UnityEngine.UIElementsModule Return true if the default actions should not be executed for this event. Call this function to prevent the execution of the default actions for this event. This interface provides access to a VisualElement style data. Alignment of the whole area of children on the cross axis if they span over multiple lines in this container. Alignment of children on the cross axis of this container. Similar to align-items, but only for this specific element. Background color to paint in the element's box. Background image to paint in the element's box. Background image scaling in the element's box. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. Color of the border to paint inside the element's box. Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. Radius used to paint a rounded rectangle in the element's box. Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. Ration of this element in its parent during the layout phase. Direction of the main axis to layout children in a container. Placement of children over multiple lines if not enough space is available in this container. Font to draw the element's text. Font size to draw the element's text. Font style to draw the element's text. Fixed height of an element for the layout. Justification of children on the main axis of this container. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. Maximum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Maximum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. Bottom distance from the element's box during layout. Left distance from the element's box during layout. Right distance from the element's box during layout. Top distance from the element's box during layout. Element's positioning in its parent container. Size of the 9-slice's bottom edge when painting an element's background image. Size of the 9-slice's left edge when painting an element's background image. Size of the 9-slice's right edge when painting an element's background image. Size of the 9-slice's top edge when painting an element's background image. Text alignment in the element's box. Clipping if the text does not fit in the element's box. Color to use when drawing the text of an element. Fixed width of an element for the layout. Word wrapping over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. The propagation phases of an event. The event is being sent to the event target. The event is being sent to the event target parent element up to the root element. The event is being sent to the root element down to the event target parent element. The event is being sent to the target element for it to execute its default actions for this event. Event handlers do not get the events in this phase. Instead, ExecuteDefaultAction is called on the target. The event is not being propagated. This enumeration contains values to control how an element is aligned in its parent during the layout phase. Default value (currently FlexStart). Items are centered on the cross axis. Items are aligned at the end on the cross axis. Items are aligned at the beginning on the cross axis. Stretches items on the cross axis. This enumeration defines values used to control in which direction a container will place its children during layout. Vertical layout. Vertical layout in reverse order. Horizontal layout. Horizontal layout in reverse order. This enumeration contains values to control how children are justified during layout. Items are centered. Items are justified towards the end of the layout direction. Items are justified towards the beginning of the main axis. Items are evenly distributed in the line with extra space on each end of the line. Items are evenly distributed in the line; first item is at the beginning of the line, last item is at the end. This enumeration contains values to control how an element is positioned in its parent container. The element is positioned in relation to its parent box and does not contribute to the layout anymore. The element is positioned in relation to its default box as calculated by layout. This enumeration contains values to control how elements are placed in a container if not enough space is available. All elements are placed on the same line. Elements are placed over multiple lines. This interface exposes methods to read custom style properties applied from USS files to visual elements. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. This generic structure encodes a value type that can come from USS or be specified programmatically. This represents the default value for a StyleValue<T> of the according generic type. The actual value of the StyleValue<T>. Creates a StyleValue of the according generic type directly from a value. Value to be used as inline style. The result StyleValue<T> This constructor can be used to specified an alternate default value but it is recommended to use StyleValue<T>.nil. Default starting value. Utility function to be used when reading custom styles values and provide a default value in one step. Default value to be returned if no value is set. The value to be used for the custom style. A textfield is a rectangular area where the user can edit a string. The color of the cursor. Set this to true to allow double-clicks to select the word under the mouse and false if otherwise. Returns true if the textfield has the focus and false if otherwise. Set this to true to mask the characters and false if otherwise. The character used for masking in a password field. The maximum number of characters this textfield can hold. If 0, there is no limit. Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. The color of the text selection. Set this to true to allow triple-clicks to select the line under the mouse and false if otherwise. Creates a new textfield. The maximum number of characters this textfield can hold. If 0, there is no limit. Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. Set this to true to mask the characters and false if otherwise. The character used for masking in a password field. Creates a new textfield. The maximum number of characters this textfield can hold. If 0, there is no limit. Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. Set this to true to mask the characters and false if otherwise. The character used for masking in a password field. Action that is called whenever the text changes in the textfield. Action that is called when the user validates the text in the textfield. UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. Utility Object that contructs a set of selection rules to be ran on a root visual element. Selects all elements that are active. A QueryBuilder with the selection rules. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().AtIndex(). Compiles the selection rules into a QueryState object. Selects all elements that are checked. Selects all direct child elements of elements matching the previous rules. Selects all direct child elements of elements matching the previous rules. Selects all elements with the given class. Not to be confused with Type (see OfType<>()). Initializes a QueryBuilder. The root element on which to condfuct the search query. Selects all elements that are descendants of currently matching ancestors. Selects all elements that are descendants of currently matching ancestors. Selects all elements that are enabled. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().First(). The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Selects all elements that are enabled. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). The function to be invoked with each matching element. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). The function to be invoked with each matching element. Each return value will be added to this list. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). The function to be invoked with each matching element. Returns a list of all the results of the function calls. Selects all elements that are hovered. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().Last(). The last element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Selects element with this name. Selects all elements that are not active. Selects all elements that npot checked. Selects all elements that are not enabled. Selects all elements that don't currently own the focus. Selects all elements that are not hovered. Selects all elements that are not selected. Selects all elements that are not visible. Selects all elements of the specified Type (eg: Label, Button, ScrollView, etc). If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Selects all elements of the specified Type (eg: Label, Button, ScrollView, etc). If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Selects all elements that are selected. Convenience method. shorthand for Build().ToList. Returns a list containing elements satisfying selection rules. Convenience method. Shorthand gor Build().ToList(). Adds all elements satisfying selection rules to the list. Selects all elements that are visible. Selects all elements satifying the predicate. Predicate that must return true for selected elements. QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Query object containing all the selection rules. Can be saved and rerun later without re-allocating memory. Selects the n th element matching all the criteria, or null if not enough elements were found. The index of the matched element. The match element at the specified index. The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Invokes function on all elements matching the query. The action to be invoked with each matching element. Invokes function on all elements matching the query. Each return value will be added to this list. The function to be invoked with each matching element. Invokes function on all elements matching the query. Overloaded for convenience. The function to be invoked with each matching element. Returns a list of all the results of the function calls. The last element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. The last element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Creates a new QueryState with the same selection rules, applied on another VisualElement. The element on which to apply the selection rules. A new QueryState with the same selection rules, applied on this element. Returns a list containing elements satisfying selection rules. Returns a list containing elements satisfying selection rules. Adds all elements satisfying selection rules to the list. Adds all elements satisfying selection rules to the list. UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. Convenience overload, shorthand for Query<T>.Build().First(). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Convenience overload, shorthand for Query<T>.Build().First(). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Template parameter specifies the type of elements the selector applies to (ie: Label, Button, etc). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Template parameter specifies the type of elements the selector applies to (ie: Label, Button, etc). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Base class for objects that are part of the UIElements visual tree. Reference to the style object of this element. Callback when the styles of an object have changed.