UnityEngine.UIModule Enum mask of possible shader channel properties that can also be included when the Canvas mesh is created. No additional shader parameters are needed. Include the normals on the mesh vertices. Include the Tangent on the mesh vertices. Include UV1 on the mesh vertices. Include UV2 on the mesh vertices. Include UV3 on the mesh vertices. Element that can be used for screen rendering. Get or set the mask of additional shader channels to be used when creating the Canvas mesh. Cached calculated value based upon SortingLayerID. Is this the root Canvas? The normalized grid size that the canvas will split the renderable area into. Allows for nested canvases to override pixelPerfect settings inherited from parent canvases. Override the sorting of canvas. Force elements in the canvas to be aligned with pixels. Only applies with renderMode is Screen Space. Get the render rect for the Canvas. How far away from the camera is the Canvas generated. The number of pixels per unit that is considered the default. Is the Canvas in World or Overlay mode? The render order in which the canvas is being emitted to the scene. Returns the Canvas closest to root, by checking through each parent and returning the last canvas found. If no other canvas is found then the canvas will return itself. Used to scale the entire canvas, while still making it fit the screen. Only applies with renderMode is Screen Space. The normalized grid size that the canvas will split the renderable area into. Unique ID of the Canvas' sorting layer. Name of the Canvas' sorting layer. Canvas' order within a sorting layer. For Overlay mode, display index on which the UI canvas will appear. Event that is called just before Canvas rendering happens. Camera used for sizing the Canvas when in Screen Space - Camera. Also used as the Camera that events will be sent through for a World Space [[Canvas]. Force all canvases to update their content. Returns the default material that can be used for rendering normal elements on the Canvas. Returns the default material that can be used for rendering text elements on the Canvas. Gets or generates the ETC1 Material. The generated ETC1 Material from the Canvas. A Canvas placable element that can be used to modify children Alpha, Raycasting, Enabled state. Set the alpha of the group. Does this group block raycasting (allow collision). Should the group ignore parent groups? Is the group interactable (are the elements beneath the group enabled). Returns true if the Group allows raycasts. A component that will render to the screen after all normal rendering has completed when attached to a Canvas. Designed for GUI application. Depth of the renderer relative to the root canvas. Indicates whether geometry emitted by this renderer is ignored. True if any change has occured that would invalidate the positions of generated geometry. Enable 'render stack' pop draw call. True if rect clipping has been enabled on this renderer. See Also: CanvasRenderer.EnableRectClipping, CanvasRenderer.DisableRectClipping. Is the UIRenderer a mask component. The number of materials usable by this renderer. The number of materials usable by this renderer. Used internally for masking. Depth of the renderer realative to the parent canvas. Take the Vertex steam and split it corrisponding arrays (positions, colors, uv0s, uv1s, normals and tangents). The UIVertex list to split. The destination list for the verts positions. The destination list for the verts colors. The destination list for the verts uv0s. The destination list for the verts uv1s. The destination list for the verts normals. The destination list for the verts tangents. Remove all cached vertices. Convert a set of vertex components into a stream of UIVertex. Disables rectangle clipping for this CanvasRenderer. Enables rect clipping on the CanvasRendered. Geometry outside of the specified rect will be clipped (not rendered). Get the current alpha of the renderer. Get the current color of the renderer. Gets the current Material assigned to the CanvasRenderer. The material index to retrieve (0 if this parameter is omitted). Result. Gets the current Material assigned to the CanvasRenderer. The material index to retrieve (0 if this parameter is omitted). Result. Gets the current Material assigned to the CanvasRenderer. Used internally for masking. Set the alpha of the renderer. Will be multiplied with the UIVertex alpha and the Canvas alpha. Alpha. The Alpha Texture that will be passed to the Shader under the _AlphaTex property. The Texture to be passed. Set the color of the renderer. Will be multiplied with the UIVertex color and the Canvas color. Renderer multiply color. Set the material for the canvas renderer. If a texture is specified then it will be used as the 'MainTex' instead of the material's 'MainTex'. See Also: CanvasRenderer.SetMaterialCount, CanvasRenderer.SetTexture. Material for rendering. Material texture overide. Material index. Set the material for the canvas renderer. If a texture is specified then it will be used as the 'MainTex' instead of the material's 'MainTex'. See Also: CanvasRenderer.SetMaterialCount, CanvasRenderer.SetTexture. Material for rendering. Material texture overide. Material index. Sets the Mesh used by this renderer. Set the material for the canvas renderer. Used internally for masking. Sets the texture used by this renderer's material. Set the vertices for the UIRenderer. Array of vertices to set. Number of vertices to set. Set the vertices for the UIRenderer. Array of vertices to set. Number of vertices to set. Given a list of UIVertex, split the stream into it's component types. This element can filter raycasts. If the top level element is hit it can further 'check' if the location is valid. Given a point and a camera is the raycast valid. Screen position. Raycast camera. Valid. Utility class containing helper methods for working with RectTransform. Flips the horizontal and vertical axes of the RectTransform size and alignment, and optionally its children as well. The RectTransform to flip. Flips around the pivot if true. Flips within the parent rect if false. Flip the children as well? Flips the alignment of the RectTransform along the horizontal or vertical axis, and optionally its children as well. The RectTransform to flip. Flips around the pivot if true. Flips within the parent rect if false. Flip the children as well? The axis to flip along. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. Convert a given point in screen space into a pixel correct point. Pixel adjusted point. Given a rect transform, return the corner points in pixel accurate coordinates. Pixel adjusted rect. Does the RectTransform contain the screen point as seen from the given camera? The RectTransform to test with. The screen point to test. The camera from which the test is performed from. (Optional) True if the point is inside the rectangle. Transform a screen space point to a position in the local space of a RectTransform that is on the plane of its rectangle. The RectTransform to find a point inside. The camera associated with the screen space position. Screen space position. Point in local space of the rect transform. Returns true if the plane of the RectTransform is hit, regardless of whether the point is inside the rectangle. Transform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTransform. The RectTransform to find a point inside. The camera associated with the screen space position. Screen space position. Point in world space. Returns true if the plane of the RectTransform is hit, regardless of whether the point is inside the rectangle. RenderMode for the Canvas. Render using the Camera configured on the Canvas. Render at the end of the scene using a 2D Canvas. Render using any Camera in the scene that can render the layer.