chunk
// Update the new file size in RIFF header
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to patch file.");
private static void pack(File packDirectory, File extractDirectory) {
@ -477,6 +705,11 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
return tracklist;
private static String logoFormat(String string, boolean italic) {
return logoFormat(string, italic, 10);
* Creates an ASCII logo in RR6 style using the provided text.
@ -825,16 +1058,17 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
logo[9] += "██████████████";
case 'N':
logo[0] += " ";
logo[1] += " ";
logo[2] += "████ ████";
logo[3] += "██████ ████";
logo[4] += "███████ ████";
logo[5] += "████ ███████";
logo[6] += "████ ██████";
logo[7] += "████ ████";
logo[8] += " ";
logo[9] += "████████████";
logo[0] += " ";
logo[1] += " ";
logo[2] += "████ ████ ";
logo[3] += "██████ ████ ";
logo[4] += "███████ ████ ";
logo[5] += "████ ███████ ";
logo[6] += "████ ██████ ";
logo[7] += "████ ████ ";
logo[8] += " ████ ";
logo[9] += "█████████ ███";
spaced = true;
case 'O':
if(logo[0].length() > 0)
@ -950,16 +1184,17 @@ public class AudioExtractor {
logo[9] += "██████████████";
case 'X':
logo[0] += " ";
logo[1] += " ";
logo[2] += "████ ████";
logo[3] += "████ ████";
logo[4] += " ████ ████ ";
logo[5] += " ████ ";
logo[6] += " ████ ████ ";
logo[7] += "████ ████";
logo[8] += " ";
logo[9] += "████████████";
logo[0] += " ";
logo[1] += " ";
logo[2] += "████ ████ ";
logo[3] += "████ ████ ";
logo[4] += " ████ ████ ";
logo[5] += " ████ ";
logo[6] += " ████ ████ ";
logo[7] += "████ ████ ";
logo[8] += " █████";
logo[9] += "█████████ ███";
spaced = true;
case 'Y':
logo[0] += " ";