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<member name="T:UnityEngine.Event">
<para>A UnityGUI event.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.alt">
<para>Is Alt/Option key held down? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.button">
<para>Which mouse button was pressed.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.capsLock">
<para>Is Caps Lock on? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.character">
<para>The character typed.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.clickCount">
<para>How many consecutive mouse clicks have we received.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.command">
<para>Is Command/Windows key held down? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.commandName">
<para>The name of an ExecuteCommand or ValidateCommand Event.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.control">
<para>Is Control key held down? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.current">
<para>The current event that's being processed right now.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.delta">
<para>The relative movement of the mouse compared to last event.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.displayIndex">
<para>Index of display that the event belongs to.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.functionKey">
<para>Is the current keypress a function key? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.isKey">
<para>Is this event a keyboard event? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.isMouse">
<para>Is this event a mouse event? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.keyCode">
<para>The raw key code for keyboard events.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.modifiers">
<para>Which modifier keys are held down.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.mousePosition">
<para>The mouse position.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.numeric">
<para>Is the current keypress on the numeric keyboard? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.shift">
<para>Is Shift held down? (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Event.type">
<para>The type of event.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Event.GetEventCount">
<para>Returns the current number of events that are stored in the event queue.</para>
<para>Current number of events currently in the event queue.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Event.GetTypeForControl(System.Int32)">
<para>Get a filtered event type for a given control ID.</para>
<param name="controlID">The ID of the control you are querying from.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Event.KeyboardEvent(System.String)">
<para>Create a keyboard event.</para>
<param name="key"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Event.PopEvent(UnityEngine.Event)">
<para>Get the next queued [Event] from the event system.</para>
<param name="outEvent">Next Event.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Event.Use">
<para>Use this event.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.EventModifiers">
<para>Types of modifier key that can be active during a keystroke event.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.Alt">
<para>Alt key.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.CapsLock">
<para>Caps lock key.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.Command">
<para>Command key (Mac).</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.Control">
<para>Control key.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.FunctionKey">
<para>Function key.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.None">
<para>No modifier key pressed during a keystroke event.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.Numeric">
<para>Num lock key.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventModifiers.Shift">
<para>Shift key.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.EventType">
<para>Types of UnityGUI input and processing events.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.ContextClick">
<para>User has right-clicked (or control-clicked on the mac).</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.DragExited">
<para>Editor only: drag &amp; drop operation exited.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.DragPerform">
<para>Editor only: drag &amp; drop operation performed.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.DragUpdated">
<para>Editor only: drag &amp; drop operation updated.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.ExecuteCommand">
<para>Execute a special command (eg. copy &amp; paste).</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.Ignore">
<para>Event should be ignored.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.KeyDown">
<para>A keyboard key was pressed.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.KeyUp">
<para>A keyboard key was released.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.Layout">
<para>A layout event.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.MouseDown">
<para>Mouse button was pressed.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.MouseDrag">
<para>Mouse was dragged.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.MouseEnterWindow">
<para>Mouse entered a window (Editor views only).</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.MouseLeaveWindow">
<para>Mouse left a window (Editor views only).</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.MouseMove">
<para>Mouse was moved (Editor views only).</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.MouseUp">
<para>Mouse button was released.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.Repaint">
<para>A repaint event. One is sent every frame.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.ScrollWheel">
<para>The scroll wheel was moved.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.Used">
<para>Already processed event.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.EventType.ValidateCommand">
<para>Validates a special command (e.g. copy &amp; paste).</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.FocusType">
<para>Used by GUIUtility.GetControlID to inform the IMGUI system if a given control can get keyboard focus. This allows the IMGUI system to give focus appropriately when a user presses tab for cycling between controls.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.FocusType.Keyboard">
<para>This control can receive keyboard focus.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.FocusType.Passive">
<para>This control can not receive keyboard focus.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUI">
<para>The GUI class is the interface for Unity's GUI with manual positioning.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.backgroundColor">
<para>Global tinting color for all background elements rendered by the GUI.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.changed">
<para>Returns true if any controls changed the value of the input data.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.color">
<para>Global tinting color for the GUI.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.contentColor">
<para>Tinting color for all text rendered by the GUI.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.depth">
<para>The sorting depth of the currently executing GUI behaviour.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.enabled">
<para>Is the GUI enabled?</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.matrix">
<para>The GUI transform matrix.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.skin">
<para>The global skin to use.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.tooltip">
<para>The tooltip of the control the mouse is currently over, or which has keyboard focus. (Read Only).</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a group. Must be matched with a call to EndGroup.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Begin a scrolling view inside your GUI.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is taller than position.</param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Begin a scrolling view inside your GUI.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is taller than position.</param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a scrolling view inside your GUI.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is taller than position.</param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a scrolling view inside your GUI.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when viewRect is taller than position.</param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Box(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Create a Box on the GUI Layer.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the box.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Box(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Create a Box on the GUI Layer.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the box.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Box(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Create a Box on the GUI Layer.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the box.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Box(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a Box on the GUI Layer.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the box.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Box(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a Box on the GUI Layer.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the box.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Box(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a Box on the GUI Layer.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the box.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BringWindowToBack(System.Int32)">
<para>Bring a specific window to back of the floating windows.</para>
<param name="windowID">The identifier used when you created the window in the Window call.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.BringWindowToFront(System.Int32)">
<para>Bring a specific window to front of the floating windows.</para>
<param name="windowID">The identifier used when you created the window in the Window call.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a single press button. The user clicks them and something happens immediately.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DragWindow(UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Make a window draggable.</para>
<param name="position">The part of the window that can be dragged. This is clipped to the actual window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DragWindow">
<para>If you want to have the entire window background to act as a drag area, use the version of DragWindow that takes no parameters and put it at the end of the window function.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Draw a texture within a rectangle.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to apply alpha blending when drawing the image (enabled by default).</param>
<param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode)">
<para>Draw a texture within a rectangle.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to apply alpha blending when drawing the image (enabled by default).</param>
<param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw a texture within a rectangle.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to apply alpha blending when drawing the image (enabled by default).</param>
<param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode,System.Boolean,System.Single)">
<para>Draw a texture within a rectangle.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to apply alpha blending when drawing the image (enabled by default).</param>
<param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode,System.Boolean,System.Single,UnityEngine.Color,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>Draws a border with rounded corners within a rectangle. The texture is used to pattern the border. Note that this method only works on shader model 2.5 and above.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to apply alpha blending when drawing the image (enabled by default).</param>
<param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.</param>
<param name="color">A tint color to apply on the texture.</param>
<param name="borderWidth">The width of the border. If 0, the full texture is drawn.</param>
<param name="borderWidths">The width of the borders (left, top, right and bottom). If Vector4.zero, the full texture is drawn.</param>
<param name="cornerRadius">The radius for rounded corners. If 0, corners will not be rounded.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode,System.Boolean,System.Single,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Vector4,System.Single)">
<para>Draws a border with rounded corners within a rectangle. The texture is used to pattern the border. Note that this method only works on shader model 2.5 and above.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to apply alpha blending when drawing the image (enabled by default).</param>
<param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used. Pass in w/h for the desired aspect ratio. This allows the aspect ratio of the source image to be adjusted without changing the pixel width and height.</param>
<param name="color">A tint color to apply on the texture.</param>
<param name="borderWidth">The width of the border. If 0, the full texture is drawn.</param>
<param name="borderWidths">The width of the borders (left, top, right and bottom). If Vector4.zero, the full texture is drawn.</param>
<param name="cornerRadius">The radius for rounded corners. If 0, corners will not be rounded.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Draw a texture within a rectangle with the given texture coordinates.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="texCoords">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to alpha blend the image on to the display (the default). If false, the picture is drawn on to the display.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw a texture within a rectangle with the given texture coordinates.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
<param name="texCoords">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
<param name="alphaBlend">Whether to alpha blend the image on to the display (the default). If false, the picture is drawn on to the display.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.EndGroup">
<para>End a group.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.EndScrollView">
<para>Ends a scrollview started with a call to BeginScrollView.</para>
<param name="handleScrollWheel"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.EndScrollView(System.Boolean)">
<para>Ends a scrollview started with a call to BeginScrollView.</para>
<param name="handleScrollWheel"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.FocusControl(System.String)">
<para>Move keyboard focus to a named control.</para>
<param name="name">Name set using SetNextControlName.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.FocusWindow(System.Int32)">
<para>Make a window become the active window.</para>
<param name="windowID">The identifier used when you created the window in the Window call.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl">
<para>Get the name of named control that has focus.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope">
<para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginGroup / EndGroup.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.GroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new GroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the group.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this group. If supplied, any mouse clicks are "captured" by the group and not If left out, no background is rendered, and mouse clicks are passed.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the background.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>Make a horizontal scrollbar. Scrollbars are what you use to scroll through a document. Most likely, you want to use scrollViews instead.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a horizontal scrollbar. Scrollbars are what you use to scroll through a document. Most likely, you want to use scrollViews instead.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.HorizontalSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>A horizontal slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.HorizontalSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>A horizontal slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Label(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Make a text or texture label on screen.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Label(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Make a text or texture label on screen.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Label(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Make a text or texture label on screen.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Label(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a text or texture label on screen.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Label(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a text or texture label on screen.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Label(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a text or texture label on screen.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,System.String)">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ModalWindow">
<para>Show a Modal Window.</para>
<param name="id">A unique id number.</param>
<param name="clientRect">Position and size of the window.</param>
<param name="func">A function which contains the immediate mode GUI code to draw the contents of your window.</param>
<param name="text">Text to appear in the title-bar area of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="image">An image to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to appear in the title bar of the window, if any.</param>
<param name="style">Style to apply to the window.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Char)">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Char,System.Int32)">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Char,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Char,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>True when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>True when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>True when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>True when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>True when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>True when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollTo(UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Scrolls all enclosing scrollviews so they try to make position visible.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope">
<para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginScrollView / EndScrollView.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope.handleScrollWheel">
<para>Whether this ScrollView should handle scroll wheel events. (default: true).</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope.scrollPosition">
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is taller than position.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is taller than position.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is taller than position.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the ScrollView.</param>
<param name="scrollPosition">The pixel distance that the view is scrolled in the X and Y directions.</param>
<param name="viewRect">The rectangle used inside the scrollview.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is wider than position.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when clientRect is taller than position.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SelectionGrid(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32)">
<para>Make a grid of buttons.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the grid.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected grid button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the grid button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The controls will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SelectionGrid(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],System.Int32)">
<para>Make a grid of buttons.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the grid.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected grid button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the grid button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The controls will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SelectionGrid(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32)">
<para>Make a grid of buttons.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the grid.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected grid button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the grid button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The controls will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SelectionGrid(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a grid of buttons.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the grid.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected grid button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the grid button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The controls will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SelectionGrid(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a grid of buttons.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the grid.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected grid button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the grid button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The controls will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SelectionGrid(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a grid of buttons.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the grid.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected grid button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the grid buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the grid button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The controls will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.SetNextControlName(System.String)">
<para>Set the name of the next control.</para>
<param name="name"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Make a Multi-line text area where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Make a Multi-line text area where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a Multi-line text area where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a Multi-line text area where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="value">Is this button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the toggle style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="value">Is this button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the toggle style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="value">Is this button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the toggle style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="value">Is this button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the toggle style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="value">Is this button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the toggle style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the button.</param>
<param name="value">Is this button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the toggle style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Toolbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUI/ToolbarButtonSize)">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toolbar.</param>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the toolbar buttons.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUI.ToolbarButtonSize">
<para>Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents">
<para>The width of each toolbar button is calculated based on the width of its content.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed">
<para>Calculates the button size by dividing the available width by the number of buttons. The minimum size is the maximum content width.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.UnfocusWindow">
<para>Remove focus from all windows.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.VerticalScrollbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>Make a vertical scrollbar. Scrollbars are what you use to scroll through a document. Most likely, you want to use scrollViews instead.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.VerticalScrollbar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a vertical scrollbar. Scrollbars are what you use to scroll through a document. Most likely, you want to use scrollViews instead.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.VerticalSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>A vertical slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top end of the slider.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.VerticalSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>A vertical slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top end of the slider.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,System.String)">
<para>Make a popup window.</para>
<param name="Style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="id">ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique).</param>
<param name="clientRect">Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</param>
<param name="func">Script function to display the window's contents.</param>
<param name="text">Text to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="image">Image to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="style">Style information for the window.</param>
<param name="title">Text displayed in the window's title bar.</param>
<para>Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Make a popup window.</para>
<param name="Style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="id">ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique).</param>
<param name="clientRect">Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</param>
<param name="func">Script function to display the window's contents.</param>
<param name="text">Text to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="image">Image to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="style">Style information for the window.</param>
<param name="title">Text displayed in the window's title bar.</param>
<para>Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Make a popup window.</para>
<param name="Style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="id">ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique).</param>
<param name="clientRect">Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</param>
<param name="func">Script function to display the window's contents.</param>
<param name="text">Text to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="image">Image to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="style">Style information for the window.</param>
<param name="title">Text displayed in the window's title bar.</param>
<para>Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a popup window.</para>
<param name="Style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="id">ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique).</param>
<param name="clientRect">Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</param>
<param name="func">Script function to display the window's contents.</param>
<param name="text">Text to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="image">Image to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="style">Style information for the window.</param>
<param name="title">Text displayed in the window's title bar.</param>
<para>Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a popup window.</para>
<param name="Style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="id">ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique).</param>
<param name="clientRect">Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</param>
<param name="func">Script function to display the window's contents.</param>
<param name="text">Text to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="image">Image to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="style">Style information for the window.</param>
<param name="title">Text displayed in the window's title bar.</param>
<para>Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUI.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Make a popup window.</para>
<param name="Style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="id">ID number for the window (can be any value as long as it is unique).</param>
<param name="clientRect">Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</param>
<param name="func">Script function to display the window's contents.</param>
<param name="text">Text to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="image">Image to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="content">GUIContent to render inside the window.</param>
<param name="style">Style information for the window.</param>
<param name="title">Text displayed in the window's title bar.</param>
<para>Onscreen rectangle denoting the window's position and size.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUI.WindowFunction">
<para>Callback to draw GUI within a window (used with GUI.Window).</para>
<param name="id"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUIContent">
<para>The contents of a GUI element.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIContent.image">
<para>The icon image contained.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.GUIContent.none">
<para>Shorthand for empty content.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIContent.text">
<para>The text contained.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIContent.tooltip">
<para>The tooltip of this element.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor">
<para>Constructor for GUIContent in all shapes and sizes.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(System.String)">
<para>Build a GUIContent object containing only text.</para>
<param name="text"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Build a GUIContent object containing only an image.</para>
<param name="image"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(System.String,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Build a GUIContent object containing both text and an image.</para>
<param name="text"></param>
<param name="image"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Build a GUIContent containing some text. When the user hovers the mouse over it, the global GUI.tooltip is set to the tooltip.</para>
<param name="text"></param>
<param name="tooltip"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(UnityEngine.Texture,System.String)">
<para>Build a GUIContent containing an image. When the user hovers the mouse over it, the global GUI.tooltip is set to the tooltip.</para>
<param name="image"></param>
<param name="tooltip"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(System.String,UnityEngine.Texture,System.String)">
<para>Build a GUIContent that contains both text, an image and has a tooltip defined. When the user hovers the mouse over it, the global GUI.tooltip is set to the tooltip.</para>
<param name="text"></param>
<param name="image"></param>
<param name="tooltip"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIContent.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Build a GUIContent as a copy of another GUIContent.</para>
<param name="src"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayout">
<para>The GUILayout class is the interface for Unity gui with automatic layout.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope">
<para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginArea / EndArea.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.AreaScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Create a new AreaScope and begin the corresponding Area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginArea(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin a GUILayout block of GUI controls in a fixed screen area.</para>
<param name="text">Optional text to display in the area.</param>
<param name="image">Optional texture to display in the area.</param>
<param name="content">Optional text, image and tooltip top display for this area.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the empty GUIStyle (GUIStyle.none) is used, giving a transparent background.</param>
<param name="screenRect"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a Horizontal control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a Horizontal control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a Horizontal control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a Horizontal control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a Horizontal control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin an automatically laid out scrollview.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginVertical(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a vertical control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginVertical(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a vertical control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginVertical(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a vertical control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginVertical(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a vertical control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginVertical(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Begin a vertical control group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Box(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout box.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Box(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout box.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Box(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout box.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Box(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout box.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Box(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout box.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Box(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout box.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the box.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the box.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this box.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the box style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single press button.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single press button.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single press button.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single press button.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single press button.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Button(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single press button.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the users clicks the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.EndArea">
<para>Close a GUILayout block started with BeginArea.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.EndHorizontal">
<para>Close a group started with BeginHorizontal.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.EndScrollView">
<para>End a scroll view begun with a call to BeginScrollView.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.EndVertical">
<para>Close a group started with BeginVertical.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ExpandHeight(System.Boolean)">
<para>Option passed to a control to allow or disallow vertical expansion.</para>
<param name="expand"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ExpandWidth(System.Boolean)">
<para>Option passed to a control to allow or disallow horizontal expansion.</para>
<param name="expand"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.FlexibleSpace">
<para>Insert a flexible space element.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Height(System.Single)">
<para>Option passed to a control to give it an absolute height.</para>
<param name="height"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope">
<para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginHorizontal / EndHorizontal.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScrollbar(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a horizontal scrollbar.</para>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScrollbar(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a horizontal scrollbar.</para>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>A horizontal slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>A horizontal slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
<param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout label.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout label.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout label.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout label.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout label.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an auto-layout label.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.MaxHeight(System.Single)">
<para>Option passed to a control to specify a maximum height.</para>
<param name="maxHeight"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.MaxWidth(System.Single)">
<para>Option passed to a control to specify a maximum width.</para>
<param name="maxWidth"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.MinHeight(System.Single)">
<para>Option passed to a control to specify a minimum height.</para>
<param name="minHeight"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.MinWidth(System.Single)">
<para>Option passed to a control to specify a minimum width.
<param name="minWidth"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,System.Char,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,System.Char,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,System.Char,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,System.Char,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
<param name="password">Password to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maskChar">Character to mask the password with.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<para>The edited password.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a repeating button. The button returns true as long as the user holds down the mouse.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the holds down the mouse.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.RepeatButton(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a repeating button. The button returns true as long as the user holds down the mouse.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the holds down the mouse.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a repeating button. The button returns true as long as the user holds down the mouse.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the holds down the mouse.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a repeating button. The button returns true as long as the user holds down the mouse.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the holds down the mouse.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.RepeatButton(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a repeating button. The button returns true as long as the user holds down the mouse.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the holds down the mouse.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.RepeatButton(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a repeating button. The button returns true as long as the user holds down the mouse.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>true when the holds down the mouse.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope">
<para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginScrollView / EndScrollView.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.handleScrollWheel">
<para>Whether this ScrollView should handle scroll wheel events. (default: true).</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.scrollPosition">
<para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
<param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="alwaysShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
<param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options"></param>
<param name="style"></param>
<param name="background"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.SelectionGrid(System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a Selection Grid.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.SelectionGrid(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a Selection Grid.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.SelectionGrid(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a Selection Grid.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.SelectionGrid(System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a Selection Grid.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.SelectionGrid(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a Selection Grid.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.SelectionGrid(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a Selection Grid.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="xCount">How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="content"></param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Space(System.Single)">
<para>Insert a space in the current layout group.</para>
<param name="pixels"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextArea(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a multi-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextArea(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a multi-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextArea(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a multi-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextArea(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a multi-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textField style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&amp;amp;lt;br&amp;amp;gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a single-line text field where the user can edit a string.</para>
<param name="text">Text to edit. The return value of this function should be assigned back to the string as shown in the example.</param>
<param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string. If left out, the user can type for ever and ever.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the textArea style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The edited string.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="value">Is the button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="value">Is the button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="value">Is the button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="value">Is the button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="value">Is the button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make an on/off toggle button.</para>
<param name="value">Is the button on or off?</param>
<param name="text">Text to display on the button.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on the button.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The new value of the button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUI/ToolbarButtonSize,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Texture[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUI/ToolbarButtonSize,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toolbar(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUI/ToolbarButtonSize,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a toolbar.</para>
<param name="selected">The index of the selected button.</param>
<param name="texts">An array of strings to show on the buttons.</param>
<param name="images">An array of textures on the buttons.</param>
<param name="contents">An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<param name="buttonSize">Determines how toolbar button size is calculated.</param>
<para>The index of the selected button.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScope">
<para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginVertical / EndVertical.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
<param name="text">Text to display on group.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display on group.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image, and tooltip for this group.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScrollbar(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a vertical scrollbar.</para>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalScrollbar(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a vertical scrollbar.</para>
<param name="value">The position between min and max.</param>
<param name="size">How much can we see?</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom end of the scrollbar.</param>
<param name="style">The style to use for the scrollbar background. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<para>The modified value. This can be changed by the user by dragging the scrollbar, or clicking the arrows at the end.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalSlider(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>A vertical slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top end of the slider.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<param name="leftValue"></param>
<param name="rightValue"></param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.VerticalSlider(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>A vertical slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
<param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
<param name="topValue">The value at the top end of the slider.</param>
<param name="bottomValue">The value at the bottom end of the slider.</param>
<param name="slider">The GUIStyle to use for displaying the dragging area. If left out, the horizontalSlider style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="thumb">The GUIStyle to use for displaying draggable thumb. If left out, the horizontalSliderThumb style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.</param>
<param name="leftValue"></param>
<param name="rightValue"></param>
<para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Width(System.Single)">
<para>Option passed to a control to give it an absolute width.</para>
<param name="width"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a popup window that layouts its contents automatically.</para>
<param name="id">A unique ID to use for each window. This is the ID you'll use to interface to it.</param>
<param name="screenRect">Rectangle on the screen to use for the window. The layouting system will attempt to fit the window inside it - if that cannot be done, it will adjust the rectangle to fit.</param>
<param name="func">The function that creates the GUI inside the window. This function must take one parameter - the id of the window it's currently making GUI for.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display as a title for the window.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display an image in the titlebar.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this window.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style or the screenRect you pass in.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectangle the window is at. This can be in a different position and have a different size than the one you passed in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a popup window that layouts its contents automatically.</para>
<param name="id">A unique ID to use for each window. This is the ID you'll use to interface to it.</param>
<param name="screenRect">Rectangle on the screen to use for the window. The layouting system will attempt to fit the window inside it - if that cannot be done, it will adjust the rectangle to fit.</param>
<param name="func">The function that creates the GUI inside the window. This function must take one parameter - the id of the window it's currently making GUI for.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display as a title for the window.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display an image in the titlebar.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this window.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style or the screenRect you pass in.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectangle the window is at. This can be in a different position and have a different size than the one you passed in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a popup window that layouts its contents automatically.</para>
<param name="id">A unique ID to use for each window. This is the ID you'll use to interface to it.</param>
<param name="screenRect">Rectangle on the screen to use for the window. The layouting system will attempt to fit the window inside it - if that cannot be done, it will adjust the rectangle to fit.</param>
<param name="func">The function that creates the GUI inside the window. This function must take one parameter - the id of the window it's currently making GUI for.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display as a title for the window.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display an image in the titlebar.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this window.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style or the screenRect you pass in.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectangle the window is at. This can be in a different position and have a different size than the one you passed in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a popup window that layouts its contents automatically.</para>
<param name="id">A unique ID to use for each window. This is the ID you'll use to interface to it.</param>
<param name="screenRect">Rectangle on the screen to use for the window. The layouting system will attempt to fit the window inside it - if that cannot be done, it will adjust the rectangle to fit.</param>
<param name="func">The function that creates the GUI inside the window. This function must take one parameter - the id of the window it's currently making GUI for.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display as a title for the window.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display an image in the titlebar.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this window.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style or the screenRect you pass in.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectangle the window is at. This can be in a different position and have a different size than the one you passed in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a popup window that layouts its contents automatically.</para>
<param name="id">A unique ID to use for each window. This is the ID you'll use to interface to it.</param>
<param name="screenRect">Rectangle on the screen to use for the window. The layouting system will attempt to fit the window inside it - if that cannot be done, it will adjust the rectangle to fit.</param>
<param name="func">The function that creates the GUI inside the window. This function must take one parameter - the id of the window it's currently making GUI for.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display as a title for the window.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display an image in the titlebar.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this window.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style or the screenRect you pass in.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectangle the window is at. This can be in a different position and have a different size than the one you passed in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayout.Window(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Make a popup window that layouts its contents automatically.</para>
<param name="id">A unique ID to use for each window. This is the ID you'll use to interface to it.</param>
<param name="screenRect">Rectangle on the screen to use for the window. The layouting system will attempt to fit the window inside it - if that cannot be done, it will adjust the rectangle to fit.</param>
<param name="func">The function that creates the GUI inside the window. This function must take one parameter - the id of the window it's currently making GUI for.</param>
<param name="text">Text to display as a title for the window.</param>
<param name="image">Texture to display an image in the titlebar.</param>
<param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this window.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style to use for the window. If left out, the window style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style or the screenRect you pass in.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectangle the window is at. This can be in a different position and have a different size than the one you passed in.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption">
<para>Class internally used to pass layout options into GUILayout functions. You don't use these directly, but construct them with the layouting functions in the GUILayout class.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility">
<para>Utility functions for implementing and extending the GUILayout class.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect(System.Single)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a specific aspect ratio.</para>
<param name="aspect">The aspect ratio of the element (width / height).</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes of the returned rectangle &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rect for the control.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a specific aspect ratio.</para>
<param name="aspect">The aspect ratio of the element (width / height).</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes of the returned rectangle &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rect for the control.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a specific aspect ratio.</para>
<param name="aspect">The aspect ratio of the element (width / height).</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes of the returned rectangle &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rect for the control.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a specific aspect ratio.</para>
<param name="aspect">The aspect ratio of the element (width / height).</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes of the returned rectangle &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rect for the control.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect">
<para>Get the rectangle last used by GUILayout for a control.</para>
<para>The last used rectangle.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle for displaying some contents with a specific style.</para>
<param name="content">The content to make room for displaying.</param>
<param name="style">The GUIStyle to layout for.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>A rectangle that is large enough to contain content when rendered in style.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle for displaying some contents with a specific style.</para>
<param name="content">The content to make room for displaying.</param>
<param name="style">The GUIStyle to layout for.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>A rectangle that is large enough to contain content when rendered in style.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a fixed content area.</para>
<param name="width">The width of the area you want.</param>
<param name="height">The height of the area you want.</param>
<param name="style">An optional GUIStyle to layout for. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to your sizes &amp; its margin value will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectanlge to put your control in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a fixed content area.</para>
<param name="width">The width of the area you want.</param>
<param name="height">The height of the area you want.</param>
<param name="style">An optional GUIStyle to layout for. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to your sizes &amp; its margin value will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectanlge to put your control in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a fixed content area.</para>
<param name="width">The width of the area you want.</param>
<param name="height">The height of the area you want.</param>
<param name="style">An optional GUIStyle to layout for. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to your sizes &amp; its margin value will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectanlge to put your control in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a fixed content area.</para>
<param name="width">The width of the area you want.</param>
<param name="height">The height of the area you want.</param>
<param name="style">An optional GUIStyle to layout for. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to your sizes &amp; its margin value will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>The rectanlge to put your control in.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a flexible rect.</para>
<param name="minWidth">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxWidth">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="minHeight">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxHeight">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes requested &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>A rectangle with size between minWidth &amp; maxWidth on both axes.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Reserve layout space for a flexible rect.</para>
<param name="minWidth">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxWidth">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="minHeight">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxHeight">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes requested &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>A rectangle with size between minWidth &amp; maxWidth on both axes.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a flexible rect.</para>
<param name="minWidth">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxWidth">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="minHeight">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxHeight">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes requested &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>A rectangle with size between minWidth &amp; maxWidth on both axes.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
<para>Reserve layout space for a flexible rect.</para>
<param name="minWidth">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxWidth">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="minHeight">The minimum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="maxHeight">The maximum width of the area passed back.</param>
<param name="style">An optional style. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to the sizes requested &amp; the style's margin values will be used for spacing.</param>
<param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
<para>A rectangle with size between minWidth &amp; maxWidth on both axes.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUISettings">
<para>General settings for how the GUI behaves.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISettings.cursorColor">
<para>The color of the cursor in text fields.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISettings.cursorFlashSpeed">
<para>The speed of text field cursor flashes.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISettings.doubleClickSelectsWord">
<para>Should double-clicking select words in text fields.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISettings.selectionColor">
<para>The color of the selection rect in text fields.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISettings.tripleClickSelectsLine">
<para>Should triple-clicking select whole text in text fields.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUISkin">
<para>Defines how GUI looks and behaves.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.box">
<para>Style used by default for GUI.Box controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.button">
<para>Style used by default for GUI.Button controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.customStyles">
<para>Array of GUI styles for specific needs.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.font">
<para>The default font to use for all styles.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.horizontalScrollbar">
<para>Style used by default for the background part of GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.horizontalScrollbarLeftButton">
<para>Style used by default for the left button on GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.horizontalScrollbarRightButton">
<para>Style used by default for the right button on GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.horizontalScrollbarThumb">
<para>Style used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.horizontalSlider">
<para>Style used by default for the background part of GUI.HorizontalSlider controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.horizontalSliderThumb">
<para>Style used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.HorizontalSlider controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.label">
<para>Style used by default for GUI.Label controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.scrollView">
<para>Style used by default for the background of ScrollView controls (see GUI.BeginScrollView).</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.settings">
<para>Generic settings for how controls should behave with this skin.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.textArea">
<para>Style used by default for GUI.TextArea controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.textField">
<para>Style used by default for GUI.TextField controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.toggle">
<para>Style used by default for GUI.Toggle controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.verticalScrollbar">
<para>Style used by default for the background part of GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.verticalScrollbarDownButton">
<para>Style used by default for the down button on GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.verticalScrollbarThumb">
<para>Style used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.verticalScrollbarUpButton">
<para>Style used by default for the up button on GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.verticalSlider">
<para>Style used by default for the background part of GUI.VerticalSlider controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.verticalSliderThumb">
<para>Style used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.VerticalSlider controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUISkin.window">
<para>Style used by default for Window controls (SA GUI.Window).</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUISkin.FindStyle(System.String)">
<para>Try to search for a GUIStyle. This functions returns NULL and does not give an error.</para>
<param name="styleName"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUISkin.GetStyle(System.String)">
<para>Get a named GUIStyle.</para>
<param name="styleName"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUIStyle">
<para>Styling information for GUI elements.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.active">
<para>Rendering settings for when the control is pressed down.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.alignment">
<para>Text alignment.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.border">
<para>The borders of all background images.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.clipping">
<para>What to do when the contents to be rendered is too large to fit within the area given.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.contentOffset">
<para>Pixel offset to apply to the content of this GUIstyle.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.fixedHeight">
<para>If non-0, any GUI elements rendered with this style will have the height specified here.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.fixedWidth">
<para>If non-0, any GUI elements rendered with this style will have the width specified here.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.focused">
<para>Rendering settings for when the element has keyboard focus.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.font">
<para>The font to use for rendering. If null, the default font for the current GUISkin is used instead.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.fontSize">
<para>The font size to use (for dynamic fonts).</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.fontStyle">
<para>The font style to use (for dynamic fonts).</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.hover">
<para>Rendering settings for when the mouse is hovering over the control.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.imagePosition">
<para>How image and text of the GUIContent is combined.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.lineHeight">
<para>The height of one line of text with this style, measured in pixels. (Read Only)</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.margin">
<para>The margins between elements rendered in this style and any other GUI elements.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.name">
<para>The name of this GUIStyle. Used for getting them based on name.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.none">
<para>Shortcut for an empty GUIStyle.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.normal">
<para>Rendering settings for when the component is displayed normally.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.onActive">
<para>Rendering settings for when the element is turned on and pressed down.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.onFocused">
<para>Rendering settings for when the element has keyboard and is turned on.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.onHover">
<para>Rendering settings for when the control is turned on and the mouse is hovering it.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.onNormal">
<para>Rendering settings for when the control is turned on.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.overflow">
<para>Extra space to be added to the background image.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.padding">
<para>Space from the edge of GUIStyle to the start of the contents.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.richText">
<para>Enable HTML-style tags for Text Formatting Markup.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.stretchHeight">
<para>Can GUI elements of this style be stretched vertically for better layout?</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.stretchWidth">
<para>Can GUI elements of this style be stretched horizontally for better layouting?</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.wordWrap">
<para>Should the text be wordwrapped?</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.CalcHeight(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single)">
<para>How tall this element will be when rendered with content and a specific width.</para>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="width"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.CalcMinMaxWidth(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single&amp;,System.Single&amp;)">
<para>Calculate the minimum and maximum widths for this style rendered with content.</para>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="minWidth"></param>
<param name="maxWidth"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.CalcScreenSize(UnityEngine.Vector2)">
<para>Calculate the size of an element formatted with this style, and a given space to content.</para>
<param name="contentSize"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.CalcSize(UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
<para>Calculate the size of some content if it is rendered with this style.</para>
<param name="content"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.#ctor">
<para>Constructor for empty GUIStyle.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
<para>Constructs GUIStyle identical to given other GUIStyle.</para>
<param name="other"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.Draw(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw this GUIStyle on to the screen, internal version.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="isHover"></param>
<param name="isActive"></param>
<param name="on"></param>
<param name="hasKeyboardFocus"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.Draw(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw the GUIStyle with a text string inside.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="text"></param>
<param name="isHover"></param>
<param name="isActive"></param>
<param name="on"></param>
<param name="hasKeyboardFocus"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.Draw(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw the GUIStyle with an image inside. If the image is too large to fit within the content area of the style it is scaled down.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="image"></param>
<param name="isHover"></param>
<param name="isActive"></param>
<param name="on"></param>
<param name="hasKeyboardFocus"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.Draw(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32)">
<para>Draw the GUIStyle with text and an image inside. If the image is too large to fit within the content area of the style it is scaled down.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<param name="on"></param>
<param name="isHover"></param>
<param name="isActive"></param>
<param name="hasKeyboardFocus"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.Draw(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw the GUIStyle with text and an image inside. If the image is too large to fit within the content area of the style it is scaled down.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<param name="on"></param>
<param name="isHover"></param>
<param name="isActive"></param>
<param name="hasKeyboardFocus"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.Draw(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Draw the GUIStyle with text and an image inside. If the image is too large to fit within the content area of the style it is scaled down.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<param name="on"></param>
<param name="isHover"></param>
<param name="isActive"></param>
<param name="hasKeyboardFocus"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.DrawCursor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
<para>Draw this GUIStyle with selected content.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<param name="Character"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.DrawWithTextSelection(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
<para>Draw this GUIStyle with selected content.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<param name="firstSelectedCharacter"></param>
<param name="lastSelectedCharacter"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.GetCursorPixelPosition(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32)">
<para>Get the pixel position of a given string index.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="cursorStringIndex"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.GetCursorStringIndex(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
<para>Get the cursor position (indexing into contents.text) when the user clicked at cursorPixelPosition.</para>
<param name="position"></param>
<param name="content"></param>
<param name="cursorPixelPosition"></param>
<member name="?:UnityEngine.GUIStyle.implop_GUIStyle(string)(System.String)">
<para>Get a named GUI style from the current skin.</para>
<param name="str"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUIStyleState">
<para>Specialized values for the given states used by GUIStyle objects.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyleState.background">
<para>The background image used by GUI elements in this given state.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIStyleState.textColor">
<para>The text color used by GUI elements in this state.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUITargetAttribute">
<para>Allows to control for which display the OnGUI is called.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUITargetAttribute.#ctor">
<para>Default constructor initializes the attribute for OnGUI to be called for all available displays.</para>
<param name="displayIndex">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndex1">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndexList">Display index list.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUITargetAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
<para>Default constructor initializes the attribute for OnGUI to be called for all available displays.</para>
<param name="displayIndex">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndex1">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndexList">Display index list.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUITargetAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
<para>Default constructor initializes the attribute for OnGUI to be called for all available displays.</para>
<param name="displayIndex">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndex1">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndexList">Display index list.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUITargetAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32[])">
<para>Default constructor initializes the attribute for OnGUI to be called for all available displays.</para>
<param name="displayIndex">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndex1">Display index.</param>
<param name="displayIndexList">Display index list.</param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.GUIUtility">
<para>Utility class for making new GUI controls.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.hasModalWindow">
<para>A global property, which is true if a ModalWindow is being displayed, false otherwise.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.hotControl">
<para>The controlID of the current hot control.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.keyboardControl">
<para>The controlID of the control that has keyboard focus.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer">
<para>Get access to the system-wide pasteboard.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(UnityEngine.FocusType)">
<para>Get a unique ID for a control.</para>
<param name="focus"></param>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(UnityEngine.FocusType,UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Get a unique ID for a control.</para>
<param name="focus"></param>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(System.Int32,UnityEngine.FocusType)">
<para>Get a unique ID for a control, using an integer as a hint to help ensure correct matching of IDs to controls.</para>
<param name="hint"></param>
<param name="focus"></param>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(System.Int32,UnityEngine.FocusType,UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Get a unique ID for a control, using an integer as a hint to help ensure correct matching of IDs to controls.</para>
<param name="hint"></param>
<param name="focus"></param>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.FocusType)">
<para>Get a unique ID for a control, using a the label content as a hint to help ensure correct matching of IDs to controls.</para>
<param name="contents"></param>
<param name="focus"></param>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetControlID(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.FocusType,UnityEngine.Rect)">
<para>Get a unique ID for a control, using a the label content as a hint to help ensure correct matching of IDs to controls.</para>
<param name="contents"></param>
<param name="focus"></param>
<param name="position"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GetStateObject(System.Type,System.Int32)">
<para>Get a state object from a controlID.</para>
<param name="t"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(UnityEngine.Vector2)">
<para>Convert a point from GUI position to screen space.</para>
<param name="guiPoint"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.QueryStateObject(System.Type,System.Int32)">
<para>Get an existing state object from a controlID.</para>
<param name="t"></param>
<param name="controlID"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(System.Single,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
<para>Helper function to rotate the GUI around a point.</para>
<param name="angle"></param>
<param name="pivotPoint"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
<para>Helper function to scale the GUI around a point.</para>
<param name="scale"></param>
<param name="pivotPoint"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(UnityEngine.Vector2)">
<para>Convert a point from screen space to GUI position.</para>
<param name="screenPoint"></param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.ImagePosition">
<para>How image and text is placed inside GUIStyle.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ImagePosition.ImageAbove">
<para>Image is above the text.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ImagePosition.ImageLeft">
<para>Image is to the left of the text.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ImagePosition.ImageOnly">
<para>Only the image is displayed.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ImagePosition.TextOnly">
<para>Only the text is displayed.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.ScaleMode">
<para>Scaling mode to draw textures with.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop">
<para>Scales the texture, maintaining aspect ratio, so it completely covers the position rectangle passed to GUI.DrawTexture. If the texture is being draw to a rectangle with a different aspect ratio than the original, the image is cropped.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ScaleMode.ScaleToFit">
<para>Scales the texture, maintaining aspect ratio, so it completely fits withing the position rectangle passed to GUI.DrawTexture.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.ScaleMode.StretchToFill">
<para>Stretches the texture to fill the complete rectangle passed in to GUI.DrawTexture.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.TextClipping">
<para>Different methods for how the GUI system handles text being too large to fit the rectangle allocated.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.TextClipping.Clip">
<para>Text gets clipped to be inside the element.</para>
<member name="F:UnityEngine.TextClipping.Overflow">
<para>Text flows freely outside the element.</para>