UnityEngine.DirectorModule Wrap mode for Playables. Hold the last frame when the playable time reaches it's duration. Loop back to zero time and continue playing. Do not keep playing when the time reaches the duration. Instantiates a PlayableAsset and controls playback of Playable objects. The duration of the Playable in seconds. Controls how the time is incremented when it goes beyond the duration of the playable. The time at which the Playable should start when first played. The PlayableAsset that is used to instantiate a playable for playback. The PlayableGraph created by the PlayableDirector. The current playing state of the component. (Read Only) The component's current time. This value is incremented according to the PlayableDirector.timeUpdateMode when it is playing. You can also change this value manually. Controls how time is incremented when playing back. Clears an exposed reference value. Identifier of the ExposedReference. Tells the PlayableDirector to evaluate it's PlayableGraph on the next update. Evaluates the currently playing Playable at the current time. Returns a binding to a reference object. The object that acts as a key. Retreives an ExposedReference binding. Identifier of the ExposedReference. Whether the reference was found. Pauses playback of the currently running playable. Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback. An asset to instantiate a playable from. What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable. Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback. An asset to instantiate a playable from. What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable. Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback. An asset to instantiate a playable from. What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable. Resume playing a paused playable. Sets the binding of a reference object from a PlayableBinding. The source object in the PlayableBinding. The object to bind to the key. Sets an ExposedReference value. Identifier of the ExposedReference. The object to bind to set the reference value to. Stops playback of the current Playable and destroys the corresponding graph.