UnityEngine.VRModule A collection of methods and properties for interacting with the XR tracking system. Disables positional tracking in XR. This takes effect the next time the head pose is sampled. If set to true the camera only tracks headset rotation state. Called when a tracked node is added to the underlying XR system. Describes the node that has been added. Called when a tracked node is removed from the underlying XR system. Describes the node that has been removed. Called when a tracked node begins reporting tracking information. Describes the node that has begun being tracked. Called when a tracked node stops reporting tracking information. Describes the node that has lost tracking. Gets the position of a specific node. Specifies which node's position should be returned. The position of the node in its local tracking space. Gets the rotation of a specific node. Specifies which node's rotation should be returned. The rotation of the node in its local tracking space. Accepts the unique identifier for a tracked node and returns a friendly name for it. The unique identifier for the Node index. The name of the tracked node if the given 64-bit identifier maps to a currently tracked node. Empty string otherwise. Describes all presently connected XR nodes and provides available tracking state. A list that is populated with XR.XRNodeState objects. Center tracking to the current position and orientation of the HMD. Represents the size of physical space available for XR. Represents a space large enough for free movement. Represents a small space where movement may be constrained or positional tracking is unavailable. Represents the current user presence state detected by the device. The device does not detect that the user is present. The device detects that the user is present. The device is currently in a state where it cannot determine user presence. The device does not support detecting user presence. Indicates the lifecycle state of the device's spatial location system. The device is reporting its orientation and is preparing to locate its position in the user's surroundings. The device is reporting its orientation and position in the user's surroundings. The device is reporting its orientation but cannot locate its position in the user's surroundings due to external factors like poor lighting conditions. The device is reporting its orientation and has not been asked to report its position in the user's surroundings. The device's spatial location system is not available. This class represents the state of the real world tracking system. Contains all functionality related to a XR device. The name of the family of the loaded XR device. Zooms the XR projection. Successfully detected a XR device in working order. Specific model of loaded XR device. Refresh rate of the display in Hertz. Indicates whether the user is present and interacting with the device. Sets whether the camera passed in the first parameter is controlled implicitly by the XR Device The camera that we wish to change behavior on True if the camera's transform is set externally. False if the camera is to be driven implicitly by XRDevice, Nothing. This method returns an IntPtr representing the native pointer to the XR device if one is available, otherwise the value will be IntPtr.Zero. The native pointer to the XR device. Returns the device's current TrackingSpaceType. This value determines how the camera is positioned relative to its starting position. For more, see the section "Understanding the camera" in. The device's current TrackingSpaceType. Sets the device's current TrackingSpaceType. Returns true on success. Returns false if the given TrackingSpaceType is not supported or the device fails to switch. The TrackingSpaceType the device should switch to. True on success. False if the given TrackingSpaceType is not supported or the device fails to switch. Enumeration of tracked XR nodes which can be updated by XR input. Node representing a point between the left and right eyes. Represents a tracked game Controller not associated with a specific hand. Represents a physical device that provides tracking data for objects to which it is attached. Node representing the user's head. Node representing the left eye. Node representing the left hand. Node representing the right eye. Node representing the right hand. Represents a stationary physical device that can be used as a point of reference in the tracked area. Sets the vector representing the current acceleration of the tracked node. Sets the vector representing the current angular acceleration of the tracked node. Sets the vector representing the current angular velocity of the tracked node. The type of the tracked node as specified in XR.XRNode. Sets the vector representing the current position of the tracked node. Sets the quaternion representing the current rotation of the tracked node. Set to true if the node is presently being tracked by the underlying XR system, and false if the node is not presently being tracked by the underlying XR system. The unique identifier of the tracked node. Sets the vector representing the current velocity of the tracked node. Attempt to retrieve a vector representing the current acceleration of the tracked node. True if the acceleration was set in the output parameter. False if the acceleration is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked. Attempt to retrieve a Vector3 representing the current angular acceleration of the tracked node. True if the angular acceleration was set in the output parameter. False if the angular acceleration is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked. Attempt to retrieve a Vector3 representing the current angular velocity of the tracked node. True if the angular velocity was set in the output parameter. False if the angular velocity is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked. Attempt to retrieve a vector representing the current position of the tracked node. True if the position was set in the output parameter. False if the position is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked. Attempt to retrieve a quaternion representing the current rotation of the tracked node. True if the rotation was set in the output parameter. False if the rotation is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked. Attempt to retrieve a vector representing the current velocity of the tracked node. True if the velocity was set in the output parameter. False if the velocity is not available due to limitations of the underlying platform or if the node is not presently tracked. Global XR related settings. Globally enables or disables XR for the application. Fetch the eye texture RenderTextureDescriptor from the active stereo device. The current height of an eye texture for the loaded device. Controls the actual size of eye textures as a multiplier of the device's default resolution. The current width of an eye texture for the loaded device. Read-only value that can be used to determine if the XR device is active. Type of XR device that is currently loaded. A scale applied to the standard occulsion mask for each platform. This field has been deprecated. Use XRSettings.eyeTextureResolutionScale instead. Controls how much of the allocated eye texture should be used for rendering. Mirror what is shown on the device to the main display, if possible. Returns a list of supported XR devices that were included at build time. Loads the requested device at the beginning of the next frame. Name of the device from XRSettings.supportedDevices. Prioritized list of device names from XRSettings.supportedDevices. Loads the requested device at the beginning of the next frame. Name of the device from XRSettings.supportedDevices. Prioritized list of device names from XRSettings.supportedDevices. Timing and other statistics from the XR subsystem. Total GPU time utilized last frame as measured by the XR subsystem. Retrieves the number of dropped frames reported by the XR SDK. Outputs the number of frames dropped since the last update. True if the dropped frame count is available, false otherwise. Retrieves the number of times the current frame has been drawn to the device as reported by the XR SDK. Outputs the number of times the current frame has been presented. True if the frame present count is available, false otherwise. Retrieves the time spent by the GPU last frame, in seconds, as reported by the XR SDK. Outputs the time spent by the GPU last frame. True if the GPU time spent last frame is available, false otherwise.