diff --git a/Game_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll b/Game_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll index 1535d4e..4ed171a 100644 Binary files a/Game_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll and b/Game_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll differ diff --git a/src/n_data.txt b/src/n_data.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35f7ae8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/n_data.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25949 @@ +<0> +settri/0 +setmsc/5 +setmscu/0 + + + +load_parts + +makesave + + +//allshow +//delay +//alldel/8 + +jump/title + + + +t///Save not found. Are you sure you want to search for the save? +two + +selset/0/sel0/AirFind version Save +selset/1/sel1/FlashFind version Save +selset/2/sel2/Save folders in the same hierarchy +selset/3/sel3/Do not search +selview + +[sel0] +loadfs/1 +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +loadfs/2 +[sel1]- + +[sel2] +loadfs/3 +[sel2]- + +[sel3] +[sel3]- + + + +tend + +selset/0/sel0/AirVersion Save +selset/1/sel1/FlashVersion Save +selset/2/sel2/UnityVersion Save +selset/3/sel3/Back +selview + +[sel0] +openfs/1 +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +openfs/2 +[sel1]- + +[sel2] +openfs/3 +[sel2]- + +[sel3] +[sel3]- + +tend + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 + +allshow +alldel/8 + +load/9/logo1/b +v/9/1 + +sout/8 + +sf/9/0/1 + +jump/title + +#skip +bgmout + +loadsys + +load/8/fd4/f +sb/8/s +v/8/1 + +alldel/8 +loadwin/wtitle +load/9/ev42/b +v/9/1 + +wset/wtitle/init +wset/wtitle/10 + + +sout/8 + + +wset/wtitle/show + + + +<title_2> + +setev/19/1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///Would you like to save the clear data? +two + +selset/0/sel0/They save +selset/1/sel1/Don't save +selview + +[sel0] +show_save +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +[sel1]- +tend + + +t///* New map was added * +t///Unit is lost (disappears) when it becomes impossible to dismiss on the map! +two + +jump/ver2op +<gamestart> +allclear +jump/op_sel +<menu0> +ifc/ev:22:0,recipe/blab_first +ifc/ev:5:6/town_crash +ifc/tri:0,st:10:0,want:2:2/s2intro +ifc/cg:35:1,st:65:10:u,st:9:0/ver3op + + +load/8/_EFF0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg1/b +v/9/1 +ms/menu/1/1 + +sout/8 + + + +bgm/1 + +ms/menu/11 + + +ifc/ev:5:3/menu3 +ifc/ev:19:2,ev:34:0/menu4 +ifc/ev:34:2/menu_tip5 +<menu> +jumpeff/menu0/fd0 +<menu_aload> +st_replay +jump/menu +<menu_slow> +jumpeff/menu0/fd6 +<menu3> +load/1/tip3/m2 + +be/1/in_s/1 +clc +be/1/out_s/1 +v/1/out + +setev/5/0 +<menu4> +load/1/tip4/m2 + +be/1/in_s/1 +clc +be/1/out_s/1 +v/1/out + +setev/34/1 +<menu_tip5> +load/1/tip5/m2 + +be/1/in_s/1 +clc +be/1/out_s/1 +v/1/out + +setev/34/3 +<town_crash> + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg1/b +v/9/1 +sout/8 + + + +bgm/13 + +load/1/cb20/c +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb10/c + +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/2 +wait/100 +vfw/1/in/3 + +sf/1/7 +sf/0/4 +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... the town... +t/3/Lana/What... What is happening...? + +vf/2/in/7 + +sf/2/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, you're back! +t/7/Lizbeth/Something terrible has happened! +t/7/Lizbeth/A large number of monsters have invaded the town, many have died already! +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh, monsters?! +t/7/Lizbeth/Yes, somehow our Guard managed to hold out... +t/7/Lizbeth/But we don't know when the monsters will attack again. +t/7/Lizbeth/We will head out to counter-attack the remaining monsters scattered around the nearby area. +t/7/Lizbeth/The bounty office will be closed for a while. I hope you understand... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I-is that so...? +t/7/Lizbeth/I might be wrong but from the looks of it, there will be another attack coming soon. +t/7/Lizbeth/If that happens... This town may be destroyed. +t/7/Lizbeth/Until that happens, we have to do something about these hostile forces. +t/7/Lizbeth/If possible, please assist us in defeating the monsters! +two +vfw/2/out + +t/3/Lana/...Ily... what should I do? +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... if we don't hurry up and defeat the witch, the town will be destroyed! +t/3/Ily/If that happens life will be difficult even for us. +t/3/Ily/That's why we have to act fast and defeat the witch. +two + +if/ev:10:2 +loadct/2/11/c +vf/2/in/7 +sf/0/1 +sf/2/5 +t/7/Pia/Oh, Lana-chan... you're safe! +be/0/p2 +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Pia! You too! +sf/0/1 +sf/2/1 +t/7/Pia/My shop's business is still doing well so... +sf/2/4 +t/7/Pia/But I am worried about what will happen from now on... +be/2/p2 +sf/2/1 +t/7/Pia/But equipment is the most important right now you know! +sf/2/5 +t/7/Pia/If you need some just come by my shop! +t/3/Lana/Okay, thank you. +two +vfw/2/out +tend + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + +bgmout + +setev/5/2 +setev/6/4 +setev/9/4 + +jump/menu + + +<mission> +ifc/ev:9:4/mission_no +ifc/cth:2,ev:38:0/mission_cth +ifc/cth:2,srev:1/mission_cth +ifc/st:1:2,ev:33:0/mission_st1 + +ifc/unit:0:10:0,want:2:2,want:4:2,want:8:2,want:18:2,want:20:2,want:25:2/mission_in + + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg10/b +load/5/cb10/c +loadwin/wmission +v/9/1 + +wset/wmission/1/1 +//ms/mission/1/1 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/7 + + + + +<mission_talk> +#0 +sf/5/9 +t/8/Lizbeth/...What are you doing? +two + +#1 +sf/5/7 +t/8/Lizbeth/You... Do you wish to get your arm chopped off? +two + +#2 +t/8/Lizbeth/Looks like you don't value your life, do you... +two + +#3 +t/8/Lizbeth/Die, idiot! +be/-1/yure/0 +t/5//Lana was kicked out of the office. +two +jump/menu +<mission_cth> +setev/38/1 + +loadseen/fd0/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c + +sbtown/0 +sf/0/24 + +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/... +t/7/Lizbeth/You... Are you kidding...?? +sf/0/25 +t/3/Lana/Oh excuse me but... This is the... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/What are you doing dressed like that? +t/7/Lizbeth/Take a look at yourself... Where are your clothes? +t/3/Lana/Eh, uh... This is... +t/3/Lana/Fu... Clothes are... +t/7/Lizbeth/Clothes are... What? +t/3/Lana/M-... +sf/0/21 +t/3/Lana/Clothes are... I have no money and I can't buy it... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/... +t/7/Lizbeth/Even if you have no money, to go to that extent... + + + +if/sexo:4:0,sexd:4:60 +tend + +if/sexo:4:60,sexd:4:120 +tend + +if/sexo:4:120 +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/But you are... Going to look quite slim in that. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Your chest looks to be smaller than mine... +tend + + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Hmm... What are you hiding behind there? +sf/0/25 +t/3/Lana/Ah, this is... +t/7/Lizbeth/Aren't these the clothes you normally wear? +t/3/Lana/Umm... well... I guess... you're right... +t/7/Lizbeth/My love... Are you kidding me? +sf/0/21 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/S-sorry! I will head back! + +t///Lana ran away from the office. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu + +<mission_no> +loadseen/fd0/bg10 + +setev/9/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 + +vfw/0/in/2 + +sf/0/1 +t///Seems like nobody is in the office. +two + + +load/1/cb10/c +vfw/1/in/7 + + +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/! +t/7/Lizbeth/Hm? What's your business here? +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Erm, it's about the subjugation of monsters...? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/Aah, I am awaiting order from the commander. +t/7/Lizbeth/All the soldiers in town have left so it's quite dangerous here. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Ah, is that so... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/It is. But there still needs to be someone to accept the bounty claims. +t/7/Lizbeth/Come back anytime if you are reporting for bounty. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/mission +<mission_st1> +loadseen/fd0/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sf/0/4 +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Hm, what's wrong? +t/3/Lana/Erm.. +t/3/Lana/The slimes... They are too strong for me to take on... +t/3/Lana/What should I do... + +t/7/Lizbeth/... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lizbeth/Hahaha! +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/To think there could be someone so weak that she can't even beat the slimes. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/But oh well... It's normal for the newbie hunters. +t/7/Lizbeth/Since I feel sorry for you I'll give you some equipment. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh? Really? +t/7/Lizbeth/Yeah. It's kind of weak though. But it should be enough to deal with the slimes. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Wait here for a sec. +t/7/Lizbeth/...Okay, a Wooden Blade, a Wooden Shield and 5 healing Herbs. +t/7/Lizbeth/Alright, take these and head out. +sf/0/3 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Thank you very much! +t/7/Lizbeth/No need to thank me for this. Try your best not to die okay? +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh and if you don't equip your gear properly it won't work. +t///Received Wooden Blade, Wooden Shield and 5 Herbs from Lizbeth + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +additem/100 +additem/150 +additem/1 +additem/1 +additem/1 +additem/1 +additem/1 + +setev/33/1 + +jump/menu +<mission_in> +loadseen/fd0/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana... I appreciate your success. +t/7/Lizbeth/Thanks to you, the number of the prize neck decreased, and the work became easy. +t/7/Lizbeth/I'd like to go to the prize headhunting with you because I seem to be paid for a while... Do you mind? +t/3/Lana/Are you going to come with me? +t/7/Lizbeth/Well... There are a lot of things I want you to learn by watching your battles. +t/7/Lizbeth/I would be happy if you would let me accompany you on the journey. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Well, of course! +sf/0/3 +t/3/Lana/It's a very reassuring stay. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh I see... Good. +t/7/Lizbeth/It was saved because it said so though I was asking rather. +t/7/Lizbeth/So, thank you. + +t///* Lizbeth were added to the team. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +addmember/10/65 + +jump/menu + +<edit> +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg27/b +v/9/1 + +ms/edit/0/1 + +sout/8 + + + +<editwin> +ms/edit/1/1 + +<shop> + +ifc/cth:3,ev:35:0, unit:0:11:1/shop_cthB + +if/ev:35:2 +setev/35/0 +tend + +ifc/ev:10:5/shop5 +ifc/ev:10:6/shop6 + +ifc/unit:0:11:1/shop_s0 +ifc/cth:2,ev:39:0/shop_cthA +ifc/cth:2,srev:1/shop_cthA +ifc/ev:10:1/shop1 + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg11/b +loadwin/wshop +v/9/1 + +loadct/5/11/c + +wset/wshop/1/1 +//ms/shop/1/1 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/1/3 + +<shop1> +loadseen/fd0/bg11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb11/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Pia/Welcome to the shop~♪ +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/3/Pia/Ah! You're the one from earlier! +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/G-good morning. +t/3/Pia/Thanks for coming by my shop! +t/3/Pia/Special offer, I'll give you discounts on my goods! +t/7/Lana/Th-thank you. + +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/By the way, do you always go out picking herbs all by yourself? + +sf/1/4 +t/3/Pia/Yes I do. But recently scary monsters started to show up around the area so... +t/3/Pia/Going alone has become increasingly dangerous for me... +t/3/Pia/Maybe next time it would be better for me to hire some bodyguards... +t/3/Pia/But I'm worried about the high fees... +t/7/Lana/How do you hire bodyguards? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Pia/There are mercenaries hanging out at a pub nearby so you can hire some there. +t/3/Pia/The lady working at the pub will act as the go-between. Just ask her and she will show you how. +t/7/Lana/I see, thanks. + +t/3/Pia/Well then. Please take a look at my goods~♪ + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setev/10/2 +setev/7/1 + + + +jump/shop + + + + +<shop5> +ifone/cth:2,cth:3/shop_cth2 + +ifc/ev:45:1/shop6 + +loadseen/fd0/bg11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb46/c + +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + +sf/0/1 + +t/8/?/Well well? +mcm/1/7 +t/7/?/Smiling. +t/2/Lana/! +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/Choppy♪ +t/7/?/Welcome to Shea's Magic tool store♪ +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/I'm not sure about the tool, but please ask me anything. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Huh... You don't know? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Shear/That's right... I usually leave the shop to my daughter... +t/7/Shear/I wonder where she went neglect shop. +sf/1/6 +t/7/Shear/Maybe he went to collect some material... +t/7/Shear/Was it better to hire an escort...? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/...Uhm, where would you hire an escort? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/Oh, it's recruiting at a tavern across the street. +t/7/Shear/If you are anxious, why don't you try it? + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +setev/10/6 + +jump/shop6 + +<shop6> + + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg11/b +load/5/cb46/c +loadwin/wshop +v/9/1 + +wset/wshop/1/1 +//ms/shop/1/1 +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/3 +<shop_s0> + +ifc/ev:45:1/shop6 + +loadseen/fd0/bg11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb46/c +loadct/2/11/c + +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + +sf/0/1 + +t/8/?/Well well? +mcm/1/7 +t/7/?/Smiling. +t/2/Lana/! +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/Choppy♪ +t/7/?/Welcome to Shea's Magic tool store♪ +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/I'm not sure about the tool, but please ask me anything. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Huh... You don't know? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Shear/That's right... I usually leave the shop to my daughter... +t/7/Shear/I wonder where she went neglect shop. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/I wonder if she's doing some masturbation hiding somewhere? + +t/2/Lana/Contact, masturbation...? +t/7/Shear/That's right. She is always masturbating. + +vfw/2/in/4 +sf/2/7 +pon/2 +t/5/Pia/Another Mommy, what are you talking about? + +sf/1/2 +t/7/Shear/Pia! Were you there? +t/5/Pia/I'm not so much masturbating! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/Oh, is that so? +t/7/Shear/I always masturbate when I enter the room. +t/7/Shear/And I'm not growing penis at all because I'm only ona skin +t/7/Shear/You have to peel off your skin to get a fine umbrella open like me. +two +sf/1/3 +sb/1/1 +pon/1 +wait/1000 +t/7/Shear/It's big, isn't it? +t/7/Shear/Even if my suck is put in, everyone is overjoyed. +t/5/Pia/It doesn't matter anymore! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/PIA, did you use the Kawako Teka you gave before? +sf/2/9 +t/5/Pia/I'm not using it. I gave it to you because I didn't need it. +t/7/Shear/Smiling... It's always been a shortening. +t/7/Shear/It is important for you to bring up a splendid penis as a hermaphrodite. +sf/1/9 +t/7/Shear/...Where are you, shop? +sf/2/1 +t/5/Pia/It is... I'm a little busy right now. +t/5/Pia/I'm collecting material with this person. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Shear/Material? +t/7/Shear/If it is a material, is it good if I buy it in another shop? +sf/2/7 +t/5/Pia/If I buy all the material, the shop will become a deficit! +t/7/Shear/Smiling... That's right. I don't understand the store because it's no-touch. +sf/2/4 +t/5/Pia/Oh, no... I always say that she forgets things she's not interested in right now. +sf/2/1 +t/5/Pia/Lana-chan, let's go to the material gathering soon. +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/...yes. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +setev/45/1 + +jump/shop6 +<shop_talk> +#0 +sf/5/3 +t/3/Pia/Feel free to buy anything you want! +two + +#1 +sf/5/1 +t/3/Pia/Please remember that items can't be used unless they are equipped. +two + +#2 +sf/5/1 +t/3/Pia/The effects of equipped items also don't stack. +two + +#3 +if/ev:10:2 +sf/5/3 +t/3/Pia/I'll give you something nice! +t/3/Pia/I'd like you to use this~♪ +t/5//Received 3-legged Pants. +additem/2005 +sf/0/1 +setev/10/3 +two +tend +<shop_talk2> +#0 +sf/5/3 +t/3/Shear/Can I buy what I want? +two + +#1 +sf/5/4 +t/3/Shear/Hey... I wonder if the Pia come home soon... +two + +#2 +sf/5/1 +t/3/Shear/Oh, you want to see my penis? +two + +sf/5/3 +sb/5/1 +pon/5 +wait/1000 +t/3/Shear/How? Big, huh? +t/3/Shear/I'm always in love with Bing because I'm training every day. +sb/5/0 +two + +#3 +sf/5/4 +t/3/Shear/I'm embarrassed because I stand soon even if I masturbate many times... +two +<shop_cthA> +setev/39/1 + +loadseen/fd0/bg11 + +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/11/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/8 +vf/1/in/3 + +sf/1/2 +t/3/Pia/... +t/3/Pia/Eh... umm... +t/3/Pia/Are you alright going outside in that outfit? +sf/0/21 +t/7/Lana/I'm not alright... +sf/1/1 +t/3/Pia/Ehh... Then why don't you change clothes? +sf/0/24 +t/7/Lana/Th... thats... +t/7/Lana/Suddenly I just felt like taking my clothes off. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Pia/Ah! Me too! I also love to get naked! +sf/1/5 +t/3/Pia/Could it be that... Lana-chan came here to show it to me? +sf/0/25 +t/7/Lana/...Eh? +sf/1/3 +t/3/Pia/Well, I'd like to see Lana-chan's peepee! +t/3/Pia/Hey, let's make it erect? +sf/0/24 +t/7/Lana/...O... Okay. +sf/0/21 +t/7/Lana/Nyoro~ +two + +sb/0/2 +wait/200 +setpenis/0/1 +wait/200 +t///Lana gave herself an erection. + +if/sexo:0:0,sexd:0:60 +sf/1/5 +t/3/Pia/Wow... Even if it is penis, it is chitchaku and iscute... +tend + +if/sexo:0:60,sexd:0:120 +sf/1/1 +t/3/Pia/Wow, Lana-chan's is big... +tend + +if/sexo:0:120 +sf/1/2 +t/3/Pia/...Lana-chan's was already big, but now it's getting even bigger... +tend + +sf/0/24 +sf/1/1 +t/3/Pia/Looking at you, now I want to take out my peepee too... +t/3/Pia/Ah, but I don't know when Papa will be back, and I've gotta tend to the shop, so... +t/3/Pia/Sorry, but I guess we won't be able to play together... + +t/7/Lana/Eh, okay... +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Well, I'll head home then. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Pia/Yep, come visit again! ♪ +t///Lana left the general store. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu +<shop_cthB> +loadseen/fd0/bg11 + +loadct/0/0/c +loadct/1/11/c + +vf/0/in/8 +vf/1/in/3 + +sf/1/2 +t/3/Pia/Those clothes... +be/1/p2 +t/3/Pia/They're cute, I want them! + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Eh... + +sf/1/5 +t/3/Pia/Hey, can you give me those clothes... +t/3/Pia/This... I'll give you this for them... is that ok? +t///Pia offered the skill tome for [Heal β] to Lana! +sf/1/4 +t/3/Pia/I want to trade! Please... + +selset/0/sel0/They exchange +selset/1/sel1/Not +selview + +[sel0] +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/3/Pia/Thank you ♪ I did it ♪ + +t///Lana aquired [Skill Tome No. 16], but lost [Waitress Outfit]! +additem/3015 +additem/8150 +delct/8003 +setct/0/0 +setct/11/3 +setev/35/1 +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +t/3/Pia/I see... +t/3/Pia/I'm sorry, is it something valuable to you? +t/7/Lana/I-i'm sorry... +t///Feeling awkward, Lana decided to leave. +setev/35/2 +[sel1]- + +tend + + + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +jump/menu +<shop_cth2> +loadseen/fd0/bg11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb46/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu +<worldmap> +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +loadwin/wwmap +wset/wwmap/0/1 +//ms/wmap/0/1 + +sout/8 + + + +<states> +loadwin/wstates +wset/wstates/1/1 +<skillroom> +ifc/unit:3:21:1/skillroom2 + +ifc/cth:2,cg:28:0/skillroom_cth2 +ifc/st:11:10:u, ev:21:0/room_gold + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg28/b +loadwin/wskill +v/9/in + +wset/wskill/1/1 +//ms/skill/1/1 + +load/5/cb20/c +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/8 +<skillroom_talk> +#0 +t/8/Ily/The skill of transferring skills can shift the skill of most of the demons that are now subordinate. +two + +#1 +sf/5/4 + +if/unit:0:21:1 +t/8/Ily/I'm not good at fighting... I'm not leaving Lana-sama alone... +tend + +if/unit:0:21:0 +t/8/Ily/I'd really like to help you out, but there are other things I have to do.. +tend + +sf/5/1 +two + +#2 +t/8/Ily/Some of the skills of the demon may not be mastered by Lana. +two +<skillroom_cth2> + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +read/ev28 +setcg/28/1 + +jump/menu_slow +<skillroom_cth> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/1/cb20/c +load/0/cb0/c + +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... where are your clothes...? +be/0/p2 +sf/0/26 +setpenis/0/1 +t/3/Lana/T-This is... +t/3/Lana/You know... I suddenly felt like taking them off... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... going outside like that will be difficult... +t/3/Lana/Eh... I can't go out like this...? +t/7/Ily/Of course not! Especially with that erection. +t/7/Ily/Basically... If your penis is erect, it's obvious what you're thinking about. +t/7/Ily/Like they say, actions speak louder than words.. and that includes getting a hard-on. It would be quite embarrassing. +t/7/Ily/If you go out like that, everyone will see your erection! +t/3/Lana/Well then... What do I do? +t/7/Ily/You need to calm down your penis,so it won't stand out anymore. +t/3/Lana/Calm down... How do I do it? +t/7/Ily/Calm it down...? How? +mcm/1/6 +t///Ily wrapped her hand around Lana's penis +be/0/p2 +sf/0/21 +t/3/Lana/W-what are you doing?! +t///Ily's started moving her hand up and down Lana's penis +t/3/Lana/Nnh... Ngh! +two +setpenis/0/2 +t///After a mere three seconds... +t///Lana forcefully ejactulates into Ily's hand. +t/3/Lana/Phew... ahh... ♥ +setpenis/0/3 +t///Ily releases Lana's penis as it continues to pulse. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/It should be fine for a while now. +t/7/Ily/But please make sure you put on some clothes before you go out. +setpenis/0/0 +t///After cumming hard, Lanas exhausted penis went limp again. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu +<skillroom2> +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg28/b +loadwin/wskill +v/9/in + +wset/wskill/1/1 +wset/wskill/2 +//ms/skill/1/1 +//ms/skill/2 + +sout/8 +<hosp> +ifc/cth:4,cg:37:0/ev37p +ifc/cth:2,ev:40:0/hosp_cth +ifc/ev:11:1/hosp1 + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg13/b +load/5/cb8/c +loadwin/whosp +v/9/in + +wset/whosp/1/1 +//ms/hosp/1/1 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/3 +<hosp1> +loadseen/fd0/bg13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb8/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Receptionist/Ah, do you need a medical examination? +t/7/Lana/Uh.. is this a clinic? +t/3/Receptionist/Yes. We treat those that are so injured they can't move. +t/7/Lana/Do you also treat beings other than humans? +t/3/Receptionist/Well... It's not like we never have those cases. Recently there have been a lot of demi-human patients actually. +t/3/Receptionist/However... It can get quite expensive to get your wounds treated here. +t/7/Lana/Then how much will it cost? +t/3/Receptionist/Well, that depends. +t/3/Receptionist/Our doctor is best in the country so it'll cost how ever much he wants. +t/7/Lana/I-is that so... +sf/1/3 +t/3/Receptionist/By the way, I'm Adelia, the receptionist! +t/7/Lana/N-Nice to meet you. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setev/11/2 + +jump/hosp +<hosp_talk> +#0 +sf/5/9 +t/3/Adelia/You... What the heck are you doing? +two + +#1 +sf/5/4 +t/3/Adelia/Well? Are ya gonna pay? +two + +#2 +sf/5/1 +t/3/Adelia/Even if I'm from the countryside... you better don't make fun of me... +two +<hosp_cth> +setev/40/1 + +loadseen/fd0/bg13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb8/c +sf/0/24 + + + +if/cth:2/ct2 + +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/3 +sf/1/4 +t/3/Adelia/...Don't take it the wrong way but... your sickness in your mind seems hard to cure... +sf/0/25 +t/7/Lana/Oh, my head...? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Adelia/Hey... If you can respond, go home and wear your clothes... + +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/3/Adelia/!! +t/3/Adelia/So, that is... +sf/1/7 +t/3/Adelia/Talking... With a penis... +t/7/Lana/... +t/3/Adelia/I... will admit... +t/3/Adelia/Such troublesome things, men... +t/3/Adelia/Such a cowardly thing... +sf/1/7 +pon/1 +t/3/Adelia/I'll cut it off! +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/?! + +t///Surprised by Adelia's sudden agitation, Lana quickly ran away. + +tend/ct2 + + + + + +if/cth:3 +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/3 +sf/1/4 +t/3/Adelia/...Th-that outfit...! +t/7/Lana/...? +t/3/Adelia/When I first moved 'ere from me home village... +t/3/Adelia/My very first job's... +sf/1/6 +t/3/Adelia/Urgh.. Ah... My head... +t///Adelia crouched down while holding her head. +t///Feeling confused, Lana left. +tend + + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu +<tavern> +ifc/cth:2,ev:37:0/tavern_cth +ifc/cth:2,srev:1/tavern_cth + +ifc/ev:32:1,st:31:10:u/renka_in2 +ifc/ev:7:1/tavern1 +ifc/ev:24:0,st:50:10:u/tavern_arena + + +load/8/fd0/f + +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg12/b +load/5/cb9/c +loadwin/wtavern +v/9/in + +wset/wtavern/1/1 +//ms/tav/1/1 + +sout/8 + + +if/ev:47:1 +sb/5/1 +wait/50 +sf/5/40 +wait/50 +sf/5/6 +tend + + +vf/5/in/7 +<tavern1> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +sf/1/3 +t/3/Waitress/Welcome to Celosia Tavern! +t/7/Lana/Um... I'd like to hire a bodyguard... +sf/1/5 +t/3/Waitress/Ahh, In that case take a look at the recruit posters over there. +t/3/Waitress/Tell me when you have made up your mind. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Waitress/Since lots of people pass through this shop, I've started working as an intermediary, for a fee of course. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setev/7/2 + +jump/tavern +<tavern_talk> +#0 +sf/5/1 +t/8/Freija/Hm, yes? What is it? +two + +#1 +sf/5/4 +t/8/Freija/Recently we've not been getting many customers, maybe we'll have to start charging less... +two + +#2 +sf/5/3 +t/8/Freija/Please, leave everything to Seroshia Shop's poster girls, the Fricka sisters. +two +<tavern_talk1> +#0 +sf/5/1 +t/8/Freija/Hm, yes? What is it? +two + +#1 +sf/5/4 +t/8/Freija/I can see you licking my body staring... +two + +#2 +sf/5/3 +t/8/Freija/Please, leave everything to Seroshia Shop's poster girls, the Fricka sisters. +two + +#3 +sf/5/6 +t/8/Freija/This outfit was cool at first, but it's getting colder... +two + +#4 +sf/5/4 +t/8/Freija/It's nice to have more customers, but it's a lot of trouble to come as a touch... +two + +#5 +sf/5/7 +t/8/Freija/Touch Prohibition! +two + +#6 +sf/5/7 +t/8/Freija/...Oh, come on! +pon/5 +t/8/Freija/If you're getting pulled! +two + +sf/5/2 +sb/5/2 +pon/5 +t/8/Freija/Oh?! + +sf/5/7 +t/8/Freija/You idiot! What are you doing?! +two + +sb/5/1 +pon/5 +t///Freija hastily dressed again. + +t/8/Freija/Another... Stop messing around. +t/8/Freija/I won't forgive you this time?! +two + + + + + + +<tavern_cth> +setev/37/1 + +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c + +sbtown/0 +sf/0/24 + +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/3 + +sf/1/2 +t/3/Freija/Oh, wait... A little?! +sf/0/25 +t/3/Freija/What are you doing walking around naked?! ...Have you gone crazy? + +if/sexd:0:30 +sf/1/4 +t/3/Freija/Get dressed quickly! You can do it right here! +tend + +if/sexo:0:30,sexd:0:120 +sf/1/9 +t/3/Freija/That aside... yours is pretty big, isn't it... +sf/1/7 +t/3/Freija/No, that doesn't matter right now! +t/3/Freija/Anyway, just hurry up and get dressed! +tend + +if/sexo:0:120 +sf/1/9 +t/3/Freija/And your... +t/3/Freija/Your large thing... Doesn't fit your face... +t/3/Freija/So that's what they call ""hung like a horse""... +sf/1/7 +t/3/Freija/No, that doesn't matter right now! +t/3/Freija/Anyway, just hurry up and get dressed! +tend + + + +t///Lana was forced to put her clothes back on. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setct/0/0 + +jump/tavern +<tavern_arena> + +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c +load/2/cb17/c +sbtown/0 + +vfw/0/in/7 + + +t/7/Lana/What... is this poster? +t///Before Lana's eyes there was a big sticker on the wall. +two + +vfw/1/in/4 + +t/4/Freija/Oh, it's a recruitment for the stadium. +t/7/Lana/Arena? +sf/1/5 +t/4/Freija/Yes, when I win, I win if I win. +sf/1/9 +t/4/Freija/However, if you lose you are over. +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Eh... is it the end? +t/4/Freija/If you lose, you fight with monsters and life-threatening, you can not do without it? +t/4/Freija/There are countless people who died at the stadium there. +t/7/Lana/Is that so dangerous... +sf/0/9 +t/7/Lana/But if you can get lots of money, you might want to do a little... +two + +vfw/2/in/2 + +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +t/3/Man/Oh, little miss! +t/3/Man/Do you want to leave the field? What? Well I've spotted eyes! +t///When Lana and Freija were talking, a man who was in the seat next to himself came out. +t/3/Man/Over there are cute kids like young ladies are welcome! +t/3/Man/Go and fight Bang Bang! +sf/1/4 +t/4/Freija/You do not say bad things, so you better stop absolutely? +t/4/Freija/Even if you have confidence in your arms, that surely you see the opponent and surely bring out a stronger monster than that. +t/4/Freija/Whatever comes out, they are made to lose absolutely. +t/4/Freija/It is a place that makes profit by showing it to the audience. +t/4/Freija/Well, it seems there are also people who sometimes win, but it seems almost like luck. +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Well... I guess I should stop it if it is so difficult... +t/7/Lana/But I need money,...... What shall I do... +t/3/Man/Lady! Go down the alley from here and there is a staircase leading to the basement in the back so you should get down there! +t/3/Man/I will support Watte so now I go to go! +t/3/Man/Do not get in if you are lost! Do you hear the story of Watte? Lady-chan! What? +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/Huh? Yes. +t///It became possible to go to "underground stadium" behind the alley. +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +setev/24/2 + +jump/menu + + + +<jeil> +ifc/ev:19:2,cth:2,cg:33:0/ev33p +ifc/ev:19:2/jeil_v2 + +ifc/ev:6:4/jeil_no +ifone/cth:2,cth:3/jeil_cth +ifc/ev:6:1/jeil2 +ifc/goldup:10000000/jeil3 + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c + +sbtown/0 + +sf/0/4 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/7/Guard/What? You came again... +t/3/Lana/Please let me see my older sister. +t/7/Guard/I said no, now get out! + +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/Aww... + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow + + + + +<jeil2> +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/7/Guard/Huh? What are you doing here? This is a prison. + +t/3/Lana/Umm, I think there's a person named Elena in there... +t/3/Lana/Please let me visit her! + +t/7/Guard/Oh yeah, a woman with that name came in not too long ago. +t/7/Guard/But what, do you think you can visit her? +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Why not?! +t/3/Lana/She's my big sister! Please, let me see her! +t/7/Guard/People whose sentences aren't yet enforced are the most likely to try and escape. No visitors allowed. + +t/3/Lana/B... But... + +t/7/Guard/However... Under the right circumstances you could bail her out. +t/7/Guard/Well, you don't have the money, so it's not possible. + +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/Aww... + +t/7/Guard/Go on, run along home now. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setev/6/2 + +jump/menu_slow +<jeil3> +ifc/tri:0/jeil4 + + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/7/Guard/What? You came again... + +t/3/Lana/It's 10 Million Gold! + +t/7/Guard/W-what...? + +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/I've brought 10 Million Gold! +t/3/Lana/Please, take this money and free my sister! + + +t/7/Guard/N... No, wait, hang on a second... +t/7/Guard/Sorry, but uh... I'm not authorized to deal with that much money. Come back later, alright? + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/B-but why... +t/3/Lana/I want her to be released right now... + +t/7/Guard/Listen, I'll contact you later on. +t/7/Guard/But for right now, I can't accept this money. +t/3/Lana/Aww... + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<jeil_cth> + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c + + +sbtown/0 + + + +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/8 + +sf/0/25 +t/7/Guard/Whoa there... +t/7/Guard/What are you doing dressed like that...? + +sf/0/21 +t/3/Lana/Ah, well... + +t/7/Guard/Wait, I see how it is... +t/7/Guard/You think you can seduce me and lure me out of my post, then take advantage of that opportunity to sneak in... +t/7/Guard/But that's not gonna happen... +t/7/Guard/I'm a woman, you really think that trick's gonna work on me? + +sf/0/25 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/What?! ...Mr. Guard, you're a woman? +t/7/Guard/Fufufu... That's right. +t/7/Guard/Hmm...? You... No way... Between your legs, is that...? +t/3/Lana/Ah, um, this is, uh... +t/7/Guard/B-But... Even though from the waist up, you look like a woman... you... +t/7/Guard/Grr... I won't give in to your temptation... +sf/0/24 +t/3/Lana/Eh...? +t/7/Guard/You... You think you can entice me with that body...? +t/7/Guard/No... I... I can't afford to lose this job... +t/7/Guard/I absolutely won't be beaten... I'll never lose toa dick! +sf/0/25 +t/3/Lana/?! +t/7/Guard/S-So get out already! C'mon, go! While I still have my sanity! +t/3/Lana/??? + +t///Suddenly afraid, Lana fled from the prison. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow + + + +<jeil_no> +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 + +t///The entrance to the prison was locked, preventing entry. +two +vf/0/out + +jump/menu_slow +<jeil_v2> +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c + +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/3/Lana/E-excuse me... +t/7/Guard/Sorry but I'm busy right now. So you'll have to come back later. + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/... +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<bstreet> + +ifc/item:1154/sq_eye + +if/ev:23:0,st:72:10:u,ev:29:0 +setev/23/4 +tend + +if/ev:23:0,st:72:10:u,ev:29:1 +setev/23/5 +tend + + + + +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg30/b +loadwin/wbmenu +v/9/in + +wset/wbmenu/1 +//ms/bstreet/1 + +sout/8 + +wset/wbmenu/2 +//ms/bstreet/2 +<blab> + +ifc/ev:19:2:u, cg:20:0/blab_ev2 + +load/8/fd0/f + +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg4/b +load/5/cb20/c +loadwin/wlab +v/9/in + +wset/wlab/1/1 +//ms/lab/1/1 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/8 +<blab_ev2> + +loadseen/fd0/bg4 + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 + +vfw/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lana/Um... +t/7/Lana/Nobody here... +two + +mcm/0/6 + +t///Walking in the room where the medicine was arranged... +t///Lana would kick the medicine that was put on his feet. +t///Went crack +two + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/!! +t/7/Lana/Oh, I hit it... + +t///The bottle of medicine was cracked on the floor and the liquid inside was scattered. +t///Then, the liquid vaporized rapidly, and white steam was produced in the vicinity. +two + +load/4/be82/m2 +veff/4/6 +wait/1500 + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Huh... What this... +t/7/Lana/Dangerous chemicals...? +t///The area around Lana was covered with white smoke, and his view was almost Claudeed. +t/7/Lana/What are you going to do...? +t///Lana was frightened, but that lasted for only a brief moment... +t///The consciousness of Lana who breathed in the gas rapidly distant, and the visibility is blackedout... +two + + + + + + + + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + + +t///... +t///... +t///... +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +sb/0/1 +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lana/...H-huh? +t/7/Lana/Here... + +sf/0/9 +t/7/Lana/Hmm... What was I doing... +t///Lana tried to remember something, but her memory was cloudy and failed to recall anything. +t///Around that time, she heard a voice coming from the side room. + +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/Hm, here...? +t/7/Lana/What could that sound be? +t///Lana could hear voices and noise from behind. +t///Lana slowly opened the door. +two +vfw/0/out + + +read/ev20 +setcg/20/1 + + +bgmout +t///Suddenly her vision went dark, and Lana collapsed. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///... +t///... +t///... +t///After sometime, Lana felt something out of place in between her legs... +t///-- her eyes opened up. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb13/c +sb/0/1 +sb/1/101 +sf/0/4 + +t///Standing by the bed in front of Lana's eyes was Elena. + +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lana/-?! + +vf/1/in/3 + +sf/1/3 +t/3/Elena/Lana, thank goodness. You're finally awake. +t///Lana sprung from the bed and Elena greeted her with a smile. +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/H-huh... +t/7/Lana/What happened to me? +t/7/Lana/I can't remember anything at all... +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Onee-sama, why was I asleep? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Elena/Lana... You lost your mind in the basement of the medicine warehouse. +t/3/Elena/I was really surprised when I found it... +t/3/Elena/I've been waiting about an hour since then, sitting here wondering when Lana was going to wake up, you know? +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/Huh... you stayed besides me this entire time? +t/3/Elena/Yes, that's right. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Elena/But I am glad nothing happened. +t/3/Elena/While you were sleeping, it seemed like you were having a nightmare and I was getting a bit worried. +t/7/Lana/Then... Earlier... That dream was... +sf/1/1 +t/3/Elena/Dream? +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/Eh- Nothing! It was nothing! + +t///Lana, in her hurry to deny her dream, noticed that her groin had gotten quite wet. +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/...H-huh? What is that?! +t/3/Elena/Lana, could it be... +sf/1/4 +t/3/Elena/Did something leak out? +sf/0/6 +t/7/Lana/Uu... +t/7/Lana/M-maybe... +t///At that moment, Lana realized she had not wet herself, but rather had a wet dream, but couldn't bear to admit it. + +t/3/Elena/Lana, do you have any pain in your body? +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Let's see... yes... I think it's okay... +t/3/Elena/Right... Good. +t/3/Elena/Lana... You can't go in the room where the drugs are located. +t/3/Elena/I think it's because the bottle of vaporized sleeping pills was cracking... +t/7/Lana/Huh? Is that so? +t/3/Elena/Yes, if it was a more dangerous medicine, it was going to be a big deal... Be careful, okay? +t/7/Lana/Y-Yeah... +t///Lana was scoled by Elena and felt a bit down, but she was glad that scene with Ily was just a dream. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +two + +jump/menu +<blab_a> + +t/8/Ily/Well then, please wait a moment. +two + +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +wait/1000 +sout/8 + +be/0/p2 +t/8/Ily/It's complete! +t/8/Ily/Here, please take it. +two +<blab_talk> +#0 +t/8/Ily/Please bring me any recipes you find. +two + +#1 +t/8/Ily/You can't use any items you made yourself without equipping them before sortying. +sf/5/1 +two + +<blab_first> +loadseen/fd0/bg1 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 + +bgm/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Ily, can you read these symbols written here? +t/3/Lana/I'm not to sure what this is... +t/7/Ily/Th-this is?! +t/7/Ily/...Where on earth did you find this?! +t/3/Lana/A... a monster dropped it... +be/1/p2 +t/7/Ily/This is... an extremely valuable document... +t/7/Ily/With this... you may be able to craft new items. +t///Excited, Ily flipped through the documents. +t/7/Ily/Lana, if you don't mind... Could you collect theseitems for me? +t/7/Ily/Then I can create these special items for you. +t/7/Ily/I'm sure they'll help you in battle as well. +t/3/Lana/Huh? You can really do that? +t/7/Ily/Yes, I have magical forging tools that can turn those ingredients into items... With a little preparation, I could get it up and running. +t/3/Lana/Magical tools...? +t/7/Ily/Yes, magical forging tools. +t/7/Ily/They're special tools that can extract mana from the bodies of monsters, and then use that magic power to create items. +t/7/Ily/Humans don't have magic powers, but with devices like this, we can manipulate the magic energy of monsters. +t/7/Ily/Please come with me, Lana-sama, I'll show you. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +loadseen/fd8/bg4 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t///Ily guided Lana to the basement of her home. +t/7/Ily/These are the magical forging tools my mentor left behind... +t/7/Ily/With these, ingredients can be turned into items... +t/3/Lana/Was Ily's mentor... The one who made that magic item? +t/7/Ily/Yes... I'm not sure where my mentor is now, though... +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... +t/3/Lana/...So anyway, if I get the right materials, I should bring them here, right? +t/7/Ily/Yes, please do. +t/7/Ily/And if you find any new recipes, please bring those as well. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setev/22/1 + +jump/blab + + + + +<blab_new> +t/8/Ily/Lana, a new recipe has been added. +two +<bbar> + +ifc/day:7/bbar_ev +ifc/ev:20:0/bpub2 + +loadseen/fd0/bg31 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sbtown/0 + +vfw/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Catherine/Oh hey, it's you. +t/3/Catherine/Sorry, but not today. +t/7/Lana/Oh... R-Really? +t/3/Catherine/Yeah, only on weekends, sorry 'bout that. Come back another time. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/bstreet +<bbar_ev> + +loadseen/fd0/bg31 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sbtown/0 + +vfw/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Catherine/Oh hey, you're back, huh? +t/3/Catherine/That's awesome, great! You're totally gonna dance today, right? + +ifc/cg:14:0/bbar_ev1 + + +selset/0/sel0/Yes +selset/1/sel1/No +selview + + +[sel0] +t/3/Catherine/C'mon, I'm sure those guys would really appreciate it. +t/3/Catherine/Alrighty then, let's get you changed into your clothes and get ready, then. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +t/3/Catherine/Huuuh? Whaddya mean you won't do it?! +t/3/Catherine/Well go home then, what are ya still doin' here? +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +jump/bstreet +[sel1]- + +tend + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/9/bg6/b +v/9/1 + + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t/7/Lana/Alriiight... I'll d-do my best... +t///Lana hesitantly approached the stage. +two + +read/ev14a + + +loadseen/fd0/bg31 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +sf/1/3 +t/3/Catherine/Lana-chan, good work out there. +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/Anyway, here's your pay for today. + +t///Lana received 3000 Gold. +addgold/3000 + +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +t/3/Catherine/Sure, be careful on your way home +two + +jump/bbar_end +<bbar_ev1> + +selset/0/op9a/Yes +selset/1/op9b/No +selview + +[op9a] +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/A-alright... I'll give it a try. +be/1/p2 +t/3/Catherine/Wonderful! Let me just write up this contract and you can sign immediately. +two +[op9a]- + +[op9b] +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/That's a shame. Please come visit again if you change your mind. The daily salary is 3000 Gold, that's more than the average monthly salary. +two +jump/menu_slow +[op9b]- + +tend + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/bbar4 +<room_gold> +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +setev/13/1 +setev/21/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 + +bgmout + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/13 +t/3/Lana/Ily... what should I do... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/There's not enough money... I'm in trouble... +t/3/Lana/Help me... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, did you waste money again? +t/7/Ily/I can't afford to spend money... But I don't want to borrow too much... +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, how about finding a job in town? +t/7/Ily/I think that would be the wisest course of action. +t/3/Lana/Working... +t/3/Lana/I understand... I'll give it a go. +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c +load/2/cb17/c +sbtown/0 + +bgmout + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Ah, umm... Do you have any work? +sf/1/4 +t/3/Freija/Even if you say that... +two + +vfw/1/out +vf/2/in/3 + +t/3/Man/Oh, little miss! +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/?! +t/3/Man/If my ears didn't deceive me I've heard that you've got no money. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Man/I'll introduce you to a nice shop. You can work there. +t/7/Lana/Uh... What does that mean? +t/3/Man/You'll know when you go. A cute girl like you willdo just great. +be/2/p2 +t/3/Man/Alright! Come with me! I'll take you! +two +vf/0/out +vf/2/out + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///Lana follows the man down an alleyway. +t///He stops infront of a flashy building. +t/7/Lana/Huh...? What's this...? +t/3/Man/What that is? It's a strip bar!♪ +t/3/Man/This is the perfect place for a pretty young lady like you. +t/3/Man/C'mon in, let's go. + +two + +jump/bbar3 + +<bbar3> + +loadseen/fd0/bg31 + +load/1/cb17/c +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb16/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/1 +sf/2/45 + +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/7 +vf/2/in/3 + +t/7/Man/Hey, big sis, look at this girl I found looking for work. I hired her. +sf/2/46 +t/3/?/Ooh, that's a nice girl you found! +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/...! +t/3/?/What's the matter, young lady? +t/3/?/I'm Catherine. +sf/2/5 +t/3/Catherine/I'm a well-known and respected talent manager around these parts. +t/3/Catherine/Tell me, young lady. How would you feel about making 3000 Gold a day, just to dance a little bit? +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/Eh, 3000 Gold?! It's really that much? +t/3/Catherine/Well, usually it's a little less, but you're so cute I'm sure you can manage that much. C'mon, won't you give it a try? +t/7/Lana/Eh... but can I really earn that much from just dancing? +t/3/Catherine/Of course. Besides, you don't have to dance for very long. It's easy for a pretty girl like you. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Catherine/So how about it? Will you try dancing? + +selset/0/op9a/Yes +selset/1/op9b/No +selview + +[op9a] +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/A-alright... I'll give it a try. +be/2/p2 +t/3/Catherine/Wonderful! Let me just write up this contract and you can sign immediately. +[op9a]- + +[op9b] +sf/2/1 +t/3/Catherine/That's a shame. Please come visit again if you change your mind. The daily salary is 3000 Gold, that's more than the average monthly salary. +two +jump/menu_slow +[op9b]- + +tend + + +t/6/Man/Big sis... the finder's fee... +t/3/Catherine/Hm? Oh yeah, that's right. +t///Catherine hands the man a bundle of money. +be/1/p2 +t/6/Man/Heh heh heh, I've got some errands to run. + +two +vfw/1/out + +vf/0/out +vf/2/out + +jump/bbar4 +<bbar4> +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t///A few hours later... The sun fell over the horizon, and all the working men on their day off were gathered at the bar. +t///A stage ran through the middle of the bar. Backstage, Lana was wearing her dancer costume. +two + + +read/ev14 +setcg/14/1 + +loadseen/fd0/bg31 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/40 +sf/1/7 + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Catherine/Little miss... about your dance... +t/7/Lana/... +sf/1/41 +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/3/Catherine/It was incredibly popular with our customers! +sf/0/5 +t/3/Catherine/Well done. You're a quick learner, I'm proud of you... +t/3/Catherine/You've got talent when it comes to dancing. Be sure to come dance again. +t/3/Catherine/The stage is only open at night on weekends, but you should come back next weekend. +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/Anyway, here's your pay for today. + +t///Lana received 3000 Gold. +addgold/3000 + +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +t/3/Catherine/Sure, be careful on your way home +two + +jump/bbar_end +<bbar_end> +loadseen/fd8/bg18 + +t///As Lana left the bar out the back door, the sun had just begun to illuminate the sky with strips of orange light. +two + +nextday + +jump/menu_slow +<bpub> + +read/loadpub + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sbtown/0 + + +vfw/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Catherine/Oh, you came again. +t/7/Lana/Uhm... is there any work avaliable? +t/3/Catherine/Yeah, we're actually short on staff. It's sudden but can you wait on tables? + + +selset/0/sel0/Work +selset/1/sel1/Dont Work +selview + +[sel0] +be/1/p2 +t/3/Catherine/Ooh, thank you very much! Well then, let's get ready immediately! +t/3/Catherine/So, which time slot do you want? +two +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/I see. If you change your mind, come again. This shop is always understaffed. +two +jump/bstreet +[sel1]- + +tend + +selset/0/sela0/Easy time of day +selset/1/sela1/A little busy time zone +selset/2/sela2/Especially busy times +selset/3/sela3/Most Busy time of day +selview + +[sela0] +t/3/Catherine/Hmm, even you'll have it easy during this period. +t/3/Catherine/Alright, go change at once. +wset/wpub/110 +[sela0]- + +[sela1] +t/3/Catherine/Ooo, this period, you're really saving me here. +t/3/Catherine/Then, go change at once. +wset/wpub/120 +[sela1]- + +[sela2] +t/3/Catherine/What? This period is particulary busy, are you going to be alright? +t/3/Catherine/I guess you look pretty confident. Let's have you do it. +t/3/Catherine/However, don't make mistakes and cause troubles for others. +wset/wpub/130 +[sela2]- + +[sela3] +t/3/Catherine/Wha... Are you serious? +t/3/Catherine/This is the harshest period, I think it's a bit too hard for you. +t/3/Catherine/Well, if you say you want to, I guess it's fine. +t/3/Catherine/However, don't make mistakes and cause troubles for others. +wset/wpub/140 +[sela3]- + +tend + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +read/loadpub2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sb/0/3 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/2 + +bgm/3 + +wset/wpub/1 + +t/3/Catherine/Looks like you're ready, go on. +t/3/Catherine/That reminds me, I have to leave you alone for the moment. Work properly! +two +vfw/1/out + +wset/wpub/32 + +<bpub2> +loadseen/fd0/bg31 + +setev/20/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sbtown/0 + +vfw/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Catherine/Oh my, what happened? +t/3/Catherine/Today we're closed. +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/Uhm, is there anything else I can help with? +t/3/Catherine/Oh, such enthusiasm! +t/3/Catherine/Today this place is closed, however there's job available at different store. +t/3/Catherine/But it's a waitress job... Still wanna do it? +sf/0/1 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/...Ye-Yes! Please let me do anything I can! +sf/1/5 +t/3/Catherine/I see, actually I was troubled by lack of people. +t/3/Catherine/Well then, let's go. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t///Catherine led her to another tavern. +two + + +read/loadpub + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +load/2/cb181/c +sbtown/0 + +vfw/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Catherine/I also run this restaurant. +t/3/Catherine/By the way, this is what the waitress wear. + +vfw/2/in/5 + +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/Eh... this? +t/3/Catherine/That's right, I've prepared the best clothes for you. Now, please put them on. + +vf/2/out + +t/3/Catherine/Oh, you don't like them? +be/0/p2 +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/N-no, that's not true! +t/3/Catherine/Alright, then get changed. +t/3/Catherine/It's a part-time job, so if you work properly, I'll also pay you accordingly. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + + +read/loadpub2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sb/0/3 +sf/0/4 +sf/0/40 + +vfw/0/in/8 +vf/1/in/2 + +t/7/Lana/I-i've put them on. +t/3/Catherine/Hey, doesn't it feel nice? The size should be perfect. + +t/3/Catherine/So, I want you to guide people to their seats, take their orders, serve their dishes and clear the tables... +t/3/Catherine/Pay careful attention to the pricing. +t/3/Catherine/Because if you make any mistakes, it will be coming out of your paycheck. + +t/3/Catherine/Well, since you're still new to this, I'll have you work during the calmer period. +t/3/Catherine/I'd appreciate it if next time you helped when it's more busy. +t/7/Lana/I-i understand... + +t/3/Catherine/Well then, now I'll explain your work. +two + +wset/wpub/0 +wset/wpub/1 + + +bgm/3 + +t/3/Catherine/There are 9 tables in the hall, please head to the ones indicated. +t/3/Catherine/Just be careful, that's all. + +t/3/Catherine/How about you try practicing with me? +t/3/Catherine/Okay, let's go. +two + +wset/wpub/21 +wset/wpub/100 +wset/wpub/32 + +<bpub_s> +#0 +wset/wpub/30 + + +#10 +load/1/cb16/c +sf/1/40 +sf/1/7 +vf/1/in/2 +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +%TALK +two +vfw/1/out + +wset/wpub/32 + +#11 +t/3/Catherine/What are you doing?! +t/3/Catherine/What a useless girl... get it together! + +#12 +t/3/Catherine/AH?! Now you've done it! +t/3/Catherine/Didn't you said that you won't cause more trouble?! + +#13 +t/3/Catherine/Hey! Don't work so sloppily! +t/3/Catherine/I told you to be more careful, didn't I?! + +#14 +t/3/Catherine/Aren't you taking this work a little too lightly?! +t/3/Catherine/If you don't get serious I won't pay you! + + +#20 +two + +#50 +bgmout +load/1/cb16/c +vf/1/in/2 +t/3/Catherine/So, today's shift is over. Good work. +t/3/Catherine/Here, today's pay. +t///Lana received %GOLD Gold +%TALK +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +jump/menu_slow + +#51 +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Ze-zero Gold... +sf/1/40 +sf/1/7 +t/3/Catherine/What did you expect, you were completely useless! +t/3/Catherine/Cool your head and reflect! + +#52 +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +sf/1/5 +t/3/Catherine/You really saved me today. Come again when you're free. + +#53 +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +sf/1/5 +t/3/Catherine/Our works gone well thanks to your hard efforts. +t/3/Catherine/I definitely want you to come again. You're really suited for this job! + +#54 +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/You... you might have natural gift for this job... +t/3/Catherine/You handled work for 10 people, far from being suited for this job, you're better than a veteran. +t/3/Catherine/I'll consider raising your pay, so please come again! + + +#100 +sf/0/1 +t/3/Catherine/Have you memorized it? +t/3/Catherine/Then start serving the table. +two + +wset/wpub/30 + +#110 +sf/1/40 +sf/1/7 +be/1/p2 +sf/0/4 +t/3/Catherine/What are you doing?! +t/3/Catherine/Haah... You can't work like this. +t/3/Catherine/Once more, try it again. +two + +wset/wpub/21 +wset/wpub/100 +wset/wpub/32 + + + +#120 +sf/1/41 +sf/1/5 +sf/0/1 +t/3/Catherine/Okay. +t/3/Catherine/Good. You show promise. +t/3/Catherine/Let's repeat it like that one more time. +two + +wset/wpub/22 +wset/wpub/102 + +#121 +sf/1/41 +sf/1/5 +sf/0/1 +t/3/Catherine/All right, that's good. +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/That's enough practice. +t/3/Catherine/Now, you'll do it for real. +t/3/Catherine/Be careful to not be rude to customers. Work properly. +t/7/Lana/Y-yes. I'll do my best. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +read/loadpub2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb16/c +sb/0/3 + +vfw/0/in/8 +vf/1/in/2 + +wset/wpub/1 + + +t/3/Catherine/Looks like you're ready, go on. +t/3/Catherine/That reminds me, I have to leave you alone for the moment. Work properly! +two +vfw/1/out + +wset/wpub/20 +wset/wpub/110 + + +#200 +load/1/cb16/c +sf/1/40 +sf/1/7 +vf/1/in/2 +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Catherine/What?! You want to take an early leave because you're not feeling well? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Catherine/Haa... It can't be helped... This time only okay? In return, I won't pay you. +t/3/Catherine/Try to take care of yourself and do it next time then. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +jump/menu_slow + +<loadpub> +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +loadwin/wpub +load/9/bg32/b +wset/wpub/0/1 +v/9/1 +sout/8 +<loadpub2> +load/8/fd0/f +sin/8 +load/9/bg32/b +v/9/1 +sout/8 +<bpub_c2> +load/1/cb16/c +vfw/1/in/2 + +t/3/Catherine/You... really are something. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Catherine/It's pretty crowded today... But you were pretty impressive. +t/7/Lana/Thank you... +t/3/Catherine/I'll let you have this as a gift. Here. + +t///Received Waitress Outfit +additem/8003 + +two +vfw/1/out + + +<bpub_c3> +load/1/cb16/c +vfw/1/in/2 + +sf/0/5 +t/3/Catherine/You're working, you still was mesmerized in Kirekkire. +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +t/3/Catherine/I want you to work here all the time. +t/7/Lana/Erm.. +t/7/Lana/Can I have a waitress costume again? +t/3/Catherine/Whoo...? +t/3/Catherine/Do you want to come again? +t/3/Catherine/I can't help it... You won't be asked to refuse. +sf/1/5 +t/3/Catherine/All right, take it. + +t///Received Waitress Outfit +additem/8003 + +two +vfw/1/out + +<bmat> +ifc/ev:19:2:u,cth:2,cg:32:0/ev32p + +ifc/item:1254,ctitem:1176,cg:32:1/sakume7 + +ifone/cth:2/bmat_cth +ifc/ev:23:1/bmat2 +ifc/ev:23:4/sakume10 +ifc/ev:23:5/sakume11 + + + +load/8/fd0/f + +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg33/b +load/5/cb39/c +loadwin/wshop2 +v/9/in + +wset/wshop2/1 +//ms/shop2/1 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/3 +<bmat2> + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vfw/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Sakume/You there, please come over here for a second. +t/7/Sakume/You're the one from other day, aren't you? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/This is Sakume-san's shop? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/That's right, good of you to come. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Our store specializes in crafting materials. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/If you see something you like, please buy it! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Oh right, I haven't heard your name yet. Would you tell me? +sf/0/3 +t/3/Lana/Ah, It's Lana. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan, that's a good name. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Sakume/Well then make yourself comfortable. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +setev/23/2 + +jump/bmat +<bmat_talk> +#0 +sf/5/3 +t/3/Sakume/Our prices are this high because gathering materials means risking your life. +two + +#1 +sf/5/3 +t/3/Sakume/Sorry, I'm making something at the moment, but feel free to look around. +two + +#2 +sf/5/1 +t/3/Sakume/My prices may be high, but the quality of my items makes up for it! +two +<bmat_cth> + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Sakume/Hmm... +t/7/Sakume/That's a delicous looking body you have there... +t/7/Sakume/Is it fine if I eat it up...? +sf/0/25 +t/3/Lana/E-eat? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/That's right, just a little bite is fine right? +t/3/Lana/Eh, no way... + +if/sexd:0:120 +t/7/Sakume/Moreover, Lana-chan's penis... +t/7/Sakume/It's so tiny and cute, it looks like it has lots in it and I'd love to suck it all up♥ +tend + +if/sexo:0:120 +pon/1 +t/7/Sakume/And- eeh?! +t/7/Sakume/What is with this penis... +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan's penis is amazing... I've never seen such a penis before +tend + + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Ah... no good... I really will eat you up... +t///Sensing danger, Lana ran far away from the material shop. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/bstreet +<pwup> + +ifc/ev:16:0/ruty_3 +ifc/ev:16:2/ruty_4 + + +load/8/fd0/f + +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg8/b +load/5/cb442/c +loadwin/wpwup +v/9/in + +wset/wpwup/1/1 +//ms/pwup/1/1 +sf/5/8 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/3 +<pwup_talk> +#0 +t/2/Ruti/Special Skills Max4You can +two + +#1 +t/2/Ruti/How to learn special skills...? +t/2/Ruti/The ability to remember from the original3If it is synthesized as much as the body, it might be made to be remembered. +two + +#2 +t/2/Ruti/I think you can use the same type of monster to enhance your ability efficiently. +two + +#3 +t/2/Ruti/I have some things I want to buy for composition. A little for thatGmight be necessary. +two + +#4 +t/2/Ruti/I'm sorry... I'm not good at fighting, so I can't go with him. +two + + + + + +<pwup_help> +load/1/tip_pu/m2 + +be/1/in_s/1 +clc +be/1/out_s/1 +v/1/out +<mons0> + +loadseen/fd0/bg4 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb75/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 + + + +t/7/Lana/This is a device to summon a demon... +t/7/Lana/How do I use it...? +sf/0/9 +t/7/Lana/Let's see... +t/7/Lana/Why don't you put some slime fragments in it? ...What's the reaction? +t///Lana put a piece of slime into the device. +two + +load/7/be82/m2 +veff/7/3 +wait/1500 + +t///The device began to vibrate and a smoke erupted from inside. + +vfw/1/in/3 +pon/1 +t/3/Slime/Pippyar! +two + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/...Oh, yeah! +t///The slime has popped out from inside. +two + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/What is this? +t/7/Lana/Would it increase if you put a piece of the demon? + +t/7/Lana/And, I have to do something about this slime for the time being! + +vfw/1/out + +t///Lana captured the slime and removed the slime fragments from the device. +two + +vfw/0/out + + +setev/17/1 + +jump/mons +<mons> +ifc/ev:17:0/mons0 + +load/8/fd0/f + +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg4/b +loadwin/wmons +v/9/in + +wset/wmons/1/1 +//ms/mons/1/1 + +sout/8 + +delitem/62 +<mons_bt> + +setmem0 +gotostage/68 +<arena0> + +loadseen/fd0/bg49 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb84/c +load/2/cb16/c +load/3/bg49a/c0 +v/3/in/5 +sbtown/0 +sb/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +sf/1/14 +t/7/Receptionist/Chotte... Customers... +t/7/Receptionist/This place is not a ticket office? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Receptionist/Here is the registration desk of applicants wishing to participate! + +t/3/Lana/Umm... I'd like to participate in the stadium + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Receptionist/Ah? +t/7/Receptionist/...Now, what? +t/7/Receptionist/No way... You want to participate? ... + +t/3/Lana/Yes. + +sf/1/14 +t/7/Receptionist/Huh... +t/7/Receptionist/You... you know what kind of place this is? +t/7/Receptionist/You will die if you lose... +t/7/Receptionist/It is not like a place to come with a light feeling. +sf/1/5 +t/7/Receptionist/Still want to do? + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/It is a bit scary to fight indeed... +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/But I need money! +t/3/Lana/So... let me appear! + +sf/1/14 +t/7/Receptionist/Hmm... I guess you do not let me die here like youlike... +t/7/Receptionist/This is the place where Mukkimuki's swaying osens throw themselves and fight. +sf/1/1 +pon/1 +t/7/Receptionist/...Hmm! What? +two + +vfw/1/out +v/3/out +load/1/cb84/c +vfw/1/in/7 + +mcm/1/5 + +t/5/Receptionist/you... +sf/1/13 +t/5/Receptionist/This smoothness of hair... glossy skin... +t/5/Receptionist/A moist moist lip in a beautiful eyes... this is quite... +t/5/Receptionist/If you need so much money... +t/5/Receptionist/Tonight with me... +two + +vfw/2/in/8 + +t/8/Catherine/Do not let it go. +two +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/5/Receptionist/! What? +t/5/Receptionist/Or, Chairman! What? + +t/8/Catherine/That child, you want to go to the arena? +t/8/Catherine/Do not let that child appear, admitted by the president. + +sf/1/1 +t/5/Receptionist/Eh... If the chairperson says so . +t/5/Receptionist/understood! +sf/1/3 +t/5/Receptionist/Well, you can come out ♪ + +sf/0/5 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Oh, thank you! + +t/8/Catherine/Lana, you can fight? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Er... It's a bit... +sf/2/5 +t/8/Catherine/Huh, then it's time for you to prepare for the game where you are going to advertise. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Y-yes... +two + +vfw/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +setev/24/1 + +jump/arena + + + + +<arena> +ifc/ev:24:2/arena0 + +load/8/fd0/f + +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg49/b +load/5/cb84/c +loadwin/warena +v/9/in + +wset/warena/1/1 +//ms/arena/1/1 + +sb/5/1 + +sout/8 + +vf/5/in/3 +<arena_talk> +#0 +sf/5/5 +t/3/Plum/I am a plum. I am the receptionist and moderator of the stadium. +two + +#1 +sf/5/13 +t/3/Plum/Oh... I wonder if there is a pretty girl somewhere to heal my loneliness. +two + +#2 +sf/5/3 +t/3/Plum/Please prepare as many monsters as the number of contestants as well as this ♪ +two + +#3 +sf/5/1 +t/3/Plum/Huh? Is the monster too strong? +sf/5/14 +t/3/Plum/I do not want to consume the monster so much as an administrator, so I'm sending as weak monster as possible. +two + +#4 +sf/5/5 +t/3/Plum/Basically anyone can participate in this underground stadium! . +two + +#5 +sf/5/14 +t/3/Plum/Recent contestants are decreasing and the future is uneasy... +two + +#6 +sf/5/14 +t/3/Plum/I'd like to bring my son of my favorite hairdresser's hair with me... +two + + +#7 +sb/5/4 +wait/1000 +sf/5/10 +t/3/Plum/!?! +sf/5/11 +t/3/Plum/What are you doing! What? +two +wait/500 +sb/5/1 +wait/100 +sf/5/15 +t/3/Plum/Did you see it? +t/3/Plum/My chest is a pad... +t/3/Plum/Do not tell anyone! What? +sf/5/9 +pon/5 +t/3/Plum/I will never forgive you if I say it! +two + + +<arena_ask> + +t/3/Receptionist/The next match prize is %goldG, will you play? +two + +selset/0/sel0/Participate +selset/1/sel1/Quit +selview + +[sel0] +wset/warena/bt/1 +//ms/arena/bt/1 +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +[sel1]- + +tend + + + +<arena_bt> + + +load/8/fd21/m2 +sin/8 +alldel/8 + + +st_newmap/mp49 + + +%arenamember + +sout/8 + +bgm/stage + +camera_xy/8/3 +%arenaenemy +wait/1000 + +camera_xy/8/13 + + + +load/0/cb84/c +sb/0/2 +vfw/0/in/7 + +sf/0/3 +t/7/Moderator/Everyone, I kept you waiting! I am having a main event today! +t/7/Moderator/violent %arenamname And death match of the life! Will the challenger survive? What? Please see! +two +vfw/0/out + +ms/stage/1 + +<arena_win> +//ms/arena/winev/1 +wset/warena/winev/1 +<arena_win2> + +load/0/cb84/c +sb/0/1 +vfw/0/in/7 + +%arwintalk + +sf/0/1 +t/7/Moderator/Tentatively, yes prize! +t///Received %gold G +addgold/%gold +t/7/Moderator/I also have premiums, so choose one out of these four. +two + +selset/0/sel0/%arname0 +selset/1/sel1/%arname1 +selset/2/sel2/%arname2 +selset/3/sel3/%arname3 +selview + +[sel0] +additem/%arid0 +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +additem/%arid1 +[sel1]- + +[sel2] +additem/%arid2 +[sel2]- + +[sel3] +additem/%arid3 +[sel3]- + +tend + + +vfw/0/out + +jump/menu +<arena_wtalk> + +#0 +sf/0/2 +t/7/Moderator/Something like that... I will win... +t/7/Moderator/It was now the strongest monster on hand... + +#1 +sf/0/14 +t/7/Moderator/Eh... how strong are you... I was unexpected. +t/7/Moderator/But a lot of customers came in, somewhere. + +#2 +sf/0/2 +t/7/Moderator/Er... You must be kidding? Did you win? +sf/0/14 +t/7/Moderator/There is no more a while...? + +#3 +sf/0/14 +t/7/Moderator/Oh no... I guess the monster was a little weak? + +#4 +sf/0/14 +t/7/Moderator/If it is strong so far, you have to take some countermeasures... + +#5 +sf/0/8 +t/7/Moderator/Although I bought this monster pretty much money... +t/7/Moderator/...Well a lot of customers are increasing so I'm fine. + +#6 +sf/0/7 +t/7/Moderator/You are not too strong...? Who the hell are you? + +#7 +sf/0/14 +t/7/Moderator/If this monster is knocked down, there is not anything else to give out... + +#8 +sf/0/14 +t/7/Moderator/Strong... I wonder if I can surrender this. + + + + + +<arena_lose> + +load/0/cb84/c +vf/0/in/3 + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Moderator/Is that... Do you surrender? +sf/0/3 +t/3/Moderator/Well it was just good that my life was saved. Come again! +two +vfw/0/out + + +<cgmode> +//ms/cgmode/0/1 +loadwin/wcgmode +wset/wcgmode/0/1 +<stage_re> +bgmout + +load/8/fd4/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/stage/0/1 +st_replay2 + +sout/8 + +bgm/stage + +ms/stage/5 +<sortie> +loadwin/wsortie +wset/wsortie/init/1 +<stagemap> + +autosave +nextday + +bgmout + +load/8/fd4/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/stage/0/1 + +sout/8 + +bgm/stage + +ms/stage/1 + + + + +<stage_escape> +bgmout +jump/menu_slow + + +<stagemap_cth> +loadseen/fd0/bg1 + +load/0/cb0/c + + + + +if/cth:1 +load/1/cb20/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana, please wait. +t/7/Ily/It's dangerous to leave town like that. +sf/0/26 +t/3/Lana/Eh, why? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/...Lana-sama... are you really that naive... you sadden me. +t/7/Ily/Such an appearence is bound to attract trouble. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/In town it's one thing, but outside are bandits and the like searching for prey. +t/7/Ily/Please pay more attention to your appearance to avoid unnecessary trouble. +t/3/Lana/Is that so... +t///Lana changed clothes. +two +setct/0/0 +tend + + + +if/cth:2 +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... why would you go out naked like that... +sf/0/26 +t/3/Lana/Eh... +t/3/Lana/Because I have nothing to wear... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/There must be something. +t/7/Ily/I'll take a look, so please wait here. +t///Lana was forced to change clothes +two +setct/0/0 +tend + + + +if/cth:3 +load/1/cb20/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, that appearance... +t/7/Ily/Where did you get such a thing? +t/3/Lana/W-well... +t/3/Lana/I did some work as a waitress... +t/7/Ily/Is that so... +t/7/Ily/Well, it will be difficult to move around in that outfit. +t/7/Ily/So I'd suggest you change clothes. +t/3/Lana/Eh... but I'd like to go out wearing this... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Then, I'll change you myself. +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Ehh?! No Way! +t///Lana was forced to change clothes. + +two +setct/0/0 +tend + + + +jump/menu +<battle_two> +load/0/SEL0/c +load/1/SEL1/c0 + +bt_start + +vf/0/in/POS0 +vfw/1/in/POS1 + +bt_talk + +wait/300 + +bt_make + +wait/100 +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +bt_end +<battle_one> +load/0/SEL0/c +bt_start/2 +vfw/0/in/POS0 + +bt_attack/2 + +vf/0/out +bt_end + + + +<sk0> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +be/SEL0/attack +veff/6/POS1 +wait/100 +be/SEL1/damage +wait/_WAIT +bt_damage/SEL1 + + + +<sk3> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +veff/6/POS1 +wait/_WAIT +bt_damage/SEL1 + + + +<sk4> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT + +be/SEL0/attack +veff/6/POS1 +be/SEL1/damage +wait/_WAIT +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk4t> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +tmov/_TPMNAME/POS0 +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT + +be/SEL0/attack +veff/6/POS1 +be/SEL1/damage +wait/_WAIT +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk5> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +be/SEL0/attack + +veff/6/POS1 +be/SEL1/damage + +wait/_WAIT +be/-1/yure +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk5b> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT + +veff/6/POS1 + +be/SEL0/attack +wait/_WAIT +be/-1/yure +be/SEL1/damage +bt_damage/SEL1 + +<sk6> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +be/SEL0/attack +veff/6/POS1 + +wait/_WAIT +snd/mv4 +be/SEL1/damage + +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk6b> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +be/SEL0/p + + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT + +veff/6/POS1 + +wait/_WAIT +snd/mv4 +be/SEL1/damage +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk6c> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT + + +veff/6/POS1 +be/SEL0/p + +wait/_WAIT +snd/mv4 +be/SEL1/damage +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk_las> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +be/SEL0/p + + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT + +veff/6/POS0 + +wait/_WAIT +snd/mv4 +be/SEL1/damage +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk7> + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +be/SEL0/p +wait/_BMWAIT + +wait/_WAIT +snd/mv4 +be/SEL1/damage +be/-1/yure +bt_damage/SEL1 + + +<sk_m1> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT +veff/6/POS1 +be/SEL0/p + +wait/300 +be/-1/yure +be/SEL1/damage + +wait/1000 +be/-1/yure +be/SEL1/damage + +wait/1000 +be/-1/yure +be/SEL1/damage + +bt_damage/SEL1 + +<sk_fb> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +wait/_BMWAIT +veff/6/POS1 + +be/-1/shake + + +be/SEL0/p +be/SEL1/damage + +wait/1000 +be/SEL0/p +be/SEL1/damage + +wait/1000 +be/SEL0/p +be/SEL1/damage + +be/-1/stop + +bt_damage/SEL1 + +<sk_cap> +load/6/_BENAME/m2 +load/7/be15/m2 +load/8/be100/m2 + +vmov/_BMNAME/POS0 +veff/7/POS0 +wait/3000 + +be/SEL0/p + +veff/6/POS1 +wait/4200 + +veff/8/0 + +bt_damage/SEL1 +<sk_bomb> +load/5/fd9/m2 +load/6/_BENAME/m2 + +mcm/SEL0/POS1/1 +wait/100 +//be/SEL0/attack +veff/6/POS1 + +sin/5/2 +v/SEL0/out +sout/5 + +wait/100 +be/SEL1/damage +wait/_WAIT +bt_damage/SEL1 + + +<comb1> +tmov/bm10/POS0 +<lose0> +t/POS/Lana/Ugh… impossible… no… +two +<lose2> +t/POS/Lana/Ugh… impossible… +two +<lose3> +t/POS/Baldo/Nuu… Something like that… +two +<lose4> +t/POS/Soldier/Uwaaaaaaaa!! +two +<lose5> +t/POS/Soldier/Guaa! +two +<lose10> +t/POS/Lizbeth/S-strong…! +two +<lose11> +t/POS/Pia/Ouch… can no… longer… +two + +<lose14> +t/POS/Nono/Kyahyin!! +two + +<lose15> +t/POS/Sheila/Guh… in a place like this… +two + +<lose21> +t/POS/Ily/Guh… +two +<lose23> +t/POS/Renka/Ugh… I can't get away… +two +<lose24> +t/POS/Lilim/Ugh… it's over… this is the end… +two + +<lose25> +t/POS/Lilim/Goooh… +two + +<lose26> +t/POS/Lilim/…hea… heart… +two +<lose27> +t/POS/Lemur/Guo… to think that I… impossible… +two + +<lose28> +t/POS/Robecca/…Guh… why… something… like this… +two +<lose29> +t/POS/Lemur/Wh… at… I was… defeated… +two +<lose32> +t/POS/Gissu/D-damn… I thought I could do it… +two + + +<lose33> +t/POS/Claude/Damn… I've failed… +two +<lose34> +t/POS/Blow/Gua… no way… +two +<lose35> +t/POS/Bacos/It hurts… +two +<lose39> +t/POS/Sakume/Ow ow… this might be bad… +two +<lose40> +t/POS/Magic Swordswoman/Wha… what… +two +<lose42> +t/POS/Sylvera/Ku… To these guys… +two +<lose45> +t/POS/Lia/H… Help… me… +two +<lose80> +t/POS/Sheila/Guh… +two +<lose270> +t/POS/Stray Harpy/Pikiii… +two + +<lose271> +t/POS/Harpy/Byauuu… +two + +<lose272> +t/POS/Harpy/It… it can't be… +two + +<lose273> +t/POS/Harpy/Byaa?! +two + +<lose500> +t/POS/La Wolf/Nguu… +two +<lose510> +t/POS/La Fox/Kiiyun… +two +<lose520> +t/POS/Deathclaw/Gyu… +two +<lost11> + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb11/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Pia/Lana-chan, sorry... +t/3/Lana/? +t/7/Pia/I got a little beat up, so I don't know if I can continue with you... +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Is- is that right. +t/3/Lana/That's too bad, but I guess it can't be helped +t/7/Pia/Yeah, sorry again. +sf/1/5 +t/7/Pia/But I'll always be at the store, so please come by to see me. +t/3/Lana/Y-yeah. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +<lost14> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Nono/Ahh goodness, I can't go on... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Wh-what happened...? +t/7/Nono/Sorry about that, it looks like my legs have been done in, and since it looks like I can't keep up, I'll be heading back home... +t/3/Lana/Huh? Your legs? +t/7/Nono/Uhuh... I think I might take a break from being a Mercenary for while... +t/7/Nono/Well then, let's meet up again in the future you hear? +sf/1/5 +t/7/Nono/I'm lookin' forward to the next day we meet! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost15> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Sheila/Ku... It seems I have torn a tendon in my arm, I can barely hold a sword... +t/7/Sheila/I'm sorry, but it looks like I can't keep going with you. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Eh... +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/I'm sorry. This is because I came up with a weird strategy... +t/7/Sheila/Don't be silly. This was because my abilities weren't sufficient enough. +t/7/Sheila/Well then, I'll be heading back to the city... +sf/1/5 +t/7/Sheila/Once this injury has healed, let's team up again. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Y-yeah. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost21> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sbtown/0 + +sf/0/4 +sf/1/6 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Ily?! +t/3/Lana/That injury! Are you okay?! +t/7/Ily/Yes... Somehow. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/However, with this injury I don't know if we can continue to fight together... +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/If Ily is gone it would be more troublesome... +t/7/Ily/It's too bad but... It can't be helped... +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ily/Although I will still accompany you in the future, I won't be able to participate in any battles. +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/I... I see... + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost23> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/4 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Renka/Aaah! That's enough... +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/?! +sf/1/6 +t/7/Renka/I can't wash my hair, it's all unkempt and this isall making it difficult to fight... +t/7/Renka/A life where you don't know when you could die... That's enough... + +t/3/Lana/A-are you alright? + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Renka/Lana-sama, I'm... done being a mercenary! +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/What?! + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Renka/It looks like this really wasn't suitable for me after all... +t/7/Renka/Haah... I wonder if there somewhere where I can work as a maid...? + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/Lana-sama, if you are ever looking for a maid, please let me know. +pon/1 +t/7/Renka/I will work my hardest! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Y-yeah. +t/3/Lana/So does that mean you'll be returning to the city? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Renka/Yes. I am sorry about this, but that's how it is. +sf/1/5 +t/7/Renka/With that, let's meet up again in the city! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost24> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/6 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Lilim/Ow-ow-ow... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Lilium... That injury, are you alright? +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/Does it look alright to you? Geez... +t/7/Lilim/This was because your strategy really was no good. +sf/1/6 +t/7/Lilim/Though I wasn't about to nearly die. + +t/3/Lana/So-sorry... +sf/1/7 +pon/1 +t/7/Lilim/It really isn't a problem if you apologize. +t/7/Lilim/But if I stay with you, no matter how many lives there would be, it still wouldn't be enough, that's why I am going to let you go on your own now. +t/3/Lana/What?! +t/7/Lilim/With that, good-bye. +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/I... I see... + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost32> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb80/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Gissu/Ah shit... I thought I was gonna die there... hihi... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/A-are you alright? +t/7/Gissu/Aah... So-so I guess. +t/7/Gissu/But with this injury, fighting seems like a no-go. +t/7/Gissu/Risking my life for a bit of gold was never a problem, but I think I'll have to stop here. +t/3/Lana/Eh... +t/7/Gissu/Well, seeya! Hihi! + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost33> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb81/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Claude/Shit... They got me... +t/7/Claude/I'm sorry, but it looks like this is as far as I can accompany you. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Eh- Does that mean you'll be going back? +t/7/Claude/Ah, yeah. +t/7/Claude/I've already gotten my fair share of injuries and I can't fight properly. +t/7/Claude/And I've worked for my pay. +t/7/Claude/Seeya! + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost39> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/6 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Sakume/Haah... What terrible eyes. +t/7/Sakume/The truth is, with all these scary monsters I really can't do much. +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan, I'm sorry, but could you let me go home now? + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh... You'll be returning home then? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Sakume/Yeah, my whole body is worn-out. +sf/0/4 +sf/1/5 +t/7/Sakume/I'm sorry, I'll be in the material shop in the city, drop by at any time if you want to see me. +t/7/Sakume/Well then, see you again-. + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<lost45> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb45/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/6 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lia/Aaaaaah-! + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/?! + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Lia, are you injured?! +t/7/Lia/Uuu... +t/7/Lia/My entire body hurts... +t/7/Lia/I'm scared of fighting anymore... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lia/I wanna go home... +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/It's okay... I understand. +t/3/Lana/Well then Lia, let's go home. +t/3/Lana/I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you to such a place. + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<del27> +load/3/cb27/c + +vf/3/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/How dare you... now you've done it... +t/7/Lemur/So strong... you're first... +t/7/Lemur/I will definitely pay you back... wash your neck and wait for me... +t/7/Lemur/Kuku... it's nice to meet an interesting person after so long... + +load/4/be80/m2 +veff/4/7 +wait/1500 + +vf/3/out + +t///Black fog engulfs the Lilim and she disappears in an instant. +two +<bt001> +t/POS/Name/Guehehehehe… so you want to die first! +two +<bt002> +t/POS/Name/Byuhihihi… if you want to die that much I'll do you. +two +<bt003> +t/POS/Baldo/There's no one who's faced me and lived to tell the tale. Prepare yourself! +two +<bt500> +t/POS/Werewolf/Fugya?! What's with this one! +two +<yh11> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb11/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/7/Lana/Pia, I'm recruiting bodyguards... +t/3/Pia/Well... rather than bodyguard... +t/3/Pia/I want to collect materials, but going alone is dangerous... +sf/1/3 +t/3/Pia/So i need someone to go with me♪ +sf/1/1 +t/3/Pia/That's why I'm so cheap! +t/3/Pia/I can perform first aid, I can save someone who needs healing... +t/3/Pia/To be able to collect materials together is like killing two birds with one stone. + +t/7/Lana/Well then, if we two go together... is that okay? +sf/1/2 +t/3/Pia/Eh... +be/1/p2 +sf/1/3 +t/3/Pia/Understood! +t/3/Pia/Leave healing to me♪ + +t///Pia temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh11a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb11/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/7/Lana/Pia, I need your help again. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Pia/Understood! + +t///Pia temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh11d> +t/3/Pia/Then I'm going back. +t/3/Pia/Let's meet in town again♪ +two +vfw/0/out +<yh14> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Nono/It's nice to see you again! +t/7/Lana/W-why are you working as a bodyguard...? +t/3/Nono/Well.. you see... +t/3/Nono/My little sister opened a road side fortune telling stall, so I have free time on my hands... +t/3/Nono/But it's been so long since I was last active, so I decided to work as a bodyguard +t/3/Nono/Well, i've been wanting to chat with you some more. +t/3/Nono/So Lana-chan, will you hire me? +t/7/Lana/Eh, hire you? +t/3/Nono/Of course! +t/7/Lana/Then, please come with me. +t/3/Nono/Okay then! I've been itching to put my skills to use again + +t///Nono temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh14a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Nono/I'm glad that you called for me again ♪ +t/3/Nono/Well then, let's depart! + +t///Nono temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh14d> + +t/3/Nono/Well, this is the end of the period you hired me for. +t/3/Nono/See you around. +two +vfw/0/out + + + + + +<yh15> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Sheila/Y-you are... +t/7/Lana/Sheila-san, is everything alright with your body? + +sf/1/5 +be/1/p2 +t/3/Sheila/Yeah! Thanks to you I'm fine now. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Sheila/Toughness and recovery speed are my redeeming features! + +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/That's good. +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lana/Sheila-san, well... I've got another request... +t/7/Lana/I want you to come with me... Is it... no good? + +sf/1/4 +t/3/Sheila/Again with that request... +t/3/Sheila/I still owe you a debt for saving me, so I guess Ican't refuse... +sf/1/5 +t/3/Sheila/Well I'll still ask you to pay the minimum hiring fee, that ok? + +sf/0/5 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/Eh? Really? +t/7/Lana/It will be immensely reassuring with Sheila-san around! + +t/3/Sheila/...Got it. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Sheila/Because you're special, I'll let you hire me. +sf/1/5 +t/3/Sheila/Alright, I'm going to get prepared, so wait a sec. + + +t///Sheila temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh15a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Sheila/Hm, you want to hire me again? +be/1/p2 +sf/1/3 +t/3/Sheila/Got it. Let's head off. + +t///Sheila temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh15d> + +t/3/Sheila/That's the end of our contract... +sf/0/3 +t/3/Sheila/Please hire me again if you feel like it. +two +vfw/0/out +<yh23> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Renka/Ah, Lana-sama... could it be you're here to hire me?! +t/7/Lana/Yeah. That's my request. +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/3/Renka/Yaay! I'm happy to work with you again! +t/3/Renka/In fact, I wish I could always be with you... but money, I need money... +t/3/Renka/But if you hire me I'll go anywhere with you! +be/1/p2 +t/3/Renka/Alright, let's get going! + +t///Renka temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh23a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +sf/1/3 +t/3/Renka/Thank you very much for hiring me again♪ +t/3/Renka/Alright, lets go! + +t///Renka temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh23d> + +t/3/Renka/Well then, this is the end of our contract... +sf/0/3 +t/3/Renka/Please hire me again ♪ +two +vfw/0/out +<yh32> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb80/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Gissu/Oh, we meet again. +t/7/Lana/I'm looking for a bodyguard... +t/3/Gissu/Got it, leave it to me! Hihihi... +t///Gissu temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh32a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb80/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Gissu/Oh, another request. +t/3/Gissu/Since it's you, sure! Hihihi... +t///Gissu temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh32d> + +t/3/Gissu/Alright. I'll head home now. +t/3/Gissu/Hire me again later okay? Hihi +two +vfw/0/out +<yh33> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb81/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Claude/You looking for a bodyguard? +t/3/Claude/I'm pretty bored so i guess I'll come. +t///Claude temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh33a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb81/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Claude/You want to hire me again? +t/3/Claude/Leave it to me! +t///Claude temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh33d> + +t/3/Claude/The deal between us has ended. +t/3/Claude/See ya. +two +vfw/0/out +<yh39> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Sakume/Oh, you want me to accompany you? +sf/1/3 +t/3/Sakume/It can't be helped I guess. I don't mind tagging along if you pay me well. +t///Sakume temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh39a> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Sakume/Oh, you want to hire me again? +t/3/Sakume/As long as you're paying me, I'll work for you anytime. + +t///Sakume temporarily joined your party. (Leaving after 3 sorties) + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/tavern +<yh39d> + +t/3/Sakume/That's the end of our contract. +t/3/Sakume/See you again ♪ +two +vfw/0/out +<lk11> +read/ev13 +setcg/13/1 + +addpsk/11/13 +<lk14> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Nono/Lana! I've been searching for you! +t/7/Lana/W-what's the matter? +t/3/Nono/You need to see this! +be/1/p2 +t/3/Nono/You can learn skills using this amazing magic item! +t/3/Nono/You've always helped me, so it's time I returned the favor. +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Eh, thank you... but are you fine with giving me something so amazing? +t/3/Nono/Of course! I want you to go *wham* using it! + +t///Received Skill Tome No. 20. +additem/3012 + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Nono/The skill in this tome deals more damage the farther you move using that skill, so it should do well against enemies that moves a lot. +t/7/Lana/Hm... I don't really understand, so it's affected by movement speed? +t/3/Nono/That's right, I don't know very well... + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +addpsk/14/18 + +jump/edit +<lk15> +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Sheila/Lana-chan, you helped me so much until now and even saved my life. +t/3/Sheila/I want to always be by your side, not just as a bodyguard! +t/3/Sheila/Is that okay? +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/Huh?! ...You'll come with me... I won't have to hire you anymore? +t/3/Sheila/Yep. It's not about money, I want to join you as a friend. +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/O-of course! +sf/0/3 +t/7/Lana/I'd be happy to be friends with you. +sf/1/3 +t/3/Sheila/I see. I'm glad... you didn't refuse. + +t///Sheila officially joined your party. +setyhtom/15 + +addpsk/15/14 + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/edit +<lk21> +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + + +sf/0/6 +t/7/Lana/Ily... You no longer have to call me Lana-sama. +t/7/Lana/You're not a maid anymore... +t/3/Ily/...that... I cannot accept. + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/...Why? +t/3/Ily/I dislike changing the way I talk. +t/3/Ily/For me, Lana-sama will always be Lana-sama. + +sf/0/6 +t/7/Lana/You're quite stubborn... once you decide you won't budge. +t/3/Ily/Is it no good? + +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/No... rather I'm a little relieved. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/I mean, the reason why Ily helped me is because you are my maid. +t/7/Lana/Someone who could change the way they speak to me so quickly, would have already left me. +t/7/Lana/So... I love you Ily... +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... + +sf/1/3 +t/3/Ily/I'm glad... But you can love me more you know? +t/7/Lana/Eh? ...Okay... +t/7/Lana/(This is the first time I've seen Ily smile...) + + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/edit +<lk23> +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +sf/1/5 +t/3/Renka/Lana-sama, soft fluff or sharp bristle... which would you like? +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Eh... what's with those choices... +t/3/Renka/I'll give you the one you want! +be/1/p2 +sf/1/1 +t/3/Renka/Which do you prefer? +sf/0/1 + +selset/0/sel0/Fluff +selset/1/sel1/Bristle +selset/2/sel2/I don't need either. +selview + +[sel0] +sf/1/5 +t/3/Renka/Fluffy, great choice! It's sooo soft. +t///Received 3x Soft Fluff. +additem/1109 +additem/1109 +additem/1109 +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +sf/1/5 +t/3/Renka/Bristle it is! It's prickly to touch. +t///Received 3x Sharp Bristle. +additem/1110 +additem/1110 +additem/1110 +[sel1]- + +[sel2] +sf/1/1 +t/3/Renka/...Eh, you don't need either one? +t/3/Renka/What about this strange drug then? +t/7/Lana/...strange drug? +t/3/Renka/I got it from a suspicious man, I have a bad feeling about it, but maybe Lana-sama can make use of it. +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Eh, even if you give me such a thing... +t///Received Brainwash Drug. +additem/1123 +t/7/Lana/Wh-what... should I do with this... +[sel2]- + +tend + + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +addpsk/23/15 + +jump/edit +<lk24> + +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Lilim/Lana-chan, about the thing you said you wanted... +t/7/Lana/Eh, the thing I wanted? +t/3/Lilim/Yeah, it's this right? +t/3/Lilim/It fell into my hand so I'm giving it to you. I don't need it. + +t///Received Skill Tome No.13. +additem/3013 + +t/3/Lilim/If you use this you'll be able to cast healing magic over long distances. +sf/0/5 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/Ah! ...I really wanted this... Thank you! +t/3/Lilim/Yeah, but I heard it's pretty weak so it might not be very useful... +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/I-is that so...? +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/I'm happy anyway, thank you! + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +addpsk/24/17 + +jump/edit +<lk32> +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb80/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Gissu/Hihi... you, are you expecting something from me? +t/3/Gissu/Since you always give me various things? +t/7/Lana/Yeah, you always look out for me. +t/3/Gissu/Is that so... I wish I could return the favor... but I don't have anything. +t/3/Gissu/Or wait! That's right, I have this. +t/3/Gissu/I'll let you have it. + +t///Received Bar-like Thingy. +additem/110 + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/What's this? +t/3/Gissu/This is a weapon of great power. +t/3/Gissu/Though in exchange, it will leave you with almost no defense, so be careful. +t/3/Gissu/I never used it since I couldn't imagine a good use for it... Hehe. + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/edit +<lk33> +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb81/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Claude/Yo, because you're always helping me, I'll give you this. +t/7/Lana/Eh, what is this? +t/3/Claude/They're boots that make you run extremely fast, but they have other drawbacks... so I can't use them. +t/3/Claude/But they might be useful for you, so accept them. +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Th-thank you. + +t///Received Cursed Boots. +additem/405 + +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/By the way Claude, why are you working as a Hunter? +t/3/Claude/Huh? Why I'm working as a Hunter? +t/3/Claude/I'm not a real Hunter actually. +t/3/Claude/I may call myself one, but I'm really just after the money. +t/3/Claude/It doesn't matter how many lives you have, it'll never be enough. +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/...Eh, then what are you doing? +t/3/Claude/It's difficult for me to say. +t/3/Claude/Ever since I met you and your companions, I've been starting to think about becoming a real hunter. +t/3/Claude/Ahh... I'm not really sure what i even want for myself. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/edit +<lk39> +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Sakume/Seriously, I received so many things from Lana-chan. +t/3/Sakume/Gotta express my gratitude somehow... what to do... +sf/1/3 +t/3/Sakume/...Oh. right! +t/3/Sakume/The other day I got this, I won't use it. It's yours. +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Th-thank you. +sf/1/1 +t/3/Sakume/Don't worry about it. This amor is very durable but it'll slow you down so be careful. + +t///Received Magic Alloy Armour. +additem/155 + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/...Th-this is... +t/3/Sakume/It's a bit heavy at first but if you get the hang of it it's gonna be fine. +t/7/Lana/... + + + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/edit +<item105> +selset/0/sel0/Phimosis +selset/1/sel1/Uncut +selset/2/sel2/Cut +selview + +[sel0] +setparam/0/5/0 +t/5//Lana's penis now has phimosis. +two +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +setparam/0/5/1 +t/5//Lana's penis is now uncut. +two +[sel1]- + +[sel2] +setparam/0/5/2 +t/5//Lana's penis is now cut. +two +[sel2]- + +tend +<op_sel> + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +allclear + +addmember/0/1/1 +setsmem/0/0/0 + +addshop/1 +addshop/2 +addshop/10 +addshop/11 + +addgold/100 + +setev/9/1 +setev/12/1 + +additem/8000 +additem/8001 +additem/8002 + + +ms/opop/1/1 + + + +if/ev:44:1 +load_fuma +tend + + +if/ev:42:0 + +jump/op0 + +tend + +if/ev:42:1 + +addmember/350/1/2 +setsmem/0/1/1 + +setstage/1/1 +setcg/0/1 +setcg/1/1 +setev/5/3 + +if/ev:43:0/ev43 + +addmember/14/6 +setsmem/0/2/2 + +tend/ev43 + + +jump/menu_slow + +tend +<op0> + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg7 + +t//Elena/The Kingdom of Fal Ente, located on the western fringe of the continent. A safe and secure country, with few monsters... +t//Elena/But some time ago, their numbers began to surge rapidly, and they started to attack the towns and their people... +two + +loadseen/fd8/ev500 + +t//Elena/The cause was found to be a witch named Robecca, residing in the ancient ruins far to the northwest... +t//Elena/It was said that she had the ability to bend monsters to her will. +t//Elena/She manipulated the monsters nearby to attack the towns and seduce the townsfolk. +t//Elena/When the news reached the lords of the kingdom, they immediately organized a subjugation force to defeat the evil witch... +sf/9/1 +t//Elena/After a long and arduous battle, they finally struck her down... +t//Elena/...or so they thought. Several years after that, the witch appeared once more. +t//Elena/She was alive... and once again, monsters began attacking the population. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg21 + +load/0/cb13/c +load/1/cb0/c +sf/0/1 +sb/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +bgm/11 + +t/3/Elena/And that is the story of the witch Robecca, who has the highest bounty ever on her head. + +t/7/Lana/I see... Onee-sama, you're so smart... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Elena/Lana-chan, that you didn't know about this when it's basically common knowledge... +be/1/p2 +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lana/Huh, s-sorry Onee-sama! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lana/But why did the witch attack everyone... +t/3/Elena/I don't understand it either, but it's true that even now towns get attacked. +t/3/Elena/The city is well guarded, but towns and simple villages are constantly assaulted by monsters... +t/3/Elena/It wasn't always like this. If the witch were to disappear, the towns would be safe again. +sf/1/6 +t/7/Lana/But hasn't the fight against the Witch been going on for a long time now? + +t/3/Elena/Yes, it's been over 10 years and they still can't beat her... +t/3/Elena/It seems like everytime before they reach her, they're attacked by an endless onslaught of her minions. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Elena/And we can only pray that people from the subjugation force will be safe... +t/3/Elena/I just hope that this battle will end soon so that the people will be able to live normally again. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lana/Yes... that's right... +two + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg24 + +t//?/Hoo… so this is the mansion of Eirich-dono… what a splendid thing. +t//?/Hey, surround the mansion so that little mouse can't run away. +two + + +jump/op1 + +<op1> + +loadseen/fd6/bg21 + +load/0/cb13/c +load/1/cb20/c + +sb/1/101 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Maid/Elena-sama, a person claiming to be from the Royal Investigation Agency is here. +t/7/Maid/May I show him in? + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Elena/Eh, What's going on...? Royal Investigation Agency...? +t/3/Elena/Father isn't at home... I can't meet him. +t/3/Elena/Please ask them to leave. + +t/7/Maid/Certainly. I will convey the message. + +two +vf/1/out/7 + + +load/3/cb4/c +load/2/cb3/c +sb/2/111 + +t///The sound of footsteps and clanking armor drew nearer... +two +wait/1000 + +vfw/3/in/9 +wait/500 +vfw/2/in/7 + +bgm/13 + +t/7/?/Excuse me for a moment. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Elena/?! + +t///A large man arrived, accompanied by a group of armored soldiers. + +t/7/Baldo/I'm from the Royal Investigation Agency. My name is Bald and i'm the chief of this unit. +t/7/Baldo/I came here today to search for your father, Eirich Lunavult-dono, as well as putting his daughter Elena under arrest. + +t/3/Elena/Eh, searching for my father...? +t/7/Baldo/Yes, we're looking for his whereabouts... If you know where he is please do tell us. +t/7/Baldo/Well, no matter where he runs away it's only a matter of time till we find him. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Elena/?? + +t/7/Baldo/Your father, Eirich-dono, is currently being suspected of conducting breach-of-trust acts. +t/7/Baldo/Roughly speaking Eirich-dono took about 15 million Gold from the national treasury... +t/7/Baldo/He then apparently performed some futures contracts with the money, earning great profit... +t/7/Baldo/But recently, we've learned that he had lost all the funds due to sudden market changes. +t/7/Baldo/I persume the reason why this wasn't found out until now is that after each transaction, he cleverly returned the initial capital to the treasury. + +t/7/Baldo/As an imperial treasurer, Eirich-dono didn't have a salary that high... +t/7/Baldo/but now I think I understand how he could attain such a mansion in his lifetime. + +t/7/Baldo/At any rate, until now there hasn't been anyone else who caused this much damage to the kingdom. +t/7/Baldo/Once Eirich-dono is arrested, what awaits him is most likely the death penalty. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Elena/D-Death penalty...?! +sf/0/4 +t/7/Baldo/Yes, it is very regrettable... But using the taxpayers' money for your own benefit is an inexcusable crime. + +t/7/Baldo/And... this too is horribly unfortunate but... +t/7/Baldo/Elena-dono, you also have been charged with crime. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Elena/Eeh?! + +t/7/Baldo/You are accused of being an accomplice of your father. +t/7/Baldo/We know that your father gave you certain documents in the past. There's no doubt you signed these documents, even without understanding their contents. +sf/0/8 +t/3/Elena/That... I didn't know about such a thing. + +t/7/Baldo/Even if it was unintentional, you are still considered an accomplice in your father's illegal transactions. +t/7/Baldo/So please come with me Elena-dono. + +mcm/2/6 +sf/0/4 +t/3/Elena/I-it hurts... Let go of me! + +mcm/0/4 + +load/4/cb0/c +sb/4/1 +sf/4/7 +vf/4/in/2 + +t/2/Lana/P-please stop it! +t/7/Baldo/Oh? ...And you are? +be/4/p2 +t/2/Lana/Don't do mean things to my Onee-sama! Let her go! + +sf/2/3 +t/7/Baldo/Ho... Even if you say so... +t/7/Baldo/The charges have already been made. Those who are guilty shall face the appropriate judgement. + +t/7/Baldo/Also, this mansion and land are to be seized. You must leave this place within the day. +t/7/Baldo/Unfortunately this must be done, there is no other alternative. +sf/2/1 +t/7/Baldo/First this mansion and the land it's located on shall be sold, with an estimated profit of 5 million Gold. +t/7/Baldo/As for the remaining 10 million Gold, Elena-dono shall spend the rest of her life in jail to pay for it... +t/7/Baldo/Though she might not be able to pay it within her lifetime... + +sf/4/6 +t/2/Lana/St... Stop... Please... + +t/7/Baldo/Oh? Then... can you repay the 10 million Gold? +t/7/Baldo/If you can repay it I will release Elena-dono. If you can... Fufu... + +t/7/Baldo/Well then, it's time, Elena-dono. + +mcm/2/7 +mcm/0/5 + +sf/4/7 +t/2/Lana/Please wait...! + +mcm/4/3 + +t/7/Baldo/Hm? + +t/3/Lana/I will pay the 10 million Gold! +t/3/Lana/So please... release Onee-sama. + +t/7/Baldo/Ho... + +t/3/Lana/I don't know what our father did, but Onee-sama has nothing to do with it +sf/4/8 +t/3/Lana/So please... Stop... + +sf/2/3 +t/7/Baldo/Ha ha ha ha! You? Paying back 10 million Gold? How amusing. +t/7/Baldo/As of today you have no home and have lost all of your servants. How will you be able to repay 10 Million Gold I wonder? + +t/7/Baldo/Well, there's no charges against you're free do what you want. + +t/7/Baldo/If you actually do manage to get 10 million Gold, bring it to the jail. +t/7/Baldo/I will release your sister and all charges againsther will be dropped. +sf/2/1 +t/7/Baldo/However, the same does not count for your fathers' charges... + +t/7/Baldo/Well then, let us be off. +t/5/Elena/Lana... +t/3/Lana/O-onee-sama... + +vf/0/out +vf/2/out + +mcm/3/7 + +t/7/Guard/Hey, you guys! +t/7/Guard/Get the hell out of this mansion! From today it belongs to the Royal Investigation Agency! +t/7/Guard/All the servants working here are also dismissed! + +two + +jump/op2 + +<op2> + +loadseen/fd8/bg24 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb6/c +load/2/cb20/c + +sb/0/1 +sf/0/8 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/W-what should I do... +t/3/Lana/I... I don't know what to do from now on... +t/3/Lana/Though I said that I'll pay 10 milion Gold, it is definitely impossible... +t/3/Lana/I want to save my sister, but something like that is... + +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Maid/Ojou-sama... +sf/0/4 +t/7/Maid/Things today happened so abruptly, but please don't lose hope... +t/7/Maid/I'm sure you'll find a way... +t/3/Lana/T-thank you... +two + +vfw/1/out +sb/2/101 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Maid/Lana-sama. +t/3/Lana/Ily...? +t/3/Lana/Thank you for everything. +t/3/Lana/You were with us since we were small, I'm sad that we have to say goodbye like this but... +t/3/Lana/I can no longer pay you so... +t/7/Ily/Yes, parting in such a way is also painful for me... +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, I'm sure you'll find a job in the town nearby... +t/7/Ily/And if you can't find a place to live, you can always come to my place. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... I understand... +t/7/Ily/Well then Lana-sama, until we meet again... +t/3/Lana/Yes, goodbye... + +two + +jump/op2a + +<op2a> + +loadseen/fd8/bg25 + +bgmout + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c +load/2/cb20/c + +t///A few hours later... + +sb/0/1 +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Guard/You... Why are you still here? + +t/3/Lana/But, this place is my home... + +t/7/Guard/Are you stupid? I said that this place is seized. +t/7/Guard/It's no longer your house, get lost. + +sf/0/8 +t/3/Lana/I have... nowhere to go... +t/7/Guard/Heh... You might as well just drop dead by the road or something. There's nothing I can do. +two +vfw/1/out + +t/3/Lana/...Uu... +two + +sf/2/4 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/I never thought it would be like this but... +sf/2/1 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, you are still here...? + +bgm/11 + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/I-Ily?! +t/7/Ily/I was worried so I came... +t/7/Ily/But what are you doing hanging around here? + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I'll never pay back 10 million Gold even for the rest of my life, so I don't know what else to do... +t/3/Lana/I think I'll stay here until I die... + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please don't joke about this. +t/7/Ily/I have an idea. +t/7/Ily/If things go well you might be able to earn 10 million Gold. + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Eh, what do you mean...? +t/7/Ily/Please come to my home for now. +t/7/Ily/Let's talk about the details there. +t/3/Lana/Huh? O-okay, I got it. + + +two + +jump/op3 + +<op3> + +loadseen/fd8/bg18 + +t///Lana and Ily walked through the calm evening townscape, though when they arrived at their destination the town was already enveloped in darkness. + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sb/0/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, we're nearly there. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +loadseen/fd6/bg6 + +t///Deep within the town's back alleys was a small house, nestled between other buildings. +t/7/Ily/This is my home, it's not much but please come in. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg27 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sb/0/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/This is... Ily's home... +t/3/Lana/It's much less than I imagined somehow... +t/7/Ily/I rarely came back here since I stayed at the mansion most of the time so... +t/3/Lana/Do you live alone? +t/7/Ily/Yes. +t/7/Ily/But in the past, I used to live here with my master. Now it's just me. +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... +t/7/Ily/Anyways, Lana-sama. +t/7/Ily/There is a basement below the floor over there. I have something to show you, please follow me. + +two + +bgmout + +jump/op4 + +<op4> + +loadseen/fd8/bg4 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb170/c + +bgm/11 + +sb/0/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please take a look at this. + +vf/2/in/5 + +t/3/Lana/What is this...? A ring? + +t/7/Ily/Yes, this ring contains the soul of a Lamia. +t/3/Lana/Lamia...?? +t/7/Ily/Yes, it's a being with the magical power of seduction. +t/3/Lana/Is such a thing... really true? +t/7/Ily/I'm not really sure either. +t/7/Ily/However... it's said that by equipping this you will gain it's magical power and be able to control monsters. + +t/3/Lana/Eh... Control? +t/7/Ily/Yes, there are some conditions, but supposedly you can control just about every monster. +t/3/Lana/An object this powerful... Why did you show it to me? +t/7/Ily/I would like you to use this, Lana-sama. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/What?! + +vf/2/out + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, about the bounty on the witch Robecca... Do you know how much it currently is? + +t/3/Lana/Uhm... I don't know... + +t/7/Ily/It's 10 million Gold. +t/7/Ily/If you use this ring to hunt Robecca, you can save Elena-sama with the bounty reward. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/W-wait a minute... +t/3/Lana/Even if you said that out of the blue... I can't fight... + +t/3/Lana/Also, an object this powerful... Why don't you use it then Ily? +t/7/Ily/...Because it's impossible. +t/7/Ily/However, I believe Lana-sama can. +t/3/Lana/I don't really understand... + +t/3/Lana/But... can I not just forget about the bounty and use this power to get Onee-sama out of prison...? +t/7/Ily/You musn't, you will be hunted as a jailbreaker for the rest of your life. Then even worse things might happen. +t/3/Lana/I... guess you're right... + +t/7/Ily/However, there is a risk. +t/7/Ily/Once put on... the ring cannot be removed. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh...? It can't be removed? + +t/7/Ily/Yes... At least as far as I know. +t/7/Ily/However, aside from this, I think there's no other way to help Elena-sama. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/No way... +t/3/Lana/Give me a moment... to think about it... +two + +t/3/Lana/... +t/3/Lana/... +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/...Alright. +t/3/Lana/Even if the ring can't be removed, being able to control monsters is quite amazing... +t/3/Lana/If it's really possible, I want to try it... +t/3/Lana/I feel like I could defeat any opponent with such power... +t/3/Lana/Besides, you're never wrong, I trust you Ily. + +t/3/Lana/...Well then, I'll try putting this on okay? +t/7/Ily/...Yes. + +t///Lana cautiously put the ring on her finger. +two + + +load/3/be30/m2 +veff/3/3 +wait/1000 + +load/4/fd9/f +sin/4/2 +sout/4 + +sf/0/2 + +load/3/be15/m2 +veff/3/3 +wait/1000 + +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/I-It's shining... so brightly... +t/3/Lana/Ugh... my body... feels hot... +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/My body... It feels like... I'm on fire... +t/3/Lana/...Somehow... I feel strange... +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +read/ev1 +setcg/0/1 + +jump/op6 + +<ev1> +evbtn/1 + +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev1/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/0 +sout/8 + +bgm/7 + +t/3/Lana/Wait... W-what is this?! +t/3/Lana/T-this is...?? +t/7/Ily/Equiping the ring causes it to grow from your body... +t/7/Ily/With that, you can pour your fluids into monsters and make them serve you. + +t/3/Lana/W-wait a minute... you haven't told me about this! +t/3/Lana/Why haven't you told me earlier?! + +t/7/Ily/Because it didn't seem that important... +t/3/Lana/It is! +t/3/Lana/With this... I've become a boy you know?! +t/7/Ily/No. It just grew above your female parts. +t/3/Lana/Ehh... I can't really tell but... + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let's check at once if it works. + +t///Ily walked besides Lana, then reached her hands towards the thing that had just sprouted between Lana's groins. + +t/3/Lana/Ah?! +t/3/Lana/N-no! If you touch it like that...! +two + +sf/7/1 +wait/4000 + +t/3/Lana/Uuu... what is this... +t/7/Ily/There seem to be no problems with its sensitivity. +t/7/Ily/Now let's see if you can release your bodily fluids... + +sf/7/3 +t///Ily slowly rubbed her hand up and down Lana's crotch... +t///Lana's little meat bud wrapped in foreskin started to bend backwards little by little. + +t/3/Lana/Ah... Uu... It feels like an electric shock, as ifmy nerves are exposed... +t/3/Lana/Do we really... have to do this...? +t/7/Ily/Yes, I must confirm whether it can be used or not before you go into actual combat. + +sf/7/6 +t///Ily's hand relentlessly kneaded the tip of Lana's foreskin. +t/3/Lana/Haa?! If... if you touch me anymore more I'll...! + +sf/7/7 +t///Lana's knees trembled while she tried to bear the stimulation, but she was already reaching orgasm. +t/3/Lana/Haa! Ahh! Ahhhhhhhh!! ♥ +t/3/Lana/S-stop it! Ahhh?! ♥ +t///Lana's thighs trembled as she moaned loudly. +two + +sf/7/8 +wait/10000 + +t///Semen gushed from the tip of Lana's penis, spraying all over the place. +t/3/Lana/Higu...?! Guu ♥♥ Fugu ♥♥ + +t///After her orgasm, her body was still flinching as the remaining semen began to drip from the glans. + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, it's a success. Everything should be alright. +t/3/Lana/Haa... haa... + + + +#skip +two +bgmout + + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 + +<op6> + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sb/0/2 + +bgm/11 + +sf/0/4 +setpenis/0/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let us move on to actual battle now... +t/7/Ily/Though I need you to get changed first. + +sf/0/40 +t/3/Lana/...? + +t/7/Ily/Here is your armor. +t/7/Ily/At glance it doesn't look very sturdy but, it's protected by powerful magical power so it should defend you against wide range of attacks. +t/3/Lana/Wh... why do you have such a thing? +t/7/Ily/It's something I used a long time ago. Ours physiques are similiar, so it should fit just fine. +t/7/Ily/Since you're will be fighting, armour is a must. Please use this. + +t/7/Ily/Also, please take this weapon for self-defense. +load/3/cb185/c +vf/3/in/5 +t/7/Ily/This sword is light and easy to handle so Lana-sama should be able to use it. +vf/3/out +t/3/Lana/Got it... T-thank you. +t/3/Lana/Well then... I-I'll get changed... Please wait a bit. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +t///~ A few minutes later ~ +load/0/cb0/c + +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/I changed, but is this ok...? +t/3/Lana/Huh, did you go somewhere Ily? + +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/I went to buy a slime at the market. +t/3/Lana/Eh, slime...? + +load/2/cb75/c +vf/2/in/5 +t/5/Slime/Pya! + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/?! + +t///The slime struggled in Ily's firm grip. +t/7/Ily/This slime is sold freshly alive as food. +t/3/Lana/Why would you bring something like that...? +t/7/Ily/Now I want Lana-sama to control it. + +t/3/Lana/What?! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Co-Control it... What should I do? + +t/7/Ily/Insert it into slime's body and release your fluids inside. +t/7/Ily/Doing so will brainwash the slime and you'll be able to control it. + +t/7/Ily/Please try it without delay. +two + +jump/op_t1 +<op_t1> + +setsk/0/0/0/50 +setsk/0/0/1/0 +setmem0 +gotostage/0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<op_t2> + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, you must first learn how to fight. + +load/2/tip1/c +vfw/2/in/5 + +t/7/Ily/About the method of movement... +t/7/Ily/Please use this note as a reference to move in front of the target. + +vfw/2/out + +load/2/tip2/c + +t/7/Ily/And about the capture method... + +vfw/2/in/5 + +t/7/Ily/Please chose ""Skill"" from the action menu and select the ""Seal"" spell. +t/7/Ily/Then select the Slime which is within your attack range, marked by red tiles to execute the move. + +vfw/2/out + +t/7/Ily/Well then, try capturing the slime. + +t/7/Ily/Ah... there's something I forgot to mention. +t/7/Ily/Please remove your clothes when using the sealing spell. +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Eh?! Why? +t/7/Ily/Otherwise your magic will have no effect. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Okay... +t/7/Ily/Also, this seal spell will not work on humans. +t/7/Ily/It only works on monsters as they have magical power within their body. +t/7/Ily/Well then, please try it. + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +two +<ev4> +evbtn/1 + +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev4/m2 +v/7/in/0 + +sout/8 + +bgm/7 + +t/3/Lana/Aah?! The slime is...!!! +t/3/Lana/Ily, s-save me!! +t/7/Ily/Please calm down. +t/7/Ily/The slime was brought into a hallucination state by your magic and is now sexually aroused. +t/7/Ily/Please pour your semen into it now. +t/3/Lana/E-even if you said that...! +t/3/Lana/Uuh?! I-it's... getting inside?! + +t///The slime wrapped itself tightly around Lana's penis... +t///...while also extending its own reproductive organ, then inserted it into Lana's vagina. + +t/3/Lana/N-no way! Something is entering me! +t/7/Ily/The slime seemed to be performing its mating behaviour. +t/7/Ily/Perhaps it perceives you as a slime due to the hallucinations. +t/7/Ily/This is your chance. Ejaculate into the slime's inside just like that. + +t/3/Lana/Huuh?! B-but it feels gross! + +t///The slime squirmed around and fiercely rubbed Lana's penis against her will. Lana's breaths slowly became hot and rugged. + +t/3/Lana/Guh... Even though it's so gross... if it keeps moving like that... Uuu... +two + +sf/7/1 + +t///The slime increased its speed, stimulating her penis, vagina and anus. + +t/3/Lana/Aah?! No! Anymore and I will...! + +t///Lana's penis became even harder, her foreskin got a slight red tint and a viscous liquid startedoverflowing from her tip. + +t/3/Lana/No! Cu-cumm... cumming!! +t/3/Lana/Fuguu?! +two + +sf/7/2 +wait/8000 + + +t///Unable to endure any more, her sensitive penis squirted out it's cloudy liquid inside the silme. + + +t/3/Lana/Gha... Kaa... haa... ah... +t/3/Lana/I... came... inside... this slime... +t///While Lana's head was still hazy, her penis continued to ejaculate inside the silme. + +t/7/Ily/...Lana-sama, it's not enough. +t/7/Ily/You must release more... +t/3/Lana/Eeh! I'm already at my limit! + +t///Just as Ily said, the slime still retained its self-consciousness, and continued stimulating Lana's genitails. +two + +sf/7/4 +t/3/Lana/Ah... It's moving faster again... +t///The Slime began to assault Lana's penis, vagina and anus once again. +t/3/Lana/Uuu...! No more! I'm cumming again!! +t/3/Lana/Hnguuuuh?! +two + +sf/7/5 +wait/8000 +t///*Squirt* ♥ *Splurt* *Splurt* +t///While her crotch violently convulsed, Lana pumped her semen into the slime. + +t/3/Lana/Ah... Haa... Haa... +t/3/Lana/I pour... this much... into the slime... again... +t///While making a face of confusion and ecstasy, Lana was basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. + + +#skip +two +bgmout + + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 + +<op_t3> +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg4 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +setsk/0/0/0/1 +setsk/0/0/1/50 +setsmem/0/1/1 +setday/1 + +t/7/Ily/Congratulations Lana-sama! You managed to capture it. +t/7/Ily/Now I'm sure this slime will follow your orders. + +t/7/Ily/That's about everything I can teach you... +t/7/Ily/If you don't understand something please ask. I'll try my best to answer. + +t/7/Ily/First, please go to the bounty office. Register there to receive money from bounties. +t/7/Ily/After that, please go buy whatever you need at the general store. + +t/7/Ily/...Anyway, you must be tired for today. +t/7/Ily/Please rest at my home. Tomorrow we'll continue. + +t/3/Lana/Yeah, Ily... thank you for everything... +t/3/Lana/I don't know why, but I feel that things will work out. +two + +bgmout + +jump/op8 +<op8> +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 + +bgm/11 + +t///The next morning. + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, good morning. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Go-good morning... +t/7/Ily/Is everything alright? +t/3/Lana/Yes... I was just thinking about the things that happened yesterday... Everything felt like a dream... +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/But, I have to make money to save my sister! +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, before collecting bounty you must first register at the bounty office. +t/7/Ily/If you don't, even if you defeat the bounty, you won't get the money. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... Then I'm going. Thank you for everything. +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +bgm/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Lana/Eee... I'm pretty sure it was this way... +two +vf/0/out + +jump/op9 +<op9> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Lana/E-Excuse me... +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/?/Hm? + +t/3/Lana/Is this the bounty office? +be/1/p2 +sb/1/200 +t/7/?/Indeed it is. This is the bounty office of Fal Kingdom. I am Lizbeth, head of this place. +t/7/Lizbeth/What's your business here? +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lizbeth/No way someone like you would apply as a hunter. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Erm... I came here just to do that... + +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lizbeth/Hahaha! Give me a break... +sf/0/4 +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lizbeth/Wanting to be a hunter with a fragile body like yours. You are going to get killed in seconds. +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/Eh... b-but! +t/3/Lana/There is no other choice. I have to do it! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/...Hmm. Is that so. +t/7/Lizbeth/If you are that serious then I am not inclined to stop you. +t/7/Lizbeth/Despite our recruiting efforts, the number of hunters has been decining. So I'm happy if I can get just even one to join. +t/7/Lizbeth/""Hunters"" are those who head-hunt for bounties, by the way. +t/7/Lizbeth/If you are serious about the job then write your name, address, age and sign in this form. +sf/0/1 +t///Lana filled out the form. + +t/7/Lizbeth/Perfect. That's all you have to do now. +t/7/Lizbeth/Once you defeat a bounty target, report here afterwards. + +load/2/cb14/c +vf/2/in/5 +mcm/1/8 + +t/5/?/Woof! Hey there young lady! + +sf/0/2 +mcm/0/2 + +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/A-a talking dog?! + +sf/2/10 +be/2/p2 +t/5/?/What cha saying?! I'm not a dog! +sf/2/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Standing before you is Nono - the Kobold. +t/7/Lizbeth/Since our numbers dropped sharply in recent years, we had to rely on the help of the nearby Kobold clan. +t/3/Lana/K... Kobold? +t/7/Lizbeth/Haven't you seen one of them? You seems to know too little about this world... + +t/5/Nono/Well that's fine. Anyways, you! Young lady! +sf/2/3 +t/5/Nono/I am looking for a buddy to go hunting with! +be/2/p2 +t/5/Nono/Wanna come with me? +t/3/Lana/Eh... with you? +t/7/Lizbeth/Ooh, that's great. It's safer than going alone. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Mmm... but I think I'm just going to be a burden... what should I do. +t/5/Nono/All's fine! Just supportin' me from behind is fine! +sb/2/100 +be/2/p2 +t/5/Nono/I'm the Kobold hero Nono! The strongest warrior! Don'tcha worry and come along! +t/3/Lana/Eh... If you're so strong I'll be a burden all themore... +sb/2/101 +be/2/p2 +t/5/Nono/There's reason why I can't go alone... +t/5/Nono/That is... +t/5/Nono/I can't read! +t/3/Lana/... +t/5/Nono/That's why I want you to help me... +t/3/Lana/I... guess you're right... +two + + +setstage/1/1 +setev/5/3 + + +selset/0/op9a/Go together +selset/1/op9b/Don't Go Together +selview + +[op9a] +sf/0/1 +be/2/p2 +t/5/Nono/Thank you! +t/5/Nono/We're comrades from now on! +t///Nono joined your party. +addmember/14/6 +setsmem/0/2/2 +t/5/Nono/Well then, let's start quest our for glory! +be/2/p2 +t/5/Nono/Time to kick ass and make money~! +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/I have word of advice for you... +t/3/Lana/...? +t/7/Lizbeth/If you meet a Bounty that you have no chance to beat, run away without fighting. +t/7/Lizbeth/Especially the one called Lemur. +t/7/Lizbeth/You don't stand a chance against him. He already defeated hundreds of Hunters. +t/7/Lizbeth/Well, if you think you can win I won't stop you...that's all. +be/2/p2 +t/5/Nono/It's fine! No matter who comes I'll defeat them! +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vf/2/out +jump/op10 +[op9a]- + +[op9b] +sf/0/4 +sf/2/10 +t/5/Nono/That's too bad... +t/5/Nono/But if you don't want to it can't be helped... +t/3/Lana/I-I'm sorry... +vf/2/out +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/I have word of advice for you... +t/3/Lana/...? +t/7/Lizbeth/If you meet a Bounty that you have no chance to beat, run away without fighting. +t/7/Lizbeth/Especially the one called Lemur. +t/7/Lizbeth/You don't stand a chance against him. He already defeated hundreds of Hunters. +t/7/Lizbeth/Well, if you think you can win I won't stop you...that's all. +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +jump/op10n +[op9b]- + +tend + + + + + +<op10> +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/5/Nono/First let's go to general store and get healing items. +be/1/p2 +t/5/Nono/Fugya?! +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Huh, what is it? +t/5/Nono/It says the item shop is temporarily closed... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Okay... +sf/0/1 +t/5/Nono/Oh well, anyway Lets-a-go♪ +t/5/Nono/The first target on the bounty list is the cheapest one! +t/5/Nono/This means it's the easiest job♪ +t/5/Nono/East from here in the ravine lives a single stray Harpy, apparently she causes trouble and attacks wagons. +t/5/Nono/Getting rid of that one sounds like a plan! +be/1/p2 +t/5/Nono/Then, if you're ready let's depart! + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<op10n> +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/Now then... preparations are complete, we should move soon... +t/3/Lana/While I'm anxious being alone, with the power Ily gave me I can capture monsters while I fight, I wonder what kind of companions I'll get +sf/0/7 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Alright... let's go! + +two +vf/0/out + +jump/menu_slow +<stev1> +setstage/1/2 +setev/6/1 +setev/11/1 + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/If we continue down this road we'll reach east mountain♪ +t/7/Nono/Incidentally, we can warm up on the slimes that appear around here! +t/7/Nono/If you get hurt you can get treated at the clinic in the town. +t/7/Nono/Well then, let's take it easy and kick ass! + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +tend +<stev1g> +setstage/1/10 +setstage/2/1 + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +bgmout + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/Served up. +t/7/Nono/Well then, I'm tired so let's return for now. +t/3/Lana/Eh... we're not going ahead? +t/7/Nono/I would like to but at night strong monsters come out so it's dangeous. +t/7/Nono/That's why we should return to town before it gets dark. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +tend + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev2> +setstage/2/2 + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/Haa... we made good progress, but our destination is still far... +be/1/p2 +t/7/Nono/Mugyu! +t/3/Lana/...What happened? +t/7/Nono/I heard scream from over there?! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + +camera_xy/4/17 + +load/2/cb11/c +load/3/cb50/c +sf/2/4 +vf/2/in/3 +vf/3/in/7 + +t/3/?/Nooooo! Give it baaack! +t/7/Monster/WAFU WAFU! WAUUUU! +t///It looked like the green creature was stealing something from the girl. +two +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +camera_xy/4/1 + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/Ah! That girl's being attacked by monsters at the base of the cliff! +be/1/p2 +t/7/Nono/We must go help her! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +<stev2g> +setstage/2/10 +setstage/3/1 + +ifc/live:2:11:0/stev2g2 + + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +load/2/cb11/c + +bgm/11 + +sf/2/4 +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/2 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Uhm... are you alright...? +t/7/?/Uuu… thanks… you saved me. +t/7/?/But… the herbs I gathered are ruined… +sf/2/1 +t/7/?/I'm Pia. Thank you for helping me. +sf/2/3 +be/2/p2 +t/7/Pia/I run the general store, so please drop by when you return to town. +t/7/Pia/Ah... and here, take this herb as thanks! +t/3/Lana/T-thank you... +t///Received 1 Herb. +additem/1 +be/2/p2 +t/7/Pia/Well then, I'm heading back. I'll see you around! +two +vf/2/out + +t/3/Nono/That girl... I thought that she looks familiar, it's the girl from the general store. +t/3/Nono/Helping people really makes me feel good♪ +t/3/Nono/Let's go back to town for now too. +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +tend + + + + + +if/unit:0:14:0 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb11/c +sf/2/4 +sbtown/0 +bgm/11 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Uhm... are you alright...? +t/7/?/Uuu… thanks… you saved me. +t/7/?/But… the herbs I gathered are ruined… +sf/2/1 +t/7/?/I'm Pia. Thank you for helping me. +sf/2/3 +be/2/p2 +t/7/Pia/I run the general store, so please drop by when you return to town. +t/7/Pia/Ah... and here, take this herb as thanks! +t/3/Lana/T-thank you... +t///Received 1 Herb. +additem/1 +be/2/p2 +t/7/Pia/Well then, I'm heading back. I'll see you around! +two +vf/2/out +vf/0/out + +tend + + +setev/10/1 +addyh/11/3/1 + +jump/menu_slow +<stev2g2> + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +bgmout + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/Looks like that girl went somewhere. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... has she managed to run away...? +t/7/Nono/I don't know, but even if we worry it won't do anything. +t/7/Nono/That was tiring, lets head back to town. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +tend + +setev/10/5 + +jump/menu_slow +<stev3> +setstage/3/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +load/2/cb80/c +load/3/cb81/c + +camera_xy/19/3 + +vf/2/in/3 +vf/3/in/7 + +t/3/Man/This is bad! Aniki, we're surrounded! +t/7/Man/Don't panic, Gissu! +t/7/Man/Let's pick them off one after another while we escape! Don't take them all at once! +t/7/Man/I'm a pro Hunter, I won't die against such small fries! +t/3/Gissu/But they're super tough! +t/3/Gissu/Even defeating one will be hard! + +two +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +camera_xy/2/9 + + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/Looks like someone is surrounded over there... +t/7/Nono/But, from what I see they've got villains mugs... I'm not sure if we should help them... +t/3/Lana/We can't leave them... We have to save them! +t/7/Nono/Weeell... we have to take this road, we can help them by the way. +t/7/Nono/But there's no need to go out of our way to save them... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +<stev3g> +setstage/3/10 +setstage/4/1 + +ifc/live:2:32:0/stev3g2 +ifc/live:2:33:0/stev3g2 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +load/2/cb80/c +load/3/cb81/c + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/1/cb14/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/2 +vf/2/in/6 +vfw/3/in/7 + +be/2/p2 +t/7/Gissu/Not bad, you guys! You saved us. +be/3/p2 +t/7/Claude/I'm Hunter Claude. Thanks for helping us kill the enemies! + +t/3/Nono/Don't worry 'bout it♪ +be/1/p2 +t/3/Nono/I'm the hero Nono! Such enemies are a cinch♪ + +t/7/Claude/Besides being Hunters we're also mercenaries. You can call us any time. +t/7/Claude/We're in your debt so we'll make it cheap. + +t/3/Nono/Appreciate it. Counting on you. + +t/7/Claude/Take this as my thanks. Use it well. +t///Received Rapid Boots. +additem/400 + +t/3/Lana/Th-thank you. +t/7/Claude/See ya! Let's meet again. +two +vf/2/out +vf/3/out + +t/3/Nono/I'm happy they weren't such bad guys♪ +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + +if/unit:0:14:0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/2/in/6 +vfw/3/in/7 + +be/2/p2 +t/7/Gissu/Not bad, you guys! You saved us. +be/3/p2 +t/7/Claude/I'm Hunter Claude. Thanks for helping us kill the enemies! +t/7/Claude/Besides being Hunters we're also mercenaries. You can call us any time. +t/7/Claude/We're in your debt so we'll make it cheap. + +t/3/Lana/Th-thank you. + +t/7/Claude/Take this as my thanks. Use it well. +t///Received Rapid Boots. +additem/400 + +t/3/Lana/Eh, I'm not sure if I can accept it... +t/7/Claude/Well you better do, since it was pretty expensive. +t/7/Claude/See ya! Let's meet again. +two +vf/2/out +vf/3/out +vfw/0/out + +tend + + + + + + +load/0/cb80/c +load/1/cb81/c + +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/7/Gissu/Aniki, doesn't that woman seems... usable? +t/3/Claude/Yeah... but we're in her debt for saving us. +t/3/Claude/Don't do anything stupid. +t/7/Gissu/Yes... got it... +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +addyh/32/4/1 +addyh/33/6/1 + + +jump/ili_skill + +<stev3g2> + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +bgmout + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Huh? ...I wonder where those two went... +t/7/Nono/Well, if they're not here it can't be helped. +t/7/Nono/Now, let's hurry ahead! + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +tend + +jump/ili_skill + + +<ili_skill> +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +bgm/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, I've been waiting for you. +t/3/Lana/Ily? What's the matter? +t/7/Ily/I have finally found something I've been looking for a long time. +t/3/Lana/Eh...? What do you mean? +t/7/Ily/Anyway, please come this way. +t/3/Lana/??? + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +loadseen/fd0/bg4 +load/2/cb180/c + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Here. + +vf/2/in/5 + +t/3/Lana/Eh? What is this unpleasant looking thing...? +t/7/Ily/It's a magical tool used to draw power from captured monsters and transfer it into your body. +t/7/Ily/It can be used on everything belonging to the captured monster, except for its inherent skill. +t/3/Lana/...Inherent skill? + +vf/2/out + +t/7/Ily/Yes, each demon has its own skills and other skills. +t/7/Ily/A skill other than the inherent skill of a captured demon is that Lana-sama will be able to use it. +t/7/Ily/You will definitely understand once you use it in practice. +t/3/Lana/Erm... I still don't quite get it... +t/7/Ily/Anyhow, please try using it right now. +t/7/Ily/If the monster has no usable skills, there is no need for you to do the transfering. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +setev/8/2 +setev/5/0 + +jump/skillroom + +<stev4> +setstage/4/2 + +load/2/cb15/c +load/3/cb27/c + +bgm/13 + +camera_xy/7/2 + +vf/2/in/2 +vf/3/in/7 + +t/3/Woman/Guh... my attacks... aren't working... + +be/1/p2 +t/7/Lemur/Oh my... Is that all you got...? +t/7/Lemur/I came all the way here to meet you because I heard you're the strongest Hunter... +t/7/Lemur/But it looks like A-Rank Hunters... are only this strong... how disappointing... +t/7/Lemur/Well... it's about time... I finish this... + +two +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +st_move/b/8/2 + +setevmode/1 +st_battle/a:1:70:b:1:100 +setevmode/0 + +load/2/cb15/c +load/3/cb27/c +vf/2/in/3 +vf/3/in/7 + +t/3/Woman/Urgh... No way... +t/7/Lemur/So... Let's give you the finishing blow... +two +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +st_move/a/7/0 + +vf/3/in/7 +t/7/Lemur/Hmm~? ...running away... +t/7/Lemur/But I won't let you... +two +vf/3/out + +st_delunit/a +t///The girl jumped off the cliff. + +vf/3/in/7 +t/7/Lemur/Oh my... +t/7/Lemur/Jumping from a cliff like this... She won't be in one piece... +t/7/Lemur/I thought I'd be able to... pleasantly dissect her... +t/7/Lemur/...Oh? +t/7/Lemur/Looks like I have another guest. +t/7/Lemur/I should tease them a little while I'm here. + +two +vfw/3/out +st_move/b/9/2 + +camera_xy/22/2 + + +bgm/2 + + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Nono/Uuu... I'm afraid of heights, so I didn't want to climb such high mountain... +t/7/Nono/But to catch the Bounty I'll endure... +t/3/Lana/By the way, what is that? +t/7/Nono/...Fugya?! Th-that's... +t/7/Nono/You can tell he's trouble just by looking... I feel like I've seen his face somewhere before... +t/7/Nono/For now, let's avoid him and move ahead. +t/7/Nono/If we cross the bridge we can raise it so he can't chase us. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +camera_xy/0/15 +wait/1000 +camera_xy/22/2 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/So let's retreat beyond that bridge! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +<stev4g> +setstage/4/10 +setstage/5/1 + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +bgmout + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Haa... somehow we made it... +t/7/Nono/Looks like we were able to lose him. +t/7/Nono/Now, shall we go back or keep advancing, I wonder... + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +jump/nono_out + +tend + + +if/unit:0:14:0 +jump/menu_slow +tend + + + + +<nono_out> +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +bgm/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +load/2/cb18/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/4 +vf/1/in/3 +vfw/2/in/8 + +be/1/p2 +t/2/Nono/?! +t/5/Lana/...Nono, what happened? +be/2/p2 +t/7/?/Brother… +t/5/Lana/Bro... ther? +be/1/p2 +t/2/Nono/Na-nano... I'm sorry... I forgot... +t/7/Nano/I looked for you all this time, where have you went?! +t/2/Nono/Lana-chan, this is my sister Nano... she was laying injured in the hospital. +be/2/p2 +t/7/Nano/You didn't even come visit me... I won't forgive you! Stupid brother! +t/2/Nono/Ho-how can you say that?! +t/2/Nono/I too have things to do... +t/2/Nono/I certainly didn't leave alone because I was bored! +t/7/Nano/Enough... +t/7/Nano/Come on, we're going! +t/2/Nono/A-I got it! +t/2/Nono/I'm sorry Lana-chan... this is farewell... +sf/0/2 +t/5/Lana/Huh?! Farewell? +t/2/Nono/Yeah... I had fun traveling together. Let's meet again! +sf/0/4 +t/5/Lana/Ehh... it's so sudden... +t/2/Nono/We are both Hunters, so we'll probably see each other again. See you! +t/5/Lana/Go-Goodbye. +two + +vf/1/out +vf/2/out + +t///Nono was dragged off to somewhere by Nano. +two + +vf/0/out + +returnyh/14/1 + +setev/5/0 + + + +jump/menu +<stev5> +setstage/5/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +vf/0/in/3 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Haa... haa.. I finally made it... +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/If I'm not mistaken the harpy should appear around here... + +two +vf/0/out + +camera_xy/19/3 + +load/1/cb61/c +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Harpy/?! +t/3/Harpy/Again... a human is coming... +t/3/Harpy/But I will not lose... I will defeat them all! +two +vf/1/out + +camera_xy/11/22 + + + +<stev5g> +setstage/5/10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +load/2/cb25/c +vf/0/in/3 + +bgmout + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Finally... I won... +t/3/Lana/Now... I'll be able to make money... +sf/0/13 +t/3/Lana/I'm tired... Let's return to town. +two + +vfw/2/in/7 +be/-1/yure/0 + +bgm/13 + +t///Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of Lana. + +be/0/p2 +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/! +t/3/Lana/Kyaaaaaa?! + +t///The giant being emitted a dark, cloudy mist that enveloped everything in sight. +two + +load/3/be80/m2 +veff/3/7 +wait/1500 + +vf/2/out +wait/1000 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/?/Haa… You, what have you done… +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/?! + +t///Suddenly the huge shape exploded into purple mist and transformed into a small shadow. + +bgmout + +sf/1/4 +t/7/?/Even thought she was collecting various things for me. +sf/1/9 +t/7/?/You, how will you compensate me? + +bgm/11 + +t/3/Lana/Eh...? Ah...? +t/7/?/Hey, you're listening? +t/3/Lana/A girl...? No, that's not important! +t/3/Lana/Just a moment ago there was huge dragon like thing here?! +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/Ah, that was… +t/7/?/Me, so what? +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh...? +t/7/?/Is it that strange that I change appearance? +t/3/Lana/I-i'm not sure I understand... +t/7/?/Well, I guess it can't be helped… +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/??? +t/7/?/…Whatever… + +t/7/?/Now, if you'll let me continue explaining… +sf/1/7 +t/7/?/That Harpy was my follower. And because you beat her… +t/7/?/You will have to compensate me for this loss. + +addmember/24/8 + +ifc/unit:0:270:0/stev5g2 + +t/3/Lana/Uhm, the Harpy is... +t/3/Lana/Alive, I just caught her using magic... +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/…hmm? +t/7/?/…you can do something like that? +t/7/?/That skill is… if I remember right… it's… +t/3/Lana/Huh... it's what? +t/7/?/No, nevermind. +t/7/?/…you've intrigued me. +t/7/?/I'll come with you. That's fine right? +t/3/Lana/Huh? O-ok... +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/?/Alright, it's decided! +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/I'm Lilim. Best regards! +t/3/Lana/Y-yes... +t/7/Lilim/You're a Hunter, right? +t/7/Lilim/Be grateful that I'm lending you my power. +t/7/Lilim/I'm looking for something, so I'll stay with you until I find it. +t/7/Lilim/Well then, let's go. + + + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<stev5g2> + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/So-sorry... +t/3/Lana/But she was a bounty... +t/7/?/Haa? If there's bounty you can do whatever you want? +t/7/?/I'll never forgive you what you've done! +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/Uuu... I'm sorry... +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/… +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/Just kidding. +t/7/?/It looks like you're not a bad person, so I forgive you. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh... +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/It was stupid of me to control this harpy anyways. +sf/0/4 +t/7/?/I'm sorry for being mean. +t/7/?/My name's Lilim. +t/7/Lilim/I arrived here while searching for a certain thing... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lilim/If you're fine with it, could I go with you? +t/3/Lana/Huh? Together? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Yeah, you're a Hunter, right? +t/7/Lilim/I think my power would be helpful to you. +t/3/Lana/Y-yeah... +t/3/Lana/It definitely wouldn't be useless... +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/Great, it's decided! Let's get along! +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Ye-yes. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Then, let's go. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow + + + +<wan2> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Yup, well done. +t/7/Lizbeth/I already recieved a report confirming the harpy has been exterminated. +t/7/Lizbeth/To be honest... I didn't think you'd be able to doit, so count me surprised. I sure see you in a new light. +t/7/Lizbeth/Now get the other bounties with that same energy. + +t///Received 1000 Gold bounty reward. +addgold/1000 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +if/tri:1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///End of trial version. +t///Thank you for playing to this point! +t///If you can please buy the full version. +two + +tend + + + +jump/mission + + + + + + + + +<s2intro> +setstage/10/1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/Lana-chan... so, what are you going to do now? +t/3/Lana/Um... Well... +t/3/Lana/According to the info, the witch lives seems to live in the desert area northeast of town so... +t/3/Lana/I'm thinking about heading there. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/... +t/3/Lana/Hm? What's wrong? +t/7/Lilim/You know... Do you actually think a novice Hunter like you can go head to head against someone who's never been defeated before? +t/3/Lana/Um... But if I don't defeat her quickly I won't beable to get the bounty... +t/7/Lilim/It's impossible... No matter how you think about it... +t/7/Lilim/For now, just try hunting Bounties that are at your level and slowly train yourself step by step. +t/7/Lilim/But even then I'm not sure if you can ever reach the point where you can fight the witch... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/...I-Is that so... +t/3/Lana/You are right... I'll have to reconsider it... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Lana-chan, if you're reckless now you'll just die and all would've been for nothing. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lilim/A bounty you could defeat right now is... the Dryad in the forest to the north. Maybe... +t/7/Lilim/A high bounty reward means it's a strong enemy that has already killed many Hunters so... +t/7/Lilim/Maybe it's the best for you now to just go for the ones with lower rewards... +t/7/Lilim/Well if you really insist on going to dangerous places then it can't be helped... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<stev10> +setstage/10/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/So... I assume you are heading out to defeat the Dryad? +t/3/Lana/Yeah, I heard she's lurking about in the forest... +t/7/Lilim/That's fine by me. There's a lot of monsters that can use magic there so you'd better be careful. +t/7/Lilim/You can deal with them quickly using physical attacks and skills. +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lilim/...Oh, by the way I heard that there are lots of creepy-crawly... +t/7/Lilim/If you don't clean those up it will be almost impossible to advance so... I guess there's no other way. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + + + +<stev10a> + +load/0/cb201/c +load/1/cb203/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/3/Mugger/Hey hey... Take a look at that girl... +t/3/Mugger/Hanging around this kind of place... It's like she's just asking to get kidnapped... +t/8/Kidnapper/Hehe... This is just perfect. Let's kidnap and and sell her!! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +<stev10g> +setstage/10/10 +setstage/11/1 +setstage/19/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Lana-chan, are you alright? +t/3/Lana/Ye... yeah, somehow... +t/7/Lilim/From this point there will be more enemies coming, so you can't become exhausted just yet. +sf/1/5 +t/7/Lilim/Let us move foward and get that bounty. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + +jump/shera_talk1 +<shera_talk1> + +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c +load/2/cb15/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/100 +sf/2/4 + +vf/0/in/3 + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/(I want to head for the desert... but it sounds extremely dangerous...) +t/3/Lana/(Maybe it would be better to hire more bodyguards... what I should I do...) +t///As the troubled Lana was sitting in the pub, a muscular female wielding a large weapon stumbled trough the door. + +vf/2/in/8 +t/8/?/Urgh… + +vf/1/in/2 +sf/1/2 +t/2/Freija/Ah! Sheila?! You are still alive?! +t///The girl named Sheila sat on a chair, hanging her head down as if she has no strength left. +sf/2/1 +t/8/Sheila/Eh... I... I was supposed to be dead...? +sf/1/1 +t/2/Freija/Yeah. I heard rumors that you fell down into a valley... It has been a while since then so... +sf/2/4 +t/8/Sheila/Is that so... Well I'm still alive somehow... +t/8/Sheila/I did fall down a valley, but there's a river at the bottom so it saved my life... +be/2/p2 +t/8/Sheila/But rather than that, give me a beer! My throat is so dry here! + +t/2/Freija/H-hey, not so fast. +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/1/cb9/c +vfw/1/in/2 + +t///Sheila chugged down the whole pint in one go. +sf/2/3 +t/8/Sheila/Haaa... I feel alive again... +be/2/p2 +sf/2/7 +t/8/Sheila/If I ever see that guy again I won't let him get away. +t/8/Sheila/I was a bit careless but next time I'll go all outand wreck his face. +t/8/Sheila/Aah... I feel pain all over my body... + +t///Just like that, Sheila laid flat on the table and stopped moving. + +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Um... Are you a Hunter? +sf/2/1 +t/8/Sheila/Yeah. I am. Who are you? +t/3/Lana/My name is Lana. I'm also working as a Hunter... +t/3/Lana/Um... If it's okay with you... can I hire you? +t/3/Lana/I want to help the weak. + +t/8/Sheila/Hn... I don't know... +t/8/Sheila/I'm kinda busy right now... I gotta to get my revenge on that guy so... +t/3/Lana/Is that so... That's unfortunate... +t/8/Sheila/But until then, I'll help you if I have some time. +two + +t///After a while Sheila stood up... +t/8/Sheila/Well then... I got my spirit back thanks to the drink. Guess it's time for me to go. +t///Having said that, Sheila left the pub. +two +vfw/2/out +vfw/0/out + + +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 + +t/2/Freija/Lana-chan, it's impossible for you to hire that person. +t/7/Lana/Eh, why is that? +sf/1/5 +t/2/Freija/She is one of the only few A-Rank Hunters in this kingdom. Not even 10,000 Gold would be enough to hire her. +t/7/Lana/An A-Rank hunter? +t/2/Freija/Yeah, that's a title for those that earn more than 1 million Gold through hunting. +sf/1/1 +t/2/Freija/I heard that she came here after being chased away by monsters from the eastern desert region, but she is still working as a Hunter to support others. +t/7/Lana/Is that so... +t/7/Lana/(I don't really understand but... seems like it would cost a lot to hire her...) +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/menu_slow + + + + + + + +<stev11> +setstage/11/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Lana-chan, there are lots of poisonous swamps around here so please be careful. +t/7/Lilim/You won't take damage immediately but the poison will chip away your strength slowly. +t/7/Lilim/And also... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/It seems like we're being followed so we better hurry up and get a move on. +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Eh, followed...? +t/7/Lilim/Yeah... Seems like whoever chases us will catch up in about 10 minutes. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/I don't know who it is, but it's better for us to be quick and advoid unnecessary confrontations. +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +<stev11a> +load/0/cb251/c +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/?/Found… you… +t/3/?/Enemies of our master… +t/3/?/Kill.. all… Hunters… + +two +vf/0/out +<stev11g> +setstage/11/10 +setstage/12/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Haa... Somehow we managed to get through such a dangerous place... +t/7/Lilim/If we'd been any slower even 1000 lives wouldn't have helped us... +sf/1/7 + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<wan3> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Hmph... Good job on taking care of the troublemaker. +t/7/Lizbeth/You are truly capable despite your appearance... I am thankful. +t/7/Lizbeth/I have prepared your bounty reward here. Please take it. + +t///Received 2000 Gold as bounty reward +addgold/2000 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/mission +<stev12> +setstage/12/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/Seems like we've gone pretty deep. +t/7/Lilim/Our bounty target is the Dryad. If there's anywhere she could be it's at the deepest part of this forest. +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lilim/Also, the guys chasing us are still persistent as usual... +t/7/Lilim/It'd be troublesome if they caught up with us so we'd better leave this place as soon as we can... +t/7/Lilim/We don't have anything to do with anyone other than the bounty target so... + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +<stev12b> +loadct/0/0/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... The grass is thick and we can't move forward... +two +vf/0/out +<stev12g> +setstage/12/10 +setstage/13/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/Hmph... There are quite a lot of dangerous monsters here... +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lilim/...! +t/7/Lilim/This place... it's all enveloped in trees as if itwere a cave... +t/3/Lana/...What happened? +t/7/Lilim/If the intel is correct... then this is indeed theDryad's nest. +t/3/Lana/Eh, this place...? +t/7/Lilim/Yeah... First thing's first, let us prepare ourselves since it's a rather dangerous place. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev13> +setstage/13/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Dark... So dark... I can't even see where I'm walking... +t/7/Lilim/If only we have something to light the way, like a torch... +t/7/Lilim/Anyhow, we must be careful. Attackers can come from anywhere. +t/7/Lilim/Guys, try to not get seperated. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +load/0/cb100/c +load/1/cb56/c +vf/0/in/3 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Dryad/...H-human?! +t/3/Dryad/To think you just come bursting into my home... +t/3/Dryad/I will make you regret this... +pon/0 +t/3/Dryad/Everyone! Let's beat the crap out of them! +two + +vfw/1/in/7 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Stone Skipper/Mukyu Mukyu~ + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + +<stev13g> +setstage/13/10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I... I did it... + +if/unit:0:450:1 +t/3/Lana/I caught the Dryad... +sf/0/1 +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lilim/Lana-chan... You are quite a fighter. +t/7/Lilim/Anyways, with this our job is done here. +tend + +if/unit:0:450:0 +t/3/Lana/I defeated the Dryad... +sf/0/1 +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lilim/Thanks for the hard work Lana-chan. +t/7/Lilim/Anyways, having taken care of the bounty target, our job is done here. +tend + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Let's head back to town. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +jump/menu_slow + +<wan4> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/I can't believe you actually defeated the Dryad... +t/7/Lizbeth/That thing itself is not that strong, but I'm pretty sure the place it lives in is quite dangerous. +t/7/Lizbeth/Many have sacrificed their lives going for this bounty. But you guys finally put a stop to this. I am grateful. +t/7/Lizbeth/Keep up the good work for the other Bounties as well. + +t///Received 5000 Gold as bounty reward. +addgold/5000 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/ririm_out +<ririm_out> +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/Lana-chan... Can I have a moment? +t/3/Lana/? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/I have some personal things to take care of... I have to say goodbye for now. +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Eh?! Goodbye?! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/Yeah. There's a bounty target I'm looking for. I want to gather some intel about him. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/bounty target...? +t/7/Lilim/I... can't talk about that now but I'm sure he's the guy who knows my past before I lost my memory. +t/3/Lana/Eh? You lost your memory...? +t/7/Lilim/Aa.. that's right, I didn't tell you. +t/7/Lilim/I've lost all of my memory and I can't remember anything about my past. +t/7/Lilim/But that guy... he's one of the few things I can still remember... +t/7/Lilim/If I catch that guy I will definitely get some clues... so I've been searching for him all along. +t/3/Lana/Is that so... +t/7/Lilim/I want to know my past... the reason I have this power... +t/7/Lilim/That's basically the reason so... Goodbye for now. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +t/7/Lilim/Well then... See you later. +vf/1/out + +t///Having said so, Lilim quickly headed elsewhere. + +two +vfw/0/out + +returnyh/24/0 +read/st40_open + +jump/menu_slow +<stev19> +setstage/19/2 + +st_move/a/7/9 +st_move/a/11/9 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/4 + +vf/1/in/3 +vfw/0/in/7 + +t/3/?/H-help me! +t/3/?/I'm being chased by monsters! +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Eh, monsters...?! +sf/1/8 +t/3/?/…Yes, super strong, I couldn't do anything… please save me! +sf/1/2 +be/1/p2 +t/3/?/…Wait… you are… +t/3/?/It couldn't be. Lana-sama? +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/Eh...? +sf/1/5 +t/3/?/Ah! There's no doubt! +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/Wh.. who? +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/3/?/Come on. It's me! Have you forgotten already?! +t/3/?/I'm Renka - who once worked as a maid in the mansion! +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/Eh... Ah?! +t/7/Lana/Now that you said so... I-I remembered... I'm sorry... +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/But why are you in this kind of place? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Renka/That's the question I want to ask you Lana-sama... +sf/1/4 +t/3/Renka/Anyhow, now is not the time for that kind of chit chat! +t/3/Renka/We are being surrounded by the Ogres. Help me fight them! + +t/7/Lana/Ogres? +t/3/Renka/Yes. These monsters with extreme physical power started to appear around this area recently. +t/3/Renka/They may have a human-like appearance but they don't possess any intelligence and are extremely ferocious. +t/3/Renka/If we want to get out of here the only way is to defeat these monsters. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +st_move/a/12/12 + + + +camera_xy/9/1 + +load/0/cb280/c +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/?/Grr… These guys… enter… our land… how dare they… +t/3/?/We… make them pay… with their lives… go… Ogres… + +two +vfw/0/out + +camera_xy/11/12 + + +<stev19g> +setstage/19/10 +setstage/20/1 + +if/live:2:23:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/3 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/5 +t/7/Renka/That was close but we made it some how! +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/Lana-sama, I'm truly thankful to you for saving me! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/...I heard this place was the turf of bandit gangs and there aren't that many monsters here but... +t/7/Renka/Seems like it's been invaded by the monster forces. +t/7/Renka/By the look of things, I wonder what happened to the bandit's stronghold... +t/3/Lana/By the way, why did you become a hunter Renka? +t/7/Renka/Erm well... I've been quite agile since I was young so... I don't really think working as a maidis for me... +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/So using this opportunity, I figured I'd become a hunter to make some money ♪ +t/7/Renka/My speciality is stealing items quickly from enemies so I make good use of that in fighting. +t/3/Lana/Is that so... What are you going to do from now on then Renka? +sf/1/5 +t/7/Renka/Can I... Can I come with you Lana-sama? +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh? I'm happy if you come but... +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/Well it's decided then! I will go with you! +sf/0/5 +t/7/Renka/Let us attack the bandit stronghold and loot the treasures that lie within. + +t///Renka joined your party. +addmember/23/14 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + +if/live:2:23:0 +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Lana/Huh... Renka...? +t/3/Lana/I can't seem to find her, I wonder if she got away safely... +two +vfw/0/out +tend + + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev20> +setstage/20/2 + +load/2/cb15/c +load/3/cb27/c + +bgm/13 + +camera_xy/1/1 + +vf/2/in/8 +vf/3/in/3 + +t/3/Lemur/Well well... We met again... +t/3/Lemur/I'm glad that you are still alive... +t/3/Lemur/You came back cause you missed me, didn't you... +t/7/Sheila/You also have some guts coming here... bounty target... Ermm... +sf/2/4 +t/7/Sheila/...What was your name again? +t/3/Lemur/Fufufu... It's Lemur... Remember it next time okay...? +sf/2/7 +t/7/Sheila/Oh yeah! You're Lemur! +t/7/Sheila/Prepare youself Lemur! I will give back twice what you did to me! +two +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +st_ch_unit/a/210 + +load/2/cb22/c +load/3/cb27/c +vf/2/in/7 +vf/3/in/3 + +t/7/Sheila/Taste my secret technique! +t/3/Lemur/Hmm... I wonder if I've become stronger? +two +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +setevmode/1 +st_battle/a:13:100:b:15:100 +setevmode/0 + + +load/2/cb22/c +load/3/cb27/c +vf/2/in/7 +vf/3/in/3 + +sf/2/4 +t/7/Sheila/N..No way... +t/3/Lemur/Woops, I almost killed you you know... +t/3/Lemur/A toy that can be used like you... It would be a waste to see it get broken... +t/3/Lemur/Carrying you would be a pain but... Can you just stop moving for a bit...? +two + +vf/3/out +load/1/cb175/c +vf/1/in/3 + +t///A vine-like monster wrapped around Sheila's body. +t/7/Sheila/Wa...?! T-This thing is... +t///Sheila's body is completely entangled in vines. +two + +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +read/ev24 +setcg/24/1 + +st_delunit/a + +load/2/cb27/c +vf/2/in/7 + +t/3/Lemur/Oh my... Seems like there is someone on the other side of the cliff. +t/3/Lemur/Maybe I should dismember them as well... +two + +vfw/2/out + + + + +camera_xy/5/18 + +bgm/2 + + + +if/unit:0:23:1 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Renka/Lana-sama! There are a lot of those weird monsters that throw rocks from far away in this area so you should watch out! +be/0/p2 +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Er... Well how are we supposed to advance then? +t/7/Renka/Hmm... If you insist we can just jump right into the enemies but... +t/7/Renka/Maybe we could try luring them out one by one... Or try to take them out from long range... or something like that. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +tend + + + + +<stev20a> + +if/live:1:27:1 + +load/1/cb27/c + +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/Hm, don't think that small fry would entertain me for long... +t/7/Lemur/I'd rather attend to *other* matters... +two + +load/4/be80/m2 +veff/4/7 +wait/1500 + +vf/1/out + +st_delunit/b + +t///Black fog engulfs the Lilim and she disappears in an instant. +two + +tend +<stev20g> +setstage/20/10 +setstage/21/1 +setstage/29/1 + + +jump/menu_slow +<ev24> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev24/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t///The tentacles wrapping around Sheila's body spread her arms and legs open with all their might. +t///Having sustained heavy damage and being at her limit, Sheila didn't have any strength left to resist. + +t/7/Sheila/Ku... What is this thing... Disgusting... + +t///The slimy tentacles crawled all over to lick Sheila's body thoroughly. It feels so gross to Sheila that she gets goosebumps. +t///Sheila tried to break free somehow but it was futile. + +sf/7/1 +t///*Squelch*... *Squish*... +t///A different tentacle with a strange shape emerged from the monster... It drew near Sheila's crotch. +t///The tentacle licked Sheila's crotch as if it were examining her body, then wiggled its way to her vagina opening. + +t/7/Sheila/D-Don' tell me... S-Stop... + +t///The tentacle made contact with Sheila's privates, pressing its tip onto her vagina to smear mucus around. + +sf/7/3 +t///*Squish*... *Slop*... +t/7/Sheila/...Nooooo?! Don't come inside!! +t///The tentacle spread open and invaded Sheila's vagina, making sloppy sounds of thick and sticky liquid. +t/7/Sheila/Aaaaaaaah!?! + +t///The tentacle slid deep inside Sheila, ignoring herintense moans from discomfort. +t///Sheila tightened up her vaginal walls with great force to push it out, but it was no use against the slimy tentacle covered in mucus. + +t///*Squish*... *Slop*... *Squelch*... + +t///The tentacle squirmed around as if it were searching for something deep inside her vagina. +t///Unable to withstand the intensity, Sheila's clitoris heated up and bended backwards against her will. + +t/7/Sheila/Urg... Because I used all my strength... to push it out just now... I can't subdue... my clitoris... + +t///The technique Sheila used has a peculiarity: It causes her clitoris to expand and squirt out white fluids when she climaxes. +t///The tentacle became more intense as it scrubbed her vagina, stimulating it even more. + +t/7/Sheila/Hnnn Aaah?! Aaa...! Quick... I must do something...! + +t///Even though her vagina was being violated, Sheila was still conscious and tried to find a way to break free. + +sf/7/5 +t///But, as if making a fool out of Sheila's effort, another tentacle appeared, zoning in on her anus. + +t/7/Sheila/Hnn?! T- That place is...! +sf/7/7 +t///The tentacle squirmed around and slipped into Sheila's anus. +t///With that attack, the will to resist that she was so desparately trying to protect began to crumble. + +t/7/Sheila/Hnnn Aaaaaah?! + +t///The muscus-covered tentacle moved in and out of Sheila's anus as it pleased. +t///Together with the stimulation directed at her anus, the pleasure of getting her vagina addicted to penetration caused Sheila's nether region to reach its limit. + +t/7/Sheila/Aaaaaah?! +t/7/Sheila/I-If you keep doing this... I'll break... I'll go crazy... + +sf/7/9 +t///The tentacles became even more intense, piercing their way into her vagina and anus repeatedly. +t///Her body bent up, convulsing violently. + +t/7/Sheila/Aaaaaaaaaaa!! I'm cumming!! + +t///As she was struggling and moaning loudly, Sheila's clitoris expanded to its limit. +two + +sf/7/10 +wait/6000 + +t///Sheila's clitoris started to squirt out large amounts of white fluids. + +t/7/Sheila/Hnnguu?! Hnnnn!! + +t///At the same time, hot liquids started to pour into Sheila's vagina. +t///White secretion gushed out from the tentacle's tip, filling up Sheila's vagina - which was trembling uncontrollably. + +t/7/Sheila/Haa... Ha... + +t///Sheila's head was hazy while thick white fluid dribbled from her clitoris. + +sf/7/12 +t///The tentacles began pumping again as if to force her to have another orgasm. + +t/7/Sheila/Hnn...?! You are still going at it...?! + +t///Her vagina and anus, still sensitive after her previous orgasm, were being thrust inside out once again. + +t/7/Sheila/No... Enough already... Please stop... + +t///Her body trembled, trying to resist using her now exhausted limbs. +t///However, Sheila soon felt something strange inside her body. +t///The nerve poison inside the thick white liquid spurted out from the monster began to eat away Sheila's conciousness. +t///As Sheila's consciousness was fading away, the tentacles squirmed around forcing even more thick white liquid into her body. + +t/7/Sheila/No... no more... I don't want to cum... any more... + +t///She mumbled incoherently with a trembling voice as her body became paralyzed, unable to move even her fingertips. + +sf/7/13 +t///*Squish*... *Slop*... *Squelch*... +t///The tentacles pumped her vagina and anus even more violently. + +t/7/Sheila/I'm cumming... again... + +t///Sheila, once desperately trying to maintain her composure, was headed for a mental breakdown after continous assault to her nether regions. + +t/7/Sheila/Aaaaaa! I'm cumming again...!! +t///Her clitoris shivered while her vagina contracted tightly. +t/7/Sheila/Hnnnn?! Fuuuu...!! ♥ +two + +sf/7/14 +wait/6000 + +t///Sheila lost her consciousness after another climax. Her vagina and clitoris were trembling, covered in thick, white liquid. + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<stev21> +setstage/21/2 + +st_newunit/type:2,x:4,y:3,id:35,lv:1,did:b1 +st_newunit/type:2,x:5,y:3,id:27,lv:1,did:b0 + + +load/0/cb83/c +load/1/cb27/c +load/2/cb203/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/?/Woo! Thanks to the army you gave us we completely destroyed the advancing subjugation forces! Thanks a bunch pal! +t/3/?/Oh and… what the hell are you really? +t/7/Lemur/Fufu... I also bear hatred towards this kingdom... So I figured I'd offer you some help... +t/3/?/Cool story bro… But these ogres sure are useful despite their hideous looks. +t/3/?/If we use these guys to attack the kingdom we can just hunt as many women as we please! +two + +vfw/2/in/8 +t/8/Henchman/Hey boss! Intruders! +be/0/p2 +t/3/?/What?! They came here again? +t/3/?/Good timing. We'll use these ogres and send them to their graves! +t/3/?/We just need to enjoy the show from a safe place! Guahaha! +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +st_move/b1/3/2 +st_delunit/b1 +st_move/b0/3/2 +st_delunit/b0 + + +camera_xy/14/18 + + + + + + +if/unit:0:23:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/1/in/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/7/Renka/According to intel, this place seems to be the bandit stronghold but... +t/3/Lana/Why are there only monsters here...? +t/7/Renka/Yeah. I don't know exactly why but... +t/7/Renka/It could be that the monsters and bandits are joining forces... +be/1/p2 +sf/1/7 +t/7/Renka/Anyhow, let's destroy these enemies and make our way inside! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend +<stev21g> +setstage/21/10 +setstage/22/1 + + +if/live:1:80:1 +setev/25/1 +tend + + + + + +if/unit:0:23:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/5 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Renka/They might be strong but they are no match for Lana-sama! +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/Well then, if preparations are done, let us proceed with our attack! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev22> +setstage/22/2 + +if/unit:0:23:1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 + +vf/1/in/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/It's so... dark... I can't see anything... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Renka/More importantly... seems like everyone is seperated... +t/3/Lana/Eh... What should I do... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Renka/At any rate, let us proceed with caution until we meet each other again. +t/7/Renka/But enemy reinforcement might come if we take our time so... we'd better hurry. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + +<stev22g> +setstage/22/10 +setstage/23/1 + + +if/unit:0:23:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Renka/Haa... Somehow we made it here... +sf/1/5 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/It's very likely that this cave ahead is the deepest part... We need to prepare ourselves! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +if/live:2:2000:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb350/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Soldier/W-wait! +t/3/Lana/! +t/7/Soldier/You saved my life... Thank you. +t/7/Soldier/I came here to attack the bandit stronghold as a member of the subjugation force from the kingdom. But I was captured due to my carelessness. +t/7/Soldier/If you guys hadn't come here I would have been killed a while ago. +t/7/Soldier/This is a token of gratitude for saving my life. Please take it. +t///Received Silver Wolf Boots. +additem/401 +t/3/Lana/T-thank you... +t/7/Soldier/If you find any others still alive please save them as well. +t/7/Soldier/I don't have any weapon left so I can't come with you... Please be careful + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<bt350> +t/POS/Soldier/D-Don't come closer! …Uwaaaaah! +two +<lose350> +t/POS/Soldier/Urgh… I'm finished… +two +<stev23> +setstage/23/2 + +st_newunit/type:2,x:7,y:2,id:27,lv:1,did:b + +load/0/cb83/c +load/1/cb27/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +if/ev:25:1 +t/3/Bacos/Hoo, you don't need her anymore, so I can do whatever I want with her right? +t/7/Lemur/That's right... It seems like this girl got resistance to Seal Magic... +t/7/Lemur/She won't fight even if I order her, so bake her or cook her however you like I don't care. +t/3/Bacos/Is that so! Then I will play with her a bit! +t/3/Bacos/It's been a while since I used a guillotine! +t/3/Bacos/I can't wait for the tightening pussy once her head is cut off. Guahaha! +tend + +t/7/Lemur/Fufu... then I will go now... +t/3/Bacos/Take care. If you catch another woman, give her to me! + +two +vf/1/out +vfw/0/out +st_delunit/b + + +load/0/cb83/c +load/1/cb203/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Henchman/Boss! Bad news! +t/3/Bacos/What?! Again? +t/7/Henchman/They broke through! Looks like they managed to beat the orges! +t/3/Bacos/Wh-Whaaat?! The orges lost?! +t/3/Bacos/Shit... What should I do now... +t/3/Bacos/...It can't be helped, we'll have to use it! +t/3/Bacos/Let the dragon out! The clean-up afterwards will be dangerous, but in this case we don't have a choice! +t/7/Henchman/Understood! +two +vf/1/out +vfw/0/out + + + + + +camera_xy/8/16 + + +if/unit:0:23:1 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 + +vf/1/in/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/Wh-what should I do?! +t/3/Lana/Our retreat route is blocked and we can't run away... +t/3/Lana/What's more there are monsters in front of us...! +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/Since it came to this... the only choice is to prepare ourselves and defeat all enemies... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +tend +<stev23a> + +if/live:1:35:1,ev:25:1 + +load/0/cb83/c +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Bacos/Well then, the intruders should now become the Dragon's food. Guess I'll play with this girl! +two +vf/0/out + + + +svbgm +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev15/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/2 +sout/8 + +bgm/13 + +sfade/7/3 +t/8/Bacos/Hehehe... this girl got a pretty big and sexy ass... +t/8/Bacos/Be grateful that I will thrust my dick in! +sfade/7/4 +t///As soon as he said that, the man put his penis onto the woman's vagina, then thrusted in one go without foreplay. +t/3/Woman/Gyah!?! +t///The woman groaned in pain. +t///However, the man continued to thrust his hips without care. +t/8/Bacos/Guhaha! Your pussy is the first one that is not torn apart by my dick! +t/8/Bacos/I guess your big ass is the only good thing about you! +t/8/Bacos/I wonder how much this pussy is gonna tighten when your head comes off!! +t///As the man enthusiastically struck his hips, only the sound of flesh slapping flesh and anguished moans and could be heard. +two + +rebgm + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 + +tend + + + + + + + +<stev23b> + +if/live:1:35:1,ev:25:1 + +svbgm +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev15/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/4 +sout/8 + +bgm/13 + +t///As the towering man struck his hips, the Sheila's buttocks jiggled violently, and anguished moans resounded through the cave. +t/8/Bacos/Guhehe... This is feeling pretty good... +t/8/Bacos/But this woman, she's boring cause she ain't crying much... Guess it's time... +t/8/Bacos/...Hey, drop the guillotine!! +t/3/Henchman/Y-yes Boss! +t///The nearby henchman, who was watching the scene with envy, reluctantly grabbed the guillotine's rope. +t/8/Bacos/Now, do it! +t///Following order, the henchman released the rope, but the guillotine blade didn't even budge. +t/8/Bacos/Aah?! Hey, what's going on!! +t/3/Henchman/Boss, seems like leftover blood caused the blade to be stuck! +t/8/Bacos/What?! +t/8/Bacos/Repair it fast idiot! What the hell are you doing at such important moment! +t///The henchmen hurriedly tried to remove the grime from the blade. +two + +rebgm + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 + + +tend + + +<stev23c> + +if/live:1:35:1,ev:25:1 + +svbgm +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev15/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/4 +sout/8 + +bgm/13 + +t///Due to poor maintenance, the guillotine's blade didn't drop down for a good few minutes. +t/8/Bacos/You idiot! It's taking too long! +t/8/Bacos/My dick has gone limb from all this waiting!! +t/3/Henchman/S-sorry boss! +t/3/Henchman/But it looks like it can't be fixed... +t/8/Bacos/What?! +t/8/Bacos/It can't be helped... Alright, just bring the axe and chop her head off. +t/8/Bacos/That'll take quick care of it. +t/3/Henchman/Y-Yes Boss! I'll bring the axe! +t///The henchman hurried inside again. +two + +rebgm + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 + +tend + + +<stev23d> + +if/live:1:35:1,ev:25:1 + +svbgm +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev15/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/4 +sout/8 + +bgm/13 + +t///His henchman brougth a big axe, brandishing it beside the woman. +t/3/Henchman/Alright Boss, here I go! +t/8/Bacos/Yeah, do it! +t///After he finished his line, the man's hips started shaking violently. +sfade/7/4 +t/8/Bacos/Ora! Ora! Ora! Die while you cum like crazy! Guahaha! +t///Despite her mind being controlled by magic, Shelia's face paled in fear as she realized what was about to happen. +t/3/Henchman/Take this! +two + + +load/4/fd20/m2 +sin/4/2 +t///The woman was decapitated in one strike. +two +st_ev/90 +v/7/out +sout/4 + +rebgm + +load/0/cb83/c +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Bacos/Phew... +t/3/Bacos/It was boring to fuck her but luckily she tightened up pretty good in her last moments. +two +vf/0/out + +setev/25/2 + +tend +<stev23g> +setstage/23/10 + + +if/unit:0:23:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sf/0/5 +sf/1/3 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Renka/We did it... bounty targets and monsters, completely defeated! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/I wonder why there were this many of them but... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Renka/We defeated them all, so everything turned out well. +t/7/Renka/Let's return to town! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + +ifc/ev:25:1/stev23g2 + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev23g2> + + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/7 +t/7/Lana/?! +t/7/Lana/...This person in chains... Could it be... +t/7/Lana/Is that Sheila-san...?! +t///In the dim light of the torch, they saw the naked Sheila in chains. +t/7/Lana/To think she was caught and brought to a place like this... We must get her out of these chains! +be/0/p2 +t/3/Sheila/Gaaaaah!! +t/7/Lana/?! +t///When Lana streched out her hand, Sheila growled at her like a wounded beast. +t/7/Lana/Eh, Sheila-san...?! +t///Lana called her name again but Sheila shook the chains at her as if she was about to attack. +t///Intimidated by Sheila's hostility, Lana backed away. +t/7/Lana/Th... This... Why... +t/7/Lana/Just like the Ogres... +t/7/Lana/No way... Is she being controlled by some magic...? +t/7/Lana/No... That's not it... this is... +t/7/Lana/It feels similar to what I use against the monsters... +t/7/Lana/If that's the case... if I'd use my magical power to overwrite it, she might return to normal. +t/7/Lana/My magic doesn't work on humans but it should work on those carrying magical power so... +t/7/Lana/This is no time to be worried... I have to try... +two +vfw/0/out + +read/ev15 +setcg/15/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lana/Haa... haa... +t/7/Lana/I wonder if it worked... +t///Sheila turned her face towards Lana, who was peering at her. +t/3/Sheila/You... are... Lana-chan... right...? +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lana/! +t/3/Sheila/Anyways, can you remove... this wooden frame from my neck...? +t/7/Lana/Sheila-san... you're cured?! +t/3/Sheila/Ah... well... looks like it... + +t///Lana removed the chains and the wooden frame. + +vf/1/in/3 + +t/7/Lana/Ah, do you remember what happened...? + +t/3/Sheila/No, my memory is... vague... I don't really remember what happened... + +t/3/Sheila/But... more or less I know what happened to my body... +t/3/Sheila/Right now i'm beaten up... I can't muster any strengh... +t/7/Lana/Yeah, let's go back to town! We have to treat your wounds! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Sheila/Thank you for escorting me... +t/3/Sheila/Let's say goodbye here. +t/7/Lana/Yeah... be careful on your way back. +t/3/Sheila/Yeah, you too... See you... +t///Walking with unsteady steps, Sheila left the place. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +setev/25/3 +addyh/15/30/1 + +jump/menu_slow + + + + + +<stev23hd> +loadct/0/0/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Lana/! +t/3/Lana/something here... I don't know, but there's a wall in the space... +two +vf/0/out +<ev15> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev15/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 + +sf/7/10 + +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t///Lana made up her mind, then put her hands onto Sheila's hips, still restrained by chains, and pulled out her penis. +t///Sheila's butt was much more soft and bouncy than Lana had imagined, giving her hands a pleasant feeling. +sfade/7/20 +t///Sheila's genital was already soaked with some kind of bodily fluid... +t///Lana's penis hit Sheila's vaginal opening, then slid inside easily as if it was being sucked in. +sfade/7/21 +t/7/Lana/Uu... Hya?! +t///As soon as Lana's penis got inside, Sheila's vagina started tightening and wringing it. +t/7/Lana/If this pussy... keeps milking me like this... I'mgoing to cum instantly... +t///Immediately, Lana was brought close to climax the moment she put it in. Her mouth was drooling from the immense pleasure. +t///Meanwhile, Sheila, still chained, started to growl loudly as if she were to attack Lana immediately upon release. +t///After thursting a couple of times, Lana's mind began melting and became filled with nothing but sex. +t/7/Lana/Ah... I'm cumming... I can't hold it... +t/7/Lana/This is the first time.. a pussy... feels this good... +t///Lana, who had become a slave to the pleasure of penetration, continued thrusting her hips with an expression of ecstasy. +t/7/Lana/Sheila-san's pussy... feels good... so good... +t/7/Lana/Cum... Cumming... I can't... hold it... +t/7/Lana/I want to keep feeling good... Stroking my dick...using Sheila-san's pussy... +t/7/Lana/I'm cumming... It's coming out...! +t///Lana clung onto Sheila's muscular yet tender butt, three times the size of hers, as she thursted her hips. +t/7/Lana/It feels so good my dick is melting from its tip down to the base! +t/7/Lana/...I'm cumming!! I'm going to ejaculate... with mydick! +t/7/Lana/Aaaaah!!! ♥♥ +t///Following a violent spasm at her hips, Lana squirted a large amounts of sperm into Sheila's vagina. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/22 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*!! *Squirt*... *Squirt*,,, + +sfade/7/23 +t/7/Lana/More, more... I want to let out more...! +t///Lana kept thrusting her hips even though she had just finished, and ejaculated into Sheila's vagina once more. +t/7/Lana/Cumming... I want to cum more... I want to pour more of my milk into Sheila's pussy... +t/7/Lana/Aah! It's coming out... My milk is coming out again... +t/7/Lana/I'm cumming...! I'm ejaculating again!! +t/7/Lana/Hnnn... cummiiiing!!!! ♥♥♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/13 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*!! + +t///Lana's hips trembled as she let out a huge amount of sperm again. +t///Semen overflowed from Sheila's vagina, scattering all over her butt. + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm + + + + +<bt035> +t/POS/Bacos/Y-you bastards! How did you get in?! +two +<wan8> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Well done defeating that villain. +t/7/Lizbeth/Thanks to you that area became pretty safe. +t/7/Lizbeth/I already prepared your reward, take it. + +t///Received 12,000 Gold as bounty reward. +addgold/12000 + +t/7/Lizbeth/...however, you're doing quite amazing. +t/7/Lizbeth/When I first met you I thought you were a fool overestimating her strengh and heading straight toward death... +t/7/Lizbeth/But now you're a hero who can best opponents that even the kingdom's subjugation force would be no match for. +t/7/Lizbeth/...so, which bounty are you going after next? + +t/3/Lana/Weell... maybe the werewolf from the forest area? + +t/7/Lizbeth/I'm sorry, we don't know where it is right now... +t/7/Lizbeth/And because the northern forest is that huge... you probably won't find it. Why don't you go check out the volcano area first? +t/7/Lizbeth/According to our intel, a beast calling herself ""La Fox"" settled there, bringing along many monsters. + +t/3/Lana/Then, maybe I'll go there... + +t/7/Lizbeth/Yea, I'll leave it to you. You should be up to task. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/ren_out +<ren_out> +ifc/unit:0:23:0/menu_slow + +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +bgm/1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/100 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/4 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t///Suddenly, Renka appeared in front of Lana. +two +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Renka/Lana-sama! P-please help me...! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/W-what's the matter? +t/7/Renka/This morning, my parents contacted me... +sf/1/6 +t/7/Renka/It seems my parents farm had to shut down... +t/7/Renka/And now the bank is demanding they pay 10,000 Gold! +sf/1/4 +t/7/Renka/Lana-sama is the only one I know I can rely on... +t/3/Lana/...?? +t/7/Renka/I know it's unreasonable... but could you lend me 10,000 Gold?! +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eh! 10,000 Gold?! + +selset/0/sel0/Lend 10,000 Gold +selset/1/sel1/Do not lend +selview + +[sel0] +addgold/-10000 +returnyh/23/0 +setev/32/1 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/T-thank you very much!! +t/7/Renka/As expected of Lana-sama! I'll never forget this favor! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/Well then... I will be returning to my parents home for a bit, I can't adventure with you anymore. +t/3/Lana/Eh... +t/7/Renka/I'm really sorry about this. But when I get back lets adventure together again! +sf/1/3 +t/7/Renka/Well then... Lana-sama, godspeed! +two +vf/1/out +t///Renka turned around while waving with a smile on her face and quickly left. +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +delmember/23 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/6 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/Uuuh... like I thought it's impossible... +t/3/Lana/I-I'm sorry... it's too sudden... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/No, please don't apologize. It can't be helped. Such large amount, there's no way you could lent me... +t/7/Renka/It's really shame but... +t/7/Renka/I have to go back to my hometown and help my parents, so it's a goodbye... +t/3/Lana/Eh... +t/7/Renka/Parting in such way is sad, but I Think we'll meet somewhen again. +t/3/Lana/...I'm sorry I couldn't help you... +t/7/Renka/It's fine. See you... +two +vf/1/out +t///Renka left, looking back and waving many times. +[sel1]- + +tend + + + + +two + +jump/menu_slow +<ili_in> +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please wait. +t/3/Lana/? +t/7/Ily/May i come with you? +t/3/Lana/Eh... come with me? +t/7/Ily/Yes. There's something I want to investigate. By all means, allow me to join you. +sf/0/3 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/O-of course! If you come with me I'll be reassured! +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/...but, can you fight? +t/7/Ily/...no, I do not know how to fight. +t/7/Ily/However, I can act as guide or advice you, that way I think I can be of use. +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... +sf/0/3 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Even if you can't fight I'm happy that you'll come with me! + +t///Ily joined your party. +two + +addmember/21/-1 + + +vf/1/out +vfw/0/out + + +jump/worldmap +<stev29> +setstage/29/2 + +camera_xy/9/18 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, to reach the desert we must pass through here... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/It looks like there are some people here. They might be bandits, so please be careful. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +camera_xy/8/3 + +load/0/cb39/c +load/1/cb201/c +load/2/cb202/c +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/7 +wait/100 +vf/2/in/8 +t/7/Mugger/Hihihi... loitering in such place... +t/7/Bandit/She wants to get it that much? Gyahaha! +sf/0/4 +t/2/?/Ayaya… I got found by the worst guys. +t/2/?/I've got to run away… +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +st_move/a/4/4 + +vf/1/in/7 +wait/100 +vf/2/in/8 +t/7/Bandit/Ah! She's running away! +t/7/Bandit/Wait, you bitch!! +t/7/Bandit/Hyaha! Let's play tag then! +two +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +<stev29a> +load/0/cb39/c +vf/0/in/3 +sf/0/4 +t/3/?/Haa… Haa… no-not good… I'm gonna get caught… +two +vf/0/out +<stev29g> +setstage/29/10 +setstage/30/1 +setstage/50/1 + +if/live:2:39:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vfw/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/?/Heya. +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/?! +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/?/Wo-would you lower your sword?! +t/7/?/I'm no one suspicious. +t/3/Lana/...W-who? +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/Sorry for surprising you. +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/My name is Sakume and I run a material shop in town. +sf/1/1 +sf/0/1 +t/7/Sakume/I've never seen anyone coming here besides me. +t/7/Sakume/You must be pretty skilled. +t/7/Sakume/I've finished collecting materials for today but... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Sakume/Before I noticed I got surrounded by bandits, it was terrible. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/I'm grateful for your help. As thanks... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/...will you accept this? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/What's this? +t/7/Sakume/It's a map and the address of my shop ♥ +t/7/Sakume/Ah, instead of a thanking gift it became an advertisement for my shop... +t/3/Lana/... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Then I will throw this in as bonus, here you are ♥ +t/3/Lana/Th-thank you. +t///Received a Severe Faint Potion. +additem/5034 +t/7/Sakume/When you throw this item at an opponent, it will completely drain their SP. It's a really great drug. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/It's a precious item so please use it with care ♥ +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Well then, I'll be going now. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/When you come back to town plesse visit my store. Take care~ +two +vfw/1/out +vfw/0/out + +setev/13/1 +setev/23/1 +setev/26/1 + +tend + +jump/menu_slow +<stev30> +setstage/30/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/This place is called... the Evernight Forest. +t/7/Ily/We must pass through here to reach the volano area... +t/7/Ily/Many dangerous monsters lurk in here. +t/7/Ily/What's more in one area there's bandit's camp, they attack people that get lost... + + + +if/ev:26:0 +t/7/Ily/Anyway... let's advance carefully, please think only about passing through the forest safely. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +tend + + +if/ev:26:1 +load/2/cb39/c +vf/2/in/2 +sf/2/5 +t/2/Sakume/Heya♪ +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/?! +vfw/0/out +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/2 +vf/0/in/8 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama I'm sorry for not informing you earlier... this person is going to be our guide this time. +sf/0/1 +t/8/Lana/Guide? +t/7/Ily/Yes, to pass through this intricate forest, I thought that asking a person familiar with this area would be the best... +sf/2/3 +t/3/Sakume/I've got to thank you for saving me the other day, it's dangerous but I decided to undertake this task. +sf/2/1 +t/3/Sakume/If I'm not wrong there's few bypaths in this forest, it'll be best if we use them. +t/8/Lana/Bypaths? +sf/2/3 +t/3/Sakume/Right, you can't see them but you if you go there you can pass through, please follow me. +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let's move ahead of Sakume-san and eliminate monsters, so she can advance safely. +t/3/Sakume/Well then, let's go♪ +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + +tend +<stev30a> + +load/2/cb39/c +vf/2/in/3 +t/3/Sakume/Weeel... If I'm not mistaken it should be here... +two +vfw/2/out +<stev30b> + +load/2/cb39/c +vf/2/in/3 +t/3/Sakume/Where was it... or rather, where am I...? +two +vfw/2/out +<stev30c> + +load/2/cb39/c +vf/2/in/3 +sf/2/3 +t/3/Sakume/Ah, here! +t/3/Sakume/If we pass through here exit is nearby! +two +vfw/2/out +<stev30g> +setstage/30/10 +setstage/31/1 + +read/st40_open + + + +if/ev:26:0 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/This was a dark and long journey, I'm happy we passed through safely... +t/7/Ily/Mapping is almost done, now we'll have no problems in future. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +tend + + + +if/ev:26:1,live:2:39:0 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/3/Lana/Eh? Sakume-san... +t/7/Ily/It looks like she got separated... I hope she's safe... +t/7/Ily/For now, let's move ahead. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +tend + +if/ev:26:1,live:2:39:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/3/Lana/Eh? Sakume-san... +t/7/Ily/It looks like she got separated... I hope she's safe... +t/7/Ily/For now, let's move ahead. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +tend + + + +if/ev:26:1,live:2:39:2 + +load/1/cb20/c +load/0/cb0/c + +load/2/cb39/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +sf/2/1 +vf/0/in/8 +vf/1/in/7 +vf/2/in/3 + +sf/2/3 +t/3/Sakume/Yaa, I'm tired... +t/3/Sakume/My memories of route were vague, I took a small detour... +t/7/Ily/Well, nevermind. We left the forest, and I remember the route now. + +t/3/Sakume/If you need me again, please call me. +t/3/Sakume/I'll be able to gather materials in places I usually can't, so it will be helpful for me as well. +t/3/Sakume/See ya around. +sf/0/5 +t/8/Lana/Yeah, thank you for everything. Goodbye. +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +addyh/39/20/1 + +tend + + + + + + +jump/menu_slow + +<wan10> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/So you've defeated that troublesome furball? +t/7/Lizbeth/In that darkness, even finding her is quite difficult, well done. +t/7/Lizbeth/Take the reward, you deserve it. + +t///Received 30,000 Gold as bounty reward. +addgold/30000 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/mission +<stev31> +setstage/31/2 + +camera_xy/1/1 + +load/0/cb62/c +load/2/cb64/c +load/1/cb63/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/8/Harpy/Onee-chan... it's horrible! +t/3/Harpy/?! +be/1/p2 +t/8/Harpy/Humans are attacking... +t/3/Harpy/... +t/3/Harpy/From here on it's the realm of the mountain god - La Fox... +t/3/Harpy/Human will not defile this sacred land. +t/3/Harpy/Okay, let's go Tini, we'll attack them from both sides! +t/8/Harpy/Roger! +two +vfw/1/out + +vf/2/in/7 +t/7/Harpy/Onee-chan... be careful... +be/0/p2 +t/3/Harpy/Runi, don't worry, believe in us! Humans are insignificant opponents. +t/7/Harpy/Yeah... Don't push yourself... +two +vf/0/out +vfw/2/out + +camera_xy/1/16 + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Ho... hot... +t/3/Lana/It was such a hot place when I got out of the forest... +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/But ahead should be the next bounty. I have to go... + +sf/1/7 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please be careful. +t/7/Ily/You're facing two Harpies, to the north and to the east, along with monsters. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Eh, what should I do... +t/7/Ily/You'll probably need to restrain the movement of one of them. +t/7/Ily/Anyway, Harpies move fast so be careful not to be surrounded. +two + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +<stev31g> +setstage/31/10 +setstage/32/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Somehow we did it... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/Well then, let's advance. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<renka_in2> +setev/32/0 + +loadseen/fd8/bg12 + +bgm/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/100 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/3 +t/7/Renka/Ah, Lana-sama! Long time no see! +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Eh, Renka?! +t/3/Lana/Long time no see... hey, was everything alright on money issue? +t/7/Renka/Yes, Thank to you! +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/And, problem got solved, I've been thinking about continuing hunter work but... +t/7/Renka/In this profession it's quite hard to save up money... +t/7/Renka/I'm thinking of making money as bodyguard now. +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/It's easier than chasing Bounties ♪ +t/7/Renka/If you want, please hire me! +t/3/Lana/Ye-Yeah, that's fine. +t/3/Lana/...what about money I lent you? +sf/1/11 +be/1/p2 +t/7/Renka/Ah, O-of course I'll give it back! Please wait a little longer! +t/3/Lana/How long? +t/7/Renka/Eee... patiently... please. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Patiently... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +showyh/23/1 + +jump/tavern +<stev32> +setstage/32/2 + +camera_xy/3/1 + +load/0/cb125/c +vf/0/in/3 +t/7/La Fox/...humans in such a place... +t/7/La Fox/This is my territory... trespassing is unforgivable...! +two +vfw/0/out + + +camera_xy/13/21 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 + +vf/1/in/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/Th-that looks like a huge dragon... +t/7/Ily/That monster is a flame dragon, it lives in the volcano. +be/1/p2 +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/If we approach it we're dead for sure... Definitely do not approach it please. +t/3/Lana/Eh, so how can we advance...? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/We'll have to somehow sneak around it... +t/3/Lana/Th-that's... +t/7/Ily/Our objective is the bounty. Please try to avoid other fights. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +<stev32g> +setstage/32/10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 + +vf/1/in/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... you defeated the bounty, magnificent. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Yeah... thank you... +t/7/Ily/Well then, let's go back to town. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<wan14> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Like I thought, you're not an ordinary person... +t/7/Lizbeth/The enemy you took down this time was so strong, many Hunters gave their lives fighting it. +t/7/Lizbeth/Lately you're a big topic of talks among Hunters. +t/7/Lizbeth/A smal girl that's strong like a dragon... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/I-I'm not... +t/7/Lizbeth/Don't be so modest... it's true after all. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh well, here's your reward. + +t///Received 60,000 Gold as bounty reward +addgold/60000 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +loadseen/fd0/bg10 + +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb10/c +sb/0/111 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/3/Baldo/That girl... She was the one in Eirich-dono's mansion... +t/7/Lizbeth/Speaking of Eirich-dono, I think he has a bounty now... +t/3/Baldo/That's right. So why is she so determined being a Hunter? +t/3/Baldo/That girl's sister had been detained, but I still want her to compensate me for extending the trial's postponement. +t/3/Baldo/However, I found quite an interesting detail. +t/3/Baldo/That girl, even though she said that she's Eirich-dono's daughter, I can't find her record in their family register. +t/3/Baldo/There's proper record for her sister, so is she an illegitimate child? Or maybe adopted from somewhere? +t/3/Baldo/I think there's a connection here to the work Eirich-dono was involved with in the past. +t/7/Lizbeth/His past work...? +t/3/Baldo/Yeah, that's... well, all kinds of things. +t/3/Baldo/But it's classified information that must not be revealed... I won't talk about it. +t/7/Lizbeth/I-is that so...? + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<st40_open> +if/st:40:0, want:4:2, st:30:10:u +setstage/40/1 +tend +<stev40> +setstage/40/2 + +camera_xy/7/4 + +st_newunit/type:2,x:6,y:4,id:34,lv:1,did:b1 +st_newunit/type:2,x:8,y:4,id:27,lv:1,did:b0 + +load/0/cb27/c +load/1/cb82/c +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Blow/Seriously Lemur, you really are quite something. +t/3/Blow/To tame such stubborn horse! +t/7/Lemur/Fufu... You are right, catching this one was a pain in the ass... +t/7/Lemur/But if we use this fellow, overthrowing a kingdom won't be all that difficult♪ +t/7/Lemur/We are getting ever closer to the day the princess and I trample down that abominable kingdom... +t/3/Blow/Impressive... and when that day comes, I'll be your subordinate! +t/7/Lemur/Of course... because you've been very useful until now... I'll give you special treatment... +t/3/Blow/So, can I be the one in charge of this creature here? +t/7/Lemur/Oh yeah, just put him there for now. +t/3/Blow/All right, just leave it to me! +t/7/Lemur/Well then... I'm a busy man, so I'll take my leave. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +st_delunit/b0 + +load/0/cb24/c +load/1/cb82/c +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Blow/Hehe... This brat... +t/3/Blow/I don't really like seeing that doll still alive and kicking. +t/3/Blow/That, and all this, the Eirik, the guy who said that, was the result of letting these guys escape the lab... +two +t/3/Blow/Huh?! Is that... +t/3/Blow/Enemies?! To think those Hunters could reach this place... +t/3/Blow/...Wait, that's perfect! +t/3/Blow/Go, brat! Kill them all! +t/7/Lilim/Affirmative... +t/7/Lilim/...Enemy... ki... kiki... kill... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +st_delunit/b1 + + +camera_xy/8/16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, there's information that that bounty Blow has been spotted in this area. +t/7/Ily/Perhaps over there... We have to investigate these ruins. + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/?! +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/T-that's... Lilim?! + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, something's wrong here. +t/7/Ily/She appears to work together with the monsters. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/For now, let's clear the monsters in this area first, and be careful around her. +t/7/Ily/It may be an enemy mimicking Lilim's appearance... Don't give mercy if she attacks. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev40g> +setstage/40/10 +setstage/41/1 + + +ifc/unit:0:24:0/stev40g2 +delmember/24 + + +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb24/c +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 +sf/2/4 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/3 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/Guh... +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Lilim?! +t/3/Lana/Have you gone back to normal?! +t/7/Lilim/E-eh... Why am I in such place... +t/3/Lana/Do you remember what happened? +t/7/Lilim/Ah... no... +t/7/Lilim/Uh, you are... Lana-chan? +t/3/Lana/Yes. Sorry Lilim, for being so rough to you... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/But I'm glad you're back to normal... +t/7/Lilim/What did you do...? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/You attacked us so... I had to use the Seal magic. +t/7/Lilim/I see... but why did I fight then? +t/2/Ily/Lana-sama, Lilim, let's return to the city at once. +t/2/Ily/Enemy's reinforcements might comes if we stay here. +t/3/Lana/...yeah, Lilim, let's talk after we're back in thecity. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/1 + +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb24/c +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +sf/2/1 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/3 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Lilim... can you tell me what happened? +sf/2/4 +t/7/Lilim/Let's see... my memory is fuzzy but I can remember bits and pieces... +t/7/Lilim/...I think the witch casted a spell to me. +t/3/Lana/Witch...? +sf/2/1 +t/7/Lilim/Yes, I heard that Blow is near that forest, so I headed over there... +t/7/Lilim/But as I walked inside the forest a powerful curse struck me. +t/7/Lilim/The last thing I remember is that the witch appeared before me. +t/7/Lilim/I was prepared to die back then, but it seems like I was saved somehow... +be/1/p2 +t/2/Ily/I see... most likely that was the Seal magic. +t/3/Lana/Eh, Seal magic... so the same magic as mine...? +t/2/Ily/Yes, but it seems like the witch can use the Seal magic from afar without approaching her target. +t/2/Ily/And then she manipulates Lilim to attack us... I think that's what happened. +t/2/Ily/At any rate, the witch seems to appear in that area... We need to be prepared if we want to face her. +sf/2/6 +t/7/Lilim/Lana, I can't help you for the time being since my body hurts all over and can't move well. +t/3/Lana/It's okay. Just rest for now. +sf/2/1 +t/7/Lilim/Sorry... I leave the rest to you then. I feel likeI'd be just a burden anyways. +t/7/Lilim/Finish off the rest of the bounties. Just don't do anything reckless, okay? +sf/0/3 +t/3/Lana/Yes! Leave it to me! +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev40g2> + + +delyh/24 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/8 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/A-ah... Li-Lilim... +t/7/Ily/There was no other choice... it would've been dangerous if we didn't fight back. +t/7/Ily/I think Lana-sama decision was right. +t/7/Ily/We still don't know whether she is really Lilim or an imposter, but the culprit should be nearby. +t/7/Ily/First, we should check over there. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev41> +setstage/41/2 + +camera_xy/2/2 + +load/0/cb82/c +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Blow/What...?! They defeated that brat? +t/3/Blow/Damn... I didn't expect this... +t/3/Blow/No choice then... Since they seem to be after my the bounty on my head, i gotta lay some traps then. +two +vfw/0/out + +camera_xy/13/17 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Ugh... this place... +t/7/Ily/It reeks of death... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/I can feel some suspicious presence in the dark... Please be careful. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev41g> +setstage/41/10 +setstage/42/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/This place seems to be a gathering for spirits... +t/7/Ily/...it seems there's a stair that leads further down. +t/7/Ily/Let's descend further down when you're ready. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<stev42> +setstage/42/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/This place... what's that... there's a bunch of unknown tools scattered around... +t/7/Ily/It looks like... perhaps this place was a laboratory... +t/3/Lana/A lab...? +t/7/Ily/Yes, you can see numerous tools to produce magic items. +t/7/Ily/But in this situation... I never thought... +t/7/Ily/It's only a hunch but... that day, the day master went missing, the site of the accident... +t/3/Lana/Eh, master? +t/7/Ily/...let's stop talking for now and continue moving. +t/7/Ily/The bounty can't be far from us now. +t/7/Ily/In any case, it's pretty dark up ahead, so please tread carefully. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev42g> +setstage/42/10 +setstage/43/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/This place... it appears we can continue further down from here. +t/7/Ily/This is the extent of the spirits' miasma... they can't come after us here. +t/7/Ily/Let's continue further when you're ready. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<stev43> +setstage/43/2 + +camera_xy/1/21 + +load/0/cb82/c +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Blow/What the...? +t/3/Blow/These guys... they got through that group of spirits...? +t/3/Blow/Damn... this is bad. You must be kidding me. This is the first time someone got this far. + +two +vfw/0/out + +camera_xy/20/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Unlike the floor above, the air here is terribly stagnant... +t/7/Ily/The spirits' attacks are dangerous. Beware of ambushes and proceed with caution. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev43_b> +load/0/cb82/c +load/1/cb0/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Blow/B-bitch... Now you've done it... +t/3/Blow/I can't believe that I've been defeated... +t/3/Blow/Haha... It's over... This is the end so let me talk a bit... +t/3/Blow/I wonder... if you know why I even had a bounty... +t/7/Lana/...? +t/3/Blow/I've been betrayed... by the thing I'd trusted the most... +t/3/Blow/I was the leader of an intelligence squad that served the king... +t/3/Blow/A squad composed of only the most outstanding soldiers from the army. +t/3/Blow/We would do anything on the king's order... reconnaissance, assassination, abduction, anything. +t/3/Blow/Even this laboratory... I've kidnapped a lot of children for the sake of experiments. +t/7/Lana/...So what are you doing in a place like this? +t/3/Blow/Ah? This is a magic research laboratory made for the king. +t/3/Blow/Made to invent some magic called Seal magic... or something. +t/3/Blow/Implant magical power into the subject, If it fails, dispose the subject. If it succeeds, take data first, then dispose the subject... +t/3/Blow/The subjects were called ""Dolls"" and treated exactly like a doll. +t/3/Blow/I thought it was too cruel, but for the sake of the king, I killed my heart to obey him. +t/3/Blow/They said that all conflict in the world will be gone if Project ""Seal"" is completed. +t/3/Blow/But the plain failed... and this place is all thatwas left. +t/3/Blow/I don't even know myself what happened exactly... +t/3/Blow/But as the one responsible for everything, I suddenly found myself having a bounty on my head. +t/3/Blow/Sure, I've kidnapped and killed a lot of people, never was it for my own satisfaction... +t/3/Blow/So I thought I'll try to survive to get my revenge... But that's also failed... +t/3/Blow/Ah, haha... the light... already fades... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +st_ev/200 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb3/c +sf/0/7 +sb/1/111 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Baldo/Well, he spoke the truth in his last moments... +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/?! Are you... a member of that intelligence squad?! +t/7/Baldo/That's right, daughter of Eirich, the one that skillfully defeated the bounty. You deserved a praise for that. +t/7/Baldo/Unfortunately... Now you know something that must not be known. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Eh... Something that must not be known...? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Baldo/I'm sorry, but I must make sure that you all died here. +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Ehh?! B-but why?! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/It's too late to make you all forget that man's story. Not a single person alive can know that story. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I-it can't be?! +sf/1/7 +t/7/Baldo/My elite soldiers, kill every single one of these Hunters! +t///In response to his shout, one by one soldiers appeared from behind, forming a large group. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +st_ev/201 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, this is bad. +t/7/Ily/These are imperial soldiers... And they seems eager to fight... +t/7/Ily/And we can't escape since the exit is blocked... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +<stev43g> +setstage/43/10 + +setev/29/1 +setwanted/18/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb3/c +sf/0/7 +sb/1/111 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Baldo/W-wait...! +t/7/Baldo/If you kill me, you won't be able to rescure your sister anymore, you know?! +t/3/Lana/?! ...What do you mean? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/It's me who is postponing your sister's trial. +t/7/Baldo/In this country, once the trial has passed a judgment, there is no way to overturn it. +t/7/Baldo/If your sister's trial is resumed, she will definitely be sentenced to either a life in prisonor death penalty. +t/7/Baldo/But using my authority, she can be pardoned with just Gold compensation. +t/3/Lana/... +t/3/Lana/...Well then... How about clearing my 10 million Gold debt... +t/7/Baldo/I can't do that. Even the authority I have isn't enough to cover up such a large sum of Gold. +two + +load/2/cb20/c +vf/2/in/2 +sf/2/4 +t/2/Ily/Mr. Inspector... Let's talk about this place. +sf/2/1 +t/2/Ily/These ruins... I want to know exactly what they were used for. +be/1/p2 +t/7/Baldo/...I-I understand. +t/7/Baldo/I'll explain everything. +t/7/Baldo/...This place is the king's research laboratory toproduce humans capable of manipulating magic. +t/7/Baldo/Only selected magic researchers from around the kingdom were summoned to research here. + +t/7/Baldo/They were testing whether one can acquire magical power by injecting a monster's mana extraction organ into subjects, grouped by their age. +t/7/Baldo/From these experiments, they found out that the younger subjects had a higher affinity to magical power... +t/7/Baldo/They also learnt that after a certain age, acquiring magical power is not only impossible, but the process would also break the subjects' mind and they'd end up transforming into +t/7/Baldo/And because the king himself was too old already, it was his first child, princess Rosalia,who was the Seal magic given to. +t/7/Baldo/the Seal magic impantation operation was carried out by Lemur, one of the researcher here. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Baldo/Lemur is a very brilliant magic item inventor... but he made a big mistake. +t/7/Baldo/You could say that he is the reason for the current state of this laboratory. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/He didn't seem to understand the implantation technique that he developed himself. +t/7/Baldo/Maybe... he just plagiarised someone else's research result, so he can't handle any actual troubles that may occur. +t/7/Baldo/And then... Princess Rosalia turned into a monster as a result of the failed operation. +t/7/Baldo/Almost everyone that stayed in this laboratory became a victim to the Princess' rampage. +t/7/Baldo/Only few survived that incident. Lemur, me... and the treasurer, Eirich. +t/7/Baldo/Only then we realized what destructive power the Seal magic harbours, and what happens if it's left uncontrolled. + +t/2/Ily/And what was Lemur doing after that? +t/7/Baldo/He was the first to run away. +t/7/Baldo/That guy boasted that his implantation technique will definitely work, but when the damage was done, he abandoned his responsibility and only thought about saving + +t/7/Baldo/Afterwards, Lemur was arrested, sentenced to death. He was about supposed to be executed... +t/7/Baldo/But on the day of execution... something happened. +t/7/Baldo/Numerous monsters invaded the town... +t/7/Baldo/Judging from the monsters' unintelligent behavior, there must've been some kind of commander that contolled them all. +t/7/Baldo/In the midst of all that, Lemur, who should've been in chains, escaped. + +t/2/Ily/...What happened to the princess? +t/7/Baldo/That I don't really know either. +t/7/Baldo/One theory is that the witch Robecca is actually the princess. + +t/2/Ily/This Lemur you're talking about, is he the same Lemur on the bounty list? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Baldo/I'm not sure about that. +t/7/Baldo/That person introduces himself as Lemur to Hunters, then proceeds to slaughter everyone save for one person to spread news of his existence. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/Perhaps it's revenge for those that sentenced him to death. + +t/7/Baldo/...and that's all I know so far. +t/7/Baldo/Lana... Your strength and leadership... is not ordinary. +t/7/Baldo/You're stronger than anyone I ever met... You might be able to defeat Lemur and the witch. +t/7/Baldo/When that happens, I promise to make sure your sister is released. + +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Very well. Do you know where the princess currently is? + +t/7/Baldo/Hm, she most likely is in the ruins northeast of the desert. +t/7/Baldo/But no one who ventured there has ever returned thus far. +t/7/Baldo/Prepare yourself if you decide to go there... + +t/2/Ily/Is that so... I understand. +t/2/Ily/Then the desert is our new destination. +t/2/Ily/Lana-sama, let's be off. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<wan18> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/To think that you actually defeated him... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lizbeth/There is no doubt that you are the strongest hunter in this kingdom... +t/7/Lizbeth/I have no one else to entrust this with. Please defeat the witch this time. +t/7/Lizbeth/The reward this time is this... It's an enormous amount of money, but it seems lacking considering your achievement so far. + +t///Received 100,000 Gold as bounty reward. +addgold/100000 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/ririm_in2 + +<ririm_in2> + +ifc/unit:3:24:0/menu_slow + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/1 + +load/1/cb24/c +load/0/cb0/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/2 + + +t/3/Lilim/Lana, welcome back. +t/7/Lana/Lilim, is your body alright? +sf/1/3 +be/1/p2 +t/3/Lilim/Yep, I'm completely cured. +sf/1/1 +t/3/Lilim/Lana, I want to go with you. It's fine right? +t/7/Lana/...Eh, are you sure you'll be okay? +t/3/Lilim/Of course. I've received a lot of help from you, so let me return the favor. +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Th-thank you. + +t///Lilim joined your party. +addmyhl/24 + +two + +jump/menu_slow +<stev50> +setstage/50/2 +setev/30/0 + +camera_xy/26/12 + +load/0/cb252/c +load/1/cb40/c +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/?/Seems like something is coming… +t/7/?/Stand by until they enter our range. +t/7/?/When they approach, kill everyone. +t/3/Ogre/Yes... under... stood... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +camera_xy/3/14 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/That looks like... the enemy forward base. +t/7/Ily/If they all attack at once we stand no chance. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/I wonder if there's some way other than frontal breakthrough... +sf/0/1 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Th-that monster, it's carrying a jewel on it's back! I have to catch it! +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, you can't! If you go there you'll be in enemy range...! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +<stev50a> +if/ev:30:0 +setev/30/1 + +camera_xy/26/12 + +load/0/cb40/c +vf/0/in/7 +t/7/?/They're here… +t/7/?/All troops, Charge! Don't let them leave alive! +two +vfw/0/out + +st_ev/25 + +tend +<stev50b> +if/ev:30:0 +setev/30/1 + +camera_xy/26/12 + +load/0/cb40/c +vf/0/in/7 +t/7/?/They're… not coming? +t/7/?/Then we have no choice but to launch an assault… +t/7/?/All troops, prepare for attack! +two +vfw/0/out + +st_ev/25 + +tend +<stev50g> +setstage/50/10 +setstage/51/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/12 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/There were many powerful enemies, but we did well breaking through. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Ily/However we're not done yet... let's prepare for the next fight. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<del40> +load/3/cb40/c + +vf/3/in/7 +t/7/Magic Swordswoman/Ku... don't think you've won... All troops, tactical retreat! +vf/3/out + +t///The woman jumped backwards and disappeared in the blink of an eye. +two +<stev51> +setstage/51/2 + +camera_xy/19/20 + +load/0/cb320/c +vf/0/in/7 +t/7/Desert Harpy/Humans have come... +t/7/Desert Harpy/This is our territory... +t/7/Desert Harpy/Those that enter here will never leave alive! +be/0/p2 +t/7/Desert Harpy/Tear them to pieces and feed them to Killer Fang! +t/7/Desert Harpy/Everyone, prepare to fight! + +two +vfw/0/out + + +camera_xy/7/7 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please watch where you step. +t/7/Ily/If you step into quicksand you'll get sucked into a monster nest. +t/7/Ily/Not only that, but there's also a large number of harpies in the sky. +t/7/Ily/So let's cross this desert as soon as possible. +t/7/Ily/The destination is southeast from here, where there's a route to the Desert Shrine. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev51g> +setstage/51/10 +setstage/52/1 +setev/5/6 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/That was really taxing, but somehow we managed to reach it... +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +t/7/Ily/Well then, let us move. it's not far anymore. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev52> +setstage/52/2 + +camera_xy/20/4 + +load/0/cb40/c +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Magic Swordswoman/They... came this far... +t/7/Magic Swordswoman/You will never set foot in this Shrine. +t/7/Magic Swordswoman/For my master, I'll use our whole army to stop you...! + +two +vfw/0/out + + +camera_xy/5/4 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please take a look. +t/7/Ily/That shrine on the hilltop... This is the enemy's stronghold. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/It's just a little farther... Let's go! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev52g> +setstage/52/10 +setstage/53/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/12 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Finally we made it to the entrance... +sf/0/1 +t/7/Ily/Now we only have to deal with the enemies inside... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Let's prepare and go inside. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +if/unit:0:40:1 +delmember/40 +addmember/42/27 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb42/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Swordswoman/Uh... I... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Swordswoman/Where... am I... + +t/3/Lana/As expected... +t/3/Lana/My magic removed the brainwashing... + +t/7/Swordswoman/...who are you...? +t/3/Lana/I am Lana. We fought just a short while ago... + +t/7/Swordswoman/Well, I can't really recall that... +t/7/Swordswoman/I'm... Sylvera....I can't remember anything but my name... + +t/3/Lana/You were being manipulated by magic, which I dispellled. + +t/7/Sylvera/Is that so...? +t/7/Sylvera/It feels like I was fighting with something for a long time. +t/7/Sylvera/However I can't recall what it was... + +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Um, in that case, if you're alright with it, wouldyou assist me? +t/3/Lana/Since you're really skilled with the sword, you'd be a great help... + +t/7/Sylvera/...I-i see. +t/7/Sylvera/Got it. I'm not really sure what to do anyways, I'll stick with you for now. + +t///Sylvera joined your party. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + +jump/menu_slow +<stev53> +setstage/53/2 + +camera_xy/9/2 + +load/0/cb27/c +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/...They're here. +t/7/Lemur/...To think that they would be this troublesome... +t/7/Lemur/I should have... dealt with them earlier... +t/7/Lemur/Oh well... They're all going to die here... +t/7/Lemur/I'll let them taste the miasma of darkness... + +two +vfw/0/out + + +camera_xy/9/30 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... that was an unusual roar... +t/7/Ily/Don't be careless now... Please proceed with an extreme caution. +t/7/Ily/According to the information, at the end of this passage there should be an altar. +t/7/Ily/I think... the witch is there. + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/W-what... it's getting harder to breath... +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... this area is dense with miasma... +t/7/Ily/It may be dangerous to continue... if it gets any worse we'll have to turn back. + + +if/aitem:1153 + +two +load/3/be30/m2 +veff/3/3 +wait/3000 + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/The Mana Orb... it's shining? +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +t/3/Lana/Somehow... it seems easier to breath now... +t/7/Ily/This is the power of the Mana Orb, it purifies the miasma... +t/3/Lana/If it's like this... maybe we can advance. +tend + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev53g> +setstage/53/10 +setstage/54/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... we've arrived at last... +t/7/Ily/Behind these doors should be the last few enemies. +t/7/Ily/Let's prepare and rush in. + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow +<stev54> +setstage/54/2 + +camera_xy/11/6 + +load/0/cb28/c +load/1/cb27/c + +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Robecca/Welcome, humans... +t/7/Robecca/I am the being which will rule this world... +t/7/Robecca/You've come this far to become my servants... well done... +t/7/Robecca/So I will grant your wish and make you into my puppets. +two + +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Lemur/Princess, leave this to me... + +t/7/Robecca/...Well, I don't care... +t/7/Robecca/You'll deal with them, then. + +two +vf/1/out +vfw/0/out + + +camera_xy/10/24 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, this will be the final battle. +t/7/Ily/Don't let your guard down just because of the Witch's human appearance. +t/7/Ily/Fight her with all you have +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Okay. But what happens if the Witch casts her curse seal spell on us? +t/3/Lana/I'm sure she can use it from a distance. +t/7/Ily/Yes, if that happens... please use your own curse seal power to overwrite it. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/But what happens if I got curse sealed by her too? +t/7/Ily/That... I don't know. Please be careful and try not to get into that situation. +t/3/Lana/Ehh... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev54g> +setstage/54/10 +setstage/55/1 + +bgm/13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb28/c +load/2/cb27/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/8/Robecca/Haa... haa... +t/8/Robecca/Th... this... can't be... +t/8/Robecca/How could I lose... +two + +load/3/be80/m2 +veff/3/7 +wait/1500 + +vfw/2/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/?! + +t/6/Lemur/Princess, please stand back... +t/6/Lemur/Fufu... You guys surprised me... To think you could make it this far... +t/6/Lemur/But now I won't go easy on you anymore... +t/6/Lemur/I will destroy you for good... +vf/1/out +be/2/shake + +sf/0/2 +t/6/Lemur/ROAAAAARRR! +two + +load/3/be80/m2 +veff/3/7 +wait/1000 + +load/5/fd9/f +sin/5/2 + +be/2/stop +v/2/out + +sout/5 + +veff/3/7 + +load/2/cb29/c +vfw/2/in/7 + +bgm/17 + +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/7/Lemur/*Fwoooosh*... +t/7/Lemur/It's unfortunate, but when going all out I can't maintain my human form... +t/7/Lemur/Well then, it's time for you to die... +two + + + +ifc/unit:0:36:0/stev54g2 +delmember/36 + + + + +load/4/cb36/c +sf/4/7 + +load/6/be121/f + +load/5/be1/m2 +be/2/attack +veff/5/4 +vf/4/in/4 +veff/6/0 + + +be/4/damage +wait/300 +mcm/4/2 + +t/4/Wandering Spirit/...! +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Eh?!? + +t///Lemur's vicious blade slash was halted by a spirit standing in between. + +t/7/Lemur/This... This thing... +t/7/Lemur/Fufufu... Well whatever... +t/7/Lemur/I'll pull out for now, but if you chase after me I'll send you to your graves... +t/7/Lemur/See ya... +two + +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +t///Lemur held the dying Robecca on his arms, then leaped into the inner passage way and disappeared. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/4/out + + +bgmout + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb36/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Wandering Spirit/Lana... I have been watching you... all the time... +t/7/Wandering Spirit/You... can be trusted... +t/3/Lana/What... are you...? +t/7/Wandering Spirit/Please take it... my last... bit of... power... +t/7/Wandering Spirit/And then... my body... will be freed... from that curse... +t/3/Lana/??? +two + +load/5/fd9/f +sin/5/2 +v/1/out +sout/5 + +t///Radiant light emitted from the spirit, then became a small glimmer and went inside Lana's body. +two + +load/1/cb20/c +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, what are you... +t/3/Lana/My... body... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/?! +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Power is overflowing from by body... +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Aaaaaaaaaa!! +two + +load/3/be15/m2 +veff/3/3 +wait/1000 + +vf/0/out + +load/4/be21/m2 +veff/4/3 +wait/1000 + +load/5/cb2/c +vf/5/in/3 +sin/6/2 +v/6/out + +t/7/Ily/!! +t/7/Ily/...Lana-sama... That figure is... +t/3/Lana/...Ily... this is... +t/3/Lana/I don't know why but so much power is overflowing from my body... +t/3/Lana/I feel like... I can seal anyone i want. +t/7/Ily/...Lana-sama... +t/3/Lana/Uh...? +be/1/p2 +t/7/Ily/A-are you ok?! + +load/4/be80/m2 +veff/4/3 +wait/1000 +vf/5/out + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/Ah... +t/3/Lana/Huh... I changed back... +t/3/Lana/It doesn't seem like I can maintain that form for long... +t/7/Ily/...Lana-sama... that surprised me. +t/7/Ily/I thought you were turning into a demon. +t/7/Ily/I felt an immense amount of magic power just now. +t/7/Ily/With this you might be able to defeat any enemy in a single blow. +t/3/Lana/Y-Yeah... But I can only do it for a short while... + +t///Lana mastered the skill [Cursed Awakening]. +two +addsk/0/200 + + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let us retreat to prepare ourselves again. +t/7/Ily/Hopefully the next battle will be the last... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev54g2> + +load/4/cb21/c +sf/4/7 +vfw/4/in/3 + +t/4/Ily/Lana-sama, stay back! +two + +load/5/be1/m2 +be/2/attack +veff/5/4 +wait/150 + +be/4/damage +wait/300 +mcm/4/2 + +t/4/Ily/Urgh... +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/I-Ily?! +t/4/Ily/I-I'm alright... It's just a scratch... + +t/7/Lemur/Fufufu... Oh well... +t/7/Lemur/I'll pull out for now, but if you chase after me I'll send you to your graves... +t/7/Lemur/See ya... +two + +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +t///Lemur held the dying Robecca on his arms, then leaped into the inner passage way and disappeared. +two + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let us retreat to prepare ourselves again. +t/7/Ily/Hopefully the next battle will be the last... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/4/out + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev55> +setstage/55/2 + +camera_xy/12/14 + +load/0/cb29/c + +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/Fufufu... +t/7/Lemur/So you didn't run away and came all the way here... I am impressed... +t/7/Lemur/It's because you saw me in my magnificent true form and just couldn't turn away, could you... +t/7/Lemur/There is absolutely nothing someone like ME, who has mastered the art of forging magical tools can't do... +t/7/Lemur/My body is immortal... Standing before you is a GOD that is about to mangle you into a pulp... +t/7/Lemur/Nobody has the power to stand between me and the princess. Together we'll give birth to a new world... +t/7/Lemur/A new world where all humans and monsters are slaves to the Demon King... ME... I W-WILL... +two + +two +vf/1/out +vfw/0/out + + +camera_xy/12/23 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, I feel an intense presence of magical power...! +t/7/Ily/A frontal attack at that thing would be too dangerous. +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/W-What should I do...? +t/7/Ily/That monster Lemur... he's already in a different dimension... +t/7/Ily/Try to avoid fighting if you can, use those who are fast as decoys or use those who are more sturdy as meatshields to buy time... +t/7/Ily/No matter which method you choose, the goal is to quickly get inside and put an end to the witch! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<del29a> +load/3/cb29/c + +vf/3/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/ROAAAARR!!! +t/7/Lemur/IT'S NOT... OVER YET...!! +t/7/Lemur/I WILL... DEFINITELY FINISH YOU... + +vf/3/out + +t///Lemur leaped into the air and disappeared into darkness. +two +<del28a> + +bgmout + +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb29/c +sf/0/7 +vf/0/in/2 + +load/4/be80/m2 +veff/4/7 +wait/1500 + + +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/How dare you... to touch the princess... +t/7/Lemur/I will not... forgive... +sf/0/4 +be/2/shake +t/7/Lemur/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/What!? +two + +load/8/fd21/m2 +sin/8 + +t///Thick black fog came out of Lemur's body, enveloping the entire surrounding area. +t/3/Lana/Wh... what is this... I can't see anything... +two + +be/2/stop +vf/2/out +vf/0/out + + +st_newmap/mp56 +st_setunit/0/12/14 + +sout/8 + + +bgm/stage + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb29/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/2/in/7 + +t///When Lana regained her vision, she was surrounded by a strange shining rainbow light. +t/7/Lemur/Ahahaha... There is no way you can escape from here... +t/7/Lemur/This place is the Mana Breeder reactor's innermost part... A place where no human can reach... +t/7/Lemur/You... will finally die here... I will shred you to pieces... +t/7/Lemur/If only... you didn't exist... +t/7/Lemur/If only you DIDN'T EXIST! Everything was going so WELL!! +t/7/Lemur/Die... die... DIEEEEE!! +t///Lana looked around in panic but there was nobody else but Lemur. +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/N-No way... I can't take him on... all by myself... +t/3/Lana/But... fighting is my only chance...!! + +two + +vf/2/out +vf/0/out + +delque +<stev56a> +if/ev:27:0 + +load/9/bg41/bm +vf/9/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb29/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/It's useless to try to escape... It's over for you... + +read/stev56re + +tend +<stev56b> + +if/ev:27:1 + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg6/b +v/9/in +v/8/out + +t///After that, nobody heard anything about Lana again... +two + +read/title +delque +tend + + + +if/ev:27:0 + +load/9/bg41/bm +vf/9/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb29/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/...This is my final blow... + +read/stev56re + +tend + + + + + +<stev56re> +setev/27/1 + +be/2/p2 +t/7/Lemur/DIEEEE!!! + +t///Lana could not escape Lemurs strike from above. + +bgmout + +load/4/fd20/m2 +sin/4/2 +t///A piercing slash cut open her abdomen. +two +sf/0/8 +sout/4 + +mcm/0/2 +t/3/Lana/AAAH?! +t/7/Lemur/Oh my... You can still move? +t/7/Lemur/Your intestines are falling out you know? + +t///Lana was trying to escape despite being gravely wounded. And Lemur was about to give her the finishing blow without mercy. +two + + +load/4/be121/f +veff/4/0 + + +t///At that moment, a sharp metal object striked at Lemur's blade, deflecting it. +two + +load/1/cb21/c +sf/1/7 +vf/1/in/3 + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama! +t/7/Lemur/?! +t/7/Lemur/YOU... how did you enter here?! +two + +be/1/attack + +load/4/be82/m2 +veff/4/7 +wait/1000 + +t///Ily released something from her hand and the surrounding area was engulfed in white smoke. + +t/7/Lemur/Urgh!! What is this?! + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama, this way! +t/3/Ily/Quickly! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +t/7/Lemur/Shit, where did they escape to?! +t/7/Lemur/Wherever you are trying to run to... I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE!! +two +vf/2/out + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/9/bg41/b +v/9/1 +sout/8 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/8 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/7 +vf/1/in/3 +t/7/Lana/Ily... No more... I can't run anymore... +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama, get a hold of yourself! +vf/0/out +t///But Lana collapsed on the spot. +vf/1/out +two + +read/ev29 +setcg/29/1 + + +load/1/cb21/c +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb29/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/3 +wait/200 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/Fufu... found you... +t/7/Lemur/Escape is futile... +t/7/Lemur/Oh my... You're still alive... +t/7/Lemur/Oh well... I will just tear both of you apart thistime... +t/7/Lemur/Die... DIE DIE DIE!!! +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vf/2/out + + + +load/8/fd21/m2 +sin/8 + +vf/9/out + +st_newmap/mp56 +st_setunit/0/12/14 +st_setunit/21/13/15 + +sout/8 + + +bgm/stage +ms/stage/1 +delque + + +<rem_cap> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m1 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + + +t///A fragment of Lemur's memory flowed into Lana's mind when she managed to seal him with magic power. +two + +load/3/cb44/m2 +sf/3/7 +vf/3/in/3 +t/3/Lemur/Damn it... Those guys... They could talk down on me like that just because of their parent's influence... +t/3/Lemur/I am a GENIUS... There is no one in this world that is better than me in forging magical tools...! +t/3/Lemur/I will make them realize it... +two +vfw/3/out + + +load/3/cb44/m2 +load/4/cb43/m2 +vf/3/in/3 +vf/4/in/7 +sf/4/3 +t/7/Ruti/My name is Ruti. +t/7/Ruti/I have been invited by the Imperial Court to work here as a magical tool development assistant. +t/7/Ruti/Nice to meet you. +t/3/Lemur/Y-yes... I'm Lemur. I am the head of the Royal Research Lab. +sf/4/2 +t/7/Ruti/Ah, so that means you are my superior right? +t/3/Lemur/Hm.. yeah. You could say that. Nice to have you working here. +two +vf/3/out +vfw/4/out + + +load/3/cb44/m2 +load/4/cb45/m2 +sb/4/1 +vf/3/in/3 +vf/4/in/7 +t/7/Rosalia/Hey, Lemur... It it true that I will be able to use magic? +sf/3/5 +t/3/Lemur/Of course, Princess Rosalia. +t/3/Lemur/My invention will be successful without fail. +sf/4/5 +be/4/p2 +t/7/Rosalia/Then, I want to be able to talk to this doll! +t/7/Rosalia/...So, can you do that? +t/3/Lemur/Indeed I can, I'll make anything happen just like you wish. +t/3/Lemur/Please have trust in my capabilities. +two +vf/3/out +vfw/4/out + + + +load/3/cb44/m2 +sf/3/7 +vf/3/in/3 +t/3/Lemur/Damn it... That woman... How could her development succeed before mine... +t/3/Lemur/She did something that I couldn't do for years... +t/3/Lemur/What now... I have to get a hold of her research results somehow... +t/3/Lemur/Maybe I can sneak inside the lab and steal her records...? +two +vfw/3/out + + +load/3/cb44/m2 +load/4/cb43/m2 +vf/3/in/3 +vf/4/in/7 +sf/4/3 +t/7/Ruti/Congratulations, Chief! +sf/4/1 +t/7/Ruti/Only a little more and I could have completed this technology, but in the end there was an error... +t/3/Lemur/Ah, well I was actually able to perfect my research. +t/3/Lemur/I have already tested it on the dolls and it was a complete success. +t/3/Lemur/Soon I'm going to report this success to the king. +t/3/Lemur/The technology to transfer magic power between living beings - With this there's no doubt that humans too will be able to wield magic. + +t/7/Ruti/Uhm, it's been on my mind for a while, but what is this ""doll"" you are talking about? +t/7/Ruti/I haven't been shown any test subjects apart from the animals so I don't know... +t/3/Lemur/Aah, that's not important. +t/3/Lemur/It's just some material I used to improve the precision of my research. + +t/3/Lemur/By the way, I heard your daughter has gone missing... It is true? +sf/4/4 +t/7/Ruti/...Y-yes. +t/3/Lemur/When did it happen? +t/7/Ruti/That... It happened a long time ago... +sf/4/8 +t/7/Ruti/I was a failure of a mother. +t/7/Ruti/It wasn't too long after i gave birth to her, I turned my eyes away for just a moment... +t/7/Ruti/Her name was Lana, but I have a feeling... that she's still alive somewhere. +t/7/Ruti/She was wearing a brooch that had her name engraved on it, so if she's alive maybe she will know... +t/3/Lemur/Is that so... +t/3/Lemur/(Now that she mentioned it, that Eirich guy once brought some sort of brooch with him... well whatever.) +two +vf/3/out +vfw/4/out + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/3/out +v/4/out +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm + + +<stev56g> + +if/ev:27:0 + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +t/3/Lana/It's... defeated... +t/3/Lana/I'm saved... +t/3/Lana/A-anyway, I need to find a way out... +two +vfw/0/out + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama! That's where you were! +t/7/Ily/I'm happy you're safe... +t/3/Lana/Yeah, somehow... +t/7/Ily/So you defeated the bounty...? +t/3/Lana/Yeah... but it was a close call... +t/7/Ily/I'm glad... you did it. +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, with this our fight is over. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Ily/...let's go back to town. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + +if/ev:27:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... with this... +t/7/Ily/Our battles are finally over. +t/7/Ily/...let's go back to town. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +ifc/unit:0:28:1/stev56g2 + + +jump/normal_ed +<stev56g2> + + +setev/28/1 +setev/18/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb21/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/This girl... it's impossible... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Yeah... I managed to capture her. +t/7/Ily/I can't believe you really did it... I'm surprised. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Ily/However, she can no longer return to the kingdom. +t/7/Ily/She's already... being treated like she doesn't exist. +t/7/Ily/Even if she were to return she may be killed for sake of destroying evidence... +t/7/Ily/What do you plan to do with her? + +t/3/Lana/...I'll take her home. +be/1/p2 +t/7/Ily/That... please don't treat it like taking a stray kitten home. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I don't feel any magical power in her anymore, I think she's a normal human again. +t/7/Ily/...but... +sf/0/3 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/It's going to be alright, from now she'll live as a different person! +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/We should change her name. Her name is Rosalia, so from now on she'll be... +sf/0/3 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Lia! +sf/0/1 +t/7/Ily/... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/I understand... +t/7/Ily/If you're going so far... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/Indeed, it looks like this girl has lost her power, she may not be a danger anymore. +sf/0/3 +t/3/Lana/I'm so glad! Ily, thank you! +t/7/Ily/...Well then... lets go home. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb45/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Girl/Ah... +t/7/Girl/...I... +t/7/Girl/Nevermind... I can't recall... +t/3/Lana/My memories are messed up... +t/3/Lana/Can you at least recall your name? +t/7/Girl/I don't know... there's nothing... +sf/0/5 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Then, can I call you Lia? +t/7/Girl/Lia...? Is that... my name...? +sf/0/3 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Yep! The one i just gave you! +t/7/Girl/Eh... o-ok... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Lia, you can stay here for now. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/At least until... your memories have returned. +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/1/cb20/c +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let us visit the bounty office. +t/7/Ily/Seems like there already is a crowd of people who heard the rumours. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/wan25 +<ev29> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev29/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + +t/7/Lana/This wound... I... I'm done for. +t/7/Lana/I'm sorry for... leading you into... this dangerous fight... +t/7/Lana/But I'm sad... that I won't see... Onee-sama again... +t/7/Lana/I can't... go back home... +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... +sfade/7/2 +t///Her body slowly lost its warmth as a large amount of blood was flowing from her abdomen. + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama, my power... +t/3/Ily/I will inject my power... into Lana-sama...! +t/7/Lana/Eh... +two + +sfade/7/1 +t///In front of the dying Lana, Ily suddenly exposed her crotch. +t///Then she began to remove Lana's clothes. + +t/7/Lana/Wh... why... +t///Lana was half-conscious as her lower body became exposed. + +sfade/7/4 +t/3/Ily/I will pump my magic power inside Lana-sama... +t///Having said that, Ily spread Lana's thighs open and touched her vaginal opening with her penis. + +t/7/Lana/?! +t///Even though her head was hazy, Lana was still troubled by Ily's actions. +t///Ily's penis had already heated and swollen up, pulsing with bloody veins. +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... +t///Wet with saliva, Ily's penis squished itself onto Lana's vagina, making sticky liquidy sounds. + +sfade/7/5 +t///Ily slowly lowered her hips and began penetrating Lana's vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Fuu?! Hnn... + +t///Lana, dying from the large open wound on her chest, had her vagina stretched to its limit. + +t/3/Ily/Hnn... So this is... Lana-sama's insides... + +t///Ily's face was blood red with an expression of ecstacy as she breathed heavily. +t///Transparent fluids leaking out from Ily's penis tip and Lana's vagina mixed with the little blood Lana had left. + +t///*Squelch*... *Squish*... + +t///Ily started swinging her hips, thrusting her penis into Lana's vagina. + + +t/3/Ily/Fuu... Fuu... +t///Ily was squinting her eyes while shaking her hips faster and faster. + +t/3/Ily/Haa... Haa... I'm going to pump... my stuff... inside Lana-sama... +t/3/Ily/My... magic power... Please take it... inside yourwomb... Lana-sama... + +t///Ily clenched her teeth as she shoved her genital into Lana's as deep as she could. + +t/3/Ily/I'm... cumming... +t/3/Ily/I'll... let out... a lot... inside...!! +two + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squirt*!!! *Splurrt*!!! +t///Large amounts of sperm squirted out of Ily's pulsating penis. +t///Thick white fluids overflowed from Lana's vagina and sprayed everywhere. + +cumf/3 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurrt*!! *Squirt*!! +t///Semen kept on flowing out from Lana's vaginal opening as Ily continued to ejaculate many more times. +two + +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Ily/Ah... Uu... Ah... +t///Ily's eyes rolled back from orgasm pleasure and she stopped moving for a short moment. +two + +sfade/7/2 +t///In an instant... +t///Lana's body tissues started regenerating rapidly, closing the open wound and growing back the skin on top. +t///Lana's hazy mind slowly became clear, her darkened eyes grew bright again. +t///The wound on Lana's abdomen had gone as if it was all just a dream. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Lana/H-Huh...? +t/7/Lana/My body... doesn't hurt anymore... + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama, I'm glad... +t/7/Lana/Eh... wha... why did something like this... +t/3/Ily/There's no time for explanation... he's still close. +t/3/Ily/...This time, let's defeat this monstert! +t/7/Lana/Y-yeah! + +t///Lana stood up again without understanding what had happened to her body. + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<lose29b> +t/POS/Lemur/GUEAHAAAAAARGHH!! +two +<normal_ed> + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, let us visit the bounty office. +t/7/Ily/Seems like there already is a crowd of people who heard the rumours. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +setev/18/1 + +jump/wan25 +<wan25> + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +load/2/cb3/c +load/3/cb13/c +sbtown/0 +sb/2/111 +sb/3/101 + + +vf/1/in/7 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana-chan... you finally did it... +t/7/Lizbeth/And at long last the witch's army also... disappeared. +t/7/Lizbeth/You're this countrys saviour... I feel like 10 Million Gold ist big enough of a reward for what you did. +two + +vfw/1/out +vf/2/in/7 + + +t/7/Baldo/I've been waiting for you. +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/! +t/7/Baldo/Good job, hunting down the Witch. + +if/ev:29:1 +t/7/Baldo/As expected from someone who could defeat even me. +tend + +t/7/Baldo/Then, I will take the 10 Million Gold reward... alright? +t/7/Baldo/I promised I'll release her if you pay that amount. +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/I-in that case, release her now! +t/7/Baldo/Absolutely. In fact, I've already arranged everything. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/?! +two + +vfw/2/out + +sf/3/8 +vfw/3/in/7 + + +bgm/15 + +t/7/Elena/Lana-chan... +sf/3/1 +t/7/Elena/I missed you... +sf/0/8 +t/3/Lana/O-onee-sama... +t/3/Lana/I'm glad +t/3/Lana/For so long... I've been fighting... to save you Onee-sama... +sf/3/8 +t/7/Elena/Thank you... Lana-chan... for all you've been through for my sake... +two + + + + +jump/ending_line +<ver2op> +setev/5/0 +setev/9/2 +setev/19/2 +setstage/55/10 +setstage/60/1 +setwanted/25/2 + + +if/title:2,unit:0:28:0/tt2 +addmember/28/30/2 +setcg/11/1 +tend/tt2 + + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 +t///-- A few days later +two + + +if/unit:0:29:0 +loadseen/fd8/bg41 +load/0/cb27/c + +bgm/13 + +t///There was a black blob wandering in the manna breeder reactor. +t///It gradually swelled and turned into a form resembling a person. +two + +load/8/be80/m2 +veff/8/7 +wait/1500 + +vf/0/in/7 +t/7/Lemur/Gufu... Gufufu... +t/7/Lemur/They're stupid people... +t/7/Lemur/I am going to die at this rate... +t/7/Lemur/Rather it was power-up... +t/7/Lemur/In this mana amplification furnace... Because my body will continue to be restored infinitely... +two +tend + + + + +if/unit:0:29:1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/3/cb27/c +sb/0/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/By the way, when will you win the prize money for the defeated Lemur... +t/7/Ily/Lana, it is said that you can not receive prize money until the survey team confirms that you actually took him down. +t/7/Ily/Let's wait for a while until the investigation is over. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Well... +t/3/Lana/1000I've finished paying back a million.200If there is no million, the money... + +bgmout + +t///- At that time, the space between the two began to distort while releasing black light. +t/3/Lana/...? +two + + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/4 +wait/1000 + +load/8/be80/m2 +veff/8/4 +wait/1500 + +vf/3/in/4 + +bgm/13 + +sf/0/2 +sf/1/7 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/?! +mcm/0/2 +mcm/1/8 + +t///Lemur who should have been sealed by Lana's magic was seen there. +t/3/Lana/What is this? +t/5/Lemur/Guge... Buchuch... +t///A black shadow starts gathering around Lemur who is blowing bubbles from his mouth. +t///And that covered the whole room. +two + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/4 +wait/1000 + +load/8/fd21/m2 +sin/8 + +v/3/out + + +sout/8 + + +t///When the darkness that spread all over the area cleared up, there was sight of Lemur. + +bgmout + +t/3/Lana/Did it disappear...? +t/7/Ily/This... what the hell...? +t/3/Lana/That... such... It was supposed to be sealed by a sealed curse... +t/7/Ily/...I do not know what happened, but was it able to escape...? +t/7/Ily/Because he was with the princess who used the seal, he must have done the measures... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/What should I do... It may have been something serious... +two + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg9 + +load/0/cb440/c +load/1/cb27/c + +bgm/13 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/?/In the dark cave, a woman was standing in front of Lemur. +t/3/?/Force transfer succeeded… +t/3/?/But still… It is sealed… +t/3/?/To get my revenge done… If you don't have a fight with Lemur yet,… + + +t///A woman takes a medicine while muttering something and throws it to Lemur. +two + +load/8/be15/m2 +veff/8/7 +wait/1000 + +t///It is broken dust, were showered on the Lemur while blown up steam. + +be/1/shake + +t/7/Lemur/Abya... bya... +t/7/Lemur/Bya-?! +t/7/Lemur/Fu... fu... + +be/1/stop + +t/7/Lemur/Oo... oo... this is... +t/7/Lemur/Have I... returned... back to normal? +t/3/?/Lemur-sama… +t/7/Lemur/Oh... Ruti, you... +t/7/Lemur/Good work, NE... I was about to become a puppet of them... +t/7/Lemur/Thanks to you it has been released... +t/7/Lemur/Let's see... I'll have to give it back to the guyswho've matched me like this... +t/7/Lemur/Tear it to shreds and send it back to the minced meat, le... Kuku... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb10/c +sb/0/1 + +vf/0/in/3 + + +t///*knock knock* +t/3/Lana/! +t///A knock echoed from the door. + +two + + +vf/1/out +vf/2/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Oh, Lizbeth at the prize office? +sf/2/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, it's been a big deal. It's an emergency. +t/7/Lizbeth/This is where you've defeated Lemur, but there's a person who can see you again. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Huh... Lemur? +sf/2/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/I got it. And the investigation team was attacked and was annihilated. +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/?! +t/7/Lizbeth/The nearby troops are tracking, but apparently the enemy is headed in the direction of the Bloody Fang Desert in the south. +t/7/Lizbeth/In addition, it is said that there is a woman who uses a strange technique besides Lemur. +t/3/Lana/A strange art? +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh, he's going to attack the evil spirits. And the Demons are almost invisible. +t/7/Lizbeth/Anyway, I must lead my troops right now and make a launch. +t/7/Lizbeth/Their location is about to be investigated. There is a den of the demon "Cave of the Keel" in the destination in that desert. +t/7/Lizbeth/Perhaps they are based there. +t/7/Lizbeth/If possible, I want you to participate in the fight. +t/3/Lana/Oh yes... I'll think about it. +t/7/Lizbeth/I'll give you a map for now. +t/7/Lizbeth/If you join Lemur subdue, of course the reward will be put out. +t/7/Lizbeth/They are a great enemy. I can't be too careful. It's reassuring to have your support... Please. +t/7/Lizbeth/...Anyways, I don't have any time, so I'll be going immediately. +t/7/Lizbeth/I'll be off then. +t/3/Lana/Understood. Take care... +two + +vfw/2/out + +t/5//Lizbeth went out the door. +two + +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, as it seems Remuru has come back to life... +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +t/7/Ily/So then, what will you do? +t/3/Lana/I would like to go help if possible, but... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/The "Desert of the Blood Fang" of the story earlier is a very dangerous place. +t/7/Ily/If you head there, you might not be able to return home alive. +t/3/Lana/I do not want to go to dangerous places too often... +two + +load/2/cb13/c +vfw/1/out +vf/2/in/7 + +sf/2/4 +t/7/Elena/Lana-chan... +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama. +t/7/Elena/Stop the dangerous battle... +t/7/Elena/You can save money little by little by working. +t/7/Elena/There is no need to fight any more risky battles. +t/7/Elena/Because I will work somehow to finance the money to find my father. +t/7/Elena/You can leave this matter to the people of the Subjugation Corp. +t/3/Lana/Uh... well... what shall I do. +two +vf/2/out + + + +if/unit:0:28:1 + +load/3/cb45/c +vf/3/in/7 + +t/7/Lia/Lana! +sf/3/3 +pon/3 +t/7/Lia/If Lana goes, I will also go! +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Eh, Lia. +t/3/Lana/Can you fight? +pon/3 +t/7/Lia/Yeah. I can fight! +t/7/Lia/I can stop moving creatures from far away ♪ +t/3/Lana/Huh... I can get stuck...? +sf/3/1 +t/7/Lia/yes. Is this what you call a magic? I feel like there is something else cured. +t/3/Lana/Well... well... Well there is originally that, Lia... +t/3/Lana/If I try not to go out before then, may I come with you? +sf/3/3 +pon/3 +t/7/Lia/I did it! I will do my best for Lana too! +two +vf/3/out + +tend + +vfw/0/out + + + + + +if/unit:0:28:1 +delmember/28 +addmember/45/1 +tend + +if/unit:0:29:1 +delmember/29 +tend + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev60> +setstage/60/2 + + +load/0/cb10/c +load/1/cb4/c +load/2/cb5/c +load/3/cb271/c +sb/0/101 + +bgm/13 + +camera_xy/14/24 + +vf/3/in/3 +vf/2/in/7 + +t/7/Soldier/This, these guys are endlessly springing! +t/7/Soldier/There is no need to beat it...! +two + +load/5/be5/m2 +be/3/attack +veff/5/7 +wait/150 + +be/2/damage +wait/300 +mcm/2/8 + +t/7/Soldier/Uwaaaaaaaaa---! +t///The soldier took a demon blow and collapsed to the spot. +two + +vf/2/out +vfw/3/out + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Soldier/Captain, it's the limit! Let's withdraw! +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lizbeth/Ku... Can't help it. It is wiped out as it is. +t/3/Lizbeth/We're back! Retreat! +two + +vf/2/in/8 + +t/7/Soldier B/Captain! It is surrounded by the demon behind and cannot withdraw! +t/3/Lizbeth/What is it...? +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + + +st_ev/200 + +load/0/cb27/c +vf/0/in/3 + +t/7/Lemur/Woohoo... That's stupid... +t/7/Lemur/I'm sure you've chased me... Coco is a den of Bladdiffang... +t/7/Lemur/You're going to have dinner with those guys, good! ...Wuhu... +two +vfw/0/out + +st_ev/201 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +bgm/6 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/According to the map, this will be your destination... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/Apparently they were caught in quicksand and wandered off with their friends. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/You can see more than one puppy in the sky. Watch out for those moves. +two + +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/...!! +t/3/Lana/Is that, by any chance, Lizbeth...??! +t/7/Ily/Certainly... It seems. +t/7/Ily/They seem to be stuck surrounded by enemies. +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/You got to help! +t/7/Ily/Like Lana, please stop the reckless. +t/7/Ily/If you dive over there, we will be prey to monsters! +t/3/Lana/, but... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +bgm/6 + + + +<stev60b> +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Like Lana, there's a herd of puppies from the sky...! +t/7/Ily/Be careful not to be pincer! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<stev60g> +setstage/60/10 +setstage/61/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb445/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, I'm sorry... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/If you hadn't come, there was no life for me. +t/7/Lizbeth/Let me thank you... Thank you. +t/3/Lana/No, No... It's not enough to thank me... +t/7/Lizbeth/Don't be humble. I owe it to you. +t/7/Lizbeth/There is a den of the demon named "Cave of the Keel" ahead. +t/7/Lizbeth/It is a dangerous place where most demons spread. Lemur will probably be there... +t/7/Lizbeth/If you go on, be careful enough. +t/7/Lizbeth/For the time being, I turn back once. +t/7/Lizbeth/After, please... If it is not you still, it seems not to be able to compete with the Demons ahead. + + +if/live:2:10:1 +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/And... This. +t/7/Lizbeth/I picked up something like this before, perhaps a formula for the Magic tool... +t/7/Lizbeth/I can't read it, but I can use it. +t/5//I received a recipe 40 from Lizbeth. +additem/4100 +tend + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/menu_slow + + + + + + + + + + + +<stev61> +setstage/61/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/That's the keel cave... +t/7/Ily/According to the map, there seems to be no doubt. +t/7/Ily/But... It is a flock of demons as far as the eye... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/What if... +t/7/Ily/I can't be helped... Let's clean up all the enemies here and then head to the caves. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev61b> + +load/0/cb203/c +load/1/cb201/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Bandit/To go to... +t/3/Bandit/It was Yabe, but it was the right answer! +t/7/Bandit/Ooh! I'm going to Hitugashi the Misami from behind. +t/7/Bandit/Let's Go! It's show time for our fantastic heist! Futsu +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Lana, there's a group of people from the other side... +t/7/Ily/Moreover, it seems to have the missile apparently. +t/7/Ily/Be careful, if you are in the air, the damage caused by missile is increased. + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +<stev61g> +setstage/61/10 +setstage/62/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Somehow we did it... +t/7/Ily/And then we go into the cave... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/I feel a strange sign from inside. After you have prepared enough, let's head. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg9 + +load/0/cb440/c +load/1/cb27/c + +bgm/13 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/Fucking... They... Stubborn Naa... +t/7/Lemur/...It was a little looong ne... I don't plan to doanything... +t/7/Lemur/Rudy, I need to ask you a Daga... +t/7/Lemur/Hoshii to fuse me with that super-duper demon... +t/7/Lemur/I can help you, Da... +t/3/?/But… If you do that, you will not be able to use the ability to transfer from the ghosts. +t/3/?/Then you will not be able to escape from the front of the enemy… +t/7/Lemur/Hmm... No problem, NE... +t/7/Lemur/You don't need the ability to run because you're so invincible that you don't need it... +t/3/?/I understood… +t/3/?/Somehow… I will try… + +two + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev62> +setstage/62/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/1/7 +sf/0/4 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/This cave... Pretty big, huh...? +t/7/Ily/The ground is fragile, and the scaffolding collapses everywhere. +t/7/Ily/Please be careful not to fall. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +<stev62b> + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sf/1/7 +sb/1/101 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, we're here to help! +t/7/Lizbeth/I'll protect you backwards! + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/What?! Oh, thank you. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev62g> +setstage/62/10 +setstage/63/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Like Lana, it's still going to go on. +t/7/Ily/I see some artificial structures. Let's go ahead. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb445/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, I'm sorry about that. +t/7/Lizbeth/Instead of being able to help me who should have come to support, I have become a drag. +t/3/Lana/No, it's good. I'm glad you're alright. +t/3/Lana/Anyway, please wait in a safe place. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Sorry... I'll leave it to you from here. + +if/live:2:10:1 +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/And... I just picked up something like this... +t/7/Lizbeth/I feel a lot of magic... If you Sounara to help me. +t/3/Lana/T-thank you! +t/5//I received the "Pupil of the Dark spirit" from Lizbeth. +additem/1157 +tend + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev62hd> + +ifn/live:0:45:1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb53/c +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/?/Squeak Squeak! +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/What this apple dog... Friendly... +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/Hello? ...Hello...? +sf/0/9 +t/3/Lana/If... Do you want me to take you to the exit...? +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/-Tsu! +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Hmm... Really? +t/3/Lana/I was just going to get out of this road... +t/3/Lana/I'll take you away from that. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +tend + + + + + +if/live:0:45:1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb53/c +load/2/cb45/c +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/Squeak Squeak! +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/What this apple dog... Friendly... +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/Hello? ...Hello...? +sf/0/9 +t/3/Lana/I want to say something... +two + +vfw/2/in/5 + +t/5/Lia/Lana, this is her... +t/3/Lana/? +sf/2/3 +t/5/Lia/I want you to take me to the exit. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Huh? Is that so? +t/3/Lana/Does Lia know the animal's word? +sf/2/1 +t/5/Lia/Yes, just a little bit. +t/3/Lana/I see... Then I'll take you outside. +sf/2/3 +pon/2 +t/5/Lia/Okay, let's go.♪ +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +tend + + + +<stev62hd2> + +if/score:4 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb53/c +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/No! +t/3/Lana/! +t/3/Lana/You have this? +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/HM! +t///Lana received a free hot spring ticket. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/I don't know why you give me this stuff, but thank you. +t/7/Apple Dog/Squeak♪ +two +vfw/1/out + +t///The Apple dog walked away. +two +vfw/0/out + +tend + +jump/menu_slow +<stev63> +setstage/63/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/This cave... There was such a structure in the back. +t/7/Ily/I see some doors, but there seems to be no such thing as a handle. +t/7/Ily/It seems to have no choice but to break and go ahead. + +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Huh... But if you break the door, what are you going to do if you're scared...? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/...There is a possibility. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Before you break the door, make sure you are well prepared before opening it. + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev63b> + +load/0/cb442/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Come again…? +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/If possible… I didn't want to fight… +sf/0/7 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/But if you're not withdraw,…Can't help it… +two + +vfw/0/out +<stev63g> +setstage/63/10 +setstage/64/1 +setstage/7/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb440/c + +bgm/13 + +sf/0/7 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/8/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Uh… +t/8/Evil Spirit's Messenger/This I… Be done… What a… +t/8/Evil Spirit's Messenger/But that's not the end… +sf/1/7 +t/8/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I can't die yet…! +two + +load/8/be80/m2 +veff/8/8 +wait/1500 + +t///When the one like the medicine which had it in the hand was everybody, a cloudy fog filled in the vicinity, and it began to swirl like surrounding the woman. +t///And the figure melted into the darkness with a black mist. +two + +load/8/fd21/m2 +sin/8 + +v/1/out + +sout/8 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/!! +two + +load/1/cb20/c +sf/1/7 + + +t/3/Lana/...H-huh? +t/3/Lana/...You lost sight of? +two + +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Ily/this is... +t/7/Ily/Did he escape... +t/3/Lana/You finally cornered it... + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb10/c +load/3/cb3/c +sb/3/111 + +t///After that, Lana returned to town and went to collect her prize money. + + +bgm/11 + +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/2 +vf/2/in/8 + +t/3/Ily/Lisbet, what is the relationship between that evil spirit and Lemur? +t/3/Ily/Could you tell me what you know? +sf/2/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/No, I don't care about that... +two + +vf/3/in/8 +vf/2/out + +t/7/Baldo/I'll speak about that. +t/3/Ily/Mr. Baldo? + +t/7/Baldo/You're probably using that demon... There is a recall from the information of the appearance. +t/7/Baldo/I can't remember the name, but she was the woman who supported the technology development of Lemur... +t/7/Baldo/I heard that while I was young, I was one of the best drilling in the country, and I was invited tothe Magic Tool Institute of the Court with special treatment. +t/7/Baldo/However, why was he surviving in that case? ...And you didn't come back to the city? ...It does not understand. +t/7/Baldo/There is no ability beyond the ordinary of manipulating demons. +t/7/Baldo/Maybe he's the one who gave Lemur a special ability. + +t/3/Ily/What kind of person was Lemur? +sf/3/4 +t/7/Baldo/Well... I feel like I've talked about this before,but I'm going to talk a little more... +sf/3/1 +t/7/Baldo/His father was the Prime Minister of this country, and he was in a position to have more political power than the royals. +t/7/Baldo/And that man, the son, was doing whatever he wanted to do. +t/7/Baldo/No one could talk back to that person. +sf/3/7 +t/7/Baldo/He was given a good position for not having much ability, and was always on the side of the royal family, and he acted intimately with the princess. +t/7/Baldo/In that case, I might have been plotting to attach an engagement with the princess. +sf/3/1 +t/7/Baldo/It's still beginning, but the horrible thing is the brutality of his... +t/7/Baldo/There was a cruelty to treat human life like a insect. +t/7/Baldo/The person who died of regret in the hand of him does not count. +t/7/Baldo/But this was never to be told. +t/7/Baldo/If you mention it, he'll buy his father's wrath, and he'll be blindly and executed... +sf/3/4 +t/7/Baldo/That's why I couldn't talk back to him. +sf/3/1 +t/7/Baldo/He asked for experimental people to advance experiments at the institute sooner. +t/7/Baldo/He called this "dole." +t/7/Baldo/And, a lot of men were carried, and it was made a laboratory material there. +t/7/Baldo/These facts are only known to the top of the country, but if the people know Cross, a riot will occur and more blood will flow. +t/7/Baldo/I believe that I must fulfill my role as the Commissioner of the inspection Agency so as not to cause such a situation. +sf/1/1 +t/3/Ily/Is that right... I know the most. +two + +vfw/3/out + +load/3/cb10/c +vf/3/in/8 + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, a recon unit has been contacted by an evil demon who has infested the eastern forest. +t/7/Lizbeth/It is called the Forest of the ghost. +t/7/Lizbeth/It's a pretty dangerous place, but if you're chasing him, you should head there. +t/4/Lana/Huh... What should I do... +t/7/Lizbeth/...I'll leave it up to you to go or not. +t/7/Lizbeth/But if he's a collaborator of Lemur, he'll fight for it. +sf/0/9 +t/4/Lana/Let's see... +t/4/Lana/I wonder if it's better to go to Lemur or to the first... +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/3/out + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev63hd0> + +ifn/live:0:45:1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb53/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/?/Cucumber… +t/3/Lana/! +t/3/Lana/Also Apple dog... +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/Squeak... Hello!... +sf/0/9 +t/3/Lana/Do you want me to help you again...? +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/It's so good! +sf/0/1 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/This feeling... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I wonder what... I have no idea... +t/3/Lana/I wonder if I should defeat the enemy who is here for the time being. +t/3/Lana/I wish there were people who understood the words of animals... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + +if/live:0:45:1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb53/c +load/2/cb45/c +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/?/Cucumber… +t/3/Lana/! +t/3/Lana/Also Apple dog... +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/Squeak... Hello!... +sf/0/9 +t/3/Lana/Do you want me to do something again...? +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/It's so good! + +vfw/2/in/5 + +t/5/Lia/Lana, this is her... I want you to help me. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/! +t/5/Lia/He's been fighting forced, so he says not to beat him. +t/3/Lana/Do you have a friend? +t/5/Lia/Yes, I don't know which one is my friend... +t/5/Lia/I think it would be good if it did not beat the same maybe. +t/3/Lana/The same? +t/3/Lana/Let's see... I do not know well, I wonder if I should proceed with care anyway? +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +tend +<stev63hd> + +if/livegrp:1:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb53/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/About Me♪ +t///Apple dog held out something. +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/What is this? Can I have it? +pon/1 +t/7/Apple Dog/Ugh, Fuwa! +t///Lana received a bug in pants. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/I don't know what that is, but thanks. +t/7/Apple Dog/Squeak♪ +two +vfw/1/out + +t///The Apple dog walked away. +two +vfw/0/out + +additem/1167 + +tend + + + + +if/unit:0:45:0 +read/ria_in2 +tend + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev7> +setstage/7/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/...This is a place called the Forest of Evil. +t/7/Ily/There seems to be a use of that demon in the first place... + +sf/1/7 +pon/1 +t/7/Ily/...?! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/W-what's the matter? +t/7/Ily/There's something... +t/3/Lana/...Something? +t/7/Ily/Yes, there is a kind of invisible Ghost... It's floating in the shade of trees. +t/7/Ily/I may be attacked... Be careful. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +<stev7g> +setstage/7/10 +setstage/8/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/There seem to be traces of people walking around here. +t/7/Ily/Maybe there is an evil spirit in the first place. +t/7/Ily/Let's go. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +jump/menu_slow + + +<stev7hd> + +camera_xy/24/25 + +load/0/cb203/c +load/1/cb200a/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +if/st:7:10 +t/3/Bandit/Aniki! Something strange group will be coming over here! How to do it! What? +t/7/Bandit/Hmm? +t/7/Bandit/Had the stupid people straying again? +t/7/Bandit/Do not let anyone trying to go through here alive and return. +t/7/Bandit/Stop wrapping and make it slime food! +t/3/Bandit/Well, I did it! +t/3/Bandit/Easy to do with a one-shot in this highly toxic catapult! +t/7/Bandit/Huhu... as long as I have this magical core's protection, no matter what will come, I am scared. +t/7/Bandit/I will be invincible if the magical core is not broken... +two +tend + +if/st:7:11:u +t/3/Bandit/Aniki! +t/3/Bandit/Also something strange group will be heading towards this! How to do it! What? +t/7/Bandit/What is it? +t/7/Bandit/I used to see you in the eyes. +t/7/Bandit/But I will return it this time! +t/7/Bandit/You guys! Do not leave every single person! Do not let it escape!! +t/3/Bandit/Well, I did it! +t/3/Bandit/Easy to do a beehive with this highly toxic catapult! +two +tend + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +camera_xy/5/16 + +<stev7hde0> +t/POS/Hunter killer/Stupid… who are these guys… +two +<stev8> +setstage/8/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +camera_xy/13/4 +wait/500 +camera_xy/14/25 + +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Look over that cliff... That's doomed the evil spirits... +t/3/Lana/yes... I'm sure. +t/7/Ily/I'd like you to capture it if possible. +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/...Eh, capture? +t/7/Ily/Yes, the evil spirits use... I want to know why we're fighting. +t/3/Lana/yes... I want to be able to then do so, but it's difficult... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ily/It doesn't matter if it is impossible. +t/7/Ily/Because it is my willfully... + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +<stev8g> +setstage/8/10 + +if/unit:0:1840:0 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb440/c +sf/0/7 +sf/2/4 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/2/in/8 + +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Hehehe… This is my destiny… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/With this… Hatred and sorrow… With my death… Return to Nothingness… +two + +vfw/2/out + +t/5//The demon's errand collapsed, and it did not move as it was. +two + +sf/0/6 +sf/1/1 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... You did it... +t/3/Lana/yes... But this guy, why did you cooperate with Lem...? +t/7/Ily/That is... Don't know. It might have been manipulated. +t/7/Ily/But it is not a way to think about it now. +t/7/Ily/If it is possible to defeat the Lemur, no one can be hurt any more. +t/7/Ily/Let's go. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + +if/unit:0:1840:1 +delmember/1840 +setev/18/3 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb441/c + +sb/0/2 +sf/0/7 +sf/1/4 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/2/in/8 + +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Sigh… Sigh… + +t/3/Lana/...Let me know if you're not being manipulated. +t/3/Lana/You... Why do you cooperate with Lemur? +t/3/Lana/You are such a bad guy! +t/3/Lana/I'm sure you cheated! + + +sf/2/3 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Hehehe… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh, no… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/He's been deceived…? +sf/2/7 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I'm not fooling him… It's me… + +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/?! +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/The princess went mad and killed a lot of people… What I've been doing… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I also strengthened the drilling with the Magic tool technology… +t/3/Lana/What? ...What do you mean? +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I… He deliberately manipulated the drug to make sure that the concoction failed… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/That's why the princess who drove out of magic is crazy… Attacked people… Destroyed the institute. +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Lemur, too… I'm sure I don't know that… +t/3/Lana/Why... Do that... +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/All human beings in the Institute… You can die… I thought so… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/They… They were fooling me… +t/3/Lana/Cheating...? +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/The lab was using humans to experiment with magic… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Without me knowing it… I've been developing and reporting new technologies… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/When I am… I was curious how you were doing the experiment… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/A hierarchy that is forbidden to enter… sneaked there… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/And… So how is my research being used? …Got to know… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/That man is called a doll… The people who used the specimen were confined to the jail… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I was a shiver… It's going to be a big deal if we give it up… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/But… In examining it, I noticed another thing… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/On the side of the experiment facility… There was a piled room of strange clothes… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/So I… Of my daughter who was missing… I found my clothes… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I was convinced… My daughter is carried… It was used to experiment here… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I… I was cooperating with them without knowing anything… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/And… My research is… I killed her… +t/3/Lana/... +sf/2/7 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh, no… We can all die… +sf/2/6 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/My… I took my precious daughter… All of them… +sf/2/7 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/And the culprit that directed it… The man named Bard… I will never forgive that man… +t/3/Lana/...Did Bard tell you that? +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I survived… That guy told me about the facts… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/That he was only threatening to follow him… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Stole said he was ordering the townspeople to use the experiment… +t/3/Lana/The Secretary of the Bard... +t/3/Lana/But maybe not... +sf/2/6 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I'm done talking… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Kill him if you want… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/To me anymore… No place to go… +two + +sf/1/7 +vf/1/in/4 + +t/5/Ily/... + +sf/2/2 +pon/2 +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/! +t/5/Ily/I saw it in the vicinity and finally understood. +t/5/Ily/You are my... +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/What is that? …If… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Ili……?? +t/5/Ily/Yes. + +sf/1/4 +t/5/Ily/Still, you were the master. +t/5/Ily/I want to be glad if it is true that the master was alive... +t/5/Ily/I rejoice in this situation. +sf/1/7 +t/5/Ily/Please do not make any more foolish masters. +t/5/Ily/I don't know the truth about what was said from Lemur. +t/5/Ily/But I never think it's good to cooperate with him. +sf/2/6 +t/7/Ruti/... +t/5/Ily/Master, you have hurt a lot of people... It is notto be forgiven. +t/5/Ily/But... +sf/1/6 +t/5/Ily/Let's go home. +sf/2/2 +t/7/Ruti/?! +t/5/Ily/That house has not changed much as it was still the master. +t/5/Ily/I accept any sin that my master has committed. +sf/2/6 +t/7/Ruti/Such a thing... +t/7/Ruti/I'm not going back to that place... Not allowed...That's impossible... + +sf/1/1 +t/5/Ily/... +t/5/Ily/Understood. +t/5/Ily/Well then, Lana-sama, let's go. +t/3/Lana/Y-yeah... + +sf/2/2 +t/7/Ruti/...Lana? +t/3/Lana/? +t/7/Ruti/That child is Lana... What do you mean? With the same name as my daughter... +t/5/Ily/Yes... But only with the same name. +sf/2/6 +t/7/Ruti/I see... Is that right... +t/5/Ily/Yes... +t/5/Ily/Then, we will go to the origin of the remnant. +t/5/Ily/If I can get back alive, I'll see you again. +t/7/Ruti/... + +sf/2/1 +pon/2 +t/7/Ruti/Well, wait. +t/7/Ruti/This is... Take it. +t/5/Ily/...What is this? +t/7/Ruti/This is the orb I use to manipulate evil spirits... +sf/2/6 +t/7/Ruti/But I don't need any more... +t/7/Ruti/Something... If you can use it. +t/5/Ily/Is it good? +t/7/Ruti/... +t/7/Ruti/Oh... +t///I received a dark orb from Ruti. +additem/1158 + +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +tend + + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c + +bgm/11 + +sbtown/0 +sf/0/5 +sf/1/5 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, you did well. +t/7/Lizbeth/It seems that the evil spirits have disappeared from the forest of the evil. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lizbeth/Thanks to you for defeating the demon. +sf/1/5 +t/7/Lizbeth/The prize is ready, so take it proudly. +t///Received 200kG from Lizbeth +addgold/200000 +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev64> +setstage/64/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/What on earth is going on here... +t/7/Ily/It seems to be in the organ of a huge living thing. +t/7/Ily/You can see a strange object moving in the back... It might attack. Please be careful. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + +<stev64g> +setstage/64/10 +setstage/65/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Sigh... Tired... +t/7/Ily/Lana, this is probably the end of the last... +t/7/Ily/I'm sure Lem is there. Let's go. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev65> +setstage/65/2 + + +load/0/cb450/c + +camera_xy/14/3 + +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/Kuku... You were late, MUSIQUELADMO... +t/7/Lemur/You're gonna have me cornered, KEDO... Yes, I... +t/7/Lemur/My Reborn... To show the true power... Gigi... +t/7/Lemur/Guhaha... Roughly shaving power... +t/7/Lemur/Sha... I'll chop the shreds... Oide... +two + +vfw/0/out + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c + +camera_xy/14/22 + +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/That... Bounty neck Lemur?? +t/7/Ily/When I was a monster like that... +t/3/Lana/What are you going to do? ...I'm gonna fight that huge thing...? +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, there's nothing to do. +t/7/Ily/Anyway, you attack the remnant by defeating the enemy that is springing around. +t/3/Lana/But it's an attack... +t/7/Ily/Don't know... But there must be a way to do it without a normal attack. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +tend + + + + + + +<stev65g> +setstage/65/10 + +load/0/cb450/c +vf/0/in/7 + +t/7/Lemur/Aaaaaaaaaa... +be/0/shake +t/7/Lemur/Agyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!?! +t///Over and over again the cracks ran on the body of the remnant and began to crumble apart. +t/7/Lemur/Aaah... Ah... Aaaaah... Body... My... Body... +t/7/Lemur/Le Thi... Help B... Boko... Owoyo... +t///Crumble the body of the remnant while screaming. +two + +snd/s32 + +load/4/fd9/f +sin/4/2 +be/0/stop +vfw/0/out +sout/4 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Finally... I did... +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +sf/0/1 +sf/1/3 +t/7/Ily/...Like Lana, tired. +t/7/Ily/This time the battle is over. Let's go home. +t/7/Ily/All you have to do is report it to the prize office. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c + +bgm/11 + +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/0/5 +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Well done... +t/7/Lizbeth/This time the truth was destroyed. +t/7/Lizbeth/I'm sure the investigation team can get a reward. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Lizbeth/Congratulations. And your tired. You are a really tremendous strength. +t/7/Lizbeth/I would like to thank you for your money. +t///Paid2000000GReceived. +addgold/2000000 +setwanted/20/2 +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb13/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/5 +sf/1/5 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Elena/Lana, you are welcome. +t/7/Elena/It was good that they came back safely. +t/7/Elena/Another... You don't have to fight, do you? +sf/0/3 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Yes, my sister, the battle is over. +t/3/Lana/We ridged be together forever! +two + + +load/3/cb45/c + +vfw/3/in/8 + +sf/3/3 +pon/3 +t/8/Lia/Because I'm with you.♪ +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Oh, of course, Lia is with you! +two + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +bgmout + +t///...This is how Lana's battle ended. +two + + +if/ev:18:3 + +t///-- A few days later +t///In the deep forest, there was a figure of a and Le. +two + + +loadseen/fd8/bg8 + +load/0/cb20/c +load/1/cb442/c +sb/0/1 + +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/3/Ily/...Master, were you in a place like this? +t/3/Ily/There is no more Lemur. +t/3/Ily/Stop fighting nonsense. +t/7/Ruti/Excuse me... Daughter using the curse of the Seal... +t/7/Ruti/Did she grow up? +t/3/Ily/...No. + +t/3/Ily/... +t/3/Ily/My master, I was sorry for lying before. +t/3/Ily/I think that a girl named Lana is your real daughter. + +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/7/Ruti/...?! +t/3/Ily/That child has been needing to the Lunavurt house where I was working as a maid. +t/3/Ily/Then I realized. The moment I saw it, she was missing. +t/3/Ily/I don't know what route I got there... +t/7/Ruti/Why did you deny it before? +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama already has another family. +sf/0/6 +t/3/Ily/It should be very painful if it is known that it is a child of such a mother who killing a lot of people indirectly by pulling away from it and saying. +t/3/Ily/There are some things you don't need to know. +t/7/Ruti/... + +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ruti/Oh I see... No, it was good just to know that I was alive. +t/7/Ruti/It may be too late, but I hope to see you again... + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Ily/Master, then I will go. +t/7/Ruti/Oh... +t/3/Ily/Master, your information is already widespread as a prize-neck in the city. +t/3/Ily/Can you escape as far away as possible? ...Or... +t/7/Ruti/... +t/7/Ruti/Advice... Thank you. +two + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +tend + + +t///EEVersion 2 Clear EE +two + +jump/ed_v2 + + + +<ed_v2> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/7/ev30/b +sf/7/2 +v/7/in/0 + +load/6/ev611/m +v/6/in/0 + +sout/8 + +clc + +setcg/30/1 +save_fuma + +jump/ed_v2a +<ed_v2a> +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + + +t///Continue playing? +two + +selset/0/s0/Continue +selset/1/s1/Do not Continue +selview + +[s0] +jump/menu_slow +[s0]- + +[s1] +jump/title +[s1]- + +tend +<sq_eye> + +delitem/1154 + +loadseen/fd8/bg4 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb171/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/What is this strange statue? ...How do I use it? + +vf/2/in/5 + +t///The eyes of the Dirty devil is raised in front of the chest Lana looks mysteriously. +t/7/Ily/It became such an object when creating it according to the recipe. + +sf/0/9 +t/3/Lana/Eh, this... Is it a finished product? +t///It was Lana who was looking at the statue spinning and suspicious... +t///As soon as the eyes of the statue and Lana's eyes were combined, the shock of Lana's body hit. + +vf/2/out + +pon/0 +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/?! +two + +sf/1/2 +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/3 +wait/1000 + +t///The current flowing on Lana's arm burst into the eye instantly. + +sf/0/12 +t/3/Lana/Ah Ah! +t/7/Ily/?! This is...?! +t///He panic to Lana, who suddenly held his eyes and suffered. +t///However, the next moment, Lana opens his eyes so as not to be able to hold, and the strong light that Shi from his eyes catches him. +two + +tmov/bm11/5 + +load/8/be15b/m2 +veff/8/7 +wait/1000 +be/1/damage/1 + +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ily/The damn?! +t/7/Ily/Oh, yeah... Power from the body... +t/7/Ily/This power is... +two + +vf/1/out + +t///While suffering, crumble was kneeling on the floor. + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/!! +t///When he saw the situation, Lana was upset and weakened his gaze unconsciously. + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I- I'm really sorry... +t/3/Lana/Something... Maybe it's the same... + +t///He had a rough breath with his knees on the floor... Calm down after a while or stand up slowly. +two + +sf/1/4 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Sigh... Sigh... I almost lost my sanity... +t/7/Ily/I've heard that a long time ago... + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ily/That there is power to neutralize the other party in the eyes of the Dirty Demon... +t/7/Ily/He may have received the power from this statue. + +t/3/Lana/The body... Are you okay? +t/7/Ily/Yes, somehow... +t/7/Ily/Because I only have the resistance to the magic tentatively. +t/3/Lana/It was good... I thought that it had become serious. + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Let's see... But I don't know, but I wonder if I can use new magic again? +t/3/Lana/I had a sore eye for a moment, but it seems like nothing. +t/7/Ily/...Anyway, it was good to be safe. +t/7/Ily/The magic is sure to be usable again if Lana Ninjire is strong. +t/7/Ily/But, please do not use as much as possible because it is dangerous magic. + +t///Lana mastered the skills of "Sakubasuay." +two + +addsk/0/75 + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +jump/bstreet + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<jeil4> + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/7 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + +t/7/Guard/What? You came again... +t/3/Lana/It's 10 Million Gold! +t/7/Guard/W-what...? +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/I've brought 10 Million Gold! +t/3/Lana/Please, take this money and free my sister! +t/7/Guard/...Tch, wait a minute. +t/7/Guard/I'll report it to my superior officer! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb3/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/7 +sb/1/111 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Baldo/Fumu... this is definitely 10 Million Gold. +t/7/Baldo/I can't believe you actually managed to gather it... +t/7/Baldo/I thought it would be absolutely impossible, I'm surprised. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Baldo/I don't know how you managed to do it but... I'm impressed. +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Excuse me, please release my sister now. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/Aaa, that's right. +t/7/Baldo/Brign that one from custody. +two + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb13/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/101 +sf/1/8 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +bgm/15 + +t/7/Elena/Lana-chan... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Elena/I've missed you... +sf/0/8 +t/3/Lana/O-onee-sama... +t/3/Lana/I'm glad... +t/3/Lana/I wanted to save Onee-sama... for so so long... +t/3/Lana/I'm glad... I did my best to gather the money... +sf/1/8 +t/7/Elena/Thank you... Lana-chan... for all you've been through for my sake... +two + + +seted/3 +jump/ending_line + + + +<ending_line> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/ending/t0 + +v/8/0 + +ms/ending/t1 +<ending_txt> +#0 +Lana, who finally liberated Elena. +Then they rented a room in the city +The winnings that Lana got when he was a hunter. +He seems to be living a quiet and peaceful life now… + + +#1 +Lana was reunited with Elena. +They used to serve as maids, painful. +I came to live together in the house. +Even after that, the three of them were helping +He seems to be living a peaceful life… + + + +#2 +Lana was reunited with Elena. +They used to serve as maids, painful. +I came to live together in the house. +The Lia also joins there, +It seems to have a lively togetherness every day… +<ed_talk> + +if/ev:18:0 +read/ed_t0 +settitle/0 +tend + +if/ev:18:1 +settitle/1 +tend + +if/ev:18:2 +read/ed_t2 +settitle/2 +tend + +read/fin +<ed_t0> +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/2/cb13/c +load/1/cb20/c +sbtown/0 +sb/2/101 + +bgm/11 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/2/in/7 + +sf/2/2 +t/7/Elena/Lana-chan, what's going on?! Why are you dressing like that... + +t/3/Lana/Well, I... I want to go searching for our missing father. +t/3/Lana/So... I will be back after a while, even though ithurts to leave you Onee-sama once again. + +sf/2/4 +t/7/Elena/Wait, Lana-chan... +be/2/p2 +t/7/Elena/If that's how it is then I'll go too! I can't justleave you by yourself. + +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/What?! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I'm grateful but... I don't want to lead you into danger Onee-sama... + +vf/1/in/8 +t/8/Ily/Elena-sama, Lana-sama, please let me accompany you as well. +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Ily too?! +t/3/Lana/...W-What should I do... + +sf/2/1 +t/7/Elena/...Ah, that's it! There is something I forgot to say. +t/7/Elena/Before I was put into prison I saw some notes from Father, it said ""heading northwest"". +t/7/Elena/But I didn't really understand what it meant so I didn't talk about it until now... + +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Eeh! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! +t/3/Lana/Surely... Father is somewhere in the northwest... +t/3/Lana/I will head there and search for him! + +t/8/Ily/...Lana-sama, to reach the northwest land you might have to cross the big river. +t/8/Ily/You will face a lot of danger, even then you stillinsist on going? + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/...Yeah, I've been through so much pain and suffering to get here. +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/So if I just keep trying like that I will make it somehow. + +t/8/Ily/Understood. +t/8/Ily/Let us prepare for our journey. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///And thus, the trio went on a journey to a land far away... +two + + + + + + +<ed_t2> +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + + +read/ev21 +setcg/21/1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + + + +bgm/11 + +load/0/cb0/c +sb/0/1 +vf/0/in/3 + +t///--- Lana woke up. +t///Semen was overflowing from her panties, making stains on the bed sheet. + +sf/0/4 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Aah... Aaaaaaaaaaaah!! + +t///Lana was shocked and started to strip her clothes. + +t/3/Lana/It's all because I saw that dream... I'm in big trouble now... +t/3/Lana/I gotta wipe it clean quick... + +t///Lana's face was blushing as she started to wipe her sperm from the bed sheet. + +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/There is no way I can do such thing to Onee-sama... +t/3/Lana/If I do that she will definitely hate me... + +t///Lana was hating on herself as she changed her clothes. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb45/c +load/3/cb13/c +sb/0/1 +sf/0/6 +sb/3/101 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/If I stay here I might do something to Onee-sama... +t/3/Lana/I can't be here anymore. +t/3/Lana/Even though I love Onee-sama... That's why I must leave. + +vf/1/in/7 +t/8/Ily/Lana-sama... +sf/0/2 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Wah?! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/You scared me... +t/8/Ily/Please forgive me for startling you. +t/8/Ily/There is something I want to talk about... +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Eh, what is it...? + +t/8/Ily/I think I'll go far away for a while. +t/8/Ily/I may be not back for the next few months. +t/3/Lana/...Where are you going? + +t/8/Ily/To a land far away, northwest from here... +t/8/Ily/...where my hometown, the place I was born, is. + +t/3/Lana/...Your hometown? + +t/8/Ily/Yes, it's a place where people with Seal magic power live. +t/8/Ily/By the way... long ago, I used be called ""Cursed Seal Princess"". +t/8/Ily/Even though humans can't use magic, me and the people living in that village have the power to control monsters. + +t/3/Lana/Eh...""Cursed Seal Princess""? +t/8/Ily/The Cursed Seal Princess is a being who acts as the source that grants people cursed seal power. + +t/3/Lana/Cursed Seal power... can be granted? +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Could it be... Ily... The ring you gave me... + +t/8/Ily/That ring holds the magic power I've drawn from my body and accumulated inside it for many years. +t/8/Ily/Through the ring, Lana-sama absorbed my power and obtained the ability to use cursed Seal magic. + +t/3/Lana/This is the first time Im hearing this... +t/3/Lana/...You lied to me? + +t/8/Ily/I am sorry. +t/8/Ily/If I would've told you, other people might've found out... +t/8/Ily/...Having said that, Lana-sama's cursed seal power exceeds mine greatly. +t/8/Ily/It could be that there's a different innate power inside you. + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/I understand now... So that's why you want to leave? + +t/8/Ily/Yes, I will set out in a few days. + +sf/0/7 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/Alright, I'll go too! +sf/1/4 +t/8/Ily/...Lana-sama... +t/8/Ily/I am grateful but it's way too dangerous. + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/...the village is dangerous? +sf/1/1 +t/8/Ily/Not really but... you need to cross big rivers andmountains to get there so the way certainly isn't. +t/8/Ily/Also, the village once got set ablaze by a group of unknown attackers. +t/8/Ily/So there is a possibility that the village no longer exists. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Setting a village ablaze... Why would anyone do something like that? +sf/1/4 +t/8/Ily/I don't know. +t/8/Ily/Maybe they want to wipe us out of existence... +sf/1/1 +t/8/Ily/Anyhow, I was able to barely escape from there. I held out in the mountains and when I was about to die from starvation... +t/8/Ily/I was saved by Master Ruti, who happened to pass by, and then I was brought to this town. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Master Ruti? + +t/8/Ily/Yes, my saviour, Master Ruti, became my parent and brought me up. +t/8/Ily/Even though I knew nothing about it she taught me the art of crafting various types of magical tools. +t/8/Ily/So for the sake of my Master, I will do everything I can to repay my debts... +sf/1/4 +t/8/Ily/But one day she headed out to work and didn't come back... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/... +t/3/Lana/...To think Ily has such a past... +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/Ily, I will come with you. +t/3/Lana/You helped me a lot until now so I want to help you this time! + +t/8/Ily/...Lana-sama. + +vf/2/in/2 + +t/2/Lia/I will come as well! +sf/0/2 +sf/1/1 +be/0/p2 +t/3/Lana/?! +t/3/Lana/Lia, you heard everthing? +t/2/Lia/Yeah, I've been here a while ago you know? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... You are so small I didn't notice... + +vf/3/in/8 +t/8/Elena/Lana-chan, Ily, if you two go then I'll come too! +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/What?! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama too... + +sf/2/5 +t/2/Lia/We should just all go! +sf/3/5 +t/8/Elena/That's true. If we go together, there's nothing to fear! +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Yeah... Alright, let us all go! + +sf/1/4 +t/8/Ily/...Everyone... +t/8/Ily/...Thank you very much. +sf/1/3 +t/8/Ily/Understood. Let us go together. +two + + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///And so, Lana and her friends departed on a journey to the far northwest. +two + + + +<ev21> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev21/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t/7/Elena/-No, no! Lana! +t/7/Elena/I'm your sister you know?! Something like this is...! + +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama... I can't... hold back any more...! +t/3/Lana/I want to marry Onee-sama! +t/3/Lana/I grew a dick so... I can have sex with Onee-sama you know?! + + +t/7/Elena/N-no way, for you to say such thing...! +t/7/Elena/At any rate, you mustn't put it it...! + +t///Lana was hugging Elena while pressing in her hips. +t///Lana's penis was throbbing hot and rock hard, pushing itself against Elena's lower abdomen. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... I want to put it... inside Onee-sama...! + +t///Lana was heavily breathing like she had lost her mind as she rubbed her hips against Elena. + +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Elena/N-Noway... Lana please let me go I beg you... + +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama, do you hate me...? + +t/7/Elena/I-It's not like I hate you but... +t/7/Elena/You are my little sister... so... + +t/3/Lana/Just because I'm your little sister...? +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama... even though I'm the only one in this world that loves you the most! + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... + +t///Lana pressed her penis against Elena's nether region. +t///But she didn't thurst it inside Elana's vaginal opening, instead she rubbed its head onto Elena's clitoris. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Elena/Haa...! T-That place is...! + +t///Dripping with precum, Lana's penis tip stimulated Elena's clitoris as if it was licking it. + +t/3/Lana/Ah... Haa... +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama's pussy... is glued to my penis... +t/3/Lana/Amazing... I'm having sex with Onee-sama... + +t///Lana's hot throbbing penis under Elena's belly was almost about to burst. + +t/3/Lana/Haa...! Haa...! Onee-sama... + +t///Lana pushed her penis against Elena's labia, rubbing it up and down many times. + +t/3/Lana/I-I can't take it no more...! My penis... is at its limit... + +t///Being rubbed against Elena's labia, Lana's penis started twitching. +t///Excitement and pleasure from rubbing Elena's labia caused Lana's penis to reach its limit, even without penetration. + +t/3/Lana/I'm cumming! It's coming out...! Haa Aaaa! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/4 +t///*Squirt*! *Splurrt*!! *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +t///Lana sprayed semen all over Elena's belly. +t///Lana trembled with an expression of ecstacy as she kept on ejaculating with her pulsating penis. +t///The bed sheet was soaked with overflowing semen squirted out by Lana. + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/Onee-sama... I love you... I want to do this everyday... + +t/7/Elena/Lana-chan... +t/7/Elena/Yeah... I love you too Lana... +t/7/Elena/I'm sorry Lana... for not answering the feelings you had for me until now... + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<fin> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/ending/f0 + +sout/8 + +clc + +jump/ed_score +<ed_score> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/ending/s0 + +sout/8 + +ms/ending/s1 + +bgmout +<ed_urank> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/ending/u0 + +sout/8 + +ms/ending/u1 +<fin_img> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/7/ev18/b +sf/7/1 +v/7/in + +sout/8 + +setcg/18/1 +save_fuma + +clc + +jump/title_2 +<ver3op> + +setev/34/2 +setwanted/20/1 +setev/16/0 +setstage/9/1 + +bgm/13 + +loadseen/fd8/bg45 +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb520/c +sb/0/111 +sb/1/1 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/2 + + + +t/2/Man/Like Bard... There's no doubt about that black-haired woman. +t/2/Man/I found a lot of evidence from his house. +t/2/Man/We have also confirmed rumors about special abilities. + + +sf/0/2 +t/7/Baldo/Hm... Was it still so? +t/7/Baldo/That woman... It was a terrible deceit. +t/7/Baldo/I thought it would be impossible for such a girl to beat the prize head one after another... +t/7/Baldo/That woman was helping her from behind... It was worth investigating the suspicious thinking. + +t/2/Man/Bard, this is not a chance, is it? +t/2/Man/If that woman is real, he may be able to reopen the project that has been derailed. +t/2/Man/With that blood, you should be able to bring the power of the royal seal to the Royals again. + +sf/0/1 +t/7/Baldo/Hm... +t/7/Baldo/But how do you Iraele him? + +t/2/Man/We have not yet handed the prize to those people. Why don't you try that opportunity? + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Baldo/...That's true. +t/7/Baldo/You can catch them with bait and divide them. +t/7/Baldo/And, it is likely to be able to capture it more safely if it invites it in the soccer trap. +sf/0/7 +t/7/Baldo/Alright, let's get ready. + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg8 +load/0/cb20/c +load/1/cb442/c +load/2/cb0/c +sb/2/120 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/8 + +bgm/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 +vfw/2/in/2 + +t/5/Ily/...Master, I understand your feelings. +t/5/Ily/You're going to live here all the time... +t/7/Ruti/Oh... I can't go back to the city anymore. This ismy only place. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ruti/But... +t/7/Ruti/It's not that I can't cooperate with you. +sf/0/1 +pon/0 +t/5/Ily/! +t/7/Ruti/It is my forte if the power of the demon is synthesized and strengthened. +t/7/Ruti/If that power is useful, you can cooperate. +t/5/Ily/Your Master... +t/5/Ily/Thank you. +t/5/Ily/Lana-sama, let's ask this person to strengthen if they catch the demon. +t/2/Lana/Y-yeah. +t/2/Lana/Thank you for that. +t/7/Ruti/...It's not enough to be thanked. +t/2/Lana/But the battle is already over, and you don't need the power to manipulate the beast... +t/5/Ily/It might be so. +t/5/Ily/But please try it when you need it. +t/2/Lana/Yeah... +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + + +jump/menu + + + + +<wan20> +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Excuse me... It's a prize for Lem... +t/7/Lizbeth/Well, that's why I heard from secretary of the Bard. +sf/0/5 +sf/1/5 +t/7/Lizbeth/I'm going to give you a prize because I was able to confirm the conquest of Lemur. +t/7/Lizbeth/200 million G is ready, I want you to come directly to the gate. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Shing mun...? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/It seems to want to go there in consideration of safety for a big prize. +t/7/Lizbeth/I don't know the details, but I still have my pass, so take this. + +t///Lana got his pass from squirrel bed. +t///* The city gate has been added to the town's destination. + +setstage/69/1 + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<ruty_3> + +setev/16/1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg8 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb442/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/8 + +bgm/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Ruti/Lana, I want you to use this. +t/2/Lana/This is...? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ruti/That is... It is a magic stone to summon the captured beast to your origin. + +t/2/Lana/The lure...? +t/7/Ruti/Right... This was made for the old days, but you should be able to use it if you are now. +t/7/Ruti/If we are in a crisis, we might be able to use it. +sf/0/2 +t/2/Lana/...Can you get something like that? +sf/1/8 +t/7/Ruti/Oh, I don't care if it's something I can't use. +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/...Oh, thank you. I will use. + +t///Lana has received a summoning stone. + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +additem/61 + +jump/pwup +<gate0> + +evbtn/1 + +loadseen/fd8/bg46 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb3/c + +sbtown/0 +sb/1/1 + +vfw/1/in/3 +vfw/0/in/2 + + + +t///There was a gate to the Ojo to the north of the town. +t/2/Lana/This is the gate... +t/5/Ily/Even though I have lived in this town for a long time, it is my first visit here. +two + +sb/2/111 +vfw/2/in/8 + + +t/7/Baldo/Lana, you've come a lot. I've been waiting for you. +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/! +t///As if waiting from the shadow of the Gate, Bard appeared. +t/7/Baldo/From now on, I will have the prize ready for the user. +t/7/Baldo/Let's enter this room and wait for a while. +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/...Yes. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg45 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +sb/0/120 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t///They were passed to a small room beside the castle gate. +t/2/Lana/Somehow... There is no room. + +t///When I was looking around in the room, the door creaking slowly and Claudeed... +t///The sound which was gachari from the outside was sounded. +two + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/! +t/2/Lana/Key is... Claudeed? +t///Lana, who went in front of the door, tried to turn the door knob, but it didn't move. + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Ily/Why the key... +t/7/Ily/Like Lana, maybe... +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Eh... +t/2/Lana/Does this mean... Are you trapped? + +bgmout + +t///Then, the voice sounded from the outside. +t/5/Baldo/Lana, I would have said wait a while. +t/2/Lana/Why do you Claudee the key? +t/5/Baldo/Kuku... Well, don't panic. +t///The thing like the gas erupted from the vicinity of the ceiling of the room with the voice. + +sf/0/6 +sf/1/4 +t/2/Lana/What is this? +t/7/Ily/The damn?! This smell is...?! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + + +t///A mysterious chemical smell is filled in the room... +t///They distant rapidly, without being able to open the door, and fell into the place. +two + + + + + +bgm/13 + +loadseen/fd8/bg45 +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb520/c +sb/0/111 +sb/1/1 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/2 + +t/3/Man/You went well, bard. +t/7/Baldo/Well. These guys were idiots and they saved me. +t/7/Baldo/The woman is carried out at once. +t/3/Man/How is the lass doing? +t/7/Baldo/Put it in jail. I'll kill you later. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +loadseen/fd8/bg48 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb3/c +sb/0/120 +sb/1/111 +sf/0/9 + +sf/0/6 +vfw/0/in/2 + + +t/2/Lana/Uh... Here? +two + +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Baldo/Woke up? +two + +sf/0/4 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/?! +t/2/Lana/Where is this place? +t/7/Baldo/As you see, it is a prison. +t/2/Lana/Why are you in jail...? +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/Get Me Out of Here! +t/7/Baldo/I can't do that. +t/2/Lana/Oh, no... What do you mean?! +t/7/Baldo/... +t/7/Baldo/Before that explanation, I have a question for you. +t/7/Baldo/Lana, you are a great hunter who has very a lot of winnings and helped the kingdom. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Baldo/But... Unfortunately, some circumstances have occurred. +t/7/Baldo/The woman who was with you... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/You have a special power, but do you know anything? +t/2/Lana/... +t/7/Baldo/If you know, you should talk to him, okay? +t/7/Baldo/Depending on the response, I will not let you out of here. +t/2/Lana/... +t/2/Lana/Nothing... I do not know. +t/7/Baldo/...Oh I see? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/That woman is an eagle's examination... Who probably have the power of the seal... +t/7/Baldo/Moreover, it is likely to be a descendant of the heir who has especially strong power among them. +t/7/Baldo/What is the successor to the curse of the seal? ...Do you know that? +t/2/Lana/...? +t/7/Baldo/That is a big part of the history of the kingdom. +t/7/Baldo/Once this area was covered with demons, it was not a place where people could live. +t/7/Baldo/The woman of the name of Ente there Shichi demons, and this ground was made to the place where the person could live and changed. +t/7/Baldo/And she reigned as the first queen of this kingdom. +t/7/Baldo/She had a special ability to manipulate the beast, and she was called the Curse Princess from the power. + +sf/0/1 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/! + +sf/0/9 +t/2/Lana/The Curse of Seal... Princess? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/Well. But... +t/7/Baldo/The power of Queen Ente has been passed down to the royal offspring for generations, but the power has been lost on the boundary of a certain time. +t/7/Baldo/Although the cause is uncertain, it is thought that the power weakens every generation, and it is not possible to be activated. +sf/1/6 +t/7/Baldo/By... The power of the seal is completely lost from the royal family now. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/But over the course of a few hundred years, those who seemed to have the capacity existed in far away places. +t/7/Baldo/I found out that there is a village in the northwest of the kingdom that has the power to manipulate demons in the depths of the deep forest. +t/7/Baldo/There is a person called the Curse Princess, and it is said that the power of the seal was given to the people who do not have power. +sf/1/5 +t/7/Baldo/That's exactly the power that I've been searching for. + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Baldo/...Lana, do you know that? +t/7/Baldo/That man, who has such power. +t/7/Baldo/And you've fought so far with the help of that power... No? + +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/... +t/2/Lana/It is... Something? + +t/7/Baldo/Aha... Was it still so? +t/7/Baldo/So, Lana, how do you use that power? + +t/2/Lana/Eh... +t/2/Lana/That is... Not. +sf/1/2 +t/7/Baldo/Why? +t/2/Lana/...Because this is the power of the. + +sf/1/3 +t/7/Baldo/Oh, yes. That's a pity. + +t/7/Baldo/This is what I hear from the person who is not able to get the answer. + +t///Bard slowly reached for the lever beside the door... + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Baldo/Well good. I don't expect anything from you. +t/7/Baldo/And now... Farewell. + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/?! + +bgmout + +t///I drew the lever next to the jail. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + + +t///At that moment, Lana's body was floating in the air. +t///The floor of the foot in the jail suddenly opens, and Lana's body is sucked into the darkness. +t/2/Lana/Tsu?!? + +snd/s18 +be/-1/yure/0 +wait/1000 +two + +load/0/cb0/c +sb/0/120 +sf/0/8 +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/Uh... Oh... +t///Lana, who was seated on the floor, cannot say a word in pain. +t///A voice echoes from above. +t/7/Baldo/Lana, if there is no help of the power of the seal, you are just a helpless lass. +t/7/Baldo/Instead, it is scattered, and dies is good in the person eating spider there. + +t/2/Lana/Wh... why... +t/2/Lana/Why... To do this... +t/7/Baldo/Let me tell you one last thing. +t/7/Baldo/It was an eagle that led the study of the seal. Lemur followed the instructions of the eagle. +t/7/Baldo/He became the cornerstone of a great study to revive the power of the seal. Hmm. Ha ha... + +t/7/Baldo/Hm... Did you talk a little too much? +t/7/Baldo/So, farewell. + +t///The thick door of the ceiling was beginning to Claudee with a sound. + +t///Lana's hand reached the light desperately, without understanding what was being said... +t///The door was shut by making the sound mercilessly, and the vicinity was wrapped in the dark darkness. +t///The slime texture and torn clothes and bones are scattered at Lana's feet... +t///The sound that something of rustling crawling from the circumference sounded. +two + +vfw/0/out + + +#skip + + + +returnyh/21/0 +setmem0 +gotostage/69 + + + + +<stev69> +setstage/69/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/8 +sb/0/120 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/Ku... Dark... I can't see... +t///I hear the sound of something approaching Lana's feeling in the dark. +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/?! +sf/0/8 +t/2/Lana/No... No way... There's something... +t/2/Lana/I don't want to die in a place like this... +t/2/Lana/So... We need to find the exit... +two + +vfw/0/out + +<stev69a> + +camera_xy/15/4 + + +t///If it is normal from the other side of the wall, the sound echoes. +two + +enemy/x:15,y:4,id:1910,lv:55,did:d0,ai:1,dmapev:30,item:2006,light:1 +light + +t///A giant centipede-like creature showed up, crashed the wall with a roar. +two + +st_move/d0/15/6 +mapanm/1 + +snd/mv4 +obj/11/1 + + +stbgm/19 + + + + + + + +<stev69b> + + +t///The giant creature writhes around the wall, and the wall began to collapse with the shock. +t///The wind seemed to flow slightly from the place where the part of the wall collapsed and it came to pass. +two + +snd/mv4 +obj/10/1 +mapanm/2 + +stbgm/16 +<stev69g> + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///In a dark, narrow hole, Lana continued to mud. +t///Then, I found the gap which leaks a small light ahead. +t///When Lana dug desperately, the dazzling light covered his vision. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg47 + +t/2/Lana/This is... +t///Crawl from the ground, looking around, you can see a small town in the distance. +two + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + +bgm/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb13/c + +sbtown/0 +sb/1/101 +sf/0/6 +sf/1/2 +vfw/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/2 + +t/2/Elena/...Lana?! +t/7/Lana/My sister... +t/2/Elena/Where have you been? +t/2/Elena/I was worried because I didn't come back from yesterday?! +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/Huh... since yesterday? ...1Is it Nikkei? +sf/1/6 +t/2/Elena/yes... +sf/0/6 +t/7/Lana/So much time... +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/than that, the... +t/7/Lana/Is he back? +sf/1/4 +t/2/Elena/No... +sf/0/6 +t/7/Lana/I see... I wonder if she's caught... +t/2/Elena/Lana... Tell me what happened. + +t///Lana explained the situation to Elena. + +t/2/Elena/...Such a thing... +sf/0/4 +t/7/Lana/My sister, I have to go again because I have to help... +t/2/Elena/But Lana... I may not be able to come back if I go next... +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/I still have to go! I can't Leave you! +t/2/Elena/Lana, calm down! +t/2/Elena/Someone... Looking for someone to help. +t/2/Elena/I'm not going to be the power, but it's too risky for you to go alone... +t/7/Lana/Y-Yeah... +two + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +setev/16/2 + + +jump/menu + + +<stev69call> + +#11 +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/11/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Pia/Sigh... The customer is bored without coming... +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/7/Pia/?! +t/7/Pia/Wh... What here...? +t/2/Lana/Please, sorry... +t/2/Lana/I've called the pier. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Pia/Huh... What is it? +t/7/Pia/Did I warp? +t/2/Lana/Yeah... +sf/1/6 +t/7/Pia/Yeah... Such a dark and smelly place... +t/7/Pia/I want to go home early... +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +#14 +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/14/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Nono/No?! +t/7/Nono/What is this place? +t/2/Lana/Please, sorry... +t/2/Lana/I called it by magic. +pon/1 +t/7/Nono/Hey?! I do not know the meaning?! +t/2/Lana/And anyway you want to help! +t/7/Nono/I need your help...? +t/7/Nono/Oh, I know... +sb/1/100 +pon/1 +t/7/Nono/I don't know what to do... Just help Lana! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +#15 +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/15/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Sheila/The Mangosteen is high today... +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/7/Sheila/!?! +t/7/Sheila/Um... What is this place...? +t/2/Lana/Ms. Sheila! +t/2/Lana/I wanted you to help me. I called you by magic... I am sorry! +t/7/Sheila/Huh... +t/7/Sheila/Where are you...? +t/2/Lana/I don't know either... +t/2/Lana/But there's a lot of monsters around, so help me... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sheila/Suddenly I was surprised, but that's what I was... +sf/1/5 +pon/1 +t/7/Sheila/All right, okay! Let's Go! +t/7/Sheila/Lana, let's get out of Here! +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/Yes, thank you! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +#24 +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/24/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/10 +wait/100 +sb/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +t/7/Lilim/I got Acme... +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/7/Lilim/?! +two +sf/1/2 +wait/100 +sb/1/6 +t/7/Lilim/Hey! +t/7/Lilim/What?! What's that?! where is it here?! +t/2/Lana/So-sorry... +t/2/Lana/I wanted you to help me. I called it by magic. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/Call...? Did you mean I was transferred? +t/2/Lana/Y-Yeah... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/...What are you doing here? +t/7/Lilim/...Is it a crisis of absolute death? +t/2/Lana/Yeah... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/Worst... Oh, my God... +t/2/Lana/I am sorry... +t/7/Lilim/Another... I can't. +t/7/Lilim/Anyway, you can escape from here! +t/7/Lilim/Get ready as soon as you help! +t/2/Lana/T-thank you... +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +#39 +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/39/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Sakume/Sigh... Sleepy... +sf/1/2 +t/7/Sakume/Huh... +sb/1/200 +pon/1 +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan?! +t/2/Lana/So-sorry... +t/2/Lana/I summoned it by magic. +t/7/Sakume/You... Summoned it? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/What's that... Great. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Can you teach me that magic next time? +t/2/Lana/yes... But this is the power of magical items. +t/7/Sakume/Really? +t/2/Lana/Yeah... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Really... It seems to sell the magic item at a good price. +t/7/Sakume/I want you to give it to my house!... +sf/1/7 +wait/100 +sb/1/200 +pon/1 +t/7/Sakume/And if you're saying such a thing! +t/7/Sakume/Around, the demon has stopped?! +t/7/Sakume/Can you get out of here alive? +t/2/Lana/I don't know... So help me... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Sakume/That's it... Desperate pinch... +t/7/Sakume/Home... I want to go home early... +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +#45 +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/45/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/7/Lia/Mumble... +t/2/Lana/Lia! Happening?! +t/7/Lia/Hmm...? +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lia/Oh, it's dark...? +t/2/Lana/Lia, I'm sorry! +t/2/Lana/I asked you to help me! +t/7/Lia/Are you helping me? +t/2/Lana/Yes, it's full of demons around! +t/7/Lia/I see... Found. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lia/I'll help you after you eat rice... Mumble... +t/2/Lana/Lia, don't go to bed! It's really hard! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<lose_end> +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 +load/9/bg6/b +v/9/in +v/8/out + +t///After that, nobody heard anything about Lana again... +two + +read/title +delque +<ruty_4> + +loadseen/fd8/bg8 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb442/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/8 + +bgm/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Erm.. +t/7/Ruti/Lana... What? +sf/0/8 +t/2/Lana/It's hard! The... +t///Lana explained the situation. +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ruti/Oh I see... +t/7/Ruti/I came back alive from such a situation... +sf/1/8 +t/7/Ruti/But... If you head to the gate again this time there is no life. +t/7/Ruti/What if she's being caught? ...The dungeon of the castle Gate is likely. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Underground prison... That's where I was put in... +t/7/Ruti/Oh, maybe I think so. +t/7/Ruti/When it comes to helping out... +t/7/Ruti/Going from the front is too dangerous, so we have to get in from underground facilities... +t/2/Lana/...Underground facility? +t/7/Ruti/Oh, there's a prison and a research facility in the basement of the castle gate. +t/7/Ruti/An escape underground passage leads to the forest outside the castle in the research facility. +t/7/Ruti/Now it's a dangerous place to be occupied by demons... +t/7/Ruti/If it can pass there, it should be able to go out from the laboratory in the underground to the dungeon in the upper floor. +t/7/Ruti/The institute used to be a monster experiment, but I don't think there's much danger now because it's probably not being used. +t/2/Lana/...Should I go to that aisle? +t/7/Ruti/Right. And I think I can escape from there if I can help. +sf/0/7 +t/2/Lana/I understood... Well then, I'll try to go there. +t/7/Ruti/...Then, I will write the map to there. +t///* A new stage has been registered on the map. + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +//setstage/9/2 +setev/16/3 +setstage/70/1 + +jump/worldmap + + + +<stev70> +setstage/70/2 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb442/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/8 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + + + +t/7/Ruti/Lana, there must be a passage to the basement ahead. +t/7/Ruti/However, I want you to be careful. +t/7/Ruti/A dangerous demon called Midori Dragon is infested here. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/...Midori Dragon? +t/7/Ruti/Oh, I'm not the right person to win the fight. +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ruti/If you find it, run your best. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ruti/And that's all I can show you. +t/7/Ruti/...I'm sorry I can't help you. +t/2/Lana/No... Thank you for guiding me so far. +two + + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +<stev70a> +t///The rumbling and Roar are approaching from the circumference... +two +<stev70b> +t///There was a disturbing sign around... +two +<stev70g> +setstage/70/10 +setstage/71/1 + + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +sb/0/120 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/I barely got this far... +t/2/Lana/This is the passage leading to the dungeon...? +t/2/Lana/Anyway, I have to try... + +two + +vfw/0/out + + + + + + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +bgm/13 + +loadseen/fd8/bg45 +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb520/c +sb/0/111 +sb/1/1 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/2 + +t/3/Man/Commissioner, it's been a lot of trouble... +t/7/Baldo/What is it? +t/3/Man/That woman in the dungeon... +t/3/Man/They're calling a lot of demons... We are no longer in our hands! +t/7/Baldo/What the?! What the! +t/3/Man/I was tortured to vomiting how to use the power of the seal... It suddenly changed... +t/3/Man/When I think of the darkness spreading around me, the Demons have sprung up from the ground one after another. + +t/7/Baldo/Silly... You're saying he used magic? He must have been constrained by the magic barrier. +t/3/Man/Yes... However, it seems to have exercised the magic by overcoming it. +t/3/Man/Anyway, we have to stop him, and we could be in the same situation as Princess Rosa... +t/7/Baldo/Hmm... Found! +t/7/Baldo/The situation is a moment of crisis. Stabs Todome to him! +t/3/Man/Yes, ma'am...! +t/7/Baldo/It is troublesome if the demon in the basement runs away and it rages in the town again. As soon as you find it! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow + +<stev71> +setstage/71/2 + +bgm/13 + +camera_xy/13/12 + +load/0/cb520/c +load/1/cb520/c +sb/0/1 +sb/1/2 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/2 + +t/3/Man/I hear that Bard has finally captured the real seal of the Curse Princess... +t/3/Man/This will not make our research complete. +t/7/Man/Hehehe... I'm looking forward to be able to make an active part of the Beast Soldier who have made up for many years... + +snd/s32 +be/-1/yure/0 +wait/500 +t///The room was Shin with a roar. + +t/3/Man/Hmm?! What is the octopus shaking...? +t/3/Man/Surely... The demon from the underground blockade area... +t/7/Man/What... If so, would it be better to get away early? +t/3/Man/But we have to leave this lab and run away... +t/3/Man/If the beasts here run away, it's going to be even more dangerous. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +bgm/6 + +camera_xy/14/34 + + + + +<stev71a> + +camera_xy/13/12 + +load/0/cb520/c +sb/0/1 +vfw/0/in/8 + +t/5/Researcher/What are they? +t/5/Researcher/I don't know where you came from, but this is a top-secret lab where no one knows! +t/5/Researcher/Let's get them alive! +two + + +vfw/0/out +<stev71b> +t/5/Researcher/Oh,...I'm just dying...! +t/5/Researcher/When this happens,...I'll unleash the Beast Soldier... + +t///The man staggered, and pushed the button which was near. +two + +camera_xy/13/12 + +snd/mv4 +be/-1/yure/0 +mapanm/1 + + +enemy2/x:7,y:11,id:1720,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:9,y:11,id:1721,lv:ELV,pu:15 +enemy2/x:11,y:11,id:1730,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:16,y:11,id:1720,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:18,y:11,id:1731,lv:ELV,pu:15 +enemy2/x:20,y:11,id:1730,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:7,y:16,id:1720,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:9,y:16,id:1731,lv:ELV,pu:15 +enemy2/x:11,y:16,id:1730,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:16,y:16,id:1720,lv:ELV +enemy2/x:18,y:16,id:1721,lv:ELV,pu:15 +enemy2/x:20,y:16,id:1730,lv:ELV + +wait/500 +t///The transparent container cracked, and the beasts people crawl from the inside. +two + +obj/12/1 +unvail/9 + + +<stev71g> +setstage/71/10 +setstage/72/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +//sb/0/120 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/If I remember correctly... There must be a prison ahead... +t/2/Lana/Just wait... I'll always go to help... + +two + +vfw/0/out + + +jump/menu_slow + + + + + + + + +<stev72> +setstage/72/2 + +loadct/0/0/c +sf/0/4 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/...Is this the dungeon? +t/2/Lana/There's a lot of demons out there... +t/2/Lana/What's going on in the basement of the castle? +t/2/Lana/But... I'm sure there will be a... I have to go... +two + +vfw/0/out + + + + +if/live:0:24:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/24/c +sf/0/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/...Lana, be careful. +t/7/Lilim/There is a great sense of monster from around here. +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/I can't remember the way back, so if you die, you're in trouble. +t/7/Lilim/So never die?! +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Huh... Well, of course! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + +if/live:0:23:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/23/c + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/1/3 +pon/1 +t/7/Renka/Lana, let's go! +t/7/Renka/I'll definitely help buy, I'll give you plenty to thank! +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/yes! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + +if/live:0:45:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/45/c +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/3/Lana/Lia, you okay? +t/7/Lia/yes... But... +t/3/Lana/Lia, calm down. +t/3/Lana/Try not to leave me. +t/7/Lia/Lana... Something... I have a bad feeling... +t/3/Lana/Huh... It's all right! +t/3/Lana/Absolutely... I'll help you out! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<stev72a> + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/Oh, that's...! +two + +vfw/0/out + + + + + + + +bgm/13 + +camera_xy/14/4 + +load/0/cb521/c +load/1/cb20k/c +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t/3/Interrogation Officer/Hehehe... Korako... +t/3/Interrogation Officer/You monster... +t/3/Interrogation Officer/It would be a shame to kill someone with the power of a seal... The orders of the Bard. It won't help. +t/3/Interrogation Officer/...Die! +two + +mcm/0/3 + +t///The moment a man pierced a knife... +t///Black ominous light from the body. +two + +snd/s32 + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/8 +wait/2500 + +load/3/be80/m2 +veff/3/7 +wait/1500 + +load/4/fd9/m2 +sin/4/2 +v/1/out +load/1/cb20h/c +v/1/in/7 +sf/1/1 +sout/4 + + + + + +st_delunit/a1 +enemy2/x:14,y:4,id:1880,lv:70, ai:4, did:a2,light:1,hpx:1,hpq:1,psk:10|16 + + +bgm/17 + +mcm/0/2 + +t/3/Interrogation Officer/?! +t/3/Interrogation Officer/What the hell is this?! + +t///It pops to the hollow as if the body of a chain was shredded and it lost gravity. + +sf/1/7 +t/8/Ily/Hey... Hey... + +t/3/Interrogation Officer/Oh wow?! +t/3/Interrogation Officer/This guy... Surely... + +sf/1/1 +t/8/Ily/Um... Is...? +t/8/Ily/Right... I... +sf/1/3 +t/8/Ily/This feeling... Long time... + +t///He was staring at his own body mysteriously, noticing the man in front of him. + +t/8/Ily/...Not What... +t/8/Ily/It's disturbing... Disappear... + +t///He raised one hand and pointing a man, and a torrent of fierce magic erupted from his fingertips. +t/3/Interrogation Officer/?! +two + + + +load/7/be27/m2 +veff/7/7 +wait/5000 + +be/0/damage +t/3/Interrogation Officer/Ah oh oh tsu tsu!! +two + +vfw/0/out + +t///The man is burnt in an instant, and it is Shishi Fune without a trace either. + +sf/1/3 +t/8/Ily/Remembered... +t/8/Ily/My... Real power... +t/8/Ily/With this power... Everything... They are subjected to... +two + + +vfw/1/out + + + + +camera_xy/11/15 + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 + +vf/0/in/3 + +t/2/Lana/Huh... That is... +t/2/Lana/Ili... Is that so? +t/2/Lana/And just hurry up and go over there! +two + +vfw/0/out + +bgm/stage + + +<stev72b> + + + +camera_xy/2/9 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:2,y:9,id:3,lv:58,light:1, boss:1, ai:4, item:1015, item1:120,item2:152,item3:253 +light +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:2,y:10,id:1930,lv:60,ai:2 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:3,y:9,id:1930,lv:60,ai:2 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:3,y:10,id:1930,lv:60,ai:15 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:4,y:9,id:1930,lv:60,ai:15 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:4,y:10,id:1930,lv:60,ai:15 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:5,y:9,id:1930,lv:60,ai:15 +RF/type:1, tx:-1,ty:9, x:5,y:10,id:1930,lv:60,ai:15 +wait/500 + +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb521/c +sb/0/111 +sb/1/1 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + + +t/8/Interrogation Officer/Secretary! Even more serious! +t/2/Baldo/Oh, no! +t/8/Interrogation Officer/That woman... It seems to have awakened apparently! +sf/0/2 +t/2/Baldo/What the?! +t/8/Interrogation Officer/And the barrier seems to be broken! +t/2/Baldo/Do not... Silly... It was too late! +t/2/Baldo/No, wait! +t/2/Baldo/Mamonai still awake, may be in time! +t/2/Baldo/If you have the sword of your seal, you will be able to give him some damage! +sf/0/7 +t/2/Baldo/Whatever you do, stop him! Go! +t/8/Interrogation Officer/...In, but... I have already done a number of people! +sf/0/2 +t/2/Baldo/Goons! Falter! +t/2/Baldo/Do you know what happens when he breaks through here and goes out on the ground? +t/2/Baldo/I'll be waiting here, so hurry! +pon/1 +t/8/Interrogation Officer/, yes! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +camera_xy/25/11 + +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb37/c +sb/0/111 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +sf/0/2 +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/8/Lana/!! +t/2/Baldo/You are! +t/2/Baldo/Why are you alive? +t/2/Baldo/And how did you get in here?? + +sf/1/7 +t/8/Lana/to the... +pon/1 +t/8/Lana/Return! + +t/2/Baldo/Whoa! +t/2/Baldo/Kill this guy too! Let's take advantage of this and get out of here! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +stbgm/19 + + +<stev72g> + +setstage/72/10 +setstage/73/1 + + + +load/0/cb3/c +load/1/cb37/c +sf/0/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/8 + +bgm/13 + +t/2/Baldo/Idiot,... +t/2/Baldo/I evil to die yet... +t///The wounded Bard is staggered and tries to run away. +t///At that time, a black shadow flowed between the two. +sf/1/6 +pon/1 +t/8/Lana/?! +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/3/be80/m2 +veff/3/7 +wait/1500 + +load/2/cb20h/c +sf/2/3 +vfw/2/in/7 + + + +pon/0 +t/2/Baldo/What's up? +t/8/Ily/This one is... Quite... I can use it... +t///When he raised his fingertips, the darkness began to wrap up his bard. +t/2/Baldo/What are you doing?! +two + +load/7/be40/m2 +veff/7/2 +wait/3000 + +load/3/be80/m2 +veff/3/2 +wait/1500 + + +load/8/fd21/m2 +sin/8 + +t/2/Baldo/Oh Oh wow?! +two + +v/0/out +load/0/cb3a/c +v/0/in/3 + +sout/8 + + + +t///When a black shadow was scattered, there was the appearance of Bard who wore the ominous miasma. +t/2/Baldo/Gufu... +t/8/Ily/Hehehe... Fight... For me... +t/8/Ily/Head to the ground... That's where my limbs are... +t/2/Baldo/is a... I'm fighting... +t///Baldo lost the Ego by the magic of the seal, and became a servant. +two + +vfw/0/out +vfw/2/out + +load/1/cb0/c +load/2/cb20h/c +sbtown/1 +sf/1/4 +vf/1/in/8 +vfw/2/in/3 + + +t/8/Lana/Oh, you... Is it? +t/3/Ily/What... You... + +sf/1/4 +t/8/Lana/?! +t/8/Lana/that I... I don't know?! +t/3/Ily/You... Don't know... +t/3/Ily/I... +t/3/Ily/The Curse Princess Iris Ente. +t/3/Ily/The person who controls this land and makes it all follow. +t/8/Lana/What are you talking about? +pon/1 +t/8/Lana/Get back to the original! +sf/2/3 +t/3/Ily/...You too... It's disturbing. +t/3/Ily/Disappear... +sf/2/4 +t/3/Ily/...Tsu?! + +t///He raised his fingertips and shoot his mojo toward Lana... Its fingertips stop. +sf/2/1 +t/3/Ily/Why? ...I see you... I'm remembering something... +t/3/Ily/...Oh, good... Now... I'll miss you... +t/3/Ily/But... Next, if it appears before me, I think there is no life... +t///When you say that, it will be lifted to the hollow... +two + +vfw/2/out + +bgmout + +st_delunit/a2 +t///He flew away to the upper floors, destroying the surrounding walls and floors. + +sf/1/4 +t/8/Lana/...Why... +t/8/Lana/That is... It is supposed to be... +t/8/Lana/What the heck... +t///Lana was not able to accept the appearance of the sudden, and stared at the place where the appearance disappeared. +two + +vfw/1/out + + + + + + + + +jump/ruty_7 +//jump/menu_slow + + + + +<ruty_7> + +loadseen/fd8/bg8 +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb442/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/8 +sf/0/4 +bgm/1 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Ruti/...Was not Ily like a different person? +t/2/Lana/Yes... somewhat terrible atmosphere, I did not know who it was for a moment... +t/2/Lana/But I think that is iris... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ruti/Perhaps it is... another personality of Ily... perhaps. +t/2/Lana/...Another personality? +sf/1/8 +t/7/Ruti/Oh... Ily has been a long time, when a certain situation continues, another personality appears. +t/7/Ruti/Moreover, the memory of that time... It does not remain in the original personality. +t/2/Lana/...What is that "a situation"? +t/7/Ruti/that is... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Ruti/A state where ejaculation can not be done for a long time... +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/?! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Ruti/After that child got to live with me, he only masturbates too much, so if he told me not to do it... +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ruti/One day suddenly... I was attacked by a sudden change of my hand. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Eh, it was attacked... +t/7/Ruti/Oh... so, I got pregnant. +t/2/Lana/... +sf/1/8 +t/7/Ruti/Ily will return to its original state when ejaculating in large quantities. +t/7/Ruti/At last I noticed it. To that child will not be masturbated and will change personality and become ferocious... +t/2/Lana/Eh... what a scary... +t/7/Ruti/Oh, but that girl can only be with her original personality if she does it, you only have to stop it. +t/2/Lana/Well then, will I return to the original if I ejaculate a lot? +t/7/Ruti/Perhaps... +t/2/Lana/But... it seems a bit scary to get Claudee to the iris of that state... +t/7/Ruti/If not possible... there are options to give up. +t/2/Lana/give up...? +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ruti/Oh, I gotta give up and get away from here... far away... +t/7/Ruti/Or to defeat Ily in order not to expand the damage any more... +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/Well, that is no good! +sf/0/8 +t/2/Lana/I absolutely want to help Ily... I want to return it! +t/2/Lana/I want you to return to the gentle iris so far... +t/7/Ruti/...I feel the same way. +t/7/Ruti/But there are things I can not do, I want you to be prepared for that... + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + +jump/town_73 + + + + + +<town_73> + +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + +bgm/13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 + +sf/0/1 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +pon/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, you were here! +t/3/Lana/Lizbeth? +sf/1/6 +pon/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/It is serious! Mr. Baldo! +t/7/Lizbeth/It is rampaging in front of the castle gate! + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/What?! +t/3/Lana/Rampage... Why is that so? + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/I do not know... it may be a rebellion. +t/7/Lizbeth/Not all the people who approached are slaughtered and Claudee to a storm. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, you may be able to manage the secretary! +pon/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Prepare 200,000 G for prize money too! +t/7/Lizbeth/The life and death of the Secretary shall not matter. Just do something! + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Life and death... Do not you have to ask? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/Well, there is no help at this time. Many sacrifices have already come out. +t/7/Lizbeth/Anyway the attack will not work, and if you have a way to stop it you can do whatever you want! +t/7/Lizbeth/Go now! ask! +two + + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu_slow + +<stev73> +setstage/73/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/10/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/7 +sf/1/7 +vfw/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana, there is the Secretary of Baldo ahead... +t/7/Lizbeth/It is dangerous and dangerous situation. +t/7/Lizbeth/Now not only Baldo but also joining demons and Soldier, it has expanded into a large group. +t/7/Lizbeth/And they attack systematically like they are being manipulated. +t/7/Lizbeth/Our teeth are incompetent... +t/7/Lizbeth/Ask, please do whatever method you can do before sacrifice any more! + +t/3/Lana/Erm.. + +t/7/Lizbeth/What? + +t/3/Lana/How do I enter the castle? + +t/7/Lizbeth/Owangseo is probably dropping the castle gate now, so probably will not enter. +t/7/Lizbeth/However, there is information that the monsters have entered from the underground inside. +t/7/Lizbeth/Anyhow... If we do not manage the Secretary Baldo who is ahead of us, we do not know anything about the situation. +t/7/Lizbeth/Leave everything to you from there. + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend +<stev73l> +snd/mv4 +be/-1/yure/0 + +if/mapanm:0 +mapanm/1 +tend + +if/mapanm:2 +mapanm/3 +tend + +unvail/1 + +if/mapanm:1 +read/stev73i +tend +<stev73r> +snd/mv4 +be/-1/yure/0 + +if/mapanm:0 +mapanm/2 +tend + +if/mapanm:1 +mapanm/3 +tend + +unvail/1 + +if/mapanm:2 +read/stev73i +tend +<stev73i> + +camera_xy/13/2 + + +load/0/cb20h/c + +wait/1000 +vfw/0/in/7 + + +t/7/Ily/If the walls are destroyed...? +t/7/Ily/What are we doing outside you... +two + +vfw/0/out + +didai/d4/4 +didai/d5/5 +didai/d11/11 + + + +<stev73i2> +t/POS/Fujuu Hime/To exclude my servants and reach here so far… OK, I will oppose you. +two +<stev73i3> +t/POS/Fuju Hime/What… It can not be… +two +<stev73i8> + +load/0/cb20h/c + +wait/1000 +vfw/0/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/With this... It is not over... +t/7/Ily/Be sure to take revenge... Wait... +t/7/Ily/Ha... Ahaha... Ha ha ha ha ha!! +t/7/Ily/While Captain Princess raised a sharp laugh, its appearance became a black shadow and blended like a mud into the rift of the earth. + +two + +vfw/0/out + + +read/stev73i9 +<stev73i9> +sethpx/b1/0 +remst/b1/200 + +camera_id/b1 + +load/3/cb3a/c +sf/3/7 +vfw/3/in/7 + +load/4/be80/m2 +veff/4/7 +wait/1500 + +be/3/shake +t/7/Baldo/Nuuuuuuuu! What? +t/7/Baldo/The force is falling out... Why...! +t///The magical power that covered Bard's body disappeared. +two + +be/1/stop + +vfw/3/out +<stev73icap> + +sethpx/b1/0 +setcg/40/1 +read/ev40 + + +<stev73bar> +t/POS/Baldo/Hehe… for the eagle die! +two +<stev73bar2> +load/3/cb3b/c +load/4/cb521/c +sf/3/7 +delay +sb/3/111 +sb/4/2 +vfw/3/in/7 + +bgm/13 + +t/7/Baldo/Well... this is... +t/7/Baldo/Eagle... was being manipulated... +t/7/Baldo/But... as it is... It is not to die... +two + +vfw/4/in/3 + +t/3/Researcher/Secretary...! +t/3/Researcher/Did you return to sanity! What? +t/7/Baldo/You... +t/3/Researcher/Secretary, this medicine... +t/7/Baldo/That... That the eagle ordered to manufacture...? +t/3/Researcher/Yes, I have not done biological experiment yet... +t/3/Researcher/It is a medicine combining the blood of the capped princess and the cerebrospinal fluid of 10 necromansers. +t/3/Researcher/The sealed princess' blood gets crushed or disintegrated as it becomes a demon if I inject it, +t/3/Researcher/Fusing the cerebrospinal fluid of the necromancer who wanders from the ancient there, becoming immortal and acquiring the magical power of the capped princess... +t/3/Researcher/The medicine that proved the hypothesis was completed. + +t/7/Baldo/Umm... If this comes to... There is only to do... +t/7/Baldo/I will use that medicine... +t/7/Baldo/Either way... in this way... the eagle will die... + +t///Baldo took the needle with the medicine in her hand, and inserted the tip of the needle into the arm with trembling hands. + +t/7/Baldo/Well... +be/3/shake +t/7/Baldo/Back and forth... +t///Bard's body begins to violently seizure. +t/7/Baldo/Th-This is... +t/7/Baldo/Ooooo... Body break... +t/7/Baldo/Awaaaaaaaaaa!!! + +t///Black light overflows from that body in conjunction with Bard's cry. +two + + + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/7 +wait/2500 + +load/5/fd9/m2 +sin/5/2 +two + +be/1/stop +v/3/out +load/3/cb570/c +v/3/in/7 + +del_change/b1/type:1,id:1951,lv:ELV,ai:5,bev:stev73bar4,lev:stev73bar3,want:16,boss:1,did:b2,hp:80 + +sout/5 + + + +bgm/17 + +mcm/4/2 +t/3/Researcher/Oh! What? The secretary's body...!! + +t/7/Baldo/Gufo Ho Ho... +t/7/Baldo/This is... the eagle's body... +t/7/Baldo/What... this... power to brush... + +t/3/Researcher/I did it, Secretary!! The experiment is successful!! + +t/7/Baldo/Hmm...? +t/7/Baldo/You got much smaller... Well, did your eagle grow bigger? + +t/3/Researcher/Secretary! If you further produce this medicine you should be able to make our strongest army! + +t/7/Baldo/HM... +t/7/Baldo/There is no necessity. + +t/3/Researcher/? + +t/7/Baldo/You only need Eagle with this power. +t/7/Baldo/Others should follow Eagles. + +t/3/Researcher/Why? +t/3/Researcher/The plan to make our strongest army... + +t/7/Baldo/Shut up. You do not need it anymore. +t/7/Baldo/Die! + +t/3/Researcher/?! +two + +load/7/be15b/m2 +veff/7/2 +wait/2500 + +t/3/Researcher/Aaaaaaaaa!! +two + +vfw/4/out + +t///The man was turned into a dusty piece by the magical power of Baldo and disappeared. + +t/7/Baldo/This sharp power... With this, eagle can be all rulers... +t/7/Baldo/Immortal body and this mighty magical power... Eagle transcended human power... +t/7/Baldo/Eagle... Eagle has been chosen by God... worthy to be the ruler of the world... +t/7/Baldo/Hidden in the study of seal games... It was the right answer that I continued my research to get immortal body... +t/7/Baldo/Guufu... Guhahahahahahah!! + +t///A huge laughter of Baldo's echoed around. +two + +vfw/3/out + +//bgm/stage +stbgm/20 + +RFU/b2/type:1, gx:-2,gy:0,id:1896,lv:ELV,ai:11 +RFU/b2/type:1, gx:2,gy:0,id:1896,lv:ELV,ai:11 + +RFU/b2/type:1, gx:-1,gy:-1,id:1896,lv:ELV,ai:11 +RFU/b2/type:1, gx:-1,gy:1,id:1896,lv:ELV,ai:11 +RFU/b2/type:1, gx:1,gy:1,id:1896,lv:ELV,ai:11 +RFU/b2/type:1, gx:1,gy:-1,id:1896,lv:ELV,ai:11 + + + + + + + + + +<stev73bar4> +t/POS/Baldo/Gugahahahah!! Break down with the magical power of Eagle!! +two +<stev73bar3> +t/POS/Baldo/Why… this immortal body… it will break… GuaAua!! +two +<stev73g> +setstage/73/10 +//setstage/74/1 + +ifc/unit:0:1880:1/stev73g2 + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +vfw/0/in/3 + +//No capture +t/3/Lana/Huh... Haa... finally I could beat it... +t/3/Lana/Is it all over with this...? +t/3/Lana/I do not know what happened to Ily, but let's get back to Risubeto for the time being. +two +vfw/0/out + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev73g2> + +delmember/1880 + + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +vfw/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/Finally I could beat it... +t/3/Lana/With this... Was it somehow... + +two +vfw/0/out + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev44/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +t/3/Lana/Anyway, I have to manage Ily early... +t///At the foot of Lana was a lily which the whole body was painted on semen. +two + +sin/8 +v/7/out +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///Lana buried the iris, crossed the wreckage of the demons and left the castle gate. +t///- After a while Lana reached home in Ily. +t///Bring lily in the room and let it go to bed. +two + + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb13/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/101 +delay +sf/0/4 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/3 + +t/3/Elena/Lana... why is it such a thing...? +t/7/Lana/Sister,... +t/7/Lana/All right, Ily is alive. +t/3/Elena/Yeah... but... why are not you wearing clothes...? +t/7/Lana/That... there are various... +t/7/Lana/But it's okay now. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +read/ili100 + + +jump/menu_slow +<stev73aop> +mapanm/3 +<shinshitsu> + +ifc/ev:48:1/ili101 +ifc/ev:48:2/ili102 +<ili100> + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev45/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +bgm/5 + +t/3/Ily/... +t/3/Ily/... +t/3/Ily/... + +sf/7/2 +t/3/Ily/Well... +t/7/Lana/Ily What? Woke up! What? +t/3/Ily/you are... +t/7/Lana/I understand myself! What? +t/3/Ily/... +t/3/Ily/Lana... you like? +t/7/Lana/Was good! I am back in my usual Ily! + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... +t/3/Ily/I feel something... I was watching a bad dream... I feel... +t/7/Lana/Yeah, maybe that... I do not think it's a dream... + +t/7/Lana/Because Iri was going to rampage and it was hard work? +t/3/Ily/Am I... rampage? +t/7/Lana/Yeah, but I got the original fate and it's okay now. + +t/3/Ily/Something like that... +t/3/Ily/By the way, I... Since I made consciousness stinky in that room, my memory... + +sf/7/1 +t/3/Ily/From that time... nothing... I can not remember... + +t/7/Lana/...Iri, maybe it is a multiple personality? +t/7/Lana/There is another personality. + +sf/7/2 +t/3/Ily/Well, there is not such a thing... +sf/7/1 +t/3/Ily/... +sf/7/3 +t/3/Ily/but... +t/3/Ily/One thing... I think that... +t/7/Lana/what? +t/3/Ily/When I was a long time ago, when I was in my village of my hometown... My mother gave me a certain magic. +t/7/Lana/Eh, the curse...? + +t/3/Ily/Yes... +t/3/Ily/When I was a child I awoke to the power of a sealed spell... +t/3/Ily/Using that power, I was depriving many living creatures to play. +t/3/Ily/My mother who knew about it did not use power... I partially hid a seal on my spirit. + + +t/7/Lana/Partially...? + +t/3/Ily/I am inside... black emotion... +t/3/Ily/Desire to want to rule others... ugly and destructive impulses... +t/3/Ily/Besides... everything called malicious was sealed by magic. + +t/7/Lana/I want to rule others... +t/7/Lana/Iri had such feelings...? +sf/7/2 +t/3/Ily/Yes, so... +t/3/Ily/My spirit is weakened, another spirit that has been sealed... +t/3/Ily/It may be that... I took over my body... + +t/7/Lana/By the way, it may have been such a state of Ily. +t/7/Lana/But... Irir is always kind and I have not seen angry places... +t/7/Lana/I guess it was due to the sorcery hanging on Ily. + +t/3/Ily/Maybe so... +t/3/Ily/A sealed seal lasts for a lifetime unless it is released once it hangs. +t/3/Ily/I think that this magic trick that I received from my mother... I still do not solve it. + +t/7/Lana/Such a thing... I did not know it at all. +t/7/Lana/I wonder if Iri was a completely different person from now... + +bgmout + +sf/7/4 +t/3/Ily/Well... +t/7/Lana/...? +t/3/Ily/Or, the body... +t/7/Lana/What's wrong? +t/3/Ily/From the body... something... +t/3/Ily/This... my power... something like being sucked... +t/7/Lana/Will you be sucked? +t/3/Ily/Yes... something is robbing me... +t/7/Lana/Er, Ily... Are you okay? + +sf/7/5 +t/3/Ily/Right now... okay... +t/3/Ily/But... may not have a long time... +t/3/Ily/With this as it is... I... deprived of all power... +t/7/Lana/Well... that... depriving that power... What is it? +t/3/Ily/that is... +t/3/Ily/Like Lana says... when it is in an abnormal state... +t/3/Ily/Given strong power to something... may be the cause... maybe... +t/3/Ily/Something is still alive... I'm absorbing my power... I feel like that... +t/7/Lana/that's... +t/7/Lana/Perhaps... I guess that. +t/7/Lana/But it should have been beaten... +t/7/Lana/Hmm... what is that...? +t///Lana had troubled for a while, but there was no place I thought. +t/7/Lana/Ily, for the time being sleeping there. +t/7/Lana/Because I will search for the cause! + +sf/7/4 +t/3/Ily/Yes... + +t///Lana asked Elna for nursing, and went outside without any particular hope. +t///* "Skill change" was added to "Bedroom". + + +two + +sin/8 +v/7/out +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +setev/48/1 + +<ili101> + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev45/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/4 +sout/8 + +t/3/Ily/Huh... huh... +t///Ily is holding a sweat on his forehead and enduring with a painful look. +t/7/Lana/Ily... Wait... +t/7/Lana/I will definitely do something... + + +two + +sin/8 +v/7/out +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +jump/skillroom +<ili102> + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev45/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sf/7/3 +sout/8 + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... +t/7/Lana/Ily, are you all right? +t/3/Ily/Yes... It seems that my body got lighter somehow. +t/7/Lana/It was good... after all that was the cause. +two + +sin/8 +v/7/out +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///Ily got up from bed slowly. +two + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20m/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/101 +delay +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/2 + +sf/1/4 +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... Thank you. +t/3/Ily/Various for me... + +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Such... I have been helped by Ily until now... +t/7/Lana/It is commonplace to do this. + +sf/1/1 +t/3/Ily/No... There is not such a thing. +sf/1/4 +t/3/Ily/If Lana was not there... I think that no one helped me... + +t/7/Lana/No... I do not have to thank you. +t/7/Lana/Ily is absolutely necessary for me. + +sf/1/1 +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama... + +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/So, is your body OK? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Ily/Yes. +t/3/Ily/So... +sf/1/3 +t/3/Ily/You can join us again. +sf/0/3 +t/7/Lana/I'm glad +t/7/Lana/It is pleasant that Iri will come over again. + +t///Ily joined the group again. +two + + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +addmyhl/21 +additem/1266 + +setev/22/1 +setev/48/0 + + +jump/menu_slow + + +<ili103> + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +setwanted/16/1 + +loadct/1/10/c +sbtown/0 +vfw/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +bgm/11 + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Ah, that's right! +t/7/Lizbeth/What happened? +t/3/Lana/I forgot to go to see Ili's situation... +t/3/Lana/...... I will come back later! +t/7/Lizbeth/...? +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +sin/8 +v/7/out +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +t///Lana quickly headed to Lily's bedroom. +two + + +read/ili102 + + + + +<wan16a> + +setwanted/16/0 +setstage/74/1 + + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/That's right... Baldo said so... +t/7/Lizbeth/I did not know what he was thinking... +t/7/Lizbeth/It is regrettable that it ended up like this afterall. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/But... Lana, thank you. +t/7/Lizbeth/Thanks to you I was able to stop Secretary Baldo. + +snd/mv4 +be/-1/yure/0 + +bgmout + +sf/0/2 +sf/1/2 +t/7/Lizbeth/! What? +t///Suddenly the shock that the whole building shook sounded. +t/7/Lizbeth/What? What? +t/7/Lizbeth/Something from outside... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +loadseen/fd8/bg1 + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +load/2/cb4/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/7 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/6 +vfw/2/in/2 + +bgm/13 + +t/2/Guard/It is serious! A monster at the castle gate...! +t/6/Lizbeth/what! What? It's a castle gate... +t/6/Lizbeth/No way... Also demons... +pon/1 +sb/1/200 +t/6/Lizbeth/Anyway, I will head to the castle gate! +t/6/Lizbeth/Lana, come on! +t/7/Lana/Yes, yes! +two + +vf/0/out +vf/1/out +vfw/2/out + + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/9/mp74/b +v/9/1 +vunit/0/200/570 + +sout/8 + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/2 +sf/1/2 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/Here... this is it! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb570/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/2 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +t/3/Baldo/Gukha Ha ha ha!!! +t/3/Baldo/Lana... I've been waiting... +t/3/Baldo/He did it well before... +t/3/Baldo/I will show you the true power of Eagle this time!! +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 +sf/1/2 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lizbeth/What, what is that...? +t/7/Lizbeth/That monster... Is not it Bast Secretary! What? +t/7/Lizbeth/...and the ground... it is gone! What? + +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/Lizbeth, please go down. +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/I will do something...! +t/7/Lizbeth/Is it possible to do...? +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I do not know... But I have to do it... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/I understand... I will leave it to you! +t/7/Lizbeth/That person is impossible for me! I'm begging you! +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +bgm/1 + +jump/menu_slow + + + +<stev74> +setstage/74/2 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb570/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/2 +vfw/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +t/3/Baldo/Did you come...? +t/3/Baldo/This time this will be your graveyard... +t/3/Baldo/Eagle will be the country... no, the world ruler... +t/3/Baldo/I will strike the eagle... I will regret it in theother world!! + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out +<stev74bar> +t/POS/Baldo/Gukha Ha ha ha!! Get out before you want to die!! +two +<stev74bar2> +t/POS/Baldo/Wow… stupid… It should be this… +t/POS/Baldo/Eagle is… yet… I do not want to die… Gua Aaaaaaa!! +two +<stev74bar7> +load/0/cb570/c +vfw/0/in/3 +t/3/Baldo/Come out, the evil spirits! Fight for the eagle! +two +vfw/0/out +<stev74bar8> +load/0/cb570/c +vfw/0/in/3 +t/3/Baldo/Shoot us! Protect Eagle! +two +vfw/0/out +<stev74bar9> +load/0/cb570/c +vfw/0/in/3 +t/3/Baldo/Gukahahahaha! The dead spirits overflow from the body! +two +vfw/0/out +<stev74bar10> +load/0/cb570/c +vfw/0/in/3 +t/3/Baldo/Careful! Burn the one who resists the eagle!! +two +vfw/0/out +<stev74g> +setstage/74/10 +//setstage/75/1 + +load/0/cb0/c +sf/0/4 +vfw/0/in/3 + +t/3/Lana/Hooray... +t/3/Lana/I bet you could beat it with this... +t/3/Lana/go home... + +two +vfw/0/out + + +if/ev:48:1 +setev/48/2 +tend + + +jump/menu_slow +<wan16> + +ifc/st:74:0/wan16a +ifc/ev:48:2/ili103 + +loadseen/fd8/bg10 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb10/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +bgm/11 + + +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana... Thank you. It did a good job. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/I do not know why Minister Baldo has become such a monster... +t/7/Lizbeth/There is no help for it because it has only to beat down. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/I think that appreciation to you who did a big success is not enough with this prize money at all... +sf/1/5 +t/7/Lizbeth/Please accept this. + +t///I received a reward 200,000 G. +addgold/200000 + +sf/0/5 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Thank you ♪ + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/So, what are you going to do now? +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/...I have not thought of anything yet. +t/7/Lizbeth/Really. If there is anything I can do for me in the future I will help you anytime. +t/3/Lana/What will you do with Lizbeth from now? +t/7/Lizbeth/I am here because I am at work so I will stay here forever. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/It also has to rebuild troops in the kingdom where many casualties have appeared. +t/7/Lizbeth/I think that there is also a successor selection because the secretary has gone. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Anyway it is going to be busy. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + + + +if/unit:0:14:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb14/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Nono/Lana! +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Nono! What? +sf/0/1 +t/7/Nono/Even though I first met, it seemed so weak... +t/7/Nono/Now it has become a strongest brave person above the clouds that will not be hands or feet by oneself. +two + +sf/1/7 +delay +sb/1/100 +pon/1 +t/7/Nono/Lana, I want you to make disciples! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Eeeh... +t/3/Lana/But I am busy, hey... +sf/1/4 +delay +sb/1/101 +pon/1 +t/7/Nono/Well, maybe... +sf/1/7 +t/7/Nono/Wait always has a chance to become a disciple! +t/7/Nono/Be sure to become a disciple of Lana and become the strongest warrior! +sb/1/101 +t/3/Lana/Well, yes... someday... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + +if/unit:0:24:1 + +load/0/cb0/c +loadct/1/24/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/Lana... +t/3/Lana/Lirim? +t/7/Lilim/Congratulations... You seem to have done a big deal again. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Well... Somehow... +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lilim/I... I have a thing to understand a lot... +t/7/Lilim/That institute and the beastmen who were made there... I also had the same ability as me... +t/7/Lilim/Perhaps I am... I think that it was one person made there. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/I have been searching for my past forever because of memory loss, but... finally I may have arrived at the answer. +t/7/Lilim/Lana... Thank you for all the power you have done so far. +t/3/Lana/That's not true... +t/3/Lana/I was helped by Lirim. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/No, if you do not have me... I think I was wandering without finding anything for the rest of my life. +t/7/Lilim/You are my benefactor... more than that. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... +sf/1/5 +t/7/Lilim/I am in this town for a while, so if you have any help please call out anytime. +t/3/Lana/Okay, thank you. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +tend + + + + + + + + + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/ver3ed1 + +<ver3ed1> +load/8/fd5/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/6/bg6/b +v/6/1 + +sout/8 + +bgmout + +t///Thus the days of Lana's long battle are over... +two + + +save_fuma +read/ver3_allcg + + + + + +if/unit:0:45:0,unit:0:21:1 +read/ver3ed1m +tend + + +if/unit:0:21:0 +read/ver3ed1n +tend + + +jump/ver3ed_s + + + + + + + + + + + +<ver3ed1n> + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb13/c +sb/0/1 +sbtown/0 +sb/1/101 + +bgm/11 + +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Elena/Lana... Are you seriously going? +sf/0/6 +t/3/Lana/Well... because I think that I am still somewhere. +t/3/Lana/I want to find it, return it and take me back. +t/3/Lana/I think that it is surely manipulated by something. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/...and also, I want to find my father. +t/3/Lana/I think that I said before, but as soon as I can finish searching... + +sf/1/5 +t/7/Elena/...Understood. Well then I will also go. +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/No, I can not. I do not want to make my sister dangerous. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Elena/You should not mind such a thing. +t/7/Elena/I am much more painful to part from Lana. +t/7/Elena/You had better stay with me rather than keep worrying? +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/I do not think so... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Elena/Yes, then it's fixed! I will go with you. +t/3/Lana/It's okay... I understand. + + +if/unit:0:45:0 + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 + +t///In this way, seeking the figure of Ily and his father who disappeared somewhere, the two of them had left.... +two + +tend + + + + +if/unit:0:45:1 +load/2/cb45/c0 +vf/2/in/8 +t/8/Lia/Lana... +sf/0/1 +t/8/Lia/Are you going? +t/3/Lana/Yeah... +t/3/Lana/But my sister will come with me, and what will Lia do... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Elena/Lia, then let's go together. +sf/2/3 +pon/2 +t/8/Lia/Yup! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Eh... such a thing... +t/3/Lana/It is not going to go out and it may be dangerous... +t/7/Elena/I can not put the Lia, can not be helped, right? +t/7/Elena/Well then, I have to prepare for departure! +two +vf/0/out +vf/2/out +vfw/1/out +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 +t///In this way, seeking the appearance of Ily and his father who disappeared somewhere, the three people had left.... +two +tend + + + + +<ver3ed1m> + +loadseen/fd8/bg28 + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb20/c +load/2/cb13/c0 +sb/0/1 +sb/2/101 +bgm/11 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... I think I talked about before... +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ily/I will absolutely... I would like to go looking for my own village. +sf/1/1 +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Oh, it was. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/There were various things, I forgot the story. +s/0/1 +t/3/Lana/It was a story that everyone should go along. +sf/0/5 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Let's get ready for departure! +two + +vfw/2/in/2 + +sf/2/3 +t/2/Elena/Ily, it was planned to go with me, did not I? +sf/2/1 +t/2/Elena/Your special power... I am not sure, but I want to know what it is. + +sf/1/6 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... Elena-sama... +t/7/Ily/Thank you. +t/7/Ily/It would be very encouraging if the two of you were there. +two + +vf/0/out +vf/2/out +vfw/1/out + +bgmout + +loadseen/fd8/bg6 +t///In this way, the three gathered up their luggage and went on a journey aiming for the home of Ily... +two +tend + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<ver3ed_s> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/ending/s0 + +sout/8 + +ms/ending/s3 + + +<ver3ed_u> +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +ms/ending/u0 + +sout/8 + +ms/ending/u3 + +<ver3ed_fin> + +ifc/unit:0:45:1,unit:0:21:1/ver3ed41 + + + + +load/8/fd5/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +if/unit:0:45:0,unit:0:21:0 +load/7/ev506/b +tend + +if/unit:0:45:1,unit:0:21:0 +load/7/ev505/b +tend + +if/unit:0:45:0,unit:0:21:1 +load/7/ev507/b +tend + +load/5/ev611/m +v/5/in +v/7/in + +sout/8 + + +clc + + +load/8/fd5/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/6/bg6/b +v/6/in + +sout/8 + + +jump/title +<ver3ed41> + +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/6/bg6/b +v/6/1 +sout/8 + + + + +setcg/41/1 +read/ev41 + + + +load/8/fd6/f +sin/8 +alldel/8 + +load/6/bg6/b +load/5/ev611/m +v/6/in +v/5/in +sout/8 + + +clc + +jump/title +<ver3_allcg> +setcg/1/1 +setcg/2/1 +setcg/3/1 +setcg/4/1 +setcg/5/1 +setcg/6/1 +setcg/7/1 +setcg/8/1 +setcg/9/1 +setcg/10/1 +setcg/11/1 +setcg/12/1 +setcg/13/1 +setcg/14/1 +setcg/15/1 +setcg/16/1 +setcg/17/1 +setcg/18/1 +setcg/19/1 +setcg/20/1 +setcg/21/1 +setcg/22/1 +setcg/23/1 +setcg/24/1 +setcg/25/1 +setcg/26/1 +setcg/27/1 +setcg/28/1 +setcg/29/1 +setcg/30/1 +setcg/31/1 +setcg/32/1 +setcg/33/1 +setcg/34/1 +setcg/35/1 +setcg/42/1 +<toir0> + +loadseen/fd8/bg42 + +load/0/cb0/c +sb/0/2 +delay +sf/0/1 +buup/0/up + +vf/0/in/7 + +t///Lana enters the toilet, strips off her clothes and squats down. +two + +selset/0/s0/Pee +selset/1/s1/Poop +selset/2/s2/Masturbate +selset/3/s3/Stop +selview + +[s0] +jump/toir1 +[s0]- + +[s1] +setcg/36/1 +jump/toir2 +[s1]- + +[s2] +jump/toir3 +[s2]- + +[s3] + +jump/menu +[s3]- + +tend +<toir1> + +ifc/rand:50/toir1a + +sf/0/9 +t/7/Lana/Pee, come on... +t///He had his penis lightly, and after a while, urinebegan to be discharged from the tip. +setpenis/0/10 +two +wait/1000 + +t///Giobo Gobojobogiobo... +t///It showering to the urinal while drawing the arc. +t///Giobo Gobojobogiobo... +t///After a few seconds, the sound was interrupted. + +setpenis/0/0 +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lana/Haa... refreshing. +t///Lana left the toilet with a refreshed expression +two + +jump/menu + +<toir1a> + +setpenis/0/1 +sf/0/9 +t/7/Lana/Uu... +t/7/Lana/I want to pee, but it doesn't fit at all... +t/7/Lana/But if you don't hurry, it'll leak... +t///Lana began to urinate cautiously toward the toilet bowl while adjusting the angle of the penis. +two +wait/500 +setpenis/0/11 +wait/500 +t///Giobo Gobojobogiobo... +t///Lana managed to get his urine into the urinal. +t/7/Lana/Sigh... It was good to be put in properly... +t///Giobo Gobojobogiobo... +t///After a few seconds, the sound was interrupted. +two +wait/500 +setpenis/0/1 +wait/500 +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Haa... refreshing. +t///Lana left the toilet with a refreshed expression +two + + +jump/menu + +<toir2> +read/ev36p +jump/menu +<toir3> + +setpenis/0/1 +t///When Lana Clench his dick slowly, he began to squeeze. +sf/0/9 +sf/0/40 +t/7/Lana/Just a little rub... +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/Sigh... It feels good... +t/7/Lana/Just a little more... +t///Lana's breath accelerating to the beginning, and at the same time he began to get power. +pon/0 +sf/0/4 +sf/0/40 +t/7/Lana/Oh... But I'm tempted to leave... +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... Even more... +t/7/Lana/Gotta... May... +t///It is not possible to stop the hand rubbing the pulsing meat stick though eyes become hollow. +sf/0/18 +t/7/Lana/Oh, yeah... By, you'll... +t/7/Lana/Oh, yeah... I can't stand it anymore... +t///Lana's hand had already chewy and squeeze up his dick. +t/7/Lana/Oh, come on! +t/7/Lana/Oh, yeah!! There, Acme! Damn! +pon/0 +t/7/Lana/Igg-Wow!!♥ +two +cumf/3 +setpenis/0/2 +wait/2000 +t///Oh my! +t///White semen popped out from the tip of Lana's penis and was scattered in the toilet. +setpenis/0/3 +t/7/Lana/Haa... ah... it came out... +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/We need to wipe the splattered... +t///Lana had a slight regret for scatter and cleaned the toilet. +two + +vfw/0/out +jump/menu +<toir4> + +<ev0> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev0/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + + +t///Lana approached the weakened Leech but... + +t/7/Lana/-?! + +t///Suddenly the Leech jumped at Lana, catching her off guard, and glued itself to her crotch. + +t/7/Lana/-Aaah?! + +t///As a creature that survives by sucking and absorbing bodily fluids of its prey, the Leech couldn't resist the sweet scent coming from Lana's groins. + +t/3/Leech/*Slurp*! *Slurpppp*!! + +t///Having regained its strength, the Leech started sucking Lana's crotch violently. + +t/7/Lana/Aaaaaah!! +t/7/Lana/My... dick... is gonna get torn off...! + +sfade/7/2 +t///Lana tried using both of her hands to pull the Leech off but it wouldn't budge. + +t///Fluids inside Lana's urethra was drawn out by the Leech's suction force. + +t/7/Lana/Ah...!! Aaah! It's leaking out!!! +t/7/Lana/My pee is leaking ouut!!! + +sfade/7/3 +t///Hot fluids spewed out from Lana's penis as she screamed. + +t/3/Leech/*Slurp*! *Slurppppppp*!! + +t///The Leech sucked clean all of the urine squirted out by Lana. +t///Fear and discomfort from having her penis violated by a strange creature threw Lana's mind into disarray. + +t/3/Leech/*Slurp*! *Slurppppppp*!! + +sfade/7/4 +t/7/Lana/Ku..ah...! Aaaaah!! + +t///The stimulation from having her penis sucked caused Lana to get an intense erection while still urinating. + +t///Once her bladder was emptied, the Leech started sucking even harder. + +t///This time Lana's hard erect penis was assaulted by a different kind of stimulation. +t///Her penis was being stimulated by the squirming insides of the Leech's mouth, seemingly filled with countless of undulating creases. +t///With the suction force added in, Lana's penis was soon brought to its limit. + +t/7/Lana/Argh.. uuu...! If... If you... suck me like that... I'm gonna cum...!! + +t///Lana couldn't bear the sucking stimulation and her legs were trembling. + +t/7/Lana/C-cumming...!! I'm cumming... It's coming out!! + +t/7/Lana/Aaaaaah!! + +t///Lana's body jerked as she was being enveloped by a melting pleasure. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/5 +t///*Squirt*!!!! *Splurt*!! *Splurt*!! + +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Splurt*... *Splurt*... + +t///The intense force of ejaculation coupled with climax pulsation blew the Leech right off her penis. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/I thought... my penis was going to get torn off... + +t///Lana became lightheaded but she still felt a strange pleasure of unwavering excitement. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev2> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev2/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t/7/Lana/...?! + +t///Lana thought her magic had robbed the High Slime of her movements, but... +t///Suddenly, the High Slime leaped onto Lana and pushed her down as if she wanted to attack her. + +t/7/Lana/Aaaah?! +t/7/Lana/T-This is bad... My magic is not working...?! + +t///Lana couldn't escape as her body was pinned down by the High Slime. + +t/7/Lana/H- Help... me! + +t///Lana was trembling in fear but rather than attacking, the High Slime pressed her body against Lana's nether regions. + +t/7/Lana/T-This is...? +t/7/Lana/C-Could it be that... My magic's actually working? + +t///The High Slime guided Lana's penis inside her gelatinous body. + +sfade/7/2 +t///Lana's shaft entered the slime, making a sloppy sound. +t/7/Lana/Ah... I-It got in... +t///Lana's dick pushed its way through the High Slime's pussy flesh and became swallowed whole. + +t/7/Lana/Ugh... So tight... +t/7/Lana/If it's this tight... I'm gonna cum... right now... +t/7/Lana/And the inside is great Ridge... I'm going to do it... + +t///Shortly after penetration, Lana was already on the verge of climax, but... + +sfade/7/3 +t///Another tentacle started to reach out from the High Slime's groin. +t///Being a hermaphrodite species, the High Slimes have a habit of extending their seminal ducts during mating to inseminate their partners. + +t/7/Lana/...Aahh?! + +t///The wet slime penis pressed itself against Lana's anus. + +t/7/Lana/W-What's this... The High Slime's tentacle?! + +sfade/7/4 +t///After fondling her anus a little, the slime cock entered it in one go. + +t/7/Lana/Aaaah! It's going in?! + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Lana/Aaaaaaah! I-I'm gonna cum!! + +t///Lana, who was already on the verge of climax, ejaculated immediately from the stimulation of sudden anal penetration. + +t/7/Lana/I-I'm cumming!! It's coming out! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/9 +t///*Squirt*!! *Squirt*! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/10 +t///*Squirt*... *Splurt*... *Splurt*... + +t///Less than a minute passed since they started having sex and Lana had already climaxed, shooting lots of semen inside the High Slime's body. +t///Without caring about the state of her partner, the High Slime continued to plunge Lana's anus with her tentacle. + +t/7/Lana/No?! ...S-Stop that! +t/7/Lana/No more... Any more than this I will...! + +t///Lana's penis, which had gotten sensitive after several continuous ejaculations, became hard once more. + +t/7/Lana/Aaaah! I'm cumming again!! +t/7/Lana/...Cum... Cumming... it's coming out!!! +cumf/3 +t///Having both her shaft and her anus being stimulated violently at the same time, Lana ejaculated once more. +t///The High Slime also ejaculated at the same time as Lana, pouring a massive ammount of semen into the girl's intestines. + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev3> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev3/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + + + +t/3/Harpy/N-No way... I can't... move... +t///With her body paralyzed by Lana's magic, the harpy let out a painful moan. +t/7/Lana/...Somehow... I managed to catch her... +t/7/Lana/But if I don't pump my magic power inside her body, I can't make her obey me completely... +t/7/Lana/It's scary... but I have to do it... +t///Lana slid her body onto the freightened harpy +t/7/Lana/This harpy... I will put my penis into this her... + +sfade/7/2 +t///Lana reached out with her hands and grabbed the harpy's butt. +t///Without her realizing, Lana's penis was already heated up with hot blood and became fully erected, pressing its tip on her belly. +t///The harpy raised her voice trying to threaten Lana, but Lana kept coming closer. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Lana/I-I'm gonna put it in okay...? + +t///In contrast to Lana's uneasy expression, her swollen and seemingly about to burst penis made a direct contact to the harpy's vagina. + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... +t///Sounds of sticky liquid started coming out from where Lana's penis glan and the harpy's vagina are touching. + +t/7/Lana/They are connected... harpy pussy... and my dick... + +t///Just like that, Lana slowly moved her body forward. + +sfade/7/4 +t///*Squish*... *Squelch* +t///Lana's penis started to penetrate her vagina meat while making lewd sounds from rubbing precum with vaginal secretion. + +t/3/Harpy/Pyaaa?! + +t///The harpy cried out with fear and humiliation. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... It's in... My erect dick... is inside her pussy... +t/7/Lana/Harpy's inside... so hot... + +t///The vaginal meat of spoil which rejects the insertion becomes cramped when the approach thing is turned on. +t///The ridge, however, gave Lana's penis a pleasant and sweet stimulus. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Feels like your insides are wrapping my dick... +t/7/Lana/If it keeps like this... I might cum right now... + +t///While tilting her head looking aimlessly above, Lana pressed down the lower half of her body at the harpy's groin until it looked like they were glued together. + + +t/7/Lana/Aah... It's all in... all the way to the base... +t/7/Lana/So warm... Feels so good... Can't take it anymore... I'm gonna cum... + +t///She slowly pulled out her genital then thrusted it deep inside once in a while. + +t/7/Lana/Haa.. Haa... If I move faster... I will definitelycum... +t/7/Lana/This is the first time... moving my body feels this good... + +t///The pleasure from her penis seemed to have taken control of Lana's mind. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... More... I want more pleasure... from harpy pussy... + +t///Lana started shaking her hips as if she were thirsting for pleasure. + +t/7/Lana/I... I can't take it no more... I'm gonna cum right now! +t/7/Lana/I'm... cumming...!!! + +t///*Splurt* *Splosh* *Splurt* + +t///Indecent sounds were made each time their two sex organs seperated then glued together. + +t/7/Lana/Cumming... It's coming out!!! +t///Lana's penis swelled up noticeably, then thick white liquid started to squirt out from her urethra. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squirt*...! *Splurt*...! + +sfade/7/7 +t///*Squirt*...! *Splosh*... *Squish*... + +t///Lana pumped her semen into the harpy's vagina while her hips trembled uncontrollably. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... Aaah... +t/7/Lana/I came... inside the harpy's pussy... +t/7/Lana/My sperm... so much... came out... + +t///The pleasure enveloped Lana's entire body, causing her to be unable to move. With her penis still inside, Lana ejaculated many more times repeatedly. + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev5> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev5/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + + +t/3/Lana/I... I did it... +t/3/Lana/I finally got her... + +t///Having managed to somehow capture the Dryad, Lana forcefully spread her paralyzed body open. + +t/7/Dryad/I... can't... move... help... me... + +t///As Lana was spreading the trembling Dryad's legs wide open, she put her penis on the Dryad's groins. + + +t/7/Dryad/N-No way... Please... stop... + + +if/sexo:0:0,sexd:0:60 +t///Lana's penis size is small for mormal human. But for a Dryad, the size is enormous. +tend + +if/sexo:0:60,sexd:0:120 +t///The Dryad's body was supported by Lana's pulsing and veiny penis. +tend + +if/sexo:0:120 +t///Lana's unbelievable penis size sent the Dryan into total panic. +tend + + + + +t///Even if the Dryad wanted to struggle around and break free, Lana's magic prevented her from moving even a finger. +t/7/Dryad/Please... don't... put... it... in... Someone... save... me... +t/3/Lana/Fufu... I went through lots of trouble to catch you so I will definitely make you my slave. +t///As Lana was about to insert her penis with excitement... + +sfade/7/3 +t///*Pssshhh*... +t///Yellow steamy bodily liquid flowed out from the Dryad's crotch. +t///The stream of liquid scattered the smell of pheromone and steamy urnine all over the place. + +t/3/Lana/Hot! ...Can't believe you just peed on my dick... +t/3/Lana/Fufu... You peed cause you wanted me to hurry up and put it inside didn't you... + +sfade/7/4 +t///Lana's penis became bigger and harder from the heat and smell of urine, and it was rubbing itself against the Dryad's groins. + +t/3/Lana/Well then... I'm gonna put it in okay...? +t/3/Lana/I'll pump lots of my magic... into this pussy okay...? + +sfade/7/5 +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... +t///The Dryad's vagina opening was slowly forced open by Lana's penis tip. + +t/7/Dryad/Ahh... Please... Stop... + +t///Despite the Dryad's efforts to resist, Lana's penis penetrated deep insider her vagina meat. + +t/3/Lana/Uwaah... So hot... Feels so good... + +t///The pleasure from her penis clouded Lana's mind. + +t/3/Lana/I... put... it... alll... inside...! + +t///Lana's penis went all inside her vagina, its base was touching the Dryad's pussy lips. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Feels so good... If it keeps feeling this good... I'm gonna cum... + +t///Lana was enjoying the Dryad vagina meat while thursting her hips slowly. + +t/3/Lana/I can't... hold it... It's... coming out... + +t///After numerous thrusts, Lana seemed to reached her limit. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... I'm gonna cum... +t/3/Lana/Inside... the deepest parts of this womb... I willgive it lots of my magic...! ♥♥ +t/3/Lana/...Lots of my white stuff... inside this cute Dryad pussy... ♥ + +t///Lana mumbled as if she was talking to the Dryad while she kept on thrusting, + +t/3/Lana/Aah! I'm cumming!! ...It's coming out!! ♥♥♥ +t///Lana's body trembled uncontrollably after one big all-out thrust. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Splurt*!! *Splurt*!!... + +t///Lana's thighs twitched uncontrollably as she pumped thick white liquid into the Dryad vagina. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Lana/Ah... Haa... I came so much... +t/3/Lana/Dryad pussy... Feels really good... + +t///Lana became addicted to the pleasure and came many more times inside her afterwards. + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev6> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev6/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t/3/Lana/Aah?! +t///Lana screamed when she was tackled down to the ground. +t///The Werewolf that was certainly hit by Lana's magic did not get any weaker and pounced on her. + +t/7/Werewolf/Fuu... Fuu... + +t///The Werewolf was panting wildly and climbed on to Lana's body. +t///Lana didn't have any way to escape. + +t/3/Lana/Ku... I can't... run away... + +t///If she get hit in the neck even just once by those sharp claws of the Werewolf, she would certainly be dead. +t///Lana's body stiffened up as she was fearing for her life. + +sfade/7/3 +t///...But rather than attacking, the Werewolf wiggled her body while staring directly at Lana and panting on her face and + +t/3/Lana/T-This is... +t/3/Lana/Could this be... the hallucination state caused by my magic? + +t///I remembered... this state increased the creature's desire to mate, similar to my magic's aphrodisiac effect on the slimes that I captured in the past. +t///The Werewolf's entire body was sweating profusely, she started to rub her vagina on Lana's penis like a female dog in heat. + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/Uu... What... is... this... + +t///The Werewolf rubbed secretions from her vagina on Lana's penis, making lewd sloppy sounds. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... No... My penis's gonna... stand up... + +t///Despite her body getting pinned down, Lana's penis was throbbing with heat and started to become harder from the stimulation. + +t/7/Werewolf/Fuu... Dick... It's dick... + +t///The Werewolf mumbled something while rubbing her groins against Lana's penis even harder, +t///And then, Lana's penis, drenched in love juice, slid inside the Werewolfe's vagina. + +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squish*... *Shlick*... + +t/3/Lana/Hya?! + +t///Without her expecting, Lana's penis was already wrapped in vagina meat. Her body twitched in pain from the intense stimulation of getting her glan squeezed by vaginal walls. + +t/7/Werewolf/Haa... Ha... Dick... Dick! + +t///With an expression of excitement to mate on her face, the Werewolf started to shake her hips up and down. +t///Each time the Werewolf's vagina violently striked down Lana's penis, pussy juice and precum were splattered all over the place + +t/3/Lana/Urgh... If you keep moving like this... I'm gonna... cum! + +t///Lana's face was pressed into the Werewolf's breasts as she was shaking her body up and down. +t///As if she was starving, the Werewolf rubbed and squeezed Lana's penis tightly with her vagina insides, urging ejaculation. + +t/3/Lana/Enough already... It's gonna come out...!! + +t/7/Werewolf/Let it out...! Let it out...! +t///The Werewolf whispered at Lana's ear, enciting her to ejaculate. + +t/3/Lana/Haa...! I'm gonna cum...! I'm cumming...!!! + +t///The two thrusted their genitals agaisnt each other repeatedly, making indecent sloppy sounds. +t///Lana's penis was already at its limit. + +t/3/Lana/Argh! ...Cumming...! ...It's coming out!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/7 +t///*Squirt*! *Squirt*! *Splurt*!! *Splurt*!!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/8 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +t///During her intense climax, every part of Lana's body was stretched out from her finger tips to her feet, and her hips were shaking uncontrollably. +t///So much sperm was pumped into her vagina that it overflowed and dripped on all over Lana's lower body. + +t/7/Werewolf/Fuu... So much... Cock juice... + +t///The Werewolf breathed in with satisfaction, but then she started moving her hips again as if that wasn't enough. +t///Lana, still sensitive after her previous orgasm, was not able to handle the stimulation and screamed. + +t/3/Lana/You are still at it...?! Enough already... My dickis... + +t///Despite her saying that, her penis became hard again from the stimulation. +t///After that, the two continued to have sex until orgasm for more than ten times... + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev7> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev7/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t/3/La Fox/Haa... Haa... Why... can't... I... move...? +t///La Fox, who lost control of her own body due to magic, was shaking and on the verge of tears. + +t/7/Lana/Fufu... Seems like I've quite gotten used to sealing other's movement... + +t///Lana had an evil smile on her face as she caressed La Fox's body. +t///Lana was enchanted by the pleasant feeling of touching La Box's body which was covered in soft and delicate fur. + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/La Fox/Fugya?! L-Let me go human...! + +t///La Fox screamed while trying to resist, but she couldn't move her limbs. +t///Lana brought her face close to La Fox's nether region, so close that she can feel her breath. + +t/3/La Fox/No...?! S-Stop...! + +sfade/7/3 +t///Lana's fingers spread her labia open, exposing the vagina opening. + +t/7/Lana/If I don't wet this spot first it's gonna be hard to put it in so... + +t/3/La Fox/F-Fugiii... + +t///Lana wet one finger with her saliva while glancing at La Fox's wrinkled up expression of embarrassment. +t///Then she used that finger to stimulate the area around La Fox's vagina entrance. + +t/3/La Fox/Fugya! W-What are you doing...! + +t///La Fox trembled in discomfort as her private part was being stimulated. +t///Lana pressed her wet finger onto La Fox's clitoris. +t///Right at that moment, La Fox's whole body twitched violently. + +t/3/La Fox/Hagya?!? S-Stop... + +t///La Fox's butt flinched every time her clitoris was stroked by Lana's fingertips. + +t/7/Lana/Fufu... So much juice flowing out... + +t///A thin flow of sticky and cloudy bodily liquid started to ooze out of La Fox's trembling vagina. + +t/3/La Fox/Hnya... Hii... Hnn... + +t///With her face blusing red, La Fox tried to resist the pleasure but her voice gave in and she couldn't even muster any strength from her body. +t///The melting sensation from her clitoris shot right through her hips, causing La Fox to be unable to think coherently. + +t/3/La Fox/Funi...! Fugiii...! Fugiii...!! + +t///Lana was amused that every time she rubbed La Fox's clitoris, love juice started to dribble out,so she continued for a while. + +t/7/Lana/I think it's about time... I put it in... + +t///Lana's penis had already became erected as if it was about to burst with precum flowing out of its tip. +t///Lana grabbed La Fox's butt and closed in on the targeted vagina with her penis. + +sfade/7/5 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... Alright... I'm putting it in okay...? +t/7/Lana/I'll pump lots of my magic inside you... + +t///La Fox seemed to have lost all the strength to resist and she was panting in exhaustion. + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... + +t///Lana's penis touched La Fox's vagina opening and wet its tip with her love juice. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... I'm gonna put it in... Inside this pussy... + +t///Lana was breathing heavily in excitment as she shoved her penis into the beast's female part. +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... *Squish*... + +sfade/7/6 +t///Lana's penis forced open her vagina, mixing precum and vaginal secretion together while making indecent sounds. +t///La Fox's vagina was throbbing from the long wave of clitoris stimulation and easily gave way to Lana's penis. + +t/7/Lana/Aaah... Ah... Amazing... Her pussy is so hot... +t/7/Lana/So hot... Feels like my dick is getting roasted... + +t///Her penis was being massaged and wrapped gently in La Fox's vaginal meat walls. + +t/3/La Fox/Hnhii... Hiii... + +t///With her thoughts clouded by the aphrodisiac effect of Lana's magic, La Fox soon stopped resisting. + +t/3/La Fox/M-more... dick... +t/3/La Fox/Give me more... prease... + +t///La Fox's genital was twitching and she soon started begging for sex. +t///When Lana pulled out his penis, he inserted it into the vagina and echoed the obscene sounds. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... I'm about to... cum... + +t///Lana started to reach her limit as she shook her hips repeatedly to thurst her penis inside. + +t/7/Lana/I'm cumming... It's coming out... + +t///Lana's face became distorted in pain as she thursted even faster. + +t/7/Lana/Haa...?! I'll cum...! It's coming out... I'm gonnaejaculate...! + +t///*Squish*... *Splurt*... *Squelch*... +t///Love juice coming from where both of their genitals were rubbing scattered all over the place + +t/7/Lana/Hnnnaaa! Cummming! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/7 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... +t///With her back bent over like a shrimp, Lana's body was trembling uncontrollably. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/8 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +t///Lana's mind became hazy after squirting sperm into La Fox's vagina many times and she was barely able to think. + +t/7/Lana/Ha...! Ha...! ...It feels so good that I think I'mgonna pass out... + +t///As she pumped large amounts of semen inside, Lana was filled with satisfaction from internal ejaculation and her being able to subdue a powerful monster. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev8> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev8/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t/3/Pixie/Pya... Piiiiiii!!! + +t///The Pixie caught by Lana was struggling to break free, but she couldn't move her body... +t///It was because her ability to move was sealed by magic channeled from Lana's eyes, which effected the Pixie's nervous system. + +t/7/Lana/Fufu... This is what you get for attacking me... So it can't be helped, really... + +t///Lana pressed both her hands onto the Pixie's crotch and brought it close to her hot and erect penis. + +t/3/Pixie/Pyaaaaa!! + +t///Lana's penis made contact with the Pixie's genital, which was still trying to struggle in vain. + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... + +t///Lana's penis drew strings of sticky liquid from its tip while making lewd sounds. +sfade/7/2 +t///Even though she was resisting, when the Pixie saw Lana's penis, her mating instinct kicked in and sticky bodily liquid started to flow out from her precious meat hole. + +t/7/Lana/About time... I put it in... I think... +t/7/Lana/...I'll pour inside you... lots of my magic okay? ...Fufu... + +t///Lana's penis became hard and erect in anticipation of vaginal penetration. Transparent sticky liquid was dribbling from its tip. + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... + +sfade/7/4 +t///She stuck her penis inside the Pixie's vagina, tearing it open. + +t/3/Pixie/Pyaa... Pyaa... + +t///The will to resist disappeared from the Pixie's facial expression. She completely left her fate at Lana's mercy. + +t/7/Lana/Ah! ...Hot... It's so hot inside... + +t///Lana felt a melting sensation of pleasure as her penis made its way into the vagina and became heated up from the Pixie's body temperature. + +t/7/Lana/No way... Feels like I'm gonna cum just by thrusting it deep inside... + +t///Lana thrusted her penis even deeper inside the Pixie's vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Haa...! I can't take it... If it keeps feeling this good... I'm gonna cum soon... + +t///Lana's penis started twitching violently. +t///As if she was sensing the incoming ejaculation into her vagina, the Pixie started to curl up her body. + +t/7/Lana/...I'm... about to... cum!! + +t///Lana sped up her thrusts as she was reaching climax. + +t/7/Lana/Please... take my magic... inside you!! +t/7/Lana/It's... coming out... I'm cumming...!! +two + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/5 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*!! *Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*...! + +sfade/7/6 +t///Lana pumped semen inside the Pixie's womb with her throbbing penis. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... Ah... It's still... coming out... + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/7 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +sfade/7/8 +t///Lana kept ejaculating inside the Pixie's vagina until her balls were dry. + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev9> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev9/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t///Lana was about to capture the Walking Flower with her magic but... + +t/7/Lana/Ku... My magic is not working...?! + +t///Instead she herself got caught and her body was wrapped in vines. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... I must escape somehow... +sfade/7/2 +t///The walking flower started to lick Lana's body with its long tounge. + +t/7/Lana/W-What is this...?! + +t///Attracted by the smell of salt (which was hard to absorbed from the wild) exuding from Lana's body, it tried to lick the sweat that seeped through. +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Lana/Uu... S-Stop... + +t///Lana couldn't move and she was fearing for her life. She desperately tried to untangle herself but the vines just would not come off. +t///Like a prey that fell into a spider's web, Lana was almost about to give up on life. + +t/3/Walking Flower/*Slurp*... *Slurp*... + +sfade/7/2 +t///Saliva dribbled from the Walking Flower's mouth as it licked Lana's body thoroughly. +t///The ticklish feeling of getting every part of her body licked against her will caused Lana's groin to react. + +t/7/Lana/H-How did it get like this... + +t///Despite Lana's body was trembling in fear, her penis still became hot and erected. +t///Then, the Walking Flower reacted to the translucent liquid overflowing from Lana's penis tip and started to lick it. + +t/3/Walking Flower/*Slurp*... *Slurpp*... + +t/7/Lana/Ku... Haa?! +t/7/Lana/S-Stop.. If you keep licking like that...! + +t///The Walking Flower's meaty and gritty tongue wrapped around Lana's penis, stroking it relentlessly. +t///Pleasure and the gross feeling of getting her groins licked by a parasite-like creature mixed up Lana's head. + +t/7/Lana/Ha... Hi..?! No... Help... me! + +t///Even though she couldn't put any strength into her body, her penis was throbbing violently from the stimulation and became more sensitive. + +t/7/Lana/N-No... If you lick it that roughly... + +t///Lana's pulsing penis couldn't bear the stimulation from the Walking Flower's tongue, and soon it was on the verge of exploding. + +t/7/Lana/Aaa! It's coming out!! It's coming outt!! + +t///Lana's penis was at its limit and shaking up and down rapidly. + +t/7/Lana/Cum... Cumming!!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/4 +t///*Splurt*!! *Squirt*!! *Squirt*!! + +sfade/7/5 +t///Having her genital forcefully sucked down until orgasm, Lana's mind was melted by a pleasure she couldn't understand and went blank. +t///Then, the Walking Flower started to lick semen scattered around. + +t/7/Lana/S-Stop...! Aaaah! + +t///Without letting her enjoy the afterglow of ejaculation, the Walking Flower started to lick her penis even harder. + +t/7/Lana/Hn..urgh... Aaaaaah!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Splurt*!! *Squirt*!! *Squirt*... + +sfade/7/7 +t///Lana was having her sperm sucked out and in no time she was about to reach her second orgasm. +t///But movement of the Walking Flower who has been licking Lana's sperm gradually become more sluggish. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Lana/Could it be that... Once it absorbed my sperm... + +t///Eventually, the vines that had been restraining Lana's body lost their strength. +t/7/Lana/Just as I thought... Once my sperm gets inside its body, its movement is sealed by my magic power... + +t///Lana breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she was lucky to narrowly escape death. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm + + + +<ev10> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev10/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t///Lana was about to capture the Worm Vine but she was attacked by numerous tentacles. + +t/7/Lana/Oh, yes! + +t///In the blink of an eye, Lana's body was entangled in tentacles and she couldn't move. +t///The Worm Vine's true body drew near to Lana, who was shaking in fear. +t///The Worm Vine doesn't have any visual sensory organ so her movement sealing magic, which is channeled through eye gazing, didn't have any effect. + +t/7/Lana/N-No way... Somebody... Help me... + +t///Nobody was around when Lana called for help, and it seemed reinforcement was unlikely to come any time soon. + +t/7/Lana/N-No... No way... I don't want to die like this... + +t///One of the tentacles which was wrapped and approached the anus of Lana. +t///It felt around the surrounding anal meat folds as if it was sniffing the smell of her anus. + +sfade/7/2 +t///And then the tentacle suddenly thursted itself inside her anal cavity. + +t/7/Lana/Yaaaaah!?! +t/7/Lana/It's... coming into my butt hole!! +t/7/Lana/Nooo...! H-Help me... + +t///No one would come no matter how much she screamed for help... +t///But Lana still kept screaming desperately. + +sfade/7/3 +t///However, the one that reacted to her scream was the Worm Vine's true body which has a big mouth. +t///It slowly creeped near Lana's nether region, then opened its big mouth. +t///Inside was filled with countless of bumps and creases, each wiggling in a strange way. + +t/7/Lana/I-I'm gonna get eaten... + +sfade/7/4 +t///Ignoring the freightening Lana, the Worm Vine's big mucus-drooling mouth bit onto her lower body. + +t/7/Lana/Aaaaah!! + +t///Lana's body jerked up violently. +t///She thought she was going to get bitten and torn to shreds by the Worm Vine. +t///But... that didn't happen. +t///Wormbine the folds of Lana's genitals and began to inspire them with a ridge. + +t/7/Lana/Huh? ...What is this... G-gross... + +t///The Worm Vine rolled Lana's limb penis in its mouth while making slurping sounds. + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Lana/Aah... Aaah... S-Stop... If you do that to me... + +t///Even though Lana was fearing for her life, her penis gradually became harder and harder from the stimulation. + +t/7/Lana/W-Why... are you doing this... + +t///With her body restrained and her penis and anus simultaneously stimulated, Lana was utterly confused by the Worm Vine's behaviours. + +t/7/Lana/Kua... S-Stop... + +t///As the stimulation grew in intensity, Lana was soon brought to the verge of orgasm. + +t/7/Lana/N-No... It's gonna come out...!! +t/7/Lana/Aaaaa!! I can't believe... you'll make me cum... like this...! + +t///Both of Lana's legs started to tremble uncontrollably. +t///Reacting to Lana's body movement, the Worm Vine attacked her penis and anus even more violently. + +t/7/Lana/Aaaaaaa!!! I'm cumming!!! +t/7/Lana/I-It's coming out!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/9 +t///Lana's penis squirted out semen with great force as her legs jerked up violently. + +sfade/7/10 +t///*Squirt*... *Splurt*... *Squirt*... *Twitch*... + +t///Lana's mind became muddy from numbing pleasure and the unpleasant feeling of being forced to ejaculate by a monster. +t///The Worm Vine kept sucking until not one drop of sperm was left. +t///At the same time the tentacles restraining Lana's body started to loose their strength. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/Am I... saved...? + +t///Lana took a deep breath knowing that she was safe as sperm dribbled from her crotch. +t///The Worm Vine's favorite food is semen... Lana became aware about that fact later on and she was embarrassed about her lack of knowledge. + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev11> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev11/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t/7/Robecca/Ku... To think... I am sealed by your magic... + +t///Under Lana's intense magic power, Robecca's movement was completely sealed. +t///The magic barrier around Robecca's body was gone and she was defenseless. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... I did it.. I caught you... finally... + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Robecca/N-No way... Not like this... Not like this... +t/7/Robecca/Don't tell me... this power is... the cursed seal... + +t///Robbecca was mumbling something when Lana's hot throbbing penis started to rise up before her eyes. + +t/3/Lana/Fufu... Well then... I'm gonna put my erect dick... in the naughty pussy... of this bad witch... + +t///Lana was breathing wildly in anticipation and excitement as she drew her penis closer to Robecca's vagina opening. + +t/3/Lana/...I'm gonna put it in! + +sfade/7/4 +t///Having said that, Lana stabbed her penis into Robecca's vaginal cavity. + +t/7/Robecca/...Hnngii?! + +t///Lana forced her penis tip which was wet with precum into Robecca's vagina, making a tearing sound. +t///Robecca's pure genital that had never been violated before was ripped open by Lana's penis. + +t/7/Robecca/Arg... Ah... S-Stop... + +t///Robecca was gasping for breath. Her face was blushing red from pain and humiliation. + +t/3/Lana/Fufu... I'll pump lots of my magic... into this loli witch pussy... + +t///Lana thrusted her penis into Robecca's vagina without mercy. +t///Robecca's litte vagina hole tightened up as if to force out the intruding penis, but instead it gave Lana a pleasant stimulation. + +t/3/Lana/Ahaa,,, So tight... This is my first time... doinga pussy this tight... + +t///As she pressed her hips deep into Robecca's groin, the sweet pleasure from her penis made her body trembled + +t/3/Lana/It... all... went... in... ♥♥ + +t///Lana's penis reached the deepest part of Robecca's worm. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... Witch pussy... Conquest... Successful! ...♥♥ + +t///Having captured her greatest enemy who she had been chasing after for so long and conquered her genital, Lana's mind was filled with immense pleasure. + +t/7/Robecca/...S-Shtop... Not like this... No... + +t///Lana was slowly thrusting her hips while enjoying the melting pleasure of being enveloped in hot vagina meat. + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... + +t///Lana kept on thrusting, not minding about mixing (vagina) blood with her love juice. + +t/7/Robecca/Ah... Kuaa... + +t/3/Lana/Ahaa... So tight that it feels so good... Feels like I'm gonna cum after a few thrusts... + +t///Lana's hips were trembling as she scrubbed Robecca's vagina with her penis. + +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Lana/Ah... I'm gonna cum... Even though I've just moved a little bit... I already feels like cumming... + +t///Lana's sensitive penis soon reached its limit and was on the verge of exploding. + +t/3/Lana/Aah... I'm gonna cum... inside this naughty witch pussy... I'm gonna flood it with my sperm... +t/3/Lana/I'm cumming...! I'm cumming...! + +t///Lana was panting and drooling as she started to shake her hips even faster. +t///Lusting for pleasure, Lana thrusted with all her might as if she was on the home stretch of her ejaculation. + +t/7/Robecca/Fugii...! Hnnguu...! + +t///Lana kept on thursting, seemingly not caring about Robecca's moans. + +t/3/Lana/Aaaaaah! I'm cumming... It's coming out! +t/3/Lana/I will cleanse... this bad pussy... with my spem...! + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... *Squelch*... + +t///Everytime Lana thrusted her hips inside, sticky and bubbling liquid came flying out from their connecting genitals. + +t/3/Lana/I'm... cumming...! Cumming...! + +t///Lana screamed while bending her back backwards as she forced her genital in down to the base. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/8 +t///*Squirt*!!!! *Splurt*... *Splurt*... *Splurt*... + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/9 +t///*Splurt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +t///Robecca's vaginal inside was getting pounded by the semen and magic coming out from Lana. + +t/7/Robecca/Ah... Kuah... + +t///Robecca's body started to tremble after Lana had finished ejaculating. + +t///...And then she passed out. + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev12> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev12/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t///Lana climbed onto the weakened Banshee's body. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... I've caught you at last... +t/7/Lana/You look like a ghost so I don't know if my magic has any effect on you... but seems like it worked... + +t///Lana's facial expression became frozen just as she rode on the Banshee's back. +t///The dreadful rotting smell exuding from the Banshee caused Lana to loose her sense of smell. + +t/7/Lana/Urgh... I can't... breath... +t/7/Lana/But... if I don't do this quick... I can't captureher... + +t///Lana can't control monsters if she doesn't let her magic-carrying semen flow inside them. +t///If she let the Banshee escape right now it would be all for nothing. + +t/3/Banshee/Giiiii!! +t///The Banshee let out ear-piercing shrieks as she struggled, but her movements were already sealed by Lana's magic. + +t/7/Lana/If I'm not quick... my magic will wear off... + +t///Lana made up her mind, then started to rub her penis against the Banshee's groin. + +t/7/Lana/I can't... get it up... + +t///The rotting smell caused Lana's penis to go limb. +t///Lana couldn't put it in unless she had an erection... It was an uphill struggle for her to somehow get an erection. +t///Eventually after a while Lana's penis began to get hard. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... Alright... Now then... + +t///Lana lowered her hip and rubbed the tip of her penis on the Banshee's vagina. +t///She slowly pressed her tip into the Banshee's vagina opening, which was wetted by Lana's precum. + +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... *Squish*... + +t///Lana slowly thrusted her penis in, making sounds of sticky liquid. + +t/7/Lana/Uu... It's tightening so much... that it hurts... + +t///The pinned down Banshee squeezed down her vagina tightly, trying to refuse the invading penis. +t///However, Lana still managed to force the Banshee's vagina open. + +t/7/Lana/I-If it's this tight..I'm gonna cum just by pulling back my dick... + +t///The Banshee's tightening vagina instead stimulated Lana's penis even harder. + +t/7/Lana/Hnnha... every thrust... I feel like my penis's gonna break... + +t///Lana started to moan from the increasingly intense suction from the Banshee's vagina. + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Lana/Hnn... If this keeps up... I'm gonna cum... + +t///A sharp sensation of pleasure ran like an electric shock from the tip of Lana's penis throughout her entire body as she pulled back hip. + +t/7/Lana/Hnnah?! I-It's... coming out!! + +t///Lana didn't even care about the rotting smell and became addicted to the intense pleasure from the Banshee's vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Haa..Urgh... I'm cumming... I'm cumming!! +t/7/Lana/I'm ejaculating...!!! ♥♥♥ +t///Lana was shaking her hips violently, pressing her genital as deep as she could. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/9 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*!! *Squirt*!!! +t///Lana's semen was gushing inside the Banshee's vagina. + +sfade/7/10 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Aah... +t/7/Lana/A pussy that feels this good... I just want to stay inside it... + +t///Engulfed by the afterglow pleasure, Lana kept on ejaculating into the Banshee's vagina. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev13> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +bgm/1 + +t///Pia and Lana visited the creek near town to have a swim. +t/7/Pia/Waa...! It's so cool and pleasant ♪ +t///Pia quickly stripped naked and jumped into the crystal clear water. +t/7/Pia/Lana-chan hurry up and get in ♪ It feels really good ♪ +two + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev13/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///The two started bathing in the crystal clear water glimmering with middday sunlight. +t///Suddenly, Pia approached Lana and stared at her crotch. +t/7/Pia/Waa... This is the first time I have a close look at Lana-chan's penis... + +t/3/Lana/Eh, my...? + +sfade/7/30 + +if/sexo:0:0,sexd:0:60 +t/7/Pia/Somehow I feel happy that yours is about the same size of mine... ♥ +tend + +if/sexo:0:60,sexd:0:120 +t/3/Pia/Wow, Lana-chan's is big... +tend + +if/sexo:0:120 +t/7/Pia/To think yours is this big... Such a meaty and lewd weiner... +tend + +if/sexd:5:2 +t/7/Pia/Also, it's covered in foreskin as if it's being shy... so cute... +tend + +if/sexo:5:2 +t/7/Pia/Also, it's pink meat is already pushed out like a grown-up... unlike me... +tend + + + +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... +t/3/Lana/For me... Pia's penis is way more attractive... + +t/7/Pia/Fufu... thanks ♪ + +t/7/Pia/Hey, before we take a bath, let's play with our weiners♪ +t/3/Lana/Eh... Play? +t/7/Pia/Yeah, fencing with our penises, who ever cums first looses. + +sfade/7/2 +t///At that time, Pia's limp penis started to throb and rise up. +t///Soon, her penis was fully errect and rock hard. + +t/7/Pia/Get your dick up too Lana-chan ♥ + +t/3/Lana/Eh... H-Hang on... I can't make it hard in an instant like that... + +t/7/Pia/Well, I'll make it hard for you then ♥♥ + +t///Pia reached her hand towards Lana's penis and stimulated it gently, causing it to twitch. + +t/3/Lana/Fua?! Pia... If you suddenly touch it like that... + +sfade/7/3 +t///Even though Lana said so, her penis already started to become erect. + +t/7/Pia/Ah, your weiner also stood up Lana-chan ♥ +t/7/Pia/Alright, let us start fencing ♪ + +sfade/7/4 +t/3/Lana/Eh... What do you mean by ""fencing:? + +t/7/Pia/We nudge our penis together like this and whoever makes the other one feels good wins! +t/7/Pia/If you cum first you lose ♥♥ + +t/3/Lana/Y-Yeah... I get it now... I'll give it a go. + +sfade/7/10 +t///Invited by Pia, Lana drew her penis closer. +t///Then, the tips of their penises touched one another. + +sfade/7/11 +t/7/Pia/Aha, our wieners kissed ♥♥ + +t///Pia stared at the connecting penis tips with an expression of fascination. +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... +t///Their penises became attached with each other and strings of sticky bodily fluid could be seen from the tips. + +sfade/7/12 +t/7/Pia/Alright I'll do it for real from now... ♥ + +t///Pira wrapped her hands on Lana's hips and brought the lower half of her body closer. +t///Then, they stimulated their penises by rubbing them against each other. + +t/7/Pia/Haa... My dick is having sex with your dick... It feels good... + +t///Pia stared at their overlapping penises with love. +t///Their bodies became glued together and their nipples were touching. + +t/3/Lana/I-it feels good but... it's embarrassing... + +t///Lana, who was blushing with embarrassment from touching Pia with her groins, couldn't do anything but squirming her body. + +t/7/Pia/Well if you don't move then I'll go first ♥♥ +t/7/Pia/Here's my attack... Take this ♥ + +t///She pressed in her penis shaft, giving the tips of their genitals a ticklish stimulation. +t///That sweet ticklish sensation made Lana confused. + +t/3/Lana/Ah... Ku... N-No way... This is way more intense than I've thought... + +t/7/Pia/I'll keep on attacking ♥♥ + +t///Pia swung her penis left and right, nudging it in as if to massage Lana's entire penis. +t///Caressed by Pia, Lana started to feel something rising up in her penis tip. + +sfade/7/15 +t/3/Lana/Haa...! Pia... I-I'm already... Stop... + +t/7/Pia/Fufu... Can't do that ♥ +t/7/Pia/We gotta do it till you cum ♥♥ + +t///Precum already overflowing from the tips caused their penises to become wet and sloppy. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa.. No... If we keep going... I'm really gonna... + +t/7/Pia/Feels like cumming...? +t/7/Pia/It also feels really good for me... I might cum too... + +t///The two swung their penises left and right, grinding them against each other. + +t/3/Lana/Ahnnnnn! I-It's coming out...!! +t/7/Pia/M-Me too! ...I-I'm cumming...! +t/7/Pia/I'm gonna cum together with Lana-chan...!! + +t///Pia hugged Lana tightly, squeezing their bodies together. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/20 +t///*Squirt*!!! *Splurt*!! *Squirt*!!! +t///Their penises squirted out hot thick white liquid at the same time, spraying it all over their lower bodies. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/22 +t///*Splurt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +sfade/7/24 +t///The two were breathing heavily while their penises were twitching and pulsing, covered in dribbling semen. +t///Seemingly ran out of strength, Lana fell on her butt into the nearby water, making a big splash. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... It felt so good that my legs have lost their strength... + +t/7/Pia/Fufu... We came at the same time so the winner hasn't been decided yet ♥ +t/7/Pia/Let's settle this duel next time okay? ♥ + + +t///The two then washed each other's body clean and went back to town while holding hands. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev14> + + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +bgmout + + + +t/3/Catherine/Alright... Remember to do the dance, just like how I taught you. +t/3/Catherine/When it's show time, don't disappoint our guests! + +t/7/Lana/Y-yes... + +t///Lana's body was stiff with tension. + +t/7/Lana/(There's no... turning back... I have to do it...) + +t///From the other side of the curtain vulgar laughters of men could be heard. +two + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev14/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +bgm/8 + + +t///Once Lana made up her mind and stepped onto the stage from the back of the curtain, people started to cheer and whistle with their fingers. +t///Even though it was late at night, inside the colorfully decorated pub was packed with men who came here to enjoy the strip show. +t///Lana's string outfit barely covered her nipples and it was so revealing that Lana looked almost naked. +t///Lana walked in front of the men and just as how she was taught, started to shake her hips while putting both of her hands behind her head. +t///Lana's face was blushing red from having her body stared at by the crowd as if it was being licked by their eyes. + +t/3/Man/Oouh, Missy! Come closer over here! + +t///Said a fat man sitting in front as he waved his hand at her. + +t/6/Man/Here, over here! Face this way~! + +t///Men started to shout from every direction. +t///Every time she heard a shout, Lana began to shake her hips at that direction while showing off her butt by perking it up. +t///At the tables placed on both sides of the stage which almost reached to the tavern's centre, lots of men were chugging down beer while enjoying Lana's body. + +t/7/Lana/(I-It's so embarrasing... but I have to do my best...) + +t///Within arm's reach from the men, Lana shook her hips, showing off her nether region. +t///As she was doing that, she could feel the lower half of her body slowly heating up. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Lana/(No... Why... is my lower body getting hot...) + +t///Lana's penis throbbed slightly and became half-erected. + +t/3/Man/Hey hey Missy! You got hard aren't you! +t/4/Man/Stand right there and jerk off for us! + +t///The drunken guests started to shout at Lana, making her realize that her own genital was attracting their eyes. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/(What should I do... If I get hard... it's gonna be so embarrassing...) + +t///The dance itself was slow, but Lana was breathing heavily as her body trembled from embarrassment. + +t///Soon, Lana repeatedly spreaded out her legs on the stage while stretching her anus open in front of the guests. +t///Lana's penis became fully erect. Love juice started to flow out of her vagina, dribbling down her thighs and dripping on the floor. +sfade/7/4 +t/7/Lana/(I... can't... hide my erection anymore...) + +t/3/Man/Hyo~ Missy, you dick is rock hard you know~! +t/6/Man/Aren't you a sexy lady! Exposing your cock while your pussy is soaking wet! + +t///Lana was being jeered at by the guest while having an erection. +t///Some men started to stroke their penises while watching Lana. + +t/4/Man/Aah~ I want to spray my juice all over that girl! I want my sperm to disperse in the air and impregnate her! + +t///Enticed by the obscene naked dance of Lana, some also got naked and started to masturbate while lying on the floor. +t///The tavern was enveloped by the smell and heat exuding from genitals, causing Lana's mind to become even more muddy. + +t/7/Lana/(I have to... entertain the guest more...) + +t///Lana was barely able to think straight as she shook her hips even harder, slapping her penis on her belly. +t///But the stimulation caused hot blood to rush into Lana's penis, making it swell up to the point it could explode anytime. + +t/7/Lana/(No... No... If my penis... gets stimulated any more... it's going to burst...! + +t///Even then, Lana still couldn't stop herself while being in the spotlight. + +t/7/Lana/(If I don't do something... I'm gonna get scolded by that woman... I can't disappoint her...) + +t///Lana repeatedly shook her hips and smacked her penis on her belly in such rapid succession that it was hard to count each thrust. And that had dealt a final blow to Lana's penis. + +t/7/Lana/...Fu, fuguu?! + +t///The penis that was on the verge of bursting of Lana swole up for a split second. +t///Right after that moment, Lana's body was struck by an intense wave of pleasure, causing her mind to go blank. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/5 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*!! +t///Lana's entire body trembled as she sprayed semen all over the guests. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squirt*!! *Squirt*! *Splurt*! *Splurt*... + +sfade/7/7 +t///A large amount of sperm was scattered in the air, pouring onto the men. +t///The men were gazing at Lana's ejaculation scene with astonishment. +t///The tavern became silent as if it was the first time ever for a dance girl to squirt semen at her guests. +t///Lana became frozen at the spot with her eyes rolled back and her body trembling, as if she had finnaly found peace in her soul. + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/(I've done it now... I've finally done it...) +t/7/Lana/(I ejaculated... at the guests...) +t/7/Lana/(I'm going to get scolded... by that woman... What should I do...) + +t///With teary eyes, Lana was brought into despair by her own action. +t///At that time, the bell behind the curtain rang, signaling showtime is over. + +t/3/Catherine/Lana, come here. It's time. + +t///Having heard Catherine's call, Lana walked like a crab into the back of the curtain since her body was still stiffening. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev14a> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev14/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/8 + + + +t///Lana began to strip in front of the men. + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev16> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev16/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t///Having sealed the Ogre's movement, Lana stripped her naked and pinned her down to the ground. + +t/3/Lana/Will this do? ...I wonder... + +t///Lana crawled up from behind and timidly felt around the Orgre's body. +t///The moment Lana touched her, the Ogre shook her body violently. However after a flash of light like lightning strike, the Ogre's body movement was sealed. + +t/3/Lana/S-Scary... Even though she's unarmed, if I got attacked by her I wouldn't be able to handle one strike... + +t///Lana was trembling in fear but if she wished to capture it she had to pump her magic power into the Ogre's body . + +sfade/7/2 +t///She shook off her fear and touched the purple-skinned hips of the powerful monster. +t///With her hips pointing up, the Ogre's private area was exposed, causing Lana's penis to throb without her noticing. + +t/3/Lana/Ah... Your pussy is similar to human's... + +t///The Ogre's twitching pussy hole was contracting repeatedly as if it was breathing. + +t/3/Lana/If I put it in... a pussy this muscular... I don'tknow... what will happen to my dick... + +t///Lana smeared her saliva on her penis which had already heated up and bent upwards from a mix of excitement and concern before penetration. + +sfade/7/10 +t/3/Lana/I'm gonna put it in... this powerful pussy... + +t///Lana was mumbling something as she slowly drew her penis close to the Ogre's vagina. +t///She could hear rough breathing from the Ogre as it was trying to struggle in front of her eyes. +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... *Squish*... +t///The tip of her penis made contact with the Ogre's vaginal opening, making indecent sounds in rhythm with the sway of their bodies. + +sfade/7/11 +t/3/Lana/Ha... It got in... The tip got in... + +t///The tip was enveloped by the Ogre's vaginal flesh while her shaft was being stroked by the hot wriggling vaginal creases. + +t/3/Lana/Hnn... It's incredible inside... Feels like I'm being sucked... + +t///Lana pressed her lower body deep into the Orgre's groins as if her hips was being pulled in. +t///As their genitals were deeply conjoined together, Lana's belly was being squeeze by the Ogre's meaty butt. + +t/3/Lana/If you... move this much... I'll cum... for sure... + +t///The stimulation of the wriggling and tightening vaginal creases made Lana's penis tremble in pleasure. + +t/3/Lana/But I wanna move and feel more pleasure... +t/3/Lana/I want my penis to feel good... I want to cum inside your pussy a lot... + +t///Lana started moving her lower body as she was drooling and breathing wildly. + +t/3/Lana/I'm gonna let out a lot.. My magic... I'll pump lots of it into this muscular pussy... +t/3/Lana/Aaah... It's already coming out! This just feels too good...! + +t///Soon, Lana was almost at her limit from the intense stimulation of the vaginal walls tightening around her penis. + +t/3/Lana/Cumming! I'm cumming! It's coming out! + +t///While copulating like animals, their genitails made squishy sounds when they were slammed together. + +t/3/Lana/Haa!! My dick... feels like it's melting...! If itkeeps like this... I'm going to cum...! +t/3/Lana/Ogre pussy... My dick... It's melting my dick...! + +t///Countless creases in the Ogre's vagina relentlessy assaulted Lana's penis. +t///Lana's lower body trembled as she was struggling to keep her mind from going completely blank. + +t/3/Lana/I... can't... hold it... anymore... +t///As she was on the verge of ejaculation, Lana mustered her last bit of strength and pumped her hips even faster. + +t/3/Lana/I'm... cumming!!! +t///Lana let out a scream as she slammed down her hips. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/12 +t///*Squirt*!!! *Squirt*!!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/13 +t///*Squirt*...! *Splurt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt* + +t///Lana's white syrupy liquid was overflowing from the Ogre's vagina. + +t/3/Lana/Ka... Haa... + +t///Lana's body was twitching as semen continued to spill from her penis. + +t/3/Lana/Ha... Ha... That was... amazing... + +t///With a sense of accomplishment from subduing a powerful Ogre, Lana continued to shake her hips for a while. + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev17> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev17/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + + +t///Lilim, who had lost control over her body, collapsed on the spot. + +t/3/Lilim/K... Kill... + +sfade/7/2 +t///Lilim was mumbling something as her body was pinned down by Lana. + +t/7/Lana/That was close... But surely you can't move now... + +t///Even though Lilim was being restrained by Lana's magic, she didn't stop resisting. + +t/7/Lana/This girl is definitely Lilim... +t/7/Lana/If I pour my magic inside her... I'm sure the spell that's controlling her mind will be removed... + +t///Lana stripped Lilim's clothes and crawled onto her back. +t///Seeing Lilim's exposed body caused Lana's genital to throb without her noticing. + +t/7/Lana/Soon... my penis is... gonna be inside Lilim's pussy... + +t///Just by imagining, Lana's head was already filled with so much excitement that she could just climax. +t///Heated up by congested blood, Lana's penis bended upwards and was pulsating over Lilim's belly. + +sfade/7/10 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... I'm putting it in... + +t///Lana's genital was throbbing in anticipation as it drew close to Lilim's nether region. +t///Lana lowered her hips, nudging the glan of her penis into Lilim's vaginal opening. + +sfade/7/11 +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... + +t///Sounds of thick sticky liquid can be heard from their connecting genitals as they were being smeared in transparent pre-ejaculation liquid. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... It's in... +t/7/Lana/I feel like cumming... even though I've just put it in... + +t///Lana's excited penis became so hard that it seemingly was about to burst. She was already on the verge of ejaculation. + +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... +t///Her precum acted as a lubricant, allowing Lana to sink her penis in Lilim's vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Fuah...?! Urgh... +t///Lana's facial expression became distorted from the intense pressure of Lilim's tight contracting vagina. +t///Lilim showed somewhat a sign of resistance but Lana ignored it and proceeded to penetrate her. +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... + +t/7/Lana/It's in... I put it in... +t/7/Lana/My dick... inside Lilim's pussy... +t/7/Lana/I'm actually having sex with Lilim... + +t///Lana thrusted her entire penis into Lilim's tight vagina +t///Lana's expression became that of ecstasy from both the joy of penetrating Lilim's vagina and conquest satisfaction. + +t/7/Lana/Inside... I'll cum a lot inside... To the point that Lilim will definitely get pregnant... +t///Lana's mouth was drooling as she started to thrust the lower half of her body. +t///Lilim's squirming vaginal creases wrapped around Lana's penis, stimulating Lana and making her even more horny. +t///Lewd sounds of thick sticky liquid could be heard every time their genitals striked against each other. + +t/7/Lana/Ha... I can't hold it... It's... coming out... +t/7/Lana/It's... leaking out... from my dick... + +t///Lana was enduring the pleasure with a painful expression, but in no time she had already reached her limit. + +t/7/Lana/Aaa... Haa... It's coming out... My weiner juice is coming... out... ♥♥ + +t///Lana was breathing heavily as her penis suddenly expanded substantially inside Lilim's tight vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Aaa!! Cumming!! ♥♥ +t/7/Lana/I'm gonna pour... lots of my sperm... +t/7/Lana/...into Lilim's pussy...!!! ♥♥ + +t///With her mind clouded by the pleasure of penetrating Lilim's genital, Lana was slurring her words as she became absorbed in thrusting her hips rapidly. + +t/7/Lana/Aaah! Cumming... Cumming!!! ♥♥♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/12 +t///*Squirt*!!!! *Squirt*!!!! *Squirt*!!!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/13 +t///*Splurt*!!...*Squish*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +t///After ejaculating many times, Lana's hips were trembling as she continued to pour semen into Lilim's vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... Haa... Haa... + +t///Even though she was barely able to think straight, Lana kept thursting her lower body. + +t/7/Lana/More... I wanna let out a lot more... +t/7/Lana/I want to... cum inside Lilim's pussy more... + +t///Not satisfied with cumming once, Lana continued to seek further pleasure by pumping even harder. +t///Afterwards. Lana ejaculated inside Lilim's pussy for another couple of times. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev18> + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev18/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +t///Fin +two + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +<ev19> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev19/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t/3/Swordswoman/Ku... L-Let go of me... + +t///With her body's movement sealed by Lana's magic, the Sword Master tried to resist even harder. +t///But she couldn't stop Lana from stripping her armor. + +t/7/Lana/Waa... big boobies... + +t///Lana was absentmindedly gazing at the Sword Master's exposed breasts. + +t/3/Swordswoman/Ku... I'm gonna.. slice you in half... + +t///Ignoring her vengeful glare, Lana brought her lips close to the Sword Master's nipples. + +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Lana/Boobies this big... I wonder... if milk is gonna come out of them... + +t///The nipple was included in the mouth when Lana said so. +t/3/Swordswoman/S-Stop...! +t///Lana started to suck her nipples loudly. +t/3/Swordswoman/S-St... Hnnn...! +t///Having her nipples sucked, the Sword Master lost her previously fearsome look and started blushing red from embarrassment. + +t/3/Swordswoman/Ku... Hphm... Hnn!! + +t/7/Lana/She's sensitive here...? +t/7/Lana/I also start to feel it just by sucking... + +t///Lana's penis became so erect that it was painful with precum leaking from the tip. +t/3/Swordswoman/S-Stop... And more and I will... +t///The Sword Master begged with her eyes clammed shut and her body trembling. +t/7/Lana/Fufu... I wonder what's gonna happen if I suck harder... +t///Lana proceeded to suck the Sword Master's nipples with great force. +t///*Slurp*...! *Slurp*...! +t/3/Swordswoman/N-Nooo... Hnnn! Aaaaaah!! + +sfade/7/3 +t///At that moment, both her nipples squirted out white cloudy fluid. + +t/7/Lana/Waa...! Milk... came out...?! + +t///Lana licked and slurped away all that fluid. + +sfade/7/4 +t/7/Lana/Sweet and tasty... This... I want to drink more of this... +t/7/Lana/The desert made me thirsty so I'm really glad... ♥ + +t///Lana continued to suckle the Sword Master's nipples like a baby as blood started to flow into her neither region. + +t/3/Swordswoman/Ku... You... My... breast... +t/3/Swordswoman/I won't forgive you... If only I could... remove this spell... + +t///The Sword Master glared at Lana once again while her face was blushing red from anger and shame. + +sfade/7/10 +t/7/Lana/Fufu... But once I pour my magic inside you... youwon't be able to resist anymore you know...? + +t///A smug smile appeared on Lana's face as she drew her erect penis close to the Sword Master's vaginal opening. + +t/3/Swordswoman/Ku...! + +t///The Sword Master tried to resist with open hostility, but Lana's incessant suckling of her breasts caused her groins to become wet with love juice. + +t/3/Swordswoman/...Just... kill... me... + +t/7/Lana/Hm...? I'll put my dick in... okay...? +t/7/Lana/I'm gonna pump lots of my magic inside you... + +t///At the moment when Lana erected rock hard penis was about to touch the Sword Master's vaginal openining... +t/3/Swordswoman/Ah... Aaaaaaah...! + +sfade/7/11 +t///Pssssh... +t///...the Sword Master let out a scream as hot bodily fluids squirted out of her urethra. +t///Her urine sprayed all over Lana's penis. + +t/7/Lana/Waa... Did you just pee yourself...? +t/7/Lana/Wetting your pussy... so that I can have an easier time putting it in I suppose? + +t/3/Swordswoman/Uu... Uu... + +sfade/7/12 +t///Feeling helpless and humiliated from having her body played around by Lana, the Sword Master started crying like a child. +t///Lana's penis, which was drenched in urine, made contact with the Sword Master's vagina. + +sfade/7/13 +t///*Squelch*... +t///Lana forced her penis inside the Sword Master's vagina, making sticky liquidy sounds. + +t/7/Lana/It... went... in... + +t///After the tip got in, Lana's penis was enveloped by the Sword Master's body warmth + +t/7/Lana/It's hot... and feels so good... + +t///Lana thrusted her penis even deeper while suckling on the Sword Master's nipples. +t///Lana could feel the vaginal creases squirming on her entire penis. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... To think the fearsome Sword Master... can have a pussy this tender and warm... +t/7/Lana/I just want my penis... to stay inside your pussy forever... + +t///Entranced by the twisting vagina meat massaging her penis, Lana mumbled something while sucking the Sword Master's breast. + +t/7/Lana/Can I let it out.. now...? +t/7/Lana/I'll let out a lot okay? ...Lots of my magic... + +t///Lana began to thrust the lower half of her body faster. +t///Every time their genitals striked against each other, obscene sloppy sounds could be heard as love juice and precum were mixed together. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Feels like I'll cum any time... +t/7/Lana/Lots of my magic... will come out... from my dick... + +t///Lana's hip movements gradually increased in frequency and speed. + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... *Squelch*... + +t///Bubbling sticky fluids started to overflow from their conjoined genitals and scattered all over the place. + +t/7/Lana/Aah...! I... can't... hold it...! +t/7/Lana/I'm gonna pump... all of my magic... into the deepest parts of your womb...! + +t/3/Swordswoman/Fuu... Nhgnnh... + +t///The Sword Master stopped resisting and closed her eyes shut, enduring the stimulation directed at her vagina. + +t/7/Lana/Cumming...! I'm ejaculating...! It's coming out...♥♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/14 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*... *Splurt*... + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/15 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +t///Lana's penis pulsated rapidly as it was shooting semen at the Sword Master's vaginal walls. + +t/7/Lana/Ha... Ha... I came... +t/7/Lana/I let out a lot... inside you... + +t///When Lana pulled her penis out of the convulsing vagina, white sticky fluids started to overflow from inside. + +t/7/Lana/Hehehe... Is this what you've been subjected to...? + +t///Lana slowly got up while wiping off the sweat on her forehead. + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev20> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev20/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t///In front of Lana's eyes were the figures of two people that were beyond her comprehension. + +t/3/Elena/Aaah! Ily! I've wanted you for so long... +t/3/Elena/I masturbate all the time so I won't forget about your dick Ily. +t/6/Ily/Elena-sama... I also masturbate everytime I think about Elena-sama... +t/3/Elena/Aah... I'm glad... I can finally do it with Ily again... + +sfade/7/2 +t///Their bodies were glued tightly while their genitals were deep inside each other. +t///Everytime Ily swung her hips, her swollen penis pounded into Elena's vagina. +t///White thick fluids scattered all over the bed sheet with each strike. + +t/3/Elena/Ily... Kiss me and do it harder... so hard that I won't be able to leave you ever again... + +t///Ily put her lips onto Elena's. +t///While their tounges were twisting around each other, Ily thrusted even deeper into Elena's vagina. + +t/6/Ily/Elena-sama... I love you... more than anyone on this earth... +t/6/Ily/My stuff (sperm)...inside the deepest parts... of Elena-sama's womb...! + +t///Ily's hip movements grew faster as their breathing became even more ferocious. +t///Their overlapping genitals were drenched with sweat, precum and pussy juice. + +sfade/7/3 +t/6/Ily/Haa... Haa... Elena-sama, I'll cum! +t/3/Elena/Ily, please cum! Let inside me lots of your hot stuff! + +t/6/Ily/C-Cummming!! + +t///Ily hugged Elena tightly as her penis suddenly swole up and bursted inside Elena's vagina. +two + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/4 +t///*Squirt*!!! *Squirt*! +t///Ily squirted a large amount of semen into Elena's vagina, so much that it overflowed from Elena's vaginal opening. + +sfade/7/5 +t///Their thighs trembled as the two were being enveloped in orgasm afterglow. + +sfade/7/6 +t///Lana, who had been gazing at the scene absentmindedly, snapped out of it and quietly closed the door. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev22> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + + +t/3/Ily/Lana, please take off your clothes. +t/7/Lana/Eh?! W-why...? + +t/3/Ily/I will make you stronger with my power. + +t/7/Lana/...?? +t/7/Lana/W-what do you mean? + +t/3/Ily/I'll explain later... Please just trust me. + +t/7/Lana/...A-alright... + +t///Although she was still confused, Lana took off her clothes as requested. +two + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev22/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + + + +t/7/Lana/I-I've taken off my clothes... + +t/3/Ily/Thank you. +t/3/Ily/Now, I will use my power... + +t///As she spoke, Ily grabbed Lana's penis. + +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Lana/Ha?! W-what are you doing...?! + +t/3/Ily/Drawing out the magical power that has accumulated within your body, Lana-sama. +t/3/Ily/I'm sure this will allow you to move twice as fast as usual. + +t/7/Lana/W-why my penis...?! + +t/3/Ily/Your magical power is released through here. +t/3/Ily/Drawing it out from here is the most efficient method. + +t///Ily started moving her hand up and down Lana's penis. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Lana/Uu... Hnnn... T-this is... + +t///Lana's face blushed red from embarrassment as her crotch was being stimulated by Ily. +t///Ily started stroking Lana's penis even faster. + +t/7/Lana/Fu... Fuu... Hnnn... Hn... + +t///The pleasure overwhelmed Lana, causing her voice to leak out. +t///Ily stimulated Lana's penis tip by running her fingers around Lana's sensitive glan with precision. +t///As the speed of Ily's hand increased, Lana's breathing became more heavy. + +t/7/Lana/Fuu... Hnnngh... Hnnn!! + +t///Lana was closing her eyes shut as she couldn't bear the pleasure piercing through her body but... +t///Ily's technique already made semen gather at the base of Lana's penis. + +t/7/Lana/I-I can't hold it... It's... coming out!! + +t///Feeling that she was about to reach her limit, Lana raised her voice. + +t/7/Lana/C... cumming! It's coming out!!! + +t///Lana's head went blank, as her body trembled in pleasure. +t///But at that time Ily tightened her grip around the urethral tube of Lana's penis. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... Kuuah... Haa...! + +t///Lana, who was on the verge of orgasm, squirmed her body in agony from the sudden ejaculation denial. + +sfade/7/4 +t/7/Lana/W... why... +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama, you mustn't ejactulate. +t/3/Ily/Only by holding back the semen that you're about to let out can you maintain a state of heightened magical power. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... Is that really... true? + +t///Suddenly Lana felt that her entire body was being filled to the brim with magical power. + +t/7/Lana/Aah... What is this... +t/7/Lana/I can feel... the power in my body rising up... + +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama, please fight while you are in this state.. +t/3/Ily/However, remember that it's effects will not last long... + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev23> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev23/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 + +sf/7/2 + +sout/8 +bgm/1 + + + + +t/3/Lana/T-thank you for waiting...! +t/3/Lana/Here you go sir. Steamed slime marinade and fresh futanari milk tea. +t///Lana clumsily put the dishes onto the customer's table, having brought them from the kitchen. +t///Is that all you ordered sir...? + +t/7/Man/Hey hey, it's not in here! +t/3/Lana/...? +t/7/Man/There's no futanari milk in this tea! +t/3/Lana/Er... I... +t/3/Lana/(That's right, there was something like that in manual) +t///In that moment, Lana remembered that for the fresh futanari milk tea, the waitress must pour the semen in front of the costumer +t/3/Lana/(yes... that's right... I got to pour into the tea...) + +t/7/Man/To be honest futanari milk is the only thing this shop has going for itself, so isn't it weird that you haven't put any in? +t/6/Man/Ain't that right~ You a newcomer? You know you need to pour the futanari milk in front of the customer, don't you? + +t///As a newcomer, Lana still hadn't memorized the menu, and was uncertain about what she should do. + +t/3/Lana/Y-yes... just wait a moment... + +t///The flustered Lana presented her penis to the costumer. +t///And yet, the flacid penis refused to become erect. +t///Lana who knows that the ejaculation is difficult if it does not make it erect, the consideration is concentrated on the crotch to make it somehow erect. + +t/7/Man/What's the matter? If you can't make it stand, how about I help? +t///The man standing before her grew impatient and reached out to Lana's groin. + +sfade/7/3 +t/3/Lana/ah...! Mister customer...! + +t///Yet Lana couldn't refuse a customer, and had to let him have his way with her penis. +t///The man's hand ran up and down her shaft while gently massaging the tip of her penis +t/7/Man/hehe... are you getting hard? growing bigger? + +sfade/7/4 +t///Not being able to bear the stimulus, Lana's penis started to harden and swell. + +t/7/Man/Oh... feeling good aren't you! It got so hard for me. + +t///The man's hand continued to stroke her penis, squeezing its glan. + + +t/3/Lana/ha... ha... cutomer, sir... I'm already-! + +t///Soon Lana hit her limit, and her penis started twitching and pulsating. +t///Dripping from her vagina, her knees started to lose strength, leaving her barely standing. +t///With the embarassment from being seen in such a state by the man stroking her penis, Lana's head went blank. + +t/3/Lana/ha... aaah... it's coming! It's coming out! + +t///Barely retaining consciousness, Lana screamed while shaking her hips. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/5 +t///*Squirt*!! *Splurt*!!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +sfade/7/7 +t///With an arching trajectory, the semen landed on the teacup. +t///The semen that didn't hit the teacup splattered on the table. +t///Though customers didn't seem to particularly mind the spilled semen. + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Man/Let out a lot, didn't you? Seeing with your own eyes is the best way to make sure the semen came from this cute girl. + +t///The customers that enjoyed the view of Lana's ejaculation started drinking the tea with semen in it. + +t/6/Man/hehehe... being able to see a cute girl in such a state while enjoying your food, this shop is the best after all + +t/3/Lana/w-well then, enjoy your food...! + +t///After serving the food orders of the grinning customers, the lightheaded Lana left. + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev25p> +if/cg:25:0 + +read/ev25 +setcg/25/1 + +tend +<ev25> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev25/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/1 + + + + +t/7/Lana/S-So this is... the Onahole Slime... + +t///Lana was holding the ""Onahole Slime"" item in her hands. + +t/7/Lana/I heard rumours that if you jack off with this you will feel the utmost pleasure... But is that really true...? + +t///Lana had masturbated using her hand many times before, but it was a first for her to see this kind of item. +t///Unable to hold back her anticipation and exciment, Lana immediately got naked and lied on the bed. + + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... I wanna put it in quickly... +t/7/Lana/I want to feel good and cum... inside this Onahole Slime + +t///The thought of ejaculating inside the Onahole Slime filled Lana's mind. + +t///The Onahole Slime that had just came out of packaging gave off a peculiar seductive scent. +t///Once that scent got into Lana's nose, she became extremely horny as if it was an aphrodisiac. + +t/7/Lana/...I want to let out a lot... now... + + +t///Lusting for penetration, Lana slowly placed her hard erect penis into the Onahole Slime. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... It's going in... + +sfade/7/3 +t///Lana pressed the tip of her penis into the Onahole Slime. + +t///*Squish*... *Squelch*... + +t///Lana's penis glans slowly forced open the Onahole Slime's mouth, which was moistened by her precum, + +t///*Squish*... *Squish*... + +t/7/Lana/Haa... It's in... + +t///Once the entire tip of her penis got inside, a sweet numbing sensation spread throughout the lower half of her body. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... This... feels so good... + +sfade/7/4 +t///The rest of her penis slipped inside smoothly. + +t/7/Lana/More... I want to jerk off more... +t/7/Lana/I just want to jerk off... and make my dick feel good... + +t///Lana was abosbed in sliding her penis in and out of the Onahole Slime as if she was in heat. +t///Sounds of sticky liquids rubbing together echoed inside the room. + +t/7/Lana/Haa...! Haa...! I'm gonna cum! + +t///Lana felt that she was close to climax as she could no longer bear the pleasure from the Onahole Slime + +t/7/Lana/My dick... is gonna melt...!! +t/7/Lana/If it keeps like this... I'll surely cum...!! ♥♥ +t/7/Lana/Hnnnnn!! ♥♥♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/5 +t///*Splurt*!!! *Squirt*! *Squirt*! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/6 +t///*Squirt*... *Squirt*... *Squirt*... + +sfade/7/7 +t///Lana's penis was pulsating as semen gushed out from it with great force. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... haa... I came a lot... +t/7/Lana/It's true... that the Onahole Slime feels good... + +t///Having ejaculated in rapid succession, Lana's penis was dribbling with semen. +t///She was soaked in the afterglow of ejaculation... +t///Suddenly, she noticed that the bed sheets were soaked with a lot of semen and sweat. + +t/7/Lana/Ah... I gotta wash my bed sheet... + +t///As she started taking off the bed sheet, Lana regretted having sprayed semen over it... + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev26p> + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/6/bg28/m +v/6/in/0 +sout/8 + + +load/4/cb0/m2 +load/5/cb20/m2 +sb/4/120 + +vf/4/in/3 +vf/5/in/7 + +t/7/Ily/Lana, I've heard from my master in the past that... +t/7/Ily/With this Mana Orb you can resist the life draining effect of the demonic miasma... +t/7/Ily/If it is true, if you make it as written in this recipe, the future fight may be greatly advantageous. +t/7/Ily/According to this recipe, what you need is three orbs of green, fire and blue, and ""Magic power source of seal mind""... +t/7/Ily/Perhaps this ""enchantment power source"" is... +t/7/Ily/Lana, I think I know what I can substitute for your semen. + +sf/4/2 +be/4/p2 +t/3/Lana/...Eh?! + +t/7/Ily/Actually, it'd be even more powerful! Your excrement... +t/7/Ily/If you use it as a catalyst, you'll definitely be able to create the Mana Orb. + +sf/4/4 +t/3/Lana/Ex... crement...? + +t/7/Ily/Right, Lana, can I ask you to please defecate right now? + +t/3/Lana/W-Well, I... +t/3/Lana/I don't know if... I can do something that embarassing... + +t///For Lana, being seen defecating was more embarassing than being seen naked. + +t/3/Lana/N-No... there's no way... + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, we're going to need it for the battle ahead of us. +t/7/Ily/Once this is completed you should be able to resist the demonic miasma. + +t/3/Lana/E-Even if you tell me that... + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, if we want to stand a chance, you're going to have to get over it... + +sf/4/11 +t/3/Lana/Uu... +t/3/Lana/Alright... fine... I'll do it... + +t///Persuaded by Ily, Lana reluctantly accepted. + +t/7/Ily/Thank you. +t/7/Ily/Well then, do it in this tray... + +sf/4/2 +t/3/Lana/Huh? I have to do it there? +two + +setcg/26/1 + +selset/0/sel0/Watch Scat +selset/1/sel1/Do not watch +selview + +[sel0] +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/6/bg6/m +v/6/in +v/4/out +v/5/out +v/8/out +read/ev26 +vfw/6/out +[sel0]- + +[sel1] +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +sf/4/4 +sout/8 +t///Before Ily's eyes was Lana's excrement in the middle of a tray. +t/7/Ily/Well then, I will use this to craft the mana orb +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please be patient. This will take some time. +two +vf/4/out +vfw/5/out +vfw/6/out +[sel1]- + +tend + + + + + + + + + + +<ev26> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev26/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/1 + + +t/3/Lana/O-Okay... Um... Like this? + +t/7/Ily/Yes, please do. + +t/3/Lana/I haven't pooped for 5 days so... I don't think itwill come out... + +t///Lana blushed as she positions her bottom over the tray +t///Then she made up her mind and began to push. + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/Lana/Hnnn! Hnnnn! + +t///However, as she had been constipated for quite a while, it was not going to be easy. + +t/3/Lana/Hnnnn! Hnnnnn! + +t///Almost 10 minutes passed since then. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... Hnnn! + +t///Puu... Pupuu... + +t///Lana strained with all her effort and let out a fart by accident + +t/3/Lana/Ah... It's coming out... already... +t/3/Lana/???! Hnnn! Hnn! + +sfade/7/3 +t///Lana continued to exert herself and stool began to poke out from her anus + +t///Pucch... Pu... + +sfade/7/4 +t///Stool began to apear little by little as Lana farted continuously. + +t/3/Lana/Hnnn... hnnn...! + +t///Lana continued to defecate with a distorted facial expression. + +t///*Splurt*...! *Splurt*...! + +sfade/7/5 +t///Feces that had accumulated magical power from being stuck inside Lana for so long, fell onto the tray + +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/Haaa... haaa... It finally came out... + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, it is amazing... I can sense strong magical power from this stool. +t/7/Ily/For the final touch, I just need to add my semen and it will be completed. + +t/3/Lana/...Eh? + +t/7/Ily/I have not told you yet but my semen has an enhancing effect on seal magic power. +t/7/Ily/So, if Lana's stool and my sperm are mixed together it will be the perfect catalyst for seal magic enchantment. + +sfade/7/7 +t///Having said that, Ily pulled out her large penis. + +t/3/Lana/E-ehh?! + +t///Ignoring Lana's reaction, Ily started masturbating her thick penis with both hands. +t///Ily's penis was pulsing with blood veins and overflown with precum. +t///Having watched Lana defacating, Ily had such an erection that it looked like her penis was on the verge of exploding. + +t/7/Ily/Haa... Haa... Lana-sama's warm feces... +t/7/Ily/...I'll impregnate it... with my semen... I mean... I'll complete the catalyst creation... + +t///Ily pants heavily as she strokes her penis, slowly bringing its tip near the feces. +t///Soon Ily reached her limit and her hips began shaking. + +t/7/Ily/Uu...! Fuu...! Hnnfu! ♥♥ +t///The tip of Ily's penis started to swell up and tremble. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/8 +t///*Splurt*!!!! *Squirt!!!! *Squirt*!! + +t///Shortly after since Ily started masturbating, her penis splurted out a large amount of semen, spraying it all over Lanas feces. +t///Ily's seman and Lana's feces were mixed together on the dish, as if someone had finished cooking some food. + +sfade/7/9 +t/7/Ily/Haa... Haah... I haven't done it today, so a lot came out... + +t/3/Lana/... + +t///Not minding the dumbfounded Lana, Ily picked up the dish and stood up. +t/7/Ily/Well then, I will use this to craft the mana orb +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, please be patient. This will take some time. + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev27> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev23/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 + +sf/7/10 + +sout/8 +bgm/1 + + + + + +t/3/Lana/T-thank you for waiting...! +t/3/Lana/Here's your Slime Bagna Càuda and Futanari Direct Drinking Service. +t///Futanari Milk Direct Drinking Service is a service in which a futanari employee ejaculates directly into the customer. +t/3/Lana/(Uu... ♥Also the customer will suck it... ♥) +t///While anxiously arranging the dishes in front of the customer, Lana felt an unfamiliar excitement rising up within her. + +t/7/Man/Oh, you got it. + +t/7/Man/A man with an old appearance turns his face to Lana. + +t/7/Man/Drinking futanari milk directly from the source - it's been a long time since I got this pumped. +t/7/Man/For us from the association of the old PTA, it's also an important duty to examine the quality of the semen of young folk in the city...♥ Hehe. +t/6/Man/That's right, we collect funds to do these kinds of PTA activities. + +t/7/Man/Hmm? Little miss...♥ you're still not erect? +t/7/Man/This old man loves to have a futanari dick grow bigger in his mouth. +t/7/Man/I appreciate this...♥ now let me get my drink. + +sfade/7/11 +t///The man who came out from the table crouched in front of Lana and came suddenly to the penis as it was. + +t/3/Lana/ngu...! + +t///As her penis was being sucked, Lana trembled. + +t/3/Lana/(Here, this feeling... no matter how many times it is done...) + +t/7/Man/Juopopop! Jururururururu! It is! +t///The man stood there intensely sucking on Lana's still soft penis. + +sfade/7/12 +t/3/Lana/Naa... haaa... + +t///Lana that resists the stimulus that strikes the lower body while breathing out rough breath. +t///However, the crotch begins to rise gradually, and it feels that hot blood gathers. + +t/3/Lana/Haaa.. .Haaa... + +t/7/Man/You seem to have been standing... I feel that the feeling that it gets harder little by little while pulsing. + +t///Wrinkle the penis with the mouth wall, lick the glans... With that exquisite technique the penis of Lana is raised to no response. + +t/3/Lana/Huh... well... well, already... + +t/7/Man/hey, this old man will drink all of you pent up semen, so let it all out! + +t///Lana endured the stimulus being attacked while convulsing the waist in a small way, but the limit was approaching anymore. + +t/7/Man/Are you comming? Let it out in this old man's mouth with all your might, won't you? + +t/3/Lana/Fukuu... Hm... um... um... + +t///Lana which roughly breathes out from her nose while clentching her teeth. +t///Regardless of this, the man massages the penis of Lana violently. + +t/3/Lana/Ha ha ha ha... Huh... + +t///Lana's breath rises and the thigh trembles with sharpness. I had already come to a place where I could not stop ejaculation. + +t/3/Lana/Well, come out...! Semen... I'll take out! + +t///In response to that voice the movement of the man's tongue speeds up and multiplies the last sport. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/13 +t///Cutting round! It is! Buddha! ...Duration... + +t///Lana sends out a large amount of semen into the man's jaw while severely convulsing the whole body. +t///The man snuffs it and snakes and throats and swallows it. + +t/7/Man/Here, this... This taste is... +t/7/Man/As soon as entering the mouth, the fragrance of soft and pleasant protein filled the bucal cavity, with a thick texture and sticky with no stinky smell... +t/7/Man/The throat is relaxed and the sweetness and acidity remaining in the nasal cavity are mixed juicily... +t/7/Man/This is definitely a taste of refined and fresh sperm produced in this girl's body... +t/7/Man/It is the first time that I drank such a rich semen... +t/7/Man/You... Your sperm is the best... I'm glad I could drink this before I die... + +sfade/7/14 +t///That being said, the man crumbled down on the spot. + +t/6/Man/Oh, oh! Grandpa, what happened! Is it? +t/7/Man/...... It is all right. Just because I was too moved to see the little Miyagawa river... +t/7/Man/We have a mission to taste the semen of all her futanari girls still living in this town... +t/7/Man/It will not be possible to collapse in such a place... +t/6/Man/I suppose... the battle of the party of the elderly PTA is going on still more... + +t///- + +sfade/7/15 +t/3/Lana/Well then, please slowly, please...! + +t///Lana bowed away and left the spot with a little wandering. + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev28> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev28/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/1 + + + +t///Lana entered Ily's house while being almost naked... +t///In front of her stood a naked Ily. +two + +sf/7/2 +wait/2000 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... What are you doing? Getting naked like that... + +t/3/Lana/Eh... Ily, aren't you wearing anything yourself too?! + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Ily/I was just changing clothes... +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama...? + +t/3/Lana/I-I was changing my clothes too... + +t/7/Ily/Is that so... You were changing your clothes while coming here...? + +t/3/Lana/Y-Yeah... + +sfade/7/4 +t/7/Ily/Good timing anyways. Can I have a quick check up on your penis Lana-sama? + +t/3/Lana/Huh? W-Why? + +t/7/Ily/I want to check on how much your penis and it's power has grown. + +t/3/Lana/Erm... Okay... but... + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama's penis was created from magical power. +t/7/Ily/If we don't check up on it regularly, it might notwork in an emergency. + +t///While saying that, the naked Ily approached Lana... + +sfade/7/10 +t///Ily started rubbing their penises together. + +t/3/Lana/Ehh?! + +t///As Ily's hard penis rubbed against her own, the stimulation made Lana shiver. + +sfade/7/11 +t/3/Lana/What, Ily... how did yours get so big? + +t///Seeing Ily's stiff and warped penis, Lana unconsciously got erect. +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, do not worry about such a thing. +t/7/Ily/Let's see if you can ejaculate if I stimulate your glans. +t///With that, Ily bent over a bit and wraped her hands around Lana's waist, rubbing her crotch while in a soft embrace. +t/3/Lana/Ah... our weenies are stuck together... +t///Lana grinds and rubs her hard penis against Ily's. +t///Though surprised, Lana couldn't withstand the strange feeling that arose from rubbing her shaft against Ily's. + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama, are you... feeling good...? + +t///Lana stared down to where their shafts meet, as she couldn't bear the embarassment of Ily seeing the horny expression in her eyes. + +t/3/Lana/Yeah... I-I'm feeling kind of... strange... + +sfade/7/14 +t///A transparent viscous liquid started flowing from the tip of the glans. +t///With the liquid overflowing from the tip of Lana's penis also getting smeared on Ily's penis, they started to give out a slimy and perverted luster. + +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... somehow... It's starting to feel good... + +t///While Ily continued to play with Lana's glans, she was completly at her mercy as the pleasure grew more and more. + +t/3/Lana/Already... it's already... coming out... + +t///Ily gently smiles at Lana, who has puppy eyes as if asking for permission. + +t/7/Ily/Please cum... as much as you can... +t/3/Lana/Y-Yeah... already... coming...! + +t///Not being able to endure the pleasure of their interwining glans, Lana's crotch violently twitches. + +t/3/Lana/Aaah! It's coming out... It's coming out! + +t///The shaking Lana rubs her twitching penis hard against Ily. + +t/3/Lana/I'm cumming!! +t/7/Ily/Jesus, Lana... Me too...! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/16 +t///*spurt* *splash* + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/20 +t///*squirt*... *squirt*... +t///Lana blew a large load of cum on Ily's penis whilehugging Ily's hips tightly. +t/3/Ily/Lana-sama! Me too... I'm cumming...! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/21 +t///Then Ily ejaculated shortly after. + +sfade/7/22 +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... + +t///After squriting a large amount of thick, cloudy cum at Ily's lower belly, Lana was breathing heavily, basking in immense afterglow pleasure. + +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... you let out a lot... I'm glad... +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama looks satisfied... ♥Fufu♥ +two + + + +bgmout + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///Once Lana came back after having washed the semen off her body, Ily had already gone. +two + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev30> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev30/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///Title Image + +#skip +two + + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev31p> +if/cg:31:0 + +read/ev31 +setcg/31/1 + +setct/15/1 +setev/25/4 +additem/8200 + +tend +<ev31> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev31/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t///Shera, feeling something out of place with her lower abdomen, noticed that a strange object had sprouted from her groin +t/3/Sheila/H-huh...? +t/3/Sheila/W-what is this...? + +t///There was a small penis stuck to that place. +t/3/Sheila/This is... Could it be... + +sfade/7/2 +t///She began to touch that strange and unusual body part. +two + +sfade/7/3 +t/3/Sheila/...ngh?! +t///As soon as she touched the small protrusion, a pleasant shock went through her lower body. + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/Sheila/This... This looks... like a clitoris... but different... +t/3/Sheila/Why is this... is the clitoris growing...? +t/3/Sheila/But I haven't done anything strange to it... +t///In contrast to shera's confusion, the protrusion responded to her stimulus and began shivering and pulsing. +t///Sheila had been parasitic on the Kricinka insects within, unaware. +t///A Kricinka insect is infested with a female clitoris and secretes a hormone substance that makes the clitoris grow in the form of a penis. +t///In addition, a pseudo testis is produced on the back of the clitoris and the egg is found... +t///The neurotransmitter which has the excited action which enhances the sexual impulse which wants to ejaculate to the host flows into blood. +t///As a result, the host always has a strong ejaculation impulse, and the egg is discharged to the outside by masturbation and sexual intercourse. +t///The Kricinka insect carried the egg to a separate body with the ejaculation, and had the ecology which obtained a new parasitic host there. +t/3/Sheila/The sensation I touched is the same as the clitoris... +t/3/Sheila/Somehow... The feeling that hot thing gets crowded from the back... +t///The sweet euphoria that covers the entire lower body emanating from the penis which increases hardness to the introduction disturbed the consciousness of Sheila. +two + +sfade/7/5 +t///The Sheila pulled the skin of the penis while agony in the sense to itchy. +t/3/Sheila/This... Touching... Feels good... +t///In Sheila's head, the sexual desire to stimulate this and to become more pleasant began to Sange the neck. +t///It is not possible to endure, and Sheila lightly clasped the meat stalk. +t/3/Sheila/Ah... What this... Feel... +t///The melts of the brain struck the whole body of a Sheila. + + +t///It is Sheila to endure the pleasure while hanging the drool from the edge of the mouth, and it starts messing with the penis like Shike not to be able to withstand the pleasure before long. +t/3/Sheila/What this... Feels good... I feel like this for the first time... +t/3/Sheila/Good... Amazing... Feels good... +t///Sheila the penis with a little grip, and the wave of the pleasure rises rapidly. +t///And, the cow gland solution had already started dripping from the tip of the meat stalk. +two + +sfade/7/6 +t///Skoshko... Nyuchi... Nyuchi... Kuchu... +t///Sheila was beginning to rub the penis unconsciously as if manipulated. + +t/3/Sheila/What... Something... Come... +t/3/Sheila/If you touch any more... Too pleasant... Head freaking out... + +t///Sheila's penis spouted the cowl liquid from the tip every time it was groped, and it made a drenched, obscene sound. +t///Sheila workin' The penis in search of the pleasure by the infatuation while poor strainer. + +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Sheila/Ah... Oh... tsu!! If you touch it anymore!! +t/3/Sheila/But I can't stop them... Too pleasant... Shiman... + +t///The glans which is wrapped in the foreskin is stimulated violently with the pressure of the mucus and the hand, and convulsions. +t///When the hand of the Sheila began to do the tip of the penis at high speed, the pleasure of Sheila was trying to reach the limit. + +t/3/Sheila/Oh oh Ah! Something is coming!?! + +t///The Sheila tries somehow to endure the pleasure that the consciousness seems to fly out with the whole body, and trembling while jerky the knee. +t///However, the wave of an intense pleasure blew out the consciousness of Sheila, and dyed the view to white. + +t/3/Sheila/Auaaaaaaaaa---! +two + + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/10 +t///Oh, no! Defences!!! Oh my! Defences! +t///A large amount of semen was scattered around from the twitching penis, and it splattered to the ceiling and the wall. + +sfade/7/11 +t/3/Sheila/Hah... Hehe... + +t///She struggles to hold on somehow while consciousness becomes faint by the pleasure of climax ejaculation... +t///However, the hardness of the penis was still kept, and it pulsed. + +t/3/Sheila/Sigh... My... I thought it was too good to be crazy... +t/3/Sheila/But... It feels so good... More... I want to Beaubiu... + +sfade/7/12 +t///Sheila awakened to the pleasures that stimulate the crotch begin squeeze the penis again. +t///The penis that just ejaculates is stimulated, and the elation begins to increase again. +t///Sheila rubbing the penis violently while hanging the cloudiness liquid from the penis. + +t/3/Sheila/That's it?!♥Go out again♥I don't want to stop.♥I'll be out again!♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/15 +t///Defences!!! Oh, my! A... A... +t///It ejaculates again while the body was convulsions, and the semen of Arit was spouted out. + +sfade/7/16 +t///The remaining semen falls from the trembling penis and makes a cloudiness liquid reservoir on the floor. + +sfade/7/17 +t/3/Sheila/Oh, my... I'm good... Another... This is my feeling... I can't stop... ♥♥ + +t///Sheila was not able to escape from the pleasant feeling for a while, and it did not stop until dozens ejaculation was repeated. + +t///And, Sheila was regaining composure at last. +t/3/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/3/Sheila/H-Huh...? +t/3/Sheila/It's not turning back...? +t/3/Sheila/Could it be because... of that?! +t/3/Sheila/...B-but, this should probably be fine. Touching it feels good... + +t///Shera had already been captivated by the organ that produced these pleasant feelings... + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev32p> + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Sakume/Hmm... +t/7/Sakume/Could it... + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Ah, this is... + +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan, could it be... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/That you came to save me? + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Eeh? + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/I'm so happy you came to see me. +t/7/Sakume/This mixture's ingredients alone are not sufficent and it is a bit problematic + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Mix... mixture? + +t/7/Sakume/Yes! Would you be willing to give me a little help? + +t/3/Lana/How would I go about helping?? + +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Of course, since it's Lana-chan, I'll only ask of things that are within your capabilities, so you don't have to worry. +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan is the only one I can rely on. Please. + +t/3/Lana/...Eh, but... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/It will be over quickly, so come on and help out! + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +t///Sakume slips behind the confused Lana, and sits her down in the prepared seat. + +t/3/Lana/What?! + +t///Without paying heed to the trembling lana, she stoops in front of her, and slips in between her legs. +t///Sakume took out the enlarged breast from the bra, and began applying the slimy fluid. +two + + +if/cg:32:0 +setcg/32/1 +read/ev32 +tend + + + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/12 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/7/Sakume/Haa-...Thank you♥ that was delicious♥ + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Oh excuse me but... To make a material... +t/7/Sakume/Not Oh, did I say that? +t/3/Lana/Eeeh... +t///Lana did not understand Sakume's behavior well, and left the place. + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + + +jump/menu_slow + + +<ev32> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev32/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + +t/7/Sakume/Well, Lana-Chan has a lot of material in her mind.♥ +t///Sakume cover to cover the plump breast from the top of Lana's penis. + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/Lana/Whoa! +t///Lana's penis is Nuren and sucked into the wet breast. +t///Lana's penis, which had been slightly erected, jumped up by the impact which was caught in the breast. +t/3/Lana/Oh excuse me but! ...to cooperate... + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Sakume/Yes, if you let me out a lot.♥ +t/3/Lana/Eh... +t///Lana decided to accept the condition of only putting out semen while feeling some hesitation. + +sfade/7/4 +t/7/Sakume/Hey♥Beaubiu a lot of it in my breast♥♥ +t///Sakume begins to move the breast up and down slowly, and Lana's penis at that pressure is Kanene with Gunigni. + +sfade/7/5 +t/7/Sakume/How? Are you getting out? +t/3/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... Yes... +t///Lana was Shike in the comfort of being pinched in the wet breast and stimulated the whole penis. +t///The pinched Lana's penis is already gatigati and pulsing to the point that it is not funny to ejaculate. + +sfade/7/6 +t/7/Sakume/Hey, I put a lot of your big sister's breasts. Hey, what's up?♥ +t///The penis is mobbed in the Sakume every time the plump breast is shaken up and down. +t///The! The! I'm a dick! No!! Petit! No! -Po! + +sfade/7/8 +t/3/Lana/Ow!♥Oh, my!♥Oh!♥ +t///Sakume looked up while grinning writhes Lana who was not able to breathe the voice. +t/7/Sakume/Lana-Chan has a pretty face.♥I'm looking forward to your face.♥ + +t///Lana's penis is massaged with milk meat while whipping mucus. + +t/3/Lana/Ow! ...Well, maybe it's already out... +t///When the ejaculation was Claudee with a bitter expression, Sakume increased the speed further and began to shake the breast up and down. +t/7/Sakume/Yes, here.♥Full of energy♥ + +sfade/7/9 +t/3/Lana/Oh, my!♥Grip♥I'm coming!♥♥ + +sfade/7/10 +t///The Masuki is raised while hanging the drool from the mouth end, and Lana is writhes. +t///Lana's penis swelled to a pan on the verge of ejaculation, and the limit was approaching. +t/3/Lana/Hee... Tsu! Tsu! +t/3/Lana/I'm!!! +t///As he shouted, he opened his legs big and Saken. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/11 +t///The... The A-A-whoo! Oh, my! Grip! Oh, my! + +sfade/7/12 +t///Lana Acme the body and Twitch, and the semen is ejected in a large amount in Sakume's breast. + +sfade/7/13 +t/7/Sakume/Wow... Lana-chan and girls to ejaculate so full of... ♥ +t/7/Sakume/Lana's expression of the moment to ejaculate Moreover, I was cute in feeling that can not endure the feeling goodness♥ +t///The Sakume with a happy face licks the semen that sticks to the finger. + +sfade/7/15 +t///She began to bombarded her penis again after her ejaculation. +t///The penis is stimulated further while making an obscene sound, and it is made to face the climax again. +t/3/Lana/There, I was all ACME!! Again if done so much!! Tsu! +t///Saken the toes stretched, Lana jerky the body and convulsions. + +sfade/7/16 +t/7/Sakume/Let me out more.♥More♥ +t/3/Lana/Tsu! I'm going to! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/18 +t///Oh, no! Defences! Oh, my! +t///A large amount of semen spouted from the penis at the same time as shouting. +t///Semen gushes like a fountain from the top of the breast and is scattered around. + +sfade/7/19 +t/3/Lana/Higi!♥Oh!♥Hey!♥♥ +t///The waist is twitch up every time while continuing to mow, and the remaining semen is vomited. + +sfade/7/20 +t/7/Sakume/It's so amazing.♥The face is also very cute.♥ +t///It tastes with the expression hypnotized while licking the semen by extending the tongue. +t/7/Sakume/Sigh... Delicious♥Such a quality and delicious fresh penis milk... Oh, I've never tasted it... ♥ +t/7/Sakume/It seems that the body is roughly shaving by just tasting it.♥ +t///Sakume began sip with a sound of semen scattered over the upper part of the breast. +t/7/Sakume/Oh no... Highest... This is totally different fromnormal semen... What the hell is this...? +t///After a while, Sakume Shime most of the semen that Lana had put out. + +sfade/7/21 +t/7/Sakume/Baboon... Put a collar on Lana-chan... I want to make a pet that penis milk for my house every day.♥ + +t/3/Lana/...What?! +t/7/Sakume/Ah... Damn delirious!♥Nihihi♥ +t///Lana was horrified at the thought of being said to be sinister, but Sakume continued to sip the semen that remained in good spirits. + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev33p> + +loadseen/fd0/bg16 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/8 + + +t/7/Guard/Hmm...? +t/7/Guard/C'mon... What a dress!... + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/E-excuse me...! +t/3/Lana/I heard you were indebted to my sister here before... + +t/7/Guard/Eh, my sister? +t/3/Lana/Yes, when my sister, Elena, had been in custody for a long time, she delivered the things you needed... +t/7/Guard/Let's see... That's what I was talking about. +t/3/Lana/Well, so... I came to thank you. +t/7/Guard/Thank...? + +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Yes, please enjoy watching my naked to thank you! + +t/7/Guard/... +t/7/Guard/...Is +t/3/Lana/Thank you... My naked... +t/7/Guard/...What's the idea...? + +t/7/Guard/? +t/7/Guard/No way... +t/7/Guard/...Hey, come here! + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/What?! + +two +vf/0/out +vf/1/out + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///The hand-drawn Lana was tsurekoma in a corner of the light at the corners of the detention center. +t///And, it is made to seat in the chair there. +t/7/Guard/This... Real? +t/3/Lana/Eh, yes... +t///Lana's dick is exposed before the guard's face bent. +t/7/Guard/Wow... It's real... Both are... +t///The guards lifted Lana's dick and somebody the female crotch. +t/7/Guard/She's a girl, but she's a dick... +t/7/Guard/This is the ideal body I seek... +t///With excitement, the guards stare at Lana's crotch and bring her face Claudeer to her breath. + +t/7/Guard/Wait a minute... +t/3/Lana/Eh... +t///The guards began to take off their armour with a rough breath and threw the leather leggings before Lana's eyes. +t///A plump chest pops out from under the armor. The guard was a diverting woman. +t///The yellow thing stuck in the part covering the crotch of the underwear which fell on the floor emits the ammonia smell slightly. +t///It was a smell that usually comes to the nose, Lana was feeling a little sexual excitement, I was feeling the crotch is bloodshot unintentionally anti. +t/7/Guard/Sigh... Sigh... If you show me this,...Mine too...Already slimy... +t///The smell of the female who was stuffy from the crotch of the woman guard which was liberated overflowed. + + +if/cg:33:0 +setcg/33/1 +read/ev33 +tend + + + +t///and then + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb4/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/18 +vf/0/in/2 +vf/1/in/8 + + +t/7/Guard/Hey... I'd love to, but it's a bad time to be found and it's over. +t/3/Lana/Oh, um, excuse me... +t///Lana was wet with semen and love juice, and the place was put away while hiding the body which did not cool the exhilaration. +two + + + +jump/menu_slow + + + +<ev33> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev33/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t///The female guard who across the crotch was exposed to Lana's lower body. +t/7/Female Guard/Sigh... Sigh... Put it in. Stay still... +t/3/Lana/, but... In a place like this... People will come... +t/7/Female Guard/Okay, this time nobody's coming... + +t///A semi-erect penis of Lana is pushed to the vaginal opening as it is made to the female guard. +t///The crotch was already overflowing with love juice dripping, and Nuranura and light were reflected. + +t/3/Lana/Ah... It's going in... + +t///In contrast to the upset Lana, the female guard drops her hips on Lana's genitals with a hopeful look. +t///Lana's penis was sucked in the vagina with a hot feeling. + +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Female Guard/Hey! +t///The writhes voice of the female guard echoes in a dark detention center. + +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Female Guard/Sigh... Sigh... Bad... You'll hear me Out loud... +t/7/Female Guard/Because it was a long time, I was feeling good and got out loud... +t/3/Lana/Oh, the heat... and... Great slimy... +t/7/Female Guard/I'm going to get tired of all the sweaty guys around me doing guards suddenly struck work... +t/7/Female Guard/Sigh... Sigh... It's best if a cute child comes like you... It's not boring at all... +t///The female guard begins to sit down on Lana's raised while breathing. + +sfade/7/4 +t///When the hips move, the wriggles of Lana's glans is taken entwined in the vagina wall, and Gunigni the tip to stimulate ejaculation. +t///Nucha... Nup... Bucu... Nucho... +t///The big buttocks are rubbed in Lana's crotch, and the momentum increases to the introductory. +t///Jubot... Nupo... Zuchu... Nupot... + +t/7/Female Guard/Oh, great... Feels good... Real penis for a long time... +t/7/Female Guard/Such a cute penis to be massaged in the vagina... + +t///The female guard rubbed the vagina mouth to Lana's genitals by an ecstatic expression. +t///Once the hips are beaten, a large amount of love juice is scattering in the crotch of Lana, and a sticky wet around Lana's waist. + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/Fugi... Oh, no! Oh, no! More than that! Ejaculation... tsu! I'm going to!!♥♥ +t///He Kamen the voice that Lana was not able to endure. + +sfade/7/6 +t/7/Female Guard/Let me out! Let me out! Full♥ +t///The penis was squeeze up violently in the vagina wall of the female guard, and Lana's pleasure had already tried to reach the limit. +t/3/Lana/Oh, my God! Get out!♥ow~♥ +t///The vagina wall of the female guard shrinks hard with Lana's voice which has become unbearable. + + +t/7/Female Guard/Got Acme! Full of semen!♥Cute sperm full inside me!♥ + +t///Jupong! Newpong! Znuer! +t///The two genitals are violently Tarei, and the love juice and the cowling are scattered. + + +t/3/Lana/Oh, no... No! ...Inside of my sister♥I'm going to sperm out♥♥♥ +t/3/Lana/Yeah, yeah~!♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/8 +t///Oh, no! Defences!! +t///A large amount of semen gushes from the tip of the penis at the same time as Lana shouted, and it was put in the womb of the woman guard. + +sfade/7/10 +t///While convulsions and jerky legs to pleasure, Lana Ejaculates Climax. +t///The female guard tighten the vaginal opening as if the ejaculation was not missed by the expression which was ecstatic. + +t/7/Female Guard/Sigh... Very full... I know you're coming in... +t/7/Female Guard/But it still looks hard... I'm not going to be able to. + +t///When I say that, the Female Guard start to sit down again. + +sfade/7/13 +t///The sensitive Lana's penis immediately after the climax to its stimulus screams. + +t/3/Lana/Is it? Well, penis already...! + +t///A strong stimulation is given in the vagina again and Lana's waist shakes jerky. + +sfade/7/14 +t/3/Lana/I IG again.♥♥♥ + +t///It was Lana who had endured the pleasant feeling while Acme and stretched the foot straight, but also the limit came soon. + +t/3/Lana/Oh, oh~♥♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/15 +t///Let's do this!!! The most awesome! Pro + +t/7/Female Guard/Do it♥See You again!♥Girl sperm♥There's a lot of doc Doc!♥♥♥ + +sfade/7/16 +t///As he jerky his hips, Lana repeated his ejaculation many times in a stuffy female vagina. + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev34> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev34/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t/3/Lana/-?! +t///The gargoyle revolves behind Lana at a speed not to be seen. +t///And shortly Lana's escape, he grabs Lana's butt meat with his sharp claws and holds him up. + + +t/3/Lana/Oh! + +t///It was Lana who panicked, and it was not a situation that it was possible to escape already. +t///A harsh sigh of a gargoyle from behind the lifted Lana. +t///And, the red tentacle which Zurli from the crotch of the gargoyle lifts as crawling the crotch of Lana. +two + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/Lana/Wh... What... This... + +t///The red tentacle of the Gargoyle wriggles the crotch of Lana Teka in front of Lana who cannot resist and tremble with fear. +t///And the tip was Kangawa in Lana's anus. + + +t/3/Lana/No... No way... Surely... + +t///The dark red swelling tentacle of the gargoyle is slid in the anus of Lana during the bundle of thought so. + + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/It's so! + +t///A red tentacle pushes Lana's anus and Nurli. + +t/3/Lana/Are you coming in your butt? Oh, no! + +t///Not caring about Lana, who distorts his face to discomfort, the excited and rough sigh gargoyle invades the anus with his tentacles. + +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/No?! No! Oh, stop... + +t///Lana, who cannot escape, can only pant his voice. +t///With the bad feelings of slimy tentacles being in and out of the anus, the fear of being detained confuses the spirit of Lana. +t///Zupo! Znues! Jupot! Znues! +t///A large tentacle of a gargoyle is made to make a sound and pressure in the intestines while stimulating Lana's anus. +t///In a disgusting way, Lana was unable to stop the bleeding of the flesh with the stimulus. + +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Lana/No! Stop this... I don't like it! +t///Lana's penis is further erected while rejecting, and twitch and hot certain nip. +t///The waist of the gargoyle was convulsions with the jumpy, and the breath became violent more and more violently every time the tip of the red tentacle scraped in Lana's intestines. +t///At this time, Lana realized that the gargoyle was about to ejaculate in the body. + +t/3/Lana/And, Oh?! Oh, are you trying to get in? +t///The gargoyle rubbed a red penis that slides while trembling in the intestines. +t///It was shown that the momentum became more intense, and the limit of the pleasure of the gargoyle approached. + +t/3/Lana/Whoa!Well, no more!! or stop... If it's been put in and out...!! +t///The pleasure is increased by forcing the butt hole is violated, and Lana's penis begins to cramp without unbearable. + +t/3/Lana/Lee Grip!! It's going to be a Lee!! +t///Gatigati's erect Lana's penis swelled to the verge of accidental discharge, clench teeth to endure desperately... +t///Fear and Pleasure Tai in Lana's brain, and the power to resist the stimulus was lost. + +t/3/Lana/I'll do it! + +t///In a moment, when a gargoyle's penis swells greatly, he gushes a large amount of semen into Lana's intestines. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/10 +t///Buri! Oh, my! + +t/3/Lana/Oh, yeah~ +cumf/3 +sfade/7/11 +t///Oh, no! Defences!! + +t///As soon as the Gargoyle ejaculates, Lana also cums and sprayed hot semen into the air. + +sfade/7/12 +t/3/Lana/My... The... The hole in the buttocks is broken... +t///The anus is committed to the climax, it was Lana shake the body with pleasure, the gargoyle was still not enough to ejaculate. +t///The gargoyle again begins to rubbed the dick into Lana's anus. + +sfade/7/13 +t/3/Lana/Hey!Well, I still do?! Also... No more... + +t///While feeling a hot sigh from behind, Lana is writhes without being able to resist. + +t/3/Lana/Oh, Higi! Taigu! Ah Oh tsu!!!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/15 +t///Oh, my!Wow!!! Mr. Oh, my! +t///As the semen gushes from Lana's penis, the hot semen from the Gargoyle's penis is poured into Lana's intestines. +t///Lana's semen gets to himself and the whole body is dyed. The splashes were bathed in by the gargoyle. + +sfade/7/16 +t///Lana was stuck in the lingering ejaculation for a while but... +t///I noticed that the gargoyle was not working as well as losing power. + +t/3/Lana/Is there any chance? ...I wonder if my magic has finally worked...? + +t///Lana patted his chest and began to look for clothes that had been taken off while he was saved. + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev35p> + +load/7/bg8/m +vf/7/in/0 + +bgmout + +load/3/cb0/m +load/4/cb442/m +sb/3/150 +sf/3/7 +sf/4/4 +setpenis/3/1 +vf/3/in/2 +vf/4/in/8 + +t///With the magic of the stare of Lana's eyes, the demon-possessed woman was deprived of her bodily freedom. +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Wh… What's this… To me… They are ineffective… Should… +t///The use of demons pulls his face to the fear that he cannot move. +t/3/Lana/I'm sure you're being manipulated by Lem... If you Shichi that magic with my magic... +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Wh… What to say… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I'm not manipulated… +t/7/Evil Spirit's Messenger/I am in my will… Until today… Have fought… +t/3/Lana/No! +t/3/Lana/I don't know what I'm fighting for, but I can't see the bad guys... +t/3/Lana/So if you override that magic with my magic, you'll be back! + +t///Lana's crotch was already hot and beating warped with Doc Doc. +two +vf/3/out +vfw/4/out + + + +setcg/35/1 +read/ev35 + + + + + + + +<ev35> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev35/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + +t///The use of the evil spirits stripped off the clothes Kangawa the penis to the vaginal opening which became defenseless. +t///The tip had already exuding the mucus, and reflected the light which had slipped. +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... If you use my power,...There must be no evil magic... +t///The tip of pulsing Lana's penis stick into the vaginal opening. +t///And, it is inserted while pushing and extending vagina meat as it is. + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh! + +t///The penis is inserted in the vagina which has been shut for a long time, and the woman writhes in the sense. +t/7/Lana/I got in... my penis... +t///In the act of giving and sexual intercourse to the powerful enemy, Lana was excited to feel a sense of conquest. +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh… Stop… +t///The body does not move even if it tries to oppose it, and the penis stops in the meantime and it goes out to vaginal meat. + +sfade/7/6 +t/7/Lana/Hmm... It's so hot... +t///Lana was fascinated by the nikkan wrapped in his inserted penis, and slowly started the piston. + +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh, my God! Oh, stop?! + +t///Every time Lana's waist kokimiyoku a good sound in Claudee contact with the crotch, the pant voice of the Evil Spirit rises. + +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/What's up? Heh?! +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Warm and Nurnur it feels good... I want to put out a lot... + +t///While ecstatic, Lana repeats the insertion of the penis. +t///Nubot Bucho Nutus Zuchu +t///Lana's penis is captured in the vagina of the demon who cannot resist. +t///And Lana is rubbed... After a while, the appearance of the demon's errand was beginning to change. + +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/No! Grip! Another Stop! It's broken! Oh, no! + +t///The clitoris was stimulated violently by the root of the penis while the vagina meat was made a piston, and the consciousness of the Evil Spirit was disturbed to rush pleasure. + +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Are you in? Yay! Tsu! +t///The genital was trying to reach the limit though the face was red and it endured the stimulation of the crotch while clenching teeth. +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Y! Y Oos!! +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh wow~ +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Acme Tsu TSU!!! + +t///Jerky the urine with trembling, and the vagina is severely contracted. +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Oh~♥♥ +t///With that stimulation, Lana's penis was also raised at a stretch. +t/7/Lana/♥Come on!♥ +t/7/Lana/The sperm~!♥ +t/7/Lana/In the middle of your sister's bun!♥My sperm!♥It's full!♥ +t/7/Lana/Oh~♥ +t///A large amount of thick cloudiness liquid Shi from the penis when Lana's waist conspicuously violently convulsions. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/10 +t///Defences!! A... Oh, no! +t///As Lana shakes his hips with jerky, he pours semen into the womb. +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Hey~♥ +t///The demon-use that semen was poured into is peeled off the white and pants. + +sfade/7/11 +t///Lana's penis is still hard, and it enters the posture of the ejaculation in the vagina again though it ejaculates in large quantities. +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... More... I want to put out more... +t///Lana began to move his hips and Shiro the pleasure of further ejaculation while dripped the cloudiness liquid. + +sfade/7/15 +t/3/Evil Spirit's Messenger/Mo… Another… Oh, my… Burn a bun… Broken… Oh, my… +t///The woman who was Acme many times and lost power from the body raises the voice which does not become a voice while hanging the drool. +t///The penis of Lana's cloudiness liquid is begun to the piston again to the female vagina. +t///Vaginal meat and Lana's penis Tarei, and the obscene sound that entanglement of mucus echoes. + +t/7/Lana/Well, it's Acme again!♥♥ +t/7/Lana/Ah ah~♥Get out!♥ +t/7/Lana/I penis to the sperm tsu TSU!!♥ + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/20 +t///Oh, no! Oh, my! A-A-a-whoo! Oh, my! + +t///The penis was pushed into the vagina interior to the limit, and a large amount of semen was poured at the deepest point. +t///The semen which reaches to the ovary attacks in the vagina of the Evil Spirit. +t///Some of them overflowed from the vaginal opening and scattered across the buttocks. + +sfade/7/21 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/This guy's a bimbo... Great... +t/7/Lana/I don't know what it is... Tightening and size... All my penis... You're right... + +t///He did not fit in the second ejaculation, and as it is, Lana continued to shake his hips in the vagina of the evil spirits and ejaculate more than ten times... + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev36p> + +evbtn/1 +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev36/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +t///Lana squats down over the toilet. +t/3/Lana/Oh, I'm coming... + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/Lana/I... +t///Lana put his power in the butt hole, and the anus is convulsions and wriggles. +t///Hello!... + +sfade/7/3 +t///At the same time, a small fart came out from the butt hole, and a large stool made a peep look. +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/3/Lana/Hey! +t///In addition, it puts power in the anus, it Kazani to push out, and the sweat begins to bleed faintly to Lana's body. +t/3/Lana/Hey! + +sfade/7/4 +t///Petit... A... +t///When Lana use because further, the Zurli was pushed out as if the flight was slightly out. + + + +if/sexd:3:200 + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/Hey... +t///The large stool was Bosung and laid on the toilet. + +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/Haa... haa... it's finally out... + +sfade/7/7 +t///Lana wipes herself and leaves with a refreshed expression. + +tend + +if/sexo:3:200 + +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/Oh, Oh! +t///A large amount of the big flight is ejected from while Lana is panting. +t///It did not fit in the urinal, and it Togro out to the floor. + +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/3/Lana/It's full... +t/3/Lana/I wonder if this water is flushed... + +sfade/7/7 +t///Lana uses paper to push his own large stool back into the toilet bowl... +t///After a hard time cleaning the floor, he walked out of the toilet. + +tend + + + + + + +#skip +two +<ev36> +read/ev36p +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +<ev37p> + +loadseen/fd0/bg13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb8/c +sbtown/0 +sb/0/4 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +sf/1/2 +t/3/Adelia/...! +t/3/Adelia/Hey, baby... Where did you get that outfit...? +t/7/Lana/Eh, this is... It is a thing which I got by chance... +sf/1/9 +t/3/Adelia/By chance...? +sf/1/5 +t/3/Adelia/No, well nope. I was in trouble because I didn't have enough manpower now! +t/3/Adelia/I just need help! +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/What?! +t/7/Lana/Are you from now? +pon/1 +t/3/Adelia/Of course! The clothes look good kanbe! +two + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t///Lana, who wore a intrusive in the clinic's costume, suddenly ended up being helped. + +loadseen/fd0/bg13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb8/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +sf/0/4 +t/3/Adelia/...Now, as I explained, there are people who will come to the treatment by appointment soon... +t/3/Adelia/I want him to use this pregnancy accelerator. +t/3/Adelia/Ola is busy, so I will read and respond to this manual. +sf/1/2 +t/3/Adelia/It's okay. It's so easy to Dekit! +t/7/Lana/Y-yes... +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb49/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/4 +vfw/0/in/3 + +t///When Lana took a look at how to use the manual, he apparently had to inject the liquid into the syringe-type injector from the vagina. +t///The womb was stimulated by doing so and the ovum became easy to be discharged. +t///In addition, because it is easy to become sexually excited state because libido is induced instead, +t///The note of not provoking the vaginal opening carelessly was done, too. + +t/3/Lana/Let's see... I was left suddenly, but isn't that difficult...? +two + +vfw/1/in/8 + +t///When Lana was reading the manual, a woman appeared in the clinic. + +t/7/?/Excuse me… It is Marin who made a reservation… + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Oh yes! +t/3/Lana/Well... It is Marin that had reserved it today. + +t/7/Marin/Yes. + +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Well, please enter because I examine it in the Ni of here. +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t/3/Lana/Let's see... First, the Pregnancy promotion agent... +t/7/Marin/Excuse me... What should I do? +t/3/Lana/Ah... Well, I'll inject the pregnancy accelerator,okay? +t/7/Marin/Ah yes. +t/7/Marin/I was told to do the treatment because I was not able to become pregnant by the previous examination, and I can have you do it. +t/3/Lana/Oh, I understand. +t/3/Lana/Can you take off your underwear and turn to the back, and get your butt over here? +t///The skirt and underwear were obediently lowered, and the crotch was exposed when Lana said so. +two + + + + +setcg/37/1 +read/ev37 + + + + +loadseen/fd0/bg13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb8/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/24 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +sf/1/2 +t/3/Adelia/...Not +t/3/Adelia/Lana, have you been through the examination? +t/7/Lana/Oh yes... was able... +t/3/Adelia/I see? Well, I have a little chore after today, soplease help me out. +t/3/Adelia/Well, it's a little, but I'm going to pay for my help today. +t/7/Lana/I-i understand... +t/3/Adelia/Not What? Are you in bad shape? +t/7/Lana/No, nothing... +t/3/Adelia/Let's see? Oh dear. + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t///Lana helped with the work of the clinic for a while. + +loadseen/fd0/bg13 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb8/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +t/3/Adelia/Well then, thanks for helping today. Here's your reward. +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/T-thank you! +t///Lana300GReceived. +two + +addgold/300 + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/menu + +<ev37> + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev37/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/1 + +t/7/Marin/I'm a little nervous... Please do it. +t/3/Lana/Y-yes... +t///Lana is upset when he sees the crotch thrust before his eyes. +t///His genitals Shiki as if to invite Lana, and twitching the eyes of Lana. +t///Lana's crotch was curl, and she started to get scared. +t/3/Lana/It's... No good... You have to erect... +t///The sexual excitement that springs up is desperately suppressed, and Lana fades to work while being calm. + +t///It is necessary to apply the disinfectant with the lotion to the circumference of the vaginal opening before using this injector. +t///Lana takes a hand disinfectant and retrieve it. +t///...However, the hand stopped suddenly. +t///Lana was becoming unable to control his behavior while unconsciously staring at Marin's genitals. +t/3/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/3/Lana/Okay, then... I'll apply the disinfectant... Please open your legs. +t/7/Marin/Yes... + +sfade/7/5 +t///Lana is Claudee to the crotch of Marin who cannot confirm here facing the wall side. + +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/Pettanko... Pettanko... +sfade/7/7 +t/7/Marin/Oh, the beard?! +t///Marin's butt bounces slightly. +t///Lana was beginning to lick the mouth of the vagina. +t/7/Marin/Hey... Ticklish... Tsu +t///Lana is driven by a mysterious impulse without understanding his behavior and continues licking the genitals of Marin. +t/3/Lana/Licking... Whizzing... + +t/7/Marin/Tips... No?! (A... What this... Looks like he's been licked...) + +t///Lana continues to lick the crotch of Marin. +t///Marin cannot stand the sense and raises the voice. + +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Marin/Tsu?! Hey, what are you doing?! + +t/3/Lana/And where legendary animals with disinfectant! Stay Still, Kudasha! + +t/7/Marin/Is that so...??! + +t///Although the Marin feels unexpectedly while facing ahead, the posture is endured without destroying it. +t///Furthermore, Lana continues to lick his behind the shadows and increases his momentum. + +t/3/Lana/Whizzing... Chi-chu... Chi-Chi...! + +t/7/Marin/That's right... This is a disinfectant... No, nothing's weird... +t///The Marin continues to endure mysterious pleasure which rushes while shaking hips. + +t/3/Lana/Oh, no! CHIUU Whoo! Oh, no! + +t///Lana's tongue Shime the pubic and finally began to Hiroki. + +sfade/7/9 +t/3/Lana/CHIUU Ugh!! Chiuu! +t/7/Marin/Damn?! What the! I'm going crazy... + +t///Lana was no longer able to control his own will, and he kept Shishi his Shing. + +t/3/Lana/Let's do it. Hey! + +t/7/Marin/Whoa! +t///When Lana sucked up and released his lips, Marin's hips trembled at that moment. + +sfade/7/20 +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... Generally... The disinfectant is finished... + +t/3/Marin/Ah... Like that... Is it... Sigh... My... + +t///The crotch of Marin who answered while making eyes monochrome was already wet to saliva and the love juice. + +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... Ok bye... A syringe... I'll put it... + +sfade/7/21 +t///Lana Claudee hot tingling pulsing penis in the vagina mouth of Marin while flushing the face. +t///Nuren... Nurrullur +t///Lana's penis slid in the wet vaginal. + +t/3/Marin/Tsu?! Let's do it! What is this? ...It's a syringe. It's very hot... + +t/7/Lana/Hey... The folds inside... Great Mi... + +t/3/Marin/Oh excuse me but... What is this? It's a syringe! +t///Marin Kenlu to Lana. + +t/7/Lana/, yes! It's a syringe! +t/7/Lana/I'll put some medicine in it... A little more! Wait a minute! + +t///Lana had become pure-white with a sense of immorality to be inserted into the vagina without being noticed, and the pleasure which attacked his penis. + +t/3/Marin/I feel like I'm being put in a penis... But this guy is a girl... It's supposed to be a syringe...?) +t///The Marin is forced to convince herself that she is upset by her sense of genitals. + +t///Ju Todopokkuru...-Tsu... Jut Todopokkuru... +t///Lana begins to slide the inserted penis back and forth. +t///Nubongnebot Pamp Pampang +t///The movement of Lana's hips became early and the penis began to nailed in the vagina. + +t/3/Marin/What is it? What is this? A little! What?! +t/7/Lana/Hey... Hey... Oh, my God! Oh, my! + +t///Lana's breathing becomes more and more intense, and once his hips are struck, Masuki also starts leaking from Marin. + +t/3/Marin/-Tsu! No! What is this? I don't know how to move a syringe like this! + +t///Nubong Jubot Bujuc Jupot!! + +t/3/Marin/What? Tsu! (in, but this movement... I've got the most pleasant part of my vagina...!) + +t///Lana shakes the hips to endure the pleasure to attack the penis while clenching teeth. +t///In the examination table, there was a small puddle of the cowl that overflowed with love juice and saliva. + +t/7/Lana/Let's Go! Sperm Pies Fuu now!!♥♥ +t/3/Marin/Yes?! Seishi...?! +t/7/Lana/Different?! You, your medicines! Masyu out your prescription! Shihuu out!! + +t///Lana gets on his hips and shouts while in agony. + +t/3/Marin/What?! Are you a medicine?! + +t///Lana has almost lost his judgment and continues his fiery piston only to ejaculate in Marin's vagina. + +t///Bread and bread! Bread and bread! +t///The sound of buttocks and genitals colliding with each other sounded in the examination room. + +t/3/Marin/I'm good?! That, if you moved so much!!! You, the bimbo is broken!?! + +t/7/Lana/I'm going to~!!♥♥ + +t/3/Marin/Ah! and stopped... What's up? + +t///Immediately after Lana's scream, a large amount of semen erupted from the penis to the ovaries at the very back of the uterus. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/25 +t///Buellerle!!! Bubuller!!! Duburlesburlen! + +t/3/Marin/Cheeks Oh oh oh tsu?!♥♥ +sfade/7/30 +t///Marin convulsions The vagina wall while feeling a large amount of hot mucus which flows, and the climax is received at the same time. +t///Lana poured all the semen that seminal collected in the vagina while Acme. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/31 +t///Bubuller! Deburle!!! +t///Burle... Burn... Gamle... Buc... + + + +sfade/7/30 +t/7/Lana/Ah... Oh, my God... +t///Lana Shike the remaining semen into the vagina. +sfade/7/32 +t///Lana's poured a large amount of sperm swims freely through the womb of Marin... +sfade/7/33 +t///Finally arrived at the back of the egg, and started uniting all together. +sfade/7/34 + +t/3/Marin/Sigh... Sigh... +sfade/7/30 +t/3/Marin/Oh excuse me but... What is your medication...? + +t/7/Lana/It's Alright... Inside properly... Enter... I was paralyzed... +t/7/Lana/Pregnant... Sokushin... Work well... Keep it up... + +t///Lana, who somehow regained his sanity, answered. + +t/7/Lana/In, in... A syringe... No, Masyu... + +t///When Lana pulled his hips, he Zurli out of the wet penis with semen and love juice. +t///A large amount of semen pouring out of the vagina drips the yarn on the floor. + +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/So, in the treatment... More than Masyu... + +sfade/7/35 +t///As he answered while raising his underwear with alacrity, Marin finally looked back. + +t/3/Marin/Oh excuse me but... Did you get the medicine......??? +t/7/Lana/IS, yes... Seiko... + +t///Lana responds to the Lu Chun as he is flushing his face. + +t/3/Marin/Is that so? I was surprised at how hard it was... +t/3/Marin/But it was good that they treated me properly... I feel that it is very effective somehow. + +t/7/Lana/Oh, yes... That's good... + +t///Lana carefully wipes out the cloudiness liquid overflowing from the crotch of Marin, +t///The disorder of clothes was straightened as if there was nothing, and the examination room was put together. + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm + + + + + + +<ev38p> + +if/cg:38:0 + +additem/1196 +read/ev38 +setcg/38/1 +setct/15/2 + +tend + +<ev38> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev38/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/1 + + + + + +t///There was a figure of Lana and Sheila in the Hot Spring Inn in the corner of the town. + +sfade/7/1 +t/7/Sheila/Sigh... Warms... +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Sheila/Lana, thanks. +t/7/Sheila/I can't stay at such a high Hot spring Inn. +sfade/7/3 +t/3/Lana/No, this is a free ticket for presents. Never mind. +t/3/Lana/I'm always helping, and I deserve to thank you for this. +t/7/Sheila/I see... +t/7/Sheila/Then take your word for it and let it slow today. +sfade/7/5 +t/3/Lana/Ah... +sfade/7/6 +t/7/Sheila/What's wrong? +t/3/Lana/Ms. Sheila... That... +t/7/Sheila/Huh... This...? +t/3/Lana/Ms. Sheila... Was she a hermaphrodite? +sfade/7/12 +t/7/Sheila/Ah... No... This is... +t/7/Sheila/Suddenly it has grown. +t/3/Lana/...Suddenly? +t/7/Sheila/Oh, I don't know why. +t/7/Sheila/And I'm not going back to the original... +t/7/Sheila/If I knew the cause, would you tell me? I'm not sure how to cure it. +t/7/Sheila/When I did my best, the shape of the place changed a bit, but this is the first time I've been in this shape... + +t/3/Lana/Let's see... I don't know how to do that... +t/3/Lana/If you take a Claudeer look, you might know something. +t/3/Lana/Can I have a look? +t/7/Sheila/Oh, yeah... I hope so. + +sfade/7/15 +t///Lana somebody around in front of the Sheila and started staring at her crotch. +t/3/Lana/Sheila-san, try to open your legs a little more? +t/7/Sheila/Oh yes... + +sfade/7/20 +t///The crotch of the open Sheila had a small uncut and a soft-looking jade bag underneath it. +t/7/Lana/Oh, there's a ball... +t/3/Sheila/yes... It was not the first time, but it has grown before I know it... +t/7/Lana/Both are neatly attached, and they are completely hermaphrodite... +t/3/Sheila/That's it... Lana, do you understand anything? +t/7/Lana/Oh, no... + +sfade/7/21 +t///As Lana's Sheila's genitals were touched, the uncut was beginning to have a little bit of hardness. +t/3/Sheila/Oh, my God... +t/3/Sheila/If you don't know, it's okay... +t/7/Lana/Wait... I want to see a little more. + +sfade/7/22 +t///While Lana was touching, he lifted the uncut Mukumku and finally stood upright completely. +t/7/Lana/Oh, I'm standing... +t/3/Sheila/LA, Lana... You gotta touch that!... +t///Sheila tried to reject by mouth, but the body moved against the will, +t///It had opened without conscious of the foot to demonstrate the genitals. + + +sfade/7/23 +t/7/Lana/Wow... This is the penis that Sheila's erection... +t/7/Lana/But even if it stands, it is the size like a baby... +t/7/Lana/Ms. Sheila is big, but penis is small and cute.♪ +t/3/Sheila/Huh... Or pretty...? +t///Sheila slightly upset and blush cheeks. + +sfade/7/24 +t/7/Lana/This penis, maybe the shape will change if you give something stimulus... +t/7/Lana/Sheila, I'll check it out for a minute. +t/3/Sheila/yes... + +sfade/7/25 +t///Although puzzled, Sheila accepts Lana's palpation. +t///Lana's finger patted the vaginal opening, and the waist of Sheila bounced slightly. +t/3/Sheila/Oh my?! +t/3/Sheila/...LA, Lana! You don't have to touch that! +t/7/Lana/Yeah, but I might have something to do with this... +t///Kuchu... Nuchu... +t///The vaginal opening of the Sheila was gradually wet, and started Shiki with convulsions in being touched for a while. +t///Lana's finger is Nurli and slid in the vagina of the Sheila. +t/3/Sheila/...Oh?! Lana, No! +t///The vaginal meat of the trained Sheila strongly presses Lana's finger. +t/7/Lana/Wow... Great lock... After all, Ms. Sheila, it's amazing to be here... +t/3/Sheila/Oh, no... + +sfade/7/26 +t/3/Sheila/...So, what did I find? +t/7/Lana/Let's see... I don't know anything yet, so I'll try to touch it a little more. +t///Lana's finger stimulates the Sheila to massage the vagina, jade, and uncut in order. +t/3/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/3/Sheila/Lana, no more than that... +t///The Sheila is not able to endure the sweet stimulation which attacks an own sensitive genital, and the sound is raised. +t/7/Lana/But I'm not sure I'll have to look into it... + +sfade/7/27 +t///Lana's hand wraps the Sheila uncut and slides slowly from tip to middle. +t/3/Sheila/-Tsu?! +t/3/Sheila/It's... No good! Even more...!! +t///Lana's fingertips squeezed the uncut neck and rubbed the upper part of the vagina with the other hand at the same time. +t///Sheila the feeling of excitement and ecstasy in the sense that played the genitals in Lana's hand... +t///I felt the fear that the spirit would be hijacked by the pleasure. + +t/3/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/3/Sheila/Even more... No...!! +t///While screaming, the warped was more hardened and had become a posture that thrust his hips toward Lana. +t///As Lana pulled the tip of a small uncut erect on the front of the sky, the skin tighten to the glans. + +sfade/7/30 +t/3/Sheila/Tsu?! +t/3/Sheila/Oh, my God... +t///Sheila Acme While raising the getting distracted Masuki, and push the crotch while cramping the waist. +t/3/Sheila/Oh wow! +t///At that moment, Sheila's penis swelled rapidly, and a large amount of semen began to squirt. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/31 +t///Burlerler! Bucken! Buwuwu! +t/3/Sheila/Oh! +t///Sheila continued to ejaculate the sperm collected in seminal while trembling with jerky. + +sfade/7/32 +t/7/Lana/Amazing... +t/7/Lana/Ms. Sheila... It's full. +t/7/Lana/I touch it... Did you feel good? + +sfade/7/33 +t/3/Sheila/Uh... +t/3/Sheila/Oh, no... Coming Hiyoku... +t///The Sheila is answered with the tear eyes by the appearance that a little Lu Chun does not turn. + +t/7/Lana/I'm so glad that you put out a lot.♥ +t/7/Lana/It's just as good as it is.♥ +t/3/Sheila/Lana... Another... No good... +t/3/Sheila/No more... Another... Smashing... +t/7/Lana/Huh... But this penis... I think it's a little smaller than before. +t/7/Lana/Maybe I'll be cured if I get more full... +t/3/Sheila/I see... That kind of... +t/7/Lana/I'm sure.♪Ms. Sheila, I'm gonna get more.♥ +t///Lana watery his eyes and touched Sheila's uncut dick, and began to wear a wet sperm. + +sfade/7/35 +t/3/Sheila/...No.♥♥ +t///Moting... Nupo... Nupo... +t///Sheila's penis regained the hardness again only by lightly rubbing, and it warped while beating hot. +t/7/Lana/Ms. Sheila, how are you? How's it feel? +t/3/Sheila/Oh, wow... Another... Limit... +t///He cannot resist the stimulus given by Lana's hand, and Sheila the hips further. +t/3/Sheila/I'm good... Coming Hiyoku... +t///Sheila was scramble by the pleasures given by the genitals, and the thought was no longer thought of. +t/3/Sheila/By, you'll...! +t/3/Sheila/I'm going to be there again!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/36 +t///Bulle! Burlurlurulu!!! Bubullerler!!! +t///Again a large amount of sperm Sheila from the uncut penis of the sky. + +sfade/7/37 +t/3/Sheila/Oh, no... The... +t///Sheila had already lost sanity with a pleasant feeling, and was made a baby who just keeps ejaculation in Lana's hand. +t/7/Lana/I don't know why this has grown... +t/7/Lana/It might be a little fun to see another expression of Ms. Sheila.♥ + +sfade/7/15 + +t///Even after that it was a Sheila that ejaculate more than once... +t///The reason why the uncut and the ball bag grew was not understood as usual. +t///But since then, Sheila has lost the intention to undo the shape of his genitals. + + + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev39p> + +loadct/0/0/c +loadct/1/11/c + +sbtown/0 +sf/1/8 + +vf/0/in/7 +vfw/1/in/2 + +t/7/Lana/That... What's up, Pia? +t///Lana, who found out that some of the Pia are strange, asks strangely. +t/3/Pia/Uh... +t/7/Lana/? +t/3/Pia/Oh... +t/7/Lana/Your +t/3/Pia/Tummy... Want... +t/7/Lana/You have a stomachache? +t/3/Pia/yes... Not anymore... Would... +sf/0/2 +t/7/Lana/What?! +pon/1 +t/3/Pia/Ugh... I can't stand it! +t/3/Pia/I'm sure you ate something like that... + +t///The blue-faced Pia crouching to the spot while bleed a cold sweat. + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +setcg/39/1 +read/ev39 +<ev39> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev39/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/7 + + + + +t///There was no room to hide in the bushes, and Pia immediately undressed the lower body and exposed the crotch. + +sfade/7/1 +t/3/Pia/Oh Tsu!!! +t/7/Lana/Pin, Pier... If you do it in a place like this, everybody will be watching... + +sfade/7/2 +t/3/Pia/It's not too late! +t///The anus which endured to the limit is released at a dash at the same time as raising the voice like the Scream. + +sfade/7/3 +t///No, no! +t///The anus spread greatly, and the feces jumped out from there. + +sfade/7/4 +t/3/Pia/Ah! +t///Pia freed from the pain they endure instinctively raise their voices. +t///Defences! No! Oh, no! -No! + +sfade/7/5 +t/7/Lana/Pin, Pier... +t/3/Pia/LA, Lana-chan... Without... +t///While then tossed a soft big stool from the anus, I beg with tears eyes. + +t/7/Lana/Peer... And I couldn't stand it... +t/7/Lana/It's okay because no one has seen it. +t/7/Lana/But... Where's your Pia poop? ...I might have seen it for the first time... +t///As seen by Lana, the Pia continue to drain the large flights. + +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Pia/Sigh... Sigh... +t/3/Pia/...And you stopped? +t///It was a Pia that subsided a lot of pain... +t///After a while, a fierce defecate struck again. + +sfade/7/7 +t/3/Pia/No?! ...Well, come out again! +sfade/7/8 +t///Defences nice to go! Merely whoo! No! +t///Now the watery diarrhea gushes from the anus of the Pia. + +t/3/Pia/Oh, oh, my God! +t///The diarrhea gushes from the anus like the fountain, and it hangs on the soft stool which had been put out earlier. +t///Lana is surprised at the appearance of the Pia, but cannot keep his eyes from the appearance, and stares at the state of the anus. + +sfade/7/9 +t/3/Pia/Ah... Sigh... +t/3/Pia/I finally stopped... +t///The pain of the abdomen was not subsided yet although the discharge of the flight stopped and it took a breath. + +t/7/Lana/Pia, you okay? ...Should I look for something to do with the drug? + +sfade/7/10 +t/3/Pia/It's OK... +t/3/Pia/I'm sure I'll get it all out... + +t/7/Lana/Is that so? +t/7/Lana/But... I'm worried about you. +t/3/Pia/yes... Thanks... +t///Lana was excited about the appearance of the bowel movement in unconsciousness, and the crotch had been congested while saying so. + +sfade/7/11 +t/3/Pia/Oh, there... +t/3/Pia/I'm going out again... +t///The Pia are defecate to attack again, but they can't deal with anything other than crap. + +sfade/7/12 +t/3/Pia/Oh yes! Get out again!! +t///Defences chatter chatter! Hey! Oh, my! +t///Endlessly diarrhea from the anus continues to squirt. +t/3/Pia/Oh Oh wow!! + +sfade/7/13 +t///No, no! +t///With a bitter groan, the urine begins to radiate even from a small penis. +t///Diarrhea stool and urine mix in the ground, and Ocher Puddle is completed. +t/3/Pia/Oh, my God! I'm not going to stop! +t///When Pia put their power in the abdomen, diarrhea and urine erupted. + +sfade/7/14 +t///The abdominal pain still continues after the urination stops, and the Pia is not liberated from suffering. +t///Lana, who stares at the apprehension when his Pia are defecation, realizes that his crotch is hot and congested. +t///Contrary to the will to help, I want to stare at the anus of the Pia more, the consciousness that wants to insert a penis into its anus begins to rears. +t/7/Lana/No, No... What do you think the Pia are struggling with? ... +t///Lana Shime His will and tries to restrain himself. + +sfade/7/15 +t/3/Pia/Oh, oh, stop now...! +t///On the other hand, Pia discharged most of their flights, and most of them were gone... +t///The movement of the peristaltic movement of the bowel which demanded the defecation and the anus sphincter had continued mercilessly. +t///Before long, the movement changed to the stimulation to the prostate of the Pia, and the penis began to curl unintentionally. + +sfade/7/16 +t/3/Pia/Hmm... My... Phew... +t///With a bitter of breath, the Pia began to feel a slightly different sensation of defecation. + +t/3/Pia/Ow! ...I always to put it all... +t///In addition, when the anus is put into force, a small amount of diarrhea begins to bleed out. +t///The small penis also begins to beating with it. + +sfade/7/17 +t/3/Pia/Sigh... Sigh... +t///I have to put it all... It hurts again... +t///Pia concentrate pressure on the crotch with the last force. + +t/3/Pia/Oh my! +t///The moment a Pia is in power, it is attacked by the feeling that something was able to be popped in crotch. +t/3/Pia/Oh my?! + +sfade/7/20 +cumf/3 +t///A-A-a-whoo! Todopokkuru! Defences! +t///The pleasure which violated the mind different from the diarrhea this time penetrated the crotch of the Pia. +t/3/Pia/Meeting?! +t///A large amount of semen gushes from the Pia's penis, and it scatters in the eyes. +t///Undisturbed the teeth and endure the pleasure of keeping the consciousness somehow. + +sfade/7/21 +t///The Pia had also spouted semen with the last defecation. +t///Stool, urine, and semen mixed at the foot, and Orange shithole was made. + +sfade/7/25 +t/7/Lana/Oh, wow... +t/7/Lana/Pia defecation and ejaculation... It feels good... +t///At the same time that Lana was worried about his Pia, he felt ecstatic pleasure in seeing his disturbed appearance. + +sfade/7/26 +t/3/Pia/Sigh... Hey... +t///The Pia seems to be exhausted. +t///The diarrhea flight seems to have stopped, and the expression has regained some composure. + +sfade/7/27 +t/3/Pia/..., eh?! +t///The Pia that raised the face raises a surprise voice in the abrupt spectacle. +t///Lana was beginning to expose his dick and masturbate for his Pia. +t/3/Pia/What are you doing...? +t/7/Lana/Peer... Me too... I can't stand it! +t/7/Lana/To what the Pia put out... To my... I can't control the feelings I want to multiply! +t/3/Pia/Huh... What do you mean...? +t///Lana keeps rubbing his dick hard, not caring for his upset Pia. + +sfade/7/28 +t/7/Lana/Oh, my God! I get out too! + +sfade/7/30 +cumf/3 +t///Oh, my! Defences! What? +t///As soon as he acme with a trembling waist, Lana was on his way to the pier's big stool. +t///Lana's semen fused with the Pia's stool and transformed it into something more whitish. + +sfade/7/31 +t/7/Lana/Sigh... Sigh... I'm out... +t/3/Pia/Lana-chan... What are you doing...?? +t/7/Lana/Because it's too cute to be out of peer... +t/3/Pia/What... I was watching you with my poop... +t/7/Lana/So-sorry... +t/3/Pia/Well, that's fine... + +sfade/7/32 +t/7/Lana/...And, by the way, are you okay now, Pia? +t/3/Pia/yes... I got it all out, and I think it's okay now. +t/7/Lana/It was good. I was worried because I was so bitter. +t/3/Pia/...I was surprised, too. +t/3/Pia/But I'm fine now. + +t///After resting for a while, the Pia lifted the soilinto the excrement and stood up with a wobbly gait. + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev40p> + +if/cg:40:0 + +read/ev40 +setcg/40/1 + +tend + + + + + + +<ev40> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev40/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/4b + + + +t/7/Ily/What, it is... It enters into my magical force barrier! What? +t///Lana penetrates while ripping magical power covering around Ily. +t/3/Lana/Ily Remember me! +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Ily/Wow... this is... the body... does not move... +t/7/Ily/No way... this is your sealed curse! What? +t///Lana clasped at the waist of Ily and made her penis wrinkle and made it Claudee to the crotch of Ily. +t/3/Lana/Iri, I will restore it with this! Stay still! +sfade/7/1 +t/7/Ily/Let's go...! +t/7/Ily/Why you... the power of sealed sparks can be used... +t/3/Lana/Do not you understand! What? This is the power you got! +sfade/7/3 +t/7/Ily/What... I have not given you power... +t/7/Ily/If given,...with my magical power... It is impossible to put a seal on me... ! +t/3/Lana/Well... but this is the power I got really! +t/7/Ily/Different... I will give you... no influence... I have not...! +t/3/Lana/I can not do that!... +t/3/Lana/.., anyway Iri gave me the power... +t/3/Lana/So I want to help with iris with this power... I want to restore! +t///Lana pushes out the crotch of Ily and presses the penis against the vaginal opening. +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Ily/Wow... or... stop it! +t///Ily who was bound by magical power to the body can not move. +t///Ju Pu... Buchu... +t///A penis of excitement and hotly waving Lana goes forward from the tip and enters the vagina while drooling the juice. +sfade/7/4 +be/-1/yure/0 +t/7/Ily/Oh! What? +t///Pushing inside the sensitive vagina from inside, the penis of erect eyed bounces with the bicun. +sfade/7/5 +t/7/Ily/Hey! What? +t/3/Lana/Odds of iris... In this... It's hot... It's cramped and it's comfortable... +t///Lana who inserted a penis into the vagina for the first time is ecstatic in that sense and can not suppress joy and excitement. +t/3/Lana/It's hot... but... Ily's girlfriend it's... +t///Even though the personality has changed, for Lana it is a sense like a nanny inserted into the genitals of Ily... +t///For Lana it produced pleasure and joy enough to keep it insane, and the penis has already approached the limit. +t/3/Lana/Oh my goodness! +t/3/Lana/I'll put it inside Ily! +sfade/7/6 +t/7/Ily/Ya... Stop it!! Huh! What? +t///Lana's penis is rubbed many times on the vaginal wall of iris which can not resist. +t///Juopé! Bull! Buzz! Bubble! +t///Love juice and pre-juice mix together, rubbing while making air bubbles. +t///The penis swelled to the limit within a short time after inserting Lana and it reached the point just before ejaculation. +t/3/Lana/Ha ha! To the ritten pants! I will make a lot of it! Accept all of me! +t///While excitedly shouting, Lana pistonizes genitals and further strengthens its momentum. +t/3/Lana/Not anymore! It's OK! I will come! +t/3/Lana/Lily, with my sperm... Return to original!! Oh no!! +t///Lana shakes her back and pushes her back tightly while shaking. +t/3/Lana/Well, it will be... then Ryuu! Aaaaaaaaaa!!! +two + +be/-1/yure/0 +cumf/3 +sfade/7/7 +t///I'm hanging around!! Bubble!! A crowd!!! + +sfade/7/8 +t///While raising the waist many times, a large amount of semen is ejected from the penis of Lana, and it is poured into the vagina. +t/3/Lana/Oh yeah... inside Ily... a lot... +t/3/Lana/But still want to put out more more... +t///Lana was immersed in the reverberation of ejaculation while placing the penis with bicubic and hiking. +t///When Lana's semen was released into the vagina, it quickly entered into the blood vessel from the vaginal wall, and the magical sperm started to circulate throughout the body. + +sfade/7/9 +t/7/Ily/Haa... Haa... Bad... +t/7/Ily/In this way consciousness... completely... +t/7/Ily/When I first saw you... I felt something Claudee to me... +t/7/Ily/I should have missed... I should have missed that time... +t/7/Ily/I do not know who you are... I am the secret princess that inherits the power of true seal enchantment... +t/7/Ily/To the imposter... losing... It is impossible...! + +snd/s32 +be/-1/yure/0 +wait/500 + +t///The tremendous magical power which has never existed from the whole body of Ily began to overflow. + +sfade/7/20 +t/4/Lana/eh! What! What? +t///Ily who was supposed to be restrained by magical power defeated that magical power and attacked Lana. +t///Ily's body squeezes Lana. +t/4/Lana/That's right! What? Magical power was unraveled! What? +t/4/Lana/Besides... my semen is not working! What? +sfade/7/21 +t/7/Ily/True secret prime princess... I will not yield to semen of imposters like you...! +t///The morphology is reversed, a giant penis of Ily is pressed against the vaginal opening of Lana. +t/4/Lana/No! I can put such big things! +t///The tip of Ily's big dick spreads out the vagina of Lana and tries to enter inside. +t///To the size of its reproductive organs, Lana distorts her face to fear. +t///Go ahead! Juhu! +t///The small lana's vagina is pushed to the limit, and its big cock enters the vagina rickily. +t/4/Lana/Ah ah! What? +t///It is inserted and pressed violently on the prostate gland and Lana ejaculates little. +t/4/Lana/Stop it!! Ah ah!! +t///There was no appearance of stopping at Ily, and the inside of the vagina of Lana was completely controlled by the penis of Ily as it was. +t///The vagina of Lana was wet with the love juice by the previous sexual activity, it barely tolerated while spreading to the extent that it seemed to split. +t/7/Ily/A false... In my semen... Become a daughter!! +t///Buzz! Juopé! Bubble! Ju!! +t///Iri starts to move his waist while inserting, and it enters the ejaculation posture. +t/4/Lana/Fuki! What? Hehe! +t///Semen of Lana drips down to the penis of Ily and rubs up the vagina of Lana back and forth while involving it. +t///Ily's breasts hit the face of Lana and the freedom of the body is further sealed. +t///Every time Iiri pushed down her sperm overflowed from the tip of Lana's penis. +sfade/7/22 +t/7/Ily/Cut...! It! +t///When Iri distorted his face to pleasure, the penis increased swollen all the way and its tip was pushed to the deepest part in the vagina. +two + +be/-1/yure/0 +cumf/3 +sfade/7/23 +t///Very long round!!! A crowd!! +t///Lily semen flowed into the vagina of Lana, and part of it reached the uterus. + +sfade/7/24 +t/4/Lana/Hehe... +t///Repeating cums repeatedly and repeatedly, Lana's consciousness was already stunned. + +sfade/7/25 +t/7/Ily/Haha... I won... +t/7/Ily/You must be my servant! Hahaha! +t///Confirm victory while pouring a lot of semen into the vagina of Lana. +t/4/Lana/Thunder!! +t///However, Lana who regained consciousness began to resist intensely. +t/4/Lana/Absolutely not be defeated here! I will definitely return Ily! +t///Lana twisted the body when pushing Ily's breast and changed his attitude with the penis inserted in the vagina. + +sfade/7/26 +t/7/Ily/What? What? +t///Lana's stiffened his penis firmly and stuck out to the vagina of Ily. + +sfade/7/40 +t/3/Ily/Hey! What? +t///Lana's penis is resiliently inserted again into the vagina of Ily who became sensitive immediately after ejaculation. +sfade/7/41 +t///With each other's penis inserted in the vagina, Lana began to move her hips violently. +t/7/Lana/Pour my sperm more! Surely it will be effective! I will never give up! +t/3/Ily/Hey! What? Why, my sperm is not working! What? +t/7/Lana/Well, I've been ejaculating with this Ilyi from this far! It will not work with this much! +t/3/Ily/Well, such an idiot! Kuhii! What? +t///In accordance with the movement of the waist of Lana, Ily will be forcibly raised the feeling of ejaculation again. +t///Job it! Bubui! Bull! Juhuru!! +t/3/Ily/Or, stop..., Itoku! I will come back again!! +t/7/Lana/I'll do it!! +two + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/42 +t///I'll be hanging around!!!! Kyudou!! Ricky!! Hang out! +t///They caught at the same time and poured semen into each other's vagina. + +sfade/7/43 +t/3/Ily/Hey! What? +t/3/Ily/This rice cake... I will not come off with sucking! +t/3/Ily/Besides... Semen... can be sucked out! +t/3/Ily/Ah ah!! We will return again!! To exit! It is coming out!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/44 +t///Pu'uuuuuu!! Cutting down!!! Kyudou!! Cutting down!! +t///Sperm continues to spur out from the penis of Ily. + +sfade/7/45 +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/Until Ily returns to the original... +t/7/Lana/Because I keep keeping my pussy out! +t///When Lana puts his strength in the vagina, the vaginal wall swells and it turns like licking the penis of Ily. + +t/3/Ily/Aaaaaaaaaaa!! Or stop it! Something like that!! +t/3/Ily/I will get out again if it stimulates so much!! Hey ah ah ah!!! +t///Ily climbs back to the crown again with cramps and cramps in the waist. + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/46 +t///How do you fly!!!! Vacuable Ru!! Buddha Ru!!! +t///A jelly-like thick semen is blown out again from Ily's penis. + +sfade/7/47 +t/3/Ily/No, no more!! I will not go any further!! +t/3/Ily/Too bad!! Do not squeeze my dick on your cunt!! + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/46 +t///Ryuru Ruru Ruru Ru!!! A crowd!!! +t///I ejaculate many times, but still I can not stop ejaculation. + +sfade/7/47 +t///Lana's vaginal pressure attack of the whole body stimulated the penis of the iris to the limit, and had been kept ejaculating to the extent that it stunned at the cum. + +two + + + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/bg6/m2 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + +bgmout + +t///- After a few minutes... +two + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev44/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + + + + +t///At the foot of Lana was the appearance of Ily who was covered with semen and fainted. +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/I thought it was no good but... +t/7/Lana/Ily suddenly collapsed... it was saved... +t/7/Lana/After a little prolonged it maybe I was losing... +t/7/Lana/But what shall I do... +t/7/Lana/Anyway... I have to bring it to a safe location... + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm + +<ev41> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd5/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev41/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/11 + + + +t///Then the moon is flowing... + +sfade/7/1 +t/7/Ily/Lana-sama... +t/3/Lana/Iri... I do not have to organize myself... +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Ily/Well, was not it? +sfade/7/3 +t/3/Lana/Because I and Ily are real families anymore. +t/7/Ily/Lana... I and Lana's baby are about to come out soon. +sfade/7/4 +t/3/Lana/Yeah... I'm also going to be born. I can see that it is moving in the stomach. +sfade/7/5 +t/7/Ily/The power of the seal is... It is certainly inherited by my baby. +t/7/Ily/But that's... so as not to be a burden... +t/7/Ily/I want to love children born even if there is something. +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/Yeah... I also do. +t/3/Lana/I want you to be a child that Iri and my baby willbe loved by everyone... + + +sfade/7/20 +t/5/Elena/Lana, I made you pregnant, so take responsibility properly? +t/7/Lana/Well, yeah... sister... +sfade/7/21 +t/5/Elena/Surely Lana and my baby, it will be cute like a miracle. +t/5/Elena/I'm looking forward to the day when I will be born... +t/7/Lana/Yeah... but I am scared... +sfade/7/22 +t/5/Elena/why? +t/7/Lana/Because I do not know if I can produce properly... +sfade/7/23 +t/5/Elena/All right. Because I will hold my hand all the waythis way. +sfade/7/1 +t/7/Ily/Lana, I have been holding my hand all the time. Absolutely fine. +sfade/7/24 +t/7/Lana/Yes, thank you... + +sfade/7/25 +t/3/Lia/Lana, I also want to lay a baby! + +sfade/7/26 +t/5/Elena/Lia, you also have your rambunette on your back... +t/5/Elena/If you put a lot of white milk, you will surely beable to lay babies. + +sfade/7/27 +t/3/Lia/What? Is that so? +t///I look down at the crotch and try trying to spread the pubic area with my fingers. +t/3/Lia/Lana's lucky day here... +t///A small amount of stubble was sticking to the inner side of the Lia undeveloped labia which was not carefully washed. + +sfade/7/40 +t/5/Lana/Me and Iri baby are coming soon... +t/5/Lana/I am scared, but I'm happy... +t/5/Lana/Besides Il and her sister's baby, soon... + +sfade/7/41 +t/5/Lana/I wish this happiness would last forever... +t///Lana was somewhat somewhat disappointing but somewhat filled with the pleasure of getting to sleep while holding hands. + +t/5/Lana/Even though, I feel like I forgot something... +t/5/Lana/Well... I guess it is best to be with everyone else.... + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev42> +evbtn/1 + +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev42/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + +t///ver3 title + + +#skip +two + + +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 + +<ev43> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev38/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 +bgm/1 + +setcg/43/1 + + +t///Lana who got the free ticket of the Onsen Inn again came to Sheila and a hot Spring Inn today. +sfade/7/2 +t/7/Sheila/Lana, thanks for bringing me back. +sfade/7/3 +t/3/Lana/Okay, so this is also a free ticket. +sfade/7/6 +t/3/Lana/than that, Sheila's it... You're not healed? +sfade/7/7 +t/7/Sheila/Ah... yes... +t/7/Sheila/The shape does not change, and it seems to have become more sensitive... +t/3/Lana/Be sensitive... What do you mean? +t/7/Sheila/Just a little touch... I'm going to put out... +t/7/Sheila/...Just thinking about Lana... I'm not going back from standing up... +t/3/Lana/Ah... Yes, it stands still great. +t/7/Sheila/yes... All the way in this state... I'm in trouble. +t/3/Lana/Is that so... +t/3/Lana/So if I get it full again? +t/7/Sheila/Eh,... +t/3/Lana/yes... Should I not? +t/7/Sheila/Hmm... No... +t/3/Lana/...I'll give you a Sheila if you'd like to. +t/7/Sheila/Then... +t/3/Lana/Then? +sfade/7/8 +t/7/Sheila/Do... Want... +t/3/Lana/...Really? +t/7/Sheila/yes... +t/7/Sheila/And then I'll take Lana... It's so easy... +sfade/7/9 +t/3/Lana/I see... Glad♪ +t/3/Lana/Then I'll fill you up.♥ + + +sfade/7/15 +t///Lana was crowded in front of the Sheila, and Sheila as before to spread his legs. + +sfade/7/50 +t///The Sheila does not resist, and Lana's have to open legs and to dew the genitals wrapped in the foreskin. +t///A transparent mucus had already begun to exuding from the vagina mouth. + +sfade/7/51 +t///Lana Clench lightly Sheila's uncut. +t/3/Sheila/Hmm... ow... +t///Sheila is writhes body feeling the pleasure as likely to reach the climax at the moment of being held. +t/3/Sheila/It's... No good... Lana... I'm out... +t/7/Lana/Oh, I just touched it yet? +t/3/Sheila/yes... But if Lana's touched me,...I'll be out soon... +t/7/Lana/Then let's put it out lightly.♥You can Sheila a lot.♥ +t/3/Sheila/yes... +t///When Lana lightly rubbed the uncut, the Sheila was reaching its limit as soon as possible. + +sfade/7/30 +t/3/Sheila/Uh... The... Another... +t/7/Lana/Is it going to go away? +t/3/Sheila/yes... Sigh... Sigh... +t///Lana lightly starts the foreskin up and down. +t/3/Sheila/Another... By you want... + +t///Sheila began to raised breath and showed that the uncontrollable pleasures were approaching the limit. +sfade/7/52 +t/3/Sheila/The... Lee...! +t/3/Sheila/LA, Lana! Ah Ah! +t/3/Sheila/I'll do it. + + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/31 +t///Bueller! Buwwow! Bukung! +t///The waist convulsions with the Masuki, and the sperm erupted from a small uncut Sheila. + +sfade/7/32 +t///Splattered semen hangs on her body. +t/3/Sheila/Ah... Oh... Lana... The good... +t///Sheila continues to mow the semen while trembling with a stargazing expression. +t/7/Lana/How...? Ms. Sheila, are you comfortable? +t/3/Sheila/yes... + +sfade/7/35 +t/3/Sheila/But... +t/3/Sheila/Even more... +t/3/Sheila/More... Do... Lana... +t///Sheila's uncut still keeps the erection hard, and seemed to leave the surplus of the ejaculation yet. +t/7/Lana/yes... Then I'll do more. +t/7/Lana/If you put all of Sheila's here, they'll heal.♪ +t///When Lana Clench the uncut piece again, the Sheila raises a pant voice that cannot be suppressed. + +t/3/Sheila/...Ow!♥♥ +t///The uncut phallus was touched by Lana's hand and began to stand upright with Mukumku. + +t///Moting... Nupo... Bunu... Nupo... +t///The semen in the uncut is scramble by being squeezed from the outside of the foreskin, and an obscene sound is made. +t/7/Lana/Ms. Sheila, are you feeling good? Are you coming again? +t/3/Sheila/yes... +t/3/Sheila/Also... Would... +t///Whenever Lana's small finger Sheila the foreskin back and forth, the consciousness of the girl is becoming more and more cloudy. +t/3/Sheila/Will... Good... A very... +t/3/Sheila/I'm good... Lana... The good... +t///By being given pleasure from the genital organs, the spirit was weakened, and the Sheila was becoming impossible to hide the truth... +t/3/Sheila/You want,...Would...! +t/3/Sheila/Lana, Lana... I'll be in Lana's hand again!! + + + +cumf/3 +sfade/7/36 +t///Bulle! Buellerler!!! Bubullerler!!! +t///Sheila to the climax while calling the name of Lana, and ejected a large amount of sperm from the uncut penis again. + +sfade/7/37 +t/3/Sheila/La... Lana... +t/7/Lana/Ms. Sheila... He likes me... +t/3/Sheila/yes... To... Like... +t/3/Sheila/To... For a long time... Together... May... +t///Sheila was committed to the pleasure given by Lana, and was not able to suppress the favor to Lana. +t/7/Lana/yes... Glad... +t/7/Lana/Okay... I've been with Sheila for a long time... +t/7/Lana/I want to make Ms. Sheila feel good every day... +t/3/Sheila/Lana... Me too... I want to make Lana feel good... +t/3/Sheila/Lana... Leg Lock... + +sfade/7/15 +t///Sheila continued to ejaculate in Lana's hand many times after that. + + + + + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev44> + + +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev44/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + + +t///- After a few minutes... +t///At the foot of Lana was the appearance of Ily who was covered with semen and fainted. +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/I thought it was no good but... +t/7/Lana/Iri suddenly collapsed... it was saved... +t/7/Lana/But what shall I do... +t/7/Lana/Anyway... I have to bring it to a safe location... + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<ev45> +evbtn/1 +svbgm +bgmout +load/8/fd8/f +sin/8 +load/7/ev44/m2 +setsexp/7 +v/7/in/0 +sout/8 + + + +t///- After a few minutes... +t///At the foot of Lana was the appearance of Ily who was covered with semen and fainted. +t/7/Lana/Haa... Haa... +t/7/Lana/I thought it was no good but... +t/7/Lana/Iri suddenly collapsed... it was saved... +t/7/Lana/But what shall I do... +t/7/Lana/Anyway... I have to bring it to a safe location... + + + + + +#skip +two + +bgmout +sin/8 +v/7/out +sout/8 +rebgm +<clev10> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/If you go to the prize office, I will accept it onyour behalf. +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/Lana, I want to know the reason for your strength. +t/5/_NAME/Do you mind if I touch your hand a little? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I'm good at fighting swords, but I don't like special attacks that use demons... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I could be more active if I hadn't even one eye injury... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/_NAME/Lana, your hair... +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/I would like to touch it with rustling. +two + + + + + + + + + + + + +<clev10f1> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/It is supposed that the replacement clothes were certainly in the office... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/_NAME/Oh, hey! Do not pull on clothes! +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I need to be careful not to be found in my subordinates... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/6 +t/5/_NAME/It is impossible to fight truly in this shape... +two + + + + + + + + + + + +<clev10f2> + +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/This... I do not understand the translation... +t/5/_NAME/I can not help touching this... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/But... Lana also told me... but this is too small. +t/5/_NAME/This is my own... It is nothing less than an ordinary child... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/6 +t/5/_NAME/It's embarrassing... Just thinking why I can watch it makes me get upset... +two + + + +#C6 +sf/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/Wow! What? +t/5/_NAME/Do not touch it! +t/5/_NAME/That is sensitive! What? +two + +#C8 +sb/menu/3 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Oh! +t/5/_NAME/Or... stop... +t/5/_NAME/I touched it again as you touched... +two + +#C10 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Oh, a little...! +t/5/_NAME/Never lick it! +t/5/_NAME/Because such, it is dirty!! +two + +#C12 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Ahhhhh!! +t/5/_NAME/If sucked so much! So, it will come out!! +two + +#C14 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/No good! Lame! It is already drunk! Fragile Dura! +t/5/_NAME/Ahhhhhhhh!! +two + +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/1 +sb/menu/4 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/5 +wait/500 + +sf/menu/12 +t/5/_NAME/Hehe... Fuaah... +t/5/_NAME/Quit... well... +t/5/_NAME/No more... if... It is funny... +two + +#C16 +sb/menu/2 +bucl/0 + + + + +<clev10f6> + +#C2 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/_NAME/Here Do not touch it arbitrarily! +two + +#C4 +sb/menu/7 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/Ku... Because you touch it many times... I got up again... +t/5/_NAME/I have to get it quickly... +two + +#C6 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Oh no!! +t/5/_NAME/If touched further...! +two + +#C8 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Or... stop...! +t/5/_NAME/Oh!! +two + +#C10 +t/5/_NAME/Hello! What? +t/5/_NAME/Even lazy! Or, stop it! Because it comes out! +two + +#C12 +t/5/_NAME/Ah ah ah!!! +two + +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/1 +sb/menu/8 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/9 +wait/500 + +sf/menu/12 +t/5/_NAME/Ah... heh... +t/5/_NAME/I can not do it... +t/5/_NAME/Do not handle it... +t/5/_NAME/If it gets out any more... heads going wrong... +two + + +#C14 +sb/menu/6 +bucl/0 +<clev10f20> + +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I got stuck again and made my clothes useless... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/Recent demons are too strong... I can not compete? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/_NAME/I can not show the gap to the enemy whatever it looks like...! +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/Anyway, I have to change my clothes soon... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/_NAME/Clothes will not be defeated unless they are hurt even if they are torn...! +two + + + + + + + + +<clev11> +#0 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Pia/When I'm not at the shop my dad will take my place ♪ +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Pia/If you don't equip healing items you won't be able to use them. +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Pia/Haa... Maybe I should fix my phimosis with the Koteka... But I can't stop masturbating with my foreskin... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/Pia/If you sell your equipment to our shop we can mass produce them ♪ +two + +#4 +sf/menu/1 +If it's not a difficult tool, I'm going to make it. +two + +#5 +sf/menu/1 +I'm in the middle of developing a weapon that can aim far. +two +<clev11f1> +#0 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Pia/I felt like I was a girl when I hid penis.♪ +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Pia/This special make-up is like a real girl.♪ +two + +#2 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/Pia/I'm not ashamed to be seen because it's fake.♪ +two + + + +<clev11f2> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Pia/Penis to walk around the city... +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Pia/Open and comfortable♪ +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Pia/This... What if we find out...? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/9 +t/5/Pia/If I had been so bare... +t/5/Pia/I can't Pokeona... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/2 +t/5/Pia/Maybe it was seen by the person passed... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Pia/I want to pee... +two + +<clev11f3> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Pia/I can't Pokeona this outfit because it's fully exposed... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Pia/Recently, Mom is penis to ejaculate more and is noisy... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Pia/I want to make some new costumes too!♪ +two + +#3 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/Pia/I like this dress pretty.♪ +two + +#4 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Pia/I'm not ashamed of penis because I wear clothes properly.♪ +two + +#5 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Pia/I want to do the shop's turn with this clothes. +two + +#6 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Pia/If you wear this dress, you settled to cheer up.♪ +two + + + +<clev14> +#0 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Nono/I will kick the enemies flying! +two + +#1 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Nono/COBOL's Brave Nono Kenzan!...! +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Nono/I'm sorry... +t/5/Nono/It's really a lie to say that you can't read the letters... +t/5/Nono/I wanted you to go with me and you lied to me... +t/5/Nono/I want you to forgive me... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Nono/I'm not good at thinking about complicated things... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Nono/In my home Kobold village I was a dropout, but here people say I'm cute so I'm happy ♪ +two + +#5 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Nono/*Licky lick* ...Hm? Is it weird to lick blood? +two + +#6 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Nono/When the weather is nice I want to run around the grass plains ♪ +two + +#7 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Nono/Haa... I'm hungry... I want to eat some Jerky... +two + + +#8 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Nono/From the first time I saw him, I felt the power of Lana... +t/5/Nono/But I don't know what it is. +two + +#9 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Nono/You want a proud battle as a warrior of COBOL! +two + +#10 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Nono/I want to earn a lot of prizes and be praised for returning to the village! +two + +#11 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Nono/I hate fighting for risking my life... +t/5/Nono/I just want to fight with the opponents I absolutely win... +two + +#12 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Nono/He wants to be a good warrior for his hometown. +two +<clev15> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Sheila/My hometown was located towards the desert, but it was attacked by monster and nothing much was left. +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Sheila/I once had friends, but they all passed away before me... +two + + +#2 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/Sheila/When you stand close to me my whirlwind bladestrike might hit you, so be careful. +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Sheila/I'm only weak against magical attacks. I wonder if there's a way for me to defend against them. +two + +#4 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Sheila/If an enemy that you can't win against appears, just run away as fast as you can! It's the best method. +two + +#5 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Sheila/I wish I could eat some Mangosteen again... +two +<clev15f1> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +delay +sf/menu/40 +t/5/Sheila/(Well, ...I want to masturbate...) +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +delay +sf/menu/40 +t/5/Sheila/My body is hot... The tingling of the crotch cannot be stopped... Want to put out... Want to ejaculate... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/6 +delay +sf/menu/40 +t/5/Sheila/Why is this? ...The whole body is too sensitive to be suppressed... +two + + +<clev15f2> +#0 +t/5/Sheila/Looking at Lana... They lose their mind... +two + +#1 +t/5/Sheila/That's Lana... I want to feel good too... +t/5/Sheila/I just don't want to feel good... +two + +#2 +t/5/Sheila/(Lana... Like...) +t/5/Sheila/(This Feeling... What should I do? ...) +two + +#3 +t/5/Sheila/Just thinking about Lana... My body is throb... +t/5/Sheila/Why are you feeling this way? ... +two + +#4 +t/5/Sheila/Like a spell... I always think about Lana... +t/5/Sheila/Like they're manipulated... +two + +#5 +t/5/Sheila/If Lana says something, he can't disobey him... Why... +two + +#C10 +read/ev43 +bucl/0 + + +<clev15f3> +#0 +t/5/Sheila/Because of this sudden growing... I can't keep my mind... +two + +#1 +t/5/Sheila/It's probably because of this... I think it's all about Lana... +two + +#2 +t/5/Sheila/I'm not sure if this is... I can't get another thing... +two + +#3 +t/5/Sheila/I reexamine to put it out many times every day... I wonder what's going to happen to me... +two +<clev15f6> +#0 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/This underwear... I'm not wearing the thing that Lana was wearing... +t/5/Sheila/No good... Just the thought... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/It was good to borrow a good underwear exactly. But you have to return early... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/of this underwear... This tightening... +t/5/Sheila/Every time I walk by being pressured, I feel scraped... +two +<clev15f7> +#0 +t/5/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/5/Sheila/The tip of the erection is rubbed on the shorts... I'll get Acme if I move any more... +two + +#1 +t/5/Sheila/If I put out my sperm in Lana's shorts... It's going to be tough... +t/5/Sheila/Don't put it out... I have to endure it... +two + +#2 +t/5/Sheila/If you walk any further... He's already gone... +two + +#3 +t/5/Sheila/I can't stand being too comfortable... Want to put out... +two + +#4 +t/5/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/5/Sheila/I want to rub full of... The limit Anymore... +two + + +#C20 +read/ev43 +bucl/0 +<clev15f8> +#0 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/No matter how much you ask for Lana, it's a arcadian... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/Well, no more... Let me go... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/No, don't touch it! +two + +#3 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/It could be seen by people... I want to get dressed... +two + +#C10 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Sheila/Oh! +t/5/Sheila/I told you not to touch it! +two +wait/1000 +sb/menu/9 +delay +sf/menu/4 +delay +sf/menu/40 +wait/500 +t/5/Sheila/Uh... +t/5/Sheila/See, don't look... +two + +#C12 +sb/menu/8 +bucl/0 +<clev15f10> +#0 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/If you think something is wrong... This is back to the original...? +two + +#1 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/It's impossible to Arcadian dressed like this... +two +<clev15f11> +#0 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/I feel like the ball is getting smaller... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/It's nice to wear pants... It's too small to say something again... +two +<clev15f12> +#0 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/Hmm... It's getting too erect... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/Want to put out... I have to cure it out early... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/This... Just one... Why does it feel so good...? +two + +#C20 +read/ev43 +bucl/0 +<clev15f13> +#0 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/I can't fight in this outfit... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/It's... It's a terrible thing to be seen... +two +<clev15f14> +#0 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/Sigh... It seems to be Acme only by the erection one... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Sheila/I have to be careful not to always it out... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/If you could see me strolling in this outfit,... +t/5/Sheila/But... I can't stop them... +two + +#C20 +read/ev43 +bucl/0 +<clev15f15> +#0 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/Can you get it up...? +two + +#1 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/No matter how many times I put it up, it'll get...What is it...? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/You just ejaculate... It's getting too erect... +two + +#C20 +read/ev43 +bucl/0 +<clev15f16> +#0 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/No bra, just a little... And it's dangerous without armor... +two +<clev15f17> +#0 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/This underwear... I'm not wearing the thing that Lana was wearing... +t/5/Sheila/No good... Just the thought... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Sheila/It was good to borrow a good underwear exactly. But you have to return early... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Sheila/of this underwear... This tightening... +t/5/Sheila/Every time I walk by being pressured, I feel scraped... +two +<clev15f18> +#0 +t/5/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/5/Sheila/The tip of the erection is rubbed on the shorts... I'll get Acme if I move any more... +two + +#1 +t/5/Sheila/If I put out my sperm in Lana's shorts... It's going to be tough... +t/5/Sheila/Don't put it out... I have to endure it... +two + +#2 +t/5/Sheila/If you walk any further... He's already gone... +two + +#3 +t/5/Sheila/I can't stand being too comfortable... Want to put out... +two + +#4 +t/5/Sheila/Haa... Haa +t/5/Sheila/I want to rub full of... The limit Anymore... +two + +#C20 +read/ev43 +bucl/0 +<clev21> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/Did you check your equipment before your sortie? +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/Let's adapt our tactics according to the enemy's pattern. +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/In the dark areas, vision is everything. Try not to advance carelessly and fall into enemy's ambush. +two + +#3 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/...? ...Is there something on my breasts? +two +<clev21f1> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Ily/With this dress... as expected can not go out. +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Ily/It's a bit cold... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/Um... How much does Lana like about this... +two +<clev21f2> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Ily/No matter how much Lana's request... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Ily/This... Is not it Lana's hobby? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/I would like you to release it soon... +two +<clev21f3> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Ily/Why is this such a thing...? +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Ily/Um... what the heck... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Ily/It is almost time for this... Can I remove it? +two +<clev23> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Renka/I'm good at examining furballs, but that doesn't really help me making money... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Renka/I wonder if there's a way to shave the fur of a sleeping beast without it noticing... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/Renka/The basics of stealing is to divert the target's attention towards something else. +two +<clev23f1> +#0 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/Renka/If you have this stealth outfit, the fight is going to be advantageous.♪ +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Renka/It is clothes of the comfort that it is not dressed somehow! +two +<clev24> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/The shape of my ears is a litte weird so I don't want to walk in conspicuous places... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/Lilim/Ah, what is this pleasant smell? +t/5/Lilim/Could it be the smell of Corn...? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Lilim/There is something I have to do but... +t/5/Lilim/I'm not in that much of a hurry, so I'll be with you for a little longer. +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/I'm good at attacking but my defense is poor, so I don't want to be in the frontline. +two + +#4 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/Lilim/You said human can't use magic, then why I can use it I wonder... +two +<clev24f1> +#0 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Lilim/I don't know what it means to dearuka me naked... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/It's been staring from around a while... Can I wear some more clothes? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/9 +t/5/Lilim/I was just going to be dressed for this... +t/5/Lilim/...I'll get back to you later. +two +<clev24f2> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Don't let the dearuka in this outfit too much. +two + +#1 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Oh, come on! What touch...?! +sf/menu/8 +t/5/Lilim/Ow?! +two +wait/1000 +pon/menu +sb/menu/3 +wait/500 +t/5/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/Lilim/I told you not to touch me... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/It's impossible to walk in the city... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/It is because elasticity is high that the skin is surplus. +two + + + + + +<clev24f3> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Well, it'll leak anymore... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/8 +t/5/Lilim/I can't help pulling out when I'm dressed like this... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/2 +t/5/Lilim/Hey, stop! It's going to be a big deal if you touch it! +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/Lilim/You'll be laughed at when you know you're always just here and masturbating... +two + +#C8 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Oh, hey, what are you doing...?! +sf/menu/10 +pon/menu +t/5/Lilim/Hey! +t/5/Lilim/No, no! After that,...! +two +sf/menu/11 +pon/menu +t/5/Lilim/Ah Ah! +t/5/Lilim/Oh, Tsu! +two + +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/4 +wait/1000 + +sf/menu/12 +sb/menu/5 +t/5/Lilim/Ku... Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/Lilim/I got out... +t/5/Lilim/Because you touch me... I don't want... +two + + +#C10 +sb/menu/3 +t/5/Lilim/What? ...How many times a day do you ejaculate? +t/5/Lilim/It is... +t/5/Lilim/10About once... +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Lilim/Because if you don't, you'll never get back... There's no other. +two +bucl/0 + + +<clev24f6> +#0 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Lilim/When I adjusted my magic, it turned out to be a part of this... +t/5/Lilim/What are you going to do...? +two + +#1 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Lilim/We need to hide it so we don't find it around... +t/5/Lilim/But it's too big to be noticed... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Lilim/The... This will be a big deal if you can get it... +t/5/Lilim/You have to pull it every day... +two + + + + +<clev24f7> +#0 +sf/menu/12 +t/5/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/Lilim/No matter how many times I ejaculate, I Shiman... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/Lilim/If you get Acme... My head is freaking out... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Lilim/What if... +t/5/Lilim/I can't stand it if I don't pull it again... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/Lilim/I want to be comfortable with and lovers and the bun... +two + +#C8 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/Lilim/Eh, hey...! +sf/menu/10 +pon/menu +t/5/Lilim/Hey! +t/5/Lilim/Oh, no...! I'll get out if I get touched now...! +two +sf/menu/11 +pon/menu +t/5/Lilim/Ah Ah! +t/5/Lilim/No, Acme...!! +two + +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/8 +wait/1000 + +sf/menu/12 +sb/menu/9 +t/5/Lilim/...Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/Lilim/I got out... +t/5/Lilim/Pies the feeling of putting out... I'm gonna be crazy... +two +bucl/0 + + +<clev32> +#0 +t/5/Gissu/Cheers! +two + +#1 +t/5/Gissu/We are your friends aren't we? So it's okay to lend us just a little money right? +two + +#2 +t/5/Gissu/My brother is not good at making money so he won't lend me anything... +two +<clev32f20> +#0 +t/5/Gissu/Hey, what's this outfit? +t/5/Gissu/If you're poor, you're gonna be able to see the cops. +two + +#1 +t/5/Gissu/If you're dressed like this, you can't get away a little... +two + +<clev32f21> +#0 +t/5/Gissu/This is my outfit, huh? +t/5/Gissu/I feel like my brain is eaten... +two + +#1 +t/5/Gissu/This is perfect for me, too, isn't it? +two +<clev33> +#0 +t/5/Claude/Yo what's wrong? Let's hurry up and go. +two + +#1 +t/5/Claude/Damn, I'm so horny... I wanna fuck some female monster now... +two + +#2 +t/5/Claude/Shit, I'm broke again... I must be careful about my spending on sex services... +two +<clev33f20> +#0 +t/5/Claude/Hey... Who's going to get dressed like this? +two + +#1 +t/5/Claude/What's this outfit, my habit...? +two + +#2 +t/5/Claude/I'm not going to pee in this outfit, huh...? +two +<clev33f21> +#0 +t/5/Claude/Oh, wow... I Mesmon Starbibi in this clothes and rolled saddle!...! +two + +#1 +t/5/Claude/A man does not enter from the appearance. +two + +#2 +t/5/Claude/Darn... I want to do it... +two + + +<clev39> +#0 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/The shop will be closed for a while. +two + +#1 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/I originally lived in a land far away from here tothe northwest, but I felt this town is pleasant to live so I decided to stay here. +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I'm glad the people in this town are so nice. +two +<clev39f1> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/Oh, no... I'm supposed to be dressed, and I feel cold... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/I wonder what the body is to sue... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I can see the people around me staring... What do you mean...? +two + +#3 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/What's wrong with my outfit...?? +two +<clev39f2> +#0 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... I've been wanting to chewy again... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/If you're stuck with something like this, you can't be insane... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/I'm not gonna be able to endure it if I don't get it out... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/No more... Get out and head crazy... +sb/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... +two +sb/menu/200 +pon/menu +t/5/_NAME/Lee... I'm coming... +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Oh, my God! Out♥♥ +two + +sf/menu/11 +wait/100 +sb/menu/200 +pon/menu +wait/500 +cumf/3 +sb/menu/3 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/4 +wait/1000 +t/5/_NAME/Hey... +t/5/_NAME/It felt good... But... +t/5/_NAME/There is no reason to stand soon even if I put this many times... +two + + + +two +<clev42> +#0 +t/5/Sylvera/I am... no good... I can't remember anything. +two + +#1 +t/5/Sylvera/The only way to fight is to remember my body... +two + +#2 +t/5/Sylvera/I certainly... I should have been with someone else for the escort... +two + + +<clev42f1> + +#C2 +sb/menu/1 +wait/100 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/Sylvera/Hey... Stop it! +two + +#C4 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/Sylvera/Oh, come on! +t/5/Sylvera/Don't suck your breasts! +two + + +#C6 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Wow... +t/5/_NAME/Well, don't rubbed your breasts anymore... +two + +#C8 +t/5/_NAME/Hey... More than that... Rubbed...! +two +sb/menu/200 +pon/menu +wait/100 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/...Oh?!♥ +two +cumf/3 +sb/menu/2 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/3 +wait/100 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/I have a predisposition to breast milk... +t/5/_NAME/I'll be rubbed... +t/5/_NAME/So... Don't rubbed anymore... +two + +bucl/0 + + + + +<clev42f4> + + +#C2 +sf/menu/10 +wait/100 +sb/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/since these things have grown in the crotch... +t/5/_NAME/The body is getting hot soon... I can't stand it... +two + +#C4 +sf/menu/11 +wait/100 +sb/menu/6 +t/5/_NAME/Ah... +t/5/_NAME/It feels good to grasp... +t/5/_NAME/Chewy... Feeling good... +t/5/_NAME/Everything... They make a lot of good... +two + +#C6 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Oh! +t/5/_NAME/Another... It's going! +two +pon/menu +sb/menu/200 +wait/100 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Come on! +two + + +#C8 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Oh, my God! +t/5/_NAME/Got Acme! ...Ugh! +two +sb/menu/200 +pon/menu +wait/100 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/...Oh?!♥ +two +cumf/3 +sb/menu/7 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/8 +wait/1000 + +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... Ow?! + +sb/menu/200 +pon/menu +wait/100 +t/5/_NAME/I am again!♥♥ +two + + + +cumf/3 +sb/menu/7 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/8 +wait/1000 +sf/menu/10 + +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/No matter how many times... Feeling good... I'll do it again... +t/5/_NAME/Such a thing... Head freaking out... +t/5/_NAME/But if this thing grows,...I can never stop... +two + +bucl/0 + + +<clev45> +#0 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/I wonder if something interesting will happen ~ +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/Lana... where...? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I don't know... What I am... +two +<clev45f2> +#0 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I was told not to strolling in such clothes to the stranger. +two + +#1 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/This cool and fun♪ +two + +#2 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/The toilet is easier if you're not dressed.♪ +two +<clev45f3> +#0 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/The size of this dress is perfect for my body... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I'll remember something when I wear it... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/7 +t/5/_NAME/This outfit... I'm going to get some energy... +two +<clev45f4> +#0 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/This feather... seems to move... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/Well, you can't strolling in this outfit? +two + +#2 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/The body is light somehow... +two +<clev100> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Woof Woof! +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/*Sniff* *Sniff*... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/...Fugah? +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/Hn kyu kyu! +two + +#4 +t/5/_NAME/Waohn~... +two + +#5 +t/5/_NAME/Hngyu... +two + +#6 +t/5/_NAME/Woofun~ +two +<clev210> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Woof Woof! +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/*Sniff* *Sniff*... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/...Fugah? +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/Hn kyu kyu! +two + +#4 +t/5/_NAME/Waohn~... +two + +#5 +t/5/_NAME/Hngyu... +two + +#6 +t/5/_NAME/Woofun~ +two +<clev210f1> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/...Shakashaka... Shaka... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Afternoon... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Buchie! +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/...Bi? +two + +#4 +t/5/_NAME/Rustling... Rustling... +two + +#5 +t/5/_NAME/Nguigies! +two + +#6 +t/5/_NAME/Guru Lulu... +two + +#7 +t/5/_NAME/Fuguar! Gafbero Hagiabe Haba! +two +<clev210f2> +#0 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/I want you to leave the defense! +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/Not only hardness but also elasticity is necessary to defend. +two + +#2 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I think I can remember something, but I don't remember anything... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/Doggie! +two + +#4 +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/It's hard to get out of the habit of being a dog... +two + +#5 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I want you to take me with you! +two + +#6 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/The Magic attack is Meki in the chest! +two + +#7 +sf/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/Eh, I... Bent was a prize-neck?! +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/I bent to think of it as a reason to be chased by strange people... +two + +#8 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/*Sniff* *Sniff*... +two + +#9 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/If I pee you on the tree, I'd be seen with strange eyes bent... +two + + +<clev270> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Pyaa! +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Pya? Pya pya! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Hnpya! Pikii-! +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/Pyuu! Pyuu! +two +<clev271> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Pia...?! +t/5/_NAME/Here... Where are you? +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Tini and Amun should be able to use the best technique... +two + + +#2 +if/unit:0:272:1,unit:0:273:1 +t/5/_NAME/Tini and Amun... He's Alive! +t/5/_NAME/Good... +tend + +if/unit:0:272:1,unit:0:273:0 +t/5/_NAME/No Amun... +tend + +if/unit:0:272:0,unit:0:273:1 +t/5/_NAME/Tini is... Where... +t/5/_NAME/I'm sure she's looking for me. +tend + +if/unit:0:272:0,unit:0:273:0 +t/5/_NAME/I don't have any sisters... Where are you...? +tend + +two + + +<clev271f1> +#0 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/My here... It's a little frustrating... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/This is why it grows this season. +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Tini's Over there... I can't forgive you being bigger than me... +two + +<clev271f2> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... Want to mate... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/My La Fox's in the bun... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Another... I can only think of mating... +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/My this... If you put it in La Fox... What kind offace do you have...? +two + +#4 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/...Hey?! +sb/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/You can't lick her! +t/5/_NAME/If that were to happen,...! +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Whoa! +two +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/3 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/4 +wait/500 +t/5/_NAME/...Oh... Hey... +t/5/_NAME/I got out... +t/5/_NAME/My... Pregnancy Juice... Full... +two + +<clev272> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Pia? +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Scared of the flying attack... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/If my sister and Amun are could stay, I'm more likely to be able to do it... +two + +<clev272f1> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/I'm a little happy that my sister is bigger than me... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/When this grows up, the energy also comes roughly shaving! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Okay, let's go.♪ +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/I have to train my sister to be like me... +two +<clev272f2> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Hmm... Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/Whenever this season comes,...This is not reexamine... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Want to put... +t/5/_NAME/I want to penis you anything!... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/I want to penis... +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/My sister and her in a bun... To my... +t/5/_NAME/No, No... If you think about it... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/!?! +sb/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/penis, please don't touch me! +t/5/_NAME/I'll get out when I get touched now!! +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/...Hey! +two +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/3 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/4 +wait/500 +t/5/_NAME/...Oh, my... +t/5/_NAME/Too pleasant... It's full... +t/5/_NAME/This feels good... I can't stop it... +two + + +<clev273> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/It's cold... I want to go to warmer places... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/You can be stronger with your sister! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/My name is Amun, and the elder sister says Reni and Tini. +two +<clev273f1> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/my penis... Small and embarrassing... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/I'd like you to tell me if there is a way to make penis big. +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Penis is too small for me to mate... +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/I want to grow penis like your sister... +two +<clev273f2> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/Penis... I want to touch... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Penis your sister's macho... Want to suck... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Penis full of them... I want to feel good... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Hey?! +t/5/_NAME/Do not lick your cheeks! +t/5/_NAME/That kind of... You penis be licked so much! +sb/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/...Ah! +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/!!! +two +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/3 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/4 +wait/500 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/Pies your penis feelings... I thought it would break... +t/5/_NAME/But... More... I want to be comfortable... +two +<clev274> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/To... To be subjected to humans... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Well, I was manipulated... I'm not completely obedient... +two +<clev274f1> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Oh wow?! +t/5/_NAME/No, don't touch it! It's too sensitive to be broken! +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Get out, in... tsu! Out anymore... Ugh! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/This is...! I want to mate. Oh! The bursting of the fallen...! +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/Sigh... Sigh... I can't stand it anymore! +two + +#4 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/Oh yes! I did not touch it anymore!! +sb/menu/2 +t/5/_NAME/I'm going to spouted you just put a force in the juice too much! +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/...Hey! +two +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/3 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/4 +wait/500 +t/5/_NAME/...Hey... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/Full... I got out of the soup... +t/5/_NAME/But... More and more... Want to fill out... +two +<clev350> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/*Jiggle*... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/*Jiggle*... *Jiggle* *Jiggle*... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/*Jiggle* *Jiggle* ♪ +two +<clev450> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Are you my Master...? +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Somehow... I feel like I'm being controlled... +two +<clev500> +#0 +sf/menu/9 +t/5/_NAME/*Sniff Sniff* ...I smell Jerky... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I'm hungry... food... Where is food?! +two + +#2 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/Give apples to the young Apple Dogs as well! +two +<clev500f1> +#0 +sf/menu/9 +t/5/_NAME/*Sniff Sniff* ...I smell Jerky... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I'm hungry... food... Where is food?! +two + +#2 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/Give apples to the young Apple Dogs as well! +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/It's cold... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/My hair is gone and I feel refreshed.♪ +two +<clev500f2> +#0 +sf/menu/9 +t/5/_NAME/*Sniff Sniff* ...I smell Jerky... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/1 +t/5/_NAME/I'm hungry... food... Where is food?! +two + +#2 +sf/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/Give apples to the young Apple Dogs as well! +two + +#3 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/Strangely, this place is itchy... +two + +#4 +sf/menu/4 +t/5/_NAME/This is hard and it's not reexamine... +t/5/_NAME/How do you heal...?? +two + +#5 +sf/menu/5 +t/5/_NAME/It feels good to touch here.♪ +two +<clev500f3> +#0 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/This is getting hard and it's not going to come back... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/It feels nice to touch... I feel like I'm doing something wrong... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/You touch this... It's kind of itchy... +sb/menu/3 +t/5/_NAME/...?! +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Huh? +two +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/4 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/5 +wait/500 +t/5/_NAME/...Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/Somehow... There was a lot of white... +t/5/_NAME/Is this a disease...?? +t/5/_NAME/But... I'm feeling good and I can't stop... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/This place is tick hard... +two +<clev500f6> +#0 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/This is getting hard and it's not going to come back... +two + +#1 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/It feels nice to touch... I feel like I'm doing something wrong... +two + +#2 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/You touch this... It's kind of itchy... +sb/menu/6 +t/5/_NAME/...?! +sf/menu/11 +t/5/_NAME/Huh? +two +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/menu +sb/menu/7 +wait/1000 +sb/menu/8 +wait/500 +t/5/_NAME/...Sigh... Sigh... +t/5/_NAME/Somehow... There was a lot of white... +t/5/_NAME/Is this a disease...?? +t/5/_NAME/But... I'm feeling good and I can't stop... +two + +#3 +sf/menu/10 +t/5/_NAME/This place is tick hard... +two +<clev510> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Such a sublime sacrifice... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/S-Stop! Stop touching my fluffy tail! +two +<clev510f1> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Somehow the power is overflowing... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/This power... The whole body is a powerful tail Mofumofu! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/It is filled with power, and the clitoris of me does not fit in Gatigati... +two +<clev600> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/*Suck*... *Slurp*... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/*Slick*... *Squelch*... +two +<clev700> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/The... To... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/*Slick*... *Squelch*... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/A tip... The... +two +<clev700f1> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Gushi... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Mosquitoes are... Flying... Sounds yummy... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/The chin... I want to... +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/Mushy... Seishi... Love... +two + +#4 +t/5/_NAME/The chin... Smell of... Like... +two +<clev850> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Master... give orders... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/I... fight... for... Master... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/...I... fought... because I... had... to... +two +<clev900> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Pii! +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/...? +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Pia?! +two +<clev1000> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Guehehehe... +two +<clev1200> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/... +two +<clev1600> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Gupupu... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Gukyo... Kyokyo... +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Kukekeke... Kuke...*Rattles*... +two +<clev1700> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/Gurururu... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Gaaaaaaaaaaah!! +two +<clev1720> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/Heh! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/Will...? +two + +#3 +t/5/_NAME/To be... +two + +<clev1810> +#0 +t/5/_NAME/... +two + +#1 +t/5/_NAME/...! +two + +#2 +t/5/_NAME/...? +two +<metal2> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb58/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +t/2/Lana/Huh... and... +t/2/Lana/How do I use this medicine...? +pon/7 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Bah! +mcm/1/5 +t///Metal Apple Dog Fubi to Lana and snatched the drug from his hand. +mcm/1/7 +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/Oh?! +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Munching Musha... +t///I ate the medicine that I took away. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Oh... I ate it... +t/2/Lana/What are you going to do? ...I wonder if it's okay... + +pon/1 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/...Giuc?! + + +be/1/shake +t///Metal Apple dog began to cramp violently. +sf/0/2 +t/2/Lana/!?! +two + +load/3/be30/m2 +veff/3/7 +wait/1500 + + +load/4/fd9/m2 +sin/4/2 +t///Dazzling light is emitted from the body of the metal Apple Dog. +two + +be/1/stop +v/1/out +load/1/cb58b/c +v/1/in/7 +sf/1/11 +sout/4 + +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/What is this...? +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Hmm... +sf/1/2 +pon/1 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Oh?! +t/2/Lana/Huh..., who?! +t/2/Lana/Or rather this... Metal Apple Dog? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/...Oh, I... One... +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/This body is... +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/If... The human body? +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Wh... What happened? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Oh... Finally return to the human figure bent... +t/2/Lana/The human figure... Returned? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Yes, I was originally a human being... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/But my memory is vague... I don't remember anything... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/Were you being changed by magic or something? +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Yes... I'm sure Suwan... +t/2/Lana/...Bay? +sf/1/2 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Tsu?! The habit of when it was a dog... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Metal Apple Dog/Don't worry about the endings, WAN! Wow Fuwa!! + + +two +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +additem/1175 + +jump/menu + +<suitsuki0> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb165/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + + +t/2/Lana/This medicine seems to evolve Leech... +t/2/Lana/What is the meaning of evolution...? + +t///Lana Sprinkle the medicine on Leech's body. + +be/1/shake +sf/0/2 +t/7/Leech/Bugogogo... +t///The body of Leech that took the medicine was waving and it started... +t///The back part of the tail started to bulge rapidly. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Huh... What this... Feel bad... +t///The Leech's tail was huge and began to form like a person. +two + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/7 +wait/2500 + + +load/4/fd9/m2 +sin/4/2 +two + +be/1/stop +v/1/out +load/1/cb165a/c +v/1/in/7 +sf/1/11 +sout/4 + + +pon/0 +sf/0/2 +t/2/Lana/Tsu?! + +t/7/Leech/... +t/2/Lana/... + +t/7/Leech/Buju... Jurli... + +t/2/Lana/... +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Let's see... +t/2/Lana/How to Undo... + +mcm/1/6 +t/7/Leech/Uma... Right... +two +pon/0 +sf/0/2 +t/2/Lana/!! +two +mcm/0/2 +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/No, don't eat me! +two +vf/0/out + +t///Lana ran away from the place. +two +vfw/1/out + + + +additem/1181 + +jump/menu + +<ririm5> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/2/Lana/Oh, Lilim... +t/7/Lilim/What? +t/2/Lana/I know you can transform into a dragon... +t/2/Lana/Can't you just transform a part of your body? +sf/1/2 +t/7/Lilim/Ah! What? +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/And there's nothing I can't do... Why would you do that...? +t/2/Lana/Let's see... I thought it would be convenient if Icould change only a part of my body. +t/7/Lilim/Well... There's nothing I can't do. +t/7/Lilim/But I'm not used to it, so I can only part of it. +t/2/Lana/Part? +t/7/Lilim/yes... +t/2/Lana/Then why don't you try it? I want to see. +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/Bad idea. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Oh, why...? +t/2/Lana/Please Just once. +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lilim/... +t/7/Lilim/No more... +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lilim/If you care so much, I'll give you a little. +sf/0/1 +two + + + +vfw/1/out + +t///Lilim started to undress. +two + +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/1 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Lilim/I can only transform my crotch. + +t/2/Lana/Eh... crotch? +t/7/Lilim/yes. +t/2/Lana/Why is that...?? +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/It's annoying... +t/7/Lilim/There's only so much I can do! I will not show you if you keep complaining. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Oh, sorry... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lilim/...I'll do it. +sf/1/8 +t///Lilim closed her eyes and began to put his strength on her body. +t///Then, a strong light is emitted from her body, and the contour blurs. +two + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/7 +wait/2500 + + +load/4/fd9/m2 +sin/4/2 +two + +be/1/stop +v/1/out +load/1/cb24/c +v/1/in/7 +sb/1/2 +sout/4 + +sf/0/1 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/! +t/7/Lilim/Hey, it's just a makeover here. +t/2/Lana/What is it...? +t/2/Lana/It looks like the skin is growing. +t/7/Lilim/That's right. It's still not erect. +t/2/Lana/How do you do that? +t/7/Lilim/yes. The Dragon is so big and erect here. You'll be surprised. +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/I'd like to see it. Try it. +t/7/Lilim/Well, I guess I'll give it a try. + +t///Lilim looked a little more powerful, the flesh stalk began to stretch from the crotch part. +two + +sf/1/8 +wait/1000 +pon/1 +sb/1/3 +sf/1/4 +wait/500 +t/7/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +t/2/Lana/Wow... Great. It's Bing. +t/7/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... It seems to have Acme just to make it erect because it Buri eaves... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/...Eh? +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/No, nothing! +t/7/Lilim/You already know that, right? Then it's over! +two + +vfw/1/out + +t/2/Lana/...Oh, it's over. + +t///Lilim say so and started dressed with hurriedly. +two + +vfw/0/out + +additem/1184 +additem/1185 + +jump/menu + +<ririm6> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb24/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/7 +sf/1/10 + +vfw/1/in/7 + + +t/7/Lilim/Sigh... Sigh... +two + +vfw/0/in/3 + +sf/1/11 +t/7/Lilim/Lee... I got Acme... +two + +sf/1/7 +pon/1 +t/7/Lilim/?! + +t/2/Lana/... + +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lilim/...Did you watch? +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Yeah... + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lilim/This is just a practice! Practice?! +t/7/Lilim/It's a training to increase the magic?! +t/7/Lilim/I'm doing it to be strong! Don't misunderstand?! + +t/2/Lana/I-Is that so... + +sf/1/12 +t/7/Lilim/And, anyway! +t/7/Lilim/Forget what you saw now!! + +t/2/Lana/Eh... +two + +vfw/1/out + +t///Lilim ran away with great momentum from the spot. +t/2/Lana/... +two + + + +additem/1192 +additem/1193 + +vfw/0/out + +jump/menu + + + + +<furica5> + +setev/47/1 + +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c +sbtown/0 + +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + +sf/1/4 +t/3/Freija/Sigh... + +t/7/Lana/What's happening? +sf/1/6 +t/3/Freija/This shop has fewer customers, and management is becoming dangerous... +t/3/Freija/Do you have any ideas for more customers...? + +t/7/Lana/Erm.. +t/7/Lana/Please use this if you wish. +mcm/0/7 +sf/1/1 +t/3/Freija/Not + +t///Lana held out a costume in his Freija. + +t/3/Freija/What is this? Clothes? +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/Yes, I think the number of customers will increase if I wear this! + +t/3/Freija/I see... +t/3/Freija/Found. Then I try to wear it. +two + +vfw/1/out + +t///Freija immediately changed into the costume. +two + +load/1/cb9/c + +sb/1/1 +wait/50 +sf/1/7 +wait/50 +sf/1/40 +vfw/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Freija/...What is this?! +sf/0/4 +t/3/Freija/I'm not going to go to the store wearing this?! +sf/1/8 +t/3/Freija/Sigh... What are you thinking...? +t/3/Freija/It's not a good idea to have a guest... + +t/7/Lana/So-sorry... +sf/0/8 +t/7/Lana/This is an unnecessary year... + +sf/1/8 +t/3/Freija/Hey, don't cry a little bit... I'm not angry. +sf/1/4 +t/3/Freija/Another... Okay, okay. +t/3/Freija/Anyway, I'll try to wear this outfit for a while... +t/3/Freija/Then, the sales of the shop are going up or it tries. + +sf/0/5 +t/7/Lana/I'm glad +t/7/Lana/Surely... It works! + +sf/1/6 +t/3/Freija/Hmm... Oh, yeah... + +t///Freija resumed serving in that outfit as if it didn't fall into the persuasive. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + + +jump/tavern + + + + + +<furica6> + +loadseen/fd0/bg12 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb9/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/1 +vf/0/in/8 +vfw/1/in/3 + + +t/3/Freija/Not You want this outfit back? +two + +selset/0/se0/They get it back +selset/1/se1/I won't give it back. +selview + +[se0] +setev/47/0 +t/3/Freija/Found. +t/3/Freija/Then I'll return. +t/3/Freija/It's true that the number of guests has been increased since I changed it to this outfit... +sf/1/4 +t/3/Freija/It's different... +t/3/Freija/Do you have a different kind of customer...? +sf/1/1 +t/3/Freija/So I think it's better to look for another way. +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/1/cb9/c +sf/1/5 +vfw/1/in/3 + +t/3/Freija/Yes, this. +t///Lana received the costume. +sf/1/4 +t/3/Freija/I was thankful for the feeling, but it's not suitable for people... +sf/1/1 +t/3/Freija/It was a little difficult for me. +[se0]- + +[se1] +t/3/Freija/I see? +t/3/Freija/Let's borrow it for a while. +sf/1/5 +t/3/Freija/The number of customers has increased and there is such a direction, too... +[se1]- + +tend + + +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +jump/tavern + + +<ria5> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb45/c +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/2/Lana/Lia. +t/7/Lia/Oh, Lana. +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/I got this dress, but please wear it for a moment. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lia/Hmm...? +t/7/Lia/What this... Should I wear this? +t/2/Lana/yes. Try wearing it. +t/7/Lia/Found. +two + +vfw/1/out + +sf/0/1 +t///Lia began to change clothes. +two + +load/1/cb28/c +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/1/9 +t/7/Lia/Is this good? +sf/0/3 +t/2/Lana/Yes, it suits you well! +t/7/Lia/Hmm... I don't know what it is... +t/7/Lia/Can I wear it if Lana is willing to do it...? +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + + +additem/1186 +additem/1187 + +jump/menu +<ria_in2> + + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb45/c +sbtown/0 + +sb/1/8 +wait/100 +sf/1/4 + +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/7 + + +t/7/?/Oh… +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/?! +t/7/?/Water… Please… +t///The girl who appeared without a sound from Shadows was walked to Lana by a Kawai gait. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Why? ...A girl in a place like this... +t/7/?/Water… +t/2/Lana/Huh... Water? +t/2/Lana/Let's see... I have it... +t/2/Lana/Well then, this... Drink? +mcm/0/3 +t///The girl receives a wooden tube of water that Lana held out. +sf/1/2 +t/7/?/Ah…! +t///The girl instantly shone her eyes and began to drink the water at once. +t/7/?/Ngoc… Ngoc… +t///The girl drank up the water very quickly. +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/Hey… +t/7/?/Water… Delicious… +t/2/Lana/Erm.. +t/2/Lana/Why are you in this place? +t/7/?/Let's see…? +t/7/?/I don't know. +t/2/Lana/I don't know... +t/2/Lana/This place is full of demons, but why are you alright? +t/7/?/Huh… Why? +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/Nothing is dangerous. I manipulated. +t/2/Lana/Oh, manipulate...? +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/yes… I was thinking of manipulating you if you didn't give me water. +t/2/Lana/... +sf/0/9 +t/2/Lana/Is this her...? +t/2/Lana/Somewhere that I recognize... +t/7/?/…? +sf/1/5 +t/7/?/Hey, can I follow you too? +sf/0/2 +t/2/Lana/What?! +t/7/?/Hey, can I go with you? +t/7/?/I've been waiting here for someone to come. +t/7/?/So I decided to go with the person who came to the beginning. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/I see... Really? +sf/1/3 +t/7/?/yes! So I go with them! That's nice? +sf/0/9 +t/2/Lana/Well let's see... I don't know, but I can't leave here... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/Found. Then let's go together. +t/7/?/Yeah, I did.♪ +t/2/Lana/...So what's your name? +sf/1/1 +t/7/?/Huh… Name? +t/2/Lana/yes. +t/7/?/I don't know. +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Huh... You don't know that either? +t/7/?/yes. +t/7/?/I can't remember what your name is… +t/2/Lana/Then what do you want me to call you? +t/7/?/What do you want? +t/2/Lana/Even if you say such a thing... +t/2/Lana/Let's see... +t/2/Lana/Then, anyway... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/What about Lia? +t/7/?/Rear… +sf/1/5 +t/7/?/Yes, that's fine.♪ +t/2/Lana/Is that really good? +pon/1 +t/7/?/yes! +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/...So you call me Lia? +t/7/?/yes! Nice to meet you♪ + +t///The girl named Lia was going to go with Lana. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +addmember/45/1 + + +<shera6> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb15/c +sbtown/0 + +sb/1/4 +wait/100 +sf/1/11 + +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + + + +t/7/Sheila/Lana... + +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/?! +t/2/Lana/Ms. Sheila... Why aren't you wearing it down? + +t/7/Sheila/yes... +t/7/Sheila/Actually, I borrowed the toilet a little while ago... +t/7/Sheila/When I took off my underwear, a strange insect suddenly sucked my underwear and ran. +t/7/Sheila/So... I'm sorry for the sudden, but could you lendme underwear...? +t/2/Lana/Oh, good... +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/But does my underwear fit the size of Sheila's body? +t/7/Sheila/yes... I hope it's impossible. +t/2/Lana/Let's see... Then, I want to wear it for the time being and to confirm it. +t/2/Lana/Do you want to wear underwear here? + +Lana took out a piece of shorts from the wardrobe. + +sf/1/3 +pon/1 +t/7/Sheila/Oh, thank you! I'll try to wear it immediately. +two + +vfw/1/out + +t///Sheila to see through his foot in the shorts he received from Lana. + +load/1/cb15/c +sb/1/6 +wait/100 +sf/1/5 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/Oh, it's wear.♪ +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sheila/Yes, thank you, it saved me. + +t///The underwear that Sheila wore was stretched to the limit cloth fabric, and Gitchigichi and screamed. + +sf/1/1 +sf/1/40 +t/7/Sheila/I was about to Arcadian. +t/2/Lana/Yes, it was good to wear properly. +t/2/Lana/Sheila-san's penis small, I managed to get the size. +t/7/Sheila/yes... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/And, it is surely embarrassed if the penis is seen by the person of the baby size. +t/2/Lana/The image is ruined if penis is so cute though it seems to be Sheila strong. +sf/1/11 +t/7/Sheila/Oh, yeah... +t/2/Lana/Yes, absolutely, you'd better not show it to someone other than me. +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/I'm penis familiar with Ms. Sheila, but other people might not. +sf/1/10 +t/7/Sheila/Huh... Is that right... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/Hm? What's wrong? +t/7/Sheila/...No, nothing. +sf/1/1 +sf/1/40 +t/7/Sheila/Lana, thanks. Then I'll go. +t/7/Sheila/I'm going to go buy some underwear. +sf/0/5 +t/2/Lana/Yes, if you're in trouble again, talk to me.♪ +sf/1/5 +sf/1/40 +t/7/Sheila/Oh, thank you. + +t///Sheila went out into the city wearing Lana's shorts. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +additem/1199 +additem/1200 +additem/1203 +additem/1204 +additem/1205 +additem/1206 +additem/1207 +additem/1208 +additem/1209 +additem/1210 +additem/1211 + +setct/15/6 + +jump/menu + +<renka5> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb23/c +sbtown/0 +sb/1/100 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/1/5 +t/7/Renka/Oh, like Lana... Is that a chance? +t/2/Lana/What's the matter? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Renka/It is not a powerful stealth equipment that is rumored in the streets?! +t/7/Renka/Just show me! +t/2/Lana/yes... Good... +two + +mcm/1/6 +t/7/Renka/Wow... That's right. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/Would you like to give this to me, Lana? +sf/0/2 +t/2/Lana/What?! Give up? +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/I had a pretty hard time getting this... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Renka/Is that right... I'm sorry... +t/7/Renka/It's going to be really helpful... +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/...If you want it so much, can I give it to you? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Renka/! +t/2/Lana/Even if I have, I don't know how to use it. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Renka/Thank you! I love Lana-sama! +t/7/Renka/I'll try to wear it immediately♪ +two + +vfw/1/out + +t///Renka started changing clothes with rustling. +two + +load/1/cb23/c +sb/1/100 +wait/1 +sb/1/1 +vfw/1/in/7 + +t/7/Renka/... +t/7/Renka/I tried to wear it, but I feel that it is transparent somehow... +sf/0/4 +t/2/Lana/Maybe it's not my imagination... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Renka/But I feel that my body is getting lighter. This might be pretty good.♪ +sf/0/1 +t/2/Lana/yes... I wish I had liked it. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +additem/1182 + +jump/menu +<sakume7> + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb39/c +vfw/0/in/6 + + +t/7/Sakume/This and... +sf/0/3 +pon/0 +t/7/Sakume/The thing I was looking for... I finally got it...! +t/7/Sakume/Magic Sperm Preparation... If you have this, you can make it. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Sakume/If I synthesize it with the sperm of Lana-chan who squeezed it before this... +t/7/Sakume/Hehehe... I can't do this... Make it quick! +two + +loadseen/fd0/bg6 + +t///After a few hours +two + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb39/c +vfw/0/in/6 + +t/7/Sakume/Got it...! +sf/0/3 +t/7/Sakume/Penis Medicine! +pon/0 +t/7/Sakume/This is my home... Penis to grow! +sf/0/1 +t/7/Sakume/Well, I'll try to paint it immediately... + +t///The purple liquid that Sakume himself formulated begins to smeared to the crotch. +t///Then, a thing like white smoke erupted from there. +two + +load/7/be21/m2 +veff/7/6 +wait/2500 + + + +sf/0/4 +t/7/Sakume/Oh, my God! Ugh! +two + + + +load/4/fd9/m2 +sin/4/2 +sb/0/2 +sout/4 + + + +t/7/Sakume/... +sf/0/2 +t/7/Sakume/?! +two +wait/500 +t/7/Sakume/It's growing...!! +sf/0/3 +t/7/Sakume/So, I got it...! Complete and!! +t/7/Sakume/Did... Penis at last! +t/7/Sakume/It's like Lana-chan... I can ejaculate!! +sf/0/10 +t/7/Sakume/Well... Then try to ejaculate once... + +t///Sakume immediately started messing with the penis. +two + +vfw/0/out + + +delitem/1254 +additem/1253 +setct/39/2 + +jump/menu + +<sakume10> + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vfw/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Thank you +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Mumbo...? +t/7/Sakume/Did you mean... +t/3/Lana/? +sf/1/5 +t/7/Sakume/Ms. Lana... Is that OK? +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Well, why do you know the name? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/That is already famous for you in this city. +t/7/Sakume/However, the figure is spreading with a tail fin with a man of muscles and a prince on a white horse... +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/But now, I saw you at the moment, I was convinced that Ms. Lana of the hunter! +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Aura who can not stand out from the body will come out ♪ ♪ +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Well, is that so? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Yes, it is already. +t/3/Lana/So... what kind of store is this place? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/We are a specialty shop dealing with various materials. +t/7/Sakume/Please buy things that are likely to be useful. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +setev/23/2 + +jump/bmat + + + +<sakume11> + +loadseen/fd0/bg33 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb39/c +sbtown/0 +sf/0/1 +sf/1/1 + +vfw/0/in/3 +vf/1/in/7 + +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Hey, this is a long time. +t/3/Lana/...? +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Is that... forget someone of us? +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Ah! +t/3/Lana/You surely... a person who has gone away in the forest! What? +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/Was it all right! What? +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Yes, it is already... +t/7/Sakume/That is like my garden, so it is okay if even a monster can be avoided. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/It was so... It was good and it was safe. +t/7/Sakume/Well it will be hard for me to come back as it is. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Also, I feel like I mentioned before, but I am Saakame. +t/7/Sakume/I am doing a material store here. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/I have various items, so please buy anything and go. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Sakume/Oh right, I haven't heard your name yet. Would you tell me? +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Ah, It's Lana. +sf/1/3 +t/7/Sakume/Lana-chan, that's a good name. +sf/0/1 +t/7/Sakume/Well then make yourself comfortable. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +setev/23/2 + +jump/bmat + + + + + + + + +<risb10> + +loadseen/fd0/bg3 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb445/c +sf/1/4 +sbtown/0 +vf/0/in/2 +vfw/1/in/8 + +t///I saw the figure of a reshuette headed to this place on the plain near the city. +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/! +two +mcm/0/3 +t/3/Lana/Lizbeth, what did you do in that place! What? + +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Lana... +t/7/Lizbeth/I was urgently heading to the site after reporting that the ship was attacked by the Mugger... +t/7/Lizbeth/It was quite a tough guy... Although somehow repulsed but succeeded, I got a little injured. +t/7/Lizbeth/Other colleagues deposited in the rescue team, but my injury was not a big deal, so I came back alone. + +t/3/Lana/Well, was that so... +t/3/Lana/But is it okay? My clothes are torn really, but... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh, but I'm getting a little sick from the previous time... I got a slight scratch from the attack by poisonous arrow. +t/7/Lizbeth/It seems that poison is coming from the scratch. It may be dangerous to leave it alone. + +t/3/Lana/Well... then I have poison, so please use it! +two + + + +selset/0/sel0/Pass super powerful poisoning +selset/1/sel1/Pass a strong poisoning +selset/2/sel2/Pass light mild poisoning +selview + + + +[sel0] +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/Yes, this is a terrible powerful poisoning! If youuse this you will soon disappear! +t/7/Lizbeth/...Thank you. +t///Lizbeth began to paint the medicine received in the wound. +t///Then, a while later, there was a strange change in the state of the resput. +pon/1 +sf/0/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Well... this is... +t/7/Lizbeth/Well, maybe not... +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/?! +t/7/Lizbeth/Huh... huh... +t/3/Lana/Is not that okay? What? Is it painful? What? +t/7/Lizbeth/Different... This is... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/What happened...! What? +pon/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Wow! +t///While raising a bitter groaning voice, a respite collapses holding her crotch. +t/3/Lana/...?? +t/7/Lizbeth/Only... Do not look... +t/3/Lana/Er... What are you talking about? +t///Lizbeth writhes while holding his crotch. +t/3/Lana/... +t/7/Lizbeth/Also this symptom... I can not hide it... + +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/1/cb10b/c0 +sb/1/7 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/0/2 +sf/1/4 +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/...?! +t/3/Lana/Lizbeth... +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh, I do not know the detailed cause... +t/7/Lizbeth/There are things like this when the state of the body changes as you take medicine... +t/7/Lizbeth/It may have been the cause since it became like this since I was given some medicine to the secretary. +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Moreover, this... I am in trouble because the method to restore is special. +t/3/Lana/Special? +t/7/Lizbeth/Ah. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/That... From here... I have to put a lot of white ones and I will not return. +t/3/Lana/Well... that. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/I do not know well... but that's the only way. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/in that case... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/understood! Well then I will help! +mcm/0/4 +sf/1/2 +t/7/Lizbeth/Yeah! What? +t/7/Lizbeth/Or, stop it! You do not have to do anything! +t///Lana touched the penis of the respot at once. +t/3/Lana/You only have a lot of white from here, right? +sf/1/10 +t/7/Lizbeth/Ah! What? Or, stop it! Okay! +t///Regardless of the hijacking resort, Lana starts rubbing the penis up and down. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Amazing... I'm hot and I'm blown away... +pon/1 +sb/1/200 +sf/1/11 +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh ah!! +t///A huge penis of a sensitive respiratory started pulsing a transparent liquid from the tip while pulsing with a bicubic. +t/3/Lana/I guess it is about to come out already? +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh yeah! Because it is rainy! +t///Lana skillfully pulls his hand to the penis, rubbing it from the cali neck to the tip. +t///The stimulus given by the penis makes the consciousness stunned, and the respot is no longer able to go around. +t/7/Lizbeth/Lazy! Abo more than that!! ♥♥ +two + +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/1 +sb/1/8 +wait/1000 +sb/1/9 +wait/500 + +t///A large amount of semen spouted from the tip of the penis scattered to the ground. +sf/1/12 +t/7/Lizbeth/Huh... Huh... +t///While stupid, respite is somehow kept conscious. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Wow... a lot of it came out ♥ +t/3/Lana/Is it okay now? Are you going to recover? +t/7/Lizbeth/Even better... +t///The penis of the Lizbeth seemed to be slightly smaller after finishing the ejaculation, but there was no sign of disappearing yet. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Well... Is not it useless for one time? +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Let's go back to the city and continue ♪ +t///Lana hurried for some reason why Rijbet was to return to the city... +two + +additem/1261 +setct/10/6 +[sel0]- + + + +[sel1] +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/Yes, this is a slightly stronger poisoning! It will surely improve if you use it! +t/7/Lizbeth/...Thank you. +t///Lizbeth began to paint the medicine received in the wound. +t///Then, in a while a change began to occur in the state of the respite. +pon/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/Well... +sf/0/4 +t/3/Lana/? +t/3/Lana/Are you okay? +t/7/Lizbeth/No, nothing... +t/7/Lizbeth/Hey... There seems to be another influence. +t/3/Lana/Uh... What does that mean? +t/7/Lizbeth/No, it's nothing... +t///Lizbeth collapsed holding down his crotch. +t/3/Lana/? +t/3/Lana/Did you mean... +t/3/Lana/Does it seem to leak after pee? +pon/1 +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Well, not! +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/There is no choice... before you got the medicine, I can not hide it. +t/3/Lana/??? +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/1/cb10b/c0 +sb/1/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + +sf/0/2 +t/3/Lana/Well... that. +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/When I take medicine, these are the constitution that comes to grow. +t/7/Lizbeth/I think that it is the influence that I had a strange medicine in the past. +t/3/Lana/Somehow... like a dog... +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/I do not know the details, but... it may be so. +t/7/Lizbeth/But it will quickly collapse and disappear in a certain way. +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Well, there some way? +t/7/Lizbeth/Ah... +sf/1/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/That... If I draw a white liquid from here... it will be smaller and return to original. +t/3/Lana/I-Is that so... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Then I will help! +sf/1/7 +t/7/Lizbeth/Ah! What? What is it? +t/3/Lana/I will give out that white liquor. +t/7/Lizbeth/Why does it happen? +sf/0/7 +t/3/Lana/Because I have to bring it back quickly! +mcm/0/4 +t///Lana soon approached the rescue and touched the little penis. +sf/1/2 +t/7/Lizbeth/Here... Huh! What? +t///Lana slowly strokes the penis of the respite from bottom to top. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/It seems to be a little baby of Lizbeth's sister... somewhat cute ♪ +t/7/Lizbeth/Chichi... This has nothing to do with my will... What? +t///When Lana pinches the tip of the penis, the body of the rescuet warps as if it received an electric current. +t/3/Lana/Does this feel good? +sf/1/10 +t/7/Lizbeth/Wait, no, no...! +t///I try to resist while making my eyes black and white, but there is no power in that hand. +t///Lana's hand rubs up a small phimosis up and down. +sf/1/11 +pon/1 +sb/1/200 +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh ah!! +t/7/Lizbeth/No good! More than that! +t///Lizbeth begins while convulsing the thigh, but Lana's hand does not stop. +t/7/Lizbeth/So, a mess... I will come out!! +two + +wait/500 +cumf/3 +pon/1 +sb/1/4 +wait/1000 +sb/1/5 +wait/500 + +t///She stabmed her waist forward and ejaculated the respite while cramping. +t///White liquid is scattered from the small phimosis to the ground. +sf/1/12 +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh... Wow... +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Wow... a lot of them came out ♥ +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/But... It seems this has not returned to its original form yet. +t/3/Lana/Should I rub more? +t/7/Lizbeth/Ya... Stop... already... Good... +t///While somehow keeping consciousness, the respite responds with trouble. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/Let's go back to the city and continue ♪ +t///Lana pulled his hands halfway and headed to the city. +two + +additem/1262 +setct/10/2 +[sel1]- + + + +[sel2] +sf/0/1 +t/3/Lana/Yes, this is poisoning! +two +mcm/0/4 +t/7/Lizbeth/I'm sorry. +t///Lizbeth began to paint the medicine received in the wound. + +t///After a while it seemed that the state of the respite improved a little. +two + +vfw/1/out + +load/1/cb10b/c +sb/1/1 +vfw/1/in/7 + + +sf/1/5 +t/7/Lizbeth/Yeah, apparently it seems to be perfectly well. +t/7/Lizbeth/Thanks for poisoning, I was saved, thank you. +sf/0/5 +t/3/Lana/It was good. Just do it. +sf/1/1 +t/7/Lizbeth/But I have to wear clothes soon... +t/7/Lizbeth/There is no substitute for this dirty clothes. +pon/0 +t/3/Lana/Let's go back to the city soon! +t/7/Lizbeth/Oh, for now, I will hide my body and go back to the city. +t///Lizbeth spread the mantle and cover the body, headed to the castle gate. +two +additem/1263 +setct/10/1 +[sel2]- + +tend + +additem/1264 + + + + +jump/menu + +<silvera5> +loadseen/fd0/bg28 + +load/0/cb0/c +load/1/cb42a/c +sbtown/0 +sf/1/4 +vf/0/in/3 +vfw/1/in/7 + + + +t/7/Sylvera/My armor... +t/2/Lana/? +t/7/Sylvera/I don't have my armor... +t/7/Sylvera/Do you know where he went? + +t/2/Lana/Huh... I don't know. +two + +pon/0 +t/2/Lana/! +mcm/0/5 +t///Lana Claudee his face to Sylvera's breast. + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Sylvera/Oh, come on! +t/7/Sylvera/What are you doing! + +sf/0/5 +t/5/Lana/Oppai... Large. + +pon/0 +sf/1/10 +t/7/Sylvera/Oh, stop! Rub! +sf/1/11 +wait/100 +sb/1/200 +pon/1 +t/7/Sylvera/Oh, yeah! +sb/1/2 +pon/1 +t/5/Lana/Breast milk began to squirt from Sylvera's nipples. +sb/1/2 +sf/0/2 +pon/0 +t/5/Lana/!! +t/5/Lana/Licking. +t///Lana began to lick his breast milk. + +t/7/Sylvera/or stop... Stop it! +t/7/Sylvera/Rubbed... I can't stop my breasts!...! +sb/1/3 + +sf/0/4 +t/5/Lana/Oh, I'm sorry. +t/5/Lana/It's too good to get my breasts... Unintentionally... + +sf/1/7 +t/7/Sylvera/Even more... Anyway... +t/7/Sylvera/You want me to find my armor? + +sf/0/2 +t/5/Lana/Oh, um... Keep looking. + +mcm/0/4 +t///Lana began to look in the room. +two + +vf/0/out +vfw/1/out + +additem/1257 +additem/1258 +setct/42/1 + +jump/menu + + + + + +<empty>