Fixed linked images.

Nes370 2024-01-12 17:26:17 -08:00
parent 8a3377e333
commit bdb02bfbe3
1 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions

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| ![](sangria_full.png) | ***Today, things in the park were going swimmingly well — the birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, and the city was at peace. That is until, a certain magical girl had her nose to the ground sniffing, nearing closer and closer to the park — one where our protagonist, Hiiragi Utena, had decided to rest in, before she heard a very scary noise.*** <br/><br/>"COME OUT EVIL-DOER! I promise I won't bite that hard on your flesh! I can smell yaa~ Your disguises won't work on me! Come out and play~♡" <br/><br/>***As the kitsune girl continues sniffing around, looking for who could be the villain, nearby her target was actually hidden in plain sight!***| | ![](images/sangria_full.png) | ***Today, things in the park were going swimmingly well — the birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, and the city was at peace. That is until, a certain magical girl had her nose to the ground sniffing, nearing closer and closer to the park — one where our protagonist, Hiiragi Utena, had decided to rest in, before she heard a very scary noise.*** <br/><br/>"COME OUT EVIL-DOER! I promise I won't bite that hard on your flesh! I can smell yaa~ Your disguises won't work on me! Come out and play~♡" <br/><br/>***As the kitsune girl continues sniffing around, looking for who could be the villain, nearby her target was actually hidden in plain sight!***|
| ![](utena_full.png) | "Eek!" Utena gets startled by the sudden shouting.<br/><br/>*Who is that?! I need to transform- quick!* <br/><br/> Ducking behind some nearby bushes, she quickly spouts a "...Trans Magia!" Her clothes fade away and her costume apparates in their place. After her pasties have glomped onto her chest, she flies up to meet her conspicuous challenger.| | ![](images/utena_full.png) | "Eek!" Utena gets startled by the sudden shouting.<br/><br/>*Who is that?! I need to transform- quick!* <br/><br/> Ducking behind some nearby bushes, she quickly spouts a "...Trans Magia!" Her clothes fade away and her costume apparates in their place. After her pasties have glomped onto her chest, she flies up to meet her conspicuous challenger.|
| ![](baiser_full.png) | "Who let this mutt off her leash? This isn't a dog park!!" | | ![](images/baiser_full.png) | "Who let this mutt off her leash? This isn't a dog park!!" |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "If it's not, then why are you allowed here, bitch~!?"<br/><br/> ***As Sangria shouts, civilians start to run away. The magical girl exposes her claws and looks at Baiser with a cocky and hungry look.***<br/><br/>"Aww, did I startle ya bitch~? I'm soooo sorry. I'm just itching for a fight! So it looks like I'll have to kill a weakling like you today. Sorry, I'm just hungry~! ♡" | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "If it's not, then why are you allowed here, bitch~!?"<br/><br/> ***As Sangria shouts, civilians start to run away. The magical girl exposes her claws and looks at Baiser with a cocky and hungry look.***<br/><br/>"Aww, did I startle ya bitch~? I'm soooo sorry. I'm just itching for a fight! So it looks like I'll have to kill a weakling like you today. Sorry, I'm just hungry~! ♡" |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser's face sharpens at Sangria's goading. <br/><br/>"Your owner isn't around to keep you from yapping? Guess I need to teach you how to play nice. Catch this!"<br/><br/>Baiser quickly flashes her crop, emitting a flurry of dark energy towards Sangria. Without even hesitating to check how Sangria fares, Baiser zips back across the park, towards a playground on the other side. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser's face sharpens at Sangria's goading. <br/><br/>"Your owner isn't around to keep you from yapping? Guess I need to teach you how to play nice. Catch this!"<br/><br/>Baiser quickly flashes her crop, emitting a flurry of dark energy towards Sangria. Without even hesitating to check how Sangria fares, Baiser zips back across the park, towards a playground on the other side. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | ***As Baiser zips around trying to run, she can hear the beast charging at her like a wild animal, tanking the shocks head on as if they were soft pillows.***<br/><br/>"I DONT NEED NO OWNER TO BEAT YOUR ASS TO A BLOODY PULP!! NOW STOP RUNNING!"<br/><br/>***A loud slam could be heard nearly hitting her as the hungry Sangria drooled with bloodlust.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | ***As Baiser zips around trying to run, she can hear the beast charging at her like a wild animal, tanking the shocks head on as if they were soft pillows.***<br/><br/>"I DONT NEED NO OWNER TO BEAT YOUR ASS TO A BLOODY PULP!! NOW STOP RUNNING!"<br/><br/>***A loud slam could be heard nearly hitting her as the hungry Sangria drooled with bloodlust.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | "Oh, not a fan of playing catch?" <br/><br/> Baiser lowers in her flight path to strike at nearby benches and trees. The benches collapse and begin reconstituting.<br/><br/>"How about climbing trees?"<br/><br/>After a moment, oaks and elms begin throwing themselves in the path of the charging beast. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | "Oh, not a fan of playing catch?" <br/><br/> Baiser lowers in her flight path to strike at nearby benches and trees. The benches collapse and begin reconstituting.<br/><br/>"How about climbing trees?"<br/><br/>After a moment, oaks and elms begin throwing themselves in the path of the charging beast. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "HELL NO, BUT IM SURE YOU DO!"<br/><br/>***As the raging beast slowly approaches, the tree monsters try to stop its path, but they become shreaded in near seconds, as if they were made of butter. The beast seems to be tiring herself out slowly and surely.***<br/><br/>"N-now, s-stop running and fight me!"<br/><br/>***Sangria shouts as she pants trying to catch the horny bat in her flight path, even though she was slowing down.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "HELL NO, BUT IM SURE YOU DO!"<br/><br/>***As the raging beast slowly approaches, the tree monsters try to stop its path, but they become shreaded in near seconds, as if they were made of butter. The beast seems to be tiring herself out slowly and surely.***<br/><br/>"N-now, s-stop running and fight me!"<br/><br/>***Sangria shouts as she pants trying to catch the horny bat in her flight path, even though she was slowing down.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser slows down as she reaches the edge of the playground. She touches down with a resounding stomp, before whipping around to face Sangria.<br/><br/>"What a terrible sight you are! Destroying the park and frightening everyone... Don't you get that Magical Girls are meant to make the city feel safe!? You're so incompetent, you're practically begging me to do *your* job."<br/><br/>She points her whip at the lumbering creature with a scowl on her face.<br/><br/>"Enough hide-and-seek, I'm *it* now."<br/><br/>Baiser steps aside, and a pole that was obscured behind her slithers out from beneath her legs in coils like a snake, before poising as if to strike. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser slows down as she reaches the edge of the playground. She touches down with a resounding stomp, before whipping around to face Sangria.<br/><br/>"What a terrible sight you are! Destroying the park and frightening everyone... Don't you get that Magical Girls are meant to make the city feel safe!? You're so incompetent, you're practically begging me to do *your* job."<br/><br/>She points her whip at the lumbering creature with a scowl on her face.<br/><br/>"Enough hide-and-seek, I'm *it* now."<br/><br/>Baiser steps aside, and a pole that was obscured behind her slithers out from beneath her legs in coils like a snake, before poising as if to strike. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "Safe? BY ELIMINATING YOU, I'M MAKING EVERYONE FEEL SAFE, SO WHAT!? You gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet!"<br/><br/>***Sangria laughs at Baisers words, almost in a mocking tone, before staring at the serpent with a look of boredom as she casually approaches.***<br/><br/>"Oh so you're *it*... Guess you gotta... Die~♡"<br/><br/>***The kitsune reveals her fangs and claws ready to strike, and she slowly walks over to Baiser with a hungry expression.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "Safe? BY ELIMINATING YOU, I'M MAKING EVERYONE FEEL SAFE, SO WHAT!? You gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet!"<br/><br/>***Sangria laughs at Baisers words, almost in a mocking tone, before staring at the serpent with a look of boredom as she casually approaches.***<br/><br/>"Oh so you're *it*... Guess you gotta... Die~♡"<br/><br/>***The kitsune reveals her fangs and claws ready to strike, and she slowly walks over to Baiser with a hungry expression.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | The newly formed snake gives a metallic rattle as Sangria draws near. Its head slowly turns, tracking her with its eyes.<br/><br/>"I guess you have trouble seeing the forest for the trees."<br/><br/>The serpent springs forward at her face. In the same instant, two great yokes of bench wood shackle behind her ankles and thighs, throwing her off-balance. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | The newly formed snake gives a metallic rattle as Sangria draws near. Its head slowly turns, tracking her with its eyes.<br/><br/>"I guess you have trouble seeing the forest for the trees."<br/><br/>The serpent springs forward at her face. In the same instant, two great yokes of bench wood shackle behind her ankles and thighs, throwing her off-balance. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | ***As the Devil herself laughs at the evil woman's words giggling to herself as she focuses on the serpents gaze.***<br/><br/>"Hehehe! What are you even talking abou-"<br/><br/>***When suddenly she was bounded forced onto her knees and on all fours like an animal! As the serpents sliters around the Kitsunes neck, and locks into place becoming a shock collar of sorts and even covering her mouth like a muzzle of sorts as she tries to break free as Braiser realizes, that this wittle vixen was now all hers to re-educate.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | ***As the Devil herself laughs at the evil woman's words giggling to herself as she focuses on the serpents gaze.***<br/><br/>"Hehehe! What are you even talking abou-"<br/><br/>***When suddenly she was bounded forced onto her knees and on all fours like an animal! As the serpents sliters around the Kitsunes neck, and locks into place becoming a shock collar of sorts and even covering her mouth like a muzzle of sorts as she tries to break free as Braiser realizes, that this wittle vixen was now all hers to re-educate.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser looks down at her helpless predator.<br/><br/>"Rule number 1: A magical girl exists to serve."<br/><br/>Baiser places her heel into the small of Sangria's back next to her tail.<br/><br/>"The moment you forget that, you show your lack of *discipline*." She says with the crack of her whip. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser looks down at her helpless predator.<br/><br/>"Rule number 1: A magical girl exists to serve."<br/><br/>Baiser places her heel into the small of Sangria's back next to her tail.<br/><br/>"The moment you forget that, you show your lack of *discipline*." She says with the crack of her whip. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "HE! Y-you think you can scare me do your worst I always fight back because...."<br/><br/>***As the beast growls loudly enough for Baiser to hear she would try and go for her devastating bite attack, as the muzzle seemed to have stopped her in her tracks!***<br/><br/>"YOU LITTLE BITCH VILLIANS ARE THE WORST! SO LET ME GO AND DIE LIKE A TRUE VILLIAN!" | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "HE! Y-you think you can scare me do your worst I always fight back because...."<br/><br/>***As the beast growls loudly enough for Baiser to hear she would try and go for her devastating bite attack, as the muzzle seemed to have stopped her in her tracks!***<br/><br/>"YOU LITTLE BITCH VILLIANS ARE THE WORST! SO LET ME GO AND DIE LIKE A TRUE VILLIAN!" |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | "Now that's not a pleasant look. Let's fix that." <br/><br/>Baiser rakes the back of her nails against the vixen's tail as it twitches in agitation. Baiser's other hand glides up and down the Sangria's flank, feeling out the curves of her skin.<br/><br/>"What a poor little frightened thing you are..." | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | "Now that's not a pleasant look. Let's fix that." <br/><br/>Baiser rakes the back of her nails against the vixen's tail as it twitches in agitation. Baiser's other hand glides up and down the Sangria's flank, feeling out the curves of her skin.<br/><br/>"What a poor little frightened thing you are..." |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | ***As Baiser softly rubs her finger down the vixens soft tail it feels like heaven! Even better than a cat's fur as she notices the fox panting and moaning loudly as she lays on the floor even purring as Braiser sees her still growling and bearing her fangs.***<br/><br/>"L-let me g-go and s-stop t-touching meee~♡ s-stop o-o-or else...."<br/><br/>***As Sangria blushes wildly and her body starts to tighten as even Baiser is surprised at the vixen reaction.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | ***As Baiser softly rubs her finger down the vixens soft tail it feels like heaven! Even better than a cat's fur as she notices the fox panting and moaning loudly as she lays on the floor even purring as Braiser sees her still growling and bearing her fangs.***<br/><br/>"L-let me g-go and s-stop t-touching meee~♡ s-stop o-o-or else...."<br/><br/>***As Sangria blushes wildly and her body starts to tighten as even Baiser is surprised at the vixen reaction.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Straddling atop of her muzzled pet's back, with one arm bracing her weight on her pet's shoulder, Baiser leans in over her, then whispers into her ear, "Oh, I don't think we're done yet." 😈 <br/><br/>Baiser stretches out her other arm before bringing it down in a resounding smack across Sangria's defenseless bottom. Beneath Baiser's thighs, she can feel Sangria's helpless undulations and the low rumble of her purring. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Straddling atop of her muzzled pet's back, with one arm bracing her weight on her pet's shoulder, Baiser leans in over her, then whispers into her ear, "Oh, I don't think we're done yet." 😈 <br/><br/>Baiser stretches out her other arm before bringing it down in a resounding smack across Sangria's defenseless bottom. Beneath Baiser's thighs, she can feel Sangria's helpless undulations and the low rumble of her purring. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | ***As Sangria felt the wittle devil begin to mount her a first she began go shuffle trying to escape her grasp, but as baiser leaned in and whispered a small gasp form. And with some anticipation a loud spank would be heard causing her to try and hold back! But a cute Adorable chirp escaped her breath.***<br/><br/>"N-n-nyow~♡ t-to sensitive!~♡" <br/><br/> ***As the vixen's mouth lied her tail told the truth as it wagged wildly wanting for more abuse! As baiser seemed to notice her pet had a praise and puppyplay kink how adorable!*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | ***As Sangria felt the wittle devil begin to mount her a first she began go shuffle trying to escape her grasp, but as baiser leaned in and whispered a small gasp form. And with some anticipation a loud spank would be heard causing her to try and hold back! But a cute Adorable chirp escaped her breath.***<br/><br/>"N-n-nyow~♡ t-to sensitive!~♡" <br/><br/> ***As the vixen's mouth lied her tail told the truth as it wagged wildly wanting for more abuse! As baiser seemed to notice her pet had a praise and puppyplay kink how adorable!*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser runs a nail behind her pet's ear. "Now that wasn't so hard was it? A good doggie is honest about what she wants." <br/><br/> Feeling Sangria's tail fluff up behind her, Baiser breaks into a grin. She leans down and puts her arm around Sangria, before carefully ministrating her fingers down her increasingly compliant fox's belly. Her other hand still behind Sangria's ears begins giving methodical scritches.<br/><br/>"Wag your tail for your mistress." She commands. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser runs a nail behind her pet's ear. "Now that wasn't so hard was it? A good doggie is honest about what she wants." <br/><br/> Feeling Sangria's tail fluff up behind her, Baiser breaks into a grin. She leans down and puts her arm around Sangria, before carefully ministrating her fingers down her increasingly compliant fox's belly. Her other hand still behind Sangria's ears begins giving methodical scritches.<br/><br/>"Wag your tail for your mistress." She commands. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "You DIRTY AHHH~♡ C-CHEATER FIGHT ME LIKE A NYAHH~♡<br/><br/>***As the Vixen Sangria seemed to purr and moan cutely her angry face seemed to turn on Baiser as it was teasing her to watch it shatter!***<br/><br/>"I-im not a dog! I'm a fox at least s-say it right...~♡"<br/><br/>***As the scritches slowly drove the foxes body insane and even with her resilience! Her tail wagged cutely as the beast continues to shuffle and growl almost ready to bite at moments notice as Baiser got a sudden dejavu, resembling the fight with kiwi and how shocks calmed her down.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "You DIRTY AHHH~♡ C-CHEATER FIGHT ME LIKE A NYAHH~♡<br/><br/>***As the Vixen Sangria seemed to purr and moan cutely her angry face seemed to turn on Baiser as it was teasing her to watch it shatter!***<br/><br/>"I-im not a dog! I'm a fox at least s-say it right...~♡"<br/><br/>***As the scritches slowly drove the foxes body insane and even with her resilience! Her tail wagged cutely as the beast continues to shuffle and growl almost ready to bite at moments notice as Baiser got a sudden dejavu, resembling the fight with kiwi and how shocks calmed her down.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Despite her helpless protests, Baiser is pleased by the 'reluctant' performance. <br/><br/> "Good girl 💜" <br/><br/> She slips off Sangria's back and places her heel against the reddening cheek struck a moment ago. <br/><br/>"Now *heel*."<br/><br/>Thanks to the various restraints, it takes a minimal effort to push her over onto her back. She can see the tension leaving Sangria's eyes as they've begun dilating back to normal.<br/><br/>"Seems like you're beginning to know your place~ ✨" | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Despite her helpless protests, Baiser is pleased by the 'reluctant' performance. <br/><br/> "Good girl 💜" <br/><br/> She slips off Sangria's back and places her heel against the reddening cheek struck a moment ago. <br/><br/>"Now *heel*."<br/><br/>Thanks to the various restraints, it takes a minimal effort to push her over onto her back. She can see the tension leaving Sangria's eyes as they've begun dilating back to normal.<br/><br/>"Seems like you're beginning to know your place~ ✨" |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "G-good girl?~♡"<br/><br/>***A soft pant a bit of drool would escape the foxes mouth as she panted like a dog in heat, before suddenly being rolled over and on her back now staring at the demon with a more calmer demeanor.***<br/><br/>"N-nyaver~♡ n-no l-let me go! O-or else! And if you wish to live you'll keep calling me that..."<br/><br/>***Sangria blushes softly as she continues to moan and pant trying to close her legs from revealing her pink panties.*** | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "G-good girl?~♡"<br/><br/>***A soft pant a bit of drool would escape the foxes mouth as she panted like a dog in heat, before suddenly being rolled over and on her back now staring at the demon with a more calmer demeanor.***<br/><br/>"N-nyaver~♡ n-no l-let me go! O-or else! And if you wish to live you'll keep calling me that..."<br/><br/>***Sangria blushes softly as she continues to moan and pant trying to close her legs from revealing her pink panties.*** |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser watches over Sangria's useless struggling form. Her eyes catch a flash from the kitsune's helplessly gyrating hips.<br/><br/>"Or else, what?"<br/><br/>Baiser can't suppress her smirk. With a flick of her crop, she flicks Sangria's skirt upwards with ease. <br/><br/>"Ooh, how cute 🩷 "<br/><br/>A beautiful pair of panties greets her eyes. Unable to conceal her excitement, Baiser positions her hands on Sangria's knees.<br/><br/>"Let's get these out of the way."<br/><br/>The restraints on Sangria's thighs unlatch themselves, and Baiser nearly starts hyperventilating. Baiser pushes her knees wide apart with glee. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Baiser watches over Sangria's useless struggling form. Her eyes catch a flash from the kitsune's helplessly gyrating hips.<br/><br/>"Or else, what?"<br/><br/>Baiser can't suppress her smirk. With a flick of her crop, she flicks Sangria's skirt upwards with ease. <br/><br/>"Ooh, how cute 🩷 "<br/><br/>A beautiful pair of panties greets her eyes. Unable to conceal her excitement, Baiser positions her hands on Sangria's knees.<br/><br/>"Let's get these out of the way."<br/><br/>The restraints on Sangria's thighs unlatch themselves, and Baiser nearly starts hyperventilating. Baiser pushes her knees wide apart with glee. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | ***As the legs slowly spread apart Baiser would notice something ever so tantalizing! A wet spot on her pets cute girly pink panties! As Sangria moans softly purring even louder than before as she is now quite vulnerable to all forms of attack.*** <br/><br/>"Ah! H-hey let gooo! D-dont you dare look!"<br/><br/>***As Sangria whimpered and shuffled her legs trying to hide, she realizes her legs are not restrained! As she uses her claws on her feat to cut off the other branches, as she pants with pure blood shot in her eyes as she hungrily growls after freeing herself.***<br/><br/>"HA I GUESS ILL SHOW YOU HOW TO WHIMPER! TAKE THI-iwisiw!~♡"<br/><br/>***As the beast lunges forward and nearly scratches Baiser, a sudden yet extremely powerful shock would course through her as the more continued to attack the more the shocks came!**<br/><br/>"M-m-make it....Itzzz~♡ s-stwopp~♡" | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | ***As the legs slowly spread apart Baiser would notice something ever so tantalizing! A wet spot on her pets cute girly pink panties! As Sangria moans softly purring even louder than before as she is now quite vulnerable to all forms of attack.*** <br/><br/>"Ah! H-hey let gooo! D-dont you dare look!"<br/><br/>***As Sangria whimpered and shuffled her legs trying to hide, she realizes her legs are not restrained! As she uses her claws on her feat to cut off the other branches, as she pants with pure blood shot in her eyes as she hungrily growls after freeing herself.***<br/><br/>"HA I GUESS ILL SHOW YOU HOW TO WHIMPER! TAKE THI-iwisiw!~♡"<br/><br/>***As the beast lunges forward and nearly scratches Baiser, a sudden yet extremely powerful shock would course through her as the more continued to attack the more the shocks came!**<br/><br/>"M-m-make it....Itzzz~♡ s-stwopp~♡" |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | It seems Baiser's thorough insurance paid off.<br/><br/>"Now don't get ahead of yourself," Baiser condescends. "I can see you're excited-" Baiser taps her whip between Sangria's thighs. "But with this, we'll have plenty of time to play again." <br/><br/>Baiser motions towards the snake. It has swallowed its own tail to form a collar around her neck. It gives off a buzz as Sangria entertains the notion to make another surprise attack.<br/><br/>Baiser gives a smiles and turns around, "I'll come back to play if you promise to be a good girl. I expect great things from my pet." | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | It seems Baiser's thorough insurance paid off.<br/><br/>"Now don't get ahead of yourself," Baiser condescends. "I can see you're excited-" Baiser taps her whip between Sangria's thighs. "But with this, we'll have plenty of time to play again." <br/><br/>Baiser motions towards the snake. It has swallowed its own tail to form a collar around her neck. It gives off a buzz as Sangria entertains the notion to make another surprise attack.<br/><br/>Baiser gives a smiles and turns around, "I'll come back to play if you promise to be a good girl. I expect great things from my pet." |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "y-you s-sly bitc-Ahhh~♡ nyah~♡ nyahh~♡ why are you such a coward!~♡" <br/><br/> ***Loud pants would escape her mouth as Baiser would see her pet vixen drool sloppily looking at her feet, panting.***<br/><br/>"S-shut up!~♡"<br/><br/>***As Sangria on her knees panting loudly in a state of pure shock and over stimulation, she moods softly looking at her new mistress before snapping as the shocks continue as she can't even rip it off.***<br/><br/>"I-if w-we meet again I'm gonna kil- aghhg~♡ i-i-I promise...~♡" | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "y-you s-sly bitc-Ahhh~♡ nyah~♡ nyahh~♡ why are you such a coward!~♡" <br/><br/> ***Loud pants would escape her mouth as Baiser would see her pet vixen drool sloppily looking at her feet, panting.***<br/><br/>"S-shut up!~♡"<br/><br/>***As Sangria on her knees panting loudly in a state of pure shock and over stimulation, she moods softly looking at her new mistress before snapping as the shocks continue as she can't even rip it off.***<br/><br/>"I-if w-we meet again I'm gonna kil- aghhg~♡ i-i-I promise...~♡" |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | "Sure you will, sweetie." Baiser laughs at the pathetic display. She reaches down, and carefully lifts Sangria's chin, exposing her neck.<br/><br/>"We need to keep your leash on in the park." Baiser's whip extends and loops through her collar. <br/><br/>"Okay girl, we're going on a walk." Baiser starts stepping to the park entrance. | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | "Sure you will, sweetie." Baiser laughs at the pathetic display. She reaches down, and carefully lifts Sangria's chin, exposing her neck.<br/><br/>"We need to keep your leash on in the park." Baiser's whip extends and loops through her collar. <br/><br/>"Okay girl, we're going on a walk." Baiser starts stepping to the park entrance. |
| ![](sangria_pfp.png) | "n-nyo! I-i wont! nyaaahh~♡"<br/><br/>***As the beast looked away, or what she refreshing to herself as. Her body at first would hold its ground before softly walking towards the black haired mistress as her whole body she panted softly her tongue sticking out as a muzzle made sure she couldn't bite.***<br/><br/>"Y-yesh mistres- I mean n-no stop this your using cheap tricks!"<br/><br/>***As she suddenly stopped right before the exist panting to herself.***<br/><br/>"I-i did it!~♡" | | ![](images/sangria_pfp.png) | "n-nyo! I-i wont! nyaaahh~♡"<br/><br/>***As the beast looked away, or what she refreshing to herself as. Her body at first would hold its ground before softly walking towards the black haired mistress as her whole body she panted softly her tongue sticking out as a muzzle made sure she couldn't bite.***<br/><br/>"Y-yesh mistres- I mean n-no stop this your using cheap tricks!"<br/><br/>***As she suddenly stopped right before the exist panting to herself.***<br/><br/>"I-i did it!~♡" |
| ![](baiser_pfp.png) | Despite her commanding presence, Baiser stands a head shorter than Sangria. Baiser reaches up to give her pats on the head as a reward for her walk. <br/><br/>Sangria's expression is uncertain, but it seems her anger is losing out to her desire to be praised...<br/><br/>"Okay girl, let's go home." Baiser gets a firm hold of the taller girl's waist and hoists her up on her shoulder. She flushes a bit as she gets another glimpse of Sangria's pink panties on the way up.<br/><br/>Carrying her captive back to Nacht Base herself, Baiser thinks pleasant thoughts of the things she'll do to the foxy girl while drumming a happy rhythm on her legs ♪ | | ![](images/baiser_pfp.png) | Despite her commanding presence, Baiser stands a head shorter than Sangria. Baiser reaches up to give her pats on the head as a reward for her walk. <br/><br/>Sangria's expression is uncertain, but it seems her anger is losing out to her desire to be praised...<br/><br/>"Okay girl, let's go home." Baiser gets a firm hold of the taller girl's waist and hoists her up on her shoulder. She flushes a bit as she gets another glimpse of Sangria's pink panties on the way up.<br/><br/>Carrying her captive back to Nacht Base herself, Baiser thinks pleasant thoughts of the things she'll do to the foxy girl while drumming a happy rhythm on her legs ♪ |
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