UnityEngine.JSONSerializeModule Utility functions for working with JSON data. Create an object from its JSON representation. The JSON representation of the object. An instance of the object. Create an object from its JSON representation. The JSON representation of the object. The type of object represented by the Json. An instance of the object. Overwrite data in an object by reading from its JSON representation. The JSON representation of the object. The object that should be overwritten. Generate a JSON representation of the public fields of an object. The object to convert to JSON form. If true, format the output for readability. If false, format the output for minimum size. Default is false. The object's data in JSON format. Generate a JSON representation of the public fields of an object. The object to convert to JSON form. If true, format the output for readability. If false, format the output for minimum size. Default is false. The object's data in JSON format.