UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule Information about a particle collision. The Collider or Collider2D for the GameObject struck by the particles. Intersection point of the collision in world coordinates. Geometry normal at the intersection point of the collision. Incident velocity at the intersection point of the collision. Method extension for Physics in Particle System. Get the particle collision events for a GameObject. Returns the number of events written to the array. The GameObject for which to retrieve collision events. Array to write collision events to. Safe array size for use with ParticleSystem.GetCollisionEvents. Safe array size for use with ParticleSystem.GetTriggerParticles. Particle system. Type of trigger to return size for. Number of particles with this trigger event type. Get the particles that met the condition in the particle trigger module. Returns the number of particles written to the array. Particle system. Type of trigger to return particles for. The array of particles matching the trigger event type. Number of particles with this trigger event type. Write modified particles back to the particle system, during a call to OnParticleTrigger. Particle system. Type of trigger to set particles for. Particle array. Offset into the array, if you only want to write back a subset of the returned particles. Number of particles to write, if you only want to write back a subset of the returned particles. Write modified particles back to the particle system, during a call to OnParticleTrigger. Particle system. Type of trigger to set particles for. Particle array. Offset into the array, if you only want to write back a subset of the returned particles. Number of particles to write, if you only want to write back a subset of the returned particles. Script interface for particle systems (Shuriken). Access the particle system collision module. Access the particle system color by lifetime module. Access the particle system color over lifetime module. Access the particle system Custom Data module. The duration of the particle system in seconds (Read Only). Access the particle system emission module. The rate of emission. When set to false, the particle system will not emit particles. Access the particle system external forces module. Access the particle system force over lifetime module. Scale being applied to the gravity defined by Physics.gravity. Access the particle system velocity inheritance module. Is the particle system currently emitting particles? A particle system may stop emitting when its emission module has finished, it has been paused or if the system has been stopped using ParticleSystem.Stop|Stop with the ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting|StopEmitting flag. Resume emitting by calling ParticleSystem.Play|Play. Is the particle system paused right now ? Is the particle system playing right now ? Is the particle system stopped right now ? Access the particle system lights module. Access the particle system limit velocity over lifetime module. Is the particle system looping? Access the main particle system settings. The maximum number of particles to emit. Access the particle system noise module. The current number of particles (Read Only). The playback speed of the particle system. 1 is normal playback speed. If set to true, the particle system will automatically start playing on startup. Override the random seed used for the particle system emission. Access the particle system rotation by speed module. Access the particle system rotation over lifetime module. The scaling mode applied to particle sizes and positions. Access the particle system shape module. This selects the space in which to simulate particles. It can be either world or local space. Access the particle system size by speed module. Access the particle system size over lifetime module. The initial color of particles when emitted. Start delay in seconds. The total lifetime in seconds that particles will have when emitted. When using curves, this values acts as a scale on the curve. This value is set in the particle when it is created by the particle system. The initial rotation of particles when emitted. When using curves, this values acts as a scale on the curve. The initial 3D rotation of particles when emitted. When using curves, this values acts as a scale on the curves. The initial size of particles when emitted. When using curves, this values acts as a scale on the curve. The initial speed of particles when emitted. When using curves, this values acts as a scale on the curve. Access the particle system sub emitters module. Access the particle system texture sheet animation module. Playback position in seconds. Access the particle system trails module. Access the particle system trigger module. Controls whether the Particle System uses an automatically-generated random number to seed the random number generator. Access the particle system velocity over lifetime module. Script interface for a Burst. Number of particles to be emitted. How many times to play the burst. (0 means infinitely). Maximum number of particles to be emitted. Minimum number of particles to be emitted. How often to repeat the burst, in seconds. The time that each burst occurs. Construct a new Burst with a time and count. Time to emit the burst. Minimum number of particles to emit. Maximum number of particles to emit. Number of particles to emit. Number of times to play the burst. (0 means indefinitely). How often to repeat the burst, in seconds. Construct a new Burst with a time and count. Time to emit the burst. Minimum number of particles to emit. Maximum number of particles to emit. Number of particles to emit. Number of times to play the burst. (0 means indefinitely). How often to repeat the burst, in seconds. Construct a new Burst with a time and count. Time to emit the burst. Minimum number of particles to emit. Maximum number of particles to emit. Number of particles to emit. Number of times to play the burst. (0 means indefinitely). How often to repeat the burst, in seconds. Construct a new Burst with a time and count. Time to emit the burst. Minimum number of particles to emit. Maximum number of particles to emit. Number of particles to emit. Number of times to play the burst. (0 means indefinitely). How often to repeat the burst, in seconds. Construct a new Burst with a time and count. Time to emit the burst. Minimum number of particles to emit. Maximum number of particles to emit. Number of particles to emit. Number of times to play the burst. (0 means indefinitely). How often to repeat the burst, in seconds. Remove all particles in the particle system. Clear all child particle systems as well. Script interface for the Collision module. How much force is applied to each particle after a collision. Change the bounce multiplier. How much force is applied to a Collider when hit by particles from this Particle System. Control which layers this particle system collides with. How much speed is lost from each particle after a collision. Change the dampen multiplier. Enable/disable the Collision module. Allow particles to collide with dynamic colliders when using world collision mode. Allow particles to collide when inside colliders. How much a particle's lifetime is reduced after a collision. Change the lifetime loss multiplier. The maximum number of collision shapes that will be considered for particle collisions. Excess shapes will be ignored. Terrains take priority. Kill particles whose speed goes above this threshold, after a collision. The maximum number of planes it is possible to set as colliders. Kill particles whose speed falls below this threshold, after a collision. Choose between 2D and 3D world collisions. If true, the collision angle is considered when applying forces from particles to Colliders. If true, particle sizes are considered when applying forces to Colliders. If true, particle speeds are considered when applying forces to Colliders. Specifies the accuracy of particle collisions against colliders in the scene. A multiplier applied to the size of each particle before collisions are processed. Send collision callback messages. The type of particle collision to perform. Size of voxels in the collision cache. Get a collision plane associated with this particle system. Specifies which plane to access. The plane. Set a collision plane to be used with this particle system. Specifies which plane to set. The plane to set. Script interface for the Color By Speed module. The gradient controlling the particle colors. Enable/disable the Color By Speed module. Apply the color gradient between these minimum and maximum speeds. Script interface for the Color Over Lifetime module. The gradient controlling the particle colors. Enable/disable the Color Over Lifetime module. Script interface for the Custom Data module. Enable/disable the Custom Data module. Get a ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient, that is being used to generate custom HDR color data. The name of the custom data stream to retrieve the gradient from. The color gradient being used to generate custom color data. Find out the type of custom data that is being generated for the chosen data stream. The name of the custom data stream to query. The type of data being generated for the requested stream. Get a ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve, that is being used to generate custom data. The name of the custom data stream to retrieve the curve from. The component index to retrieve the curve for (0-3, mapping to the xyzw components of a Vector4 or float4). The curve being used to generate custom data. Query how many ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve elements are being used to generate this stream of custom data. The name of the custom data stream to retrieve the curve from. The number of curves. Set a ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient, in order to generate custom HDR color data. The name of the custom data stream to apply the gradient to. The gradient to be used for generating custom color data. Choose the type of custom data to generate for the chosen data stream. The name of the custom data stream to enable data generation on. The type of data to generate. Set a ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve, in order to generate custom data. The name of the custom data stream to apply the curve to. The component index to apply the curve to (0-3, mapping to the xyzw components of a Vector4 or float4). The curve to be used for generating custom data. Specify how many curves are used to generate custom data for this stream. The name of the custom data stream to apply the curve to. The number of curves to generate data for. Script interface for the Emission module. The current number of bursts. Enable/disable the Emission module. The rate at which new particles are spawned. Change the rate multiplier. The rate at which new particles are spawned, over distance. Change the rate over distance multiplier. The rate at which new particles are spawned, over time. Change the rate over time multiplier. The emission type. Get a single burst from the array of bursts. The index of the burst to retrieve. The burst data at the given index. Get the burst array. Array of bursts to be filled in. The number of bursts in the array. Set a single burst in the array of bursts. The index of the burst to retrieve. The new burst data to apply to the Particle System. Set the burst array. Array of bursts. Optional array size, if burst count is less than array size. Set the burst array. Array of bursts. Optional array size, if burst count is less than array size. Emit count particles immediately. Number of particles to emit. Emit a number of particles from script. Overidden particle properties. Number of particles to emit. Script interface for particle emission parameters. Override the angular velocity of emitted particles. Override the 3D angular velocity of emitted particles. When overriding the position of particles, setting this flag to true allows you to retain the influence of the shape module. Override the axis of rotation of emitted particles. Override the position of emitted particles. Override the random seed of emitted particles. Override the rotation of emitted particles. Override the 3D rotation of emitted particles. Override the initial color of emitted particles. Override the lifetime of emitted particles. Override the initial size of emitted particles. Override the initial 3D size of emitted particles. Override the velocity of emitted particles. Reverts angularVelocity and angularVelocity3D back to the values specified in the inspector. Revert the axis of rotation back to the value specified in the inspector. Revert the position back to the value specified in the inspector. Revert the random seed back to the value specified in the inspector. Reverts rotation and rotation3D back to the values specified in the inspector. Revert the initial color back to the value specified in the inspector. Revert the lifetime back to the value specified in the inspector. Revert the initial size back to the value specified in the inspector. Revert the velocity back to the value specified in the inspector. Script interface for the External Forces module. Enable/disable the External Forces module. Multiplies the magnitude of applied external forces. Script interface for the Force Over Lifetime module. Enable/disable the Force Over Lifetime module. When randomly selecting values between two curves or constants, this flag will cause a new random force to be chosen on each frame. Are the forces being applied in local or world space? The curve defining particle forces in the X axis. Change the X axis mulutiplier. The curve defining particle forces in the Y axis. Change the Y axis multiplier. The curve defining particle forces in the Z axis. Change the Z axis multiplier. Get a stream of custom per-particle data. The array of per-particle data. Which stream to retrieve the data from. The amount of valid per-particle data. Get the particles of this particle system. Particle buffer that is used for writing particle state to. The return value is the number of particles written to this array. The number of particles written to the input particle array (the number of particles currently alive). The Inherit Velocity Module controls how the velocity of the emitter is transferred to the particles as they are emitted. Curve to define how much emitter velocity is applied during the lifetime of a particle. Change the curve multiplier. Enable/disable the InheritVelocity module. How to apply emitter velocity to particles. Does the system have any live particles (or will produce more)? Check all child particle systems as well. True if the particle system is still "alive", false if the particle system is done emitting particles and all particles are dead. Access the ParticleSystem Lights Module. Toggle whether the particle alpha gets multiplied by the light intensity, when computing the final light intensity. Enable/disable the Lights module. Define a curve to apply custom intensity scaling to particle lights. Intensity multiplier. Select what Light prefab you want to base your particle lights on. Set a limit on how many lights this Module can create. Define a curve to apply custom range scaling to particle lights. Range multiplier. Choose what proportion of particles will receive a dynamic light. Toggle where the particle size will be multiplied by the light range, to determine the final light range. Toggle whether the particle lights will have their color multiplied by the particle color. Randomly assign lights to new particles based on ParticleSystem.LightsModule.ratio. Script interface for the Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module. Controls how much the velocity that exceeds the velocity limit should be dampened. Controls the amount of drag applied to the particle velocities. Change the drag multiplier. Enable/disable the Limit Force Over Lifetime module. Maximum velocity curve, when not using one curve per axis. Change the limit multiplier. Maximum velocity curve for the X axis. Change the limit multiplier on the X axis. Maximum velocity curve for the Y axis. Change the limit multiplier on the Y axis. Maximum velocity curve for the Z axis. Change the limit multiplier on the Z axis. Adjust the amount of drag applied to particles, based on their sizes. Adjust the amount of drag applied to particles, based on their speeds. Set the velocity limit on each axis separately. Specifies if the velocity limits are in local space (rotated with the transform) or world space. Script interface for the main module. Simulate particles relative to a custom transform component. The duration of the particle system in seconds. Control how the Particle System calculates its velocity, when moving in the world. Scale applied to the gravity, defined by Physics.gravity. Change the gravity mulutiplier. Is the particle system looping? The maximum number of particles to emit. If set to true, the particle system will automatically start playing on startup. When looping is enabled, this controls whether this particle system will look like it has already simulated for one loop when first becoming visible. Cause some particles to spin in the opposite direction. Control how the particle system's Transform Component is applied to the particle system. This selects the space in which to simulate particles. It can be either world or local space. Override the default playback speed of the Particle System. The initial color of particles when emitted. Start delay in seconds. Start delay multiplier in seconds. The total lifetime in seconds that each new particle will have. Start lifetime multiplier. The initial rotation of particles when emitted. A flag to enable 3D particle rotation. Start rotation multiplier. The initial rotation of particles around the X axis when emitted. Start rotation multiplier around the X axis. The initial rotation of particles around the Y axis when emitted. Start rotation multiplier around the Y axis. The initial rotation of particles around the Z axis when emitted. Start rotation multiplier around the Z axis. The initial size of particles when emitted. A flag to enable specifying particle size individually for each axis. Start size multiplier. The initial size of particles along the X axis when emitted. Start rotation multiplier along the X axis. The initial size of particles along the Y axis when emitted. Start rotation multiplier along the Y axis. The initial size of particles along the Z axis when emitted. Start rotation multiplier along the Z axis. The initial speed of particles when emitted. A multiplier of the initial speed of particles when emitted. Configure whether the GameObject will automatically disable or destroy itself, when the Particle System is stopped and all particles have died. When true, use the unscaled delta time to simulate the Particle System. Otherwise, use the scaled delta time. Script interface for a Min-Max Curve. Set the constant value. Set a constant for the upper bound. Set a constant for the lower bound. Set the curve. Set a curve for the upper bound. Set a curve for the lower bound. Set a multiplier to be applied to the curves. Set the mode that the min-max curve will use to evaluate values. A single constant value for the entire curve. Constant value. Use one curve when evaluating numbers along this Min-Max curve. A multiplier to be applied to the curve. A single curve for evaluating against. Randomly select values based on the interval between the minimum and maximum curves. A multiplier to be applied to the curves. The curve describing the minimum values to be evaluated. The curve describing the maximum values to be evaluated. Randomly select values based on the interval between the minimum and maximum constants. The constant describing the minimum values to be evaluated. The constant describing the maximum values to be evaluated. Manually query the curve to calculate values based on what mode it is in. Normalized time (in the range 0 - 1, where 1 represents 100%) at which to evaluate the curve. This is valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve.mode is set to ParticleSystemCurveMode.Curve or ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoCurves. Blend between the 2 curves/constants (Valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve.mode is set to ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants or ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoCurves). Calculated curve/constant value. Manually query the curve to calculate values based on what mode it is in. Normalized time (in the range 0 - 1, where 1 represents 100%) at which to evaluate the curve. This is valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve.mode is set to ParticleSystemCurveMode.Curve or ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoCurves. Blend between the 2 curves/constants (Valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve.mode is set to ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoConstants or ParticleSystemCurveMode.TwoCurves). Calculated curve/constant value. MinMaxGradient contains two Gradients, and returns a Color based on ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient.mode. Depending on the mode, the Color returned may be randomized. Gradients are edited via the ParticleSystem Inspector once a ParticleSystemGradientMode requiring them has been selected. Some modes do not require gradients, only colors. Set a constant color. Set a constant color for the upper bound. Set a constant color for the lower bound. Set the gradient. Set a gradient for the upper bound. Set a gradient for the lower bound. Set the mode that the min-max gradient will use to evaluate colors. A single constant color for the entire gradient. Constant color. Use one gradient when evaluating numbers along this Min-Max gradient. A single gradient for evaluating against. Randomly select colors based on the interval between the minimum and maximum constants. The constant color describing the minimum colors to be evaluated. The constant color describing the maximum colors to be evaluated. Randomly select colors based on the interval between the minimum and maximum gradients. The gradient describing the minimum colors to be evaluated. The gradient describing the maximum colors to be evaluated. Manually query the gradient to calculate colors based on what mode it is in. Normalized time (in the range 0 - 1, where 1 represents 100%) at which to evaluate the gradient. This is valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient.mode is set to ParticleSystemGradientMode.Gradient or ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoGradients. Blend between the 2 gradients/colors (Valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient.mode is set to ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoColors or ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoGradients). Calculated gradient/color value. Manually query the gradient to calculate colors based on what mode it is in. Normalized time (in the range 0 - 1, where 1 represents 100%) at which to evaluate the gradient. This is valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient.mode is set to ParticleSystemGradientMode.Gradient or ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoGradients. Blend between the 2 gradients/colors (Valid when ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient.mode is set to ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoColors or ParticleSystemGradientMode.TwoGradients). Calculated gradient/color value. Script interface for the Noise Module. The Noise Module allows you to apply turbulence to the movement of your particles. Use the low quality settings to create computationally efficient Noise, or simulate smoother, richer Noise with the higher quality settings. You can also choose to define the behavior of the Noise individually for each axis. Higher frequency noise will reduce the strength by a proportional amount, if enabled. Enable/disable the Noise module. Low values create soft, smooth noise, and high values create rapidly changing noise. Layers of noise that combine to produce final noise. When combining each octave, scale the intensity by this amount. When combining each octave, zoom in by this amount. How much the noise affects the particle positions. Generate 1D, 2D or 3D noise. Define how the noise values are remapped. Enable remapping of the final noise values, allowing for noise values to be translated into different values. Remap multiplier. Define how the noise values are remapped on the X axis, when using the ParticleSystem.NoiseModule.separateAxes option. X axis remap multiplier. Define how the noise values are remapped on the Y axis, when using the ParticleSystem.NoiseModule.separateAxes option. Y axis remap multiplier. Define how the noise values are remapped on the Z axis, when using the ParticleSystem.NoiseModule.separateAxes option. Z axis remap multiplier. How much the noise affects the particle rotation, in degrees per second. Scroll the noise map over the particle system. Scroll speed multiplier. Control the noise separately for each axis. How much the noise affects the particle sizes, applied as a multiplier on the size of each particle. How strong the overall noise effect is. Strength multiplier. Define the strength of the effect on the X axis, when using the ParticleSystem.NoiseModule.separateAxes option. X axis strength multiplier. Define the strength of the effect on the Y axis, when using the ParticleSystem.NoiseModule.separateAxes option. Y axis strength multiplier. Define the strength of the effect on the Z axis, when using the ParticleSystem.NoiseModule.separateAxes option. Z axis strength multiplier. Script interface for a Particle. The angular velocity of the particle. The 3D angular velocity of the particle. The lifetime of the particle. The position of the particle. The random seed of the particle. The random value of the particle. The remaining lifetime of the particle. The rotation of the particle. The 3D rotation of the particle. The initial color of the particle. The current color of the particle is calculated procedurally based on this value and the active color modules. The starting lifetime of the particle. The initial size of the particle. The current size of the particle is calculated procedurally based on this value and the active size modules. The initial 3D size of the particle. The current size of the particle is calculated procedurally based on this value and the active size modules. The velocity of the particle. Calculate the current color of the particle by applying the relevant curves to its startColor property. The particle system from which this particle was emitted. Current color. Calculate the current size of the particle by applying the relevant curves to its startSize property. The particle system from which this particle was emitted. Current size. Calculate the current 3D size of the particle by applying the relevant curves to its startSize3D property. The particle system from which this particle was emitted. Current size. Pauses the system so no new particles are emitted and the existing particles are not updated. Pause all child particle systems as well. Starts the particle system. Play all child particle systems as well. Script interface for the Rotation By Speed module. Enable/disable the Rotation By Speed module. Apply the rotation curve between these minimum and maximum speeds. Set the rotation by speed on each axis separately. Rotation by speed curve for the X axis. Speed multiplier along the X axis. Rotation by speed curve for the Y axis. Speed multiplier along the Y axis. Rotation by speed curve for the Z axis. Speed multiplier along the Z axis. Script interface for the Rotation Over Lifetime module. Enable/disable the Rotation Over Lifetime module. Set the rotation over lifetime on each axis separately. Rotation over lifetime curve for the X axis. Rotation multiplier around the X axis. Rotation over lifetime curve for the Y axis. Rotation multiplier around the Y axis. Rotation over lifetime curve for the Z axis. Rotation multiplier around the Z axis. Set a stream of custom per-particle data. The array of per-particle data. Which stream to assign the data to. Set the particles of this particle system. size is the number of particles that is set. Script interface for the Shape module. Align particles based on their initial direction of travel. Angle of the cone. Circle arc angle. The mode used for generating particles around the arc. When using one of the animated modes, how quickly to move the emission position around the arc. A multiplier of the arc speed of the emission shape. Control the gap between emission points around the arc. Scale of the box. Thickness of the box. The radius of the Donut shape. Enable/disable the Shape module. Length of the cone. Mesh to emit particles from. Emit particles from a single material of a mesh. MeshRenderer to emit particles from. Apply a scaling factor to the mesh used for generating source positions. Where on the mesh to emit particles from. Move particles away from the surface of the source mesh. Apply an offset to the position from which particles are emitted. Radius of the shape. The mode used for generating particles along the radius. When using one of the animated modes, how quickly to move the emission position along the radius. A multiplier of the radius speed of the emission shape. Control the gap between emission points along the radius. Thickness of the radius. Randomizes the starting direction of particles. Randomizes the starting direction of particles. Randomizes the starting position of particles. Apply a rotation to the shape from which particles are emitted. Apply scale to the shape from which particles are emitted. Type of shape to emit particles from. SkinnedMeshRenderer to emit particles from. Spherizes the starting direction of particles. Modulate the particle colors with the vertex colors, or the material color if no vertex colors exist. Emit from a single material, or the whole mesh. Fastforwards the particle system by simulating particles over given period of time, then pauses it. Time period in seconds to advance the ParticleSystem simulation by. If restart is true, the ParticleSystem will be reset to 0 time, and then advanced by this value. If restart is false, the ParticleSystem simulation will be advanced in time from its current state by this value. Fastforward all child particle systems as well. Restart and start from the beginning. Only update the system at fixed intervals, based on the value in "Fixed Time" in the Time options. Script interface for the Size By Speed module. Enable/disable the Size By Speed module. Apply the size curve between these minimum and maximum speeds. Set the size by speed on each axis separately. Curve to control particle size based on speed. Size multiplier. Size by speed curve for the X axis. X axis size multiplier. Size by speed curve for the Y axis. Y axis size multiplier. Size by speed curve for the Z axis. Z axis size multiplier. Script interface for the Size Over Lifetime module. Enable/disable the Size Over Lifetime module. Set the size over lifetime on each axis separately. Curve to control particle size based on lifetime. Size multiplier. Size over lifetime curve for the X axis. X axis size multiplier. Size over lifetime curve for the Y axis. Y axis size multiplier. Size over lifetime curve for the Z axis. Z axis size multiplier. Stops playing the particle system using the supplied stop behaviour. Stop all child particle systems as well. Stop emitting or stop emitting and clear the system. Stops playing the particle system using the supplied stop behaviour. Stop all child particle systems as well. Stop emitting or stop emitting and clear the system. Script interface for the Sub Emitters module. Sub particle system which spawns at the locations of the birth of the particles from the parent system. Sub particle system which spawns at the locations of the birth of the particles from the parent system. Sub particle system which spawns at the locations of the collision of the particles from the parent system. Sub particle system which spawns at the locations of the collision of the particles from the parent system. Sub particle system which spawns at the locations of the death of the particles from the parent system. Sub particle system to spawn on death of the parent system's particles. Enable/disable the Sub Emitters module. The total number of sub-emitters. Add a new sub-emitter. The sub-emitter to be added. The event that creates new particles. The properties of the new particles. Get the properties of the sub-emitter at the given index. The index of the desired sub-emitter. The properties of the requested sub-emitter. Get the sub-emitter Particle System at the given index. The index of the desired sub-emitter. The sub-emitter being requested. Get the type of the sub-emitter at the given index. The index of the desired sub-emitter. The type of the requested sub-emitter. Remove a sub-emitter from the given index in the array. The index from which to remove a sub-emitter. Set the properties of the sub-emitter at the given index. The index of the sub-emitter being modified. The new properties to assign to this sub-emitter. Set the Particle System to use as the sub-emitter at the given index. The index of the sub-emitter being modified. The Particle System being used as this sub-emitter. Set the type of the sub-emitter at the given index. The index of the sub-emitter being modified. The new spawning type to assign to this sub-emitter. Script interface for the Texture Sheet Animation module. Specifies the animation type. Specifies how many times the animation will loop during the lifetime of the particle. Enable/disable the Texture Sheet Animation module. Flip the U coordinate on particles, causing them to appear mirrored horizontally. Flip the V coordinate on particles, causing them to appear mirrored vertically. Curve to control which frame of the texture sheet animation to play. Frame over time mutiplier. Select whether the animated texture information comes from a grid of frames on a single texture, or from a list of Sprite objects. Defines the tiling of the texture in the X axis. Defines the tiling of the texture in the Y axis. Explicitly select which row of the texture sheet is used, when ParticleSystem.TextureSheetAnimationModule.useRandomRow is set to false. The total number of sprites. Define a random starting frame for the texture sheet animation. Starting frame multiplier. Use a random row of the texture sheet for each particle emitted. Choose which UV channels will receive texture animation. Add a new Sprite. The Sprite to be added. Get the Sprite at the given index. The index of the desired Sprite. The Sprite being requested. Remove a Sprite from the given index in the array. The index from which to remove a Sprite. Set the Sprite at the given index. The index of the Sprite being modified. The Sprite being assigned. Access the particle system trails module. The gradient controlling the trail colors during the lifetime of the attached particle. The gradient controlling the trail colors over the length of the trail. If enabled, Trails will disappear immediately when their owning particle dies. Otherwise, the trail will persist until all its points have naturally expired, based on its lifetime. Enable/disable the Trail module. Configures the trails to generate Normals and Tangents. With this data, Scene lighting can affect the trails via Normal Maps and the Unity Standard Shader, or your own custom-built Shaders. Toggle whether the trail will inherit the particle color as its starting color. The curve describing the trail lifetime, throughout the lifetime of the particle. Change the lifetime multiplier. Set the minimum distance each trail can travel before a new vertex is added to it. Choose what proportion of particles will receive a trail. Set whether the particle size will act as a multiplier on top of the trail lifetime. Set whether the particle size will act as a multiplier on top of the trail width. Choose whether the U coordinate of the trail texture is tiled or stretched. The curve describing the width, of each trail point. Change the width multiplier. Drop new trail points in world space, regardless of Particle System Simulation Space. Script interface for the Trigger module. Enable/disable the Trigger module. Choose what action to perform when particles enter the trigger volume. Choose what action to perform when particles leave the trigger volume. Choose what action to perform when particles are inside the trigger volume. The maximum number of collision shapes that can be attached to this particle system trigger. Choose what action to perform when particles are outside the trigger volume. A multiplier applied to the size of each particle before overlaps are processed. Get a collision shape associated with this particle system trigger. Which collider to return. The collider at the given index. Set a collision shape associated with this particle system trigger. Which collider to set. The collider to associate with this trigger. Script interface for the Velocity Over Lifetime module. Enable/disable the Velocity Over Lifetime module. Specifies if the velocities are in local space (rotated with the transform) or world space. Curve to control particle speed based on lifetime, on the X axis. X axis speed multiplier. Curve to control particle speed based on lifetime, on the Y axis. Y axis speed multiplier. Curve to control particle speed based on lifetime, on the Z axis. Z axis speed multiplier. The animation mode. Use a regular grid to construct a sequence of animation frames. Use a list of sprites to construct a sequence of animation frames. The animation type. Animate a single row in the sheet from left to right. Animate over the whole texture sheet from left to right, top to bottom. Whether to use 2D or 3D colliders for particle collisions. Use 2D colliders to collide particles against. Use 3D colliders to collide particles against. Quality of world collisions. Medium and low quality are approximate and may leak particles. The most accurate world collisions. Fastest and most approximate world collisions. Approximate world collisions. The type of collisions to use for a given particle system. Collide with a list of planes. Collide with the world geometry. The particle curve mode (Shuriken). Use a single constant for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve. Use a single curve for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve. Use a random value between 2 constants for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve. Use a random value between 2 curves for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve. Which stream of custom particle data to set. The first stream of custom per-particle data. The second stream of custom per-particle data. Which mode the Custom Data module uses to generate its data. Generate data using ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient. Don't generate any data. Generate data using ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve. The mode in which particles are emitted. Emit when emitter moves. Emit over time. Control how a Particle System calculates its velocity. Calculate the Particle System velocity by using a Rigidbody or Rigidbody2D component, if one exists on the Game Object. Calculate the Particle System velocity by using the Transform component. The particle gradient mode (Shuriken). Use a single color for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient. Use a single color gradient for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient. Define a list of colors in the ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient, to be chosen from at random. Use a random value between 2 colors for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient. Use a random value between 2 color gradients for the ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient. How to apply emitter velocity to particles. Each particle's velocity is set to the emitter's current velocity value, every frame. Each particle inherits the emitter's velocity on the frame when it was initially emitted. The mesh emission type. Emit from the edges of the mesh. Emit from the surface of the mesh. Emit from the vertices of the mesh. The quality of the generated noise. High quality 3D noise. Low quality 1D noise. Medium quality 2D noise. What action to perform when the particle trigger module passes a test. Send the OnParticleTrigger command to the particle system's script. Do nothing. Kill all particles that pass this test. Renders particles on to the screen (Shuriken). The number of currently active custom vertex streams. Control the direction that particles face. How much are the particles stretched depending on the Camera's speed. How much are the particles stretched in their direction of motion. Specifies how the Particle System Renderer interacts with SpriteMask. Clamp the maximum particle size. Mesh used as particle instead of billboarded texture. The number of meshes being used for particle rendering. Clamp the minimum particle size. How much are billboard particle normals oriented towards the camera. Modify the pivot point used for rotating particles. How particles are drawn. Biases particle system sorting amongst other transparencies. Sort particles within a system. Set the material used by the Trail module for attaching trails to particles. How much are the particles stretched depending on "how fast they move". Query whether the particle system renderer uses a particular set of vertex streams. Streams to query. Whether all the queried streams are enabled or not. Disable a set of vertex shader streams on the particle system renderer. The position stream is always enabled, and any attempts to remove it will be ignored. Streams to disable. Enable a set of vertex shader streams on the particle system renderer. Streams to enable. Query which vertex shader streams are enabled on the ParticleSystemRenderer. The array of streams to be populated. Query whether the particle system renderer uses a particular set of vertex streams. Streams to query. Returns the subset of the queried streams that are actually enabled. Get the array of meshes to be used as particles. This array will be populated with the list of meshes being used for particle rendering. The number of meshes actually written to the destination array. Enable a set of vertex shader streams on the ParticleSystemRenderer. The new array of enabled vertex streams. Set an array of meshes to be used as particles when the ParticleSystemRenderer.renderMode is set to ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh. Array of meshes to be used. Number of elements from the mesh array to be applied. Set an array of meshes to be used as particles when the ParticleSystemRenderer.renderMode is set to ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh. Array of meshes to be used. Number of elements from the mesh array to be applied. The rendering mode for particle systems (Shuriken). Render particles as billboards facing the active camera. (Default) Render particles as billboards always facing up along the y-Axis. Render particles as meshes. Do not render particles. Stretch particles in the direction of motion. Render particles as billboards always facing the player, but not pitching along the x-Axis. How particles are aligned when rendered. Particles face the eye position. Particles align with their local transform. Particles are aligned to their direction of travel. Particles face the camera plane. Particles align with the world. Control how particle systems apply transform scale. Scale the particle system using the entire transform hierarchy. Scale the particle system using only its own transform scale. (Ignores parent scale). Only apply transform scale to the shape component, which controls where particles are spawned, but does not affect their size or movement. The mode used to generate new points in a shape (Shuriken). Distribute new particles around the shape evenly. Animate the emission point around the shape. Animate the emission point around the shape, alternating between clockwise and counter-clockwise directions. Generate points randomly. (Default) The emission shape (Shuriken). Emit from the volume of a box. Emit from the edges of a box. Emit from the surface of a box. Emit from a circle. Emit from the edge of a circle. Emit from the base of a cone. Emit from the base surface of a cone. Emit from a cone. Emit from the surface of a cone. Emit from a Donut. Emit from a half-sphere. Emit from the surface of a half-sphere. Emit from a mesh. Emit from a mesh renderer. Emit from an edge. Emit from a skinned mesh renderer. Emit from a sphere. Emit from the surface of a sphere. The space to simulate particles in. Simulate particles relative to a custom transform component, defined by ParticleSystem.MainModule.customSimulationSpace. Simulate particles in local space. Simulate particles in world space. The sorting mode for particle systems. Sort based on distance. No sorting. Sort the oldest particles to the front. Sort the youngest particles to the front. The action to perform when the Particle System stops. Destroy the GameObject containing the Particle System. Disable the GameObject containing the Particle System. Do nothing. The behavior to apply when calling ParticleSystem.Stop|Stop. Stops particle system emitting any further particles. All existing particles will remain until they expire. Stops particle system emitting and removes all existing emitted particles. The properties of sub-emitter particles. When spawning new particles, multiply the start color by the color of the parent particles. When spawning new particles, inherit all available properties from the parent particles. New particles will have a shorter lifespan, the closer their parent particles are to death. When spawning new particles, do not inherit any properties from the parent particles. When spawning new particles, add the start rotation to the rotation of the parent particles. When spawning new particles, multiply the start size by the size of the parent particles. The events that cause new particles to be spawned. Spawn new particles when particles from the parent system are born. Spawn new particles when particles from the parent system collide with something. Spawn new particles when particles from the parent system die. Choose how textures are applied to Particle Trails. Map the texture once along the entire length of the trail, assuming all vertices are evenly spaced. Repeat the texture along the trail, repeating at a rate of once per trail segment. To adjust the tiling rate, use Material.SetTextureScale. Map the texture once along the entire length of the trail. Repeat the texture along the trail. To set the tiling rate, use Material.SetTextureScale. The different types of particle triggers. Trigger when particles enter the collision volume. Trigger when particles leave the collision volume. Trigger when particles are inside the collision volume. Trigger when particles are outside the collision volume. All possible particle system vertex shader inputs. The normalized age of each particle, from 0 to 1. The amount to blend between animated texture frames, from 0 to 1. The current animation frame index of each particle. The center position of the entire particle, in world space. The color of each particle. One custom value for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. Two custom values for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. Three custom values for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. Four custom values for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. One custom value for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. Two custom values for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. Three custom values for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. Four custom values for each particle, defined by the Custom Data Module, or ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData. The reciprocal of the starting lifetime, in seconds (1.0f / startLifetime). The X axis noise on the current frame. The X and Y axis noise on the current frame. The 3D noise on the current frame. The accumulated X axis noise, over the lifetime of the particle. The accumulated X and Y axis noise, over the lifetime of the particle. The accumulated 3D noise, over the lifetime of the particle. The vertex normal of each particle. The position of each particle vertex, in world space. The Z axis rotation of each particle. The 3D rotation of each particle. The Z axis rotational speed of each particle. The 3D rotational speed of each particle. The X axis size of each particle. The X and Y axis sizes of each particle. The 3D size of each particle. The speed of each particle, calculated by taking the magnitude of the velocity. A random number for each particle, which remains constant during their lifetime. Two random numbers for each particle, which remain constant during their lifetime. Three random numbers for each particle, which remain constant during their lifetime. Four random numbers for each particle, which remain constant during their lifetime. The tangent vector for each particle (for normal mapping). The first UV stream of each particle. The second UV stream of each particle. The third UV stream of each particle (only for meshes). The fourth UV stream of each particle (only for meshes). A random number for each particle, which changes during their lifetime. Two random numbers for each particle, which change during their lifetime. Three random numbers for each particle, which change during their lifetime. Four random numbers for each particle, which change during their lifetime. The velocity of each particle, in world space. The vertex ID of each particle. All possible particle system vertex shader inputs. A mask with all vertex streams enabled. The center position of each particle, with the vertex ID of each particle, from 0-3, stored in the w component. The color of each particle. The first stream of custom data, supplied from script. The second stream of custom data, supplied from script. Alive time as a 0-1 value in the X component, and Total Lifetime in the Y component. To get the current particle age, simply multiply X by Y. A mask with no vertex streams enabled. The normal of each particle. The world space position of each particle. 4 random numbers. The first 3 are deterministic and assigned once when each particle is born, but the 4th value will change during the lifetime of the particle. The rotation of each particle. The size of each particle. Tangent vectors for normal mapping. The texture coordinates of each particle. With the Texture Sheet Animation module enabled, this contains the UVs for the second texture frame, the blend factor for each particle, and the raw frame, allowing for blending of frames. The 3D velocity of each particle. A flag representing each UV channel. First UV channel. Second UV channel. Third UV channel. Fourth UV channel.