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// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Message Core
// YEP_MessageCore.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_MessageCore = true;
var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.Message = Yanfly.Message || {};
Yanfly.Message.version = 1.19;
* @plugindesc v1.19 Adds more features to the Message Window to customized
* the way your messages appear and functions.
* @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
* @param ---General---
* @default
* @param Default Rows
* @parent ---General---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @desc This is default amount of rows the message box will have.
* Default: 4
* @default 4
* @param Default Width
* @parent ---General---
* @desc This is default width for the message box in pixels.
* Default: Graphics.boxWidth
* @default Graphics.boxWidth
* @param Face Indent
* @parent ---General---
* @desc If using a face graphic, this is how much text indents by.
* Default: Window_Base._faceWidth + 24
* @default Window_Base._faceWidth + 24
* @param Fast Forward Key
* @parent ---General---
* @type combo
* @option tab
* @option shift
* @option control
* @option pageup
* @option pagedown
* @desc This is the key used for fast forwarding.
* @default pagedown
* @param Enable Fast Forward
* @parent ---General---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc Enable fast forward button for your messages by default?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default true
* @param Word Wrapping
* @parent ---General---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc Use this to enable or disable word wrapping by default.
* OFF - false ON - true
* @default false
* @param Description Wrap
* @parent ---General---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc Enable or disable word wrapping for descriptions.
* OFF - false ON - true
* @default false
* @param Word Wrap Space
* @parent ---General---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc Insert a space with manual line breaks?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default false
* @param Tight Wrap
* @parent ---General---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc If true and using a face for the message, the message will
* wrap tighter. NO - false YES - true
* @default false
* @param ---Font---
* @default
* @param Font Name
* @parent ---Font---
* @desc This is the default font used for the Message Window.
* Default: GameFont
* @default GameFont
* @param Font Name CH
* @parent ---Font---
* @desc This is the default font used for the Message Window for Chinese.
* Default: SimHei, Heiti TC, sans-serif
* @default SimHei, Heiti TC, sans-serif
* @param Font Name KR
* @parent ---Font---
* @desc This is the default font used for the Message Window for Korean.
* Default: Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif
* @default Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif
* @param Font Size
* @parent ---Font---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc This is the default font size used for the Message Window.
* Default: 28
* @default 28
* @param Font Size Change
* @parent ---Font---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc Whenever \{ and \} are used, they adjust by this value.
* Default: 12
* @default 12
* @param Font Changed Max
* @parent ---Font---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc This is the maximum size achieved by \{.
* Default: 96
* @default 96
* @param Font Changed Min
* @parent ---Font---
* @type number
* @min 1
* @desc This is the minimum size achieved by \{.
* Default: 12
* @default 12
* @param Font Outline
* @parent ---Font---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @desc This is the default font outline width for messages.
* Default: 4
* @default 4
* @param Maintain Font
* @parent ---Font---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc When changing the font name or size, maintain for following
* messages. NO - false YES - true
* @default false
* @param ---Name Box---
* @default
* @param Name Box Buffer X
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @type number
* @desc This is the buffer for the x location of the Name Box.
* @default -28
* @param Name Box Buffer Y
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @type number
* @desc This is the buffer for the y location of the Name Box.
* @default 0
* @param Name Box Padding
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @desc This is the value for the padding of the Name Box.
* @default this.standardPadding() * 4
* @param Name Box Color
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 31
* @desc This is the text color used for the Name Box.
* @default 0
* @param Name Box Clear
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc Do you wish for the Name Box window to be clear?
* NO - false YES - true
* @default false
* @param Name Box Added Text
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @desc This text is always added whenever the name box is used.
* This can be used to automatically set up colors.
* @default \c[6]
* @param Name Box Auto Close
* @parent ---Name Box---
* @type boolean
* @on YES
* @off NO
* @desc Close the message window each time the namebox displays a
* different name? YES - true NO - false
* @default false
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* While RPG Maker MV Ace certainly improved the message system a whole lot, it
* wouldn't hurt to add in a few more features, such as name windows,
* converting textcodes to write out the icons and/or names of items, weapons,
* armours, and* more in quicker fashion. This script also gives the developer
* the ability to adjust the size of the message window during the game, give
* it a separate font, and to give the player a text fast-forward feature.
* ============================================================================
* Word Wrapping
* ============================================================================
* Word wrapping is now possible through the message system. You can enable and
* disable Word wrap using Plugin Commands. While using word wrap, if the word
* is to extend past the message window's area, it will automatically go to the
* following line. That said, word wrap will disable the editor's line breaks
* and will require you to use the ones provided by the plugin:
* <br> or <line break> is text code to apply a line break. Use this before or
* after a part in which you wish to start a new line.
* Keep in mind word wrapping is mostly for message windows. However, in other
* places that you'd like to see word wrapping, such as item descriptions,
* insert <WordWrap> at the beginning of the text to enable it.
* ============================================================================
* Text Codes
* ============================================================================
* By using certain text codes in your messages, you can have the game replace
* them with the following:
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Text Code Function
* \V[n] Replaced by the value of the nth variable.
* \N[n] Replaced by the name of the nth actor.
* \P[n] Replaced by the name of the nth party member.
* \G Replaced by the currency unit.
* \C[n] Draw the subsequent text in the nth color.
* \I[n] Draw the nth icon.
* \{ Increases the text size by one step.
* \} Decreases the text size by one step.
* \\ Replaced with the backslash character.
* \$ Opens the gold window.
* \. Waits 1/4th seconds.
* \| Waits 1 second.
* \! Waits for button input.
* \> Display remaining text on same line all at once.
* \< Cancel the effect that displays text all at once.
* \^ Do not wait for input after displaying text.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Wait: Effect:
* \w[x] - Waits x frames (60 frames = 1 second). Message window only.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* NameWindow: Effect:
* \n<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Left side. *Note
* \nc<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Centered. *Note
* \nr<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Right side. *Note
* *Note: Works for message window only.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Line Break Effect:
* <br> - If using word wrap mode, this will cause a line break.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Position: Effect:
* \px[x] - Sets x position of text to x.
* \py[x] - Sets y position of text to y.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Outline: Effect:
* \oc[x] - Sets outline colour to x.
* \ow[x] - Sets outline width to x.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Font: Effect:
* \fr - Resets all font changes.
* \fs[x] - Changes font size to x.
* \fn<x> - Changes font name to x.
* \fb - Toggles font boldness.
* \fi - Toggles font italic.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Actor: Effect:
* \af[x] - Shows face of actor x. *Note
* \ac[x] - Writes out actor's class name.
* \an[x] - Writes out actor's nickname.
* *Note: Works for message window only.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Party: Effect:
* \pf[x] - Shows face of party member x. *Note
* \pc[x] - Writes out party member x's class name.
* \pn[x] - Writes out party member x's nickname.
* *Note: Works for message window only.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Names: Effect:
* \nc[x] - Writes out class x's name.
* \ni[x] - Writes out item x's name.
* \nw[x] - Writes out weapon x's name.
* \na[x] - Writes out armour x's name.
* \ns[x] - Writes out skill x's name.
* \nt[x] - Writes out state x's name.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Icon Names: Effect:
* \ii[x] - Writes out item x's name including icon.
* \iw[x] - Writes out weapon x's name including icon.
* \ia[x] - Writes out armour x's name including icon.
* \is[x] - Writes out skill x's name including icon.
* \it[x] - Writes out state x's name including icon.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* And those are the text codes added with this script. Keep in mind that some
* of these text codes only work for the Message Window. Otherwise, they'll
* work for help descriptions, actor biographies, and others.
* ============================================================================
* Plugin Commands
* ============================================================================
* The following are some plugin commands you can use through the Event Editor
* to change various aspects about the Message system.
* Plugin Comand
* MessageRows 6
* - Changes the Message Rows displayed to 6. If you are using continuous
* Show Text events, this will continue displaying the following lines's
* texts until it hits the row limit. Anything after that is cut off until
* the next message starts to avoid accidental overlap.
* MessageWidth 400
* - Changes the Message Window Width to 400 pixels. This will cut off any
* words that are shown too far to the right so adjust accordingly!
* EnableWordWrap
* - Enables wordwrapping. If a word extends past the window size, it will
* automatically move onto the next line. Keep in mind, you will need to use
* \br to perform line breaks.
* DisableWordWrap
* - This disables wordwrapping. Line breaks will be automatic at points
* where a new line is started in the editor.
* EnableFastForward
* - Enables Fast Forward key from working with messages.
* DisableFastForward
* - Disables Fast Forward key from working with messages.
* ============================================================================
* Changelog
* ============================================================================
* Version 1.19:
* - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.
* Version 1.18:
* - Added new plugin parameters: 'Font Name CH' and 'Font Name KR'.
* Version 1.17:
* - Compatibility update with Message Macros for 'Name Box Auto Close' option.
* Version 1.16:
* - Added 'Tight Wrap' plugin parameter as a word wrap option to make the
* word wrap tighter when using faces.
* Version 1.15:
* - Added a failsafe where if the name box window would be off the screen, it
* will automatically reposition itself to under the main message window.
* Version 1.14:
* - Added 'Name Box Close' plugin parameter. If this is enabled, the message
* window will check for the Name Window speaker each time a follow up message
* occurs. If the name in the currently Name Window matches the name in the
* following Name Window, the message window will remain open. If it doesn't,
* the Name Window will close and reopen to indicate a new speaker.
* Version 1.13:
* - Added 'Maintain Font' plugin parameter under the Font category. This will
* allow you to use text codes \fn<x> and \fs[x] to permanently change the font
* of your messages until you use it again. \fr will reset them to the plugin's
* default parameter settings.
* Version 1.12:
* - 'Word Wrap Space' parameter no longer leaves a space at the beginning of
* each message.
* Version 1.11:
* - Added 'Font Outline' parameter for the plugin parameters. This adjusts the
* font outline width used by default for only message fonts.
* Version 1.10:
* - Updated the Message Row system for Extended Message Pack 1's Autosizing
* feature to work with extended heights.
* Version 1.09:
* - Replaced 'Fast Forward' parameter with the 'Fast Forward Key' parameter
* and 'Enable Fast Forward' parameter. Two new Plugin Commands are added. They
* are 'EnableFastForward' and 'DisableFastForward' for control over when fast
* forwarding is allowed as to not cause timed cutscenes to desynch.
* Version 1.08:
* - Fixed a bug regarding Input Number positioning when the Message Window's
* position was middle.
* Version 1.07:
* - Added 'Word Wrap Space' for word wrap users. This parameter will leave a
* space behind for those who want a space left behind.
* Version 1.06:
* - Fixed a bug that would cause masking problems with mobile devices.
* Version 1.05:
* - Fixed a bug that would cause the namebox window to appear distorted.
* Version 1.04:
* - Fixed a bug that captured too many text codes with the namebox window.
* - Timed Name Window's closing speed with main window's closing speed.
* Verison 1.03:
* - Fixed a bug with textcodes that messed up wordwrapping.
* - Fixed a bug with font reset, italic, and bold textcodes.
* Version 1.02:
* - Namebox Window's overlap feature that's in every MV window is now disabled
* to allow for overlapping with main message window.
* - Updated window positioning for Branch Choices, Number Input, and Item
* Selection windows.
* Version 1.01:
* - Added 'Description Wrap' into the parameters to allow for all item
* descriptions to be automatically processed with word wrapping.
* Version 1.00:
* - Finished plugin!
// Parameter Variables
Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_MessageCore');
Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};
Yanfly.Param.MSGDefaultRows = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Default Rows']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGDefaultWidth = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Default Width']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFaceIndent = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Face Indent']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFastForwardKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Fast Forward Key']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFFOn = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Enable Fast Forward']));
Yanfly.Param.MSGWordWrap = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Word Wrapping']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGWordWrap = eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGWordWrap);
Yanfly.Param.MSGDescWrap = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Description Wrap']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGWrapSpace = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Word Wrap Space']));
Yanfly.Param.MSGTightWrap = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Tight Wrap']));
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Name']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGCNFontName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Name CH']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGKRFontName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Name KR']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontSize = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Size']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontSizeChange = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Size Change']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontChangeMax = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Changed Max']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontChangeMin = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Changed Min']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontOutline = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Font Outline']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGFontMaintain = eval(String(Yanfly.Parameters['Maintain Font']));
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferX = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Buffer X']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferY = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Buffer Y']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxPadding = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Padding']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxColor = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Color']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClear = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Clear']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxText = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Added Text']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClose = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Name Box Auto Close']);
Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClose = eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClose);
// Bitmap
Yanfly.Message.Bitmap_initialize = Bitmap.prototype.initialize;
Bitmap.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) {, width, height);
this.fontBold = false;
Yanfly.Message.Bitmap_makeFontNameText = Bitmap.prototype._makeFontNameText;
Bitmap.prototype._makeFontNameText = function() {
if (this.fontBold) return 'Bold ' + this.fontSize + 'px ' + this.fontFace;
// Game_System
Yanfly.Message.Game_System_initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function() {;
Game_System.prototype.initMessageSystem = function() {
this._wordWrap = Yanfly.Param.MSGWordWrap;
this._fastForward = Yanfly.Param.MSGFFOn;
Game_System.prototype.initMessageFontSettings = function() {
if ($dataSystem.locale.match(/^zh/)) {
this._msgFontName = Yanfly.Param.MSGCNFontName;
} else if ($dataSystem.locale.match(/^ko/)) {
this._msgFontName = Yanfly.Param.MSGKRFontName;
} else {
this._msgFontName = Yanfly.Param.MSGFontName;
this._msgFontSize = Yanfly.Param.MSGFontSize;
this._msgFontOutline = Yanfly.Param.MSGFontOutline;
Game_System.prototype.messageRows = function() {
var rows = eval(this._messageRows) || eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGDefaultRows);
return Math.max(1, Number(rows));
Game_System.prototype.messageWidth = function() {
return eval(this._messageWidth) || eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGDefaultWidth);
Game_System.prototype.wordWrap = function() {
if (this._wordWrap === undefined) this.initMessageSystem();
return this._wordWrap;
Game_System.prototype.setWordWrap = function(state) {
if (this._wordWrap === undefined) this.initMessageSystem();
this._wordWrap = state;
Game_System.prototype.isFastFowardEnabled = function() {
if (this._fastForward === undefined) this.initMessageSystem();
return this._fastForward;
Game_System.prototype.setFastFoward = function(state) {
if (this._fastForward === undefined) this.initMessageSystem();
this._fastForward = state;
Game_System.prototype.getMessageFontName = function() {
if (this._msgFontName === undefined) this.initMessageFontSettings();
return this._msgFontName;
Game_System.prototype.setMessageFontName = function(value) {
if (this._msgFontName === undefined) this.initMessageFontSettings();
this._msgFontName = value;
Game_System.prototype.getMessageFontSize = function() {
if (this._msgFontSize === undefined) this.initMessageFontSettings();
return this._msgFontSize;
Game_System.prototype.setMessageFontSize = function(value) {
if (this._msgFontSize === undefined) this.initMessageFontSettings();
this._msgFontSize = value;
Game_System.prototype.getMessageFontOutline = function() {
if (this._msgFontOutline === undefined) this.initMessageFontSettings();
return this._msgFontOutline;
Game_System.prototype.setMessageFontOutline = function(value) {
if (this._msgFontOutline === undefined) this.initMessageFontSettings();
this._msgFontOutline = value;
// Game_Message
Game_Message.prototype.addText = function(text) {
if ($gameSystem.wordWrap()) text = '<WordWrap>' + text;
// Game_Interpreter
Yanfly.Message.Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand =
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {, command, args);
if (command === 'MessageRows') $gameSystem._messageRows = args[0];
if (command === 'MessageWidth') $gameSystem._messageWidth = args[0];
if (command === 'EnableWordWrap') $gameSystem.setWordWrap(true);
if (command === 'DisableWordWrap') $gameSystem.setWordWrap(false);
if (command === 'EnableFastForward') $gameSystem.setFastFoward(true);
if (command === 'DisableFastForward') $gameSystem.setFastFoward(false);
Game_Interpreter.prototype.command101 = function() {
if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) {
$gameMessage.setFaceImage(this._params[0], this._params[1]);
while (this.isContinueMessageString()) {
if (this._list[this._index].code === 401) {
if ($gameMessage._texts.length >= $gameSystem.messageRows()) break;
switch (this.nextEventCode()) {
case 102:
case 103:
case 104:
return false;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.isContinueMessageString = function() {
if (this.nextEventCode() === 101 && $gameSystem.messageRows() > 4) {
return true;
} else {
return this.nextEventCode() === 401;
// Window_Base
Yanfly.Message.Window_Base_resetFontSettings =
Window_Base.prototype.resetFontSettings = function() {;
this.contents.fontBold = false;
this.contents.fontItalic = false;
this.contents.outlineColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
this.contents.outlineWidth = $gameSystem.getMessageFontOutline();
Window_Base.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {
return this.drawTextEx(text, 0, this.contents.height + this.lineHeight());
Yanfly.Message.Window_Base_convertEscapeCharacters =
Window_Base.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters = function(text) {
text = this.setWordWrap(text);
text =, text);
text = this.convertExtraEscapeCharacters(text);
return text;
Window_Base.prototype.setWordWrap = function(text) {
this._wordWrap = false;
if (text.match(/<(?:WordWrap)>/i)) {
this._wordWrap = true;
text = text.replace(/<(?:WordWrap)>/gi, '');
if (this._wordWrap) {
var replace = Yanfly.Param.MSGWrapSpace ? ' ' : '';
text = text.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, replace);
if (this._wordWrap) {
text = text.replace(/<(?:BR|line break)>/gi, '\n');
} else {
text = text.replace(/<(?:BR|line break)>/gi, '');
return text;
Window_Base.prototype.convertExtraEscapeCharacters = function(text) {
// Font Codes
text = text.replace(/\x1bFR/gi, '\x1bMSGCORE[0]');
text = text.replace(/\x1bFB/gi, '\x1bMSGCORE[1]');
text = text.replace(/\x1bFI/gi, '\x1bMSGCORE[2]');
// \AC[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bAC\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.actorClassName(parseInt(arguments[1]));
// \AN[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bAN\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.actorNickname(parseInt(arguments[1]));
// \PC[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bPC\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.partyClassName(parseInt(arguments[1]));
// \PN[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bPN\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.partyNickname(parseInt(arguments[1]));
// \NC[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNC\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataClasses[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \NI[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNI\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataItems[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \NW[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNW\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataWeapons[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \NA[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNA\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataArmors[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \NE[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNE\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataEnemies[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \NS[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNS\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataSkills[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \NT[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bNT\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $dataStates[parseInt(arguments[1])].name;
// \II[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bII\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.escapeIconItem(arguments[1], $dataItems);
// \IW[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bIW\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.escapeIconItem(arguments[1], $dataWeapons);
// \IA[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bIA\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.escapeIconItem(arguments[1], $dataArmors);
// \IS[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bIS\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.escapeIconItem(arguments[1], $dataSkills);
// \IT[n]
text = text.replace(/\x1bIT\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.escapeIconItem(arguments[1], $dataStates);
// Finish
return text;
Window_Base.prototype.actorClassName = function(n) {
var actor = n >= 1 ? $ : null;
return actor ? actor.currentClass().name : '';
Window_Base.prototype.actorNickname = function(n) {
var actor = n >= 1 ? $ : null;
return actor ? actor.nickname() : '';
Window_Base.prototype.partyClassName = function(n) {
var actor = n >= 1 ? $gameParty.members()[n - 1] : null;
return actor ? actor.currentClass().name : '';
Window_Base.prototype.partyNickname = function(n) {
var actor = n >= 1 ? $gameParty.members()[n - 1] : null;
return actor ? actor.nickname() : '';
Window_Base.prototype.escapeIconItem = function(n, database) {
return '\x1bI[' + database[n].iconIndex + ']' + database[n].name;
Window_Base.prototype.obtainEscapeString = function(textState) {
var arr = /^\<(.*?)\>/.exec(textState.text.slice(textState.index));
if (arr) {
textState.index += arr[0].length;
return String(arr[0].slice(1, arr[0].length - 1));
} else {
return '';
Yanfly.Message.Window_Base_processEscapeCharacter =
Window_Base.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = function(code, textState) {
switch (code) {
case 'MSGCORE':
var id = this.obtainEscapeParam(textState);
if (id === 0) {
if (id === 1) this.contents.fontBold = !this.contents.fontBold;
if (id === 2) this.contents.fontItalic = !this.contents.fontItalic;
case 'FS':
var size = this.obtainEscapeParam(textState);
this.contents.fontSize = size;
if (Yanfly.Param.MSGFontMaintain) $gameSystem.setMessageFontSize(size);
case 'FN':
var name = this.obtainEscapeString(textState);
this.contents.fontFace = name;
if (Yanfly.Param.MSGFontMaintain) $gameSystem.setMessageFontName(name);
case 'OC':
var id = this.obtainEscapeParam(textState);
this.contents.outlineColor = this.textColor(id);
case 'OW':
this.contents.outlineWidth = this.obtainEscapeParam(textState);
case 'PX':
textState.x = this.obtainEscapeParam(textState);
case 'PY':
textState.y = this.obtainEscapeParam(textState);
code, textState);
Window_Base.prototype.makeFontBigger = function() {
var size = this.contents.fontSize + eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGFontSizeChange);
this.contents.fontSize = Math.min(size, Yanfly.Param.MSGFontChangeMax);
Window_Base.prototype.makeFontSmaller = function() {
var size = this.contents.fontSize - eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGFontSizeChange);
this.contents.fontSize = Math.max(size, Yanfly.Param.MSGFontChangeMin);
Yanfly.Message.Window_Base_processNormalCharacter =
Window_Base.prototype.processNormalCharacter = function(textState) {
if (this.checkWordWrap(textState)) return this.processNewLine(textState);, textState);
Window_Base.prototype.checkWordWrap = function(textState) {
if (!textState) return false;
if (!this._wordWrap) return false;
if (textState.text[textState.index] === ' ') {
var nextSpace = textState.text.indexOf(' ', textState.index + 1);
var nextBreak = textState.text.indexOf('\n', textState.index + 1);
if (nextSpace < 0) nextSpace = textState.text.length + 1;
if (nextBreak > 0) nextSpace = Math.min(nextSpace, nextBreak);
var word = textState.text.substring(textState.index, nextSpace);
var size = this.textWidthExCheck(word);
return (size + textState.x > this.wordwrapWidth());
Window_Base.prototype.wordwrapWidth = function(){
return this.contents.width;
Window_Base.prototype.saveCurrentWindowSettings = function(){
this._saveFontFace = this.contents.fontFace;
this._saveFontSize = this.contents.fontSize;
this._savetextColor = this.contents.textColor;
this._saveFontBold = this.contents.fontBold;
this._saveFontItalic = this.contents.fontItalic;
this._saveOutlineColor = this.contents.outlineColor;
this._saveOutlineWidth = this.contents.outlineWidth;
Window_Base.prototype.restoreCurrentWindowSettings = function(){
this.contents.fontFace = this._saveFontFace;
this.contents.fontSize = this._saveFontSize;
this.contents.textColor = this._savetextColor;
this.contents.fontBold = this._saveFontBold;
this.contents.fontItalic = this._saveFontItalic;
this.contents.outlineColor = this._saveOutlineColor;
this.contents.outlineWidth = this._saveOutlineWidth;
Window_Base.prototype.clearCurrentWindowSettings = function(){
this._saveFontFace = undefined;
this._saveFontSize = undefined;
this._savetextColor = undefined;
this._saveFontBold = undefined;
this._saveFontItalic = undefined;
this._saveOutlineColor = undefined;
this._saveOutlineWidth = undefined;
Window_Base.prototype.textWidthExCheck = function(text) {
var setting = this._wordWrap;
this._wordWrap = false;
this._checkWordWrapMode = true;
var value = this.drawTextEx(text, 0, this.contents.height);
this._checkWordWrapMode = false;
this._wordWrap = setting;
return value;
// Window_Help
Yanfly.Message.Window_Help_setItem = Window_Help.prototype.setItem;
Window_Help.prototype.setItem = function(item) {
if (eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGDescWrap)) {
this.setText(item ? '<WordWrap>' + item.description : '');
} else {, item);
// Window_ChoiceList
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontName();
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontSize();
Yanfly.Message.Window_ChoiceList_updatePlacement =
Window_ChoiceList.prototype.updatePlacement = function() {;
var messagePosType = $gameMessage.positionType();
if (messagePosType === 0) {
this.y = this._messageWindow.height;
} else if (messagePosType === 2) {
this.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this._messageWindow.height - this.height;
// Window_NumberInput
Yanfly.Message.Window_NumberInput_updatePlacement =
Window_NumberInput.prototype.updatePlacement = function() {;
var messageY = this._messageWindow.y;
var messagePosType = $gameMessage.positionType();
if (messagePosType === 0) {
this.y = this._messageWindow.height;
} else if (messagePosType === 1) {
if (messageY >= Graphics.boxHeight / 2) {
this.y = messageY - this.height;
} else {
this.y = messageY + this._messageWindow.height;
} else if (messagePosType === 2) {
this.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this._messageWindow.height - this.height;
// Window_EventItem
Yanfly.Message.Window_EventItem_updatePlacement =
Window_EventItem.prototype.updatePlacement = function() {;
var messagePosType = $gameMessage.positionType();
if (messagePosType === 0) {
this.y = Graphics.boxHeight - this.height;
} else if (messagePosType === 2) {
this.y = 0;
// Window_ScrollText
Window_ScrollText.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontName();
Window_ScrollText.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontSize();
// Window_NameBox
Yanfly.DisableWebGLMask = false;
function Window_NameBox() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Window_NameBox.prototype = Object.create(Window_Base.prototype);
Window_NameBox.prototype.constructor = Window_NameBox;
Window_NameBox.prototype.initialize = function(parentWindow) {
this._parentWindow = parentWindow;, 0, 0, 240, this.windowHeight());
this._text = '';
this._lastNameText = '';
this._openness = 0;
this._closeCounter = 0;
if (eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClear)) {
this.backOpacity = 0;
this.opacity = 0;
Window_NameBox.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
var dw = this.textWidthEx(this._text);
dw += this.padding * 2;
var width = dw + eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxPadding)
return Math.ceil(width);
Window_NameBox.prototype.textWidthEx = function(text) {
return this.drawTextEx(text, 0, this.contents.height);
Window_NameBox.prototype.calcNormalCharacter = function(textState) {
return this.textWidth(textState.text[textState.index++]);
Window_NameBox.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
return this.fittingHeight(1);
Window_NameBox.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontName();
Window_NameBox.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontSize();
Window_NameBox.prototype.update = function() {;
if ( return;
if (this.isClosed()) return;
if (this.isClosing()) return;
if (this._closeCounter-- > 0) return;
if (this._parentWindow.isClosing()) {
this._openness = this._parentWindow.openness;
Window_NameBox.prototype.refresh = function(text, position) {;
this._lastNameText = text;
this._text = Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxText + text;
this._position = position;
this.width = this.windowWidth();
var padding = eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxPadding) / 2;
this.drawTextEx(this._text, padding, 0, this.contents.width);
this._closeCounter = 4;
return '';
Window_NameBox.prototype.adjustPositionX = function() {
if (this._position === 1) {
this.x = this._parentWindow.x;
this.x += eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferX);
} else if (this._position === 2) {
this.x = this._parentWindow.x;
this.x += this._parentWindow.width * 3 / 10;
this.x -= this.width / 2;
} else if (this._position === 3) {
this.x = this._parentWindow.x;
this.x += this._parentWindow.width / 2;
this.x -= this.width / 2;
} else if (this._position === 4) {
this.x = this._parentWindow.x;
this.x += this._parentWindow.width * 7 / 10;
this.x -= this.width / 2;
} else {
this.x = this._parentWindow.x + this._parentWindow.width;
this.x -= this.width;
this.x -= eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferX);
this.x = this.x.clamp(0, Graphics.boxWidth - this.width);
Window_NameBox.prototype.adjustPositionY = function() {
if ($gameMessage.positionType() === 0) {
this.y = this._parentWindow.y + this._parentWindow.height;
this.y -= eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferY);
} else {
this.y = this._parentWindow.y;
this.y -= this.height;
this.y += eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferY);
if (this.y < 0) {
this.y = this._parentWindow.y + this._parentWindow.height;
this.y -= eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxBufferY);
// Window_Message
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_createSubWindows =
Window_Message.prototype.createSubWindows = function() {;
this._nameWindow = new Window_NameBox(this);
Yanfly.nameWindow = this._nameWindow;
var scene = SceneManager._scene;
Window_Message.prototype.numVisibleRows = function() {
return $gameSystem.messageRows();
Window_Message.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
return $gameSystem.messageWidth();
Window_Message.prototype.wordwrapWidth = function(){
if (Yanfly.Param.MSGTightWrap && $gameMessage.faceName() !== '') {
return this.contents.width - this.newLineX();
Window_Message.prototype.adjustWindowSettings = function() {
this.width = this.windowWidth();
this.height = Math.min(this.windowHeight(), Graphics.boxHeight);
if (Math.abs(Graphics.boxHeight - this.height) < this.lineHeight()) {
this.height = Graphics.boxHeight;
this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2;
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_startMessage =
Window_Message.prototype.startMessage = function() {
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_terminateMessage =
Window_Message.prototype.terminateMessage = function() {
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_newPage =
Window_Message.prototype.newPage = function(textState) {
this.adjustWindowSettings();, textState);
Window_Message.prototype.standardFontFace = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontName();
Window_Message.prototype.standardFontSize = function() {
return $gameSystem.getMessageFontSize();
Window_Message.prototype.newLineX = function() {
if ($gameMessage.faceName() === '') {
return 0;
} else {
return eval(Yanfly.Param.MSGFaceIndent);
Window_Message.prototype.isFastForward = function() {
if (!$gameSystem.isFastFowardEnabled()) return false;
return Input.isPressed(Yanfly.Param.MSGFastForwardKey);
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_updateInput =
Window_Message.prototype.updateInput = function() {
if (this.pause && this.isFastForward()) {
if (!this._textState) {
this.pause = false;
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_updateShowFast =
Window_Message.prototype.updateShowFast = function() {
if (this.isFastForward()) this._showFast = true;;
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_updateWait =
Window_Message.prototype.updateWait = function() {
if (this.isFastForward()) return false;
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_startWait =
Window_Message.prototype.startWait = function(count) {
if (this._checkWordWrapMode) return;, count);
if (this.isFastForward()) this._waitCount = 0;
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_startPause =
Window_Message.prototype.startPause = function() {
if (this._checkWordWrapMode) return;;
Window_Message.prototype.convertEscapeCharacters = function(text) {
text =, text);
text = this.convertNameBox(text);
text = this.convertMessageCharacters(text);
return text;
Window_Message.prototype.convertNameBox = function(text) {
text = text.replace(/\x1bN\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 1);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bN1\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 1);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bN2\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 2);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bN3\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 3);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bNC\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 3);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bN4\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 4);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bN5\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 5);
}, this);
text = text.replace(/\x1bNR\<(.*?)\>/gi, function() {
return Yanfly.nameWindow.refresh(arguments[1], 5);
}, this);
return text;
Window_Message.prototype.convertMessageCharacters = function(text) {
text = text.replace(/\x1bAF\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
var i = parseInt(arguments[1]);
return this.convertActorFace($;
text = text.replace(/\x1bPF\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
var i = parseInt(arguments[1]);
return this.convertActorFace($gameParty.members()[i - 1]);
return text;
Window_Message.prototype.convertActorFace = function(actor) {
$gameMessage.setFaceImage(actor.faceName(), actor.faceIndex());
return '';
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_processEscapeCharacter =
Window_Message.prototype.processEscapeCharacter = function(code, textState) {
switch (code) {
case '!':
if (!this.isFastForward()) this.startPause();
case 'W':
code, textState);
if (Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClose) {
Yanfly.Message.Window_Message_doesContinue =
Window_Message.prototype.doesContinue = function() {
var value =;
if (!value) return false;
if (this.hasDifferentNameBoxText()) {
return false;
return true;
Window_Message.prototype.hasDifferentNameBoxText = function() {
var texts = $gameMessage._texts;
var length = texts.length;
var open = this._nameWindow.isOpen();
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var text = texts[i];
if (text.length <= 0) continue;
if (Yanfly.MsgMacro) {
text = this.convertMacroText(text);
text = text.replace(/\x1b/gi, '\\');
if (text.match(/\\(?:N|N1|N2|N3|N4|N5|NC|NR)<(.*)>/i)) {
var name = String(RegExp.$1);
} else if (text.match(/\\(?:ND|ND1|ND2|ND3|ND4|ND5|NDC|NDR)<(.*)>/i)) {
var name = String(RegExp.$1);
} else if (text.match(/\\(?:NT|NT1|NT2|NT3|NT4|NT5|NTC|NTR)<(.*)>/i)) {
var name = String(RegExp.$1);
if (name) {
name = name.replace(/\\V\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $gameVariables.value(parseInt(arguments[1]));
name = name.replace(/\\V\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return $gameVariables.value(parseInt(arguments[1]));
name = name.replace(/\\N\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.actorName(parseInt(arguments[1]));
name = name.replace(/\\P\[(\d+)\]/gi, function() {
return this.partyMemberName(parseInt(arguments[1]));
name = name.replace(/\\/gi, '\x1b');
if (name && !open) return true;
if (name && name !== this._nameWindow._lastNameText) {
return true;
if (open && !name) return true;
return false;
} // Yanfly.Param.MSGNameBoxClose
// End of File